Alexander Geurds
Universitair hoofddocent / Vice-decaan
- Naam
- Dr. A. Geurds
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2206
- 0000-0002-2418-2828

Zie voor meer informatie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Alexander Geurds.
Universitair hoofddocent / Vice-decaan
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Archaeology of the Americas
- Geurds A. (2024), The invisible Caribbean Sea: on leaping ballgames and consequential comparison. In: Lyall V.I. (red.), El Mar Caribe: the American Mediterranean. Denver, CO.: Denver Art Museum. 137-151.
- Geurds A. (2023), Understanding Greater Nicoya: Epiclassic and Early Postclassic extended relations in Southern Mesoamerica. In: Stanton T.W., Taube K.A., Coltman J.D. & Marengo Camacho N.I. (red.), When East meets West: Chichen Itza, Tula, and the Postclassic Mesoamerican world nr. 3134. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. 635-650.
- Torreggiani I., Harvey W.J. & Geurds A. (2023), Along the river flow: human resilience to fluvial environments in prehispanic Central Nicaragua. In: Elkin D. & Delaere C. (red.), Underwater and coastal archaeology in Latin America. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.
- Geurds A. (2022), Bespreking van: Beekman C.S. (2019), Migrations in late Mesoamerica. Gainsville: University Press of Florida. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28(1): 365-366.
- Geurds A. (2021), Authenticity, Preservation, and Care in Central American Indigenous Material Culture. In: Ostapkowicz J. & Hanna J.A. (red.) Real, Recent, or Replica Precolumbian Caribbean Heritage as Art, Commodity, and Inspiration. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. 213-231.
- Geurds A. (2021), Greater Nicoya through the Looking-Glass: Merging Culture History with Social Theory. In: Steinbrenner L., Geurds A., McCafferty G.G. & Salgado S. (red.), The Archaeology of Greater Nicoya: Two decades of research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Louisville: University Press of Colorado. 505-532.
- Steinbrenner L., Geurds A., McCafferty G.G. & Salgado S. (2021), Archaeology of Greater Nicoya: Two Decades of Research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Louisville: University Press of Colorado.
- Geurds A. (2021), Bespreking van: Halbmayer E. (2020), Amerindian Socio-Cosmologies between the Andes, Amazonia and Mesoamerica: towards and anthropological understanding of the Isthmo-Colombian Area: Routledge. Latin American Antiquity 32(2): 447-448.
- Geurds A. (2021), Bespreking van: Skeates R. & Day J. (2020), The Routledge handbook of sensory archaeology: Routledge. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27(4): 1030-1031.
- Geurds A. (2021), Monumental Stone Sculpture in Central Nicaragua. In: McEwan C. & Hoopes J.W. (red.), Pre-Columbian Central America, Colombia and Ecuador. Towards an Integrated Approach. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. 149-163.
- Ciofalo A.J., Donner N.R., Hofman C.L. & Geurds A. (2020), Uses of pre-Hispanic kitchenware from Central Nicaragua: implications for understanding botanical foodways, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12(1): 13.
- Ciofalo A., Donner N.R., Hofman C.L. & Geurds A. (2020), Uses of pre-Hispanic kitchenware from Central Nicaragua: implications for understanding botanical foodways, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12(1): 1-14.
- Casale Simone (2020), Geochemical and petrographic assessment of clay outcrops and archaeological ceramics from the pre-hispanic site of Aguas Buenas (cal 400–1250 CE), Central Nicaragua [Networked practices of contact: Cultural identity at the Late prehistoric settlement of Aguas Buenas, Nicaragua, AD 500–1522] (vertaling Casale S., Donner N., Braekmans D. & Geurds A.), Microchemical Journal 156: 104829.
- Casale S., Donner N., Braekmans D. & Geurds A. (2020), Pre-Hispanic and contemporary raw materials use in earthenware production in the Río Mayales subbasin, Chontales, central Nicaragua. In: Klinkenberg M.V., Oosten R.M.R. van & Driel-Murray C. van (red.), A Human Environment. Studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels, Leiden. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 107-120.
- Geurds A. (2020), Bespreking van: Brown M.K. & Bey III G. (2020), Pathways to Complexity. A view from the Maya Lowlands. London: University Press of Florida. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 26: 457–458.
- Geurds A. (2020), Bespreking van: Harrison-Buck E. & Hendon J.A. (2018), Relational Identities and other-than-human agency in archaeology. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 26: 215–216.
- Geurds A. & Donner N.R. (2020), The Valley of Juigalpa, Mayales River Subbasin micro region (Chontales, Nicaragua) Date List II, Radiocarbon 62(5): 1503-1514.
- Geurds A. (2020), Bespreking van: Anderson B. & Rojas F. (2017), Antiquarianisms: contact, conflict, comparison. Oxford: Oxbow Books. History of Humanities 5(2): 529-531.
- Donner N.R., Casale S., Braekmans D. & Geurds A. (2019), Ceramic comales at the Barillas site (cal 1255–1390 CE), central Nicaragua: Defining a local technical tradition of griddle manufacture, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24: 829-842.
- Geurds Alexander (2018) Review “Ritual Violence in the Ancient Andes. Reconstructing sacrifice on the north coast of Peru”. Bespreking van: Klaus Haagen D. & Toyne J. Maria (2016), Ritual Violence in the Ancient Andes. Reconstructing sacrifice on the north coast of Peru. Reconstructing sacrifice on the north coast of Peru.. Austin: University of Texas Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(2): 403-404.
- Geurds A., Aguilar J. & McKendrick F. (2018), Prehistoric stone sculptures at the Gregorio Aguilar Barea Museum, Nicaragua: photogrammetry practices and Digital Immersive Virtual Environment applications for archaeology. In: Kelley K. & Wood R.K.L. (red.), Digital Imaging of Artefacts: Developments in Methods and Aims. Oxford: Archaepress. 119-144.
- Donner N.R. & Geurds A. (2018), The Valley of Juigalpa, Mayales River Subbasin Microregion (Chontales, Nicaragua) Date List I, Radiocarbon 60(2): 717-726.
- Donner N.R., Arteaga A., Geurds A. & Dijk K. van (2018), Caracterización inicial de los sitios arqueológicos en la subcuenca del río Mayales, Departamento de Chontales, Nicaragua, Cuadernos de Antropología 28(1): 1-26.
- Geurds A. (2018), Prehistory of Southern Central America. In: Smith C. (red.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer. 1-20.
- Geurds A. (2017), Ulúa-Matagalpa: Área lingüístico, non-lingüístico o ambos? Una evaluación conceptual de Behrend, Lehmann y Kühl (1874-2013). In: Navarro Genie R., Cruz U.P. & Rizo M. (red.), Memorias Primer Congreso Área Cultural Gran Ulúa-Matagalpa.. Matagalpa: Fundación Cientifica Cultural Ulúa-Matagalpa. 161-176.
- Geurds A. (2017), Research design and dialogue: dynamics of participatory archaeology in Chalcatongo and Yosondua, Mixteca Alta, Mexico. In: Kamermans H. & Bakels C. (red.), Exerpta Archaeologica Leidensia 2. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia nr. 47. Leiden: Leiden University. 271-287.
- Geurds A. & Terpstra D. (2017), Circular Reasoning in Mound Building? Large-scale Planned Construction Patterns at the Aguas Buenas Site (A.D. 400–1525). In: Benfer A.K. (red.), War & Peace: Conflict and Resolution in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference. Calgary: University of Calgary. 47-59.
- Geurds A. (2016), Foreigners from Far-Off Islands: Long-Distance Exchange between Western Mesoamerica and Coastal South America (600-1200 CE): a Globalization Analysis. In: Hodos T., Geurds A., Lane P., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach-Lavi G., Stark M.T. & Versluys M.J. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. London: Routledge. 212-228.
- Geurds A. (2016), Globalization Processes as Recognized in the Americas. In: Hodos T., Geurds A., Lane P., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach-Lavi G., Stark M.T. & Versluys M.J. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. London: Routledge. 171-176.
- Hodos T., Geurds A., Lane P.J., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach-Lavi G., Stark M.T. & Versluys M.J. (2016), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. London: Routledge.
- Geurds A., Lane P., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach G., Stark M. & Versluys M.J. (2016), The Routledge Handbook of Globalisation and Archaeology.
- Geurds A. (2015), Review: Noack, Karoline, und Martin Künne: Die Sammlung Walter Lehmann am Ethnologischen Museum Berlin. Eine Einführung in die Archäologie des südlichen Zentralamerika, Anthropos 110: 650-651.
- Vlaskamp R.J.C., Geurds A. & Jansen R. (2014), Reporte de las investigaciones arqueológicas entre 2011-2014 en el sitio prehispánico de Aguas Buenas, Chontales, Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos 8(29): 6-12.
- Geurds A. (2014), Cronología Prehispánica en Centroamérica: un acercamiento preliminar, Mi Museo y Vos (9) 31: 6-17.
- Geurds A. (2013), The Cuapa complex: A note on the last pre-Hispanic period from Central Nicaragua, Mexicon: Zeitschrift für Mesoamerikaforschung 35(6): 148-151.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2013), Creating authenticity. Authentification processes in ethnographic museums. Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde nr. 42. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A (2013), Creating Authenticity. Authentication Processes in Ethnographic Museums [Creating Authenticity. Authentication Processes in Ethnographic Museums.] (vertaling Broekhoven L.N.K. & Geurds A. van). Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde nr. 42. Leiden: Sidestone.
- Geurds A. (2013), Culture sketching. The authenticity quest in ethnographic museums. In: Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (red.), Creating authenticity. Authentification processes in ethnographic museums.. Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde nr. 42. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Geurds A. (red.) (2013), The Early Americas: History and Culture. The Early Americas: History and Culture nr. 4. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. (13 mei 2013), VOICES Ideas and Insight From Explorers | Mysterious Mounds: Uncovering Matagalpa Archaeology in Central Nicaragua. Mysterious Mounds: Uncovering Matagalpa Archaeology in Central Nicaragua: National Geographic. [blog].
- Geurds A. (20 juni 2013), Ancient Stone Circles of Nicaragua. Ancient Stone Circles of Nicaragua: MissionsMediaNGS | YouTube. [blog].
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A. (2012), Indigenous religious traditions in Central Nicaragua. In: Bakels C. & Kamermans H. (red.), The end of our fifth decade. Leiden: Leiden University. 51-62.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. v an & Geurds A. (2012), Indigenous religious traditions in Central Nicaragua. In: Bakels C. & Kamermans H. (red.), The End of Our Fifth Decade nr. 43/44. Leiden: Leiden University. 51-63.
- Geurds A. (red.) (2012), The Early Americas: History and Culture. The Early Americas: History and Culture nr. 3. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. (2012), Heuvels bergen, Quest (106): 28-29.
- Geurds A. (2012), Arqueologia inclusiva. Un caso de estudio del centro de Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos 5(17): 10-14.
- Geurds A. (2012), El complejo estilistico Mixteca-Puebla en Mesoamerica. Estudios recientes y perspectiva actual (1994-2012), Mi Museo y Vos 6(21): 14-19.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2012), El complejo estilistico Mixteca-Puebla en Mesoamerica. Una breve resena de su historia inicial (1954-1994), Mi Museo y Vos 6(19): 8-18.
- Geurds A., Explorers | Projects: Central Nicaragua Archaeology Project. [webartikel].
- Geurds A., Explorers | Bio. [webartikel].
- Geurds A. (2012), Excursions around archaeological sites, Nicaragua. (local interested parties). [lezing].
- Geurds A. (2012), Maya Archaeology (HOVO, Leiden). [lezing].
- Geurds A. (2012), El complejo estilístico Mixteca-Puebla en Mesoamerica. Estudios recientes y perspectiva actual (1994-2012), Mi Museo y Vos (6) 21: 14-19.
- Geurds A. (2012), Arqueología inclusiva. Un caso de estudio del centro de Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos (5) 17: 10-14.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. (2012), El complejo estilístico Mixteca-Puebla en Mesoamerica. Una breve reseña de su historia inicial (1954-1994), Mi Museo y Vos (6) 19: 8-18.
- Geurds A. (2012), Heuvels bergen, Quest (106): 28-29.
- Konniger S., Broekhoven L.N.K. van, Geurds A. & Veys W. (2011), Modernity? It's the economy, stupid! Business as a catalyst for encounters, contact and production. In: Bouttiaux A. & Seidere A. (red.), Fetish Modernity. Brussels: Lannoo Print. 71-83.
- Geurds A. (2011), The Social in the Circum-Caribbean: Toward a Transcontextual Order. In: Hofman C.L & Duijvenbode A. van (red.), Communities in Contact: Essays in archaeology, ethnohistory & ethnography of the Amerindian circum-Caribbean. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Konniger S., Geurds A., Van Broekhoven L.N.K. & Veys W. (2011), Modernity? It's the economy, stupid! Business as a catalyst for encounters, contact and production. In: , Fetish Modernity. Brussel: Royal Museum for Central Africa.
- Geurds A. (red.) (2011), The Early Americas: History and Culture. The Early Americas: History and Culture nr. 2. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2011), Chontales en su sentido étnico, Mi Museo y Vos 5: .
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2010), The similarity trap: Engineering the Greater-Caribbean. A view from the Isthmo-Colombian area, Journal of Caribbean Archaeology Spec. Pub(3): 52-75.
- Geurds A. (2010), Funeraire materiële cultuur in pre-Spaans Panama, Groniek 42(185): 409-424.
- Geurds A. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2010), The similarity trap: Engineering the Greater-Caribbean, A perspective from the Isthmo-Colombian Area, Journal of Caribbean Archaeology Spec Pub(3): 52-75.
- Geurds A. (2010), Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua. Temporada 2010. Managua: Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura.
- Geurds A. (red.) (2010), The Early Americas: History and Culture. The Early Americas: History and Culture nr. 1. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. (2010), Monolitos misteriosos, National Geographic 27(4): 12-12.
- Geurds A. (2010), Onderzoekende ogen van steen: Precolumbiaans erfgoed in Nicaragua, La Chispa: Magazine over Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben 353: 32-33.
- Geurds A. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2010), Para contar historias: La producción de un patrimonio cultural en museos Nicaragüenses, Mi Museo y Vos 4(12): 5-10.
- Geurds A., Zambrana J. & Villanueva C. (2010), Escultura de piedra en el Centro de Nicaragua: Logros y desafíos, Mi Museo y Vos 4(13): 4-7.
- Geurds A. (2010), La llamada Estela de Friedrichsthal: Una estela prehispánica del Centro de Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos 4(15): 6-10.
- Geurds A. (2010), Monolitos misteriosos, National Geographic (27) 4: 12.
- Geurds A. (2010), Onderzoekende ogen van steen: Precolumbiaans erfgoed in Nicaragua, La Chispa: Magazine over Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben (353): 32-33.
- Geurds A. (2010), La llamada Estela de Friedrichsthal: Una estela prehispánica del Centro de Nicaragua, Mi Museo y Vos (4) 15: 6-10.
- Geurds A. (2009), Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua: Temporada 2009. Managua: Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2009), La historia y el patrimonio en el departamento de Chontales. Resultados de la primera temporada del Proyecto Arqueológico Chontales, Mi Museo y Vos 3(8): 4-7.
- Geurds A., Zambrana J. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2009), La historia y el patrimonio en el departamento de Chontales, Mi Museo y Vos 3(8): 4-7.
- Geurds A. & Jansen M.E.R.G.N. (2008), The Ceremonial Center of Monte Negro. A cognitive approach to urbanization in Ñuu Dzaui. Mastache A.G., Cobean R.H., Cobean A. & Hirth K.G. (red.), Urbanism in Mesoamerica. . Mexico: Pennsylvania State University & Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. 371-421.
- Geurds A., Van Broekhoven L.N.K. & Zambrana J. (2008), Proyecto Arqueológico Río Mayales, Juigalpa, Chontales, Nicaragua. Temporada 2007. Managua: Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura.
- Geurds A. (2007), Grounding the Past. The Praxis of Participatory Archaeology in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca. Leiden: CNWS.
- Geurds A. (red.) (2007), The Early Americas. Leiden&Boston: Brill Publishers.
- Geurds A. (19 juni 2007), Grounding the past : the praxis of participatory archaeology in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico (Dissertatie. Research School CNWS, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University) CNWS/LDS Publications nr. 150: CNWS Publications. Promotor(en): Jansen M.E.R.G.N. & Adelaar W.F.H.
- Geurds A. (2007), Teotihuamart: Mexican Futurities evoked by past and present power mongers, Etnofoor 19(2): 69-86.
- Geurds A. & Broekhoven L.N.K. van (2006), Origin as Heritage: Community Archaeology in Apoala, Mexico. In: Broekhoven L.N.K. van (red.), The Social and Linguistic Heritage of Native Peoples in the Americas: the Struggle to Maintain Cultural Particularity.
- Geurds A. & Van Broekhoven L.N.K. (2005), La Boca Chica de Honduras y Nicaragua: Iniciativas arqueológicas en base a la etnohistoria, Memorias del Primer Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología en El Salvador. Primer Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología en El Salvador. San Salvador: Museo Nacional de Antropología.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A. (2001), Yuku Duha, Cerro de las Apuestas. Mexico: Informe Tecnico INAH.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A. (2000), Yuku Tnuu / Monte Negro. Sitio Arqueologico de la Mixteca Alta, Santiago Tilantongo, Nochixtlan, Oaxaca. Mexico: Informe Tecnico INAH.
- Broekhoven L.N.K. van & Geurds A. (2000), Arqueologia y la Mixteca. Un resumen de las investigaciones arqueologicas en Santiago Tilantongo y Monte Negro. Guia educativa para el Publico General. Oaxaca: Guia educativa.
- Geurds A. & Caretta M.A. (1998), Archaeological sites discovered at Chalcatongo, Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexicon, aktuelle Informationen und Studien 20: 6-8.
- Associate Professor Adjunct