Alexander Gorbalenya
Emeritus hoogleraar Toegepaste bioinformatica in de virologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.E. Gorbalenya
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 3931
- 0000-0002-4967-7341
Alexander E. Gorbalenya is hoogleraar medische microbiologie. Hij is met name gespecialiseerd in virus bioinformatics. Hij is hoofd van het virusevolutie- en bioinformaticalab bij de onderzoeksafdeling. Hij is ook visiting professor aan de faculteit Bioengineering & Bioinformatics van de Lomonosov Moscow State University in Moskou, Rusland. Daarnaast was hij van 2009-2017 bijzonder hoogleraar Toegepaste bio-informatica in de virologie vanwege het LUF (Leids Universiteits Fonds) en was hij van 2011 tot 2017 vice-voorzitter van het International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.
Meer informatie over Alexander Gorbalenya
De mens heeft te maken met diverse ziekten die worden veroorzaakt door virussen, variërend van een verkoudheid tot dodelijke ziekten. Toch komt het ook voor dat virusinfecties niet schadelijk zijn voor hun gastheer of dat deze er zelfs baat bij heeft. Bepaalde pathogene virussen die circuleren in de humane populatie zijn gastheerspecifiek, terwijl andere voortkomen of zijn voortgekomen uit goedaardige virussen die mensen of andere dieren infecteerden ('emerging infections').Het feit dat virussen zich zo snel kunnen ontwikkelen, speelt een cruciale rol bij zowel de pathogeniteit als het enorme aanpassingsvermogen van virussen aan verschillende gastheren. De enorme natuurlijke verscheidenheid aan virussen, waarvan onderzoekers eigenlijk nog maar een fractie hebben beschreven, vormt de grootste uitdaging bij onze pogingen om inzicht te krijgen in de virosfeer en virusinfecties te beheersen.
Gorbalenya houdt zich hiermee bezig door bio-informatica toe te passen op genoomsequenties – de meest betrouwbare, uitgebreide en actuele informatiebron over virussen. Dit onderzoek profiteert zowel van de gestage ontwikkeling in de automatisering als van de exponentiële toename van in kaart gebrachte virusgenoomsequenties. We ontwikkelen en gebruiken op genomica gebaseerde computerberekeningen voor de differentiatie van virussen en om inzicht te krijgen in hun functie, structuur en evolutie. Op basis van de analyses wordt experimenteel onderzoek uitgevoerd. Bovendien bevorderen zij het onderzoek naar virusdiagnostiek en de ontwikkeling van antivirale middelen.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
A.E. (Alexander/Sasha) Gorbalenya (1952), PhD, DSci studeerde genetica aan de Novosibirsk State University, Rusland, (MSc, 1974) en biochemie van virussen aan het Institute of Poliomyelitis in Moskou en het Institute of Molecular Biology, Koltsovo (PhD, 1984). In 1991 behaalde hij zijn DSci in moleculaire biologie aan de Lomonosov Moscow State University, Rusland. Hij was hoofdonderzoeker aan het Institute of Poliomyelitis voordat hij in 1998 als gastwetenschapper naar het National Cancer Institute in Frederick (VS) ging. Alexander Gorbalenya werkt sinds 2001 bij het LUMC als universitair hoofddocent en groepshoofd van de afdeling Medische Microbiologie, waar hij van 2009 tot 2017 buitengewoon hoogleraar was. Hij is nu nog parttime hoogleraar. Hij geeft leiding aan het gezamenlijke MoBiLe-bio-informaticaprogramma (Moscow-Bioinformatics-Leiden) van het LUMC en de Moscow State University. Bij zijn promotieonderzoek maakte Gorbalenya als een van de eersten gebruik van de toen nog innovatieve, vergelijkende sequentieanalyse om de structuur, functie en evolutie van virussen te bestuderen. Dit werd uiteindelijk zijn roeping binnen de virologie. Hij wil de natuurlijke variatie van virusgenomen onderzoeken, zodat we een beter inzicht krijgen in de biologie van de interactie tussen virus en gastheer, en de toepassingen hiervan op de beheersing van virusinfecties. Het onderzoek heeft diverse nationale en Europese subsidies ontvangen. De resultaten zijn in ruim 200 artikelen en hoofdstukken van boeken gepubliceerd.
Gorbalenya's oratie (in het Engels) op 20 juni 2011 was getiteld: “Could we live in peace with viruses?” (Zouden wij in vrede met virussen kunnen leven?)
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Gorbalenya is sinds 2013 redacteur van Virology (met specialisatie virusevolutie), en zit in de redactie van de J. of Virology en Virus Research. Hij was gastredacteur van Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA en PLoS Pathogens, en lid van de redactieraad van de J. of General Virology. Hij zat in het adviesorgaan voor de Virus Genomes Database van het NCBI (VS), de adviesraad voor het 15e en 16e International Congress of Virology (2011 en 2014) en in diverse andere internationale commissies en besturen op het gebied van virussen en bio-informatica. Hij was ad-hoc reviewer voor tientallen internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften en voor subsidieverlenende instanties in Rusland, Israël, het VK, Nederland, Frankrijk en andere EU-landen. Van 2005 tot 2011 was hij een gekozen lid van de Executive Committee van het International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, en van 2011 tot 2017 vice-voorzitter van datzelfde orgaan.
Emeritus hoogleraar Toegepaste bioinformatica in de virologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Medische Microbiologie
- Gorbalenya, A.E. & Perlman, S. (2023), What's what in a pandemic? Virus, disease, and societal disaster must be differentiated, PLoS Biology 21(5).
- Kamminga, S.; Sidorov, I.A.; Tadesse, M.; Meijden, E. van der; Brouwer, C. de; Zaaijer, H.L.; Feltkamp, M.C.W. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2022), Translating genomic exploration of the family Polyomaviridae into confident human polyomavirus detection, iScience 25(1).
- Seabra, S.G.; Libin, P.J.K.; Theys, K.; Zhukova, A.; Potter, B.I.; Nebenzahl-Guimaraes, H.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Sidorov, I.A.; Pimentel, V.; Pingarilho, M.; Vasconcelos, A.T.R. de; Dellicour, S.; Khouri, R.; Gascuel, O.; Vandamme, A.M.; Baele, G.; Cuypers, L. & Abecasis, A.B. (2022), Genome-wide diversity of Zika virus, Virus Evolution 8(1).
- Gorbalenya, A.E. & Anisimova, M. (2022), Editorial overview: Virus bioinformatics - empowering genomics of pathogens, viromes, and the virosphere across divergence scales, Current Opinion in Virology 52: 161-165.
- Gorbalenya, A.E. & Lauber, C. (2022), Bioinformatics of virus taxonomy: foundations and tools for developing sequence-based hierarchical classification, Current Opinion in Virology 52: 48-56.
- Pan, R.G.; Kindler, E.; Cao, L.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, Q.Y.; Ebert, N.; Zust, R.; Sun, Y.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Perlman, S.; Thiel, V.; Chen, Y. & Guo, D.Y. (2022), N7-methylation of the coronavirus RNA cap Is required for maximal virulence by preventing innate immune recognition, mBio 13(1).
- Slanina, H.; Madhugiri, R.; Bylapudi, G.; Schultheiss, K.; Karl, N.; Gulyaeva, A.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Linne, U. & Ziebuhr, J. (2021), Coronavirus replication-transcription complex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(6).
- Konings, F.; Perkins, M.D.; Kuhn, J.H.; Pallen, M.J.; Alm, E.J.; Archer, B.N.; Barakat, A.; Bedford, T.; Bhiman, J.N.; Caly, L.; Carter, L.L.; Cullinane, A.; Oliveira, T. de; Druce, J.; Masry, I. el; Evans, R.; Gao, G.F.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Hamblion, E.; Herring, B.L.; Hodcroft, E.; Holmes, E.C.; Kakkar, M.; Khare, S.; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Korber, B.; Leite, J.; MacCannell, D.; Marklewitz, M.; Maurer-Stroh, S.; Rico, J.A.M.; Munster, V.J.; Neher, R.; Munnink, B.O.; Pavlin, B.I.; Peiris, M.; Poon, L.; Pybus, O.; Rambaut, A.; Resende, P.; Subissi, L.; Thiel, V.; Tong, S.X.; Werf, S. van der; Gottberg, A. von; Ziebuhr, J. & Kerkhove, M.D. van (2021), SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest and concern naming scheme conducive for global discourse, Nature Microbiology 6(7): 821-823.
- Calisher, C.H.; Carroll, D.; Colwell, R.; Corley, R.B.; Daszak, P.; Drosten, C.; Enjuanes, L.; Farrar, J.; Field, H.; Golding, J.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Haagmans, B.; Hughes, J.M.; Keusch, G.T.; Lam, S.K.; Lubroth, J.; Mackenzie, J.S.; Madoff, L.; Mazet, J.K.; Perlman, S.M.; Poon, L.; Saif, L.; Subbarao, K. & Turner, M. (2021), Science, not speculation, is essential to determine how SARS-CoV-2 reached humans.
- Gorbalenya, A.E. & Siddell, S.G. (2021), Recognizing species as a new focus of virus research, PLoS Pathogens 17(3).
- Jungreis, I.; Nelson, C.W.; Ardern, Z.; Finkel, Y.; Krogan, N.J.; Sato, K.; Ziebuhr, J.; Stern-Ginossar, N.; Pavesi, A.; Firth, A.E.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Kellis, M. (2021), Conflicting and ambiguous names of overlapping ORFs in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, Virology 558: 145-151.
- Gulyaeva, A.A. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2021), A nidovirus perspective on SARS-CoV-2, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 538: 24-34.
- Zell, R.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Knowles, N.J.; Simmonds, P. & Skern, T. (2020), How to recognise and deal with dubious virus sequences?
- Gorbalenya, A.E.; Krupovic, M.; Mushegian, A.; Kropinski, A.M.; Siddell, S.G.; Varsani, A.; Adams, M.J.; Davison, A.J.; Dutilh, B.E.; Harrach, B.; Harrison, R.L.; Junglen, S.; King, A.M.Q.; Knowles, N.J.; Lefkowitz, E.J.; Nibert, M.L.; Rubino, L.; Sabanadzovic, S.; Sanfa?on, H.; Simmonds, P.; Walker, P.J.; Zerbini, F.M.; Kuhn, J.H. & Viruses Executive Comm (2020), The new scope of virus taxonomy, Nature Microbiology 5(5): 668-674.
- Gulyaeva, A.A.; Sigorskih, A.I.; Ocheredko, E.S.; Samborskiy, D.V. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2020), LAMPA, LArge Multidomain Protein Annotator, and its application to RNA virus polyproteins, Bioinformatics 36(9): 2731-2739.
- Calisher, C.; Carroll, D.; Colwell, R.; Corley, R.B.; Daszak, P.; Drosten, C.; Enjuanes, L.; Farrar, J.M.; Field, H.; Golding, J.; Gorbalenya, A.; Haagmans, B.; Hughes, J.M.; Karesh, W.B.; Keusch, G.T.; Lam, S.K.; Lubroth, J.; Mackenzie, J.S.; Madoff, L.; Mazet, J.; Palese, P.; Perlman, S.; Poon, L.; Roizman, B.; Sail, L.; Subbarao, K. & Turner, M. (2020), Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19.
- Simmonds, P.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Harvala, H.; Hovi, T.; Knowles, N.J.; Lindberg, A.M.; Oberste, M.S.; Palmenberg, A.C.; Reuter, G.; Skern, T.; Tapparel, C.; Wolthers, K.C.; Woo, P.C.Y. & Zell, R. (2020), Recommendations for the nomenclature of enteroviruses and rhinoviruses, Archives of Virology 165(3): 793-797.
- Gorbalenya, A.E.; Baker, S.C.; Baric, R.S.; Groot, R.J. de; Drosten, C.; Gulyaeva, A.A.; Haagmans, B.L.; Lauber, C.; Leontovich, A.M.; Neuman, B.W.; Penzar, D.; Perlman, S.; Poon, L.L.M.; Samborskiy, D.V.; Sidorov, I.A.; Sola, I.; Ziebuhr, J. & Coronaviridae Study Grp (2020), The species Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, Nature Microbiology 5(4): 536-544.
- Kanitz, M.; Blanck, S.; Heine, A.; Gulyaeva, A.A.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Ziebuhr, J. & Diederich, W.E. (2019), Structural basis for catalysis and substrate specificity of a 3C-like cysteine protease from a mosquito mesonivirus, Virology 533: 21-33.
- Gorbalenya, A.E. (2018), Increasing the number of available ranks in virus taxonomy from five to ten and adopting the Baltimore classes as taxa at the basal rank, Archives of Virology 163(10): 2933-2936.
- Nijhuis, R.H.T.; Sidorov, I.A.; Chung, P.K.; Wessels, E.; Gulyaeva, A.A.; Vries, J.J. de; Claas, E.C.J. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2018), PCR assays for detection of human astroviruses: In silico evaluation and design, and in vitro application to samples collected from patients in the Netherlands, Journal of Clinical Virology 108: 83-89.
- King, A.M.Q.; Lefkowitz, E.J.; Mushegian, A.R.; Adams, M.J.; Dutilh, B.E.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Harrach, B.; Harrison, R.L.; Junglen, S.; Knowles, N.J.; Kropinski, A.M.; Krupovic, M.; Kuhn, J.H.; Nibert, M.L.; Rubino, L.; Sabanadzovic, S.; Sanfacon, H.; Siddell, S.G.; Simmonds, P.; Varsani, A.; Zerbini, F.M. & Davison, A.J. (2018), Changes to taxonomy and the International Code of Virus Classification and Nomenclature ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (2018), Archives of Virology 163(9): 2601-2631.
- Romette, J.L.; Prat, C.M.; Gould, E.A.; Lamballerie, X. de; Charrel, R.; Coutard, B.; Fooks, A.R.; Bardsley, M.; Carroll, M.; Drosten, C.; Drexler, J.F.; Gunther, S.; Klempa, B.; Pinschewer, D.; Klimkait, T.; Avsic-Zupanc, T.; Capobianchi, M.R.; Dicaro, A.; Ippolito, G.; Nitsche, A.; Koopmans, M.; Reusken, C.; Gorbalenya, A.; Raoul, H.; Bourhy, H.; Mettenleiter, T.; Reiche, S.; Batten, C.; Sabeta, C.; Paweska, J.T.; Eropkin, M.; Zverev, V.; Hu, Z.; Mac Cullough, S.; Mirazimi, A.; Pradel, F. & Lieutaud, P. (2018), The European Virus Archive goes global: A growing resource for research, Antiviral Research 158: 127-134.
- Saberi, A.; Gulyaeva, A.A.; Brubacher, J.L.; Newmark, P.A. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2018), A planarian nidovirus expands the limits of RNA genome size, PLoS Pathogens 14(11).
- Zell, R.; Delwart, E.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Hovi, T.; King, A.M.Q.; Knowles, N.J.; Lindberg, A.M.; Pallansch, M.A.; Palmenberg, A.C.; Reuter, G.; Simmonds, P.; Skern, T.; Stanway, G.; Yamashita, T. & ICTV Report Consortium (2017), ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Picornaviridae, Journal of General Virology 98(10): 2421-2422.
- Adams, M.J.; Lefkowitz, E.J.; King, A.M.Q.; Harrach, B.; Harrison, R.L.; Knowles, N.J.; Kropinski, A.M.; Krupovic, M.; Kuhn, J.H.; Mushegian, A.R.; Nibert, M.L.; Sabanadzovic, S.; Sanfacon, H.; Siddell, S.G.; Simmonds, P.; Varsani, A.; Zerbini, F.M.; Orton, R.J.; Smith, D.B.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Davison, A.J. (2017), 50 years of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses: progress and prospects, Archives of Virology 162(5): 1441-1446.
- Adams, M.J.; Lefkowitz, E.J.; King, A.M.Q.; Harrach, B.; Harrison, R.L.; Knowles, N.J.; Kropinski, A.M.; Krupovic, M.; Kuhn, J.H.; Mushegian, A.R.; Nibert, M.; Sabanadzovic, S.; Sanfacon, H.; Siddell, S.G.; Simmonds, P.; Varsani, A.; Zerbini, F.M.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Davison, A.J. (2017), Changes to taxonomy and the International Code of Virus Classification and Nomenclature ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (2017), Archives of Virology 162(8): 2505-2538.
- Gulyaeva, A.; Dunowska, M.; Hoogendoorn, E.; Giles, J.; Samborskiy, D. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2017), Domain Organization and Evolution of the Highly Divergent 5' Coding Region of Genomes of Arteriviruses, Including the Novel Possum Nidovirus, Journal of Virology 91(6).
- Simmonds, P.; Adams, M.J.; Benko, M.; Breitbart, M.; Brister, J.R.; Carstens, E.B.; Davison, A.J.; Delwart, E.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Harrach, B.; Hull, R.; King, A.M.Q.; Koonin, E.V.; Krupovic, M.; Kuhn, J.H.; Lefkowitz, E.J.; Nibert, M.L.; Orton, R.; Roossinck, M.J.; Sabanadzovic, S.; Sullivan, M.B.; Suttle, C.A.; Tesh, R.B.; Vlugt, R.A. van der; Varsani, A. & Zerbini, M. (2017), Virus taxonomy in the age of metagenomics, Nature Reviews Microbiology 15(3): 161-168.
- Adams, M.J.; Lefkowitz, E.J.; King, A.M.Q.; Harrach, B.; Harrison, R.L.; Knowles, N.J.; Kropinski, A.M.; Krupovic, M.; Kuhn, J.H.; Mushegian, A.R.; Nibert, M.; Sabanadzovic, S.; Sanfacon, H.; Siddell, S.G.; Simmonds, P.; Varsani, A.; Zerbini, F.M.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Davison, A.J. (2016), Ratification vote on taxonomic proposals to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (2016), Archives of Virology 161(10): 2921-2949.
- Lehmann, K.C.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Snijder, E.J. & Posthuma, C.C. (2016), Arterivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase: Vital enzymatic activity remains elusive, Virology 487: 68-74.
- Kazem, S.; Lauber, C.; Meijden, E. van der; Kooijman, S.; Kravchenko, A.A.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & TrichSpin Network (2016), Limited variation during circulation of a polyomavirus in the human population involves the COCO-VA toggling site of Middle and Alternative T-antigen(s), Virology 487: 129-140.
- Dorobantu, C.M.; Albulescu, L.; Lyoo, H.; Kampen, M. van; Francesco, R. de; Lohmann, V.; Harak, C.; Schaar, H.M. van der; Strating, J.R.P.M.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Kuppeveld, F.J.M. van (2016), Mutations in Encephalomyocarditis Virus 3A Protein Uncouple the Dependency of Genome Replication on Host Factors Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase III alpha and Oxysterol-Binding Protein, mSphere 1(3).
- Lauber, C.; Kazem, S.; Kravchenko, A.A.; Feltkamp, M.C.W. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2015), Interspecific adaptation by binary choice at de novo polyomavirus T antigen site through accelerated codon-constrained Val-Ala toggling within an intrinsically disordered region, Nucleic Acids Research 43(10): 4800-4813.
- Lehmann, K.C.; Gulyaeva, A.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Janssen, G.M.C.; Ruben, M.; Overkleeft, H.S.; Veelen, P.A. van; Samborskiy, D.V.; Kravchenko, A.A.; Leontovich, A.M.; Sidorov, I.A.; Snijder, E.J.; Posthuma, C.C. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2015), Discovery of an essential nucleotidylating activity associated with a newly delineated conserved domain in the RNA polymerase-containing protein of all nidoviruses, Nucleic Acids Research 43(17): 8416-8434.
- Lehmann, K.C.; Hooghiemstra, L.; Gulyaeva, A.; Samborskiy, D.V.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Posthuma, C.C. (2015), Arterivirus nsp12 versus the coronavirus nsp16 2 '-O-methyltransferase: comparison of the C-terminal cleavage products of two nidovirus pp1ab polyproteins, Journal of General Virology 96: 2643-2655.
- Dorobantu, C.M.; Albulescu, L.; Harak, C.; Feng, Q.; Kampen, M. van; Strating, J.R.P.M.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Lohmann, V.; Schaar, H.M. van der & Kuppeveld, F.J.M. van (2015), Modulation of the Host Lipid Landscape to Promote RNA Virus Replication: The Picornavirus Encephalomyocarditis Virus Converges on the Pathway Used by Hepatitis C Virus, PLoS Pathogens 11(9).
- Lehmann, K.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Posthuma, C.C. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2015), What we know but do not understand about nidovirus helicases, Virus Research 202: 12-32.
- Adams, M.J.; Lefkowitz, E.J.; King, A.M.Q.; Bamford, D.H.; Breitbart, M.; Davison, A.J.; Ghabrial, S.A.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Knowles, N.J.; Krell, P.; Lavigne, R.; Prangishvili, D.; Sanfacon, H.; Siddell, S.G.; Simmonds, P. & Carstens, E.B. (2015), Ratification vote on taxonomic proposals to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (2015), Archives of Virology 160(7): 1837-1850.
- Subissi, L.; Posthuma, C.C.; Collet, A.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Decroly, E.; Snijder, E.J.; Canard, B. & Imbert, I. (2014), One severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus protein complex integrates processive RNA polymerase and exonuclease activities, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(37): E3900-E3909.
- Deng, Z.Q.; Lehmann, K.C.; Li, X.R.; Feng, C.; Wang, G.Q.; Zhang, Q.; Qi, X.X.; Yu, L.; Zhang, X.L.; Feng, W.H.; Wu, W.; Gong, P.; Tao, Y.; Posthuma, C.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Chen, Z.Z. (2014), Structural basis for the regulatory function of a complex zinc-binding domain in a replicative arterivirus helicase resembling a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay helicase, Nucleic Acids Research 42(5): 3464-3477.
- Bailey-Elkin, B.A.; Knaap, R.C.M.; Johnson, G.G.; Dalebout, T.J.; Ninaber, D.K.; Kasteren, P.B. van; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M. & Mark, B.L. (2014), Crystal Structure of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Papain-like Protease Bound to Ubiquitin Facilitates Targeted Disruption of Deubiquitinating Activity to Demonstrate Its Role in Innate Immune Suppression, Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(50): 34667-34682.
- Saiyasombat, R.; Carrillo-Tripp, J.; Miller, W.A.; Bredenbeek, P.J. & Blitvich, B.J. (2014), Substitution of the premembrane and envelope protein genes of Modoc virus with the homologous sequences of West Nile virus generates a chimeric virus that replicates in vertebrate but not mosquito cells, Virology Journal 11.
- Zlateva, K.T.; Coenjaerts, F.E.J.; Crusio, K.M.; Lammens, C.; Leus, F.; Viveen, M.; Ieven, M.; Spaan, W.J.M.; Claas, E.C.J. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2013), No novel coronaviruses identified in a large collection of human nasopharyngeal specimens using family-wide CODEHOP-based primers, Archives of Virology 158(1): 251-255.
- Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Kazem, S.; Meijden, E. van der; Lauber, C. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2013), From Stockholm to Malawi: recent developments in studying human polyomaviruses, Journal of General Virology 94: 482-496.
- Kazem, S.; Lauber, C.; Meijden, E. van der; Kooijman, S.; Bialasiewicz, S.; Wang, R.C.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Feltkamp, M.C.W. & TrichSpin Network (2013), Global circulation of slowly evolving trichodysplasia spinulosa-associated polyomavirus and its adaptation to the human population through alternative T antigens, Journal of NeuroVirology 19(3): 298-299.
- Lauber, C.; Goeman, J.J.; Parquet, M.D.; Nga, P.T.; Snijder, E.J.; Morita, K. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2013), The Footprint of Genome Architecture in the Largest Genome Expansion in RNA Viruses, PLoS Pathogens 9(7).
- Groot, R.J. de; Baker, S.C.; Baric, R.S.; Brown, C.S.; Drosten, C.; Enjuanes, L.; Fouchier, R.A.M.; Galiano, M.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Memish, Z.A.; Perlman, S.; Poon, L.L.M.; Snijder, E.J.; Stephens, G.M.; Woo, P.C.Y.; Zaki, A.M.; Zambon, M. & Ziebuhr, J. (2013), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV): Announcement of the Coronavirus Study Group, Journal of Virology 87(14): 7790-7792.
- Knetsch, C.W.; Terveer, E.M.; Lauber, C.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J.; Corver, J. & Leeuwen, H.C. van (2012), Comparative analysis of an expanded Clostridium difficile reference strain collection reveals genetic diversity and evolution through six lineages, Infection, Genetics and Evolution 12(7): 1577-1585.
- Lauber, C. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2012), Toward Genetics-Based Virus Taxonomy: Comparative Analysis of a Genetics-Based Classification and the Taxonomy of Picornaviruses, Journal of Virology 86(7): 3905-3915.
- Lauber, C. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2012), Genetics-Based Classification of Filoviruses Calls for Expanded Sampling of Genomic Sequences, VIRUSES-BASEL 4(9): 1425-1437.
- Zhao, L.; Jha, B.K.; Wu, A.; Elliott, R.; Ziebuhr, J.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Silverman, R.H. & Weiss, S.R. (2012), Antagonism of the Interferon-Induced OAS-RNase L Pathway by Murine Coronavirus ns2 Protein Is Required for Virus Replication and Liver Pathology, Cell Host and Microbe 11(6): 607-616.
- Lauber, C.; Ziebuhr, J.; Junglen, S.; Drosten, C.; Zirkel, F.; Nga, P.T.; Morita, K.; Snijder, E.J. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2012), Mesoniviridae: a proposed new family in the order Nidovirales formed by a single species of mosquito-borne viruses, Archives of Virology 157(8): 1623-1628.
- Lauber, C. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2012), Partitioning the Genetic Diversity of a Virus Family: Approach and Evaluation through a Case Study of Picornaviruses, Journal of Virology 86(7): 3890-3904.
- Boheemen, S. van; Graaf, M. de; Lauber, C.; Bestebroer, T.M.; Raj, V.S.; Zaki, A.M.; Osterhaus, A.D.M.E.; Haagmans, B.L.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Snijder, E.J. & Fouchier, R.A.M. (2012), Genomic characterization of a newly discovered coronavirus associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome in humans, mBio 3(6): -.
- Horst, D.; Burmeister, W.P.; Boer, I.G.J.; Leeuwen, D. van; Buisson, M.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Wiertz, E.J.H.J. & Ressing, M.E. (2012), The "Bridge" in the Epstein-Barr Virus Alkaline Exonuclease Protein BGLF5 Contributes to Shutoff Activity during Productive Infection, Journal of Virology 86(17): 9175-9187.
- Jha, B.K.; Zhao, L.; Wu, A.; Elliot, R.; Ziebuhr, J.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Weiss, S.R. & Silverman, R.H. (2012), Evasion of the OAS-RNase L pathway by murine coronavirus ns2 protein is required for viral replication and hepatitis, Cytokine 59(3): 511-511.
- Teterina, N.L.; Lauber, C.; Jensen, K.S.; Levenson, E.A.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Ehrenfeld, E. (2011), Identification of tolerated insertion sites in poliovirus non-structural proteins, Virology 409(1): 1-11.
- Costenaro, L.; Kaczmarska, Z.; Arnan, C.; Janowski, R.; Coutard, B.; Sola, M.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Norder, H.; Canard, B. & Coll, M. (2011), Structural Basis for Antiviral Inhibition of the Main Protease, 3C, from Human Enterovirus 93, Journal of Virology 85(20): 10764-10773.
- Norder, H.; Palma, A.M. de; Selisko, B.; Costenaro, L.; Papageorgiou, N.; Arnan, C.; Coutard, B.; Lantez, V.; Lamballerie, X. de; Baronti, C.; Sola, M.; Tan, J.; Neyts, J.; Canard, B.; Coll, M.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Hilgenfeld, R. (2011), Picornavirus non-structural proteins as targets for new anti-virals with broad activity, Antiviral Research 89(3): 204-218.
- Nga, P.T.; Parquet, M.D.; Lauber, C.; Parida, M.; Nabeshima, T.; Yu, F.X.; Thuy, N.T.; Inoue, S.; Ito, T.; Okamoto, K.; Ichinose, A.; Snijder, E.J.; Morita, K. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2011), Discovery of the First Insect Nidovirus, a Missing Evolutionary Link in the Emergence of the Largest RNA Virus Genomes, PLoS Pathogens 7(9): -.
- Kuppeveld, F. van; Snijder, E.; Gorbalenya, A.; Canard, B.; Bartenschlager, R.; Neyts, J.; Brancale, A. & McGuigan, C. (2011), European Training Network on (+)RNA Virus Replication and Antiviral Drug Development, Antiviral Research 90(2): A64-A64.
- Zlateva, K.T.; Crusio, K.M.; Leontovich, A.M.; Lauber, C.; Claas, E.; Kravchenko, A.A.; Spaan, W.J.M. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2011), Design and validation of consensus-degenerate hybrid oligonucleotide primers for broad and sensitive detection of corona- and toroviruses, Journal of Virological Methods 177(2): 174-183.
- Assenberg, R.; Delmas, O.; Morin, B.; Graham, S.C.; Lamballerie, X. de; Laubert, C.; Coutard, B.; Grimes, J.M.; Neyts, J.; Owens, R.J.; Brandt, B.W.; Gorbalenya, A.; Tucker, P.; Stuart, D.I.; Canard, B. & Bourhy, H. (2010), Genomics and structure/function studies of Rhabdoviridae proteins involved in replication and transcription, Antiviral Research 87(2): 149-161.
- Zeddam, J.L.; Gordon, K.H.J.; Lauber, C.; Alves, C.A.F.; Luke, B.T.; Hanzlik, T.N.; Ward, V.K. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2010), Euprosterna elaeasa virus genome sequence and evolution of the Tetraviridae family: Emergence of bipartite genomes and conservation of the VPg signal with the dsRNA Birnaviridae family, Virology 397(1): 145-154.
- Meijden, E. van der; Janssens, R.W.A.; Lauber, C.; Bavinck, J.N.B.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2010), Discovery of a New Human Polyomavirus Associated with Trichodysplasia Spinulosa in an Immunocompromized Patient, PLoS Pathogens 6(7).
- Wojdyla, J.A.; Manolaridis, I.; Kasteren, P.B. van; Kikkert, M.; Snijder, E.J.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Tucker, P.A. (2010), Papain-like protease 1 from transmissible gastroenteritis virus: crystal structure and enzymatic activity toward viral and cellular substrates, Journal of Virology 84(19): 10063-10073.
- Nedialkova, D.D.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Snijder, E.J. (2010), Arterivirus Nsp1 Modulates the Accumulation of Minus-Strand Templates to Control the Relative Abundance of Viral mRNAs, PLoS Pathogens 6(2).
- Gould, E.A.; Coutard, B.; Malet, H.; Morin, B.; Jamal, S.; Weaver, S.; Gorbalenya, A.; Moureau, G.; Baronti, C.; Delogu, I.; Forrester, N.; Khasnatinov, M.; Gritsun, T.; Lamballerie, X. de & Canard, B. (2010), Understanding the alphaviruses: Recent research on important emerging pathogens and progress towards their control, Antiviral Research 87(2): 111-124.
- Papageorgiou, N.; Coutard, B.; Lantez, V.; Gautron, E.; Chauvet, O.; Baronti, C.; Norder, H.; Lamballerie, X. de; Heresanu, V.; Ferte, N.; Veesler, S.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Canard, B. (2010), The 2C putative helicase of echovirus 30 adopts a hexameric ring-shaped structure, Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 66: 1116-1120.
- Gorbalenya, A.E.; Lieutaud, P.; Harris, M.R.; Coutard, B.; Canard, B.; Kleywegt, G.J.; Kravchenko, A.A.; Samborskiy, D.V.; Sidorov, I.A.; Leontovich, A.M. & Jones, T.A. (2010), Practical application of bioinformatics by the multidisciplinary VIZIER consortium, Antiviral Research 87(2): 95-110.
- Malet H, Coutard B, Jamal S, Dutartre H, Papageorgiou N, Neuvonen M, Ahola T, Forrester N, Gould EA & Lafitte D (2009), The Crystal Structures of Chikungunya and Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus nsP3 Macro Domains Define a Conserved Adenosine Binding Pocket, Journal of Virology 83(13): 6534-6545.
- Sidorov IA, Reshetov DA & Gorbalenya AE (2009), SNAD: sequence name annotation-based designer, BMC Bioinformatics 10.
- Wojdyla JA, Manolaridis I, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE, Coutard B, Piotrowski Y, Hilgenfeld R & Tucker PA (2009), Structure of the X (ADRP) domain of nsp3 from feline coronavirus, Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 65: 1292-1300.
- Piotrowski Y, Hansen G, Zanden ALBVD, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE & Hilgenfeld R (2009), Crystal structures of the X-domains of a Group-1 and a Group-3 coronavirus reveal that ADP-ribose-binding may not be a conserved property, Protein Science 18(1): 6-16.
- Manolaridis I, Wojdyla JA, Panjikar S, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE, Berglind H, Nordlund P, Coutard B & Tucker PA (2009), Structure of the C-terminal domain of nsp4 from feline coronavirus, Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 65: 839-846.
- Nedialkova DD, Ulferts R, van den Born E, Lauber C, Gorbalenya AE, Ziebuhr J & Snijder EJ (2009), Biochemical Characterization of Arterivirus Nonstructural Protein 11 Reveals the Nidovirus-Wide Conservation of a Replicative Endoribonuclease, Journal of Virology 83(11): 5671-5682.
- Sabanadzovic S, Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic N & Gorbalenya AE (2009), Permutation of the active site of putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in a newly identified species of plant alpha-like virus, Virology 394(1): 1-7.
- Roth-Cross JK, Stokes H, Chang GH, Chua MM, Thiel V, Weiss SR, Gorbalenya AE & Siddell SG (2009), Organ-Specific Attenuation of Murine Hepatitis Virus Strain A59 by Replacement of Catalytic Residues in the Putative Viral Cyclic Phosphodiesterase ns2, Journal of Virology 83(8): 3743-3753.
- Le Gall O, Christian P, Fauquet CM, King AMQ, Knowles NJ, Nakashima N, Stanway G & Gorbalenya AE (2008), Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T=3 virion architecture, Archives of Virology 153(4).
- van Hemert Martijn J., van den Worm Sjoerd H. E., Knoops Kevin, Mommaas A. Mieke, Gorbalenya Alexander E. & Snijder Eric J. (2008), SARS-coronavirus replication/transcription complexes are membrane-protected and need a host factor for activity in vitro, PLoS Pathogens 4(5).
- Decroly E, Imbert I, Coutard B, Bouvet ML, Selisko B, Alvarez K, Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ & Canard B (2008), Coronavirus nonstructural protein 16 is a cap-0 binding enzyme possessing (nucleoside-2'O)-methyltransferase activity, Journal of Virology 82(16).
- Robel V, Gebhardt J, Mesters JR, Gorbalenya A, Coutard B, Canard B, Hilgenfeld R & Rohayem J (2008), Functional characterization of the cleavage specificity of the sapovirus chyrnotrypsin-like protease, Journal of Virology 82(16).
- Coutard B, Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ, Leontovich AM, Poupon A, De Lamballerie X, Charrel R, Gould EA, Gunther S, Norder H, Klempa B, Bourhy H, Rohayem J, L'hermite E, Nordlund P, Stuart DI, Owens RJ, Grimes JM, Tucker PA, Bolognesi M, Mattevi A, Coll M, Jones TA, Aqvist J, Unge T, Hilgenfeld R, Bricogne G, Neyts J, La Colla P, Puerstinger G, Gonzalez JP, Leroy E, Cambillau C, Romette JL & Canard B (2008), The VIZIER project: Preparedness against pathogenic RNA viruses, Antiviral Research 78(1).
- van Hemert MJ, de Wilde AH, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2008), The in vitro RNA synthesizing activity of the isolated arterivirus replication/transcription complex is dependent on a host factor, Journal of Biological Chemistry 283(24).
- Carugo O., Djinovic-Carugo K., Gorbalenya A.E.L. & Tucker P. (2007), Likelihood of crystallization: experimental and computational approaches, Journal for Applied Crystallography 40: 392-393.
- Ziebuhr J, Schelle B, Karl N, Minskaia E, Bayer S, Siddell SG, Gorbalenya AE & Thiel V (2007), Human coronavirus 229E papain-like proteases have overlapping specificities but distinct functions in viral replication, Journal of Virology 81(8).
- Carugo O, Djinovic-Carugo K, Gorbalenya AE & Tucker P (2007), Workshop on the definition of protein domains and their likelihood of crystallization - Editorial, Current Protein and Peptide Science 8(2).
- Jiang P, Faase JAJ, Toyoda H, Paul A, Wimmer E & Gorbalenya AE (2007), Evidence for emergence of diverse polioviruses from C-cluster coxsackie A viruses and implications for global poliovirus eradication, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(22).
- Fullerton SWB, Blaschke M, Coutard B, Gebhardt J, Gorbalenya A, Canard B, Tucker PA & Rohayem J (2007), Structural and functional characterization of sapovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, Journal of Virology 81(4).
- Letzel T, Mundt E & Gorbalenya AE (2007), Evidence for functional significance of the permuted C motif in CO2+-stimulated RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of infectious bursal disease virus, Journal of General Virology 88.
- Tijms MA, Nedialkova DD, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2007), Arterivirus subgenomic mRNA synthesis and virion biogenesis depend on the multifunctional nsp1 autoprotease, Journal of Virology 81(19).
- van Aken D, Zevenhoven-Dobbe J, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2006), Proteolytic maturation of replicase polyprotein pp1a by the nsp4 main proteinase is essential for equine arteritis virus replication and includes internal cleavage of nsp7, Journal of General Virology 87.
- Putics A, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2006), Identification of protease and ADP-ribose 1 ''-monophosphatase activities associated with transmissible gastroenteritis virus non-structural protein 3, Journal of General Virology 87.
- Gorbalenya AE, Enjuanes L, Ziebuhr J & Snijder EJ (2006), Nidovirales: Evolving the largest RNA virus genome, Virus Research 117(1).
- Imbert I, Guillemot JC, Bourhis JM, Bussetta C, Coutard B, Egloff MP, Ferron F, Gorbalenya AE & Canard B (2006), A second, non-canonical RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in SARS coronavirus, EMBO Journal 25(20).
- van Aken D, Snijder EJ & Gorbalenya AE (2006), Mutagenesis analysis of the nsp4 main proteinase reveals determinants of arterivirus replicase polyprotein autoprocessing, Journal of Virology 80(7).
- van Aken D, Benckhuijsen WE, Drijfhout JW, Wassenaar ALM, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2006), Expression, purification, and in vitro activity of an arterivirus main proteinase, Virus Research 120(1-2).
- Teterina NL, Gorbalenya AE, Egger D, Bienz K, Rinaudo MS & Ehrenfeld E (2006), Testing the modularity of the N-terminal amphipathic helix conserved in picornavirus 2C proteins and hepatitis CNS5A protein, Virology 344(2).
- Minskaia E, Hertzig T, Gorbalenya AE, Campanacci V, Cambillau C, Canard B & Ziebuhr J (2006), Discovery of an RNA virus 3 '-> 5 ' exoribonuclease that is critically involved in coronavirus RNA synthesis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(13).
- Posthuma CC, Nedialkova DD, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Blokhuis JH, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2006), Site-directed mutagenesis of the nidovirus replicative endoribonuclease NendoU exerts pleiotropic effects on the arterivirus life cycle, Journal of Virology 80(4).
- Putics A, Slaby J, Filipowicz W, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2006), ADP-ribose-1 ''-phosphatase activities of the human coronavirus 229E and SARS coronavirus X domains, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 581.
- Teterina NL, Levenson E, Rinaudo MS, Egger D, Bienz K, Gorbalenya AE & Ehrenfeld E (2006), Evidence for functional protein interactions required for poliovirus RNA replication, Journal of Virology 80(11).
- Seybert A, Posthuma CC, van Dinten LC, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2005), A complex zinc finger controls the enzymatic activities of nidovirus helicases, Journal of Virology 79(2).
- Putics A, Filipowicz W, Hall J, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2005), ADP-ribose-1 ''-monophosphatase: That is dispensable for viral a conserved coronavirus enzyme replication in tissue culture, Journal of Virology 79(20).
- Lackner T, Muller A, Pankraz A, Becher P, Thiel HJ, Gorbalenya AE & Tautz N (2004), Temporal modulation of an autoprotease is crucial for replication and pathogenicity of an RNA virus, Journal of Virology 78(19): 10765-10775.
- Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ & Spaan WJM (2004), Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus phylogeny: toward consensus, Journal of Virology 78(15).
- Tellinghuisen TL, Marcotrigiano J, Gorbalenya AE & Rice CM (2004), The NS5A protein of hepatitis C virus is a zinc metalloprotein, Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(47).
- von Einem UI, Gorbalenya AE, Schirrmeier H, Behrens SE, Letzel T & Mundt E (2004), VP1 of infectious bursal disease virus is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, Journal of General Virology 85.
- Egloff MP, Ferron F, Campanacci V, Longhi S, Rancurel C, Dutartre H, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE, Cambillau C & Canard B (2004), The severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus replicative protein nsp9 is a single-stranded RNA-binding subunit unique in the RNA virus world, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(11): 3792-3796.
- Ivanov KA, Hertzig T, Rozanov M, Bayer S, Thiel V, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2004), Major genetic marker of nidoviruses encodes a replicative endoribonuclease, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(34).
- Fernandez-Vega V, Sosnovtsev SV, Belliot G, King AD, Mitra T, Gorbalenya A & Green KY (2004), Norwalk virus N-terminal nonstructural protein is associated with disassembly of the Golgi complex in transfected cells, Journal of Virology 78(9).
- Ziebuhr J, Bayer S, Cowley JA & Gorbalenya AE (2003), The 3C-like proteinase of an invertebrate nidovirus links coronavirus and potyvirus homologs, Journal of Virology 77(2).
- Thiel V, Ivanov KA, Putics A, Hertzig T, Schelle B, Bayer S, Weissbrich B, Snijder EJ, Rabenau H, Doerr HW, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2003), Mechanisms and enzymes involved in SARS coronavirus genome expression.
- Snijder EJ, Bredenbeek PJ, Dobbe JC, Thiel V, Ziebuhr J, Poon LLM, Guan Y, Rozanov M, Spaan WJM & Gorbalenya AE (2003), Unique and conserved features of genome and proteome of SARS-coronavirus, an early split-off from the coronavirus group 2 lineage, Journal of Molecular Biology 331(5): 991-1004.
- Gonzaalez JM, Gomez-Puertas P, Cavanagh D, Gorbalenya AE & Enjuanes L (2003), A comparative sequence analysis to revise the current taxonomy of the family Coronaviridae, Archives of Virology 148(11).
- Gorbalenya AE, Pringle FM, Zeddam JL, Luke BT, Cameron CE, Kalmakoff J, Hanzlik TN, Gordon KHJ & Ward VK (2002), The palm subdomain-based active site is internally permuted in viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of an ancient lineage, Journal of Molecular Biology 324(1).
- Hegyi A, Friebe A, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2002), Mutational analysis of the active centre of coronavirus 3C-like proteases.
- Johansson S, Niklasson B, Maizel J, Gorbalenya AE & Lindberg AM (2002), Molecular analysis of three Ljungan virus isolates reveals a new, close-to-root lineage of the Picornaviridae with a cluster of two unrelated 2A proteins, Journal of Virology 76(17).
- Barrette-Ng IH, Ng KKS, Mark BL, van Aken D, Cherney MM, Garen C, Kolodenko Y, Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ & James MNG (2002), Structure of arterivirus nsp4 - The smallest chymotrypsin-like proteinase with an alpha/beta C-terminal extension and alternate conformations of the oxyanion hole, Journal of Biological Chemistry 277(42).
- Ziebuhr J, Thiel V & Gorbalenya AE (2001), The autocatalytic release of a putative RNA virus transcription factor from its polyprotein precursor involves two paralogous papain-like proteases that cleave the same peptide bond, Journal of Biological Chemistry 276(35): 33220-33232.
- Tijms MA, van Dinten LC, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2001), A zinc finger-containing papain-like protease couples subgenomic mRNA synthesis to genome translation in a positive-stranded RNA virus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(4).
- Ziebuhr J, Snijder EJ & Gorbalenya AE (2000), Virus-encoded proteinases and proteolytic processing in the Nidovirales.
- van Dinten LC, van Tol H, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2000), The predicted metal-binding region of the arterivirus helicase protein is involved in subgenomic mRNA synthesis, genome replication, and virion biogenesis.
- Herold J., Siddell S.G. & Gorbalenya A.E. (1999), A human RNA viral cysteine proteinase that depends upon a unique Zn2+ -binding finger connecting the two domains of a papain-like fold, Journal of Biological Chemistry 274: 14918-14925.
- Herold J, Siddell SG & Gorbalenya AE (1999), A human RNA viral cysteine proteinase that depends upon a unique Zn2+-binding finger connecting the two domains of a papain-like fold, Journal of Biological Chemistry 274(21): 14918-14925.
- van Dinten LC, Rensen S, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (1999), Proteolytic processing of the open reading frame 1b-encoded part of arterivirus replicase is mediated by nsp4 serine protease and is essential for virus replication, Journal of Virology 73(3): 2027-2037.
- Reed KE, Gorbalenya AE & Rice CM (1998), The NS5A/NS5 proteins of viruses from three genera of the family Flaviviridae are phosphorylated by associated serine/threonine kinases, Journal of Virology 72(7): 6199-6206.
- Herold J, Gorbalenya AE, Thiel V, Schelle B & Siddell SG (1998), Proteolytic processing at the amino terminus of human coronavirus 229E gene 1-encoded polyproteins: Identification of a papain-like proteinase and its substrate, Journal of Virology 72(2): 910-918.
- Gorbalenya AE (1998), Non-canonical inteins, Nucleic Acids Research 26(7): 1741-1748.
- Wassenaar ALM, Spaan WJM, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (1997), Alternative proteolytic processing of the arterivirus replicase ORF1a polyprotein: Evidence that nsp2 acts as a cofactor for the nsp4 serine protease, Journal of Virology 71(12): 9313-9322.
- vanDinten LC, Wassenaar ALM, Gorbalenya AE, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (1996), Processing of the equine arteritis virus replicase ORF1b protein: Identification of cleavage products containing the putative viral polymerase and helicase domains, Journal of Virology 70(10): 6625-6633.
- Snijder EJ, Wassenaar ALM, vanDinten LC, Spaan WJM & Gorbalenya AE (1996), The arterivirus nsp4 protease is the prototype of a novel group of chymotrypsin-like enzymes, the 3C-like serine proteases, Journal of Biological Chemistry 271(9): 4864-4871.
- Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (1996), Viral cysteine proteinases, Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design 6: 64-86.
- den Boon JA, Faaberg KS, Meulenberg JJM, Wassenaar ALM, Plagemann PGW, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (1995), Processing and evolution of the N-terminal region of the arterivirus replicase ORF1a protein - identification of 2 papainlike cysteine proteases, Journal of Virology 69(7): 4500-4505.
- Snijder EJ, Wassenaar ALM, Spaan WJM & Gorbalenya AE (1995), The arterivirus nsp2 protease - An unusual cysteine protease with primary structure similarities to both papain-like and chymotrypsin-like proteases, Journal of Biological Chemistry 270(28): 16671-16676.
- KOONIN EV & GORBALENYA AE (1989), TALE OF 2 SERINES, Nature 338(6215): 467-468.
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