Andrea Giolai
University lecturer
- Naam
- Dr. A. Giolai
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4732
- 0000-0002-0215-5976

Andrea Giolai is universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies.
University lecturer
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Japan
- Giolai A. Hojo T. 3 november 2023, Tomoko Hojo with Andrea Giolai. Artery. A podcast on art, authorship and anthropology s02e03 [podcast].
- Giolai A. (2022), Musical instruments in Nō: the warp and the weft. In: Boscolo Marchi M. (red.), Trame Giapponesi / Japanese tales. Venice: Antiga Edizioni. 75-98.
- Giolai A. (2021), Case study: the Matsuri as sonic event. In: Rambelli F., Baffelli E. & Castiglioni A. (red.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions. Bloomsbury Handbooks. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 217-219.
- Giolai A., Takuwa S. & Masaaki U. (red.) (2021), 雅楽のイロイロを科学する本 / Toward a scientific study of the Gagaku world. Kyoto: Research Institute for Japanese Traditional Music.
- Giolai A. (2021), Hearing the past, sounding the text: on Gagaku as acoustic palimpsest. In: Giolai A., Takuwa S. & Ueno M. (red.), 雅楽のイロイロを科学する本 / Toward A Scientific Study of The Gagaku World . Kyoto: Research Institute for Japanese Traditional Music. i-xxiv.
- Giolai A. (2020), Il Gagaku al Teatro Nazionale di Tokyo (1966-2016). Fare e Disfare la Tradizione” (Gagaku at Tokyo National Theater (1966-2016). Doing and Undoing Tradition). In: Caroli R., Negri C. & Ruperti B. (red.), Sguardi sul Giappone. Venice: Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina. 255-272.
- Giolai A. (2020), Encounters with the past: fractals and atmospheres at Kasuga Wakamiya Onmatsuri, Journal of Religion in Japan 9(1-3): 213-247.
- Giolai A. (2019), Sensing the Music: Oral Mnemonics as a ‘Technique of Affective Sensitization’ in Japanese Court Music, Asian Anthropology 18(3): .
- Giolai A. (2018), Steps to an ecology of Gagaku: nature, place and sound in Japanese ‘court music'. In: Mariotti M., Novielli M.R., Ruperti B. & Vesco S. (red.), Rethinking nature in Post-Fukushima Japan: facing the crisis. Venice: Ca’ Foscari University Press. 49-69.
- Giolai A. (2017), Il Suono-Il Corpo-Il Cosmo. La Trasmissione del Sapere Dottrinale nel Canto Liturgico Buddhista Giapponese (Body-Sound-Cosmos. The Transmission of Doctrinal Knowledge in Japanese Buddhist Chant). In: Casadei Turroni Monti M. & Ruini C. (red.), Musica e Esperienza Religiosa. Milano: Franco Angeli. 102-118.
- Giolai A. (3 mei 2017), Decentering Gagaku. Exploring the multiplicity of contemporary Japanese Court music (Dissertatie. Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), Humanities, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Cwiertka K., Ruperti B.
- Giolai A. (2016), Passion Attendance: Becoming a ‘Sensitized Practitioner’ in Japanese Court Music, Antropologia e Teatro: Rivista di Studi 7: 244-266.
- Giolai A. (2013), Borders of Tradition: Social Innovation, Hybridity and Consumption of Traditional Music in Contemporary Japan. Asato W. & Aoyama K. (red.), Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres: Proceedings of the 5th Next-Generation Global Workshop. . Kyoto: Kyoto University. 601-613.