Alberto Pereira Arias
Hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder endocriene tumoren
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.M. Pereira Arias
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 3082
- 0000-0002-1194-9866

Hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, ihb Endocriene tumoren. Sectiehoofd Endocrinologie en voorzitter Nationaal Expertisecentrum: Centrum voor Endocriene Tumoren Leiden. President European NeuroEndocrine Association (2016-2018) en coordinator European Reference Network for Rare Endocrine Conditions (2017-2022).
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Endocriene tumoren
De leerstoel richt zich op de integratie van zorg, opleiding en onderzoek naar endocriene tumoren. Dit vindt plaats in een multidisciplinair centrum, het Centrum voor Endocriene Tumoren Leiden, en kenmerkt zich door:
Topreferente zorg. Endocriene tumoren zijn dermate complex dat zorg gecentraliseerd moet worden. Endocriene tumoren vormen daarbij een ziektecategorie die bijzondere expertise, multidisciplinariteit en innovatieve patiëntenzorg concepten noodzakelijk maakt, maar die ook kansen bieden voor het ontwikkelen van innovatieve zorgconcepten. Het LUMC heeft een belangrijke positie nationaal en internationaal op het gebied van endocriene tumoren.
Onderzoek. Vanwege de unieke biologie en het bijzonder klinisch gedrag bieden endocriene tumoren kansen op het gebied van moleculaire genetica en - diagnostiek, ontwikkeling van gerichte therapieën, maar ook voor medische besliskunde. Het LUMC heeft een bewezen traditie op het gebied van onderzoek naar deze aandoeningen.
Maatschappelijke positionering. Endocriene tumoren zijn zeldzame ziekten en worden als ‘weesziekten’ beschouwd. Het LUMC profileert zich maatschappelijk sterk door verantwoordelijkheid voor deze groep van aandoeningen te erkennen.
Mijn missie is om de zorg voor patiënten met zeldzame hormoonaandoeningen te verbeteren, door optimale afstemming tussen de verschillende zorgprofessionals, en door zorgvraag gedreven onderzoek te doen.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Alberto M Pereira (Uruguay 23 nov 1966) studeerde geneeskunde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (MD 1992) en specialiseerde zich tot internist-endocrinoloog aan het AMC in Amsterdam (board certified 1 april 2000). Op 27 juni 2000 promoveerde hij aan de UvA op het proefschrift getiteld: ‘regulation of glucose production in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus’ ( Promotores: prof.dr HP Sauerwein en prof.dr JA Romijn). Sinds zijn overstap naar het LUMC richt zijn onderzoek zich op de lange-termijn consequenties van hypofyseziekten, in het bijzonder op de effecten van stress hormonen op de hersenen. In 2006-2007 heeft hij een postdoctoraal Fellowship gedaan in het Gorlaeus Laboratorium (Leiden/Amsterdam Center of Drug Research, Leiden (Hoofd: Prof.dr. ER de Kloet). Per 1 nov 2012 is hij benoemd als hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder Endocriene Tumoren. De oratie, getiteld: ‘de zorg om stress’ werd gehouden op 22 november 2013. Hij was (co)promotor van 15 PhD kandidaten (3 cum laude) (2018).
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Voorzitter nationaal hypofysenetwerk (2014-2018), Honorary & Visiting Professor, Universiteit van Belgrado, Servië (nov 2015), President van de European Neuro-Endocrine Association (ENEA) 2016-2018, en Coördinator van de Europese Referentie Netwerken voor Zeldzame Endocriene Aandoeningen (2017-2022)
Hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder endocriene tumoren
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Interne Geneeskunde
- Endocrinologie
- Cherenko, M.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Zurita, A.L.P.; Biermasz, N.R.; Dekkers, O.M.; Klok, F.A.; Reisch, N.; Aulinas, A.; Biagetti, B.; Cannavo, S.; Canu, L.; Detomas, M.; Devuyst, F.; Falhammar, H.; Feelders, R.A.; Ferrau, F.; Gatto, F.; Grasselli, C.; Houten, P. van; Hoybye, C.; Isidori, A.M.; Kyrilli, A.; Loli, P.; Maiter, D.; Nowak, E.; Pivonello, R.; Ragnarsson, O.; Steenaard, R.; Unger, N.; Ven, A. van de; Webb, S.M.; Yeste, D.; Ahmed, S.F. & Pereira, A.M. (2024), Venous thromboembolism in Cushing syndrome: results from an EuRRECa and Endo-ERN survey, Endocrine Connections 13(6).
- Schoeb, M.; Sintenie, P.J.C.; Bakker, L.E.H.; Biermasz, N.R.; Haalen, F.M. van; Nijhoff, M.F.; Vries, F. de; Winter, E.M.; Pereira, A.M. & Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M. (2024), Bone Material Strength Index Is Low in Patients With Cushing's Syndrome Even After Long-term Remission, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
- Boertien, T.M.; Drent, M.L.; Booij, J.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Hoogmoed, J.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Simsek, S.; Veldman, R.G.; Weterings, A.J.; Vink, J.M.; Tanck, M.W.T.; Fliers, E. & Bisschop, P.H. (2024), Lanreotide versus placebo for tumour reduction in patients with a 68 Ga-DOTATATE PET-positive, clinically non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma (GALANT study): a randomised, multicentre, phase 3 trial with blinded outcome assessment, The Lancet Regional Health Europe 42.
- Habets, P.C.; Kalafatakis, K.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Keo, A.; Thakrar, J.; Mahfouz, A.; Pereira, A.M.; Russell, G.M.; Lightman, S.L. & Meijer, O.C. (2023), Transcriptional and cell type profiles of cortical brain regions showing ultradian cortisol rhythm dependent responses to emotional face stimulation, Neurobiology of Stress 22.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Meulen, M. van der; Zurita, A.L.P.; Ahmed, S.F.; Furth, W.R. van; Charmandari, E.; Hiort, O.; Pereira, A.M.; Dattani, M.; Vitali, D.; Graaf, J.P. de & Biermasz, N.R. (2023), Starting point for benchmarking outcomes and reporting of pituitary adenoma surgery within the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN): results from a meta-analysis and survey study, Endocrine Connections 12(1).
- Viho, E.M.G.; Kroon, J.; Feelders, R.A.; Houtman, R.; Dungen, E.S.R. van den; Pereira, A.M.; Hunt, H.J.; Hofland, L.J. & Meijer, O.C. (2023), Peripheral glucocorticoid receptor antagonism by relacorilant with modest HPA axis disinhibition, Journal of Endocrinology 256(2).
- Shishkov, S.R.; Tuccillo, L.; Iotova, V.M.; Pivonello, R.; Pelsma, I.C.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Endo-ERN Reference Cemters of the Main Thematic Group: Hypothalamic and Pituitary Conditions & Endo-ERN Pituitary Transition of Care Study Group (2023), Mapping of the current transition of care practice for patients with pituitary disease at Endo-ERN reference centers, Endocrine Connections 12(2).
- Ali, S.R.; Bryce, J.; Priego-Zurita, A.L.; Cherenko, M.; Smythe, C.; Rooij, T.M. de; Cools, M.; Danne, T.; Katugampola, H.; Dekkers, O.M.; Hiort, O.; Linglart, A.; Netchine,; Nordenstrom, A.; Attila, P.; Persani, L.; Reisch, N.; Smyth, A.; Sumnik, Z.; Taruscio, D.; Visser, W.E.; Pereira, A.M.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M. & Ahmed, S.F. (2023), Electronic reporting of rare endocrine conditions within a clinical network, Endocrine Connections 12(12).
- Iotova, V.; Schalin-Jäntti, C.; Beuzekom, C. van; Bruegmann, P.; Broesamle, M.; Hiort, O. & Pereira, A.M. (2023), An overview of the outreach of the 2019-2021 Endo-ERN knowledge generation webinars, Endocrine Connections 12(9).
- Petersenn, S.; Fleseriu, M.; Casanueva, F.F.; Giustina, A.; Biermasz, N.; Biller, B.M.K.; Bronstein, M.; Chanson, P.; Fukuoka, H.; Gadelha, M.; Greenman, Y.; Gurnell, M.; Ho, K.K.Y.; Honegger, J.; Ioachimescu, A.G.; Kaiser, U.B.; Karavitaki, N.; Katznelson, L.; Lodish, M.; Maiter, D.; Marcus, H.J.; Mccormack, A.; Molitch, M.; Muir, C.A.; Neggers, S.; Pereira, A.M.; Pivonello, R.; Post, K.; Raverot, G.; Salvatori, R.; Samson, S.L.; Shimon, I.; Spencer-Segal, J.; Vila, G.; Wass, J. & Melmed, S. (2023), Diagnosis and management of prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas, Nature Reviews Endocrinology 19.
- Koning, A.S.C.A.M.; Meulen, M. van der; Schaap, D.; Satoer, D.D.; Vinkers, C.H.; Rossum, E.F.C. van; Furth, W.R. van; Pereira, A.M.; Meijer, O.C. & Dekkers, O.M. (2023), Neuropsychiatric adverse effects of synthetic glucocorticoids, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
- Nowotny, H.F.; Bryce, J.; Ali, S.R.; Giordano, R.; Baronio, F.; Chifu, I.; Tschaidse, L.; Cools, M.; Akker, E.L.T. van den; Falhammar, H.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Persani, L.; Beccuti, G.; Ross, I.L.; Grozinsky-Glasberg, S.; Pereira, A.M.; Husebye, E.S.; Hahner, S.; Ahmed, S.F. & Reisch, N. (2023), Outcome of COVID-19 infections in patients with adrenal insufficiency and excess, Endocrine Connections 12(4).
- Meulen, M. van der; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Lobatto, D.J.; Kleijwegt, M.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Furth, W.R. van & Najafabadi, A.H.Z. (2022), Impact of patient-reported nasal symptoms on quality of life after endoscopic pituitary surgery, Pituitary 25.
- Guijt, M.C.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Notting, I.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Biermasz, N.R.; Furth, W.R. van & Claessen, K.M.J.A. (2022), Towards a pituitary apoplexy classification based on clinical presentation and patient journey, Endocrine 76.
- Pelsma, I.C.M.; Kroon, H.M.; Trigt, V.R. van; Pereira, A.M.; Kloppenburg, M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Claessen, K.M.J.A. (2022), Clinical and radiographic assessment of peripheral joints in controlled acromegaly, Pituitary 25(4): 622-635.
- Dekkers, A.J.; Vries, F. de; Najafabadi, A.Z.H.; Hoeven, E.M. van der; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2022), Costs and its determinants in pituitary tumour surgery, Frontiers in Endocrinology 13.
- Haalen, F.M. van; Kaya, M.; Pelsma, I.C.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Huisman, M.V.; Vlijmen, B.J.M. van; Feelders, R.A.; Klok, F.A.; Pereira, A.M. & Endo-ERN Cushing Thrombosis study (2022), Current clinical practice for thromboprophylaxis management in patients with Cushing's syndrome across reference centers of the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN), Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 17.
- Iotova, V.; Bertherat, J.; Mastorakos, G.; Hiort, O. & Pereira, A.M. (2022), Endo-ERN in its fifth year: a pinch of care, science, curiosity and new horizons, Endocrine Connections 11(3).
- Amaya, J.M.; Viho, E.M.G.; Sips, H.C.M.; Lalai, R.A.; Sahut-Barnola, I.; Dumontet, T.; Montanier, N.; Pereira, A.M.; Martinez, A. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Gene expression changes in the brain of a Cushing's syndrome mouse model, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 34(4).
- Bakker, L.E.H.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Ghariq, E.; Verbist, B.M.; Schutte, P.J.; Bashari, W.A.; Kruit, M.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Gurnell, M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Furth, W.R. van & Bouda, L.M.P.A. (2022), Implementation of functional imaging using C-11-methionine PET-CT co-registered with MRI for advanced surgical planning and decision making in prolactinoma surgery, Pituitary 25.
- Dekkers, A.J.; Amaya, J.M.; Meulen, M. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Meijer, O.C. & Pereira, A.M. (2022), Long-term effects of glucocorticoid excess on the brain, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 34(8).
- Zurita, A.L.P.; Ali, S.R.; Bryce, J.; Cools, M.; Danne, T.; Dekkers, O.M.; Hiort, O.; Katugampola, H.; Linglart, A.; Netchine, I.; Nordenstrom, A.; Patocs, A.; Pereira, A.M.; Persani, L.; Reisch, N.; Smyth, A.; Sumnik, Z.; Taruscio, D.; Visser, W.E.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M. & Ahmed, S.F. (2022), The European Registries for Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa): the Use of a Core Registry for Collecting Common Data Elements and Clinician and Patient Reported Outcomes, Hormone Research in Paediatrics 95(SUPPL 2): 35-35.
- Scholz, P.; Altay, L.; Sitnilska, V.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Pereira, A.M.; Haalen, F.M. van; Akhtar, I.; Boon, C.J.F. & Fauser, S. (2022), Reply.
- White, E.K.; Wagner, I.V.; Beuzekom, C. van; Iotova, V.; Ahmed, S.F.; Hiort, O. & Pereira, A.M. (2022), A critical evaluation of the EU-virtual consultation platform (CPMS) within the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions, Endocrine Connections 11(11).
- Fleseriu, M.; Auchus, R.; Bancos, I.; Ben-Shlomo, A.; Bertherat, J.; Biermasz, N.R.; Boguszewski, C.L.; Bronstein, M.D.; Buchfelder, M.; Carmichael, J.D.; Casanueva, F.F.; Castinetti, F.; Chanson, P.; Findling, J.; Gadelha, M.; Geer, E.B.; Giustina, A.; Grossman, A.; Gurnell, M.; Ho, K.; Ioachimescu, A.G.; Kaiser, U.B.; Karavitaki, N.; Katznelson, L.; Kelly, D.F.; Lacroix, A.; McCormack, A.; Melmed, S.; Molitch, M.; Mortini, P.; Newell-Price, J.; Nieman, L.; Pereira, A.M.; Petersenn, S.; Pivonello, R.; Raff, H.; Reincke, M.; Salvatori, R.; Scaroni, C.; Shimon, I.; Stratakis, C.A.; Swearingen, B.; Tabarin, A.; Takahashi, Y.; Theodoropoulou, M.; Tsagarakis, S.; Valassi, E.; Varlamov, E.V.; Vila, G.; Wass, J.; Webb, S.M.; Zatelli, M.C. & Biller, B.M.K. (2021), Consensus on diagnosis and management of Cushing's disease: a guideline update, The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 9(12): 847-875.
- Scholz, P.; Altay, L.; Sitnilska, V.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Pereira, A.M.; Haalen, F.M. van; Akhtar, I.; Boon, C.J.F. & Fauser, S. (2021), SALIVARY ALPHA-AMYLASE LEVELS MAY CORRELATE WITH CENTRAL SEROUS CHORIORETINOPATHY ACTIVITY, RETINA, The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 41(12): 2479-2484.
- Koning, A.S.C.A.M.; Satoer, D.D.; Vinkers, C.H.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Biermasz, N.R.; Tewarie, R.D.S.N.; Moojen, W.A.; Rossum, E.F.C. van; Dirven, C.M.F.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Meijer, O.C. (2021), The DEXA-CORT trial, BMJ Open 11(12).
- Vries, F. de; Furth, W.R. van; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2021), Hypophysitis: A comprehensive overview, La presse médicale 50(4).
- Schilperoort, M.; Kroon, J.; Kooijman, S.; Smit, A.E.; Gentenaar, M.; Mletzko, K.; Schmidt, F.N.; Ruijven, L. van; Busse, B.; Pereira, A.M.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Bravenboer, N.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Meijer, O.C. & Winter, E.M. (2021), Loss of glucocorticoid rhythm induces an osteoporotic phenotype in female mice, Aging Cell 20(10).
- Zandbergen, I.M.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Pelsma, I.C.M.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Bisschop, P.H.L.T.; Boogaarts, H.D.J.; Bon, A.C. van; Burhani, B.; Cessie, S. le; Dekkers, O.M.; Drent, M.L.; Feelders, R.A.; Graaf, J.P. de; Hoogmoed, J.; Kapiteijn, K.K.; Klauw, M.M. van der; Nieuwlaat, W.A.C.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Stades, A.M.E.; Ven, A.C. van de; Wakelkamp, I.M.M.J.; Furth, W.R. van; Biermasz, N.R. & Dutch Prolactinoma Study Grp (2021), The PRolaCT studies - a study protocol for a combined randomised clinical trial and observational cohort study design in prolactinoma, Trials 22(1).
- Meulen, M. van der; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Broersen, L.H.A.; Schoones, J.W.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van; Claessen, K.M.J.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2021), State of the art of patient-reported outcomes in acromegaly or GH deficiency, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 107(5).
- Scholz, P.; Altay, L.; Sitnilska, V.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Pereira, A.M.; Haalen, F.M. van; Akhtar, I.; Boon, C.J.F. & Fauser, S. (2021), Salivary alpha amylase levels may correlate with central serous chorioretinopathy activity, RETINA: The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 41(12).
- (2021), Long-term effects of Cushing’s Disease on visuospatial planning and executive functioning, Psychoneuroendocrinology.
- Bryce, J.; Guisto, V. di; Ali, S.R.; Alexandraki, K.; Badiu, C.; Baronio, F.; Biermasz, N.R.; Brandi, M.L.; Castinetti, F.; Ceccato, F.; Chifu, I.O.; Cools, M.; Danne, T.; Druce, M.; Esposito, D.; Falhammar, H.; Fugazzola, L.; Gan, H.W.; Giordano, R.; Isidori, A.M.; Johannsson, G.; Karavitaki, N.; Linglart, A.; Luger, A.; Maffei, P.; Marazuela, M.; Jaksic, V.P.; Paschou, S.A.; Persani, L.; Domingo, M.P.; Reisch, N.; Schalin-Jantti, C.; Akker, E.L.T. van den; Vassiliadi, D.; Young, J.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Grozinsky-Glasberg, S.; Pereira, A.M. & Ahmed, S.F. (2021), The Use Of e-REC For Capturing The Occurrence Of COVID-19 Infections In People With Rare Endocrine Conditions, Hormone Research in Paediatrics 94(SUPPL 1): 48-49.
- Zurita, A.L.P.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Biermasz, N.; Bryce, J.; Burman, P.; Castano, L.; Dattani, M.T.; Dekkers, O.M.; Gan, H.W.; Gaztambide, S.; Katugampola, H.; Lasolle, H.; Muller, H.L.; Raverot, G.; Rica, I.; Beuzekom, C.N. van; Vries, F. de; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Ahmed, S.F. & Pereira, A.M. (2021), The Pituitary Tumour Module: Developing a Condition Specific Module within the European Registries for Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa), Hormone Research in Paediatrics 94(SUPPL 1): 113-113.
- Marques, P.; Vries, F. de; Dekkers, O.M.; Korbonits, M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2021), Serum inflammation-based scores in endocrine tumors, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 106(10): E3796-E3819.
- Meier, M.E.; Clerkx, S.N.; Winter, E.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Ven, A.C. van de; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M. (2021), Safety of therapy with and withdrawal from denosumab in fibrous dysplasia and McCune-Albright syndrome, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 36(9): 1729-1738.
- Bauduin, S.E.E.C.; Rooijen, I.L.B. den; Meijer, M.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Keo, A.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Pereira, A.M.; Giltay, E.J.; Wee, N.J.A. van der; Meijer, O.C. & Mahfouz, A. (2021), Potential associations between immune signaling genes, deactivated microglia, and oligodendrocytes and cortical gray matter loss in patients with long-term remitted Cushing's disease, Psychoneuroendocrinology 132.
- Ho, K.; Fleseriu, M.; Kaiser, U.; Salvatori, R.; Brue, T.; Lopes, M.B.; Kunz, P.; Molitch, M.; Camper, S.A.; Gadelha, M.; Syro, L.V.; Laws, E.; Reincke, M.; Nishioka, H.; Grossman, A.; Barkan, A.; Casanueva, F.; Wass, J.; Mamelak, A.; Katznelson, L.; Lely, A.J. van der; Radovick, S.; Bidlingmaier, M.; Boguszewski, M.; Bollerslev, J.; Hoffman, A.R.; Oyesiku, N.; Raverot, G.; Ben-Shlomo, A.; Fowkes, R.; Shimon, I.; Fukuoka, H.; Pereira, A.M.; Greenman, Y.; Heaney, A.P.; Gurnell, M.; Johannsson, G.; Osamura, R.Y.; Buchfelder, M.; Zatelli, M.C.; Korbonits, M.; Chanson, P.; Biermasz, N.; Clemmons, D.R.; Karavitaki, N.; Bronstein, M.D.; Trainer, P. & Melmed, S. (2021), Pituitary Neoplasm Nomenclature workshop, Journal of the Endocrine Society 5(3).
- Graaf, J.P. de; Vries, F. de; Dirkson, A.; Hiort, O.; Pereira, A.M.; Korbonits, M.; Cools, M. & Res Sci Work Package Endo-ERN (2021), Patients with rare endocrine conditions have corresponding views on unmet needs in clinical research, Endocrine 71(3): 561-568.
- Vries, F. de; Lobatto, D.J.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Schutte, P.J.; Notting, I.C.; Kruit, M.C.; Ahmed, S.F.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2021), Outcome squares integrating efficacy and safety, as applied to functioning pituitary adenoma surgery, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 106(9): E3300-E3311.
- Nowotny, H.; Bryce, J.; Giordano, R.; Baronio, F.; Chifu, I.; Cools, M.; Akker, E.L.T. van den; Falhammar, H.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Persani, L.; Beccuti, G.; Grozinsky-Glasberg, S.; Pereira, A.M.; Husebye, E.; Hahner, S. & Ahmed, S.F. (2021), Outcome of COVID-19 infections in patients with adrenal insufficiency, Hormone Research in Paediatrics 94(SUPPL 1): 28-29.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Pelsma, I.C.M.; Kroon, H.M.; Lierop, A.H. van; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M. (2021), Low sclerostin levels after long-term remission of acromegaly, Endocrine 75.
- Trigt, V.R. van; Pelsma, I.C.M.; Kroon, H.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Meulen, C. van der; Kloppenburg, M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Claessen, K.M.J.A. (2021), Low prevalence of neuropathic-like pain symptoms in long-term controlled acromegaly, Pituitary 25.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Pereira, A.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2021), Improvement in symptoms and health-related quality of life in acromegaly patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 106(2): 577-587.
- Tumiene, B.; Graessner, H.; Mathijssen, I.M.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Schaefer, F.; Scarpa, M.; Blay, J.Y.; Dollfus, H. & Hoogerbrugge, N. (2021), European Reference Networks, Journal of Community Genetics 12(2): 217-229.
- Amaya, J.M.; Suidgeest, E.; Sahut-Barnola, I.; Dumontet, T.; Montanier, N.; Pages, G.; Keller, C.; Weerd, L. van der; Pereira, A.M.; Martinez, A. & Meijer, O.C. (2021), Effects of long-term endogenous corticosteroid exposure on brain volume and glial cells in the AdKO mouse, Frontiers in Neuroscience 15.
- Iotova, V.; Schalin-Jantti, C.; Bruegmann, P.; Broesamle, M.; Bratina, N.; Tillmann, V.; Hiort, O. & Pereira, A.M. (2021), Educational and knowledge gaps within the European reference network on rare endocrine conditions, Endocrine Connections 10(1): 37-44.
- Tekampe, J.; Middendorp, H. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Sweep, F.C.G.J.; Meijer, O.C.; Pelsma, I.C.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Hermus, A.R.M.M. & Evers, A.W.M. (2021), Conditioning cortisol in healthy young women, Psychoneuroendocrinology 124.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Andela, C.D.; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2021), Clinical unmet needs in the treatment of adrenal crisis: importance of the patient's perspective, Frontiers in Endocrinology 12.
- Brinks, J.; Haalen, F.M. van; Rijssen, T.J. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Meijer, O.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Boon, C.J.F. & Dijk, E.H.C. van (2021), Central serous chorioretinopathy in active endogenous Cushing's syndrome, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Brinks, J.; Haalen, F.M. van; Rijssen, T.J. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Meijer, O.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Boon, C.J.F. & Dijk, E.H.C. van (2021), Central serous chorioretinopathy in active endogenous Cushing's syndrome, Acta Ophthalmologica 99: 34-34.
- Prins, M.L.M.; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Meijer, O.C.; Pereira, A.M. & Nijhoff, M.F. (2021), Adrenal vein sampling in a patient with primary hyperaldosteronism and severe contrast allergy, Journal of the Endocrine Society 5(10).
- Iotova, V.; Schalin-Jantti, C.; Bruegmann, P.; Broesamle, M.; Graaf, J. de; Bratina, N.; Tillmann, V.; Pereira, A.M. & Hiort, O. (2021), Access to patient oriented information-a baseline Endo-ERN survey among patients with rare endocrine disorders, Endocrine 71(3): 542-548.
- Monig, I.; Steenvoorden, D.; Graaf, J.P. de; Ahmed, S.F.; Taruscio, D.; Beun, J.G.; Johannsen, T.H.; Juul, A.; Hiort, O. & Pereira, A.M. (2021), CPMS-improving patient care in Europe via virtual case discussions, Endocrine 71.
- Pereira, A.M. & Hiort, O. (2021), Introduction to Endo-ERN-scope and mission, Endocrine 71.
- Pelsma, I.C.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Furth, W.R. van; Pereira, A.M.; Kroon, H.M.; Kloppenburg, M. & Claessen, K.M.J.A. (2021), Progression of acromegalic arthropathy in long-term controlled acromegaly patients: 9 years of longitudinal follow-up, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 106(1): 188-200.
- Pelsma, I.C.M.; Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Slagboom, P.E.; Heemst, D. van; Pereira, A.M.; Kroon, H.; Ramos, Y.F.M.; Kloppenburg, M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Meulenbelt, I.M. (2021), Variants of FOXO3 and RPA3 genes affecting IGF-1 levels alter the risk of development of primary osteoarthritis, European Journal of Endocrinology 184(1): 29-39.
- Boertien, T.M.; Booij, J.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Drent, M.L.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Simsek, S.; Veldman, R.G.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Bisschop, P.H. & Fliers, E. (2020), Ga-68-DOTATATE PET imaging in clinically non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas, European Journal of Hybrid Imaging 4(1).
- Johannsen, T.H.; Andersson, A.M.; Ahmed, S.F.; Rijke, Y.B. de; Greaves, R.F.; Hartmann, M.F.; Hiort, O.; Holterhus, P.M.; Krone, N.P.; Kulle, A.; Ljubicic, M.L.; Mastorakos, G.; McNeilly, J.; Pereira, A.M.; Saba, A.; Wudy, S.A.; Main, K.M.; Juul, A.; Working Group 3 H & Work Package 5 Diag (2020), Peptide hormone analysis in diagnosis and treatment of differences of sex development, European Journal of Endocrinology 182(6): P1-P15.
- Bauduin, S.; Pal, Z. van der; Pereira, A.P.; Meijer, O.; Giltay, E.; Wee, N. van der & Werff, S. van der (2020), Cortical Thickness Abnormalities in Long-Term Remitted Cushing's Disease, Biological Psychiatry 87(9): S377-S377.
- Haalen, F.M. van; vanDijk, E.H.C.; Savas, M.; Brinks, J.; Dekkers, O.M.; Dijkman, G.; vanRossum, E.F.C.; Biermasz, N.R.; Boon, C.J.F. & Pereira, A.M. (2020), Hair cortisol concentrations in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy , Acta Ophthalmologica 98(4).
- Vries, F. de; Bruin, M.; Lobatto, D.J.; Dekkers, O.M.; Schoones, J.W.; Furth, W.R. van; Pereira, A.M.; Karavitaki, N.; Biermasz, N.R. & Najafabadi, A.H.Z. (2020), Opioids and their endocrine effects: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(4).
- Piasecka, M.; Papakokkinou, E.; Valassi, E.; Santos, A.; Webb, S.M.; Vries, F. de; Pereira, A.M. & Ragnarsson, O. (2020), Psychiatric and neurocognitive consequences of endogenous hypercortisolism, Journal of Internal Medicine 288(2): 168-182.
- Pelsma, I.C.M.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Vries, F. de; Notting, I.C.; Broekmanz, M.L.D.; Furth, W.R. van; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2020), Quality of care evaluation in non-functioning pituitary adenoma with chiasm compression: visual outcomes and timing of intervention clinical recommendations based on a systematic literature review and cohort study, Pituitary 23(4): 417-429.
- Pelsma, I.C.M.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Vries, F. de; Notting, I.C.; Broekman, M.L.D.; Furth, W.R. van; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2020), Quality of care evaluation in non-functioning pituitary adenoma with chiasm compression, Pituitary 23(4): 430-431.
- Joustra, S.D.; Roelfsema, F.; Trotsenburg, A.S.P. van; Schneider, H.J.; Kosilek, R.P.; Kroon, H.M.; Logan, J.G.; Butterfield, N.C.; Zhou, X.; Toufaily, C.; Bak, B.; Turgeon, M.O.; Brule, E.; Steyn, F.J.; Gurnell, M.; Koulouri, O.; Tissier, P. le; Fontanaud, P.; Bassett, J.H.D.; Williams, G.R.; Oostdijk, W.; Wit, J.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Bernard, D.J. & Schoenmakers, N. (2020), Response to letter to the editor: "IGSF1 deficiency results in human and murine somatotrope neurosecretory hyperfunction".
- Meulen, M. van der; Najafabadi, A.Z.H.; Lobatto, D.J.; Andela, C.D.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2020), SF-12 or SF-36 in pituitary disease?, Endocrine 70.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Zandbergen, I.M.; Vries, F. de; Broersen, L.H.A.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Pereira, A.M.; Peul, W.C.; Dekkers, O.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2020), Surgery as a viable alternative first-line treatment for prolactinoma patients. a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(3): E32-E41.
- Dekkers, O.M.; Karavitaki, N. & Pereira, A.M. (2020), The epidemiology of aggressive pituitary tumors (and its challenges), Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 21(2): 209-212.
- Vries, F. de; Bruin, M.; Cersosimo, A.; Beuzekom, C.N. van; Ahmed, S.F.; Peeters, R.P.; Biermasz, N.R.; Hiort, O.; Pereira, A.M. & Pituitary Thyroid MTGS Endo-ERN (2020), An overview of clinical activities in Endo-ERN, European Journal of Endocrinology 183(2): 141-148.
- Bauduin, S.E.E.C.; Pal, Z. van der; Pereira, A.M.; Meijer, O.C.; Giltay, E.J.; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Werff, S.J.A. van der (2020), Cortical thickness abnormalities in long-term remitted Cushing's disease, Translational Psychiatry 10(1).
- Meulen, M. van der; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Lobatto, D.J.; Hout, W.B. van den; Andela, C.D.; Zandbergen, I.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van; Vlieland, T.P.M.V. & Biermasz, N.R. (2020), Healthcare utilization and costs among prolactinoma patients, Pituitary 24.
- Giustina, A.; Barkhoudarian, G.; Beckers, A.; Ben-Shlomo, A.; Biermasz, N.; Biller, B.; Boguszewski, C.; Bolanowski, M.; Bollerslev, J.; Bonert, V.; Bronstein, M.D.; Buchfelder, M.; Casanueva, F.; Chanson, P.; Clemmons, D.; Fleseriu, M.; Formenti, A.M.; Freda, P.; Gadelha, M.; Geer, E.; Gurnell, M.; Heaney, A.P.; Ho, K.K.Y.; Ioachimescu, A.G.; Lamberts, S.; Laws, E.; Losa, M.; Maffei, P.; Mamelak, A.; Mercado, M.; Molitch, M.; Mortini, P.; Pereira, A.M.; Petersenn, S.; Post, K.; Puig-Domingo, M.; Salvatori, R.; Samson, S.L.; Shimon, I.; Strasburger, C.; Swearingen, B.; Trainer, P.; Vance, M.L.; Wass, J.; Wierman, M.E.; Yuen, K.C.J.; Zatelli, M.C. & Melmed, S. (2020), Multidisciplinary management of acromegaly: a consensus, Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 21(4): 667-678.
- Vries, F. de; Lobatto, D.J.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Furth, W.R. van; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2020), Postoperative diabetes insipidus, Pituitary 24.
- Marques, P.; Vries, F. de; Dekkers, O.M.; Furth, W.R. van; Korbonits, M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2020), Pre-operative serum inflammation-based scores in patients with pituitary adenomas, Pituitary.
- Pelsma, I.C.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Kloppenburg, M.; Kroon, H.M. & Claessen, K.M.J.A. (2020), Progression of vertebral fractures in long-term controlled acromegaly, European Journal of Endocrinology 183(4): 427-437.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Zandbergen, I.M.; Vries, F. de; Broersen, L.H.A.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Pereira, A.M.; Peul, W.C.; Dekkers, O.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2020), Response to letter to the editor: "surgery as a viable alternative first-line treatment for prolactinoma patients. a systematic review and meta-analysis".
- Ali, S.R.; Bryce, J.; Tan, L.E.; Hiort, O.; Pereira, A.M.; Akker, E.L.T. van den; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Bertherat, J.; Cools, M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Kodra, Y.; Persani, L.; Smyth, A.; Smythe, C.; Taruscio, D. & Ahmed, S.F. (2020), The EuRRECa project as a model for data access and governance policies for rare disease registries that collect clinical outcomes, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(23).
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- Schilperoort, M.; Kroon, J.; Kooijman, S.; Mletzko, K.; Vanruyven, L.; Schmidt, F.; Busse, B.; Pereira, A.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Bravenboer, N.; Rensen, P.; Meijer, O. & Winter, E. (2020), Loss of glucocorticoid rhythm induces an osteoporotic phenotype in mice, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 35: 236-236.
- Boertien, T.M.; Drent, M.L.; Booij, J.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Hoogmoed, J.; Pereira, A.; Biermasz, N.R.; Simsek, S.; Veldman, R.G.; Tanck, M.W.T.; Fliers, E. & Bisschop, P.H. (2020), The GALANT trial , BMJ Open 10(8).
- Giustina, A.; Barkan, A.; Beckers, A.; Biermasz, N.; Biller, B.M.K.; Boguszewski, C.; Bolanowski, M.; Bonert, V.; Bronstein, M.D.; Casanueva, F.F.; Clemmons, D.; Colao, A.; Ferone, D.; Fleseriu, M.; Frara, S.; Gadelha, M.R.; Ghigo, E.; Gurnell, M.; Heaney, A.P.; Ho, K.; Ioachimescu, A.; Katznelson, L.; Kelestimur, F.; Kopchick, J.; Krsek, M.; Lamberts, S.; Losa, M.; Luger, A.; Maffei, P.; Marazuela, M.; Mazziotti, G.; Mercado, M.; Mortini, P.; Neggers, S.; Pereira, A.M.; Petersenn, S.; Puig-Domingo, M.; Salvatori, R.; Shimon, I.; Strasburger, C.; Tsagarakis, S.; Lely, A.J. van der; Wass, J.; Zatelli, M.C. & Melmed, S. (2020), A consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of acromegaly comorbidities, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(4).
- Roerink, S.H.P.P.; Cocks, M.S.; Wagenmakers, M.A.E.M.; Rodighiero, R.P.; Strauss, J.A.; Shepherd, S.O.; Plantinga, T.S.; Thijssen, D.H.J.; Hopman, M.T.E.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.; Wagenmakers, A.J.M.; Netea-Maier, R.T. & Hermus, A.R.M.M. (2020), Decreased aerobic exercise capacity after long-term remission from cushing syndrome, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(4).
- Marques, P.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Kruit, M.C.; Furth, W.R. van; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2020), Denosumab salvage therapy in a patient with a locally advanced and refractory sellar giant cell tumour of bone, The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 8(4): 348-348.
- Vries, F. de; Lobatto, D.J.; Bakker, L.E.H.; Furth, W.R. van; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2020), Early postoperative HPA-axis testing after pituitary tumor surgery, Endocrine 67(1): 161-171.
- Furth, W.R. van; Vries, F. de; Lobatto, D.J.; Kleijwegt, M.C.; Schutte, P.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Verstegen, M.J.T. (2020), Endoscopic surgery for pituitary tumors, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 49(3): 487-+.
- Lobatto, D.J.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Hout, W.B. van den; Vries, F. de; Vries, A.F. de; Schutte, P.J.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Pereira, A.M.; Peul, W.C.; Biermasz, N.R. & Furth, W.R. van (2020), Feasibility, safety, and outcomes of a stratified fast-track care trajectory in pituitary surgery, Endocrine 69(1): 175-187.
- Eggermann, T.; Elbracht, M.; Kurth, I.; Juul, A.; Johannsen, T.H.; Netchine, I.; Mastorakos, G.; Johannsson, G.; Musholt, T.J.; Zenker, M.; Prawitt, D.; Pereira, A.M.; Hiort, O. & European Reference Network Rare (2020), Genetic testing in inherited endocrine disorders: joint position paper of the European reference network on rare endocrine conditions (Endo-ERN), Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 15(1).
- Kroon, J.; Pereira, A.M. & Meijer, O.C. (2020), Glucocorticoid Sexual Dimorphism in Metabolism: Dissecting the Role of Sex Hormones, Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 31(5): 357-367.
- Haalen, F.M. van; vanDijk, E.H.C.; Savas, M.; Brinks, J.; Dekkers, O.M.; Dijkman, G.; vanRossum, E.F.C.; Biermasz, N.R.; Boon, C.J.F. & Pereira, A.M. (2020), Hair cortisol concentrations in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy, Acta Ophthalmologica 98(4): 390-395.
- Joustra, S.D.; Roelfsema, F.; Trotsenburg, A.S.P. van; Schneider, H.J.; Kosilek, R.P.; Kroon, H.M.; Logan, J.G.; Butterfield, N.C.; Zhou, X.; Toufaily, C.; Bak, B.; Turgeon, M.O.; Brule, E.; Steyn, F.J.; Gurnell, M.; Koulouri, O.; Tissier, P. le; Fontanaud, P.; Bassett, J.H.D.; Williams, G.R.; Oostdijk, W.; Wit, J.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Bernard, D.J. & Schoenmakers, N. (2020), IGSF1 deficiency results in human and murine somatotrope neurosecretory hyperfunction, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(3): E70-E84.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Haalen, F.M. van; Kienitz, T.; Dekkers, O.M.; Strasburger, C.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2019), The incidence of adrenal crisis in the postoperative period of HPA axis insufficiency after surgical treatment for Cushing's syndrome, European journal of endocrinology 181(2).
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Haalen, F.M. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Lobatto, D.J.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Furth, W.R. van; Dekkers, O.M. & Pereira, A.M. (2019), Microscopic versus endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery in the Leiden cohort treated for Cushing's disease, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 14.
- Lobatto, D.J.; Hout, W.B. van den; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Steffens, A.N.V.; Andela, C.D.; Pereira, A.M.; Peul, W.C.; Furth, W.R. van; Biermasz, N.R. & Vlieland, T.P.M.V. (2019), Healthcare utilization and costs among patients with non-functioning pituitary adenomas, Endocrine 64(2).
- Ali, S.R.; Bryce, J.; Cools, M.; Korbonits, M.; Beun, J.G.; Taruscio, D.; Danne, T.; Dattani, M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Linglart, A.; Netchine, I.; Nordenstrom, A.; Patocs, A.; Persani, L.; Reisch, N.; Smythe, A.; Sumnik, Z.; Visser, W.E.; Hiort, O.; Pereira, A.M.; Ahmed, S.F. & Endo ERN (2019), The current landscape of European registries for rare endocrine conditions, European Journal of Endocrinology 180(1): 89-98.
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- Tekampe, J.; Middendorp, H. van; Biermasz, N.; Sweep, F.; Meijer, O.; Pereira, A.; Hermus, A. & Evers, A. (2019), CONDITIONING CORTISOL AND ITS PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS, Psychosomatic Medicine 81(4): A55-A56.
- Ali, S.; Bryce, J.; Muir, T.; Okure, A.; Cools, M.; Danne, T.; Dattani, M.; Dekkers, O.; Hiort, O.; Linglart, A.; Netchine, I.; Nordenstrom, A.; Patocs, A.; Pereira, A.; Persani, L.; Reisch, N.; Smyth, A.; Sumnik, Z.; Taruscio, D.; Visser, W.E. & Ahmed, S.F. (2019), European Registries For Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa): Results From The Pilot Phase Of The Platform For e-Reporting Of Rare Endocrine Conditions (e-REC), Hormone Research in Paediatrics 91: 75-75.
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- Broersen, L.H.A.; Haalen, F.M. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Lobatto, D.J.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Furth, W.R. van; Dekkers, O.M. & Pereira, A.M. (2019), Microscopic versus endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery in the Leiden cohort treated for Cushing's disease: surgical outcome, mortality, and complications, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 14.
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- Broersen, L.H.A.; Haalen, F.M. van; Kienitz, T.; Biermasz, N.R.; Strasburger, C.J.; Dekkers, O.M. & Pereira, A.M. (2019), Sex Differences in Presentation but Not in Outcome for ACTH-Dependent Cushing's Syndrome, Frontiers in Endocrinology 10.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Haalen, F.M. van; Kienitz, T.; Dekkers, O.M.; Strasburger, C.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2019), The incidence of adrenal crisis in the postoperative period of HPA axis insufficiency after surgical treatment for Cushing's syndrome, European Journal of Endocrinology 181(2): 201-210.
- Andela, C.D.; Tiemensma, J.; Kaptein, A.A.; Scharloo, M.; Pereira, A.M.; Kamminga, N.G.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2019), The partner's perspective of the impact of pituitary disease: Looking beyond the patient, Journal of Health Psychology 24(12): 1687-1697.
- Meijer, O.C. & Pereira, A.M. (2019), Three percent annually on systemic glucocorticoids: facts, worries and perspectives, European Journal of Endocrinology 181(6): C23-C28.
- Lobatto, D.J.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Vries, F. de; Andela, C.D.; Hout, W.B. van den; Pereira, A.M.; Peul, W.C.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Furth, W.R. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2019), Toward Value Based Health Care in pituitary surgery: application of a comprehensive outcome set in perioperative care, European Journal of Endocrinology 181(4): 375-387.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Jha, M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Dekkers, O.M. (2018), Effectiveness of medical treatment for Cushing's syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Pituitary 21(6): 631-641.
- Koorneef, L.L.; Heuvel, J.K. van den; Kroon, J.; Boon, M.R.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Hettne, K.M.; Velde, N.M. van de; Kolenbrander, K.B.; Streefland, T.C.M.; Mol, I.M.; Sips, H.C.M.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Mei, H.L.; Belanoff, J.K.; Pereira, A.M.; Oosterveer, M.H.; Hunt, H.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Meijer, O.C. (2018), Selective Glucocorticoid Receptor Modulation Prevents and Reverses Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Male Mice, Endocrinology 159(12): 3925-3936.
- Lobatto, D.J.; Steffens, A.N.V.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Andela, C.D.; Pereira, A.M.; Hout, W.B. van den; Peul, W.C.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Biermasz, N.R. & Furth, W.R. van (2018), Work disability and its determinants in patients with pituitary tumor-related disease, Pituitary 21(6): 593-604.
- Andela, C.D.; Lobatto, D.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2018), How non-functioning pituitary adenomas can affect health-related quality of life: a conceptual model and literature review., Pituitary 21(2).
- Lobatto, D.J.; Vries, F. de; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Pereira, A.M.; Peul, W.C.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Biermasz, N.R. & Furth, W.R. van (2018), Preoperative risk factors for postoperative complications in endoscopic pituitary surgery: a systematic review, Pituitary 21(1): 84-97.
- Djurovic, M.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Vasovic, O.; Damjanovic, S.; Jemuovic, Z.; Pavlovic, D.; Miljic, D.; Pekic, S.; Stojanovic, M.; Asanin, M.; Krljanac, G. & Petakov, M. (2018), Cognitive functioning and quality of life in patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis on long-term levothyroxine replacement, Endocrine 62(1): 136-143.
- Haalen, F.M. van; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Dekkers, O.M.; Bizino, M.B.; Dijkman, G.; Biermasz, N.R.; Boon, C.J.F. & Pereira, A.M. (2018), Cushing's syndrome and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivity in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy, Frontiers in Endocrinology 9.
- Joustra, S.D.; Gu, C.; Rohling, J.H.T.; Pickering, L.; Klose, M.; Hu, K.; Scheer, F.A.; Feldt-Rasmussen, U.; Jennum, P.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Meijer, J.H. (2018), Decrease in scale invariance of activity fluctuations with aging and in patients with suprasellar tumors, Chronobiology International 35(3): 368-377.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Biermasz, N.R.; Furth, W.R. van; Vries, F. de; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Dekkers, O.M. & Pereira, A.M. (2018), Endoscopic vs. microscopic transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Pituitary 21(5): 524-534.
- Esdonk, M.J. van; Zutphen, E.J.M. van; Roelfsema, F.; Pereira, A.M.; Graaf, P.H. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Stevens, J. & Burggraaf, J. (2018), How are growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 reported as markers for drug effectiveness in clinical acromegaly research? A comprehensive methodologic review, Pituitary 21(3): 310-322.
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- Haalen, F.M. van; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Andela, C.D.; Dijkman, G.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Boon, C.J.F. (2018), Maladaptive personality traits, psychological morbidity and coping strategies in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy., Acta Opthalmologica.
- Malgo, F.; Hamdy, N.A.T.; Rabelink, T.J.; Kroon, H.M.; Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M. (2017), Bone material strength index as measured by impact microindentation is altered in patients with acromegaly., European Journal of Endocrinology 176(3).
- Niemeijer, N.D.; Rijken, J.A.; Eijkelenkamp, K.; Horst-Schrivers, A.N.A. van der; Kerstens, M.N.; Tops, C.M.J.; Berkel, A. van; Timmers, H.J.L.M.; Kunst, H.P.M.; Leemans, C.R.; Bisschop, P.H.; Dreijerink, K.M.A.; Dooren, M.F. van; Bayley, J.P.; Pereira, A.M.; Jansen, J.C.; Hes, F.J.; Hensen, E.F. & Corssmit, E.P.M. (2017), The phenotype of SDHB germline mutation carriers: a nationwide study, European Journal of Endocrinology 177(2): 115-125.
- Andela, C.D.; Repping-Wuts, H.; Stikkelbroeck, N.M.M.L.; Pronk, M.C.; Tiemensma, J.; Hermus, A.R.; Kaptein, A.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Kamminga, N.G.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2017), Enhanced self-efficacy after a selfmanagement programme in pituitary disease: a randomized controlled trial, European Journal of Endocrinology 177(1): 59-72.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Horvath-Puho, E.; Pereira, A.M.; Erichsen, R.; Dekkers, O.M. & Sorensen, H.T. (2017), Corticosteroid use and mortality risk in patients with perforated colonic diverticular disease: a population-based cohort study, BMJ Open Gastroenterology 4(1).
- Halem, K. van; Vrolijk, L.; Pereira, A.M. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2017), Characteristics and Mortality of Pneumocystis Pneumonia in Patients With Cushing's Syndrome: A Plea for Timely Initiation of Chemoprophylaxis, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 4(1).
- Nikolic-Djurovic, M.; Pereira, A.M.; Jemuovic, Z.; Pavlovic, D.; Jankovic, D.; Petakov, M.; Civcic, M.; Vasovic, O. & Damjanovic, S. (2017), Cataplexy in a patient treated for prolactinoma: Case report, Vojnosanitetski Pregled 74(8): 782-785.
- Malgo, F.; Hamdy, N.A.T.; Rabelink, T.J.; Kroon, H.M.; Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M. (2017), Bone material strength index as measured by impact microindentation is altered in patients with acromegaly, European Journal of Endocrinology 176(3): 339-347.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Canete, A.N.; Bruin, P.W. de; Pereira, A.M.; Kloppenburg, M.; Kroon, H.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2017), Acromegalic arthropathy in various stages of the disease: an MRI study, European Journal of Endocrinology 176(6): 779-790.
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- Dijk, E.H.C. van; Dijkman, G.; Biermasz, N.R.; Haalen, F.M. van; Pereira, A.M. & Boon, C.J.F. (2016), Chronic central serous chorioretinopathy as a presenting symptom of Cushing syndrome, European Journal of Ophthalmology.
- Tiemensma, J.; Andela, C.D.; Biermasz, N.R.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2016), Mild cognitive deficits in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency, Psychoneuroendocrinology 63: 170-177.
- Steffensen, C.; Pereira, A.M.; Dekkers, O.M. & Jorgensen, J.O.L. (2016), Prevalence of hypercortisolism in type 2 diabetes patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, European Journal of Endocrinology 175(6): R247-R253.
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- Andela, C.D.; Staufenbiel, S.M.; Joustra, S.D.; Pereira, A.M.; Rossum, E.F.C. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2016), Quality of life in patients with adrenal insufficiency correlates stronger with hydrocortisone dosage, than with long-term systemic cortisol levels, Psychoneuroendocrinology 72: 80-86.
- Joustra, S.D.; Heinen, C.A.; Schoenmakers, N.; Bonomi, M.; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Turgeon, M.O.; Bernard, D.J.; Fliers, E.; Trotsenburg, A.S.P. van; Losekoot, M.; Persani, L.; Wit, J.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M.; Oostdijk, W. & IGSF Clinical Care Grp (2016), IGSF1 Deficiency: Lessons From an Extensive Case Series and Recommendations for Clinical Management, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 101(4): 1627-1636.
- Heuvel, J.K. van den; Boon, M.R.; Hengel, I. van; Peschier-van der Put, E.; Beek, L. van; Harmelen, V. van; Dijk, K.W. van; Pereira, A.M.; Hunt, H.; Belanoff, J.K.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Meijer, O.C. (2016), Identification of a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator that prevents both diet-induced obesity and inflammation, British Journal of Pharmacology 173(11): 1793-1804.
- Roelfsema, F.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Veldhuis, J.D. (2016), Optimizing Blood Sampling Protocols in Patients With Acromegaly for the Estimation of Growth Hormone Secretion, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 101(7): 2675-2682.
- Verstegen, M.J.T.; Tummers, Q.R.J.G.; Schutte, P.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van; Velde, C.J.H.V. de; Malessy, M.J.A. & Vahrmeijer, A.L. (2016), Intraoperative Identification of a Normal Pituitary Gland and an Adenoma Using Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging and Low-Dose Indocyanine Green, Operative Neurosurgery 12(3): 260-267.
- Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Rijndorp, M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Dekkers, O.M. & Pereira, A.M. (2016), Effects of discontinuation of growth hormone replacement in adult GH-deficient patients: a cohort study and a systematic review of the literature, European Journal of Endocrinology 174(6): 705-716.
- Heuvel, J.K. van den; Boon, M.R.; Hengel, I. van; Peschier-van der Put, E.; Beek, L. van; Harmelen, V. van; Dijk, K.W. van; Pereira, A.M.; Hunt, H.; Belanoff, J.K.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Meijer, O.C. (2016), Identification of a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator that prevents both diet-induced obesity and inflammation, British Journal of Pharmacology 173(11): 1793-1804.
- Gatto, F.; Biermasz, N.R.; Feelders, R.A.; Kros, J.M.; Dogan, F.; Lely, A.J. van der; Neggers, S.J.C.M.M.; Lamberts, S.W.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Ferone, D. & Hofland, L.J. (2016), Low beta-arrestin expression correlates with the responsiveness to long-term somatostatin analog treatment in acromegaly, European Journal of Endocrinology 174(5): 651-662.
- Joustra, S.D.; Andela, C.D.; Oostdijk, W.; Trotsenburg, A.S.P. van; Fliers, E.; Wit, J.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Middelkoop, H.A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2016), Mild deficits in attentional control in patients with the IGSF1 deficiency syndrome, Clinical Endocrinology 84(6): 896-903.
- Clayton, R.N.; Jones, P.W.; Reulen, R.C.; Stewart, P.M.; Hassan-Smith, Z.K.; Ntali, G.; Karavitaki, N.; Dekkers, O.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Bolland, M.; Holdaway, I. & Lindholm, J. (2016), Mortality in patients with Cushing's disease more than 10 years after remission: a multicentre, multinational, retrospective cohort study, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 4(7): 569-576.
- Joustra, S.D.; Roelfsema, F.; Endert, E.; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Trotsenburg, A.S.P. van; Fliers, E.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Bernard, D.J.; Oostdijk, W.; Wit, J.M.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2016), Pituitary Hormone Secretion Profiles in IGSF1 Deficiency Syndrome, Neuroendocrinology 103(3-4): 408-416.
- Andela, C.D.; Scharloo, M.; Ramondt, S.; Tiemensma, J.; Husson, O.; Llahana, S.; Pereira, A.M.; Kaptein, A.A.; Kamminga, N.G.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2016), The development and validation of the Leiden Bother and Needs Questionnaire for patients with pituitary disease: the LBNQ-Pituitary, Pituitary 19(3): 293-302.
- Joustra, S.D.; Reijntjes, R.H.; Pereira, A.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Biermasz, N.R. & Thijs, R.D. (2016), The Role of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus in Cardiac Autonomic Control during Sleep, PLoS ONE 11(3).
- Haalen, F.M. van; Broersen, L.H.A.; Jorgensen, J.O.; Pereira, A.M. & Dekkers, O.M. (2015), Management of endocrine disease: Mortality remains increased in Cushing's disease despite biochemical remission: a systematic review and meta-analysis, European journal of endocrinology.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Jorgensen, J.O.L. & Dekkers, O.M. (2015), Adrenal Insufficiency in Corticosteroids Use: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 100(6): 2171-2180.
- Bas-Hoogendam, J.M.; Andela, C.D.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Pannekoek, J.N.; Steenbergen, H. van; Meijer, O.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Mast, R.C. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Pereira, A.M. (2015), Altered neural processing of emotional faces in remitted Cushing's disease, Psychoneuroendocrinology 59: 134-146.
- Dekkers, O.M.; Ehrenstein, V.; Bengtsen, M.; Farkas, D.K.; Pereira, A.M.; Sorensen, H.T. & Jorgensen, J.O.L. (2015), Breast cancer risk in hyperprolactinemia: a population-based cohort study and meta-analysis of the literature, European Journal of Endocrinology 173(2): 269-273.
- Dijk, E. van; Dijkman, G.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Boon, C.J.F. (2015), Chronic central serous chorioretinopathy leading to the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Hubers, A.A.M.; Mast, R.C. van der; Pereira, A.M.; Roos, R.A.C.; Veen, L.J.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Duijn, E. van & Giltay, E.J. (2015), Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Functioning in Huntington's Disease and its Association with Depressive Symptoms and Suicidality, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 27(3): 234-244.
- Staufenbiel, S.M.; Andela, C.D.; Manenschijn, L.; Pereira, A.M.; Rossum, E.F.C. van & Biermasz, N.R. (2015), Increased Hair Cortisol Concentrations and BMI in Patients With Pituitary-Adrenal Disease on Hydrocortisone Replacement, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 100(6): 2456-2462.
- Laat, J.M. de; Dekkers, O.M.; Pieterman, C.R.C.; Kluijfhout, W.P.; Hermus, A.R.; Pereira, A.M.; Horst-Schrivers, A.N. van der; Drent, M.L.; Bisschop, P.H.; Havekes, B.; Herder, W.W. de & Valk, G.D. (2015), Long-Term Natural Course of Pituitary Tumors in Patients With MEN1: Results From the DutchMEN1 Study Group (DMSG), Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 100(9): 3288-3296.
- Haalen, F.M. van; Broersen, L.H.A.; Jorgensen, J.O.; Pereira, A.M. & Dekkers, O.M. (2015), MANAGEMENT OF ENDOCRINE DISEASE Mortality remains increased in Cushing's disease despite biochemical remission: a systematic review and meta-analysis, European Journal of Endocrinology 172(4): R143-R149.
- Andela, C.D.; Haalen, F.M. van; Ragnarsson, O.; Papakokkinou, E.; Johannsson, G.; Santos, A.; Webb, S.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Pereira, A.M. (2015), MECHANISMS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY Cushing's syndrome causes irreversible effects on the human brain: a systematic review of structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, European Journal of Endocrinology 173(1): R1-R14.
- Tiemensma, J.; Andela, C.D.; Biermasz, N.R.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2015), Mild cognitive deficits in patients on stable treatment for primary adrenal insufficiency, Psychoneuroendocrinology 61: 46-46.
- Andela, C.D.; Biermasz, N.R.; Kaptein, A.A.; Pereira, A.M. & Tiemensma, J. (2015), More concerns and stronger beliefs about the necessity of medication in patients with acromegaly are associated with negative illness perceptions and impairment in quality of life, Growth Hormone and IGF Research 25(5): 219-226.
- Tiemensma, J.; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Broadbent, E.; Biermasz, N.R. & Kaptein, A.A. (2015), Persistent negative illness perceptions despite long-term biochemical control of acromegaly: novel application of the drawing test, European Journal of Endocrinology 172(5): 583-593.
- Andela, C.D.; Scharloo, M.; Pereira, A.M.; Kaptein, A.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2015), Quality of life (QoL) impairments in patients with a pituitary adenoma: a systematic review of QoL studies, Pituitary 18(5): 752-776.
- Werff, S.J.A. van der; Pannekoek, J.N.; Andela, C.D.; Meijer, O.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Mast, R.C. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Wee, N.J.A. van der (2015), Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Patients with Long-Term Remission of Cushing's Disease, Neuropsychopharmacology 40(8): 1888-1898.
- Scalco, R.C.; Hwa, V.; Domene, H.M.; Jasper, H.G.; Belgorosky, A.; Marino, R.; Pereira, A.M.; Tonelli, C.A.; Wit, J.M.; Rosenfeld, R.G. & Jorge, A.A.L. (2015), STAT5B mutations in heterozygous state have negative impact on height: another clue in human stature heritability, European Journal of Endocrinology 173(3): 291-296.
- Felt, J.M.; Depaoli, S.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Tiemensma, J. (2015), Total score or subscales in scoring the acromegaly quality of life questionnaire: using novel confirmatory methods to compare scoring options, European Journal of Endocrinology 173(1): 37-42.
- Andela, C.D.; Niemeijer, N.D.; Scharloo, M.; Tiemensma, J.; Kanagasabapathy, S.; Pereira, A.M.; Kamminga, N.G.A.; Kaptein, A.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2015), Towards a better quality of life (QoL) for patients with pituitary diseases: results from a focus group study exploring QoL, Pituitary 18(1): 86-100.
- Pereira, A.M. (2015), Neuropsychological functioning in acromegaly: towards identification of modifiable factors to improve long-term care after remission, Endocrine 50(3): 523-525.
- Andela, C.D.; Haalen, F.M. van; Ragnarsson, O.; Papakokkinou, E.; Johannsson, G.; Santos, A.; Webb, S.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Pereira, A.M. (2015), MECHANISMS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY: Cushing's syndrome causes irreversible effects on the human brain: a systematic review of structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging studies., European Journal of Endocrinology 173(1).
- Roelfsema, F.; Pijl, H.; Kok, P.; Endert, E.; Fliers, E.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Veldhuis, J.D. (2014), Thyrotropin Secretion in Healthy Subjects Is Robust and Independent of Age and Gender, and Only Weakly Dependent on Body Mass Index, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 99(2): 570-578.
- Tiemensma, J.; Andela, C.D.; Kaptein, A.A.; Romijn, J.A.; Mast, R.C. van der; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2014), Psychological morbidity and impaired quality of life in patients with stable treatment for primary adrenal insufficiency: cross-sectional study and review of the literature, European Journal of Endocrinology 171(2): 171-182.
- Tiemensma, J.; Andela, C.D.; Kaptein, A.A.; Romijn, J.A.; Mast, R.C. van der; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2014), PSYCHOLOGICAL MORBIDITY AND IMPAIRED QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH STABLE TREATMENT FOR PRIMARY ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY, Annals of Behavioral Medicine 47: S124-S124.
- Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Malgo, F.; Neelis, K.J.; Coremans, I.; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2014), Pituitary dysfunction in adult patients after cranial irradiation for head and nasopharyngeal tumours, Radiotherapy and Oncology 113(1): 102-107.
- Tiemensma, J.; Andela, C.D.; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Biermasz, N.R. & Kaptein, A.A. (2014), Patients With Adrenal Insufficiency Hate Their Medication: Concerns and Stronger Beliefs About the Necessity of Hydrocortisone Intake Are Associated With More Negative Illness Perceptions, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 99(10): 3668-3676.
- Roelfsema, F.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Veldhuis, J.D. (2014), Hormone Secretion by Pituitary Adenomas Is Characterized by Increased Disorderliness and Spikiness but More Regular Pulsing, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 99(10): 3836-3844.
- Joustra, S.D.; Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Dekkers, O.M.; Beek, A.P. van; Wolffenbuttel, B.H.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2014), High Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Features in Patients Previously Treated for Nonfunctioning Pituitary Macroadenoma, PLoS ONE 9(3).
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Ramautar, S.R.; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Kroon, H.M.; Kloppenburg, M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2014), Increased clinical symptoms of acromegalic arthropathy in patients with long-term disease control: a prospective follow-up study, Pituitary 17(1): 44-52.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Kloppenburg, M.; Kroon, H.M.; Bijsterbosch, J.; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Straaten, T. van der; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Hofman, A.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Duijnisveld, B.J.; Lakenberg, N.; Beekman, M.; Meurs, J.B. van; Slagboom, P.E.; Biermasz, N.R. & Meulenbelt, I. (2014), Relationship between the functional exon 3 deleted growth hormone receptor polymorphism and symptomatic osteoarthritis in women, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(2): 433-436.
- Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Hamdy, N.A.T.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2014), Effects of up to 15 years of recombinant human GH (rhGH) replacement on bone metabolism in adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD): The Leiden Cohort Study, Clinical Endocrinology 81(5): 727-735.
- Joustra, S.D.; Kruijssen, E.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2014), Determinants of Altered Sleep-Wake Rhythmicity in Patients Treated for Nonfunctioning Pituitary Macroadenomas, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 99(12): 4497-4505.
- Pas, R. van der; Esch, J.H.M. van; Bruin, C. de; Danser, A.H.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Zelissen, P.M.; Netea-Maier, R.; Sprij-Mooij, D.M.; Berg-Garrelds, I.M. van den; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Lamberts, S.W.J.; Meiracker, A.H. van den; Hofland, L.J. & Feelders, R.A. (2014), Cushing's disease and hypertension: in vivo and in vitro study of the role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and effects of medical therapy, European Journal of Endocrinology 170(2): 181-191.
- Duyvenvoorde, H.A. van; Lui, J.C.; Kant, S.G.; Oostdijk, W.; Gijsbers, A.C.J.; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Karperien, M.; Walenkamp, M.J.E.; Noordam, C.; Voorhoeve, P.G.; Mericq, V.; Pereira, A.M.; Claahsen-van de Grinten, H.L.; Gool, S.A. van; Breuning, M.H.; Losekoot, M.; Baron, J.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L. & Wit, J.M. (2014), Copy number variants in patients with short stature, European Journal of Human Genetics 22(5): 602-609.
- Joustra, S.D.; Thijs, R.D.; Berg, R. van den; Dijk, M. van; Pereira, A.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Someren, E.J.W. van; Romijn, J.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2014), Alterations in diurnal rhythmicity in patients treated for nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma: a controlled study and literature review, European Journal of Endocrinology 171(2): 217-228.
- Varsseveld, N.C. van; Bisschop, P.H.L.T.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M.; Fliers, E. & Drent, M.L. (2014), A long-term follow-up study of eighteen patients with thyrotrophin-secreting pituitary adenomas, Clinical Endocrinology 80(3): 395-402.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Joustra, S.D.; Mutsert, R. de; Gast, K.B.; Heijer, M. den; Smit, J.W.A.; Dekkers, O.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2014), Abnormal metabolic phenotype in middle-aged GH-deficient adults despite long-term recombinant human GH replacement, European Journal of Endocrinology 170(2): 263-272.
- Hubers, A.A.M.; Mast, R.C. van der; Pereira, A.M.; Roos, R.A.C.; Veen, L.J.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Duijn, E. van & Giltay, E.J. (2014), HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY-ADRENAL AXIS ACTIVITY IN HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS AND SUICIDALITY, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 85: A33-A33.
- Werff, S.J.A. van der; Andela, C.D.; Pannekoek, J.N.; Meijer, O.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Mast, R.C. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Wee, N.J.A. van der (2014), Widespread reductions of white matter integrity in patients with long-term remission of Cushing's disease, NeuroImage: Clinical 4: 659-667.
- Auvinen, H.E.; Wang, Y.A.; Princen, H.; Romijn, J.A.; Havekes, L.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Meijer, O.C.; Biermasz, N.R.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Pereira, A.M. (2013), Both Transient and Continuous Corticosterone Excess Inhibit Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP Mice, PLoS ONE 8(5).
- Djaberi, R.; Schuijf, J.D.; Koning, E.J. de; Wijewickrama, D.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.; Kroft, L.J.; Roos, A. de; Bax, J.J.; Rabelink, T.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2013), Non-invasive assessment of microcirculation by sidestream dark field imaging as a marker of coronary artery disease in diabetes, Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 10(2): 123-134.
- Roos, C.J.; Auger, D.; Djaberi, R.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Bax, J.J.; Delgado, V.; Jukema, J.W. & Scholte, A.J. (2013), Relationship between left ventricular diastolic function and arterial stiffness in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus, International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 29(3): 609-616.
- Schoenmakers, N.; Sun, Y.; Bak, B.; Trotsenburg, A.S.P. van; Oostdijk, W.; Voshol, P.; Cambridge, E.; White, J.K.; Tissier, P. le; Gharavy, S.N.M.; Martinez-Barbera, J.P.; Stokvis-Brantsma, W.H.; Vulsma, T.; Kempers, M.J.; Persani, L.; Campi, I.; Bonomi, M.; Beck-Peccoz, P.; Zhu, H.; Davis, T.M.E.; Hokken-Koelega, A.C.S.; Blanco, D.G. del; Rangasami, J.J.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Laros, J.F.J.; Kriek, M.; Kant, S.G.; Bosch, C.A.J.; Biermasz, N.R.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Corssmit, E.P.; Hovens, G.C.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Wade, M.G.; Breuning, M.H.; Hennekam, R.C.; Dattani, M.T.; Wit, J.M.; Bernard, D.J. & Chatterjee, K. (2013), Loss-of-function mutations in the immunoglobulin superfamily member 1 gene (IGSF1) cause a novel, X-linked syndrome of central hypothyroidism and testicular enlargement, The Lancet 381: 15-15.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Kloppenburg, M.; Kroon, H.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2013), Two phenotypes of arthropathy in long-term controlled acromegaly? A comparison between patients with and without joint space narrowing (JSN), Growth Hormone and IGF Research 23(5): 159-164.
- Pas, R. van der; Bruin, C. de; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Netea-Maier, R.T.; Hermus, A.R.; Zelissen, P.M.; Jong, F.H. de; Lely, A.J. van der; Herder, W.W. de; Webb, S.M.; Lamberts, S.W.J.; Hofland, L.J. & Feelders, R.A. (2013), Cortisol diurnal rhythm and quality of life after successful medical treatment of Cushing's disease, Pituitary 16(4): 536-544.
- Joustra, S.D.; Schoenmakers, N.; Persani, L.; Campi, I.; Bonomi, M.; Radetti, G.; Beck-Peccoz, P.; Zhu, H.; Davis, T.M.E.; Sun, Y.; Corssmit, E.P.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Heinen, C.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Varewijck, A.J.; Janssen, J.A.M.J.L.; Endert, E.; Hennekam, R.C.; Lombardi, M.P.; Mannens, M.M.A.M.; Bak, B.; Bernard, D.J.; Breuning, M.H.; Chatterjee, K.; Dattani, M.T.; Oostdijk, W.; Biermasz, N.R.; Wit, J.M. & Trotsenburg, A.S.P. van (2013), The IGSF1 Deficiency Syndrome: Characteristics of Male and Female Patients, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98(12): 4942-4952.
- Andela, C.D.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Pannekoek, J.N.; Berg, S.M. van den; Meijer, O.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Mast, R.C. van der; Romijn, J.A.; Tiemensma, J.; Biermasz, N.R.; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Pereira, A.M. (2013), Smaller grey matter volumes in the anterior cingulate cortex and greater cerebellar volumes in patients with long-term remission of Cushing's disease: a case-control study, European Journal of Endocrinology 169(6): 811-819.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Kroon, H.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Verstegen, M.J.; Kloppenburg, M.; Hamdy, N.A.T. & Biermasz, N.R. (2013), Progression of Vertebral Fractures Despite Long-Term Biochemical Control of Acromegaly: A Prospective Follow-up Study, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98(12): 4808-4815.
- Pas, R. van der; Feelders, R.A.; Gatto, F.; Bruin, C. de; Pereira, A.M.; Koetsveld, P.M. van; Sprij-Mooij, D.M.; Waaijers, A.M.; Dogan, F.; Schulz, S.; Kros, J.M.; Lamberts, S.W.J. & Hofland, L.J. (2013), Preoperative Normalization of Cortisol Levels in Cushing's Disease After Medical Treatment: Consequences for Somatostatin and Dopamine Receptor Subtype Expression and In Vitro Response to Somatostatin Analogs and Dopamine Agonists, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98(12): E1880-E1890.
- Dekkers, O.M.; Horvath-Puho, E.; Jorgensen, J.O.L.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Ehrenstein, V.; Vandenbroucke, J.P.; Pereira, A.M. & Sorensen, H.T. (2013), Multisystem Morbidity and Mortality in Cushing's Syndrome: A Cohort Study, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98(6): 2277-2284.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Adoptie, D.M.M.M.; Roelfsema, F.; Smit, J.W.A.; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2013), Metabolic Profile in Growth Hormone-Deficient (GHD) Adults after Long-Term Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rhGH) Therapy, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98(1): 352-361.
- Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Roelfsema, F.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2013), Long-term effects of recombinant human GH replacement in adults with GH deficiency: a systematic review, European Journal of Endocrinology 169(1): R1-R14.
- Hannema, S.E.; Duyvenvoorde, H.A. van; Premsler, T.; Yang, R.B.; Mueller, T.D.; Gassner, B.; Oberwinkler, H.; Roelfsema, F.; Santen, G.W.E.; Prickett, T.; Kant, S.G.; Verkerk, A.J.M.H.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Espiner, E.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Oostdijk, W.; Pereira, A.M.; Losekoot, M.; Kuhn, M. & Wit, J.M. (2013), An Activating Mutation in the Kinase Homology Domain of the Natriuretic Peptide Receptor-2 Causes Extremely Tall Stature Without Skeletal Deformities, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98(12): E1988-E1998.
- Auvinen, H.E.; Romijn, J.A.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pijl, H.; Havekes, L.M.; Smit, J.W.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Pereira, A.M. (2012), The effects of high fat diet on the basal activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in mice.
- Roos, C.; Auger, D.; Djaberi, R.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Smit, J.W.; Pereira, A.M.; Bax, J.; Delgado, V.; Jukema, J. & Scholte, A. (2012), ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN LEFT VENTRICULAR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION AND VASCULAR STIFFNESS AS ASSESSED WITH APPLANATION TONOMETRY IN ASYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS WITH DIABETES, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 59(13): E1674-E1674.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Ramautar, S.R.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Roelfsema, F.; Romijn, J.A.; Kroon, H.M.; Kloppenburg, M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2012), Progression of acromegalic arthropathy despite long-term biochemical control: a prospective, radiological study, European Journal of Endocrinology 167(2): 235-244.
- Delgado, V.; Biermasz, N.R.; Thiel, S.W. van; Ewe, S.H.; Marsan, N.A.; Holman, E.R.; Feelders, R.A.; Smit, J.W.A.; Bax, J.J. & Pereira, A.M. (2012), Changes in heart valve structure and function in patients treated with dopamine agonists for prolactinomas, a 2-year follow-up study, Clinical Endocrinology 77(1): 99-105.
- Roelfsema, F.; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2012), Clinical factors involved in the recurrence of pituitary adenomas after surgical remission: a structured review and meta-analysis, Pituitary 15(1): 71-83.
- Pereira, A.M.; Tiemensma, J.; Romijn, J.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2012), Cognitive impairment and psychopathology in patients with pituitary diseases.
- Tiemensma, J.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Veen, E.M. van der; Ramondt, S.; Richardson, S.K.; Broadbent, E.; Romijn, J.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Biermasz, N.R. & Kaptein, A.A. (2012), Drawings Reflect a New Dimension of the Psychological Impact of Long-Term Remission of Cushing's Syndrome, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 97(9): 3123-3131.
- Feelders, R.A.; Pulgar, S.J.; Kempel, A. & Pereira, A.M. (2012), The burden of Cushing's disease: clinical and health-related quality of life aspects, European Journal of Endocrinology 167(3): 311-326.
- Pas, R. van der; Bruin, C. de; Leebeek, F.W.G.; Maat, M.P.M. de; Rijken, D.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Netea-Maier, R.T.; Hermus, A.R.; Zelissen, P.M.J.; Jong, F.H. de; Lely, A.J. van der; Herder, W.W. de; Lamberts, S.W.J.; Hofland, L.J. & Feelders, R.A. (2012), The Hypercoagulable State in Cushing's Disease Is Associated with Increased Levels of Procoagulant Factors and Impaired Fibrinolysis, But Is Not Reversible after Short-Term Biochemical Remission Induced by Medical Therapy, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 97(4): 1303-1310.
- Kokshoorn, N.E.; Romijn, J.A.; Roelfsema, F.; Rambach, A.H.J.H.; Smit, J.W.A.; Biermasz, N.R. & Pereira, A.M. (2012), The use of an early postoperative CRH test to assess adrenal function after transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas, Pituitary 15(3): 436-444.
- Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2012), Treatment of nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas: What were the contributions of the last 10 years? A critical view, Annales d'Endocrinologie 73(2): 111-116.
- Sun, Y.; Bak, B.; Schoenmakers, N.; Trotsenburg, A.S.P. van; Oostdijk, W.; Voshol, P.; Cambridge, E.; White, J.K.; Tissier, P. le; Gharavy, S.N.M.; Martinez-Barbera, J.P.; Stokvis-Brantsma, W.H.; Vulsma, T.; Kempers, M.J.; Persani, L.; Campi, I.; Bonomi, M.; Beck-Peccoz, P.; Zhu, H.D.; Davis, T.M.E.; Hokken-Koelega, A.C.S.; Blanco, D.G. del; Rangasami, J.J.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Laros, J.F.J.; Kriek, M.; Kant, S.G.; Bosch, C.A.J.; Biermasz, N.R.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Corssmit, E.P.; Hovens, G.C.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Wade, M.G.; Breuning, M.H.; Hennekam, R.C.; Chatterjee, K.; Dattani, M.T.; Wit, J.M. & Bernard, D.J. (2012), Loss-of-function mutations in IGSF1 cause an X-linked syndrome of central hypothyroidism and testicular enlargement, Nature Genetics 44(12): 1375-1381.
- Wit, J.M.; Duyvenvoorde, H.A. van; Scheltinga, S.A.; Bruin, S. de; Hafkenscheid, L.; Kant, S.G.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Gijsbers, A.C.J.; Doorn, J. van; Feigerlova, E.; Noordam, C.; Walenkamp, M.J.; Claahsen-van de Grinten, H.; Stouthart, P.; Bonapart, I.E.; Pereira, A.M.; Gosen, J.; Delemarre-van de Waal, H.A.; Hwa, V.; Breuning, M.H.; Domene, H.M.; Oostdijk, W. & Losekoot, M. (2012), Genetic Analysis of Short Children with Apparent Growth Hormone Insensitivity, Hormone Research in Paediatrics 77(5): 320-333.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Kloppenburg, M.; Kroon, H.M.; Bijsterbosch, J.; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, H.A.; Straaten, T. van der; Beekman, M.; Slagboom, P.E.; Biermasz, N.R. & Meulenbelt, I. (2012), A Functional Growth Hormone Receptor Polymorphism, Exon 3 Deleted Ghr, Is Associated with Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis in Females with Familial Osteoarthritis At Multiple Sites: The Garp Study., Arthritis and Rheumatism 64(10): S472-S473.
- Biermasz, N.R.; Klooster, R. van 't; Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Malm, S.H.; Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Roelfsema, F.; Pereira, A.M.; Kroon, H.M.; Stoel, B.C.; Romijn, J.A. & Kloppenburg, M. (2012), Automated image analysis of hand radiographs reveals widened joint spaces in patients with long-term control of acromegaly: relation to disease activity and symptoms, European Journal of Endocrinology 166(3): 407-413.
- Yiu, K.H.; Marsan, N.A.; Delgado, V.; Biermasz, N.R.; Holman, E.R.; Smit, J.W.A.; Feelders, R.A.; Bax, J.J. & Pereira, A.M. (2012), Increased myocardial fibrosis and left ventricular dysfunction in Cushing's syndrome, European Journal of Endocrinology 166(1): 27-34.
- Claessen, K.M.J.A.; Ramautar, S.R.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Biermasz, N.R. & Kloppenburg, M. (2012), Relationship between insulin-like growth factor-1 and radiographic disease in patients with primary osteoarthritis: a systematic review, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 20(2): 79-86.
- Opdam, F.L.; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Guchelaar, H. & Pereira, A.M. (2011), Failing hormones.
- Besemer, F.; Pereira, A.M. & Smit, J.W.A. (2011), Alcohol-induced Cushing syndrome Hypercortisolism caused by alcohol abuse.
- Kokshoorn, N.E.; Biermasz, N.R.; Roelfsema, F.; Smit, J.W.A.; Pereira, A.M. & Romijn, J.A. (2011), GH replacement therapy in elderly GH-deficient patients: a systematic review, European Journal of Endocrinology 164(5): 657-665.
- Roos, C.J.; Djaberi, R.; Schuijf, J.D.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Smit, J.W.; Pereira, A.M.; Younis, I. al; Hiel, B. van der; Scholte, A.J.; Bax, J.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2011), Relationship between vascular stiffness and stress myocardial perfusion imaging in asymptomatic patients with diabetes, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 38(11): 2050-2057.
- Kokshoorn, N.E.; Smit, J.W.A.; Nieuwlaat, W.A.; Tiemensma, J.; Bisschop, P.H.; Veldman, R.G.; Roelfsema, F.; Franken, A.A.M.; Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Biermasz, N.R.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2011), Low prevalence of hypopituitarism after traumatic brain injury: a multicenter study, European Journal of Endocrinology 165(2): 225-231.
- Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Biermasz, N.R.; Hamdy, N.A.T.; Zillikens, M.C.; Meurs, J.B.J. van; Rivadeneira, F.; Hofman, A.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Roelfsema, F.; Kloppenburg, M.; Kroon, H.M.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2011), High prevalence of vertebral fractures despite normal bone mineral density in patients with long-term controlled acromegaly, European Journal of Endocrinology 164(4): 475-483.
- Auvinen, H.E.; Romijn, J.A.; Biermasz, N.R.; Havekes, L.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Pereira, A.M. (2011), Effects of High Fat Diet on the Basal Activity of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Mice: A Systematic Review, HORMONE AND METABOLIC RESEARCH 43(13): 899-906.
- Pereira, A.M. (2011), Update on the withdrawal of dopamine agonists in patients with hyperprolactinemia, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity 18(4): 264-268.
- Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Kokshoorn, N.E.; Dekkers, O.M.; Neelis, K.J.; Biermasz, N.R.; Romijn, J.A.; Smit, J.W.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2011), Pituitary Dysfunction in Adult Patients after Cranial Radiotherapy: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(8): 2330-2340.
- Biermasz, N.R.; Joustra, S.D.; Donga, E.; Pereira, A.M.; Duinen, N. van; Dijk, M. van; Klaauw, A.A. van der; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Kralingen, K.W. van; Dijk, J.G. van & Romijn, J.A. (2011), Patients Previously Treated for Nonfunctioning Pituitary Macroadenomas Have Disturbed Sleep Characteristics, Circadian Movement Rhythm, and Subjective Sleep Quality, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(5): 1524-1532.
- Burgers, A.M.G.; Biermasz, N.R.; Schoones, J.W.; Pereira, A.M.; Renehan, A.G.; Zwahlen, M.; Egger, M. & Dekkers, O.M. (2011), Meta-Analysis and Dose-Response Metaregression: Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) and Mortality, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(9): 2912-2920.
- Tanriverdi, F.; Agha, A.; Aimaretti, G.; Casanueva, F.F.; Kelestimur, F.; Klose, M.; Masel, B.E.; Pereira, A.M.; Popovic, V. & Schneider, H.J. (2011), Manifesto for the current understanding and management of traumatic brain injury-induced hypopituitarism, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 34(7): 541-543.
- Tiemensma, J.; Kaptein, A.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Romijn, J.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2011), Affected Illness Perceptions and the Association with Impaired Quality of Life in Patients with Long-Term Remission of Acromegaly, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(11): 3550-3558.
- Tiemensma, J.; Kaptein, A.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Romijn, J.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2011), Negative illness perceptions are associated with impaired quality of life in patients after long-term remission of Cushing's syndrome, European Journal of Endocrinology 165(4): 527-535.
- Stuijver, D.J.F.; Zaane, B. van; Feelders, R.A.; Debeij, J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Hermus, A.R.; Berg, G. van den; Pereira, A.M.; Herder, W.W. de; Wagenmakers, M.A.E.M.; Kerstens, M.N.; Zelissen, P.M.J.; Fliers, E.; Schaper, N.; Drent, M.L.; Dekkers, O.M. & Gerdes, V.E.A. (2011), Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Cushing's Syndrome: A Multicenter Cohort Study, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(11): 3525-3532.
- Stuijver, D.J.; Zaane, B. van; Feelders, R.A.; Debeij, J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Hermus, A.R.; Berg, G. van den; Pereira, A.M.; Herder, D.W.; Wagenmakers, M.A.; Kerstens, M.N.; Zelissen, P.M.; Fliers, E.; Schaper, N.; Drent, M.L.; Dekkers, O.M. & Gerdes, V.E. (2011), Incidence of venous thromboembolism in patients with Cushing's syndrome: a multicenter cohort study.
- Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Biermasz, N.R.; Bijsterbosch, J.; Pereira, A.M.; Meulenbelt, I.; Smit, J.W.A.; Roelfsema, F.; Kroon, H.M.; Romijn, J.A. & Kloppenburg, M. (2011), Arthropathy in long-term cured acromeagaly is characterised by osteophytes without joint space narrowing: a comparison with generalised osteoarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(2): 320-325.
- Dekkers, O.M.; Timmermans, J.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2011), Comparison of the cortisol responses to testing with two doses of ACTH in patients with suspected adrenal insufficiency, European Journal of Endocrinology 164(1): 83-87.
- Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M. & Kapiteijn, E. (2011), Multifocal adrenal nerve tissue?
- Tiemensma, J.; Kaptein, A.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Romijn, J.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2011), Coping Strategies in Patients after Treatment for Functioning or Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(4): 964-971.
- Burgers, A.M.G.; Kokshoorn, N.E.; Pereira, A.M.; Roelfsema, F.; Smit, J.W.A.; Biermasz, N.R. & Romijn, J.A. (2011), Low Incidence of Adrenal Insufficiency after Transsphenoidal Surgery in Patients with Acromegaly: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(7): E1163-E1170.
- Tiemensma, J.; Biermasz, N.R.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Mast, R.C. van der; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2010), Increased Prevalence of Psychopathology and Maladaptive Personality Traits after Long-Term Cure of Cushing's Disease, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(10): E129E141.
- Roelfsema, F.; Pereira, A.M.; Adriaanse, R.; Endert, E.; Fliers, E.; Romijn, J.A. & Veldhuis, J.D. (2010), Thyrotropin Secretion in Mild and Severe Primary Hypothyroidism Is Distinguished by Amplified Burst Mass and Basal Secretion with Increased Spikiness and Approximate Entropy, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(2): 928-934.
- Baas, J.M.; Kapiteijn, E.; Pereira, A.M. & Nortier, J.W.R. (2010), Atypical Cushing's syndrome caused by ectopic ACTH secretion of an oesophageal adenocarcinoma, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 68(6): 265-267.
- Roos, C.J.; Djaberi, R.; Schuijf, J.D.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, A.J.; Smit, J.V.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Jukema, J.V. & Bax, J.J. (2010), The relation between vascular stiffness measured by pulse wave velocity and augmentation index with abnormal myocardial perfusion in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus, European Heart Journal 31: 521-521.
- Djaberi, R.; Schuijf, J.D.; Roos, C.J.; Stokkel, M.P.; Scholte, A.J.; Smit, J.W.; Pereira, A.M.; Wall, E.E. van der; Jukema, J.V. & Bax, J.J. (2010), Incremental value of coronary artery calcium score over micro-albuminuria to predict myocardial ischemia in asymptomatic patients with type 1 diabetes, European Heart Journal 31: 522-522.
- Abdulrahman, R.M.; Delgado, V.; Ng, A.C.T.; Ewe, S.H.; Bertini, M.; Holman, E.R.; Hovens, G.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Bax, J.J. & Smit, J.W. (2010), Abnormal cardiac contractility in long-term exogenous subclinical hyperthyroid patients as demonstrated by two-dimensional echocardiography speckle tracking imaging, European Journal of Endocrinology 163(3): 435-441.
- Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Cazemier, M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M.; Roelfsema, F.; Smit, J.W.A.; Hommes, D.W.; Felt-Bersma, R.J.F. & Romijn, J.A. (2010), Acromegaly Is Associated with an Increased Prevalence of Colonic Diverticula: A Case-Control Study, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(5): 2073-2079.
- Feelders, R.A.; Bruin, C. de; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Waaijers, A.M.; Krijger, R.R. de; Kwekkeboom, D.J.; Lamberts, S.W.J.; Herder, W.W. de & Hofland, L.J. (2010), Somatostatin and Dopamine Receptor (Co-) Expression in Neuroendocrine Tumors with Ectopic ACTH Production: Potential Targets for Medical Treatment., Endocrine Reviews 31(3): -.
- Yiu, K.H.; Marsan, N.A.; Delgado, V.; Ng, A.C.; Witkowski, T.G.; Ewe, S.H.; Auger, D.; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A. & Bax, J.J. (2010), Myocardial fibrosis detection by calibrated integrated backscatter in Cushings syndrome, European Heart Journal 31: 745-745.
- Kars, M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Pereira, A.M. & Romijn, J.A. (2010), Update in prolactinomas.
- Feelders, R.A.; Bruin, C. de; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Netea-Maier, R.T.; Hermus, A.R.; Zelissen, P.M.; Sprij-Mooij, D.M.; Lely, A.J. van der; Herder, W.W. de; Lamberts, S.W.J. & Hofland, L.J. (2010), Medical Treatment of Cushing's Disease with Pasireotide Mono- or Combination Therapy with Cabergoline and Ketoconazole Modulates Somatostatin Receptor Subtype Expression on Corticotroph Tumor Cells, Endocrine Reviews 31(3): S845-S845.
- Roelfsema, F.; Kok, P.; Pereira, A.M. & Pijl, H. (2010), Body Surface Area Determines the Cortisol Production Rate in Obese Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Obese Healthy Women., Endocrine Reviews 31(3): -.
- Dekkers, O.M.; Lagro, J.; Burman, P.; Jorgensen, J.O.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2010), Recurrence of Hyperprolactinemia after Withdrawal of Dopamine Agonists: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(1): 43-51.
- Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Biermasz, N.R.; Kloppenburg, M.; Klaauw, A.A. van der; Tiemensma, J.; Smit, J.W.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Roelfsema, F.; Kroon, H.M. & Romijn, J.R. (2010), Clinical osteoarthritis predicts physical and psychological QoL in acromegaly patients, Growth Hormone and IGF Research 20(3): 226-233.
- Kokshoorn, N.E.; Smit, J.W.A.; Nieuwlaat, W.A.; Biermasz, N.R.; Bisschop, P.H.; Veldman, R.G.; Roelfsema, F.; Franken, A.; Wassernaar, M.J.E.; Tiemensma, J.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2010), Trauma Severity, but Not Hypopituitarism, Affects Cognitive Function after Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multi-Center Study in the Netherlands., Endocrine Reviews 31(3): -.
- Djaberi, R.; Schuijf, J.D.; Roos, C.J.; Laarse, A. van der; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.; Romijn, J.A.; Wall, E.E. van der; Bax, J.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2010), Low plasma adiponectin is associated with obstructive coronary disease in asymptomatic patients with diabetes, European Heart Journal 31: 253-253.
- Pereira, A.M.; Hes, F.J.; Horvath, A.; Woortman, S.; Greene, E.; Bimpaki, E.; Alatsatianos, A.; Boikos, S.; Smit, J.W.; Romijn, J.A.; Nesterova, M. & Stratakis, C.A. (2010), Association of the M1V PRKAR1A Mutation with Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease in Two Large Families, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(1): 338-342.
- Abdulrahman, R.M.; Verloop, H.; Hoftijzer, H.; Verburg, E.; Hovens, G.C.; Corssmit, E.P.; Reiners, C.; Gelderblom, H.; Pereira, A.M.; Kapiteijn, E.; Romijn, J.A.; Visser, T.J. & Smit, J.W. (2010), Sorafenib-Induced Hypothyroidism Is Associated with Increased Type 3 Deiodination, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(8): 3758-3762.
- Pereira, A.M.; Delgado, V.; Romijn, J.A.; Smit, J.W.A.; Bax, J.J. & Feelders, R.A. (2010), Cardiac dysfunction is reversed upon successful treatment of Cushing's syndrome, European Journal of Endocrinology 162(2): 331-340.
- Tiemensma, J.; Kokshoorn, N.E.; Biermasz, N.R.; Keijser, B.S.A.; Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Pereira, A.M. & Romijn, J.A. (2010), Subtle Cognitive Impairments in Patients with Long-Term Cure of Cushing's Disease, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(6): 2699-2714.
- Tiemensma, J.; Biermasz, N.R.; Mast, R.C. van der; Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Pereira, A.M. & Romijn, J.A. (2010), Increased Psychopathology and Maladaptive Personality Traits, But Normal Cognitive Functioning, In Patients after Long-Term Cure of Acromegaly, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(12): E392E402.
- Kokshoorn, N.E.; Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Biermasz, N.R.; Roelfsema, F.; Smit, J.W.A.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2010), Hypopituitarism following traumatic brain injury: prevalence is affected by the use of different dynamic tests and different normal values, European Journal of Endocrinology 162(1): 11-18.
- Feelders, R.A.; Bruin, C. de; Pereira, A.M.; Romijn, J.A.; Netea-Maier, R.T.; Hermus, A.R.; Zelissen, P.M.; Heerebeek, R. van; Jong, F.H. de; Lely, A.J. van der; Herder, W.W. de; Hofland, L.J. & Lamberts, S.W. (2010), Pasireotide Alone or with Cabergoline and Ketoconazole in Cushing's Disease, New England Journal of Medicine 362(19): 1846-1848.
- Biermasz, N.R.; Wassenaar, M.J.E.; Bijsterbosch, J.; Pereira, A.M.; Meulenbelt, I.; Roelfsema, F.; Kroon, H.; Romijn, J.A. & Kloppenburg, M. (2010), Arthropathy in Long-Term Cured Acromegaly; a Comparison with Primary Osteoarthritis, Endocrine Reviews 31(3): S854S854.
- Roelfsema, F.; Kok, P.; Pereira, A.M. & Pijl, H. (2010), Cortisol Production Rate Is Similarly Elevated in Obese Women with or without the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(7): 3318-3324.
- Pereira, A.M.; Tiemensma, J. & Romijn, J.A. (2010), Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Cushing's Syndrome, Neuroendocrinology 92: 65-70.
- Heemstra, K.A.; Hoftijzer, H.; Deure, W.M. van der; Peeters, R.P.; Hamdy, N.A.; Pereira, A.; Corssmit, E.P.; Romijn, J.A.; Visser, T.J. & Smit, J.W. (2010), The Type 2 Deiodinase Thr92Ala Polymorphism Is Associated with Increased Bone Turnover and Decreased Femoral Neck Bone Mineral Density, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 25(6): 1385-1391.
- Djaberi R, Romijn JA, Schuijf JD, Scholte AJ, Boersma E, Jukema JW, Kroft LJM, Bax JJ & Pereira AM (2009), Differences in Atherosclerotic Plaque Burden and Morphology Between Type 1 and 2 Diabetes as Assessed by Multislice Computed Tomography, Diabetes Care 32(8): 1507-1512.
- Djaberi R, Schuijf JD, de Koning EJ, Rabelink TJ, Smit JW, Kroft LJM, Pereira AM, Scholte AJ, Spaans M, Romijn JA, de Roos A, van der Wall EE, Jukema JW & Bax JJ (2009), Usefulness of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus as a Predictor of Coronary Artery Disease, American Journal of Cardiology 104(8): 1041-1046.
- Roelfsema F, Pereira AM, Biermasz NR, Frolich M, Keenan DM, Veldhuis JD & Romijn JA (2009), Diminished and irregular TSH secretion with delayed acrophase in patients with Cushing's syndrome, European Journal of Endocrinology 161(5): 695-703.
- Nijhoff MF, Dekkers OM, Vleming LJ, Smit JWA, Romijn JA & Pereira AM (2009), ACTH-producing pheochromocytoma: Clinical considerations and concise review of the literature, European Journal of Internal Medicine 20(7): 682-685.
- Hoftijzer HC, Liu YY, Morreau H, van Wezel T, Pereira AM, Corssmit EPM, Romijn JA & Smit JWA (2009), Retinoic acid receptor and retinoid X receptor subtype expression for the differential diagnosis of thyroid neoplasms, European Journal of Endocrinology 160(4): 631-638.
- Wassenaar MJE, Biermasz NR, Pereira AM, van der Klaauw AA, Smit JWA, Roelfsema F, van der Straaten T, Cazemier M, Hommes DW, Kroon HM, Kloppenburg M, Guchelaar HJ & Romijn JA (2009), The Exon-3 Deleted Growth Hormone Receptor Polymorphism Predisposes to Long-Term Complications of Acromegaly, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 94(12): 4671-4678.
- Wassenaar MJE, Dekkers OM, Pereira AM, Wit JM, Smit JW, Biermasz NR & Romijn JA (2009), Impact of the Exon 3-Deleted Growth Hormone (GH) Receptor Polymorphism on Baseline Height and the Growth Response to Recombinant Human GH Therapy in GH-Deficient (GHD) and Non-GHD Children with Short Stature: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 94(10): 3721-3730.
- Kars M, Pereira AM, Smit JW & Romijn JA (2009), Long-term outcome of patients with macroprolactinomas initially treated with dopamine agonists, European Journal of Internal Medicine 20(4): 387-393.
- Hoftijzer H, Heemstra KA, Morreau H, Stokkel MP, Corssmit EP, Gelderblom H, Weijers K, Pereira AM, Huijberts M & Kapiteijn E (2009), Beneficial effects of sorafenib on tumor progression, but not on radioiodine uptake, in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 161(6): 923-931.
- Roelfsema F, Kok P, Frolich M, Pereira AM & Pijl H (2009), Disordered and Increased Adrenocorticotropin Secretion with Diminished Adrenocorticotropin Potency in Obese in Premenopausal Women, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 94(8): 2991-2997.
- Biermasz NR, Wassenaar MJE, van der Klaauw AA, Pereira AM, Smit JWA, Roelfsema F, Wolterbeek R, Kroon HM, Kloppenburg M & Romijn JA (2009), Pretreatment Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Concentrations Predict Radiographic Osteoarthritis in Acromegalic Patients with Long-Term Cured Disease, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 94(7): 2374-2379.
- Roelfsema F, Kok S, Kok P, Pereira AM, Biermasz NR, Smit JW, Frolich M, Keenan DM, Veldhuis JD & Romijn JA (2009), Pituitary-hormone secretion by thyrotropinomas, Pituitary 12(3): 200-210.
- Djaberi R, Schuijf JD, de Koning EJ, Rabelink TJ, Spaans M, Pereira AM, Smit JW, Bax JJ & Jukema JW (2009), Use of Carotid Intima Media Thickness for Identification of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus at High Risk for Coronary Artery Disease, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 53(10): A436A436.
- van der Klaauw AA, Bax JJ, Roelfsema F, Stokkel MPM, Bleeker GB, Biermasz NR, Smit JWA, Romijn JA & Pereira AM (2009), Limited effects of growth hormone replacement in patients with GH deficiency during long-term cure of acromegaly, Pituitary 12(4): 339-346.
- de Bruin C, Pereira AM, Feelders RA, Romijn JA, Roelfsema F, Sprij-Mooij DM, van Aken MO, van der Lelij AJ, de Herder WW, Lamberts SWJ & Hofland LJ (2009), Coexpression of Dopamine and Somatostatin Receptor Subtypes in Corticotroph Adenomas, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 94(4): 1118-1124.
- Wassenaar MJE, Biermasz NR, van Duinen N, van der Klaauw AA, Pereira AM, Roelfsema F, Smit JWA, Kroon HM, Kloppenburg M & Romijn JA (2009), High prevalence of arthropathy, according to the definitions of radiological and clinical osteoarthritis, in patients with long-term cure of acromegaly: a case-control study, European Journal of Endocrinology 160(3): 357-365.
- Roelfsema F, Pereira AM, Veldhuis JD, Adriaanse R, Endert E, Fliers E & Romijn JA (2009), Thyrotropin Secretion Profiles Are Not Different in Men and Women, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 94(10): 3964-3967.
- Djaberi R, op 't Roodt J, Schuijf JD, Rabelink TJ, de Koning EJ, Pereira AM, Stokkel MP, Smit JW, Bax JJ & Jukema JW (2009), Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients with Abnormal Myocardial Perfusion in the Absence of Epicardial Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50(12): 1980-1986.
- Nijhoff, M.F.; Dekkers, O.M.; Vleming, L.J.; Smit, J.W.A.; Romijn, J.A. & Pereira, A.M. (2009), ACTH-producing pheochromocytoma: clinical considerations and concise review of the literature., European Journal of Internal Medicine 20(7): 682-5.
- Kars M, Pereira AM, Bax JJ & Romijn JA (2008), Cabergoline and cardiac valve disease in prolactinoma patients: additional studies during long-term treatment are required, European Journal of Endocrinology 159(4).
- van der Klaauw AA, Kars M, Biermasz NR, Roelfsema F, Dekkers OM, Corssmit EP, van Aken MO, Havekes B, Pereira AM, Pijl H, Smit JW & Romijn JA (2008), Disease-specific impairments in quality of life during long-term follow-up of patients with different pituitary adenomas, Clinical Endocrinology 69(5).
- van der Klaauw AA, Biermasz NR, Pereira AM, van Kralingen KW, Dekkers OM, Rabe KF, Smit JWA & Romijn JA (2008), Patients cured from craniopharyngioma or nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma (NFMA) suffer similarly from increased daytime somnolence despite normal sleep patterns compared to healthy controls, Clinical Endocrinology 69(5).
- Roelfsema F, Pereira AM, Keenan DM, Veldhuis JD & Romijn JA (2008), Thyrotropin secretion by thyrotropinomas is characterized by increased pulse frequency, delayed diurnal rhythm, enhanced basal secretion, spikiness, and disorderliness, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 93(10).
- Dekkers OM, Pereira AM & Romijn JA (2008), Treatment and follow-up of clinically nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenomas, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 93(10).
- Kars M, Delgado V, Holman ER, Feelders RA, Smit JWA, Romijn JA, Bax JJ & Pereira AM (2008), Aortic valve calcification and mild tricuspid regurgitation but no clinical heart disease after 8 years of dopamine agonist therapy for prolactinoma, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 93(9).
- van der Klaauw AA, Pereira AM, Rabelink TJ, Corssmit EPM, Zonneveld AJ, Pijl H, de Boer HC, Smit JWA, Romijn JA & de Koning EJP (2008), Recombinant human GH replacement increases CD34+cells and improves endothelial function in adults with GH deficiency, European Journal of Endocrinology 159(2).
- van der Klaauw AA, Bax JJ, Smit JWA, Holman ER, Delgado V, Bleeker GB, Biermasz NR, Roelfsema F, Romijn JA & Pereira AM (2008), Increased aortic root diameters in patients with acromegaly, European Journal of Endocrinology 159(2).
- van der Klaauw AA, Pereira AM, van Kralingen KW, Rabe KF & Romijn JA (2008), Somatostatin analog treatment is associated with an increased sleep latency in patients with long-term biochemical remission of acromegaly, Growth Hormone and IGF Research 18(5).
- Djaberi R, Beishuizen ED, Pereira AM, Rabelink TJ, Smit JW, Tamsma JT, Huisman MV & Jukema JW (2008), Non-invasive cardiac imaging techniques and vascular tools for the assessment of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus, Diabetologia 51(9).
- van der Klaauw AA, van der Straaten T, Baak-Pablo R, Biermasz NR, Guchelaar HJ, Pereira AM, Smit JWA & Romijn JA (2008), Influence of the d3-growth hormone (GH) receptor isoform on short-term and long-term treatment response to GH replacement in GH-deficient adults, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 93(7).
- van der Klaauw AA, Biermasz NR, Hoftijzer HC, Pereira AM & Romijn JA (2008), Previous radiotherapy negatively influences quality of life during 4 years of follow-up in patients cured from acromegaly, Clinical Endocrinology 69(1).
- Heemstra KA, Toes RE, Sepers J, Pereira AM, Corssmit EP, Huizinga TWJ, Romijn JA & Smit JW (2008), Rituximab in relapsing Graves' disease, a phase II study, European Journal of Endocrinology 159(5).
- Liu YY, Stokkel MP, Morreau HA, Pereira AM, Romijn JA & Smit JWA (2008), Radioiodine therapy after pretreatment with bexarotene for metastases of differentiated thyroid carcinoma, Clinical Endocrinology 68(4).
- Djaberi R, Schuijf JD, de Koning EJ, Pereira AM, Rabelink TJ, t Roodt JO, Smit JW, Spaans M, Jukema JW & Bax JJ (2008), Potential of carotid intima media thickness to identify patients with diabetes mellitus at risk for coronary heart disease, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 51(10).
- van der Klaauw AA, Bax JJ, Bleeker GB, Holman ER, Delgado V, Smit JWA, Romijn JA & Pereira AM (2008), Cardiac manifestations of GH deficiency after treatment for acromegaly: a comparison to patients with biochemical remission and controls, European Journal of Endocrinology 159(6): 705-712.
- Walenkamp MJE, Pereira AM, Oostdijk W, Stokvis-Brantsma WH, Pfaeffle RW, Blankenstein O & Wit JM (2008), Height gain with combined growth hormone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog therapy in two pubertal siblings with a growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor mutation, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 93(1).
- Roelfsema F, Biermasz NR, Pereira AM & Romijn JA (2008), The role of pegvisomant in the treatment of acromegaly, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 8(5).
- Dekkers OM, Biermasz NR, Pereira AM, Romijn JA & Vandenbroucke JP (2008), Mortality in acromegaly: A meta analysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 93(1).
- Chamuleau SAJ, Corssmit EPM, Pereira AM, van de Berg BTJ & Siegert CEH (2008), A young woman with a severe bilateral pneumonia as the presenting sign of an adrenal carcinoma, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 66(3).
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