Andrew Webb
Hoogleraar Fysica van MRI
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A. Webb
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 5483
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Andrew G.Webb is hoogleraar Radiologie en oprichter en directeur van het Gorter MRI Centrum van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Hij ontving een Wolfgang Paul Prijs van de Duitse Humboldt Stichting (2004), Simon Stevin Meester Prijs van NWO (2017), twee ERC Advanced Grants (2014-2020, 2021-2026) en gezamenlijk de Huibregtenprijs in 2023. Hij werd verkozen tot lid van de Royal National Academy of Sciences in 2023. Momenteel is hij voorzitter van de wetenschappelijke adviesraden van het Max Planck Instituut voor Cybernetica in Tübingen en het Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular in Valencia. In 2021 was hij verkozen tot voorzitter van de European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology.
Andrew G.Webb is hoogleraar Radiologie en oprichter en directeur van het Gorter MRI Centrum van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Hij ontving een Wolfgang Paul Prijs van de Duitse Humboldt Stichting (2004), Simon Stevin Meester Prijs van NWO (2017), twee ERC Advanced Grants (2014-2020, 2021-2026) en gezamenlijk de Huibregtenprijs in 2023. Hij werd verkozen tot lid van de Royal National Academy of Sciences in 2023. Momenteel is hij voorzitter van de wetenschappelijke adviesraden van het Max Planck Instituut voor Cybernetica in Tübingen en het Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular in Valencia. In 2021 was hij verkozen tot voorzitter van de European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology.
Magnetische resonantie beeldvorming
De leerstoel van hoogleraar magnetische resonantie beeldvorming als directeur van het C.J.Gorter Center voor High Field MRI werd in 2008 opgericht met een missie om elementaire wetenschap / techniek / MR-fysica zo snel mogelijk naar de klinische arena te vertalen. We hebben ons gevestigd als een van de meest innovatieve onderzoeksgroepen in high field MRI, met vertaling van veel nieuwe hardware / software-ontwikkelingen naar klinische onderzoekstudies van Alzheimer, Huntingtons, Lupus, Duchennes, epilepsie en uveal-melanoom, onder andere. Veel van deze ziekten hebben directe tegenhangers in diermodellen, met preklinische MRI een belangrijk onderdeel van het laboratorium. Mijn specifieke interesse gaat uit naar het ontwikkelen van nieuwe MRI-hardware, zowel bij zeer hoge als zeer lage frequenties, van schalen van mens tot cel. In deze hoedanigheid zijn wij lid van een aantal NWO-Nationale Routekaarten voor Grootschalige Onderzoeksfaciliteiten zoals uNMR-NL en maken deel uit van vele Horizon2020-beurzen. Recentelijk hebben we onze hardware-kennis vertaald naar MRI-toepassingen met een zeer laag veld, met als uiteindelijk doel draagbare MRI-gegevens naar gemeenschappen te brengen zonder de financiële en infrastructurele middelen van de ontwikkelde wereld.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Andrew Webb studeerde af aan de universiteit van Bristol met een bachelordiploma in de chemie en promoveerde aan de universiteit van Cambridge in de geneesmiddelenwetenschap in 1990. Na een postdoc in de afdeling Radiologie aan de Universiteit van Florida, trad hij toe tot de faculteit van de afdeling Electrical and Computer Engineering aan de Urbana-Champaign van de Universiteit van Illinois. Hij werd in 2000 benoemd tot hoogleraar en werkte drie jaar lang in de afdeling natuurkunde aan de universiteit van Würzburg aan een Humboldt Fellowship. In 2008 werd hij aangesteld om het nieuw gevormde C.J.Gorter Center in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum te leiden. Zijn belangrijkste onderzoeksgebieden zijn vertaling van nieuwe engineeringconcepten in de kliniek. Hij heeft meer dan 400 collegiaal getoetste artikelen gepubliceerd en is auteur van vijf wetenschappelijke handboeken.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Andrew Webb received the Simon Stevin Meester Prize from the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (2017), a European Research Council Advanced Grant (2015-2020), the Wolfgang Paul Prize from the Humboldt Foundation in Germany (2001-2004), and will be the recipient of a Beckman Institute Senior Fellowship in 2019.
Hoogleraar Fysica van MRI
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Radiologie
- (2024), P20 The Bipolar Lithium Imaging Scan Study (BLISS): Protocol of an ultra-high field lithium magnetic resonance study in bipolar disorders.
- Bernardo-Bermejo, S.; Xue, J.C.; Hoang, L.; Billings, E.; Webb, B.; Honders, M.W.; Venneker, S.; Heijs, B.; Castro-Puyana, M.; Marina, M.L.; Akker, E.B. van den; Griffioen, M.; Siuzdak, G.; Giera, M. & Sanchez-Lopez, E. (2023), Quantitative multiple fragment monitoring with enhanced in-source fragmentation/annotation mass spectrometry, Nature Protocols 18.
- Costain, A.H.; Phythian-Adams, A.T.; Colombo, S.A.P.; Marley, A.K.; Owusu, C.; Cook, P.C.; Brown, S.L.; Webb, L.M.; Lundie, R.J.; Borger, J.G.; Smits, H.H.; Berriman, M. & Macdonald, A.S. (2023), Dynamics of host immune response development during Schistosoma mansoni infection (vol 13, 906338, 2022), Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Shellock, F.G.; Rosen, M.S.; Webb, A.; Kimberly, W.T.; Rajan, S.; Nacev, A.N. & Crues, J.V. (2023), Managing patients with unlabeled passive implants on MR systems operating below 1.5 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 59(5).
- Obungoloch, J.; Muhumuza, I.; Teeuwisse, W.; Harper, J.; Etoku, I.; Asiimwe, R.; Tusiime, P.; Gombya, G.; Mugume, C.; Namutebi, M.H.; Nassejje, M.A.; Nayebare, M.; Kavuma, J.M.; Bukyana, B.; Natukunda, F.; Ninsiima, P.; Muwanguzi, A.; Omadi, P.; Gijzen, M. van; Schiff, S.J.; Webb, A. & O'Reilly, T. (2023), On-site construction of a point-of-care low-field MRI system in Africa, NMR in Biomedicine 36(7).
- Tewari, S. & Webb, A. (2023), The permanent magnet hypothesis, Scientific Reports 13(1).
- Vos, B. de; Remis, R.F. & Webb, A.G. (2023), Characterization of concomitant gradient fields and their effects on image distortions using a low-field point-of-care Halbach-based MRI system, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 91(2).
- Ronen, I. & Webb, A.G. (2023), 1H NMR spectroscopy of strongly J-coupled alcohols acquired at 50 mT (2 MHz) using a Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill echo technique, Pure and Applied Chemistry 95(10): 1067-1074.
- Parsa, J. & Webb, A. (2023), Specific absorption rate (SAR) simulations for low-field (< 0.1 T) MRI systems, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 36(3): 429-438.
- Shaffer, A.; Nigh, N.; Weisbaum, D.; Anderson, A.; Wszalek, T.; Sutton, B.P.; Webb, A.; Damon, B.; Moussa, I. & Arnold, P.M. (2023), Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery implant compatibility with ultrahigh field magnetic resonance imaging (4.7 Tesla and 7 Tesla), American Journal of Cardiology 201: 239-246.
- Guallart-Naval, T.; O'Reilly, T.; Algarin, J.M.; Pellicer-Guridi, R.; Vives-Gilabert, Y.; Craven-Brightman, L.; Negnevitsky, V.; Menkuc, B.; Galve, F.; Stockmann, J.P.; Webb, A. & Alonso, J. (2023), Benchmarking the performance of a low-cost magnetic resonance control system at multiple sites in the open MaRCoS community, NMR in Biomedicine 36(1).
- O'Reilly, T.; Börnert, P.; Liu, H.Y.; Webb, A. & Koolstra, K. (2023), 3D magnetic resonance fingerprinting on a low-field 50 mT point-of-care system prototype, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 36(3): 499-512.
- Bates, S.; Dumoulin, S.O.; Folkers, P.J.M.; Formisano, E.; Goebel, R.; Haghnejad, A.; Helmich, R.C.; Klomp, D.; Kolk, A.G. van der; Li, Y.; Nederveen, A.; Norris, D.G.; Petridou, N.; Roell, S.; Scheenen, T.W.J.; Schoonheim, M.M.; Voogt, I. & Webb, A. (2023), A vision of 14 T MR for fundamental and clinical science, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 36(2): 211-225.
- Campbell-Washburn, A.E.; Keenan, K.E.; Hu, P.; Mugler, J.P.; Nayak, K.S.; Webb, A.G.; Obungoloch, J.; Sheth, K.N.; Hennig, J.; Rosen, M.S.; Salameh, N.; Sodickson, D.K.; Stein, J.M.; Marques, J.P. & Simonetti, O.P. (2023), Low-field MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 90(4).
- Webb, A.; Najac, C. & Ronen, I. (2023), Rapid quantification of alcohol content in intact bottles of wine using scalar-coupled spectroscopy at low field, Applied Magnetic Resonance 54.
- Sharma, R.; Tsiamyrtzis, P.; Webb, A.G.; Leiss, E.L. & Tsekos, N.V. (2023), Learning to deep learning, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.
- Mishre, A.S.D.S.; Martinez-Tellez, B.; Straat, M.E.; Boon, M.R.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Webb, A.G.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Kan, H.E. (2023), Image registration and mutual thresholding enable low interimage variability across dynamic MRI measurements of supraclavicular brown adipose tissue during mild cold exposure, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 90(4).
- Webb, A. & Obungoloch, J. (2023), Five steps to make MRI scanners more affordable to the world, Nature 615(7952): 391-393.
- Généreux, P.; Cohen, D.J.; Pibarot, P.; Redfors, B.; Bax, J.J.; Zhao, Y.L.; Prince, H.; Makkar, R.R.; Kapadia, S.; Thourani, V.H.; Mack, M.J.; Nazif, T.M.; Lindman, B.R.; Babaliaros, V.; Russo, M.; McCabe, J.M.; Gillam, L.D.; Alu, M.C.; Hahn, R.T.; Webb, J.G.; Leon, M.B. & Arnold, S.V. (2023), Cardiac damage and quality of life after aortic valve replacement in the PARTNER trials, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 81(8): 743-752.
- Nuyens, P.; Backer, O. de; Sathananthan, J.; Jorgensen, T.H.; Treede, H.; Leipsic, J.A.; Bax, J.J.; Webb, J.G.; Mehran, R.; Chen, M.; Reardon, M.; Leon, M.B. & Sondergaard, L. (2023), TAVR in Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis Current Evidence and Proposal for a Randomized Controlled Trial Design, JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 16(13): 1682-1687.
- Brink, W.M.; Remis, R.F. & Webb, A.G. (2023), Radiofrequency safety of high permittivity pads in MRI-Impact of insulation material, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 89(5): 2109-2116.
- Parsa, J.; O'Reilly, T. & Webb, A. (2023), A single-coil-based method for electromagnetic interference reduction in point-of-care low field MRI systems, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 346.
- Negnevitsky, V.; Vives-Gilabert, Y.; Algarín, J.M.; Craven-Brightman, L.; Pellicer-Guridi, R.; O'Reilly, T.; Stockmann, J.P.; Webb, A.; Alonso, J. & Menküc, B. (2023), MaRCoS, an open-source electronic control system for low-field MRI, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 350.
- Vos, B. de; Remis, R.F. & Webb, A.G. (2023), An integrated target field framework for point-of-care halbach array low-field MRI system design, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 36(3): 395-408.
- Webb, A. & O'Reilly, T. (2023), Tackling SNR at low-field: a review of hardware approaches for point-of-care systems, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 36(3): 375-393.
- Sharma, R.; Tsiamyrtzis, P.; Webb, A.G.; Seimenis, I.; Loukas, C.; Leiss, E. & Tsekos, N.V. (2022), A deep learning approach to upscaling "low-quality" MR images, Applied Sciences 12(22).
- Webb, A.; Shchelokova, A.; Slobozhanyuk, A.; Zivkovic, I. & Schmidt, R. (2022), Novel materials in magnetic resonance imaging: high permittivity ceramics, metamaterials, metasurfaces and artificial dielectrics, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 35(6): 875-894.
- Brink, W.M.; Yousefi, S.; Bhatnagar, P.; Remis, R.F.; Staring, M. & Webb, A.G. (2022), Personalized local SAR prediction for parallel transmit neuroimaging at 7T from a single T1-weighted dataset, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 88(1).
- Veeger, T.T.J.; Velde, N.M. van de; Keene, K.R.; Niks, E.H.; Hooijmans, M.T.; Webb, A.G.; Groot, J.H. de & Kan, H.E. (2022), Baseline fat fraction is a strong predictor of disease progression in Becker muscular dystrophy, NMR in Biomedicine 35(7).
- Mishre, A.S.D.S.; Straat, M.E.; Martinez-Tellez, B.; Gutierrez, A.M.; Kooijman, S.; Boon, M.R.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Webb, A.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Kan, H.E. (2022), The infrared thermography toolbox, Journal of Medical Systems 46(12).
- Sturt, A.S.; Webb, E.L.; Phiri, C.R.; Mapani, J.; Mudenda, M.; Himschoot, L.; Kjetland, E.F.; Mweene, T.; Levecke, B.; Dam, G.J. van; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Ayles, H.; Hayes, R.J.; Francis, S.C.; Lieshout, L. van; Cools, P.; Hansingo, I. & Bustinduy, A.L. (2022), The presence of hemoglobin in cervicovaginal lavage is not associated with genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women from the BILHIV study, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9(12).
- Anazodo, U.C.; Ng, J.J.; Ehiogu, B.; Obungoloch, J.; Fatade, A.; Mutsaerts, H.J.M.M.; Secca, M.F.; Diop, M.; Opadele, A.; Alexander, D.C.; Dada, M.O.; Ogbole, G.; Nunes, R.; Figueiredo, P.; Figini, M.; Aribisala, B.; Awojoyogbe, B.O.; Aduluwa, H.; Sprenger, C.; Wagner, R.; Olakunle, A.; Romeo, D.; Sun, Y.S.; Fezeu, F.; Orunmuyi, A.T.; Geethanath, S.; Gulani, V.; Nganga, E.C.; Adeleke, S.; Ntobeuko, N.; Minja, F.J.; Webb, A.G.; Asllani, I.; Dako, F. & Consortium Advanced MRI Education Research in Africa (CAMERA) (2022), A framework for advancing sustainable magnetic resonance imaging access in Africa, NMR in Biomedicine 36(3).
- Moussu, M.A.C.; Abdeddaim, R.; Dubois, M.; Georget, E.; Webb, A.G.; Nenasheva, E.; Belov, P.; Glybosvski, S.; Ciobanu, L. & Enoch, S. (2022), Reply to Comments on "A Semi-Analytical Model of High-Permittivity Dielectric Ring Resonators for Magnetic Resonance Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 70(4): 3131-3131.
- Mishre, A.S.D.S.; Martinez-Tellez, B.; Acosta, F.M.; Sanchez-Delgado, G.; Straat, M.E.; Webb, A.G.; Kan, H.E.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Ruiz, J.R. (2022), Association of shivering threshold time with body composition and brown adipose tissue in young adults, Journal of Thermal Biology 108.
- Kalisvaart, G.M.; Velden, F.H.P. van; Hernandez-Giron, I.; Meijer, K.M.; Ghesquiere-Dierickx, L.M.H.; Brink, W.M.; Webb, A.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Slump, C.H.; Kuznetsov, D.V.; Schaart, D.R. & Grootjans, W. (2022), Design and evaluation of a modular multimodality imaging phantom to simulate heterogeneous uptake and enhancement patterns for radiomic quantification in hybrid imaging, Medical Physics 49(5): 3093-3106.
- O'Reilly, T. & Webb, A.G. (2022), In vivo T-1 and T-2 relaxation time maps of brain tissue, skeletal muscle, and lipid measured in healthy volunteers at 50 mT, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87(2): 884-895.
- Bossoni, L.; Hegeman-Kleinn, I.; Duinen, S.G. van; Bulk, M.; Vroegindeweij, L.H.P.; Langendonk, J.G.; Hirschler, L.; Webb, A. & Weerd, L. van der (2022), Off-resonance saturation as an MRI method to quantify mineral- iron in the post-mortem brain, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87(3): 1276-1288.
- Bouter, M.L.D. den; Ippolito, G.; O'Reilly, T.P.A.; Remis, R.F.; Gijzen, M.B. van & Webb, A.G. (2022), Deep learning-based single image super-resolution for low-field MR brain images, Scientific Reports 12(1).
- Najac, C.; Boer, V.O.; Kan, H.E.; Webb, A.G. & Ronen, I. (2022), Improved detection limits of J-coupled neurometabolites in the human brain at 7 T with a J-refocused sLASER sequence, NMR in Biomedicine 35(12).
- Clement, J.; Tomi-Tricot, R.; Malik, S.J.; Webb, A.; Hajnal, J.V. & Ipek, O. (2022), Towards an integrated neonatal brain and cardiac examination capability at 7 T, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.
- Shaffer, A.; Weisbaum, D.; Naik, A.; Anderson, A.; Wszalek, T.; Cohen, M.; Sutton, B.; Webb, A.; Damon, B. & Arnold, P.M. (2022), Neurosurgical implant safety in 7 T MRI, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 57(3).
- Tewari, S.; Yousefi, S. & Webb, A. (2022), Deep neural-network based optimization for the design of a multi-element surface magnet for MRI applications, Inverse Problems 38(3).
- Veeger, T.T.J.; Hirschler, L.; Baligand, C.; Franklin, S.L.; Webb, A.G.; Groot, J.H. de; Osch, M.J.P. van & Kan, H.E. (2022), Microvascular response to exercise varies along the length of the tibialis anterior muscle, NMR in Biomedicine 35(11).
- Lundell, H.; Najac, C.; Bulk, M.; Kan, H.E.; Webb, A.G. & Ronen, I. (2021), Compartmental diffusion and microstructural properties of human brain gray and white matter studied with double diffusion encoding magnetic resonance spectroscopy of metabolites and water, NeuroImage 234.
- Veeger, T.T.J.; Zwet, E.W.; Mohamad, D.; Naarding, K.J.; Velde, N.M.; Hooijmans, M.T.; Webb, A.G.; Niks, E.H.; Groot, J.H. & Kan, H.E. (2021), Muscle architecture is associated with muscle fat replacement in Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies, Muscle & Nerve 64(5).
- Mojica, C.M.M.; Velazco-Garcia, J.D.; Pappas, E.P.; Birbilis, T.A.; Becker, A.; Leiss, E.L.; Webb, A.; Seimenis, I. & Tsekos, N.V. (2021), A Holographic Augmented Reality Interface for Visualizing of MRI Data and Planning of Neurosurgical Procedures, Journal of Digital Imaging 34(4): 1014-1025.
- Vroegindeweij, L.H.P.; Bossoni, L.; Boon, A.J.W.; Wilson, J.H.P.; Bulk, M.; Labra-Munoz, J.; Huber, M.; Webb, A.; Weerd, L. van der & Langendonk, J.G. (2021), Quantification of different iron forms in the aceruloplasminemia brain to explore iron-related neurodegeneration, NeuroImage: Clinical 30.
- Harper, J.R.; Cherukuri, V.; O'Reilly, T.; Yu, M.Z.; Mbabazi-Kabachelor, E.; Mulando, R.; Sheth, K.N.; Webb, A.G.; Warf, B.C.; Kulkarni, A.V.; Monga, V. & Schiff, S.J. (2021), Assessing the utility of low resolution brain imaging, NeuroImage: Clinical 32.
- Kupce, E.; Frydman, L.; Webb, A.G.; Yong, J.R.J. & Claridge, T.D.W. (2021), Parallel nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1(1).
- Speybroeck, C.D.E. van; O'Reilly, T.; Teeuwisse, W.; Arnold, P.M. & Webb, A.G. (2021), Characterization of displacement forces and image artifacts in the presence of passive medical implants in low-field (< 100 mT) permanent magnet-based MRI systems, and comparisons with clinical MRI systems, Physica Medica 84: 116-124.
- Arnold, P.M.; Owens, L.; Heary, R.F.; Webb, A.G.; Whiting, M.D.; Vaccaro, A.R.; Iyer, R.K. & Harrop, J.S. (2021), Lumbar spine surgery and what we lost in the era of the coronavirus pandemic, Clinical Spine Surgery 34(10): E575-E579.
- Hassan, M.K.; Fleury, E.; Shamonin, D.; Fonk, L.G.; Marinkovic, M.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Webb, A.; Beenakker, J.W. & Stoel, B. (2021), An automatic framework to create patient-specific eye models from 3D magnetic resonance images for treatment selection in patients with uveal melanoma, Advances in Radiation Oncology 6(6).
- Kupce, E.; Mote, K.R.; Webb, A.; Madhu, P.K. & Claridge, T.D.W. (2021), Multiplexing experiments in NMR and multi-nuclear MRI, Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 124: 1-56.
- Onderwater, G.L.J.; Wijnen, J.P.; Najac, C.; Dongen, R.M. van; Ronen, I.; Webb, A.; Zielman, R.; Zwet, E.W. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Kan, H.E.; Kruit, M.C. & Terwindt, G.M. (2021), Cortical glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid over the course of a provoked migraine attack, a 7 Tesla magnetic resonance spectroscopy study, NeuroImage: Clinical 32.
- Salemeh, N.; Norris, D.G. & Webb, A. (2021), Report on the hot topic debate at ESMRMB 2021, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 34(6): 775-778.
- Salameh, N.; Norris, D.G. & Webb, A. (2021), Correction to: Report on the hot topic debate at ESMRMB 2021 (vol 34, pg 775, 2021), Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 35.
- Schadewijk, R. van; Krug, J.R.; Webb, A.; As, H. van; Velders, A.H.; Groot, H.J.M. de & Alia, A. (2021), MRM microcoil performance calibration and usage demonstrated on Medicago truncatula roots at 22 T, Journal of Visualized Experiments.
- Koolstra, K.; Bornert, P.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Webb, A. & Dzyubachyk, O. (2021), Stochastic neighbor embedding as a tool for visualizing the encoding capability of magnetic resonance fingerprinting dictionaries, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 35.
- Norris, D.G. & Webb, A. (2021), This house proposes that low field and high field MRI are by destiny worst enemies, and can never be the best of friends!
- Tewari, S.; O'Reilly, T. & Webb, A. (2021), Improving the field homogeneity of fixed- and variable-diameter discrete Halbach magnet arrays for MRI via optimization of the angular magnetization distribution, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 324.
- Leijsen, R.; Brink, W.; Berg, C. van den; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2021), Electrical properties tomography: a methodological review, Diagnostics 11(2).
- Leijsen, R.L.; Brink, W.M.; Webb, A.G. & Remis, R.F. (2021), Effects of simulated error-sources on different 3-D CSI-EPT strategies, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7: 713-723.
- Slobozhanyuk, A.P.; Shchelokova, A.V.; Kozachenko, A.V.; Melchakova, I.V.; Raaijmakers, A.J.E.; Berg, C.A.T. van den; Belov, P.A. & Webb, A.G. (2021), Visualization of metasurface eigenmodes with magnetic resonance imaging, Physical Review Applied 16(2).
- (2021), Very low field 19F MRI of perfluoro-octylbromide: Minimizing chemical shift effects and signal loss due to scalar coupling, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 325.
- Parsa, J.; O'Reilly, T. & Webb, A. (2021), Very low field F-19 MRI of perfluoro-octylbromide, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 325.
- Vos, B. de; Parsa, J.; Abdulrazaq, Z.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Speybroeck, C.D.E. van; Gans, D.H. de; Remis, R.F.; O'Reilly, T. & Webb, A.G. (2021), Design, characterisation and performance of an improved portable and sustainable low-field MRI system, Frontiers in Physics 9.
- Bakermans, A.J.; Boekholdt, S.M.; Vries, D.K. de; Reckman, Y.J.; Farag, E.S.; Heer, P. de; Uthman, L.; BSc, S.W.; Zuurbier, C.J.; Houtkooper, R.H.; Koolbergen, D.R.; Kluin, J.; Planken, R.N.; Lamb, H.J.; Webb, A.G.; Strijkers, G.J.; Beard, D.A.; Jeneson, J.A.L. & Nederveen, A.J. (2021), Quantification of myocardial creatine and triglyceride content in the human heart, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 54(2): 411-420.
- Fleury, E.; Trnkova, P.; Erdal, E.; Hassan, M.; Stoel, B.; Jaarma-Coes, M.; Luyten, G.; Herault, J.; Webb, A.; Beenakker, J.W.; Pignol, J.P. & Hoogeman, M. (2021), Three-dimensional MRI-based treatment planning approach for non-invasive ocular proton therapy, Medical Physics 48(3).
- O'Reilly, T.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Gans, D. de; Koolstra, K. & Webb, A.G. (2021), In vivo 3D brain and extremity MRI at 50 mT using a permanent magnet Halbach array, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85(1): 495-505.
- Hendriks, P.; Berkhout, W.E.M.; Kaanen, C.I.; Sluijter, J.H.; Visser, I.J.; Dobbelsteen, J.J. van den; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Webb, A.G. & Burgmans, M.C. (2021), Performance of the emprint and amica microwave ablation systems in ex vivo porcine livers, CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology 44.
- Koolstra, K.; O'Reilly, T.; Bornert, P. & Webb, A. (2021), Image distortion correction for MRI in low field permanent magnet systems with strong B-0 inhomogeneity and gradient field nonlinearities, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 34.
- Nahon, K.J.; Janssen, L.G.M.; Mishre, A.S.D.S.; Bilsen, M.P.; Eijk, J.A. van der; Botani, K.; Overduin, L.A.; Ruiz, J.R.; Burakiewicz, J.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Webb, A.G.; Kan, H.E.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Klinken, J.B. van; Dijk, K.W. van; Weeghel, M. van; Vaz, F.M.; Coskun, T.; Jazet, I.M.; Kooijman, S.; Martinez-Tellez, B.; Boon, M.R. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2020), The effect of mirabegron on energy expenditure and brown adipose tissue in healthy lean SouthAsian and Europidmen, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 22(11).
- Fonk, L.G.; Ferreira, T.A.; Webb, A.G.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2020), The economic value of MR-imaging for uveal melanoma, Clinical Ophthalmology 14: 1135-1143.
- Ruytenberg, T.; Webb, A. & Zivkovic, I. (2020), Shielded-coaxial-cable coils as receive and transceive array elements for 7T human MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83(3): 1135-1146.
- Diemen, M.P.J. van; Hart, E.P.; Abbruscato, A.; Mead, L.; Beelen, I. van; Bergheanu, S.C.; Hameeteman, P.W.; Coppen, E.; Winder, J.Y.; Moerland, M.; Kan, H.; Grond, J. van der; Webb, A.; Roos, R.A.C. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of SBT-020 in patients with early stage Huntington's disease, a 2-part study, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87.
- Ronen, I.; O'Reilly, T.; Froeling, M. & Webb, A.G. (2020), Proton nuclear magnetic resonance J-spectroscopy of phantoms containing brain metabolites on a portable 0.05 T MRI scanner, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 320.
- Hooijmans, M.T.; Froeling, M.; Koeks, Z.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Webb, A.; Niks, E.H. & Kan, H.E. (2020), Multi-parametric MR in Becker muscular dystrophy patients, NMR in Biomedicine 33(11).
- Schadewijk, R. van; Krug, J.R.; Shen, D.F.; Gupta, K.B.S.S.; Vergeldt, F.J.; Bisseling, T.; Webb, A.G.; As, H. van; Velders, A.H.; Groot, H.J.M. de & Alia, A. (2020), Magnetic resonance microscopy at cellular resolution and localised spectroscopy of medicago truncatula at 22.3 Tesla, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Moussu, M.A.C.; Glybovski, S.B.; Abdeddaim, R.; Craeye, C.; Enoch, S.; Tihon, D.; Kurdjumov, S.; Dubois, M.; Georget, E.; Webb, A.G.; Belov, P. & Ciobanu, L. (2020), Imaging of two samples with a single transmit/receive channel using coupled ceramic resonators for MR microscopy at 17.2 T, NMR in Biomedicine 33(11).
- Vos, B. de; Fuchs, P.; O'Reilly, T.; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2020), Gradient coil design and realization for a halbach-based MRI system, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 56(3).
- Weerd, L. van der; Lefering, A.; Webb, A.; Egli, R. & Bossoni, L. (2020), Effects of Alzheimer's disease and formalin fixation on the different mineralised-iron forms in the human brain, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Ruytenberg, T.; O'Reilly, T.P. & Webb, A.G. (2020), Design and characterization of receive-only surface coil arrays at 3T with integrated solid high permittivity materials, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 311.
- Cohen, A.F.; Gerven, J. van; Burgos, J.G.; Boer, A. de; Fouchier, R.A.M.; Flore, H.; Teitelbaum, Z.; Eden, W. van; Webb, A. & Cremers, S. (2020), COVID-19 vaccines: the importance of transparency and fact-based education, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 86(11): 2107-2110.
- Shimron, E.; Webb, A.G. & Azhari, H. (2020), CORE-Deblur, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 72: 25-33.
- Diemen, M.P.J. van; Hart, E.P.; Hameeteman, P.W.; Coppen, E.M.; Winder, J.Y.; Heijer, J. den; Moerland, M.; Kan, H.; Grond, J. van der; Webb, A.; Roos, R.A.C. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Brain Bio-Energetic State Does Not Correlate to Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Huntington's Disease, Journal of Huntington's Disease 9(4): 335-344.
- Krug, J.R.; Schadewijk, R. van; Vergeldt, F.J.; Webb, A.G.; Groot, H.J.M. de; Alia, A.; As, H. van & Velders, A.H. (2020), Assessing spatial resolution, acquisition time and signal-to-noise ratio for commercial microimaging systems at 14.1, 17.6 and 22.3 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 316.
- Saha, S.; Pricci, R.; Koutsoupidou, M.; Cano-Garcia, H.; Katana, D.; Rana, S.; Kosmas, P.; Palikaras, G.; Webb, A. & Kallos, E. (2020), A smart switching system to enable automatic tuning and detuning of metamaterial resonators in MRI scans, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Moussu, M.A.C.; Abdeddaim, R.; Dubois, M.; Georget, E.; Webb, A.G.; Nenasheva, E.; Belov, P.; Glybovski, S.; Ciobanu, L. & Enoch, S. (2020), A semi-analytical model of high-permittivity dielectric ring resonators for magnetic resonance imaging, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68(8): 6317-6329.
- Vorobyev, V.; Shchelokova, A.; Zivkovic, I.; Slobozhanyuk, A.; Baena, J.D.; Risco, J.P. del; Abdeddaim, R.; Webb, A. & Glybovski, S. (2020), An artificial dielectric slab for ultra high-field MRI, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 320.
- Meyer, M.C.; Scheeringa, R.; Webb, A.G.; Petridou, N.; Kraff, O. & Norris, D.G. (2020), Adapted cabling of an EEG cap improves simultaneous measurement of EEG and fMRI at 7T, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 331.
- Ruytenberg, T.; Webb, A. & Zivkovic, I. (2020), A flexible five-channel shielded-coaxial-cable (SCC) transceive neck coil for high-resolution carotid imaging at 7T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84(3).
- Koolstra, K.; Webb, A.G.; Veeger, T.T.J.; Kan, H.E.; Koken, P. & Bornert, P. (2020), Water-fat separation in spiral magnetic resonance fingerprinting for high temporal resolution tissue relaxation time quantification in muscle, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84(2).
- Abreu-Vieira, G.; Mishre, A.S.D.S.; Burakiewicz, J.; Janssen, L.G.M.; Nahon, K.J.; Eijk, J.A. van der; Riem, T.T.; Boon, M.R.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Webb, A.G.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Kan, H.E. (2020), Human brown adipose tissue estimated with magnetic resonance imaging undergoes changes in composition after cold exposure, Frontiers in Endocrinology 10.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Wezel, J.; Groen, J.; Webb, A.G. & Bornert, P. (2019), Silent volumetric multi-contrast 7 Tesla MRI of ocular tumors using Zero Echo Time imaging, PLoS ONE 14(9).
- P. Hendriks1, W.E.M. Berkhout1, C.I. Kaanen1, J.H. Sluijter1, I.J. Visser1, L.F. de Geus-Oei1, A.G. Webb1 & M.C. Burgmans1 (2019), Performance of the Emprint and Amica microwave system in ex-vivo porcine livers: sphericity and reproducibility versus size.
- Koolstra, K.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Koken, P.; Webb, A. & Bornert, P. (2019), Cartesian MR fingerprinting in the eye at 7T using compressed sensing and matrix completion-based reconstructions, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(4): 2551-2565.
- Martinez-Tellez, B.; Nahon, K.J.; Janssen, L.G.M.; Sardjoe-Mishre, A.S.; Weeghel, M. van; Vaz, F.M.; Houtkooper, R.; Burakiewicz, J.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Kooijman, S.; Webb, A.G.; Kan, H.E.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Jazet, I.M.; Boon, M. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2019), THE EFFECT OF MIRABEGRON ON ENERGY EXPENDITURE, BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE AND THE LIPIDOMIC PROFILE IN HEALTHY LEAN SOUTH ASIAN AND WHITE CAUCASIAN MEN, Atherosclerosis 287: E279-E279.
- O'Reilly, T.; Teeuwisse, W.M. & Webb, A.G. (2019), Three-dimensional MRI in a homogenous 27 cm diameter bore Halbach array magnet, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 307.
- de Moel E, Teeuwisse W, Huizinga T, Toes R, Webb A & van der Woude D (2019), Increased Sodium Accumulation Detected by(23)Na-Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Inflamed Knees of Patients with Autoimmune Joint Disease, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Martinez-Tellez, B.; Nahon, K.J.; Janssen, L.G.M.; Sardjoe-Mishre, A.S.; Weeghel, M. van; Vaz, F.M.; Houtkooper, R.; Burakiewicz, J.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Kooijman, S.; Webb, A.G.; Kan, H.E.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Jazet, I.M.; Boon, M. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2019), THE EFFECT OF MIRABEGRON ON ENERGY EXPENDITURE, BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE AND THE LIPIDOMIC PROFILE IN HEALTHY LEAN SOUTH ASIAN AND WHITE CAUCASIAN MEN, Atherosclerosis 287: E279-E279.
- Moussu, M.A.C.; Ciobanu, L.; Kurdjumov, S.; Nenasheva, E.; Djemai, B.; Dubois, M.; Webb, A.C.; Enoch, S.; Belov, P.; Abdeddaim, R. & Bovski, S.C. (2019), Systematic Analysis of the Improvements in Magnetic Resonance Microscopy with Ferroelectric Composite Ceramics, Advanced Materials 31(30).
- Damen, M.; Leeuwen, M. van; Webb, A.; Klomp, D. & Castro, C.A. de (2019), Measurement of T-1 and T-2 relaxation times of the pancreas at 7 T using a multi-transmit system, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 32(6): 703-708.
- Marques, J.P.; Simonis, F.F.J. & Webb, A.G. (2019), Low-field MRI: An MR physics perspective, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 49(6): 1528-1542.
- Koolstra, K.; Gemert, J. van; Bornert, P.; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2019), Accelerating compressed sensing in parallel imaging reconstructions using an efficient circulant preconditioner for cartesian trajectories, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(1): 670-685.
- Gemert, J. van; Brink, W.; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2019), High-permittivity pad design tool for 7T neuroimaging and 3T body imaging, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(5): 3370-3378.
- Zivkovic, I.; Teeuwisse, W.; Slobozhanyuk, A.; Nenasheva, E. & Webb, A. (2019), High permittivity ceramics improve the transmit field and receive efficiency of a commercial extremity coil at 1.5 Tesla, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 299: 59-65.
- Shimron, E.; Webb, A.G. & Azhari, H. (2019), CORE-PI: Non-iterative convolution-based reconstruction for parallel MRI in the wavelet domain, Medical Physics 46(1): 199-214.
- Meijer K. M., Hernandez-Giron I., Brink W. M., Webb A., Slump C. H., de Geus-Oei L. F., Kuznetsov D. V., Schaart D. R., van Velden F. H. P. & Grootjans W. (2019), Evaluation of radiomics quantification using a multi-compartment multimodality imaging phantom, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 46(SUPPL 1): S765-S765.
- Leijsen, R.; Fuchs, P.; Brink, W.; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2019), Developments in Electrical-Property Tomography Based on the Contrast-Source Inversion Method, Journal of Imaging 5(2).
- Zivkovic, I.; Castro, C.A. de & Webb, A. (2019), Design and characterization of an eight-element passively fed meander-dipole array with improved specific absorption rate efficiency for 7 T body imaging, NMR in Biomedicine 32(8).
- O'Reilly, T. & Webb, A. (2019), Deconstructing and reconstructing MRI hardware, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 306: 134-138.
- Leijsen, R.; Berg, C. van den; Webb, A.; Remis, R. & Mandija, S. (2019), Combining deep learning and 3D contrast source inversion in MR-based electrical properties tomography, NMR in Biomedicine.
- Koolstra, K.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Koken, P.; Webb, A. & Bornert, P. (2019), Cartesian MR fingerprinting in the eye at 7T using compressed sensing and matrix completion-based reconstructions, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(4): 2551-2565.
- Gemert, J. van; Brink, W.; Remis, R. & Webb, A. (2019), A simulation study on the effect of optimized high permittivity materials on fetal imaging at 3T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 82(5): 1822-1831.
- Garcia, J.D.V.; Navkar, N.V.; Gui, D.W.; Morales, C.M.; Christoforou, E.G.; Ozcan, A.; Abinahed, J.; Al-Ansari, A.; Webb, A.; Seimenis, I. & Tsekos, N.V. (2019), A Platform Integrating Acquisition, Reconstruction, Visualization, and Manipulator Control Modules for MRI-Guided Interventions, Journal of Digital Imaging 32(3): 420-432.
- Koolstra, K.; Gemert, J. van; Bornert, P.; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2019), Accelerating compressed sensing in parallel imaging reconstructions using an efficient circulant preconditioner for cartesian trajectories, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(1): 670-685.
- An, J.; Webb, A.G.; Shah, D.J.; Chin, K.R. & Tsekos, N.V. (2018), Manipulator-driven selection of semi-active MR-visible markers, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 14(1).
- Burakiewicz, J.; Hooijmans, M.T.; Webb, A.G.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Niks, E.H. & Kan, H.E. (2018), Improved olefinic fat suppression in skeletal muscle DTI using a magnitude-based dixon method, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79(1): 152-159.
- Shchelokova, A.V.; Slobozhanyuk, A.P.; Melchakova, I.V.; Glybovski, S.B.; Webb, A.G.; Kivshar, Y.S. & Belov, P.A. (2018), Locally Enhanced Image Quality with Tunable Hybrid Metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied 9(1).
- An, J.; Webb, A.G.; Shah, D.J.; Chin, K.R. & Tsekos, N.V. (2018), Manipulator-driven selection of semi-active MR-visible markers, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 14(1).
- Jonker, J.T.; Heer, P. de; Engelse, M.A.; Rossenberg, E.H. van; Klessens, C.Q.F.; Baelde, H.J.; Bajema, I.M.; Koopmans, S.J.; Coelho, P.G.; Streefland, T.C.M.; Webb, A.G.; Dekkers, I.A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Lamb, H.J. & Vries, A.P.J. de (2018), Metabolic imaging of fatty kidney in diabesity: validation and dietary intervention, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 33(2): 224-230.
- Shih, B.B.; Farrar, M.D.; Cooke, M.S.; Osman, J.; Langton, A.K.; Kift, R.; Webb, A.R.; Berry, J.L.; Watson, R.E.B.; Vail, A.; Gruijl, F.R. de & Rhodes, L.E. (2018), Fractional Sunburn Threshold UVR Doses Generate Equivalent Vitamin D and DNA Damage in Skin Types I-VI but with Epidermal DNA Damage Gradient Correlated to Skin Darkness, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 138(10): 2244-2252.
- Shchelokova, A.V.; Slobozhanyuk, A.P.; Bruin, P. de; Zivkovic, I.; Kallos, E.; Belov, P.A. & Webb, A. (2018), Experimental investigation of a metasurface resonator for in vivo imaging at 1.5 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 286: 78-81.
- Koolstra, K.; Bornert, P.; Brink, W. & Webb, A. (2018), Improved image quality and reduced power deposition in the spine at 3 T using extremely high permittivity materials, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79(2): 1192-1199.
- Gemert, J.H.F. van; Brink, W.M.; Webb, A.G. & Remis, R.F. (2018), High-Permittivity Pad Design for Dielectric Shimming in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Projection-Based Model Reduction and a Nonlinear Optimization Scheme, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37(4): 1035-1044.
- Burakiewicz, J.; Hooijmans, M.T.; Webb, A.G.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Niks, E.H. & Kan, H.E. (2018), Improved olefinic fat suppression in skeletal muscle DTI using a magnitude-based dixon method, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79(1): 152-159.
- Mikhailovskaya, A.A.; Shchelokova, A.V.; Dobrykh, D.A.; Sushkov, I.V.; Slobozhanyuk, A.P. & Webb, A. (2018), A new quadrature annular resonator for 3 T MRI based on artificial-dielectrics, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 291: 47-52.
- Leijsen, R.L.; Brink, W.M.; Berg, C.A.T. van den; Webb, A.G. & Remis, R.F. (2018), 3-D Contrast Source Inversion-Electrical Properties Tomography, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37(9): 2080-2089.
- O'Reilly, T.P.A.; Ruytenberg, T. & Webb, A.G. (2018), Modular transmit/receive arrays using very-high permittivity dielectric resonator antennas, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79(3): 1781-1788.
- Bulk, M.; Weerd, L. van der; Breimer, W.; Lebedev, N.; Webb, A.; Goeman, J.J.; Ward, R.J.; Huber, M.; Oosterkamp, T.H. & Bossoni, L. (2018), Quantitative comparison of different iron forms in the temporal cortex of Alzheimer patients and control subjects, Scientific Reports 8.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Hassan, M.K.; Shamonin, D.P.; Shahzad, R.; Webb, A.; Stoel, B.C. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2018), Automated analysis of eye tumor MR-images for an improved treatment determination, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 11-12.
- Mikhailovskaya, A.A.; Shchelokova, A.V.; Dobrykh, D.A.; Sushkov, I.V.; Slobozhanyuk, A.P. & Webb, A. (2018), A new quadrature annular resonator for 3 T MRI based on artificial-dielectrics, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 291: 47-52.
- Ingo, C.; Brink, W.; Ercan, E.; Webb, A.G. & Ronen, I. (2018), Studying neurons and glia non-invasively via anomalous subdiffusion of intracellular metabolites, Brain Structure and Function 223(8): 3841-3854.
- O'Reilly, T.P.A.; Ruytenberg, T. & Webb, A.G. (2018), Modular transmit/receive arrays using very-high permittivity dielectric resonator antennas, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79(3): 1781-1788.
- Koemans, E.A.; Etten, E.S. van; Opstal, A.M. van; Labadie, G.; Terwindt, G.M.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Webb, A.G.; Gurol, E.M.; Greenberg, S.M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Grond, J. van der & Rooden, S. van (2018), Innovative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Markers of Hereditary Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy at 7 Tesla, Stroke 49(6): 1518-1520.
- Ruytenberg, T.; Verbist, B.M.; Vonk-Van Oosten, J.; Astreinidou, E.; Sjogren, E.V. & Webb, A.G. (2018), Improvements in high Resolution laryngeal Magnetic Resonance Imaging for preoperative Transoral laser Microsurgery and Radiotherapy considerations in early lesions, Frontiers in Oncology 8.
- Gemert, J.H.F. van; Brink, W.M.; Webb, A.G. & Remis, R.F. (2018), High-Permittivity Pad Design for Dielectric Shimming in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Projection-Based Model Reduction and a Nonlinear Optimization Scheme, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37(4): 1035-1044.
- Beenakker J. W. M., Hassan M. K., Shamonin D., Shahzad R., Webb A. G., Stoel B. & Luyten G. P. M. (2018), Automated analysis of uveal melanoma MR-images for an improved treatment determination, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 48-48.
- Brink, W.M.; Wu, Z.Y. & Webb, A.G. (2018), A simple head-sized phantom for realistic static and radiofrequency characterization at high fields, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80(4): 1738-1745.
- Leijsen, R.L.; Brink, W.M.; Berg, C.A.T. van den; Webb, A.G. & Remis, R.F. (2018), 3-D Contrast Source Inversion-Electrical Properties Tomography, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37(9): 2080-2089.
- Shchelokova, A.V.; Slobozhanyuk, A.P.; Melchakova, I.V.; Glybovski, S.B.; Webb, A.G.; Kivshar, Y.S. & Belov, P.A. (2018), Locally Enhanced Image Quality with Tunable Hybrid Metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied 9(1).
- Shchelokova, A.V.; Slobozhanyuk, A.P.; Bruin, P. de; Zivkovic, I.; Kallos, E.; Belov, P.A. & Webb, A. (2018), Experimental investigation of a metasurface resonator for in vivo imaging at 1.5 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 286: 78-81.
- Bossoni L., Grand Moursel L., Bulk M., Simon B.G., Webb A., Weerd L. van der, Huber M.I., Carretta P., Lascialfari A. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2017), Human-brain ferritin studied by muon spin rotation: a pilot study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29(41): 415801.
- Wezel, J.; Boer, V.O.; Velden, T.A. van der; Webb, A.G.; Klomp, D.W.J.; Versluis, M.J.; Osch, M.J.P. van & Garpebring, A. (2017), A comparison of navigators, snap-shot field monitoring, and probe-based field model training for correcting B-0-induced artifacts in T-2*-weighted images at 7T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 78(4): 1373-1382.
- Wezel, J.; Garpebring, A.; Webb, A.G.; Osch, M.J.P. van & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2017), Automated eye blink detection and correction method for clinical MR eye imaging, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 78(1): 165-171.
- Doorenweerd, N.; Dumas, E.M.; Ghariq, E.; Schmid, S.; Straathof, C.S.M.; Roest, A.A.W.; Wokke, B.H.; Zwet, E.W. van; Webb, A.G.; Hendriksen, J.G.M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Asllani, I.; Niks, E.H.; Osch, M.J.P. van & Kan, H.E. (2017), Decreased cerebral perfusion in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients, Neuromuscular Disorders 27(1): 29-37.
- Liang, Y.; Chen, W.; Akpa, B.S.; Neuberger, T.; Webb, A.G. & Magin, R.L. (2017), Using spectral and cumulative spectral entropy to classify anomalous diffusion in Sephadex (TM) gels, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 73(5): 765-774.
- Hooijmans, M.T.; Niks, E.H.; Burakiewicz, J.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Webb, A.G. & Kan, H.E. (2017), Elevated phosphodiester and T-2 levels can be measured in the absence of fat infiltration in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients, NMR in Biomedicine 30(1).
- Gemert, J. van; Brink, W.; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2017), An Efficient Methodology for the Analysis of Dielectric Shimming Materials in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36(2): 666-673.
- Diemen, M.P.J. van; Berends, C.L.; Akram, N.; Wezel, J.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Mik, B.G.; Kan, H.E.; Webb, A.; Beenakker, J.W.M. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2017), Validation of a pharmacological model for mitochondrial dysfunction in healthy subjects using simvastatin: A randomized placebo-controlled proof-of-pharmacology study, European Journal of Pharmacology 815: 290-297.
- Hooijmans, M.; Doorenweerd, N.; Baligand, C.; Verschuuren, J.; Ronen, L.; Webb, A.; Niks, E. & Kan, H. (2017), Spatially localized phosphorous metabolism of skeletal muscle in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients: 24-month follow-up, Neuromuscular Disorders 27: S125-S125.
- Schmidt, R.; Teeuwisse, W. & Webb, A. (2017), Quadrature Operation of Segmented Dielectric Resonators Facilitated With Metallic Connectors, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 77(6): 2431-2437.
- Fonk, L.G.; Verstegen, M.; Teeuwisse, W.; Ferreira, T.; Furth, W. van; Pereira, A.; Webb, A.; Notting, I.; Luyten, G. & Beenakker, J.W. (2017), MR imaging of the optic nerve and chiasm at 7 Tesla improves lesion detection for Neuro-Ophthalmic conditions compared to conventional clinical field strengths, Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 27-27.
- Schmidt, R. & Webb, A. (2017), Metamaterial Combining Electric- and Magnetic-Dipole-Based Configurations for Unique Dual-Band Signal Enhancement in Ultrahigh-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 9(40): 34618-34624.
- Bossoni, L.; Moursel, L.G.; Bulk, M.; Simon, B.G.; Webb, A.; Weerd, L. van der; Huber, M.; Carretta, P.; Lascialfari, A. & Oosterkamp, T.H. (2017), Human-brain ferritin studied by muon spin rotation: a pilot study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29(41).
- Schmidt, R.; Slobozhanyuk, A.; Belov, P. & Webb, A. (2017), Flexible and compact hybrid metasurfaces for enhanced ultra high field in vivo magnetic resonance imaging, Scientific Reports 7.
- Zielman, R.; Wijnen, J.P.; Webb, A.; Onderwater, G.L.J.; Ronen, I.; Ferrari, M.D.; Kan, H.E.; Terwindt, G.M. & Kruit, M.C. (2017), Cortical glutamate in migraine, Brain 140: 1859-1871.
- Kurdjumov Sergei, Glybovski Stanislav, Hurshkainen Anna, Webb Andrew, Abdeddaim Redha, Ciobanu Luisa, Melchakova Irina & Belov Pavel (2017), A Mechanically Tunable and Efficient Ceramic Probe for MR-microscopy at 17 Tesla, AIP Conference Proceedings 1874.
- Shchelokova Alena V., Slobozhanyuk Alexey P., Melchakova Irina V., Glybovski Stanislav B., Webb Andrew G., Kivshar Yuri S. & Belov Pavel A. (2017), Tunable hybrid metasurfaces for MRI applications, AIP Conference Proceedings 1874.
- Hooijmans, M.T.; Doorenweerd, N.; Baligand, C.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Ronen, I.; Niks, E.H.; Webb, A.G. & Kan, H.E. (2017), Spatially localized phosphorous metabolism of skeletal muscle in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients: 24-month follow-up, PLoS ONE 12(8).
- Vught, L. van; Hervella, L.; Tabernero, J.; Shamonin, D.P.; Webb, A.G.; Artal, P.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2017), Personalized eye-models for optical assessment of ocular conditions, Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 8-9.
- Hooijmans, M.T.; Niks, E.H.; Burakiewicz, J.; Anastasopoulos, C.; Berg, S.I. van den; Zwet, E. van; Webb, A.G.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M. & Kan, H.E. (2017), Non-uniform muscle fat replacement along the proximodistal axis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neuromuscular Disorders 27(5): 458-464.
- Ruytenberg, T. & Webb, A.G. (2017), Design of a dielectric resonator receive array at 7 Tesla using detunable ceramic resonators, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 284: 94-98.
- Slobozhanyuk Alexey, Kivshar Yuri, Shchelokova Alena, Melchakova Irina, Glybovski Stanislav, Belov Pavel & Webb Andrew (2017), Tunable hybrid metasurfaces for image quality enhancement, 2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION & USNC/URSI NATIONAL RADIO SCIENCE MEETING: 1497-1498.
- Shchelokova A. V., Slobozhanyuk A. P., Saha S., Sotiriou I., Koutsoupidou M., Palikaras G., Kallos E., Belov P. A. & Webb A. (2017), In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Knee with Metasurface.
- Mojica Cristina M. Morales, Navkar Nikhil V., Tsagkaris Dimitrios, Webb Andrew, Birbilis Theodosios A., Seimenis Ioannis & Tsekos Nikolaos V. (2017), Holographic interface for three-dimensional visualization of MRI on HoloLens: A prototype platform for MRI Guided Neurosurgeries, 2017 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOENGINEERING (BIBE): 21-27.
- Shchelokova A., Schmidt R., Slobozhanyuk A., Kallos T., Webb A. & Belov P. A. (2017), Enhancement of magnetic resonance imaging with metasurfaces: from concept to human trials.
- Remis R. F., Webb A., Mandija S., Leijsen R. L., Fuchs P. S., Stijnman P. R. S. & van den Berg C. A. T. (2017), Electrical Properties Tomography Using Contrast Source Inversion Techniques.
- Brink W. M., Paska J., Dai J., van Gemert J. H. F., Chen G., Wiggins G. C., Remis R. F., Collins C. M. & Webb A. G. (2017), Dielectric Enhanced Dipoles for MRI - Approaching the Ideal Current Pattern.
- van Gemert J. H. F., Brink W. M., Webb A. G. & Remis R. F. (2017), Designing High-Permittivity Pads for Dielectric Shimming in MRI using Model Order Reduction and Gauss-Newton Optimization.
- Kumar P., Bulk M., Webb A., Weerd L. van der, Oosterkamp T.H., Huber M.I. & Bossoni L. (2016), A novel approach to quantify different iron forms in ex-vivo human brain tissue, Scientific Reports 6: 38916.
- Schmidt, R. & Webb, A. (2016), A new approach for electrical properties estimation using a global integral equation and improvements using high permittivity materials, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 262: 8-14.
- Heer, P. de; Bizino, M.B.; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A.G. & Lamb, H.J. (2016), Improved Cardiac Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3 T Using High Permittivity Pads, Investigative Radiology 51(2): 134-138.
- Diemen, M.P. van; Berends, C.; Akram, N.; Wezel, J.; Hay, J.L.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Malone, K.E.; Mik, E.G.; Kan, H.; Webb, A. & Groeneveld, G. (2016), NOVEL IN VIVO HUMAN MODEL FOR TRANSIENT MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION: SIMVASTATIN-INDUCED MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION IN HEALTHY SUBJECTS AND ITS REVERSIBILITY BY UBIQUINOL, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 99: S30-S30.
- Diemen, M.P. van; Berends, C.; Akram, N.; Wezel, J.; Hay, J.L.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Malone, K.E.; Mik, E.G.; Kan, H.; Webb, A. & Groeneveld, G. (2016), NOVEL IN VIVO HUMAN MODEL FOR TRANSIENT MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION: SIMVASTATIN-INDUCED MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION IN HEALTHY SUBJECTS AND ITS REVERSIBILITY BY UBIQUINOL., Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 99: S20-S20.
- Boer, A. de; Cohen, A.F.; Ferro, A.; Flockhart, D.A.; Gilchrist, A.; Isbister, G.; Loke, Y.K.; Ross, S.; Somogyi, A.A. & Webb, A.J. (2016), Editors' Report for 2015, December 2015, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 81(1): 6-7.
- An Junmo, Liu Xin, Unan Mahmut, Christoforou Eftychios G., Webb Andrew G. & Tsekos Nikolaos V. (2016), Tracking of MRI Interventional Devices with Computer-Controlled Detunable Markers, Ifmbe Proceedings 57: 657-661.
- Webb, A.G. & Moortele, P.F. van de (2016), The technological future of 7T MRI hardware, NMR in Biomedicine 29(9): 1305-1315.
- Wijnen, J.P.; Klomp, D.W.J.; Nabuurs, C.I.H.C.; Graaf, R.A. de; Kalleveen, I.M.L. van; Kemp, W.J.M. van der; Luijten, P.R.; Kruit, M.C.; Webb, A.; Kan, H.E. & Boer, V.O. (2016), Proton observed phosphorus editing (POPE) for in vivo detection of phospholipid metabolites, NMR in Biomedicine 29(9): 1222-1230.
- O'Reilly, T.P.A.; Webb, A.G. & Brink, W.M. (2016), Practical improvements in the design of high permittivity pads for dielectric shimming in neuroimaging at 7 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 270: 108-114.
- Brink, W.M.; Versluis, M.J.; Peeters, J.M.; Bornert, P. & Webb, A.G. (2016), Passive Radiofrequency Shimming in the Thighs at 3 Tesla Using High Permittivity Materials and Body Coil Receive Uniformity Correction, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 76(6): 1951-1956.
- Heer, P. de; Bizino, M.B.; Lamb, H.J. & Webb, A.G. (2016), Parameter optimization for reproducible cardiac H-1-MR spectroscopy at 3 Tesla, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 76(5): 1151-1158.
- Andersen, M.; Hanson, L.G.; Madsen, K.H.; Wezel, J.; Boer, V.; Velden, T. van der; Osch, M.J.P. van; Klomp, D.; Webb, A.G. & Versluis, M.J. (2016), Measuring motion-induced B-0-fluctuations in the brain using field probes, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 75(5): 2020-2030.
- Wu, Y.K.; Agarwal, S.; Jones, C.K.; Webb, A.G.; Zijl, P.C.M. van; Hua, J. & Pillai, J.J. (2016), Measurement of arteriolar blood volume in brain tumors using MRI without exogenous contrast agent administration at 7T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 76(5): 1244-1255.
- Schmidt, R. & Webb, A. (2016), Improvements in RF Shimming in High Field MRI Using High Permittivity Materials With Low Order Pre-Fractal Geometries, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35(8): 1837-1844.
- Ercan, E.; Magro-Checa, C.; Valabregue, R.; Branzoli, F.; Wood, E.T.; Steup-Beekman, G.M.; Webb, A.G.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Buchem, M.A. van & Ronen, I. (2016), Glial and axonal changes in systemic lupus erythematosus measured with diffusion of intracellular metabolites, Brain 139: 1447-1457.
- Zhang, X.X.; Ghariq, E.; Hartkamp, N.S.; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J.P. van (2016), Fast cerebral flow territory mapping using vessel encoded dynamic arterial spin labeling (VE-DASL).
- Rooden, S. van; Opstal, A.M. van; Labadie, G.; Terwindt, G.M.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Webb, A.G.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Greenberg, S.M.; Grond, J. van der & Buchem, M.A. van (2016), Early Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cognitive Markers of Hereditary Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Stroke 47(12): 3041-3044.
- Buckle, T.; KleinJan, G.H.; Engelen, T.; Berg, N.S. van den; DeRuiter, M.C.; Heide, U. van der; Olmos, R.A.V.; Webb, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Balm, A.J. & Leeuwen, F.W.B. van (2016), Diffusion-weighted-preparation (D-prep) MRI as a future extension of SPECT/CT based surgical planning for sentinel node procedures in the head and neck area?, Oral Oncology 60: 48-54.
- Oudeman, J.; Coolen, B.F.; Mazzoli, V.; Maas, M.; Verhamme, C.; Brink, W.M.; Webb, A.G.; Strijkers, G.J. & Nederveen, A.J. (2016), Diffusion-Prepared Neurography of the Brachial Plexus With a Large Field-of-View at 3T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 43(3): 644-654.
- Branzoli, F.; Ercan, E.; Valabregue, R.; Wood, E.T.; Buijs, M.; Webb, A. & Ronen, I. (2016), Differentiating between axonal damage and demyelination in healthy aging by combining diffusion-tensor imaging and diffusion-weighted spectroscopy in the human corpus callosum at 7 T, Neurobiology of Aging 47: 210-217.
- Rooden, S. van; Buijs, M.; Vliet, M.E. van; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A.G.; Oleksik, A.M.; Wiel, L. van de; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Blauw, G.J.; Weverling-Rynsburger, A.W.E.; Goos, J.D.C.; Flier, W.M. van der; Koene, T.; Scheltens, P.; Barkhof, F.; Rest, O. van de; Slagboom, P.E.; Buchem, M.A. van & Grond, J. van der (2016), Cortical phase changes measured using 7-T MRI in subjects with subjective cognitive impairment, and their association with cognitive function, NMR in Biomedicine 29(9): 1289-1294.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Ferreira, T.A.; Soemarwoto, K.P.; Genders, S.W.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Webb, A.G. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2016), Clinical evaluation of ultra-high-field MRI for three-dimensional visualisation of tumour size in uveal melanoma patients, with direct relevance to treatment planning, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 29(3): 571-577.
- Schmidt, R. & Webb, A. (2016), Characterization of an HEM-Mode Dielectric Resonator for 7-T Human Phosphorous Magnetic Resonance Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63(11): 2390-2395.
- Brink, W.M.; Remis, R.F. & Webb, A.G. (2016), A theoretical approach based on electromagnetic scattering for analysing dielectric shimming in high-field MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 75(5): 2185-2194.
- Kumar, P.; Bulk, M.; Webb, A.; Weerd, L. van der; Oosterkamp, T.H.; Huber, M. & Bossoni, L. (2016), A novel approach to quantify different iron forms in ex-vivo human brain tissue, Scientific Reports 6.
- An Junmo, Unan Mahmut, Chin Karen, Shah Dipan J., Webb Andrew G., Seimenis Ioannis & Tsekos Nikolaos V. (2016), 3D Reconstruction of Tubular Structures from Three Orthogonal MRI Projections, Ifmbe Proceedings 57: 326-331.
- Ercan, E.; Magro-Checa, C.; Valabregue, R.; Branzoli, F.; Wood, E.T.; Steup-Beekman, G.M.; Webb, A.G.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Buchem, M.A. van & Ronen, I. (2016), Glial and axonal changes in systemic lupus erythematosus measured with diffusion of intracellular metabolites, Brain.
- Beenakker, J.W.; Ferreira, T.; Soemarwoto, K.; Genders, S.; Teeuwisse, W.; Webb, A. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2016), Clinical evaluation of ultra high field MRI for three-dimensional visualization of tumour size in uveal melanoma patients, with direct relevance to treatment planning, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(12).
- AUSSENHOFER, Sebastian; WEBB, Andrew; ANDERSON, Theodore; DEYER & Fred; (2016), Patent - WO/2016/041970.
- Doan, N.T.; Rooden, S. van; Versluis, M.J.; Buijs, M.; Webb, A.G.; Grond, J. van der; Buchem, M.A. van; Reiber, J.H. & Milles, J. (2015), An automated tool for cortical feature analysis: Application to differences on 7 Tesla T-2(*)-weighted images between young and older healthy subjects, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 74(1): 240-248.
- Doorenweerd, N.; Niks, E.; Straathof, C.; Webb, A.; Hendriksen, J.; Verschuuren, J.; Buchem, M. van & Kan, H. (2015), Brain metabolite concentrations in Duchenne muscular dystrophy are unaltered compared to controls, Neuromuscular Disorders 25: S250-S251.
- Brink, W.M.; Gulani, V. & Webb, A.G. (2015), Clinical Applications of Dual-Channel Transmit MRI: A Review, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 42(4): 855-869.
- Webb, A.G. & Aussenhofer, S.A. (2015), Evaluation of plasma-based transmit coils for magnetic resonance, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 261: 49-53.
- Hooijmans, M.T.; Damon, B.M.; Froeling, M.; Versluis, M.J.; Burakiewicz, J.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Niks, E.H.; Webb, A.G. & Kan, H.E. (2015), Evaluation of skeletal muscle DTI in patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy, NMR in Biomedicine 28(11): 1589-1597.
- Rooden, S. van; Doan, N.T.; Versluis, M.J.; Goos, J.D.C.; Webb, A.G.; Oleksik, A.M.; Flier, W.M. van der; Scheltens, P.; Barkhof, F.; Weverlinge-Rynsburger, A.W.E.; Blauw, G.J.; Reiber, J.H.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Milles, J. & Grond, J. van der (2015), 7T T-2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging reveals cortical phase differences between early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease, Neurobiology of Aging 36(1): 20-26.
- Ardenkjaer-Larsen, J.H.; Boebinger, G.S.; Comment, A.; Duckett, S.; Edison, A.S.; Engelke, F.; Griesinger, C.; Griffin, R.G.; Hilty, C.; Maeda, H.; Parigi, G.; Prisner, T.; Ravera, E.; Bentum, J. van; Vega, S.; Webb, A.; Luchinat, C.; Schwalbe, H. & Frydman, L. (2015), Facing and Overcoming Sensitivity Challenges in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54(32): 9162-9185.
- Jonker, J.T.; Heer, P. de; Rossenberg, E.H. van; Engelse, M.A.; Streefland, T.C.M.; Rabelink, T.J.; Webb, A.G.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Lamb, H.J. & Vries, A.P.J. de (2015), IMAGING FATTY KIDNEY USING PROTON MR SPECTROSCOPY: VALIDATION BY PORCINE KIDNEY BIOPSIES, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30.
- Jagt, A.M.A. van der; Brink, W.M.; Webb, A.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Verbist, B.M. (2015), IN VIVO INNER EAR IMAGING AT 7 T, Otology and Neurotology 36(8): 1458-1459.
- Wood, E.T.; Ercan, A.E.; Branzoli, F.; Webb, A.; Sati, P.; Reich, D.S. & Ronen, I. (2015), Reproducibility and optimization of in vivo human diffusion-weighted MRS of the corpus callosum at 3T and 7T, NMR in Biomedicine 28(8): 976-987.
- Brink, W.M.; Brink, J.S. van den & Webb, A.G. (2015), The effect of high-permittivity pads on specific absorption rate in radiofrequency-shimmed dual-transmit cardiovascular magnetic resonance at 3T, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 17.
- Bruin, P.W. de; Koken, P.; Versluis, M.J.; Aussenhofer, S.A.; Meulenbelt, I.; Bornert, P. & Webb, A.G. (2015), Time-efficient interleaved human Na-23 and H-1 data acquisition at 7 T, NMR in Biomedicine 28(10): 1228-1235.
- State, M.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Shamonin, D.P.; Mooren, M. van der; Stoel, B.C.; Webb, A.G.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Piers, P.A. (2015), Retinal shape assessment in young phakic eyes by a combined partial coherence interferometry - magnetic resonance imaging approach, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Bizino, M.B.; Sala, M.L.; Heer, P. de; Tol, P. van der; Smit, J.W.A.; Webb, A.G.; Roos, A. de & Lamb, H.J. (2015), MR of Multi-Organ Involvement in the Metabolic Syndrome, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America 23(1): 41-+.
- Onderwater, G.L.J.; Zielman, R.; Wijnen, J.P.; Webb, A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ronen, I.; Kan, H.E. & Kruit, M.C. (2015), Occipital glutamate in interictal migraine patients measured with 7T MR spectroscopy (MRS), Cephalalgia 35: 6-6.
- Ercan, A.E.; Techawiboonwong, A.; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A.G. & Ronen, I. (2015), Diffusion-weighted chemical shift imaging of human brain metabolites at 7T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 73(6): 2053-2061.
- Mandell, J.G.; Hill, K.L.; Nguyen, D.T.D.; Moser, K.W.; Harbaugh, R.E.; McInerney, J.; Nsubuga, B.K.; Mugamba, J.K.; Johnson, D.; Warf, B.C.; Boling, W.; Webb, A.G. & Schiff, S.J. (2015), Volumetric brain analysis in neurosurgery: Part 3. Volumetric CT analysis as a predictor of seizure outcome following temporal lobectomy, Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 15(2): 133-143.
- Mandell, J.G.; Langelaan, J.W.; Webb, A.G. & Schiff, S.J. (2015), Volumetric brain analysis in neurosurgery: Part 1. Particle filter segmentation of brain and cerebrospinal fluid growth dynamics from MRI and CT images, Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 15(2): 113-124.
- Jagt, M.A. van der; Brink, W.M.; Versluis, M.J.; Steens, S.C.A.; Briaire, J.J.; Webb, A.G.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Verbist, B.M. (2015), Visualization of Human Inner Ear Anatomy with High-Resolution MR Imaging at 7T: Initial Clinical Assessment, American Journal of Neuroradiology 36(2): 378-383.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Shamonin, D.P.; Webb, A.G.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Stoel, B.C. (2015), Automated Retinal Topographic Maps Measured With Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(2): 1033-1039.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Shamonin, D.P.; Webb, A.G.; Stoel, B.C. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2015), Improved 3D retinal shape models with high-field MRI, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Rooden, S. van; Goos, J.D.C.; Opstal, A.M. van; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A.G.; Blauw, G.J.; Flier, W.M. van der; Scheltens, P.; Barkhof, F.; Buchem, M.A. van & Grond, J. van der (2014), Increased Number of Microinfarcts in Alzheimer Disease at 7-T MR Imaging, Radiology 270(1): 205-211.
- Nehrke, K.; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A. & Bornert, P. (2014), Volumetric B-1(+) Mapping of the Brain at 7T Using DREAM, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 71(1): 246-256.
- Schmid, S.; Ghariq, E.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Webb, A. & Osch, M.J.P. van (2014), Acceleration-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling.
- Ruytenberg, T.; Webb, A.G. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2014), A multi-purpose open-source triggering platform for magnetic resonance.
- Aussenhofer, S.A. & Webb, A.G. (2014), An eight-channel transmit/receive array of TE01 mode high permittivity ceramic resonators for human imaging at 7 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 243: 122-129.
- Wezel, J.; Kooij, B.J. & Webb, A.G. (2014), Assessing the MR Compatibility of Dental Retainer Wires at 7 Tesla, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 72(4): 1191-1198.
- Zielman, R.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Bakels, F.; Grond, J. van der; Webb, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Kruit, M.C. & Terwindt, G.M. (2014), Biochemical changes in the brain of hemiplegic migraine patients measured with 7 tesla H-1-MRS, Cephalalgia 34(12): 959-967.
- Webb, A. (2014), Cavity- and waveguide-resonators in electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic resonance imaging, Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 83: 1-20.
- Brink, W.M.; Jagt, A.M.A. van der; Versluis, M.J.; Verbist, B.M. & Webb, A.G. (2014), High Permittivity Dielectric Pads Improve High Spatial Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Inner Ear at 7 T, Investigative Radiology 49(5): 271-277.
- Brink, W.M. & Webb, A.G. (2014), High Permittivity Pads Reduce Specific Absorption Rate, Improve B-1 Homogeneity, and Increase Contrast-to-Noise Ratio for Functional Cardiac MRI at 3 T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 71(4): 1632-1640.
- Bizino, M.B.; Bonetti, C.; Geest, R.J. van der; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A.G. & Lamb, H.J. (2014), High Spatial Resolution Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography at 7 T Comparison With Low Spatial Resolution Bright Blood Imaging, Investigative Radiology 49(5): 326-330.
- Ronen, I.; Budde, M.; Ercan, E.; Annese, J.; Techawiboonwong, A. & Webb, A. (2014), Microstructural organization of axons in the human corpus callosum quantified by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy of N-acetylaspartate and post-mortem histology, Brain Structure and Function 219(5): 1773-1785.
- Doorenweerd, N.; Straathof, C.S.M.; Dumas, E.M.; Spitali, P.; Ginjaar, H.B.; Wokke, B.H.; Schrans, D.G.M.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Zwet, E.W. van; Webb, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Verschuuren, J.J.G.; Hendriksen, J.G.M.; Niks, E.H. & Kan, H.E. (2014), MRI detects Dp140 dystrophin isoform dependent brain changes in boys with DMD, Neuromuscular Disorders 24(9-10): 838-838.
- Webb, A.G. (2014), MR-monitored focused ultrasound using the acoustic-coupling water bath as an intrinsic high-mode dielectric resonator, NMR in Biomedicine 27(6): 621-624.
- Wokke, B.H.; Hooijmans, M.T.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Webb, A.G.; Verschuuren, J.J. & Kan, H.E. (2014), Muscle MRS detects elevated PDE/ATP ratios prior to fatty infiltration in Becker muscular dystrophy, NMR in Biomedicine 27(11): 1371-1377.
- Ailiani, A.C.; Neuberger, T.; Brasseur, J.G.; Banco, G.; Wang, Y.; Smith, N.B. & Webb, A.G. (2014), Quantifying the effects of inactin vs Isoflurane anesthesia on gastrointestinal motility in rats using dynamic magnetic resonance imaging and spatio-temporal maps, Neurogastroenterology and Motility 26(10): 1477-1486.
- Wokke, B.H.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Versluis, M.J.; Niks, E.H.; Milles, J.; Webb, A.G.; Zwet, E.W. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Verschuuren, J.J. & Kan, H.E. (2014), Quantitative MRI and strength measurements in the assessment of muscle quality in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neuromuscular Disorders 24(5): 409-416.
- Doorenweerd, N.; Dumas, E.M.; Ghariq, E.; Schmid, S.; Straathof, C.S.M.; Spitali, P.; Ginjaar, H.B.; Wokke, B.H.; Schrans, D.G.M.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Zwet, E.W. van; Webb, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Osch, M.J.P. van; Verschuuren, J.J.G.; Hendriksen, J.G.M.; Niks, E.H. & Kan, H.E. (2014), Reduced cerebral blood flow in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Neuromuscular Disorders 24(9-10): 838-839.
- Doorenweerd, N.; Straathof, C.S.; Dumas, E.M.; Spitali, P.; Ginjaar, I.B.; Wokke, B.H.; Schrans, D.G.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Zwet, E.W. van; Webb, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Verschuuren, J.J.; Hendriksen, J.G.; Niks, E.H. & Kan, H.E. (2014), Reduced Cerebral Gray Matter and Altered White Matter in Boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Annals of Neurology 76(3): 403-411.
- Doan, N.T.; Bogaard, S.J.A. van den; Dumas, E.M.; Webb, A.G.; Buchem, M.A. van; Roos, R.A.C.; Grond, J. van der; Reiber, J.H.C. & Milles, J. (2014), Texture analysis of ultrahigh field T-2*-weighted MR images of the brain: Application to Huntington's disease, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 39(3): 633-640.
- Branzoli, F.; Ercan, E.; Webb, A. & Ronen, I. (2014), The interaction between apparent diffusion coefficients and transverse relaxation rates of human brain metabolites and water studied by diffusion- weighted spectroscopy at 7 T, NMR in Biomedicine 27(5): 495-506.
- Brink, W.M.; Bornert, P.; Nehrke, K. & Webb, A.G. (2014), Ventricular B-1(+) perturbation at 7 T - real effect or measurement artifact?, NMR in Biomedicine 27(6): 617-620.
- Dzyubachyk, O.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Blaas, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Webb, A. & Geest, R.J. van der (2013), Automated algorithm for reconstruction of the complete spine from multistation 7T MR data, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69(6): 1777-1786.
- Voorham-van der Zalm, P.J.; Voorham, J.C.; Bos, T.W.L. van den; Ouwerkerk, T.J.; Putter, H.; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Webb, A.; DeRuiter, M.C. & Pelger, R.C.M. (2013), Reliability and differentiation of pelvic floor muscle electromyography measurements in healthy volunteers using a new device: The multiple array probe leiden (MAPLe), Neurourology and Urodynamics 32(4): 341-348.
- Rygg, A.D.; Cox, J.P.L.; Abel, R.; Webb, A.G.; Smith, N.B. & Craven, B.A. (2013), A Computational Study of the Hydrodynamics in the Nasal Region of a Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna tudes): Implications for Olfaction, PLoS ONE 8(3).
- Rygg, A.D.; Cox, J.P.L.; Abel, R.; Webb, A.G.; Smith, N.B. & Craven, B.A. (2013), The Hydrodynamics of Olfaction in the Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna tudes), Integrative and Comparative Biology 53: E187-E187.
- Webb, A.G. (2013), Radiofrequency microcoils for magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 229: 55-66.
- Nabuurs, R.J.A.; Natte, R.; Ronde, F.M. de; Hegeman-Kleinn, I.; Dijkstra, J.; Duinen, S.G. van; Webb, A.G.; Rozemuller, A.J.; Buchem, M.A. van & Weerd, L. van der (2013), MR Microscopy of Human Amyloid-beta Deposits: Characterization of Parenchymal Amyloid, Diffuse Plaques, and Vascular Amyloid, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 34(4): 1037-1049.
- Wokke, B.H.; Bos, C.; Reijnierse, M.; Rijswijk, C.S. van; Eggers, H.; Webb, A.; Verschuuren, J.J. & Kan, H.E. (2013), Comparison of dixon and T1-weighted MR methods to assess the degree of fat infiltration in duchenne muscular dystrophy patients., Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
- Branzoli, F.; Techawiboonwong, A.; Kan, H.; Webb, A. & Ronen, I. (2013), Functional diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the human primary visual cortex at 7 T.
- Branzoli, F.; Techawiboonwong, A.; Kan, H.; Webb, A. & Ronen, I. (2013), Functional diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the human primary visual cortex at 7 T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69(2): 303-309.
- Zhang, X.F. & Webb, A. (2013), Detectability of Absorption and Reduced Scattering Coefficients in Frequency-Domain Measurements Using a Realistic Head Phantom, Sensors 13(1): 152-164.
- Ronen, I.; Ercan, E. & Webb, A. (2013), Rapid multi-echo measurement of brain metabolite T-2 values at 7 T using a single-shot spectroscopic Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence and prior information, NMR in Biomedicine 26(10): 1291-1298.
- Zhang, X.; Petersen, E.T.; Ghariq, E.; Vis, J.B. de; Webb, A.G.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Hendrikse, J. & Osch, M.J.P. van (2013), In Vivo Blood T-1 Measurements at 1.5 T, 3 T, and 7 T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 70(4): 1082-1086.
- Doorenweerd, N.; Straathof, C.S.M.; Dumas, E.M.; Niks, E.H.; Schrans, D.G.M.; Wokke, B.H.A.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Webb, A.G.; Buchem, M.A. van; Hendriksen, J.G.M.; Verschuuren, J.J.G. & Kan, H.E. (2013), The Duchenne brain: A matter of grey and white, Neuromuscular Disorders 23(9-10): 752-752.
- Versluis, M.J.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Kan, H.E.; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J. van (2013), Subject tolerance of 7 T MRI examinations, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 38(3): 722-725.
- Oorschot, J.W.M. van; Schmitz, J.P.J.; Webb, A.; Nicolay, K.; Jeneson, J.A.L. & Kan, H.E. (2013), P-31 MR Spectroscopy and Computational Modeling Identify a Direct Relation between Pi Content of an Alkaline Compartment in Resting Muscle and Phosphocreatine Resynthesis Kinetics in Active Muscle in Humans, PLoS ONE 8(9).
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Rijn, G.A. van; Luyten, G.P.M. & Webb, A.G. (2013), High-resolution MRI of uveal melanoma using a microcoil phased array at 7 T, NMR in Biomedicine 26(12): 1864-1869.
- Aussenhofer, S.A. & Webb, A.G. (2013), High-permittivity solid ceramic resonators for high-field human MRI, NMR in Biomedicine 26(11): 1555-1561.
- Jonker, J.T.; Mol, P. de; Vries, S.T. de; Widya, R.L.; Hammer, S.; Schinkel, L.D. van; Meer, R.W. van der; Gans, R.O.B.; Webb, A.G.; Kan, H.E.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Bilo, H.J.G. & Lamb, H.J. (2013), Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Changes in Tissue-specific Fat Distribution and Cardiac Function, Radiology 269(2): 433-441.
- Hooijmans, M.T.; Wokke, B.H.A.; Bergen, J.C. van den; Aartsma-Rus, A.A.; Niks, E.H.; Webb, A.G.; Verschuuren, J.J.G. & Kan, H.E. (2013), Elevated muscle metabolites in Becker muscular dystrophy detected by MR spectroscopy, Neuromuscular Disorders 23(9-10): 811-811.
- Wokke, B.H.; Bos, C.; Reijnierse, M.; Rijswijk, C.S. van; Eggers, H.; Webb, A.; Verschuuren, J.J. & Kan, H.E. (2013), Comparison of dixon and T1-weighted MR methods to assess the degree of fat infiltration in duchenne muscular dystrophy patients, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 38(3): 619-624.
- Brand, R.C.; Webb, A.G. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2013), Design and Performance of a Transformer-Coupled Double Resonant Quadrature Birdcage Coil for Localized Proton and Phosphorus Spectroscopy in the Human Calf Muscle at 7 T, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: Bridging Education and Research 42(5): 155-164.
- Kroner, E.S.J.; Versluis, M.J.; Brouwer, N.J.; Wall, E.E. van der; Roos, A. de; Webb, A.G.; Siebelink, H.J. & Lamb, H.J. (2012), Ultra high field magnetic resonance carotid vessel wall imaging: comparison between 7T and 3T, European Heart Journal 33: 257-258.
- Dzyubachyk, O.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Blaas, J.; Reijnierse, M.; Webb, A. & Geest, R.J. van der (2012), Automated algorithm for reconstruction of the complete spine from multistation 7T MR data.
- Voorham-van der Zalm, P.J.; Voorham, J.C.; Bos, T.W.L. van den; Ouwerkerk, T.J.; Putter, H.; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Webb, A.; DeRuiter, M.C. & Pelger, R.C.M. (2012), Reliability and differentiation of pelvic floor muscle electromyography measurements in healthy volunteers using a new device: The multiple array probe leiden (MAPLe)., Neurourology and Urodynamics.
- Dimitrov, I.E.; Douglas, D.; Ren, J.M.; Smith, N.B.; Webb, A.G.; Sherry, A.D. & Malloy, C.R. (2012), In vivo determination of human breast fat composition by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 7 T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67(1): 20-26.
- Webb, A. (2012), Increasing the Sensitivity of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging, Analytical Chemistry 84(1): 9-16.
- Kroner, E.S.J.; Schinkel, L.D. van; Versluis, M.J.; Brouwer, N.J.; Boogaard, P.J. van den; Wall, E.E. van der; Roos, A. de; Webb, A.G.; Siebelink, H.M.J. & Lamb, H.J. (2012), Ultrahigh-Field 7-T Magnetic Resonance Carotid Vessel Wall Imaging Initial Experience in Comparison With 3-T Field Strength, Investigative Radiology 47(12): 697-704.
- Dumas, E.M.; Versluis, M.J.; Bogaard, S.J.A. van den; Osch, M.J.P. van; Hart, E.P.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G.; Grond, J. van der & Roos, R.A.C. (2012), Elevated brain iron is independent from atrophy in Huntington's Disease, NeuroImage 61(3): 558-564.
- Liem, M.K.; Oberstein, S.A.J.L.; Versluis, M.J.; Maat-Schieman, M.L.C.; Haan, J.; Webb, A.G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Buchem, M.A. van & Grond, J. van der (2012), 7 T MRI reveals diffuse iron deposition in putamen and caudate nucleus in CADASIL, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83(12): 1180-1185.
- Versluis, M.J.; Grond, J. van der; Buchem, M.A. van; Zijl, P. van & Webb, A.G. (2012), High-Field Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neuroimaging Clinics of North America 22(2): 159-+.
- Wijsman, C.A.; Opstal, A.M. van; Mooijaart, S.P.; Maier, A.B.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Kan, H.E.; Webb, A. & Heemst, D. van (2012), INTRAMYOCELLULAR LIPID CONTENT IN FAMILIAL LONGEVITY: THE LEIDEN LONGEVITY STUDY, Age and Ageing 41: 1-1.
- Teeuwisse, W.M.; Brink, W.M.; Haines, K.N. & Webb, A.G. (2012), Simulations of high permittivity materials for 7 T neuroimaging and evaluation of a new barium titanate-based dielectric.
- Sonmez, A.E.; Webb, A.G.; Spees, W.M.; Ozcan, A. & Tsekos, N.V. (2012), A system for endoscopic mechanically scanned localized proton MR and light-induced fluorescence emission spectroscopies, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 222: 16-25.
- Doan, N.T.; Rooden, S. van; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A.G.; Grond, J. van der; Buchem, M.A. van; Reiber, J.H.C. & Milles, J. (2012), Combined magnitude and phase-based segmentation of the cerebral cortex in 7T MR images of the elderly, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 36(1): 99-109.
- Versluis, M.J.; Sutton, B.P.; Bruin, P.W. de; Bornert, P.; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J. van (2012), Retrospective image correction in the presence of nonlinear temporal magnetic field changes using multichannel navigator echoes, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68(6): 1836-1845.
- Heer, P. de; Brink, W.M.; Kooij, B.J. & Webb, A.G. (2012), Increasing signal homogeneity and image quality in abdominal imaging at 3 T with very high permittivity materials, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68(4): 1317-1324.
- Aussenhofer, S.A. & Webb, A.G. (2012), Design and evaluation of a detunable water-based quadrature HEM11 mode dielectric resonator as a new type of volume coil for high field MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68(4): 1325-1331.
- Straathof, C.S.M.; Doorenweerd, N.; Wokke, B.H.A.; Dumas, E.M.; Webb, A.G.; Buchem, M.A.; Niks, E.H.; Verschuuren, J.J.G. & Kan, H.E. (2012), Temporal muscle hypertrophy and skull morphology in DMD patients.
- Webb, A.G. (2012), Visualization and characterization of pure and coupled modes in water-based dielectric resonators on a human 7T scanner, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 216: 107-113.
- Teeuwisse, W.M.; Brink, W.M.; Haines, K.N. & Webb, A.G. (2012), Simulations of high permittivity materials for 7 T neuroimaging and evaluation of a new barium titanate-based dielectric, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67(4): 912-918.
- Teeuwisse, W.M.; Brink, W.M. & Webb, A.G. (2012), Quantitative assessment of the effects of high-permittivity pads in 7 Tesla MRI of the brain, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67(5): 1285-1293.
- Ghariq, E.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J.P. van (2012), Feasibility of pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling at 7 T with whole-brain coverage.
- Kroner, E.S.; Schinkel, L. van; Versluis, M.; Bax, J.; Wall, E. van der; Webb, A.; Siebelink, H.J. & Lamb, H. (2012), ULTRA HIGH FIELD MR CAROTID VESSEL WALL IMAGING: COMPARISON BETWEEN 7T AND 3T, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 59(13): E1243-E1243.
- Rijn, G.A. van; Mourik, J.E.M.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Webb, A.G. (2012), Magnetic Resonance Compatibility of Intraocular Lenses Measured at 7 Tesla, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 53(7): 3449-3453.
- Bleeker, E.J.W.; Webb, A.G.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Buchem, M.A. van & Osch, M.J.P. van (2012), Evaluation of signal formation in local arterial input function measurements of dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67(5): 1324-1331.
- Kan, H.E.; Techawiboonwong, A.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Versluis, M.J.; Deelchand, D.K.; Henry, P.G.; Marjanska, M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G. & Ronen, I. (2012), Differences in apparent diffusion coefficients of brain metabolites between grey and white matter in the human brain measured at 7 T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67(5): 1203-1209.
- Wijsman, C.A.; Opstal, A.M. van; Kan, H.E.; Maier, A.B.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Slagboom, P.E.; Webb, A.G.; Mooijaart, S.P. & Heemst, D. van (2012), Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy shows lower intramyocellular lipid accumulation in middle-aged subjects predisposed to familial longevity, AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism 302(3): E344-E348.
- Voorham-Van der Zalm, P.J.; Voorham, H.C.; , B.C.W.L. van den; Ruiter, M.C. de; Ouwerkerk, T.J.; Putter, H.; Wasser, M.; Webb, A. & Pelger, R.C. (2012), Reliability of pelvic floor muscle EMG values measured in healthy volunteers using a new device: The Multiple Array Probe (MAPLe), European Urology Supplements 11(1): E624-U339.
- Bogaard, S.J.A. van den; Dumas, E.M.; Teeuwisse, W.; Kan, H.E.; Webb, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Roos, R.A.C. & Groud, J. van der (2012), FROM PREMANIFEST TO MANIFEST HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE: A 2-YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY WITH MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY AT 7 TESLA, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83: A30-A30.
- Kroner, E.S.; Versluis, M.; Wall, E. van der; Roos, A. de; Webb, A.; Siebelink, H.M. & Lamb, H. (2012), Ultra High Field 7T MR Carotid Vessel Wall Imaging: Comparison with 3T, Circulation 126(21).
- Vossen, M.; Teeuwisse, W.; Reijnierse, M.; Collins, C.M.; Smith, N.B. & Webb, A.G. (2011), A radiofrequency coil configuration for imaging the human vertebral column at 7T., Journal of Magnetic Resonance 208(2): 291-7.
- Jonker, J.T.; Mol, P. de; Vries, S.T. de; Widya, R.L.; Kan, H.E.; Hammer, S.; Gans, R.O.B.; Dikkeschei, L.D.; Webb, A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Bilo, H.J.G. & Lamb, H.J. (2011), Exercise training in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus induces tissue specific changes in (ectopic) fat content, Diabetologia 54: S249-S249.
- Vossen, M.; Teeuwisse, W.; Reijnierse, M.; Collins, C.M.; Smith, N.B. & Webb, A.G. (2011), A radiofrequency coil configuration for imaging the human vertebral column at 7 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 208(2): 291-297.
- Bleeker, E.J.W.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Connelly, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G. & Calamante, F. (2011), New Criterion to Aid Manual and Automatic Selection of the Arterial Input Function in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 65(2): 448-456.
- Webb, A.G. (2011), Dielectric Materials in Magnetic Resonance, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: Bridging Education and Research 38A(4): 148-184.
- Bleeker, E.J.W.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Connelly, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G. & Calamante, F. (2011), New criterion to aid manual and automatic selection of the arterial input function in dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI.
- Wokke, B.; Bergen, J. van den; Bos, C.; Webb, A.; Ginjaar, I.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Verschuuren, J. & Kan, H. (2011), Inter- and intra muscle fat fraction variability in DMD patients.
- Bogaard, S.J.A. van den; Dumas, E.M.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Kan, H.E.; Webb, A.; Roos, R.A.C. & Grond, J. van der (2011), Exploratory 7-Tesla magnetic resonance spectroscopy in Huntington's disease provides in vivo evidence for impaired energy metabolism, Journal of Neurology 258(12): 2230-2239.
- Webb, A.G.; Smith, N.B.; Aussenhofer, S. & Kan, H.E. (2011), Use of Tailored Higher Modes of a Birdcage to Design a Simple Double-Tuned Proton/Phosphorus Coil for Human Calf Muscle Studies at 7 T, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering 39B(2): 89-97.
- Bogaard, S.J.A. van den; Dumas, E.M.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Kan, H.E.; Webb, A.; Roos, R.A.C. & Grond, J. van der (2011), Exploratory 7-Tesla magnetic resonance spectroscopy in Huntington's disease provides in vivo evidence for impaired energy metabolism., Journal of Neurology.
- Snaar, J.E.M.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Versluis, M.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Kan, H.E.; Smith, N.B. & Webb, A.G. (2011), Improvements in high-field localized MRS of the medial temporal lobe in humans using new deformable high-dielectric materials, NMR in Biomedicine 24(7): 873-879.
- Magin, R.L.; Akpa, B.S.; Neuberger, T. & Webb, A.G. (2011), Fractional order analysis of Sephadex gel structures: NMR measurements reflecting anomalous diffusion, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16(12): 4581-4587.
- Voorham-van der Zalm, P.; Voorham, J.; Bos, T. van den; Ruiter, M. de; Ouwerkerk, T.; Putter, H.; Wasser, M.; Webb, A. & Pelger, R. (2011), RELIABILITY OF PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLE EMG VALUES MEASURED IN HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS USING A NEW DEVICE: THE MULTIPLE ARRAY PROBE (MAPLE)., Neurourology and Urodynamics 30(6): 991-992.
- Nabuurs, R.J.A.; Hegeman, I.; Natte, R.; Duinen, S.G. van; Buchem, M.A. van; Weerd, L. van der & Webb, A.G. (2011), High-field MRI of single histological slices using an inductively coupled, self-resonant microcoil: application to ex vivo samples of patients with Alzheimer's disease, NMR in Biomedicine 24(4): 351-357.
- Versluis, M.J.; Kan, H.E.; Buchem, M.A. van & Webb, A.G. (2010), Improved Signal to Noise in Proton Spectroscopy of the Human Calf Muscle at 7 T Using Localized B-1 Calibration, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(1): 207-211.
- Teeuwisse, W.M.; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J.R. van (2010), Arterial Spin Labeling at Ultra-High Field: All That Glitters is Not Gold, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 20(1): 62-70.
- Kan, H.E.; Klomp, D.W.J.; Wong, C.S.; Boer, V.O.; Webb, A.G.; Luijten, P.R. & Jeneson, J.A. (2010), In vivo P-31 MRS detection of an alkaline inorganic phosphate pool with short T1 in human resting skeletal muscle, NMR in Biomedicine 23(8): 995-1000.
- Kan, H.E.; Klomp, D.W.J.; Wong, C.S.; Boer, V.O.; Webb, A.G.; Luijten, P.R. & Jeneson, J.A. (2010), In vivo 31P MRS detection of an alkaline inorganic phosphate pool with short T1 in human resting skeletal muscle.
- Haines, K.; Smith, N.B. & Webb, A.G. (2010), New high dielectric constant materials for tailoring the B-1(+) distribution at high magnetic fields, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 203(2): 323-327.
- Webb, A.G. & Collins, C.M. (2010), Parallel Transmit and Receive Technology in High-Field Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 20(1): 2-13.
- Mandell, J.G.; Neuberger, T.; Drapaca, C.S.; Webb, A.G. & Schiff, S.J. (2010), The dynamics of brain and cerebrospinal fluid growth in normal versus hydrocephalic mice Laboratory investigation, Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 6(1): 1-10.
- Ferreira, T.; Verbist, B.; Buchem, M. van; Osch, T. van & Webb, A. (2010), Imaging the ocular motor nerves, European Journal of Radiology 74(2): 314-322.
- Versluis, M.J.; Peeters, J.M.; Rooden, S. van; Grond, J. van der; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J.P. van (2010), Origin and reduction of motion and f0 artifacts in high resolution T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: application in Alzheimer's disease patients.
- Versluis, M.J.; Peeters, J.M.; Rooden, S. van; Grond, J. van der; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J.P. van (2010), Origin and reduction of motion and f0 artifacts in high resolution T-2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: Application in Alzheimer's disease patients, NeuroImage 51(3): 1082-1088.
- Ronen, I. (2010), Studying Brain Cytoarchitecture with MRI-Present, Future and Promises of High Field, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 20(1): 57-61.
- Bleeker, E.J.W.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Connelly, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G. & Calamante, F. (2010), New criterion to aid manual and automatic selection of the arterial input function in dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI.
- Oh, S.; Webb, A.G.; Neuberger, T.; Park, B. & Collins, C.M. (2010), Experimental and Numerical Assessment of MRI-Induced Temperature Change and SAR Distributions in Phantoms and In Vivo, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(1): 218-223.
- Park, B.; Neuberger, T.; Webb, A.G.; Bigler, D.C. & Collins, C.M. (2010), Faraday shields within a solenoidal coil to reduce sample heating: Numerical comparison of designs and experimental verification, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 202(1): 72-77.
- Straathof, C.S.M.; Wokke, B.H.A.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G.; Verschuuren, J.J.G. & Kan, H.E. (2010), MR imaging and spectroscopy of the brain in DMD, Neuromuscular Disorders 20(9-10): 664-664.
- Liem, M.K.; Grond, J. van der; Versluis, M.J.; Haan, J.; Webb, A.G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Buchem, M.A. van & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2010), Lenticulostriate Arterial Lumina Are Normal in Cerebral Autosomal-Dominant Arteriopathy With Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy A High-Field In Vivo MRI Study, Stroke 41(12): 2812-2816.
- Liem, M.K.; Grond, J. van der; Versluis, M.J.; Haan, J.; Webb, A.G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Buchem, M.A. van & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2010), Lenticulostriate arterial lumina are normal in cerebral autosomal-dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy: a high-field in vivo MRI study.
- Snaar, J.E.M.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Versluis, M.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Kan, H.E.; Smith, N.B. & Webb, A.G. (2010), Improvements in high-field localized MRS of the medial temporal lobe in humans using new deformable high-dielectric materials.
- Versluis, M.J.; Kan, H.E.; Buchem, M.A. van & Webb, A.G. (2010), Improved signal to noise in proton spectroscopy of the human calf muscle at 7 T using localized B1 calibration.
- Bleeker, E.J.W.; Buchem, M.A. van; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J.P. van (2010), Phase-Based Arterial Input Function Measurements for Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 64(2): 358-368.
- van Buchem MA, van der Grond J, Versluis M, van Osch MJP, Teeuwisse W, Kan H & Webb AG (2010), HIGH FIELD CLINICAL MRI NEUROIMAGING, 2010 7TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMEDICAL IMAGING: FROM NANO TO MACRO: 573-574.
- Webb, A.G.; Collins, C.M.; Versluis, M.J.; Kan, H.E. & Smith, N.B. (2010), MRI and Localized Proton Spectroscopy in Human Leg Muscle at 7 Tesla Using Longitudinal Traveling Waves, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(2): 297-302.
- Elderen, S.G.C. van; Versluis, M.J.; Westenberg, J.J.M.; Agarwal, H.; Smith, N.B.; Stuber, M.; Roos, A. de & Webb, A.G. (2010), Right Coronary MR Angiography at 7 T: A Direct Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison with 3 T in Young Healthy Volunteers, Radiology 257(1): 254-259.
- Brandts, A.; Westenberg, J.J.M.; Versluis, M.J.; Kroft, L.J.M.; Smith, N.B.; Webb, A.G. & Roos, A. de (2010), Quantitative Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Humans at 7 T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 64(5): 1472-1478.
- Dumas, E.; Versluis, M.; Bogaard, S.J.A. van den; Webb, A.; Grond, J. van der & Roos, R.A.C. (2010), CHANGES IN IRON CONCENTRATIONS IN HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 81: A37-A37.
- Versluis MJ, Tsekos N, Smith NB & Webb AG (2009), Simple RF design for human functional and morphological cardiac imaging at 7 tesla, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 200(1): 161-166.
- Versluis MJ, Tsekos N, Smith NB & Webb AG (2009), Simple RF design for human functional and morphological cardiac imaging at 7tesla., Journal of Magnetic Resonance 200(1): 161-6.
- Park B, Webb AG & Collins CM (2009), A method to separate conservative and magnetically-induced electric fields in calculations for MRI and MRS in electrically-small samples, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 199(2): 233-237.
- Haines K, Neuberger T, Lanagan M, Semouchkina E & Webb AG (2009), High Q calcium titanate cylindrical dielectric resonators for magnetic resonance microimaging, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 200(2): 349-353.
- Mueller MF, Blaimer M, Breuer F, Lanz T, Webb A, Griswold M & Jakob P (2009), Double Spiral Array Coil Design for Enhanced 3D Parallel MRI at 1.5 Tesla, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering 35B(2): 67-79.
- van Elderen SG, Versluis MJ, Webb AG, Westenberg JJ, Doornbos J, Smith NB, de Roos A & Stuber M (2009), Initial results on in vivo human coronary MR angiography at 7 T.
- van Elderen SGC, Versluis MJ, Webb AG, Westenberg JJM, Doornbos J, Smith NB, de Roos A & Stuber M (2009), Initial Results on In Vivo Human Coronary MR Angiography at 7 T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 62(6): 1379-1384.
- Wang T, Ciobanu L, Zhang XZ & Webb A (2008), inductively Coupled RF Coil Design for Simultaneous Microimaging of Multiple Samples, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering 33B(4).