Albert Dahan
Hoogleraar Anesthesiologie, in het bijzonder de (patho)fysiologie van de ademhalingsregulatie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A. Dahan
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 4554
- 0000-0003-3161-3945

Albert Dahan is hoogleraar Anesthesiologie. Hij is voorzitter van de Commissie Medische Ethiek (CME) van het LUMC en vicevoorzitter van de Vaste Commissie Wetenschap (VCW) van het LUMC. Daarnaast is Dahan oprichter van de Anesthesia & Pain Research Unit, een non-profit organisatie gericht op het uitvoeren van outcome-research binnen de Anesthesiologie en Pijn Geneeskunde. Verder zit hij in het bestuur van PainLess.
Meer informatie over Albert Dahan
Albert Dahan is hoogleraar Anesthesiologie. Hij is voorzitter van de Commissie Medische Ethiek (CME) van het LUMC en vicevoorzitter van de Vaste Commissie Wetenschap (VCW) van het LUMC. Daarnaast is Dahan oprichter van de Anesthesia & Pain Research Unit, een non-profit organisatie gericht op het uitvoeren van outcome-research binnen de Anesthesiologie en Pijn Geneeskunde. Verder zit hij in het bestuur van PainLess.
De anesthesiologie behelst de perioperatieve zorg en behandeling van de patiënt. Het onderzoek van Dahan richt zich op dit traject en kent tweetal lijnen:
Behandeling van acute en chronische pijn
Nieuwe strategieën worden ontwikkelt en met name de farmacotherapie van de patiënt wordt geoptimaliseerd. Bijvoorbeeld, de ontwikkeling van nieuwe technieken om het gedrag van geneesmiddelen te bestuderen wat betreft maximaal gewild effect en een vrijwel afwezig bijwerkingenpatroon. Deze zogenaamde Veiligheidsfunctie zijn van belang in de ontwikkeling van nieuwe geneesmiddelen.
Het optimaliseren van de perioperatieve outcome
Het onderzoek richt op de ontwikkeling van nieuwe anesthesietechnieken die de outcome van de patiënt verbetert. Te denken valt aan het diepe neuromusculaire blok, en de implementatie van nieuwe monitortechnieken. Samenwerking met de chirurg staat hierin centraal.
Wetenschappelijk carrière
Dahan studeerde geneeskunde aan het VuMC te Amsterdam, en promoveerde in 1990 in Leiden op het proefschrift: The ventilatory response to CO2 and O2 in man: methods and implications. Een deel van het onderzoek werd in de VS (UCLA) uitgevoerd.
Na zijn specialisatie tot anesthesioloog (1995) werd hij aangesteld in het LUMC (destijds AZL) als anesthesioloog en richtte hij de Anesthesia & Pain Researh Unit op. Onderzoek werd en wordt uitgevoerd in het dierexperimenteel laboratorium, de Clinical Research Unit (cardiorespiratoir en pijn laboratoria) en binnen het OK complex.
Dahan werd in 2004 benoemd tot hoogleraar en hield zijn oratie op 25 mei 2005 (titel oratie: Bij Kennis).
Dahan zit in de redactieraad van een aantal zeer prominente Amerikaanse en Europese tijdschriften binnen de anesthesiologie (Anesthesiology) en pijngeneeskunde (Pain, Eur J Pain) en sectie-editor van het NTvG en F1000.
Dahan is lid van meerdere internationale adviesraden op het gebied van de perioperatieve zorg en schrijft mee aan internationale richtlijnen rond de perioperatieve behandeling van complexe patiënten.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
In 2014 ontvang Dahan de prestigieuze CR Stephens award en gaf de CR Stephens lecture aan de Washington University in St. Louis.
Hoogleraar Anesthesiologie, in het bijzonder de (patho)fysiologie van de ademhalingsregulatie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- LUMC - Medische Faculteit Leiden
- Divisie 1
- Anesthesiologie
- Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2024), The spinal cord, a computational system that generates the thermal grill illusion and other psychophysical phenomena, PAIN 165(10): 2143-2144.
- Lemmen, M. van; Florian, J.; Li, Z.H.; Velzen, M. van; Dorp, E. van; Niesters, M.; Sarton, E.; Olofsen, E.; Schrier, R. van der; Strauss, D.G. & Dahan, A. (2024), Naloxone for Opioid Overdose: Reply, Anesthesiology 140(4).
- Bates, J.N.; Baby, S.M.; Getsy, P.M.; Coffee, G.A.; Hsieh, Y.H.; Knauss, Z.T.; Dahan, A.; Bubier, J.A.; MacFarlane, P.M.; Mueller, D. & Lewis, S.J. (2024), L-NAC and L-NAC methyl ester prevent and overcome physical dependence to fentanyl in male rats, Scientific Reports 14(1).
- Strauss, D.G.; Li, Z.H.; Chaturbedi, A.; Chakravartula, S.; Samieegohar, M.; Mann, J.; Nallani, S.C.; Prentice, K.; Shah, A.C.; Burkhart, K.; Boston, J.; Fu, Y.H.A.; Dahan, A.; Zineh, I. & Florian, J.A. (2024), Intranasal Naloxone Repeat Dosing Strategies and Fentanyl Overdose A Simulation-Based Randomized Clinical Trial, Jama Network Open 7(1).
- Dasselaar, T. van; Wal, I. van der; Velzen, M. van; Juarez-Perez, V.; Sitbon, P. & Dahan, A. (2024), Influence of STR-324, a Dual Enkephalinase Inhibitor, on Postoperative Pain Scores: A Proof-of-Concept Trial in Patients after Laparoscopic Surgery, Anesthesiology 140(3): 632-633.
- Dahan, A.; Franko, T.S.; Carroll, J.W.; Craig, D.S.; Crow, C.; Galinkin, J.L.; Garrity, J.C.; Peterson, J. & Rausch, D.B. (2024), Fact vs. fiction: naloxone in the treatment of opioid-induced respiratory depression in the current era of synthetic opioids, Frontiers in Public Health 12.
- Koning, R. de; Dulken, F. van; Brinkert, W.; Dahan, A.; Jansen, F.W.; Blikkendaal, M. & Twijnstra, A. (2024), Esketamine infusion therapy: A promising alternative in the treatment of chronic endometriosis-associated pain, Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders 16(3-4): 125-133.
- Koning, R. de; Dahan, A.; Metzemaekers, J.; Cosburgh, J. van; Marle, E.V.; Jansen, F.W.; Blikkendaal, M. & Twijnstra, A. (2024), Esketamine infusion as treatment for chronic endometriosis-associated pain? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (EASYlight-study), Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders.
- Gould, E.; Moss, L.; Jansen, S.; Schrier, R. van der; Pergolizzi, J.; Miller, T.; Colucci, R.; Dahan, A. & Kremer, P. (2024), ENA-001, A BK-CHANNEL BLOCKER, STIMULATES BREATHING WITHOUT ANALEPTIC SIDE EFFECTS, Critical Care Medicine 52.
- Gershuny, V.; Strauss, D.; Florian, J.; Rouse, R.; Shah, A.; Prentice, K.; Ford, K.; Racz, R.; Burkhart, K.; Salcedo, P.; Matta, M.; Ismaiel, O.; Patel, V.; Davis, M.; Schrier, R. van der; Dahan, A.; Wang, C.; Sanabria, C. & Boughner, R. (2024), COMPARISON OF CHANGES IN PUPIL DIAMETER AND HYPERCAPNIC VENTILATION FOR OXYCODONE AND PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS ADMINISTERED ALONE OR IN COMBINATION, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 115: S55-S55.
- Hoogeveen, E.S.; Pelzer, N.; Ghariq, E.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Dahan, A.; Terwindt, G.M. & Kruit, M.C. (2024), Cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia in patients with migraine, Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 64(3): 276-284.
- Dam, C.J. van; Kramers, C.; Schellekens, A.; Bouvy, M.; Dorp, E. van; Kowal, M.A.; Olofsen, E.; Dahan, A.; Niesters, M. & Velzen, M. van (2024), Cannabis combined with oxycodone for pain relief in fibromyalgia pain: a randomized clinical self-titration trial with focus on adverse events, Frontiers in Pain Research 5.
- Baron, R.; Morlion, B.; Dahan, A.; Ueberall, M.; Basum, G. von & Wild, I. (2024), A prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind, multi-center study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a blue light device for the treatment of chronic back pain, Frontiers in Pain Research 5.
- Albers-Warlé, K.I.; Reijnders-Boerboom, G.T.J.A.; Bijkerk, V.; Torensma, B.; Panhuizen, I.F.; Snoeck, M.M.J.; Fuchs-Buder, T.; Keijzer, C.; Dahan, A. & Warlé, M.C. (2024), A Practical Dosing Algorithm for Deep Neuromuscular Blockade during Total Intravenous Anesthesia: ROCURITHM, Anesthesiology 141(2): 365-374.
- Vinckenbosch, F.R.J.; Jiménez, D.D.; Helmerhorst, H.; Dahan, A.; Aarts, L.; Bikker, F.; Theunissen, E. & Ramaekers, J.G. (2024), The prevalence, risks, and detection of driving under the influence of nitrous oxide, WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS: FORENSIC SCIENCE 6(2).
- Spijkerboer, F.L.; Overdyk, F.J. & Dahan, A. (2024), A machine learning algorithm for detecting abnormal patterns in continuous capnography and pulse oximetry monitoring, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 38(4): 915-925.
- Dahan, A.; Jansen, S.; Schrier, R. van der; Sarton, E.; Dadiomov, D.; Velzen, M. van; Olofsen, E. & Niesters, M. (2024), Nitric Oxide Donor Sodium Nitroprusside Reduces Racemic Ketamine―But Not Esketamine-Induced Pain Relief, ACS PHARMACOLOGY & TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE 7(7): 2044-2053.
- Chakravartula, S.; Thrasher, B.; Mann, J.; Chaturbedi, A.; Han, X.M.; Dahan, A.; Florian, J.; Strauss, D. & Li, Z.H. (2024), Physiologically based modeling reveals different risk of respiratory depression after fentanyl overdose between adults and children, Clinical and Translational Science 17(4).
- Welie, F.C. van; Dahan, A.; Velzen, M. van & Terwindt, G.M. (2024), Pain profiling in migraine: a systematic review of Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST), Conditioned Pain Modulation (CPM), and Corneal Confocal Microscopy (CCM), The Journal of Headache and Pain 25(1).
- Ellerbroek, H.; Schellekens, A.F.A.; Kalkman, G.A.; Visser, D.A.; Kramers, C.; Dahan, A.; Heuvel, S.A.S. van den; Bouvy, M.L. & Dorp, E.L.A. van (2024), Opioid prescribing in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national register-based study, BMJ Open 14(8).
- Jansen, S.C.; Lemmen, M. van; Olofsen, E.; Moss, L.; Pergolizzi, J.; Miller, T.; Colucci, R.D.; Velzen, M. van; Kremer, P.; Dahan, A.; Schrier, R. van der & Niesters, M. (2024), Reversal of Propofol-induced Depression of the Hypoxic Ventilatory Response by BK-channel Blocker ENA-001: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Anesthesiology 140(6): 1076-1087.
- Brug, H.E. van; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Bouvy, M.L.; Dahan, A. & Gademan, M.G.J. (2023), What changes have occurred in opioid prescriptions and the prescribers of opioids before TKA and THA? , Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 481(9).
- Brug, H.E. van; Nelissen, R.G.H.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Steenbergen, L.N. van; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Bouvy, M.L.; Dahan, A. & Gademan, M.G.J. (2023), Out-of-hospital opioid prescriptions after knee and hip arthroplasty, British Journal of Anaesthesia 130(4): 459-467.
- Hellinga, M.; Algera, M.H.; Schrier, R.V.; Sarton, E.; Velzen, M. van; Dahan, A.; Olofsen, E. & Niesters, M. (2023), A biomarker of opioid-induced respiratory toxicity in experimental studies, iScience 26(4).
- Welie, R.F. van; Welie, F.C. van; Lentsch, S.D.; Dahan, A.; Velzen, M. van & Terwindt, G.M. (2023), Characterizing opioid use in a Dutch cohort with migraine, Cephalalgia 43(5).
- Gallon, R.; Phelps, R.; Hayes, C.; Brugieres, L.; Guerrini-Rousseau, L.; Colas, C.; Muleris, M.; Ryan, N.A.J.; Evans, D.G.; Grice, H.; Jessop, E.; Kunzemann-Martinez, A.; Marshall, L.; Schamschula, E.; Oberhuber, K.; Azizi, A.A.; Feldman, H.B.; Beilken, A.; Brauer, N.; Brozou, T.; Dahan, K.; Demirsoy, U.; Florkin, B.; Foulkes, W.; Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska, D.; Jones, K.J.; Kratz, C.P.; Lobitz, S.; Meade, J.; Nathrath, M.; Pander, H.J.; Perne, C.; Ragab, I.; Ripperger, T.; Rosenbaum, T.; Rueda, D.; Sarosiek, T.; Sehested, A.; Spier, I.; Suerink, M.; Zimmermann, S.Y.; Zschocke, J.; Borthwick, G.M.; Wimmer, K.; Burn, J.; Jackson, M.S. & Santibanez-Koref, M. (2023), Constitutional microsatellite instability, genotype, and phenotype correlations in constitutional mismatch repair deficiency, Gastroenterology 164(4).
- Struijs, F.; Hooijmans, C.R.; Buijs, M.; Dahan, A.; Hoffmann, S.; Kiffen, R.; Mandrioli, D.; Menon, J.; Ritskes-Hoitinga, M.; Roeleveld, N.; Ruijter, A. de; Scheffer, G.J.; Schlünssen, V. & Scheepers, P.T.J. (2023), Establishing a health-based recommended occupational exposure limit for isoflurane using experimental animal data: a systematic review protocol, Systematic Reviews 12(1).
- Ruetzler, K.; Montalvo, M.; Rotem, O.M.; Ekrami, E.; Rössler, J.; Duran, J.A.A.; Dahan, A.; Gozal, Y.; Richebe, P.; Farhang, B.; Turan, A. & Sessler, D.I. (2023), Generalizability of nociception level as a measure of intraoperative nociceptive stimulation, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 67(9).
- Dam, C.J. van; Schrier, R. van der; Velzen, M. van; Lemmen, M. van; Simons, P.; Kuijpers, K.W.K.; Jansen, S.; Kowal, M.A.; Olofsen, E.; Kramers, C.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2023), Inhaled D9-tetrahydrocannabinol does not enhance oxycodone- induced respiratory depression, British Journal of Anaesthesia 130(4): 485-493.
- Meissner, K.; Dahan, A.; Olofsen, E.; Goepfert, C.; Blood, J.; Wieditz, J. & Kharasch, E.D. (2023), Morphine and hydromorphone effects, side effects, and variability, Anesthesiology 139(1): 16-34.
- Lemmen, M. van; Florian, J.; Li, Z.H.; Velzen, M. van; Dorp, E. van; Niesters, M.; Sarton, E.; Olofsen, E.; Schrier, R. van der; Strauss, D.G. & Dahan, A. (2023), Opioid Overdose: Limitations in Naloxone Reversal of Respiratory Depression and Prevention of Cardiac Arrest, Anesthesiology 139(3): 342-353.
- Lemmen, M. van; Schrier, R. van der; Dahan, A.; Velzen, M. van; Sarton, E. & Niesters, M. (2023), Pharmacology of viable mechanism agnostic respiratory stimulants for the reversal of drug-induced respiratory depression in humans, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology 19(10): 671-679.
- Gershuny, V.; Florian, J.; Strauss, D.; Schrier, R. van der; Burkhart, K.; Davis, M.; Wang, C.; Han, X.; Prentice, K.; Shah, A.; Racz, R.; Patel, V.; Matta, M.; Ismaiel, O.; Weaver, J.; Boughner, R.; Ford, K.; Rouse, R.; Stone, M.; Sanabria, C. & Dahan, A. (2023), EFFECT OF PAROXETINE OR QUETIAPINE COMBINED WITH OXYCODONE VS. OXYCODONE ALONE ON VENTILATION DURING HYPERCAPNIA: A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 113: S82-S82.
- Koning, R. de; Zwart, G.; Dahan, A.; Jansen, F.W.; Blikkendaal, M. & Twijnstra, A. (2023), Esketamine in the treatment of chronic endometriosis-induced pain: a case report, Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders 15(1): 49-52.
- Hellinga, M.; Algera, M.H.; Olofsen, E.; Schrier, R. van der; Sarton, E.; Velzen, M. van; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2023), Oral oxycodone-induced respiratory depression during normocapnia and hypercapnia, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 113(5): 1080-1088.
- Hoydonckx, Y.; Singh, M.; Gilron, I.; Khan, J.; Narouze, S.; Dahan, A.; Curtis, K.; Cao, X.S.; Kara, J. & Bhatia, A. (2023), Trial protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy and safety of intravenous ketamine for chronic daily headaches, Trials 24(1).
- Dam, C.J. van; Velzen, M. van; Kramers, C.; Schellekens, A.; Olofsen, E.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2023), Cannabis-opioid interaction in the treatment of fibromyalgia pain: an open-label, proof of concept study with randomization between treatment groups, Trials 24(1).
- Simons, P.; Schrier, R. van der; Lemmen, M. van; Jansen, S.; Kuijpers, K.W.K.; Velzen, M. van; Sarton, E.; Nicklas, T.; Michalsky, C.; Demitrack, M.A.; Fossler, M.; Olofsen, E.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2023), Respiratory effects of biased ligand oliceridine in older volunteers, Anesthesiology 138(3): 249-263.
- Xu Jingyuan, Hanneke J.A. Smaling, Albert Dahan, Yara J. Schepen, Justin Chan & Jenny T. van der Steen (2023), Perspectives of people with dementia and their family caregivers on the acceptability of using Bispectral Index monitoring in palliative care for people with dementia.
- Bedene, A.; Dahan, A.; Rosendaal, F.R. & Dorp, E.L.A. van (2022), Opioid epidemic: lessons learned and updated recommendations for misuse involving prescription versus non-prescription opioids, Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology 15(9): 1081-1094.
- Simons, P.; Olofsen, E.; Velzen, M. van; Lemmen, M. van; Dasselaar, T. van; Mohr, P.; Hammes, F.; Schrier, R. van der; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2022), Ketamine oral thin film-Part 2, Frontiers in Pain Research 3.
- Friedericy, H.J.; Egmond, C.W. van; Vogtlander, J.G.; Eijk, A.C. van der & Jansen, F.W. (2022), Reducing the environmental impact of sterilization packaging for surgical instruments in the operating room, Sustainability 14(1).
- Dahan, A.; Olofsen, E.; Henthorn, T.K.; Velzen, M. van & Niesters, M. (2022), Ketamine Pharmacodynamics Entangled: Reply, Anesthesiology 137(6).
- Dahan, A. & Henthorn, T.K. (2022), Editorial: Ketamine for treatment of acute and chronic pain: The relationship of mechanism and exposure to therapeutic outcome, Frontiers in Pain Research 3.
- Sitsen, E.; Khalili-Mahani, N.; Rover, M. de; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2022), Effect of spinal anesthesia-induced deafferentation on pain processing in healthy male volunteers, Frontiers in Pain Research 3.
- Algera, M.H.; Cotten, J.F.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Boon, M.; Shoham, D.S.; Dandrea, K.E.; Schrier, R. van der & Dahan, A. (2022), Are thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and analog taltirelin viable reversal agents of opioid-induced respiratory depression?, Pharmacology Research and Perspectives 10(3).
- Ellerbroek, H.; Heuvel, S.A.S. van den; Dahan, A.; Timmerman, H.; Kramers, C. & Schellekens, A.F.A. (2022), Buprenorphine/naloxone versus methadone opioid rotation in patients with prescription opioid use disorder and chronic pain, Addiction Science and Clinical Practice 17(1).
- Honing, G.H.M.; Torensma, B.; Martini, C.H.; Hoek, K.B.; Velzen, M. van; Olofsen, E.; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Boon, M. (2022), Comparison of neuromuscular block measured by compressomyography at the upper arm and electromyography at the adductor pollicis muscle in obese and non-obese patients, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 78.
- Mann, J.; Samieegohar, M.; Chaturbedi, A.; Zirkle, J.; Han, X.M.; Ahmadi, S.F.; Eshleman, A.; Janowsky, A.; Wolfrum, K.; Swanson, T.; Bloom, S.; Dahan, A.; Olofsen, E.; Florian, J.; Strauss, D.G. & Li, Z.H. (2022), Development of a translational model to assess the impact of opioid overdose and naloxone dosing on respiratory depression and cardiac arrest, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 112(5).
- Jepma, M.; Roy, M.; Ramlakhan, K.; Velzen, M. van & Dahan, A. (2022), Different brain systems support learning from received and avoided pain during human pain-avoidance learning, eLife 11.
- Nedergaard, R.B.; Hansen, T.M.; Morch, C.D.; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Drewes, A.M. (2022), Influence of tapentadol and oxycodone on the spinal cord and brain using electrophysiology, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 88(12).
- Olofsen, E.; Kamp, J.; Henthorn, T.K.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Sarton, E. & Dahan, A. (2022), Ketamine psychedelic and antinociceptive effects are connected, Anesthesiology 136(5): 792-801.
- Olofsen, E.; Algera, M.H.; Moss, L.; Dobbins, R.L.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Laffont, C.M. (2022), Modeling buprenorphine reduction of fentanyl-induced respiratory depression, JCI Insight 7(9).
- Bedene, A.; Dahan, A.; Rosendaal, F.R. & Dorp, E.L.A. van (2022), Opioid epidemic, Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology 15(9).
- Algera, M.H.; Cotten, J.F.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Boon, M.; Shoham, D.S.; Dandrea, K.E.; Schrier, R. van der & Dahan, A. (2022), Respiratory effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and its analogue taltirelin on opioid-induced respiratory depression.
- Schrier, R. van der; Dahan, J.D.C.; Boon, M.; Sarton, E.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2022), Advances in Reversal Strategies of Opioid-induced Respiratory Toxicity, Anesthesiology 136(4): 618-632.
- Dahan, A.; Lemmen, M. van; Jansen, S.; Simons, P. & Schrier, R. van der (2022), Buprenorphine: a treatment and cause of opioid-induced respiratory depression, British Journal of Anaesthesia 128(3): 402-404.
- Moss, L.M.; Algera, M.H.; Dobbins, R.; Gray, F.; Strafford, S.; Heath, A.; Velzen, M. van; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Niesters, M.; Olofsen, E.; Laffont, C.M.; Dahan, A. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), Effect of sustained high buprenorphine plasma concentrations on fentanyl-induced respiratory depression, PLoS ONE 17(1).
- Chalaki, M.; Cruz, L.J.; Neerven, S.G.A. van; Verhaagen, J.; Dahan, A. & Malessy, M.J.A. (2022), Molecular changes in the dorsal root ganglion during the late phase of peripheral nerve injury-induced pain in rodents: a systematic review, Anesthesiology 136(2): 362-388.
- Brug, H.E. van; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Lijfering, W.M.; Steenbergen, L.N. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Bouvy, M.L.; Dahan, A. & Gademan, M.G.J. (2022), Opioid prescribing patterns after arthroplasty of the knee and hip, Acta Orthopaedica 93: 667-681.
- Desai, A.; Dahan, A. & Gan, T.J. (2022), Perioperative Opioid Education Initiatives: Do They Add Value?, Anesthesia & Analgesia 134(5): 938-939.
- Bedene, A.; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dahan, A. & Lijfering, W.M. (2022), Risk of drug-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the total population of the Netherlands, BMJ Open Gastroenterology 9(1).
- Groen, J.V.; Boon, S.C.; Minderhoud, M.W.; Bonsing, B.A.; Martini, C.H.; Putter, H.; Vahrnneijer, A.L.; Velzen, M. van; Vuijk, J.; Mieoe, J.S.D. & Dahan, A. (2022), Sublingual sufentanil versus standard-of-care (patient-controlled analgesia with epidural ropivacaine/sufentanil or intravenous morphine) for postoperative pain following pancreatoduodenectomy, Journal of Pain Research 15: 1775-1786.
- Martini, C.H.; Honing, G.H.M.; Bash, L.D.; Olofsen, E.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Dahan, A. & Boon, M. (2022), The use of muscle relaxants and reversal agents in a setting without cost restrictions, Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 18: 379-390.
- Algera, H.; Schrier, R. van der; Cavalla, D.; Velzen, M. van; Roozekrans, M.; McMorn, A.; Snape, M.; Horrigan, J.P.; Evans, S.; Kiernan, B.; Sarton, E.; Olofsen, E.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2022), Respiratory effects of the atypical tricyclic antidepressant tianeptine in human models of opioid-induced respiratory depression, Anesthesiology 137(4): 446-458.
- Bedene, A.; Lijfering, W.M.; Arbous, M.S.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dahan, A. & Dorp, E.L.A. van (2022), The association of opioid use with risk of ICU admission and mortality in the adult Dutch population, Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety 31: 408-408.
- Bedene, A.; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dahan, A. & Lijfering, W.M. (2022), Risk of drug-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the total population of the Netherlands: A time-trend analysis, Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety 31: 528-528.
- Torensma, B.; Hany, M.; Bakker, M.J.S.; Velzen, M. van; Veld, B.A.I. 't; Dahan, A. & Swank, D.J. (2022), Cross-sectional e-survey on the incidence of pre- and postoperative chronic pain in bariatric surgery, Obesity Surgery 33.
- Simons, P.; Olofsen, E.; Velzen, M. van; Lemmen, M. van; Mooren, R.; Dasselaar, T. van; Mohr, P.; Hammes, F.; Schrier, R. van der; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2022), Ketamine oral thin film-part 1, Frontiers in Pain Research 3.
- Florian, J.; Schrier, R. van der; Gershuny, V.; Davis, M.C.; Wang, C.; Han, X.M.; Burkhart, K.; Prentice, K.; Shah, A.; Racz, R.; Patel, V.; Matta, M.; Ismaiel, O.A.; Weaver, J.; Boughner, R.; Ford, K.; Rouse, R.; Stone, M.; Sanabria, C.; Dahan, A. & Strauss, D.G. (2022), Effect of paroxetine or quetiapine combined with oxycodone vs oxycodone alone on ventilation during hypercapnia, Journal of the American Medical Association 328(14): 1405-1414.
- Schrier, R. van der; Velzen, M. van; Roozekrans, M.; Sarton, E.; Olofsen, E.; Niesters, M.; Smulders, C. & Dahan, A. (2022), Carbon dioxide tolerability and toxicity in rat and man, Frontiers in Toxicology 4.
- Kraemer, C.V.E.; Matta, J.E.L.; Friedericy, H.J.; Kraemer, A.X.E.; Tuinman, P.R.; Westerloo, D.J. van & Boogers, J.M.J. (2021), POCUS series: Focused transoesophageal echocardiography, a view from the inside, NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 29(3): 130-139.
- Wink, J.; Steendijk, P.; Tsonaka, R.; Wilde, R.B.P. de; Friedericy, H.J.; Braun, J.; Veering, B.T.; Aarts, L.P.H.J. & Wouters, P.F. (2021), Biventricular function in exercise during autonomic (thoracic epidural) block, European Journal of Applied Physiology 121(5): 1405-1418.
- Martini, C.; Boon, M.; Olofsen, E.; Bash, L.D. & Dahan, A. (2021), Determinants for reversal versus spontaneous recovery of neuromuscular blockade following general anesthesia in a university center in the Netherlands: a retrospective observational study, Anesthesia and Analgesia 132(5S_SUPPL): 83-84.
- Honing, M.; Reijnders-Boerboom, G.; Dell-Kuster, S.; Velzen, M. van; Martini, C.; Valenza, F.; Proto, P.; Cambronero, O.D.; Broens, S.; Panhuizen, I.; Roozekrans, M.; Fuchs-Buder, T.; Boon, M.; Dahan, A. & Warle, M. (2021), The impact of deep versus standard neuromuscular block on intraoperative safety during laparoscopic surgery, Trials 22(1).
- Pergolizzi, J.V.; Dahan, A.; LeQuang, J.A. & Raffa, R.B. (2021), The conundrum of polysubstance overdose, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 46(5): 1189-1193.
- Kamp, J.; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Olofsen, E. (2021), Stereoselective ketamine effect on cardiac output, British Journal of Anaesthesia 127(1): 23-31.
- Vehmeijer, W.B.; Jonkman, K.; Hardarson, S.H.; Aarts, L.; Stefansson, E.; Dahan, A. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2021), Retinal oximetry with a prototype handheld oximeter during hyperoxia, Acta Ophthalmologica 99(8).
- Pergolizzi, J.V.; Dahan, A.; LeQuang, J.A. & Raffa, R.B. (2021), Overdoses due to fentanyl and its analogues (F/FAs) push naloxone to the limit, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 46(6): 1501-1504.
- Meijer, F.; Honing, M.; Roor, T.; Toet, S.; Calis, P.; Olofsen, E.; Martini, C.; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.; Niesters, M.; Boon, M. & Dahan, A. (2021), Nociception level monitoring for personalized analgesic treatment. Response to Br J Anaesth 2020; 125: 1070-8.
- Velzen, M. van; Dahan, J.D.C.; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Mogil, J.S.; Hooijmans, C.R. & Dahan, A. (2021), Efficacy of ketamine in relieving neuropathic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of animal studies, PAIN 162(9): 2320-2330.
- Sitsen, E.; Olofsen, E.; Dahan, A. & Vuyk, J. (2021), Effect of lumbar epidural blockade and propofol on mean arterial pressure, cardiac output and bispectral index A randomised controlled and pharmacodynamic modelling study, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 38: S121-S129.
- Dahan, A. & Olofsen, E. (2021), Does divergence exist between animal and human data on the effect of cebranopadol?, Anesthesiology 135(3): 382-383.
- Honing, G.H.M.; Martini, C.H.; Olofsen, E.; Bevers, R.F.M.; Huurman, V.A.L.; Alwayn, I.P.J.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.P.H.J.; Dahan, A. & Boon, M. (2021), Deep neuromuscular block does not improve surgical conditions in patients receiving sevoflurane anaesthesia for laparoscopic renal surgery, British Journal of Anaesthesia 126(2): 377-385.
- Olofsen, E. & Dahan, A. (2021), Calculating positive and negative predictive values. Comment on Br J Anaesth 2021; 126: 564-7.
- Peppin, J.F.; Pergolizzi, J.V.; Dahan, A. & Raffa, R.B. (2021), Are opioid receptor antagonists adequate for "Opioid" overdose in a changing reality?, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 46(4): 861-866.
- Reijnders-Boerboom, G.T.J.A.; Helden, E.V. van; Minnee, R.C.; Albers, K.I.; Bruintjes, M.H.D.; Dahan, A.; Martini, C.H.; d'Ancona, F.C.H.; Scheffer, G.J.; Keijzer, C. & Warle, M.C. (2021), Deep neuromuscular block reduces the incidence of intra-operative complications during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, Perioperative Medicine 10(1).
- Kamp, J.; Jonkman, K.; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Olofsen, E. (2020), Pharmacokinetics of ketamine and its major metabolites norketamine, hydroxynorketamine, and dehydronorketamine: a model-based analysis, British Journal of Anaesthesia 125(5): 750-761.
- Hoogeveen, E.S.; Pelzer, N.; Ghariq, E.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Dahan, A.; Terwindt, G.M. & Kruit, M.C. (2020), Cerebrovascular reactivity in retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukoencephalopathy and systemic manifestations, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 41(4).
- Meijer, F.S.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Martini, C.H.; Olofsen, E.; Edry, R.; Sessler, D.I.; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Dahan, A. & Boon, M. (2020), Does nociception monitor-guided anesthesia affect opioid consumption? a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 34(4): 629-641.
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- Wink, J.; Delft, R. van; Notenboom, R.G.E.; Wouters, P.F.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Plevier, J.W.M. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2020), Human adult cardiac autonomic innervation: controversies in anatomical knowledge and relevance for cardiac neuromodulation, Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical 227.
- Meijer, F.; Honing, M.; Roor, T.; Toet, S.; Calis, P.; Olofsen, E.; Martini, C.; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.; Niesters, M.; Boon, M. & Dahan, A. (2020), Reduced postoperative pain using Nociception Level-guided fentanyl dosing during sevoflurane anaesthesia, British Journal of Anaesthesia 125(6): 1070-1078.
- Honing, M.; Martini, C.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Boon, M. (2020), Cholinergic chemotransmission and anesthetic drug effects at the carotid bodies, Molecules 25(24).
- Kamp, J.; Olofsen, E.; Henthorn, T.K.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Ketamine Pharmacokinetic Study Gr (2020), Ketamine pharmacokinetics a systematic review of the literature, meta-analysis, and population analysis, Anesthesiology 133(6): 1192-1213.
- Albers, K.I.; Helden, E.V. van; Dahan, A.; Martini, C.H.; Bruintjes, M.H.D.; Scheffer, G.J.; Steegers, M.A.H.; Keijzer, C. & Warle, M.C. (2020), Early postoperative pain after laparoscopic donor nephrectomy predicts 30-day postoperative infectious complications: a pooled analysis of randomized controlled trials, PAIN 161(7): 1565-1570.
- Dahan, A.; Boon, M.; Velzen, M. van & Niesters, M. (2020), From breathtaking to encapsulation: a novel approach to reverse respiratory depression from opioid overdosing, British Journal of Anaesthesia 125(1): E16-E17.
- Weingarten, T.N.; Morimatsu, H.; Fiorda-Diaz, J.; Bergese, S.D.; Ariyoshi, M.; Sprung, J.; Dahan, A. & Overdyk, F.J. (2020), New-onset atrial fibrillation detected by continuous capnography monitoring, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CASE REPORTS 21.
- Dam, C.J. van; Algera, M.H.; Olofsen, E.; Aarts, L.; Smith, T.; Velzen, M. van; Sarton, E.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2020), Opioid utility function: methods and implications, Annals of Palliative Medicine 9(2): 528-536.
- Skvortsova, A.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Pacheco-Lopez, G.; Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.; IJzendoorn, M. van; Smeets, M.A.M.; Wilderjans, T.F.; Dahan, A.; Bergh, O. van den; Chavannes, N.H.; Wee, N.J.A. van der; Grewen, K.M.; Middendorp, H. van & Evers, A.W.M. (2020), Placebo effects in the neuroendocrine system, Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine 82(1): 47-56.
- Broens, S.J.L.; Prins, S.A.; Kleer, D. de; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Velzen, M. van (2020), Postoperative respiratory state assessment using the Integrated Pulmonary Index (IPI) and resultant nurse interventions in the post-anesthesia care unit, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 35.
- Khanna, A.K.; Bergese, S.D.; Jungquist, C.R.; Morimatsu, H.; Uezono, S.; Lee, S.; Ti, L.K.; Urman, R.D.; McIntyre, R.; Tornero, C.; Dahan, A.; Saager, L.; Weingarten, T.N.; Wittmann, M.; Auckley, D.; Brazzi, L.; Guen, M. le; Soto, R.; Schramm, F.; Ayad, S.; Kaw, R.; Stefano, P. di; Sessler, D.I.; Uribe, A.; Moll, V.; Dempsey, S.J.; Buhre, W.; Overdyk, F.J. & PRODIGY Grp Collaborators (2020), Prediction of opioid-induced respiratory depression on inpatient wards using continuous capnography and oximetry, Anesthesia & Analgesia 131(4): 1012-1024.
- Bedene, A.; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Faquih, T.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Gademan, M.G.J.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Bouvy, M.L.; Dahan, A. & Lijfering, W.M. (2020), The opioid epidemic in the Netherlands, causes and consequences, Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety 29: 201-202.
- Algera, M.H.; Olofsen, E.; Moss, L.; Dobbins, R.L.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Groeneveld, G.J.; Heuberger, J.; Laffont, C.M. & Dahan, A. (2020), Tolerance to opioid-induced respiratory depression in chronic high-dose opioid users, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 109(3).
- Sitsen, E.; Velzen, M. van; Rover, M. de; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2020), Hyperalgesia and reduced offset analgesia during spinal anesthesia, Journal of Pain Research 13: 2143-2149.
- Bedene, A.; Dorp, E.L.A. van; Faquih, T.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Gademan, M.G.J.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Bouvy, M.L.; Dahan, A. & Lijfering, W.M. (2020), Causes and consequences of the opioid epidemic in the Netherlands, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Dahan, A.; Dam, C.J. van; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Fossler, M.J.; Demitrack, M.A. & Olofsen, E. (2020), Benefit and risk evaluation of biased mu-receptor agonist oliceridine versus morphine, Anesthesiology 133(3): 559-568.
- Heijster, S. van; Janssen, J.; Sarton, E.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2020), Postoperatieve overdosering morfine door familielid, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 164.
- Donk, T. van de; Cosburgh, J. van; Dasselaar, T. van; Velzen, M. van; Drewes, A.M.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2020), Tapentadol treatment results in long-term pain relief in patients with chronic low back pain and associates with reduced segmental sensitization, PAIN Reports 5(6).
- Khanna Ashish, Buhre Wolfgang, Saager Leif, Di Stefano Paola, Weingarten Toby, Dahan Albert, Brazzi Luca & Overdyk Frank (2019), DERIVATION AND VALIDATION OF A NOVEL OPIOID-INDUCED RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION RISK PREDICTION TOOL, Critical Care Medicine 47.
- Olesen, A.E.; Broens, S.; Olesen, S.S.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Drewes, A.M.; Dahan, A. & Olofsen, E. (2019), A pragmatic utility function to describe the risk-benefit composite of opioid and nonopioid analgesic medication, The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 371(2): 416-421.
- Groen, J.V.; Slotboom, D.E.F.; Vuyk, J.; Martini, C.H.; Dahan, A.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Bonsing, B.A. & Mieog, J.S.D. (2019), Epidural and Non-epidural Analgesia in Patients Undergoing Open Pancreatectomy: a Retrospective Cohort Study, Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 23(12): 2439-2448.
- Suzanne Broens, Adi Schejter Bar-Noam, Ilya Fine, Louis Shenkman, Monique van Velzen, Marieke Niesters & and Albert Dahan (2019), Use of dynamic light scattering for assessing acute pain.
- Olofsen, E.; Boom, M.; Sarton, E.; Velzen, M. van; Baily, P.; Smith, K.J.; Oksche, A.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2019), Analgesic and Respiratory Depressant Effects of R-dihydroetorphine A Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis in Healthy Male Volunteers, Anesthesiology 131(6): 1327-1339.
- Groen, J.V.; Khawar, A.A.J.; Bauer, P.A.; Bonsing, B.A.; Martini, C.H.; Mungroop, T.H.; Vahrrneijer, A.L.; Vuijk, J.; Dahan, A. & Mieog, J.S.D. (2019), Meta-analysis of epidural analgesia in patients undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy, BJS Open 3(5): 559-571.
- Kamp, J.; Velzen, M. van; Olofsen, E.; Boon, M.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2019), Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic considerations for NMDA-receptor antagonist ketamine in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain: an update of the most recent literature, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology.
- Biro, P.; Dahan, A. & Brull, S.J. (2019), Questions Raised by "Profound Intraoperative Hypotension Associated With Transfusion via the Belmont Fluid Management System" Response, Anesthesia and Analgesia 129(4): E139-E140.
- Broens, S.J.L.; Boon, M.; Martini, C.H.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.P.H.J. & Dahan, A. (2019), Reversal of Partial Neuromuscular Block and the Ventilatory Response to Hypoxia A Randomized Controlled Trial in Healthy Volunteers, Anesthesiology 131(3): 467-476.
- Honing, G.H.M.; Martini, C.H.; Bom, A.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.P.H.J.; Dahan, A. & Boon, M. (2019), Safety of sugammadex for reversal of neuromuscular block, Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 18(10): 883-891.
- Biro, P.; Paul, G.; Dahan, A. & Brull, S.J. (2019), Toward an Ideal Neuromuscular Monitor In Response, Anesthesia and Analgesia 129(2): E62-E62.
- Donk, T. van de; Niesters, M.; Kowal, M.A.; Olofsen, E.; Dahan, A. & Velzen, M. van (2019), An experimental randomized study on the analgesic effects of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis in chronic pain patients with fibromyalgia, PAIN 160(4): 860-869.
- Bruintjes, M.H.D.; Krijtenburg, P.; Martini, C.H.; Poyck, P.P.; d'Ancona, F.C.H.; Huurman, V.A.L.; Jagt, M. van der; Langenhuijsen, J.F.; Nijboer, W.N.; Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van; Dahan, A.; Warle, M.C.; Albers, K.I.; Alwayn, I.; Boon, M.; Braat, A.E.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Dam, R.; Donders, R.A.R.T.; Hilbrands, L.B.; Kallenberg-Lantrua, G.; Keijzer, C.; Kusters, A.; Lam, D.; Mulder, J.; Scheffer, G.J.; Willems, S. & RELAX Collaborator Grp (2019), Efficacy of profound versus moderate neuromuscular blockade in enhancing postoperative recovery after laparoscopic donor nephrectomy A randomised controlled trial, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 36(7): 494-501.
- Torensma B., Swank D., Janssen I., Monpellier V., Van Velzen M., In't Veld B. & Dahan A. (2019), INCIDENCE OF PRE- AND POSTOPERATIVE CHRONIC PAIN IN BARIATRIC PATIENTS, Obesity Surgery 29: 67-67.
- Meijer, F.S.; Martini, C.H.; Broens, S.; Boon, M.; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Olofsen, E.; Velzen, M. van & Dahan, A. (2019), Nociception-guided versus Standard Care during Remifentanil-Propofol Anesthesia A Randomized Controlled Trial, Anesthesiology 130(5): 745-755.
- Algera, M.H.; Kamp, J.; Schrier, R. van der; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Dahan, A. & Olofsen, E. (2019), Opioid-induced respiratory depression in humans: a review of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling of reversal, British Journal of Anaesthesia 122(6): E168-E179.
- Biro, P.; Paul, G.; Dahan, A. & Brull, S.J. (2019), Proposal for a Revised Classification of the Depth of Neuromuscular Block and Suggestions for Further Development in Neuromuscular Monitoring, Anesthesia and Analgesia 128(6): 1361-1363.
- Donk, T. van de; Velzen, M. van; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2019), Cornea nerve fiber state determines analgesic response to tapentadol in fibromyalgia patients without effective endogenous pain modulation, European Journal of Pain.
- Donk, T. van de; Niesters, M.; Kowal, M.A.; Olofsen, E.; Dahan, A. & Velzen, M. van (2019), An experimental randomized study on the analgesic effects of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis in chronic pain patients with fibromyalgia, PAIN 00(4).
- Hoogd, S. de; Valkenburg, A.J.; Dongen, E.P.A. van; Daeter, E.J.; Rosmalen, J. van; Dahan, A.; Tibboel, D. & Knibbe, C.A.J. (2019), Short- and long-term impact of remifentanil on thermal detection and pain thresholds after cardiac surgery A randomised controlled trial, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 36(1): 32-39.
- Bedene, A.; Lijfering, W.M.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Bouvy, M.L.; Dahan, A. & Dorp, E.L.A. van (2019), Opioid Prescription Patterns and Risk Factors Associated With Opioid Use in the Netherlands, Jama Network Open 2(8).
- Boon, M.; Martini, C.H.; Aarts, L.P.H.J. & Dahan, A. (2019), The use of surgical rating scales for the evaluation of surgical working conditions during laparoscopic surgery: a scoping review, Surgical Endoscopy 33(1): 19-25.
- Meijer, F.S.; Martini, C.H.; Broens, S.; Boon, M.; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Olofsen, E.; Velzen, M. van & Dahan, A. (2019), Nociception-guided versus Standard Care during Remifentanil-Propofol Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial., Anesthesiology 130(5).
- Broens, S.J.L.; Boon, M.; Martini, C.H.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.P.H.J. & Dahan, A. (2019), Influence of Reversal of a Partial Neuromuscular Block on the Ventilatory Response to Hypoxia, Anesthesiology.
- Freeman, L.; Middeldorp, J.; Akker, E. van den; Oudijk, M.; Bax, C.; Huizen, M. van; Radder, C.; Fong, B.; Bloemenkamp, K.; Dahan, A.; Struys, M.; Mol, B.W.; Lith, J. van & Akker-van Marle, E. van den (2018), An economic analysis of patient controlled remifentanil and epidural analgesia as pain relief in labour (RAVEL trial); a randomised controlled trial, PLoS ONE 13(10).
- Engbers, F.H.M. & Dahan, A. (2018), Anomalies in target-controlled infusion: an analysis after 20years of clinical use.
- Roozekrans, M.; Schrier, R. van der; Aarts, L.; Sarton, E.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Olofsen, E. (2018), Benefit versus Severe Side Effects of Opioid Analgesia Novel Utility Functions of Probability of Analgesia and Respiratory Depression, Anesthesiology 128(5): 932-942.
- Henthorn, T.K.; Avram, M.J.; Dahan, A.; Gustafsson, L.L.; Persson, J.; Krejcie, T.C. & Olofsen, E. (2018), Combined Recirculatory-compartmental Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Arterial and Venous Plasma S(+) and R(-) Ketamine Concentrations, Anesthesiology 129(2): 260-270.
- Jonkman, K.; Schrier, R. van der; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.; Olofsen, E.; Sarton, E.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2018), Differential role of nitric oxide in the psychedelic symptoms induced by racemic ketamine and esketamine in human volunteers, British Journal of Anaesthesia 120(5): 1009-1018.
- Ward, D.S.; Williams, M.R.; Berkenbosch, J.W.; Bhatt, M.; Carlson, D.; Chappell, P.; Clark, R.M.; Constant, I.; Conway, A.; Cravero, J.; Dahan, A.; Dexter, F.; Dionne, R.; Dworkin, R.H.; Gan, T.J.; Gozal, D.; Green, S.; Irwin, M.G.; Karan, S.; Kochman, M.; Lerman, J.; Lightdale, J.R.; Litman, R.S.; Mason, K.P.; Miner, J.; O'Connor, R.E.; Pandharipande, P.; Riker, R.R.; Roback, M.G.; Sessler, D.I.; Sexton, A.; Tobin, J.R.; Turk, D.C.; Twersky, R.S.; Urman, R.D.; Weiss, M.; Wunsch, H. & Zhao-Wong, A. (2018), Evaluating Patient-Centered Outcomes in Clinical Trials of Procedural Sedation, Part 2 Safety: Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research Recommendations, Anesthesia and Analgesia 127(5): 1146-1154.
- Vehmeijer, W.; Hardarson, S.H.; Jonkman, K.; Aarts, L.; Dahan, A.; Stefansson, E. & Schalij-Delfos, N. (2018), Handheld Retinal Oximetry in Healthy Young Adults, Translational Vision Science & Technology 7(4).
- Boon, M.; Martini, C.; Yang, H.K.; Sen, S.S.; Bevers, R.; Warle, M.; Aarts, L.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2018), Impact of high- versus low-dose neuromuscular blocking agent administration on unplanned 30-day readmission rates in retroperitoneal laparoscopic surgery, PLoS ONE 13(5).
- Fisher, D.M.; Chang, P.; Wada, D.R.; Dahan, A. & Palmer, P.P. (2018), Pharmacokinetic Properties of a Sufentanil Sublingual Tablet Intended to Treat Acute Pain, Anesthesiology 128(5): 943-952.
- Malessy, M.J.A.; Boer, R. de; Romero, I.M.; Eekhof, J.L.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Kliot, M.; Dahan, A. & Pondaag, W. (2018), Predictive value of a diagnostic block in focal nerve injury with neuropathic pain when surgery is considered, PLoS ONE 13(9).
- Dahan, A.; Schrier, R. van der; Smith, T.; Aarts, L.; Velzen, M. van & Niesters, M. (2018), Averting Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression without Affecting Analgesia, Anesthesiology 128(5): 1027-1037.
- Brines, M.; Culver, D.A.; Ferdousi, M.; Tannemaat, M.R.; Velzen, M. van; Dahan, A. & Malik, R.A. (2018), Corneal nerve fiber size adds utility to the diagnosis and assessment of therapeutic response in patients with small fiber neuropathy, Scientific Reports 8.
- Jonkman, K.; Rijnsoever, E. van; Olofsen, E.; Aarts, L.; Sarton, E.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2018), Esketamine counters opioid-induced respiratory depression, British Journal of Anaesthesia 120(5): 1117-1127.
- Vincent, J.L.; Einav, S.; Pearse, R.; Jaber, S.; Kranke, P.; Overdyk, F.J.; Whitaker, D.K.; Gordo, F.; Dahan, A. & Hoeft, A. (2018), Improving detection of patient deterioration in the general hospital ward environment, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 35(5): 325-333.
- Hoogd, S. de; Ahlers, S.J.G.M.; Dongen, E.P.A. van; Garde, E.M.W. van de; Daeter, E.J.; Dahan, A.; Tibboel, D. & Knibbe, C.A.J. (2018), Randomized Controlled Trial on the Influence of Intraoperative Remifentanil versus Fentanyl on Acute and Chronic Pain after Cardiac Surgery, Pain Practice 18(4): 443-451.
- Vehmeijer W. B., Jonkman K., Hardarson S. H., Aarts L., Stefansson E., Dahan A. & Schalij-Delfos N. E. (2018), Retinal oximetry with a prototype oximeter during hyperoxia, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 18-18.
- Meijer, F.; Cornelissen, P.; Sie, C.; Wagemans, M.; Mars, A.; Hobma, T.; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A.; Koopman, J.S. & Steegers, M.A.H. (2018), Sublingual sufentanil for postoperative pain relief, Journal of Pain Research 11: 987-992.
- Olesen, A.E.; Broens, S.; Olesen, S.S.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Drewes, A.M.; Dahan, A. & Olofsen, E. (2018), A pragmatic utility function to describe the risk-benefit composite of opioid and non-opioid analgesic medication., Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
- Ozdemir-van Brunschot, D.M.D.; Braat, A.E.; Jagt, M.F.P. van der; Scheffer, G.J.; Martini, C.H.; Langenhuijsen, J.F.; Dam, R.E.; Huurman, V.A.; Lam, D.; d'Ancona, F.C.; Dahan, A. & Warle, M.C. (2018), Deep neuromuscular blockade improves surgical conditions during low-pressure pneumoperitoneum laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, Surgical Endoscopy 32(1): 245-251.
- Donk, T. van de; Ward, S.; Langford, R. & Dahan, A. (2018), Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sublingual sufentanil for postoperative pain management, Anaesthesia 73(2): 231-237.
- van de Donk T, Bakker B, Postulart B, Renckens K, Snak L, Kleinloog D, van Velzen M, Dahan A, van Dasselaar N & Niesters M. (2017), Waterijs na een operatie vermindert opiaatbehoefte, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 161.
- Schrier, R. van der; Jonkman, K.; Velzen, M. van; Olofsen, E.; Drewes, A.M.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2017), An experimental study comparing the respiratory effects of tapentadol and oxycodone in healthy volunteers, British Journal of Anaesthesia 119(6): 1169-1177.
- Warle, M.C. & Dahan, A. (2017), Comment on Rosenberg J, et al.: "Deep Neuromuscular Blockade Improves Laparoscopic Surgical Conditions: A Randomized, Controlled Study", Advances in Therapy 34(7): 1770-1771.
- Bruintjes, M.H.; Helden, E.V. van; Braat, A.E.; Dahan, A.; Scheffer, G.J.; Laarhoven, C.J. van & Warle, M.C. (2017), Deep neuromuscular block to optimize surgical space conditions during laparoscopic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis, British Journal of Anaesthesia 118(6): 834-842.
- Roozekrans, M.; Olofsen, E.; Schrier, R. van der; Boom, M.; Mooren, R. & Dahan, A. (2017), Doxapram-mediated Increase in Cardiac Output Reduces Opioid Plasma Concentrations: A Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic-Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling Study in Healthy Volunteers, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 102(1): 115-122.
- Voorn, V.M.A.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Hout, A. van der; So-Osman, C.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Koopman-van Gemert, A.W.M.M.; Dahan, A.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van & LISBOA study grp (2017), Hospital variation in allogeneic transfusion and extended length of stay in primary elective hip and knee arthroplasty: a cross-sectional study, BMJ Open 7(7).
- Hoogd, S. de; Valitalo, P.A.J.; Dahan, A.; Kralingen, S. van; Coughtrie, M.M.W.; Dongen, E.P.A. van; Ramshorst, B. van & Knibbe, C.A.J. (2017), Influence of Morbid Obesity on the Pharmacokinetics of Morphine, Morphine-3-Glucuronide, and Morphine-6-Glucuronide, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 56(12): 1577-1587.
- Raaff, C.A.L. de; Gorter-Stam, M.A.W.; Vries, N. de; Sinha, A.C.; Bonjer, H.J.; Chung, F.; Coblijn, U.K.; Dahan, A.; Helder, R.S. van den; Hilgevoord, A.A.J.; Hillman, D.R.; Margarson, M.P.; Mattar, S.G.; Mulier, J.P.; Ravesloot, M.J.L.; Reiber, B.M.M.; Rijswijk, A.S. van; Singh, P.M.; Steenhuis, R.; Tenhagen, M.; Vanderveken, O.M.; Verbraecken, J.; White, D.P.; Wielen, N. van der & Wagensveld, B.A. van (2017), Perioperative management of obstructive sleep apnea in bariatric surgery: a consensus guideline, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 13(7): 1095-1109.
- Jonkman, K.; Duma, A.; Olofsen, E.; Henthorn, T.; Velzen, M. van; Mooren, R.; Siebers, L.; Beukel, J. van den; Aarts, L.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2017), Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability of Inhaled Esketamine in Healthy Volunteers, Anesthesiology 127(4): 675-683.
- Ozdemir-van Brunschot, D.M.D.; Scheffer, G.J.; Jagt, M. van der; Langenhuijsen, H.; Dahan, A.; Mulder, J.E.E.A.; Willems, S.; Hilbrands, L.B.; Donders, R.; Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van; d'Ancona, F.A. & Warle, M.C. (2017), Quality of Recovery After Low-Pressure Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy Facilitated by Deep Neuromuscular Blockade: A Randomized Controlled Study, World Journal of Surgery 41(11): 2950-2958.
- Ozdemir-van Brunschot, D.M.D.; Scheffer, G.J.; Jagt, M. van der; Langenhuijsen, J.; Dahan, A.; Mulder, J.E.E.A.; Willems, S.; Hilbrands, L.B.; Donders, R.; Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van; d'Ancona, F.A. & Warle, M.C. (2017), Quality of Recovery After Low-Pressure Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy Facilitated by Deep Neuromuscular Blockade: A Randomized Controlled Study (vol 41, pg 2950, 2017), World Journal of Surgery 41(11): 2949-2949.
- Culver, D.A.; Dahan, A.; Bajorunas, D.; Jeziorska, M.; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.P.H.J.; Tavee, J.; Tannemaat, M.R.; Dunne, A.N.; Kirk, R.I.; Petropoulos, I.N.; Cerami, A.; Malik, R.A. & Brines, M. (2017), Cibinetide Improves Corneal Nerve Fiber Abundance in Patients With Sarcoidosis-Associated Small Nerve Fiber Loss and Neuropathic Pain, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58(6): BIO52-BIO60.
- Boon, M.; Martini, C.H.; Aarts, L.P.; Torensma, B. & Dahan, A. (2017), Deep Neuromuscular Block and Surgical Conditions During Bariatric Surgery, Anesthesia and Analgesia 124(6): 2094-2095.
- Vehmeijer, W.B.; Hardarson, S.H.; Jonkman, K.; Aarts, L.; Dahan, A.; Stefansson, E. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2017), Handheld and mobile oximeter in a healthy adult population, Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 32-33.
- Jonkman, K.; Donk, T. van de & Dahan, A. (2017), Ketamine for cancer pain: what is the evidence?, Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care 11(2): 88-92.
- Torensma, B.; Oudejans, L.; Velzen, M. van; Swank, D.; Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2017), Pain sensitivity and pain scoring in patients with morbid obesity, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 13(5): 788-795.
- Okkerse, P.; Hay, J.L.; Sitsen, E.; Dahan, A.; Klaassen, E.; Houghton, W. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2017), Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intrathecally administered Xen2174, a synthetic conopeptide with norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and analgesic properties, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 83(4): 751-763.
- Dahan, A.; Boom, M.; Sarton, E.; Hay, J.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Neukirchen, M.; Bothmer, J.; Aarts, L. & Olofsen, E. (2017), Respiratory Effects of the Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ Peptide and Opioid Receptor Agonist, Cebranopadol, in Healthy Human Volunteers, Anesthesiology 126(4): 697-707.
- Voorn, V.M.A.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Hout, A. van der; Hofstede, S.N.; So-Osman, C.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Kaptein, A.A.; Stijnen, T.; Koopman-van Gemert, A.W.M.M.; Dahan, A.; Vlieland, T.P.M.M.V.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H. & Bodegom-Vos, L. van (2017), The effectiveness of a de-implementation strategy to reduce low-value blood management techniques in primary hip and knee arthroplasty: a pragmatic cluster-randomized controlled trial, Implementation Science 12.
- Okkerse, P.; Amerongen, G. van; Kam, M.L. de; Stevens, J.; Butt, R.P.; Gurrell, R.; Dahan, A.; Gerven, J.M. van; Hay, J.L. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2017), The use of a battery of pain models to detect analgesic properties of compounds: a two-part four-way crossover study, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 83(5): 976-990.
- Lelic, D.; Valeriani, M.; Fischer, I.W.D.; Dahan, A. & Drewes, A.M. (2017), Venlafaxine and oxycodone have different effects on spinal and supraspinal activity in man: a somatosensory evoked potential study, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 83(4): 764-776.
- Khalili-Mahani, N.; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Duff, E.P.; Carbonell, F.; Nickerson, L.D.; Becerra, L.; Dahan, A.; Evans, A.C.; Soucy, J.P.; Wise, R.; Zijdenbos, A.P. & Gerven, J.M. van (2017), Biomarkers, Designs, and Interpretations of Resting-State fMRI in Translational Pharmacological Research: A Review of State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Opportunities for Studying Brain Chemistry, Human Brain Mapping 38(4): 2276-2325.
- Warle, M.C. & Dahan, A. (2017), Does deep neuromuscular block affect pain after laparoscopic surgery?, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 34(1): 23-24.
- Bruintjes, M.H.D.; Braat, A.E.; Dahan, A.; Scheffer, G.J.; Hilbrands, L.B.; d'Ancona, F.C.H.; Donders, R.A.R.T.; Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van & Warle, M.C. (2017), Effectiveness of deep versus moderate muscle relaxation during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy in enhancing postoperative recovery: study protocol for a randomized controlled study, Trials 18.
- Schrier, R. van der; Roozekrans, M.; Olofsen, E.; Aarts, L.; Velzen, M. van; Jong, M. de; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2017), Influence of Ethanol on Oxycodone-induced Respiratory Depression A Dose-escalating Study in Young and Elderly Individuals, Anesthesiology 126(3): 534-542.
- Oudejans, L.C.J.; Niesters, M.; Brines, M.; Dahan, A. & Velzen, M. van (2017), Quantification of small fiber pathology in patients with sarcoidosis and chronic pain using cornea confocal microscopy and skin biopsies, Journal of Pain Research 10: 2057-2065.
- Hoogd S. de, Ahlers S.J.G.M., Dongen E.P.A. van, Garde E.M.W. van de, Hamilton-Ter Brake T.A.T., Dahan A., Tibboel D. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2016), Is intraoperative Remifentanil associated with acute or chronic postoperative pain after prolonged surgery? An update of the literature, Clinical Journal of Pain 32(8): 726-735.
- Bijl, R.C.; Freeman, L.M.; Weijenborg, P.T.M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Dahan, A. & Dorp, E.L.A. van (2016), A retrospective study on persistent pain after childbirth in the Netherlands, Journal of Pain Research.
- Lelic, D.; Fischer, I.W.D.; Olesen, A.E.; Morch, C.D.; Arguissain, F.G.; Manresa, J.A.B.; Dahan, A. & Drewes, A.M. (2016), Venlafaxine and oxycodone effects on human spinal and supraspinal pain processing: a randomized cross-over trial, European Journal of Neuroscience 44(11): 2966-2974.
- Oudejans, L.; Velzen, M. van; Olofsen, E.; Beun, R.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2016), Translation of random painful stimuli into numerical responses in fibromyalgia and perioperative patients, PAIN 157(1): 128-136.
- Dahan, A. (2016), Potent Opioid Analgesia without Respiratory Depression Could It Be Possible?, Anesthesiology 125(5): 841-843.
- Hoogd, S. de; Ahlers, S.J.G.M.; Dongen, E.P.A. van; Garde, E.M.W. van de; Hamilton-Ter Brake, T.A.T.; Dahan, A.; Tibboel, D. & Knibbe, C.A.J. (2016), Is Intraoperative Remifentanil Associated With Acute or Chronic Postoperative Pain After Prolonged Surgery? An Update of the Literature, Clinical Journal of Pain 32(8): 726-735.
- Boon, M.; Martini, C.; Hellinga, M.; Bevers, R.; Aarts, L. & Dahan, A. (2016), Influence of variations in arterial P-CO2 on surgical conditions during laparoscopic retroperitoneal surgery, British Journal of Anaesthesia 117(1): 59-65.
- Voorn, V.M.A.; Hout, A. van der; So-Osman, C.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Dahan, A.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. & Bodegom-Vos, L. van (2016), Erythropoietin to reduce allogeneic red blood cell transfusion in patients undergoing total hip or knee arthroplasty, Vox Sanguinis 111(3): 219-225.
- Torensma, B.; Martini, C.H.; Boon, M.; Olofsen, E.; Veld, B. in 't; Liem, R.S.L.; Knook, M.T.T.; Swank, D.J. & Dahan, A. (2016), Deep Neuromuscular Block Improves Surgical Conditions during Bariatric Surgery and Reduces Postoperative Pain: A Randomized Double Blind Controlled Trial, PLoS ONE 11(12).
- Oudejans, L.; He, X.; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A.; Brines, M. & Velzen, M. van (2016), Cornea nerve fiber quantification and construction of phenotypes in patients with fibromyalgia, Scientific Reports 6.
- Overdyk, F.J.; Dowling, O.; Marino, J.; Qiu, J.J.; Chien, H.L.; Erslon, M.; Morrison, N.; Harrison, B.; Dahan, A. & Gan, T.J. (2016), Association of Opioids and Sedatives with Increased Risk of In-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Arrest from an Administrative Database, PLoS ONE 11(2).
- Dahan, A.; Engberts, D.P. & Niesters, M. (2016), Arterial Line Placement Safety First, Anesthesiology 124(3): 528-529.
- Boer, H.D. de; Mulier, J.P. & Dahan, A. (2016), Optimal Surgical Conditions in Laparoscopic Surgery: Just Relax and Lower the Pressure, Anesthesia and Analgesia 122(1): 288-288.
- Cerit H., Veer I.M., Dahan A., Niesters M., Harmer C.J., Miskowiakf K.W., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Does A.J.W. van der (2015), Testing the antidepressant properties of the peptide ARA290 in a human neuropsychological model of drug action, European Neuropsychopharmacology 25(12): 2289–2299.
- Ahlers S.J., Välitalo P.A., Peeters M.Y., Gulik L.V., Dongen E.P. van, Dahan A., Tibboel D. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2015), Morphine Glucuronidation and Elimination in Intensive Care Patients: A Comparison with Healthy Volunteers, Anesthesia and Analgesia 121(5): 1261-1273.
- Freeman, L.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.; Franssen, M.T.; Papatsonis, D.N.; Hajenius, P.J.; Hollmann, M.W.; Woiski, M.D.; Porath, M.; Berg, H.J. van den; Beek, E. van; Borchert, O.W.H.M.; Schuitemaker, N.; Sikkema, J.M.; Kuipers, A.H.M.; Logtenberg, S.L.M.; Salm, P.C.M. van der; Rengerink, K.O.; Lopriore, E.; Akker-Van Marle, M.E. van den; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J.M. van; Struys, M.M.; Mol, B.J.; Dahan, A. & Middeldorp, J.M. (2015), Patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil versus epidural analgesia in labour: randomised multicentre equivalence trial, BMJ.
- Dahan, A.; Olofsen, E. & Niesters, M. (2015), Pharmacotherapy for pain: efficacy and safety issues examined by subgroup analyses, PAIN 156(4): S119-S126.
- Martini, C.H.; Boon, M.; Broens, S.J.L.; Hekkelman, E.F.; Oudhoff, L.A.; Buddeke, A.W. & Dahan, A. (2015), Ability of the Nociception Level, a Multiparameter Composite of Autonomic Signals, to Detect NoxiousStimuli during Propofol–Remifentanil Anesthesia, Anesthesiology.
- Martini, C.; Velzen, M. van; Drewes, A.; Aarts, L.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2015), A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effect of Tapentadol and Morphine on Conditioned Pain Modulation in Healthy Volunteers, PLoS ONE 10(6).
- Juel, J.; Olesen, S.S.; Olesen, A.E.; Poulsen, J.L.; Dahan, A.; Wilder-Smith, O.; Madzak, A.; Frokjaer, J.B. & Drewes, A.M. (2015), Study protocol for a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of S-ketamine for pain treatment in patients with chronic pancreatitis (RESET trial).
- Olofsen, E.; Dahan, A.; Borsboom, G. & Drummond, G. (2015), Improvements in the application and reporting of advanced Bland-Altman methods of comparison.
- Olofsen, E. & Dahan, A. (2015), Big Brain, Small World?, Anesthesiology 122(1): 8-11.
- Sitsen, E.; Olofsen, E.; Lesman, A.; Dahan, A. & Vuyk, J. (2015), Epidural Blockade Affects the Pharmacokinetics of Propofol in Surgical Patients, Anesthesia and Analgesia 122(5).
- Martini, C.H.; Proto, P.; Olofsen, E.; Velzen, M. van; Aarts, L.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2015), A randomized controlled trial and novel mathematical analysis of the analgesic effect of oxycodone versus paracetamol orodispersible tablets, European Journal of Pain 19(3): 295-304.
- Olesen, A.E.; Olofsen, E.; Andresen, T.; Graversen, C.; Drewes, A.M. & Dahan, A. (2015), Stochastic Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis of the Effect of Transdermal Buprenorphine on Electroencephalogram and Analgesia, Anesthesia and Analgesia 121(5): 1165-1175.
- Khalili-Mahani, N.; Martini, C.H.; Olofsen, E.; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2015), Effect of subanaesthetic ketamine on plasma and saliva cortisol secretion, British Journal of Anaesthesia 115(1): 68-75.
- Yarnitsky, D. & Dahan, A. (2015), Endogenous Pain Modulation From Humans to Animals and Back, Anesthesiology 122(4): 734-735.
- Ahlers, S.J.G.M.; Valitalo, P.A.J.; Peeters, M.Y.M.; Gulik, L. van; Dongen, E.P.A. van; Dahan, A.; Tibboel, D. & Knibbe, C.A.J. (2015), Morphine Glucuronidation and Elimination in Intensive Care Patients: A Comparison with Healthy Volunteers, Anesthesia and Analgesia 121(5): 1261-1273.
- Freeman, L.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.; Franssen, M.T.; Papatsonis, D.N.; Hajenius, P.J.; Hollmann, M.W.; Woiski, M.D.; Porath, M.; Berg, H.J. van den; Beek, E. van; Borchert, O.W.H.M.; Schuitemaker, N.; Sikkema, J.M.; Kuipers, A.H.M.; Logtenberg, S.L.M.; Salm, P.C.M. van der; Rengerink, K.O.; Lopriore, E.; Akker-Van Marle, M.E. van den; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J.M. van; Struys, M.M.; Mol, B.J.; Dahan, A. & Middeldorp, J.M. (2015), Patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil versus epidural analgesia in labour: randomised multicentre equivalence trial, BMJ 350.
- Brokjaer, A.; Olesen, A.E.; Christrup, L.L.; Dahan, A. & Drewes, A.M. (2015), The effects of morphine and methylnaltrexone on gastrointestinal pain in healthy male participants, Neurogastroenterology and Motility 27(5): 693-704.
- Roozekrans, M.; Olofsen, E.; Schrier, R. van der; Gerven, J. van; Peng, S.; McLeod, J. & Dahan, A. (2015), Reversal of opioid-induced respiratory depression by BK-channel blocker GAL021: A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling study in healthy volunteers, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 97(6): 641-649.
- Brokjaer, A.; Kreilgaard, M.; Olesen, A.E.; Simonsson, U.S.H.; Christrup, L.L.; Dahan, A. & Drewes, A.M. (2015), Population pharmacokinetics of morphine and morphine-6-glucuronide following rectal administration - A dose escalation study, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 68: 78-86.
- Kleinloog, D.; Boogaard, A.U. den; Dahan, A.; Mooren, R.; Klaassen, E.; Stevens, J.; Freijer, J. & Gerven, J. van (2015), Optimizing the glutamatergic challenge model for psychosis, using S(+)-ketamine to induce psychomimetic symptoms in healthy volunteers, Journal of Psychopharmacology 29(4): 401-413.
- Brokjaer, A.; Olesen, A.E.; Kreilgaard, M.; Graversen, C.; Gram, M.; Christrup, L.L.; Dahan, A. & Drewes, A.M. (2015), Objective markers of the analgesic response to morphine in experimental pain research, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 73: 7-14.
- Khalili-Mahani, N.; Niesters, M.; Osch, M.J. van; Oitzl, M.; Veer, I.; Rooij, M. de; Gerveng, J. van; Buchem, M.A. van; Beckmann, C.F.; Rombouts, S.A.R.B. & Dahan, A. (2015), Ketamine interactions with biomarkers of stress: A randomized placebo-controlled repeated measures resting-state fMRI and PCASL pilot study in healthy men.
- Oudejans, L.C.J.; Smit, J.M.; Velzen, M. van; Dahan, A. & Niesters, M. (2015), The influence of offset analgesia on the onset and offset of pain in patients with fibromyalgia, PAIN 156(12): 2521-2527.
- Cerit, H.; Veer, I.M.; Dahan, A.; Niesters, M.; Harmer, C.J.; Miskowiak, K.W.; Rombouts, S.A.R.B. & Does, W. van der (2015), Testing the antidepressant properties of the peptide ARA290 in a human neuropsychological model of drug action, European Neuropsychopharmacology 25(12): 2289-2299.
- Douma, M.R.; Stienstra, R.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Arbous, M.S. & Dahan, A. (2015), Differences in maternal temperature during labour with remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia or epidural analgesia: a randomised controlled trial, International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 24(4): 313-322.
- Bodegom-Vos, L. van; Voorn, V.M.; So-Osman, C.; Vlieland, T.P.V.; Dahan, A.; Gemert, A.W.K.V.; Vehmeijer, S.B.; Nelissen, R.G. & Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. (2015), Cell Salvage in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume 97A(12): 1012-1021.
- Martini, C.H.; Boon, M.; Broens, S.J.L.; Hekkelman, E.F.; Oudhoff, L.A.; Buddeke, A.W. & Dahan, A. (2015), Ability of the Nociception Level, a Multiparameter Composite of Autonomic Signals, to Detect Noxious Stimuli during Propofol-Remifentanil Anesthesia, Anesthesiology 123(3): 524-534.
- Ozdemir-van Brunschot, D.M.D.; Scheffer, G.J.; Dahan, A.; Mulder, J.E.E.A.; Willems, S.A.A.; Hilbrands, L.B.; d'Ancona, F.C.H.; Donders, R.A.R.T.; Laarhoven, K.J.H.M. van & Warle, M.C. (2015), Comparison of the effectiveness of low pressure pneumoperitoneum with profound muscle relaxation during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy to optimize the quality of recovery during the early post-operative phase: study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial, Trials 16.
- Swartjes, M.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Brines, M.; Dunne, A.; Cerami, A. & Dahan, A. (2014), ARA 290, a peptide derived from the tertiary structure of erythropoietin, produces long-term relief of neuropathic pain coupled with suppression of the spinal microglia response.
- Khalili-Mahani, N.; Osch, M.J. van; Rooij, M. de; Beckmann, C.F.; Buchem, M.A. van; Dahan, A.; Gerven, J.M. van & Rombouts, S.A.R.B. (2014), Spatial heterogeneity of the relation between resting-state connectivity and blood flow: An important consideration for pharmacological studies, Human Brain Mapping 35(3): 929-942.
- Freeman, L.; Bloemenkamp, K.; Franssen, M.; Papatsonis, D.; Hollmann, M.; Woiski, M.; Porath, M.; Berg, H. van den; Beek, E. van; Schuitemaker, N.; Sikkema, M.; Logtenberg, S.; Oudijk, M.; Bax, C.; Salm, P. van der; Akker-van Marle, E. van den; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J. van; Struys, M.; Dahan, A.; Mol, B.W. & Middeldorp, J. (2014), Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia in labor; a randomized controlled equivalence trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(1): S36-S37.
- Lelic, D.; Olesen, A.E.; Gregersen, H.; Dahan, A.; Kolesnikov, Y. & Drewes, A.M. (2014), Morphine modifies the cingulate-operculum network underlying painful rectal evoked potentials, Neuropharmacology 77: 422-427.
- Niesters, M.; Martini, C. & Dahan, A. (2014), Ketamine for chronic pain: risks and benefits, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 77(2): 357-367.
- Velzen, G.A.J. van; Perez, R.S.G.M.; Gestel, M.A. van; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Kleef, M. van; Eijs, F. van; Dahan, A.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2014), Health-related quality of life in 975 patients with complex regional pain syndrome type 1, PAIN 155(3): 629-634.
- Martini, C.H.; Boon, M.; Bevers, R.F.; Aarts, L.P. & Dahan, A. (2014), Evaluation of surgical conditions during laparoscopic surgery in patients with moderate vs deep neuromuscular block, British Journal of Anaesthesia 112(3): 498-505.
- Voorn, V.M.A.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; So-Osman, C.; Kaptein, A.A.; Hout, A. van der; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Koopman-van Gemert, A.W.M.M.; Dahan, A.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Vlieland, T.P.M.M.V. & Bodegom-Vos, L. van (2014), De-implementation of expensive blood saving measures in hip and knee arthroplasties: study protocol for the LISBOA-II cluster randomized trial, Implementation Science 9.
- Velzen, M. van; Heij, L.; Niesters, M.; Cerami, A.; Dunne, A.; Dahan, A. & Brines, M. (2014), ARA 290 for treatment of small fiber neuropathy in sarcoidosis, Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 23(4): 541-550.
- Roozekrans, M.; Schrier, R. van der; Okkerse, P.; Hay, J.; McLeod, J.F. & Dahan, A. (2014), Two Studies on Reversal of Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression by BK-channel Blocker GAL021 in Human Volunteers, Anesthesiology 121(3): 459-468.
- Niesters, M.; Proto, P.L.; Aarts, L.; Sarton, E.Y.; Drewes, A.M. & Dahan, A. (2014), Tapentadol potentiates descending pain inhibition in chronic pain patients with diabetic polyneuropathy, British Journal of Anaesthesia 113(1): 148-156.
- Nilsson, M.; Piasco, A.; Nissen, T.D.; Graversen, C.; Gazerani, P.; Lucas, M.F.; Dahan, A.; Drewes, A.M. & Brock, C. (2014), Reproducibility of psychophysics and electroencephalography during offset analgesia, European Journal of Pain 18(6): 824-834.
- Hoogd, S. de; Ahlers, S.J.G.M.; Dongen, E.P.A. van; Tibboel, D.; Dahan, A. & Knibbe, C.A.J. (2014), Remifentanil versus fentanyl during cardiac surgery on the incidence of chronic thoracic pain (REFLECT): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 15.
- Velzen, M. van & Dahan, A. (2014), Ketamine Metabolomics in the Treatment of Major Depression, Anesthesiology 121(1): 4-5.
- Fastner, C.; Mairbaurl, H.; Weber, N.C.; Sluijs, K. van der; Hackl, F.; Hotz, L.; Dahan, A.; Hollmann, M.W. & Berger, M.M. (2014), Intravenous S-Ketamine Does Not Inhibit Alveolar Fluid Clearance in a Septic Rat Model, PLoS ONE 9(11).
- Krekels, E.H.J.; Tibboel, D.; Wildt, S.N. de; Ceelie, I.; Dahan, A.; Dijk, M. van; Danhof, M. & Knibbe, C.A.J. (2014), Evidence-Based Morphine Dosing for Postoperative Neonates and Infants, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 53(6): 553-563.
- Dahan, A.; Velzen, M. van & Niesters, M. (2014), Comorbidities and the Complexities of Chronic Pain, Anesthesiology 121(4): 675-677.
- Verbree, J.; Bronzwaer, A.S.G.T.; Ghariq, E.; Versluis, M.J.; Daemen, M.J.A.P.; Buchem, M.A. van; Dahan, A.; Lieshout, J.J. van & Osch, M.J.P. van (2014), Assessment of middle cerebral artery diameter during hypocapnia and hypercapnia in humans using ultra-high-field MRI, Journal of Applied Physiology 117(10): 1084-1089.
- Roozekrans, M.; Schrier, R. van der; Okkerse, P.; Hay, J.; McLeod, J.F. & Dahan, A. (2014), Two studies on reversal of opioid-induced respiratory depression by BK-channel blocker GAL021 in human volunteers, Anesthesiology 121.
- (2014), Effect of deafferentation from spinal anesthesia on pain sensitivity and resting-state functional brain connectivity in healthy male volunteers., Brain Connectivity.
- Overdyk & F (2014), Opioid-induced respiratory depression in the acute care setting: a compendium of case reports, Pain Management 4(4).
- (2014), Opioid-induced respiratory depression: reversal by non-opioid drugs, F1000prime reports 6(79).
- Beuzekom, M. van; Akerboom, S.; Boer, F. & Dahan, A. (2013), Influence of latent risk factors on job satisfaction, job stress and intention to leave in anaesthesia teams A cross-sectional survey, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 30(5): 222-228.
- Boom, M.; Olofsen, E.; Neukirchen, M.; Fussen, R.; Hay, J.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Aarts, L.; Sarton, E. & Dahan, A. (2013), Fentanyl Utility Function: A Risk-Benefit Composite of Pain Relief and Breathing Responses, Anesthesiology 119(3): 663-674.
- Boon, M.; Martini, C.H.; Aarts, L.P.H.J.; Bevers, R.F.M. & Dahan, A. (2013), Effect of variations in depth of neuromuscular blockade on rating of surgical conditions by surgeon and anesthesiologist in patients undergoing laparoscopic renal or prostatic surgery (BLISS trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 14.
- Wang, C.G.; Sadhavisvam, S.; Krekels, E.H.J.; Dahan, A.; Tibboel, D.; Danhof, M.; Vinks, A.A. & Knibbe, C.A.J. (2013), Developmental Changes in Morphine Clearance Across the Entire Paediatric Age Range are Best Described by a Bodyweight-Dependent Exponent Model, Clinical Drug Investigation 33(7): 523-534.
- Khalili-Mahani, N.; Chang, C.; Osch, M.J. van; Veer, I.M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Dahan, A.; Beckmann, C.F.; Gerven, J.M.A. van & Rombouts, S.A.R.B. (2013), The impact of "physiological correction" on functional connectivity analysis of pharmacological resting state fMRI, NeuroImage 65: 499-510.
- Martini, C.H.; Yassen, A.; Krebs-Brown, A.; Passier, P.; Stoker, M.; Olofsen, E. & Dahan, A. (2013), A novel approach to identify responder subgroups and predictors of response to low- and high-dose capsaicin patches in postherpetic neuralgia, European Journal of Pain 17(10): 1491-1501.
- Schilder, J.C.M.; Sigtermans, M.J.; Schouten, A.C.; Putter, H.; Dahan, A.; Noldus, L.P.J.J.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), Pain Relief Is Associated With Improvement in Motor Function in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1: Secondary Analysis of a Placebo-Controlled Study on the Effects of Ketamine, Journal of Pain 14(11): 1514-1521.
- Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Sarton, E. & Dahan, A. (2013), Influence of ketamine and morphine on descending pain modulation in chronic pain patients: a randomized placebo-controlled cross-over proof-of-concept study, British Journal of Anaesthesia 110(6): 1010-1016.
- Dahan, A.; Dunne, A.; Swartjes, M.; Proto, P.L.; Heij, L.; Vogels, O.; Velzen, M. van; Sarton, E.; Niesters, M.; Tannemaat, M.R.; Cerami, A. & Brines, M. (2013), ARA 290 Improves Symptoms in Patients with Sarcoidosis-Associated Small Nerve Fiber Loss and Increases Corneal Nerve Fiber Density, Molecular Medicine 19: 334-345.
- Yassen, A.; Passier, P.; Furuichi, Y. & Dahan, A. (2013), Translational PK-PD modeling in pain, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 40(3): 401-418.
- Pergolizzi, J.; Ahlbeck, K.; Aldington, D.; Alon, E.; Coluzzi, F.; Dahan, A.; Huygen, F.; Kocot-Kepska, M.; Mangas, A.C.; Mavrocordatos, P.; Morlion, B.; Muller-Schwefe, G.; Nicolaou, A.; Hernandez, C.P.; Sichere, P.; Schafer, M. & Varrassi, G. (2013), The development of chronic pain: physiological CHANGE necessitates a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, Current Medical Research and Opinion 29(9): 1127-1135.
- Dahan, A.; Roozekrans, M.; Schrier, R. van der; Smith, T. & Aarts, L. (2013), Primum Non Nocere or How to Resolve Drug-induced Respiratory Depression, Anesthesiology 118(6): 1261-1263.
- Dahan, A.; Overdyk, F.; Smith, T.; Aarts, L. & Niesters, M. (2013), Pharmacovigilance: A Review of Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression in Chronic Pain Patients, Pain Physician 16(2): E85-E94.
- Swartjes, M.; Niesters, M.; Heij, L.; Dunne, A.; Aarts, L.; Hand, C.C.; Kim, H.S.; Brines, M.; Cerami, A. & Dahan, A. (2013), Ketamine Does Not Produce Relief of Neuropathic Pain in Mice Lacking the beta-Common Receptor (CD131), PLoS ONE 8(8).
- Niesters, M.; Mahajan, R.P.; Aarts, L. & Dahan, A. (2013), High-inspired oxygen concentration further impairs opioid-induced respiratory depression, British Journal of Anaesthesia 110(5): 837-841.
- Drewes, A.M.; Jensen, R.D.; Nielsen, L.M.; Droney, J.; Christrup, L.L.; Arendt-Nielsen, L.; Riley, J. & Dahan, A. (2013), Differences between opioids: pharmacological, experimental, clinical and economical perspectives, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 75(1): 60-78.
- Niesters, M.; Overdyk, F.; Smith, T.; Aarts, L. & Dahan, A. (2013), Opioid-induced respiratory depression in paediatrics: a review of case reports, British Journal of Anaesthesia 110(2): 175-182.
- Beuzekom, M. van; Boer, F.; Akerboom, S. & Dahan, A. (2013), Perception of patient safety differs by clinical area and discipline, British Journal of Anaesthesia 110(1): 107-114.
- Niesters, M.; Martini, C. & Dahan, A. (2013), Ketamine for Chronic Pain: Risks and Benefits., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
- Heij, L.; Niesters, M.; Swartjes, M.; Hoitsma, E.; Drent, M.; Dunne, A.; Grutters, J.C.; Vogels, O.; Brines, M.; Cerami, A. & Dahan, A. (2013), Safety and Efficacy of ARA 290 in Sarcoidosis Patients with Symptoms of Small Fiber Neuropathy: A Randomized, Double-Blind Pilot Study.
- Khalili-Mahani N., Zoethout R.M., Beckmann C.F., Baerends E.J., De Kam M.L., Soeter R.P., Dahan A., Van Buchem M.A., Gerven J.M. & Rombouts S.A.R.B. (2012), Effects of morphine and alcohol on functional brain connectivity during "resting state": a placebo-controlled crossover study in healthy young men, Human Brain Mapping 33(5): 1003-1018.
- Boom, M.; Niesters, M.; Sarton, E.; Aarts, L.; Smith, T.W. & Dahan, A. (2012), Non-Analgesic Effects of Opioids: Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression, Current Pharmaceutical Design 18(37): 5994-6004.
- Khalili-Mahani, N.; Zoethout, R.M.W.; Beckmann, C.F.; Baerends, E.; Kam, M.L. de; Soeter, R.P.; Dahan, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Gerven, J.M.A. van & Rombouts, S.A.R.B. (2012), Effects of morphine and alcohol on functional brain connectivity during "resting state": A placebo-controlled crossover study in healthy young men, Human Brain Mapping 33(5): 1003-1018.
- Niesters, M.; Khalili-Mahani, N.; Martini, C.; Aarts, L.; Gerven, J. van; Buchem, M.A. van; Dahan, A. & Rombouts, S. (2012), Effect of Subanesthetic Ketamine on Intrinsic Functional Brain Connectivity A Placebo-controlled Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in Healthy Male Volunteers, Anesthesiology 117(4): 868-877.
- Zoethout, R.W.M.; Kam, M.L. de; Dahan, A.; Cohen, A.E. & Gerven, L.M.A. van (2012), A comparison of the central nervous system effects of alcohol at pseudo-steady state in Caucasian and expatriate Japanese healthy male volunteers, Alcohol 46(7): 657-664.
- Swartjes, M.; Mooren, R.A.G.; Waxman, A.R.; Arout, C.; Wetering, K. van de; Hartigh, J. den; Beijnen, J.H.; Kest, B. & Dahan, A. (2012), Morphine Induces Hyperalgesia without Involvement of mu-Opioid Receptor or Morphine-3-glucuronide, Molecular Medicine 18(9): 1320-1326.
- Freeman, L.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Franssen, M.T.M.; Papatsonis, D.N.M.; Hajenius, P.J.; Huizen, M.E. van; Bremer, H.A.; Akker, E.S.A. van den; Woiski, M.D.; Porath, M.M.; Beek, E. van; Schuitemaker, N.; Salm, P.C.M. van der; Fong, B.F.; Radder, C.; Bax, C.J.; Sikkema, M.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Lith, J.M.M. van; Lopriore, E.; Uildriks, R.J.; Struys, M.M.R.F.; Mol, B.W.J.; Dahan, A. & Middeldorp, J.M. (2012), Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia in labour. A multicentre randomized controlled trial, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 12: -.
- Niesters, M. & Dahan, A. (2012), Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic considerations for NMDA receptor antagonists in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology 8(11): 1409-1417.
- Dahan, A.; Noppers, I.; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Sarton, E. & Drewes, A.M. (2012), S(+)-Ketamine analgesic drug dose, PAIN 153(2): 502-503.
- Olesen, A.E.; Olofsen, E.; Olesen, S.S.; Staahl, C.; Andresen, T.; Dahan, A. & Drewes, A.M. (2012), The Absorption Profile of Pregabalin in Chronic Pancreatitis, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 111(6): 385-390.
- Niesters, M.; Mahajan, R.; Olofsen, E.; Boom, M.; Valle, S.G. del; Aarts, L. & Dahan, A. (2012), Validation of a novel respiratory rate monitor based on exhaled humidity, British Journal of Anaesthesia 109(6): 981-989.
- Nieuwenhuijs, D.; Bruce, J.; Drummond, G.B.; Warren, P.M.; Wraith, P.K. & Dahan, A. (2012), Ventilatory responses after major surgery and high dependency care, British Journal of Anaesthesia 108(5): 864-871.
- Schilder, J.C.M.; Schouten, A.C.; Perez, R.S.G.M.; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Dahan, A.; Noldus, L.P.J.J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2012), Motor control in complex regional pain syndrome: A kinematic analysis, PAIN 153(4): 805-812.
- Dahan, A.; Niesters, M. & Sarton, E. (2012), Endogenous modulation of pain is visible in the brain.
- Olofsen, E.; Noppers, I.; Niesters, M.; Kharasch, E.; Aarts, L.; Sarton, E. & Dahan, A. (2012), Estimation of the Contribution of Norketamine to Ketamine-induced Acute Pain Relief and Neurocognitive Impairment in Healthy Volunteers, Anesthesiology 117(2): 353-364.
- Olofsen, E.; Sigtermans, M.; Noppers, I.; Niesters, M.; Mooren, R.; Bauer, M.; Aarts, L.; Sarton, E. & Dahan, A. (2012), The Dose-Dependent Effect of S(+)-Ketamine on Cardiac Output in Healthy Volunteers and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 Chronic Pain Patients, Anesthesia and Analgesia 115(3): 536-546.
- Khalili-Mahani, N.; Osch, M.J. van; Rooij, M. de; Beckmann, C.F.; Buchem, M.A. van; Dahan, A.; Gerven, J.M. van & Rombouts, S.A.R.B. (2012), Spatial heterogeneity of the relation between resting-state connectivity and blood flow: An important consideration for pharmacological studies., Human Brain Mapping.
- Noppers, I.; Niesters, M.; Swartjes, M.; Bauer, M.; Aarts, L.; Geleijnse, N.; Mooren, R.; Dahan, A. & Sarton, E. (2011), Absence of long-term analgesic effect from a short-term S-ketamine infusion on fibromyalgia pain: A randomized, prospective, double blind, active placebo-controlled trial, European Journal of Pain 15(9): 942-949.
- Noppers, I.M.; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.P.H.J.; Bauer, M.C.R.; Drewes, A.M.; Dahan, A. & Sarton, E.Y. (2011), Drug-induced liver injury following a repeated course of ketamine treatment for chronic pain in CRPS type 1 patients: A report of 3 cases, PAIN 152(9): 2173-2178.
- Olofsen, E. & Dahan, A. (2011), Opioid Modeling of Central Respiratory Drive Must Take Upper Airway Obstruction into Account Reply, Anesthesiology 114(1): 220-221.
- Khalili-Mahani, N.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Baerends, E.; Soeter, R.P.; Kam, M. de; Zoethout, R.W.M.; Dahan, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Gerven, J.M.A. van & Rombouts, S.A.R.B. (2011), Pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling reveals dissociable effects of morphine and alcohol on regional cerebral blood flow, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 31(5): 1321-1333.
- Bekkering, G.E.; Soares-Weiser, K.; Reid, K.; Kessels, A.G.; Dahan, A.; Treede, R.D. & Kleijnen, J. (2011), Can morphine still be considered to be the standard for treating chronic pain? A systematic review including pair-wise and network meta-analyses, Current Medical Research and Opinion 27(7): 1477-1491.
- Zoethout, R.W.M.; Delgado, W.L.; Ippel, A.E.; Dahan, A. & Gerven, J.M.A. van (2011), Functional biomarkers for the acute effects of alcohol on the central nervous system in healthy volunteers, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 71(3): 331-350.
- Niesters, M.; Hoitsma, E.; Sarton, E.; Aarts, L. & Dahan, A. (2011), Offset Analgesia in Neuropathic Pain Patients and Effect of Treatment with Morphine and Ketamine, Anesthesiology 115(5): 1063-1071.
- Maas, J.J.; Geerts, B.F. & Jansen, J.R.C. (2011), EVALUATION OF MEAN SYSTEMIC FILLING PRESSURE FROM PULSE CONTOUR CARDIAC OUTPUT AND CENTRAL VENOUS PRESSURE, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 25(3): 193-201.
- Geerts, B.; Wilde, R. de; Aarts, L. & Jansen, J. (2011), Pulse Contour Analysis to Assess Hemodynamic Response to Passive Leg Raising, Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 25(1): 48-52.
- Geerts, B.F.; Aarts, L.P.H.J.; Groeneveld, A.B. & Jansen, J.R.C. (2011), Predicting cardiac output responses to passive leg raising by a PEEP-induced increase in central venous pressure, in cardiac surgery patients, British Journal of Anaesthesia 107(2): 150-156.
- Geerts, B.F.; Aarts, L.P. & Jansen, J.R. (2011), Methods in pharmacology: measurement of cardiac output, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 71(3): 316-330.
- Meurs, M. van; Wulfert, F.M.; Jongman, R.M.; Schipper, M.; Houwertjes, M.C.; Vaneker, M.; Scheffer, G.J.; Teppema, L.J.; Aarts, L.P.H.J.; Heeringa, P.; Zijlstra, J.G. & Molema, G. (2011), Hemorrhagic Shock-induced Endothelial Cell Activation in a Spontaneous Breathing and a Mechanical Ventilation Hemorrhagic Shock Model Is Induced by a Proinflammatory Response and Not by Hypoxia, Anesthesiology 115(3): 474-482.
- Geerts, B.F.; Maas, J.; Wilde, R.B.P. de; Aarts, L.P.H.J. & Jansen, J.R.C. (2011), Arm occlusion pressure is a useful predictor of an increase in cardiac output after fluid loading following cardiac surgery, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 28(11): 802-806.
- Binning, A.R.; Przesmycki, K.; Sowinski, P.; Morrison, L.M.M.; Smith, T.W.; Marcus, P.; Lees, J.P. & Dahan, A. (2011), A randomised controlled trial on the efficacy and side-effect profile (nausea/vomiting/sedation) of morphine-6-glucuronide versus morphine for post-operative pain relief after major abdominal surgery, European Journal of Pain 15(4): 402-408.
- Dahan, A.; Olofsen, E.; Sigtermans, M.; Noppers, I.; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Bauer, M. & Sarton, E. (2011), Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of ketamine-induced pain relief of chronic pain, European Journal of Pain 15(3): 258-267.
- Swartjes, M.; Morariu, A.; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L. & Dahan, A. (2011), Nonselective and NR2B-selective N-methyl-D-aspartic Acid Receptor Antagonists Produce Antinociception and Long-term Relief of Allodynia in Acute and Neuropathic Pain, Anesthesiology 115(1): 165-174.
- Noppers, I.; Olofsen, E.; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Mooren, R.; Dahan, A.; Kharasch, E. & Sarton, E. (2011), Effect of Rifampicin on S-ketamine and S-norketamine Plasma Concentrations in Healthy Volunteers after Intravenous S-ketamine Administration, Anesthesiology 114(6): 1435-1445.
- Douma, M.R.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Verwey, R.A.; Dahan, A. & Stienstrad, R. (2011), A randomised comparison of intravenous remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia with epidural ropivacaine/sufentanil during labour, International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 20(2): 118-123.
- Swartjes, M.; Morariu, A.; Niesters, M.; Brines, M.; Cerami, A.; Aarts, L. & Dahan, A. (2011), ARA290, a Peptide Derived from the Tertiary Structure of Erythropoietin, Produces Long-term Relief of Neuropathic Pain An Experimental Study in Rats and beta-Common Receptor Knockout Mice, Anesthesiology 115(5): 1084-1092.
- Niesters, M.; Dahan, A.; Swartjes, M.; Noppers, I.; Fillingim, R.B.; Aarts, L. & Sarton, E.Y. (2011), Effect of ketamine on endogenous pain modulation in healthy volunteers, PAIN 152(3): 656-663.
- Pronker, E.; Geerts, B.F.; Cohen, A. & Pieterse, H. (2011), Improving the quality of drug research or simply increasing its cost? An evidence-based study of the cost for data monitoring in clinical trials, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 71(3): 467-470.
- Duinen, N. van; Steenvoorden, D.; Bonsing, B.A.; Vuyk, J.; Vriends, A.H.J.T.; Jansen, J.C.; Romijn, J.A. & Corssmit, E.P.M. (2010), Pheochromocytomas detected by biochemical screening in predisposed subjects are associated with lower prevalence of clinical and biochemical manifestations and smaller tumors than pheochromocytomas detected by signs and symptoms, European Journal of Endocrinology 163(1): 121-127.
- Berger, M.M.; Pitzer, B.; Zugel, S.; Wieland, C.W.; Vlaar, A.P.; Schultz, M.J.; Dahan, A.; Bartsch, P.; Hollmann, M.W. & Mairbaurl, H. (2010), Alveolar but Not Intravenous S-Ketamine Inhibits Alveolar Sodium Transport and Lung Fluid Clearance in Rats, Anesthesia and Analgesia 111(1): 164-170.
- Sigtermans, M.; Noppers, I.; Sarton, E.; Bauer, M.; Mooren, R.; Olofsen, E. & Dahan, A. (2010), An observational study on the effect of S(+)-ketamine on chronic pain versus experimental acute pain in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 patients, European Journal of Pain 14(3): 302-307.
- Olofsen, E.; Mooren, R.; Dorp, E. van; Aarts, L.; Smith, T.; Hartigh, J. den; Dahan, A. & Sarton, E. (2010), Arterial and Venous Pharmacokinetics of Morphine-6-Glucuronide and Impact of Sample Site on Pharmacodynamic Parameter Estimates, Anesthesia and Analgesia 111(3): 626-632.
- Juni, A.; Cai, M.Y.; Stankova, M.; Waxman, A.R.; Arout, C.; Klein, G.; Dahan, A.; Hruby, V.J.; Mogil, J.S. & Kest, B. (2010), Sex-specific Mediation of Opioid-induced Hyperalgesia by the Melanocortin-1 Receptor, Anesthesiology 112(1): 181-188.
- Binning, A.R.; Przesmycki, K.; Sowinski, P.; Morrison, L.M.M.; Smith, T.W.; Marcus, P.; Lees, J.P. & Dahan, A. (2010), A randomised controlled trial on the efficacy and side-effect profile (nausea/vomiting/sedation) of morphine-6-glucuronide versus morphine for post-operative pain relief after major abdominal surgery., European Journal of Pain.
- Niesters, M.; Dahan, A.; Kest, B.; Zacny, J.; Stijnen, T.; Aarts, L. & Sarton, E. (2010), Do sex differences exist in opioid analgesia? A systematic review and meta-analysis of human experimental and clinical studies, PAIN 151(1): 61-68.
- Noppers, I.; Niesters, M.; Aarts, L.; Smith, T.; Sarton, E. & Dahan, A. (2010), Ketamine for the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 11(14): 2417-2429.
- Olofsen, E.; Boom, M.; Nieuwenhuijs, D.; Sarton, E.; Teppema, L.; Aarts, L. & Dahan, A. (2010), Modeling the Non-Steady State Respiratory Effects of Remifentanil in Awake and Propofol-sedated Healthy Volunteers, Anesthesiology 112(6): 1382-1395.
- Olofsen, E.; Dorp, E. van; Teppema, L.; Aarts, L.; Smith, T.W.; Dahan, A. & Sarton, E. (2010), Naloxone Reversal of Morphine- and Morphine-6-Glucuronide-induced Respiratory Depression in Healthy Volunteers A Mechanism-based Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling Study, Anesthesiology 112(6): 1417-1427.
- Collins, S.; Sigtermans, M.J.; Dahan, A.; Zuurmond, W.W.A. & Perez, R.S.G.M. (2010), NMDA Receptor Antagonists for the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain.
- Dahan, A.; Aarts, L. & Smith, T. (2010), Postoperative Opioids Remain a Serious Patient Safety Threat Reply, Anesthesiology 113(1): 260-261.
- Lichtenbelt, B.J.; Olofsen, E.; Dahan, A.; Kleef, J.W. van; Struys, M.M.R.F. & Vuyk, J. (2010), Propofol Reduces the Distribution and Clearance of Midazolam, Anesthesia and Analgesia 110(6): 1597-1606.
- Dahan, A.; Bauer, M.; Sarton, E.; Sigtermans, M.; Hilten, B. van & Marinus, H. (2010), What is considered long-term pain relief in chronic pain management? Re: Sigtermans et al., Pain 2009;145:304-311 Response, PAIN 149(2): 410-411.
- Reekers, M.; Simon, M.J.G.; Boer, F.; Mooren, R.A.G.; Kleef, J.W. van; Dahan, A. & Vuyk, J. (2010), Pulse Dye Densitometry and Indocyanine Green Plasma Disappearance in ASA Physical Status I-II Patients, Anesthesia and Analgesia 110(2): 466-472.
- Reekers, M.; Boer, F. & Vuyk, J. (2010), Pulse Dye Densitometry and Indocyanine Green Plasma Disappearance: The Issue of "Normal" Values Response, Anesthesia and Analgesia 111(4): 1076-1077.
- Teppema, L.J. & Dahan, A. (2010), The Ventilatory Response to Hypoxia in Mammals: Mechanisms, Measurement, and Analysis, Physiological Reviews 90(2): 675-754.
- Kapural, L. & Stanton-Hicks, M. (2010), What is considered long-term pain relief in chronic pain management? Re: Sigtermans et al., Pain 2009;145:304-311, PAIN 149(2): 409-410.
- Dahan, A.; Aarts, L. & Smith, T.W. (2010), Incidence, Reversal, and Prevention of Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression, Anesthesiology 112(1): 226-238.
- Pergolizzi, J.; Aloisi, A.M.; Dahan, A.; Filitz, J.; Langford, R.; Likar, R.; Mercadante, S.; Morlion, B.; Raffa, R.B.; Sabatowski, R.; Sacerdote, P.; Torres, L.M. & Weinbroum, A.A. (2010), Current Knowledge of Buprenorphine and Its Unique Pharmacological Profile, Pain Practice 10(5): 428-450.
- Boom M, Grefkens J, van Dorp E, Olofsen E, Lourenssen G, Aarts L, Dahan A & Sarton E (2010), Opioid chronopharmacology: influence of timing of infusion on fentanyl's analgesic efficacy in healthy human volunteers.
- Teppema, L.J.; Dorp, E.L.A. van & Dahan, A. (2010), Arterial [H+] and the ventilatory response to hypoxia in humans: influence of acetazolamide-induced metabolic acidosis, AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 298(1): L89L95.
- Bayley, J.P.; Minderhout, I. van; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Cornelisse, C.J.; Wal, A. van der; Prins, F.A.; Teppema, L.; Dahan, A.; Devilee, P. & Taschner, P.E.M. (2009), Sdhd and Sdhd/H19 Knockout Mice Do Not Develop Paraganglioma or Pheochromocytoma, PLoS ONE 4(11).
- de Wilde RBP, Geerts BF, van den Berg PCM & Jansen JRC (2009), A comparison of stroke volume variation measured by the LiDCOplus and FloTrac-Vigileo system, Anaesthesia 64(9): 1004-1009.
- de Wilde RBP, Geerts BF, Cui J, van den Berg PCM & Jansen JRC (2009), Performance of three minimally invasive cardiac output monitoring systems, Anaesthesia 64(7): 762-769.
- Waxman AR, Arout C, Caldwell M, Dahan A & Kest B (2009), Acute and chronic fentanyl administration causes hyperalgesia independently of opioid receptor activity in mice, Neuroscience Letters 462(1): 68-72.
- Simon MJG, Reekers M, Veering BT, Boer F, Burm AGL, van Kleef JW & Vuyk J (2009), Cardiovascular parameters and liver blood flow after infusion of a colloid solution and epidural administration of ropivacaine 0.75%: the influence of age and level of analgesia, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 26(2): 166-174.
- Kiwull-Schone HF, Li Y, Kiwull PJ & Teppema LJ (2009), Methazolamide does not impair respiratory work performance in anesthetized rabbits, AJP - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 297(3): R648R654.
- Zoethout RWM, Schoemaker RC, Zuurman L, van Pelt H, Dahan A, Cohen AF & van Gerven JMA (2009), Central nervous system effects of alcohol at a pseudo-steady-state concentration using alcohol clamping in healthy volunteers, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 68(4): 524-534.
- Vuyk J, Lichtenbelt BJ, Olofsen E, van Kleef JW & Dahan A (2009), Mixed-Effects Modeling of the Influence of Midazolam on Propofol Pharmacokinetics, Anesthesia and Analgesia 108(5): 1522-1530.
- Sigtermans MJ, van Hilten JJ, Bauer MCR, Arbous MS, Marinus J, Sarton EY & Dahan A (2009), Ketamine produces effective and long-term pain relief in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1, PAIN 145(3): 304-311.
- Reekers M, Simon MJG, Boer F, Mooren RAG, van Kleef JW, Dahan A & Vuyk J (2009), Cardiovascular Monitoring by Pulse Dye Densitometry or Arterial Indocyanine Green Dilution, Anesthesia and Analgesia 109(2): 441-446.
- Smith TW, Binning AR & Dahan A (2009), Efficacy and safety of morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) for postoperative pain relief: A randomized, double-blind study, European Journal of Pain 13(3): 293-299.
- van Dorp ELA, Kest B, Kowalczyk WJ, Morariu AM, Waxman AR, Arout CA, Dahan A & Sarton EY (2009), Morphine-6 beta-glucuronide Rapidly Increases Pain Sensitivity Independently of Opioid Receptor Activity in Mice and Humans, Anesthesiology 110(6): 1356-1363.
- Maas JJ, Geerts BF, van den Berg PCM, Pinsky MR & Jansen JRC (2009), Assessment of venous return curve and mean systemic filling pressure in postoperative cardiac surgery patients, Critical Care Medicine 37(3): 912-918.
- Sigtermans M, Dahan A, Mooren R, Bauer M, Kest B, Sarton E & Olofsen E (2009), S(+)-ketamine Effect on Experimental Pain and Cardiac Output A Population Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling Study in Healthy Volunteers, Anesthesiology 111(4): 892-903.
- Veering BT (2009), Regional anesthesia and the patient with preexisting neurological disease, Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 22(5): 634-636.
- Hempenius L, Van Leeuwen BL, Spiliotis JD, Veering BT, Stabilini C, Stauder R, Farinella E, Ugolini G, Sanabria A & Gennari R (2009), PREOP: an international study of elderly surgical oncology patients to optimize preoperative assessment, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 72: S48S48.
- Zoethout RWM, van Gerven JMA, Dumont GJH, Paltansing S, van Burgel ND, van der Linden M, Dahan A, Cohen AF & Schoemaker RC (2008), A comparative study of two methods for attaining constant alcohol levels, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 66(5).
- Tepperna LJ, van Dorp E, Gourabi BM, van Kleef JW & Dahan A (2008), Differential effect of morphine and morphine-6-glucuronide on the control of breathing in the anesthetized cat, Anesthesiology 109(4).
- Olofsen E, Burm AGL, Simon MJG, Veering BT, van Kleef JW & Dahan A (2008), Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacoadynamic modeling of epidural anesthesia, Anesthesiology 109(4).
- van Dorp ELA, Morariu A & Dahan A (2008), Morphine-6-glucuronide: potency and safety compared with morphine, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 9(11).
- Dahan A, Kest B, Waxman AR & Sarton E (2008), Sex-specific responses to opiates: Animal and human studies.
- Sleigh J, Olofsen E & Dahan A (2008), Permutation entropy of the EEG as a measure of anaesthetic drug effect, British Journal of Anaesthesia 100(6).
- Kiwull-Schone H, Teppema L, Wiemann M, Kalhoff H & Kiwull P (2008), Pharmacological impact on loop gain properties to prevent irregular breathing, Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 59(1).
- Munts AG, Zijlstra FJ, Nibbering PH, Daha MR, Marinus J, Dahan A & van Hilten JJ (2008), Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid inflammatory mediators in chronic complex regional pain syndrome related dystonia, Clinical Journal of Pain 24(1).
- Dahan A, van Dorp E, Smith T & Yassen A (2008), Morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) for postoperative pain relief, European Journal of Pain 12(4).
- Veering BT (2008), Are epidurals worthwhile in vascular surgery?, Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 21(5): 616-618.
- Dahan A, Sarton E & Teppema L (2008), Plasticity in the brain: Influence of bilateral carotid body resection (bCBR) on central CO2 sensitivity, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 605.
- Sarton E, Teppema L & Dahan A (2008), Naloxone reversal of opioid-induced respiratory depression with special emphasis on the partial agonist/antagonist buprenorphine, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 605.
- Olofsen E, Sleigh JW & Dahan A (2008), Permutation entropy of the electroencephalogram: a measure of anaesthetic drug effect, British Journal of Anaesthesia 101(6): 810-821.
- Yassen A, Olofsen E, Kan J, Dahan A & Danhof M (2008), Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the effectiveness and safety of buprenorphine and fentanyl in rats, Pharmaceutical Research 25(1).
- Frans van Poorten Wim van Alphen Lili Rose Rudolf.Stienstra (2007), A comparison of the efficacy of levobupivacaine 0.125%, ropivacaine 0.125% and ropivacaine 0.2%, all combined with sufentanil 0.5 microg/mL, in patient-controlled epidural analgesia after hysterectomy under combined epidural and general anesthesia., Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 32(6).
- Yassen A, Ofsen E, Kan JM, Dahan A & Danhof M (2007), Animal-to-human extrapolation of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of buprenorphine, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 46(5).
- Romberg R, van Dorp E, Hollander J, Kruit M, Binning A, Smith T & Dahan A (2007), A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of IV morphine-6-glucuronide for postoperative pain relief after knee replacement surgery, Clinical Journal of Pain 23(3).
- Yassen A, Ofsen E, Romberg R, Sarton E, Teppema L, Danhof M & Dahan A (2007), Mechanism-based PK/PD modeling of the respiratory depressant effect of buprenorphine and fentanyl in healthy volunteers, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 81(1).
- van Dorp ELA, Yassen A & Dahan A (2007), Naloxone treatment in opioid addiction: the risks and benefits, Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 6(2).
- Yassen A, Olofsen E, van Dorp E, Sarton E, Teppema L, Danhof M & Dahan A (2007), Mechanism-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling of the reversal of buprenorphine-induced respiratory depression by naloxone - A study in healthy volunteers, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 46(11).
- van Dorp E, Los M, Dirven P, Sarton E, Valk P, Teppema L, Stienstra R & Dahan A (2007), Inspired carbon dioxide during hypoxia: Effects on task performance and cerebral oxygen saturation, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 78(7).
- Sitsen, E.; Poorten, F. van; Alphen, W. van; Rose, L.; Dahan, A. & Stienstra, R. (2007), Postoperative epidural analgesia after total knee arthroplasty with sufentanil 1 mu g/mL combined with ropivacaine 0.2%, ropivacaine 0.125%, or levobupivacaine 0.125%: A randomized, double-blind comparison, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 32(6).
- Yassen A, Kan JM, Olofsen E, Suidgeest E, Dahan A & Danhof M (2007), Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the respiratory depressant effect of norbuprenorphine in rats, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 321(2).
- Dahan A, Nieuwenhuijs D & Teppema L (2007), Plasticity of central chemoreceptors: Effect of bilateral carotid body resection on central CO2 sensitivity.
- Vuyk J, Van den Bos J, Terhell K, De Bos R, Vletter A, Valk P, Van Beuzekom M, Van Kleef J & Dahan A (2006), Acetazolamide improves cerebral oxygenation during exercise at high altitude, High Altitude Medicine and Biology 7(4).
- Simon MJG, Veering BT, Vletter AA, Stienstra R, van Kleef JW & Burm AGL (2006), The effect of age on the systemic absorption and systemic disposition of ropivacaine after epidural administration, Anesthesia and Analgesia 102(1).
- van Dorp E, Yassen A, Sarton E, Romberg R, Olofsen E, Teppema L, Danhof M & Dahan A (2006), Naloxone reversal of buprenorphine-induced respiratory depression, Anesthesiology 105(1).
- van Dorp ELA, Romberg R, Sarton E, Bovill JG & Dahan A (2006), Morphine-6-glucuronide: Morphine's successor for postoperative pain relief?, Anesthesia and Analgesia 102(6).
- Yassen A, Olofsen E, Romberg R, Sarton E, Danhof M & Dahan A (2006), Mechanism-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the antinociceptive effect of buprenorphine in healthy volunteers, Anesthesiology 104(6).
- Dahan A (2006), Opioid-induced respiratory effects: new data on buprenorphine, Palliative Medicine 20.
- Dahan A, Yassen A, Romberg R, Sarton E, Teppema L, Olofsen E & Danhof M (2006), Buprenorphine induces ceiling in respiratory depression but not in analgesia, British Journal of Anaesthesia 96(5).
- Veering BT (2006), Hemodynamic effects of central neural blockade in elderly patients, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA-JOURNAL CANADIEN D ANESTHESIE 53(2): 117-121.
- Bijl JHL, Gourabi BM, Dahan A & Teppema LJ (2006), Effects of low-dose methazolamide on the control of breathing in cats, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 580.
- Teppema LJ, Bijl H, Gourabi BM & Dahan A (2006), The carbonic anhydrase inhibitors methazolamide and acetazolamide have different effects on the hypoxic ventilatory response in the anaesthetized cat, Journal of Physiology 574(2).
- Yassen A, Kan JM, Olofsen E, Suidgeest E, Dahan A & Danhof M (2006), Mechanism-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the respiratory-depressant effect of buprenorphine and fentanyl in rats, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 319(2).
- Teppema LJ, Bijl H, Romberg RR & Dahan A (2006), Antioxidants reverse depression of the hypoxic ventilatory response by acetazolamide in man, Journal of Physiology 572(3).
- Olofsen E, Romberg R, Bijl H, Mooren R, Engbers F, Kest B & Dahan A (2005), Alfentanil and placebo analgesia - No sex differences detected in models of experimental pain, Anesthesiology 103(1).
- Dahan A (2005), Circadian influences, low-dose isoflurane, and the ventilatory response to hypoxia, Anesthesiology 103(1).
- Romberg RR, Olofsen E, Bijl H, Taschner PEM, Teppema LJ, Sarton EY, van Kleef JW & Dahan A (2005), Polymorphism of mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1 : c.118A > G) does not protect against opioid-induced respiratory depression despite reduced analgesic response, Anesthesiology 102(3).
- Leeda M, Stienstra R, Arbous MS, Dahan A, Veering BT, Burm AGL & Van Kleef JW (2005), Lumbar epidural catheter insertion: the midline vs. the paramedian approach, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 22(11).
- Cramer BG, Stienstra R, Dahan A, Arbous MS, Veering BT & Van Kleef JW (2005), Transient neurological symptoms with subarachnoid lidocaine: effect of early mobilization, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 22(1).
- Mogil JS, Ritchie J, Smith SB, Strasburg K, Kaplan L, Wallace MR, Romberg RR, Bijl H, Sarton EY, Fillingim RB & Dahan A (2005), Melanocortin-1 receptor gene variants affect pain and mu-opioid analgesia in mice and humans, Journal of Medical Genetics 42(7).
- Zelcer N, van de Wetering K, Hillebrand M, Sarton E, Kuil A, Wielinga PR, Tephly T, Dahan A, Beijnen JH & Borst P (2005), Mice lacking multidrug resistance protein 3 show altered morphine pharmacokinetics and morphine-6-glucuronide antinociception, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(20).
- Yassen A, Olofsen E, Dahan A & Danhof M (2005), Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the antinociceptive effect of buprenorphine and fentanyl in rats: Role of receptor equilibration kinetics, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 313(3).
- Vansteensel MJ, Magnone MC, van Oosterhout F, Baeriswyl S, Albrecht U, Albus H, Dahan A & Meijer JH (2005), The opioid fentanyl affects light input, electrical activity and Per gene expression in the hamster suprachiasmatic nuclei, European Journal of Neuroscience 21(11).
- Teppema LJ, Romberg RR & Dahan A (2005), Antioxidants reverse reduction of the human hypoxic ventilatory response by subanesthetic isoflurane, Anesthesiology 102(4).
- Dahan A, Yassen A, Bijl H, Romberg R, Sarton E, Teppema L, Olofsen E & Danhof M (2005), Comparison of the respiratory effects of intravenous buprenorphine and fentanyl in humans and rats, British Journal of Anaesthesia 94(6).
- Romberg R, Olofsen E, Sarton E, den Hartigh J, Taschner PEM & Dahan A (2004), Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of morphine-6-glucuronide-induced analgesia in healthy volunteers - Absence of sex differences, Anesthesiology 100(1).
- Dahan A, Taschner PEM, Jansen JC, van der Mey A, Teppema LJ & Cornelisse CJ (2004), Carotid body tumors in humans caused by a mutation in the gene for succinate dehydrogenase D (SDHD), Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 551.
- Vuyk J, Lichtenbelt BJ, Vieveen J, Dahan A, Engbers FHM & Burm AGL (2004), Low bispectral index values in awake volunteers receiving a combination of propofol and midazolam, Anesthesiology 100(1).
- Romberg R, Olofsen E, Sarton E, Teppema L & Dahan A (2004), Increased margin of safety of morphine-6-glucuronide relative to morphine, Anesthesiology 100(6).
- Vuyk J, Lichtenbelt BJ, Dahan A, Engbers FHM & Burm AGL (2004), Normal bispectral index values in healthy volunteers - Reply, Anesthesiology 101(3).
- Fatemian M, Nieuwenhuijs DJF, Teppema LJ, Meinesz S, van der Mey AGL, Dahan A & Robbins PA (2003), The respiratory response to carbon dioxide in humans with unilateral and bilateral resections of the carotid bodies, Journal of Physiology 549(3).
- Romberg R, Sarton E, Teppema L, Matthes HWD, Kieffer BL & Dahan A (2003), Comparison of morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine on respiratory depressant and antinociceptive responses in wild type and mu-opioid receptor deficient mice, British Journal of Anaesthesia 91(6).
- Romberg R, Olofsen E, Sarton E, Teppema L & Dahan A (2003), Pharmacodynamic effect of morphine-6-glucuronide versus morphine on hypoxic and hypercapnic breathing in healthy volunteers, Anesthesiology 99(4).
- Nieuwenhuijs DJF, Olofsen E, Romberg RR, Sarton E, Ward D, Engbers F, Vuyk J, Mooren R, Teppema LJ & Dahan A (2003), Response surface modeling of remifentanil-propofol interaction on cardiorespiratory control and bispectral index, Anesthesiology 98(2).
- Teppema LJ, Nieuwenhuijs D, Olievier CN & Dahan A (2003), Respiratory depression by tramadol in the cat - Involvement of opioid receptors, Anesthesiology 98(2).
- Dahan A & Teppema LJ (2003), Influence of anaesthesia and analgesia on the control of breathing, British Journal of Anaesthesia 91(1).
- Vansteensel MJ, Deboer T, Dahan A & Meijer JH (2003), Differential responses of circadian activity onset and offset following GABA-ergic and opioid receptor activation.
- Vansteensel MJ, Deboer T, Dahan A & Meijer JH (2003), Differential responses of circadian activity onset and offset following GABA-ergic and opioid receptor activation, Journal of Biological Rhythms 18(4): 297-306.
- Romberg R, Nieuwenhuijs D, Sarton E, Teppema L & Dahan A (2002), Influence of morphine and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) on spinal-and supraspinal nociception in mice lacking exon 2 of the mu-opioid receptor (OR) gene, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 29(8).
- Nieuwenhuijs D, Coleman EL, Douglas NJ, Drummond GB & Dahan A (2002), Bispectral index values and spectral edge frequency at different stages of physiologic sleep, Anesthesia and Analgesia 94(1).
- Higuchi H, Adachi Y, Dahan A, Olofsen E, Arimura S, Mori T & Satoh T (2002), The interaction between propofol and clonidine for loss of consciousness, Anesthesia and Analgesia 94(4).
- Olofsen E, Sleigh JW & Dahan A (2002), The influence of remifentanil on the dynamic relationship between sevoflurane and surrogate anesthetic effect measures derived from the EEG, Anesthesiology 96(3).
- Teppema LJ, Nieuwenhuijs D, Sarton E, Romberg R, Olievier CN, Ward DS & Dahan A (2002), Antioxidants prevent depression of the acute hypoxic ventilatory response by subanaesthetic halothane in men, Journal of Physiology 544(3).
- Sarton E, Romberg R, Nieuwenhuijs D, Teppema LJ, Vuyk J, Schraag S & Dahan A (2002), Influence of anaesthetic agents on perioperative control of breathing, Anaesthesist 51(4).
- Leeda M, Stienstra R, Arbous MS, Verschure MJM, Dahan A, Veering BT, van Kleef JW & Burm AGL (2002), The epidural "top-up" - Predictors of increase of sensory blockade, Anesthesiology 96(6).
- Fatemian M, Dahan A, Meinesz S, van der Mey A & Robbins PA (2001), Modeling the ventilatory response to variations in end-tidal PCO2 in patients who have undergone bilateral carotid body resection, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 499.
- Nieuwenhuijs D, Bruce J, Drummond GB, Warren PM & Dahan A (2001), Influence of oral tramadol on the dynamic ventilatory response to carbon dioxide in healthy volunteers, British Journal of Anaesthesia 87(6).
- Teppema LJ, Dahan A & Olievier CN (2001), Low-dose acetazolamide reduces CO2-O-2 stimulus interaction within the peripheral chemoreceptors in the anaesthetised cat, Journal of Physiology 537(1).
- Olofsen E, Nieuwenhuijs DJF, Sarton EY, Teppema LJ & Dahan A (2001), Response surface modeling of drug interactions on cardiorespiratory control, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 499.
- Sarton E, Teppema L, Nieuwenhuijs D, Matthes HWD, Kieffer B & Dahan A (2001), Opioid effect on breathing frequency and thermogenesis in mice lacking exon 2 of the mu-opioid receptor gene, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 499.
- Dahan A, Sarton E, Teppema L, Olievier C, Nieuwenhuijs D, Matthes HWD & Kieffer BL (2001), Anesthetic potency and influence of morphine and sevoflurane on respiration in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice, Anesthesiology 94(5).
- Dahan A, Nieuwenhuijs D, Olofsen E, Sarton E, Romberg R & Teppema L (2001), Response surface modeling of alfentanil-sevoflurane interaction on cardiorespiratory control and bispectral index, Anesthesiology 94(6).
- Sarton E, Teppema LJ, Olievier C, Nieuwenhuijs D, Matthes HWD, Kieffer BL & Dahan A (2001), The involvement of the mu-opioid receptor in ketamine-induced respiratory depression and antinociception, Anesthesia and Analgesia 93(6).
- Nieuwenhuijs D, Sarton E, Teppema LJ, Kruyt E, Olievier I, van Kleef J & Dahan A (2001), Respiratory sites of action of propofol - Absence of depression of peripheral chemoreflex loop by low-dose propofol, Anesthesiology 95(4).
- Kest B, Sarton E & Dahan A (2000), Gender differences in opioid-mediated analgesic - Animal and human studies.
- Teppema L, Sarton E, Dahan A & Olievier CN (2000), The neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor 7-nitroindazole (7-NI) and morphine act independently on the control of breathing.
- Sarton E, Olofsen E, Romberg R, den Hartigh J, Kest B, Nieuwenhuijs D, Burm A, Teppema L & Dahan A (2000), Sex differences in morphine analgesia - An experimental study in healthy volunteers, Anesthesiology 93(5).
- Olofsen E & Dahan A (2000), Dynamic response to volatile anesthetics has been examined before - Reply.
- Nieuwenhuijs D, Sarton E, Teppema L & Dahan A (2000), Propofol for monitored anesthesia care - Implications on hypoxic control of cardiorespiratory responses.
- Meijer JH, Ruijs ACJ, Albus H, van de Geest B, Duindam H, Zwinderman AH & Dahan A (2000), Fentanyl, a mu-opioid receptor agonist, phase shifts the hamster circadian pacemaker.
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