Andy Jiao
- Naam
- A. Jiao MSc
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4764
- 0009-0003-2456-0096

- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Chemical Biology
- LIC/CB/Supramolecular & Biomat. Chem.
- Leist C., Makurat D.M.M., Jiao A., Liu X., Schneider G.F. & Kaiser U. (2025), Control of grain boundary formation in atomically resolved nanocrystalline carbon monolayers: dependence on electron energy, Microscopy and Microanalysis 31(1): ozae101.
- Schleier D., Kamer J., Jiao A., Schneider G.F., Linnartz H.V.J. & Bouwman J. (2024), Photoprocessing of cationic triazacoronene: dissociation characteristics of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles in interstellar environments, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26: 15547-15558.
- Kamer J., Schleier D., Jiao A., Schneider G.F., Martens J., Berden G., Oomens J. & Bouwman J. (2024), IR spectra of cationic 1,5,9-triazacoronene and two of its cationic derivatives, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26: 27912-27921.