Akrati Saxena
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. A. Saxena
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- a.saxena@liacs.leidenuniv.nl

Akrati Saxena is universitair docent in de groep Computational Network Science bij LIACS. Meer informatie op de Engelstalige pagina.
Universitair docent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Saxena A., Fletcher G. & Pechenizkiy M. (2024), FairSNA: algorithmic fairness in Social Network Analysis, ACM Computing Surveys 56(8): 213.
- Setia S., Chhabra A., Arjun V.A. & Saxena A. (2024), Mediating effects of NLP-based parameters on the readability of crowdsourced wikipedia articles, Applied Intelligence 54: 4370-4391.
- Pandey P.K., Arya A. & Saxena A. (2024), X-distribution: retraceable power-law exponent of complex networks, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 18(5): 117.
- Olivares E.S., Boekhout H.D., Saxena A. & Takes F.W. (2024), A framework for empirically evaluating pretrained link prediction models. Cherifi H., Rocha L.M., Cherifi C. & Donduran M. (red.), Complex networks & their applications. Complex Networks & Their Applications XII 28 november 2023 - 30 november 2023. Studies in Computational Intelligence nr. 1141. Cham: Springer. 74-86.
- Liang Z., Li Y., Huang T., Saxena A., Pei Y. & Pechenizkiy M. (2024), Heterophily-based graph neural network for imbalanced classification. Cherifi H., Rocha L.M., Cherifi C. & Donduran M. (red.), Complex networks & their applications. Complex Networks & Their Applications XII 28 november 2023 - 30 november 2023. Studies in Computational Intelligence nr. 1141. Cham: Springer. 74-86.
- Saxena A., Bierbooms C.G. & Pechenizkiy M. (2023), Fairness-aware fake news mitigation using counter information propagation, Applied Intelligence 53: 27483-27504.
- Arya A., Pandey P.K. & Saxena A. (2023), Balanced and unbalanced triangle count in signed networks, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35(12): .
- Su Z., Helles R., Al-Laith A., Veilahti A., Saxena A. & Simonsen J.G. (2023), Privacy lost in online education: analysis of web tracking evolution. Yang X., Suhartanto H., Wang G., Wang B., Jiang J., Li B., Zhu H. & Cui N. (red.), Advanced Data Mining and Applications. ADMA 2023. Advanced Data Mining and Applications 21 augustus 2023 - 23 augustus 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 14177. Cham: Spring. 440-455.
- Fajri R. M., Saxena A., Pei Y. & Pechenizkiy Y. (2023), FAL-CUR: Fair Active Learning using Uncertainty and Representativeness on Fair Clustering, Expert Systems with Applications 242: 122842.
- Kapadia P., Saxena A., Das B., Pei Y. & Pechenizkiy M. (2023), Co-attention based multi-contextual fake news detection. Pacheco D., Teixiera A.S., Barbosa H., Menezes R. & Mangioni G. (red.), Complex networks XIII. Springer proceedings in complexity. Complex Networks XIII: Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Complex Networks, CompleNet 2022 19 april 2022 - 22 april 2022. Cham: Springer. 83-95.
- Saxena A., Sethiya N., Saini J., Gupta Y. & Iyengar S. (2023), Social network analysis of the caste-based reservation system in India. Dinh T.N. & Li M. (red.), Computational data and social networks. CSoNet 2022. Computational Data and Social Networks 5 december 2022 - 7 december 2022 nr. 13831. Cham: Springer. 203-214.
- Saxena A., Fletcher G. & Pechenizkiy M. (2022), NodeSim: node similarity based network embedding for diverse link prediction, EPJ Data Science 11(1): 24.
- Panchendrarajan R. & Saxena A. (2022), Topic-based influential user detection: a survey, Applied Intelligence 53(5): 5998–6024.
- Singh M., Iyengar S., Saxena A. & Kaur R. (2022), A bi-level assessment of Twitter data for election prediction: Delhi Assembly elections 2020. Laforest F. & Troncy R. (red.), WWW '22: Companion proceedings of the web conference 2022. Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 25 april 2022 - 29 april 2022. New York, U.S.A.: Association for Computing Machinery . 930-935.
- Sharma T., Panchendrarajan R. & Saxena A. (2022), Characterisation of mental health conditions in social media using deep learning techniques. In: Hong T.P., Serrano-Estrada L., Saxena A. & Biswas A. (red.), Deep learning for social media data analytics . Studies in Big Data nr. 113. Cham: Springer. 157-176.
- Panchendrarajan R. & Saxena A. (2022), Deep learning for code-mixed text mining in social media: a brief review. In: Hong T.P., Serrano-Estrada L., Saxena A. & Biswas A. (red.), Deep learning for social media data analytics . Studies in Big Data nr. 113. Cham: Springer. 45-63.
- Arya A., Pandey P. & Saxena A. (2022), Node classification using deep learning in social networks. In: Hong TP., Serrano-Estrada L., Saxena A. & Biswas A. (red.), Deep learning for social media data analytics . Studies in Big Data nr. 113. Cham: Springer. 3-26.
- Saxena A., Pei Y., Veldsink J., Ipenburg W. Van, Fletcher G. & Pechenizkiy M. (2022), The banking transactions dataset and its comparative analysis with scale-free networks. Coscia M., Cuzzocrea A. & Shu K. (red.), ASONAM '21: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining. Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 8 november 2021 - 11 november 2021. New York, U.S.A.: Association for Computing Machinery . 283-287.
- Doewes A., Saxena A., Pei Y. & Pechenizkiy M. (2022), Individual fairness evaluation for automated essay scoring system. Mitrovic A. & Bosch N. (red.), Proceedings of the 15th international conference on educational data mining, international educational data mining society. International Conference on Educational Data Mining 24 juli 2022 - 27 februari 2022 206-216.
- Miller R., Saxena A. & Gera R. (2022), A community-guided approach for dark network disruption, Military Operations Research 27(1): 23-44.
- Saxena A. & Reddy H. (2021), Users roles identification on online crowdsourced Q&A platforms and encyclopedias: a survey, Journal of Computational Social Science 5: 285-317.
- Malhotra D., Gera R. & Saxena A. (2021), Community detection using semilocal topological features and label propagation algorithm. Mohaisen D. & Jin R. (red.), Computational data and social networks: CSoNet 2021. International Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks 15 november 2021 - 17 november 2021. Cham: Springer. 255-266.
- Saxena A. (2021), Evolving models for dynamic weighted complex networks. In: Biswas A., Patgiri R. & Biswas B. (red.), Principles of social networking. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies nr. 246. Singapore: Springer. 177-208.
- Saxena A., Saxena P. & Reddy H. (2021), Fake news detection techniques for social media. In: Biswas A., Patgiri R. & Biswas B. (red.), Principles of social networking: the new horizon and emerging challenges. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Singapore: Springer. 325-354.
- Saxena A., Saxena P. & Reddy H. (2021), Fake news propagation and mitigation techniques: a survey. In: Biswas A., Patgiri R. & Biswas B. (red.), Principles of social networking: the new horizon and emerging challenges. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Singapore: Springer. 355-386.
- Saxena A., Fletcher G. & Pechenizkiy M. (2021), HM-EIICT: fairness-aware link prediction in complex networks using community information, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 44(4): 2853-2870.
- Saxena A., Fletcher G. & Pechenizkiy M. (2021), How fair is fairness-aware representative ranking?. Leskovec J., Grobelnik M., Najork M., Tang J. & Zia L. (red.), WWW '21: Companion proceedings of the web conference 2021. Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021 19 april 2021 - 23 april 2021: Association for Computing Machinery . 161-165.
- Saxena A., Reddy H. & Saxena P. (2021), Introduction to sentiment analysis covering basics, tools, evaluation metrics, challenges, and applications. In: Biswas A., Patgiri R. & Biswas B. (red.), Principles of social networking. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Singapore: Springer. 249-277.
- Saxena A., Saxena H. & Gera R. (2021), k-TruthScore: fake news mitigation in the presence of strong user bias. Chellappan S., Choo K.-K.R. & Phan N. (red.), Computational data and social networks: CSoNet 2020. International Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks 11 december 2020 - 13 december 2020. Cham: Springer. 113-126.
- Saxena A., Reddy H. & Saxena P. (2021), Recent developments in sentiment analysis on social networks: techniques, datasets, and open issues. In: Biswas A., Patgiri R. & Biswas B. (red.), Principles of social networking: the new horizon and emerging challenges. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Singapore: Springer. 279-306.
- Saxena A., Hsu W., Lee M., Leong H.C., Ng L. & Teow L. (2020), Mitigating misinformation in online social network with Top-k debunkers and evolving user opinions. El Fallah Seghrouchni A., Sukthankar G., Liu T.Y. & Steen M. van (red.), WWW '20: Companion proceedings of the web conference 2020. Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 20 april 2020 - 24 april 2020: Association for Computing Machinery . 363-370.
- Saxena A., Gera R. & Iyengar S.R.S. (2019), A heuristic approach to estimate nodes’ closeness rank using the properties of real world networks, Social Network Analysis and Mining 9(1): 3.
- Gupta Y., Iyengar S., Saxena A. & Das D. (2019), Modeling memetics using edge diversity, Social Network Analysis and Mining 9(1): 2.
- Bermudez I., Cleven D., Gera R., Kiser T.E., Newlin T. & Saxena A. (2019), Twitter response to Munich July 2016 attack: network analysis of influence, Frontiers in Big Data 2: 17.
- Miller R., Gera R., Saxena A. & Chakraborty T. (2018), Discovering and leveraging communities in dark multi-layered networks for network disruption, 2018 IEEE/ACM International conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining (ASONAM). IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 28 augustus 2018 - 31 augustus 2018: IEEE. 1152-1159.
- Saxena A., Gera R. & Iyengar S. R. S. (2018), Estimating degree rank in complex networks, Social Network Analysis and Mining 8(1): 42.
- Saxena A. & Iyengar S. (2018), K-shell rank analysis using local information. Chen X., Sen A., Li W. & Thai M. (red.), Computational data and social networks: CSoNet 2018. Computational Data and Social Networks 18 december 2018 - 20 december 2018 nr. 11280: Springer. 198-210.
- Adeniji O., Cohick D., Castro V., Gera R. & Saxena A. (2017), A generative model for the layers of terrorist networks. Diesner J., Ferrari E. & Xu G. (red.), ASONAM '17: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 31 juli 2017 - 3 augustus 2017: Association for Computing Machinery . 690-697.
- Saxena A., Gera R. & Iyengar S. (2017), Fast estimation of closeness centrality ranking. Diesner J., Ferrari E. & Xu G. (red.), ASONAM '17: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 31 juli 2017 - 3 augustus 2017: Association for Computing Machinery . 80-85.
- Saxena A., Gera R. & Iyengar S. (2017), Observe locally rank globally. Diesner J., Ferrari E. & Xu G. (red.), ASONAM '17: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining 2017. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 31 juli 2017 - 3 augustus 2017. New York, U.S.A.: Association for Computing Machinery. 139-144.
- Gera R., Miller R., Miranda Lopez M., Saxena A. & Warnke S. (2017), Three is the answer: combining relationships to analyze multilayered terrorist networks. Diesner J., Ferrari E. & Xu G. (red.), ASONAM '17: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 31 juli 2017 - 3 augustus 2017: Association for Computing Machinery . 868-875.
- Saxena A., Malik V. & Iyengar S. (2016), Estimating the degree centrality ranking, 2016 8th International conference on communication systems and networks (COMSNETS). International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks 5 januari 2016 - 10 januari 2016: IEEE. 978-979.
- Saxena A. & Iyengar S. (2016), Evolving models for meso-scale structures, 2016 8th International conference on communication systems and networks (COMSNETS). International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks 5 januari 2016 - 10 januari 2016: IEEE. 1-8.
- Gupta Y., Saxena A., Das D. & Iyengar S. (2016), Modeling memetics using edge diversity. Cherifi H., Gonçalves B., Menezes R. & Sinatra R. (red.), Complex networks VII. Complex Networks VII 23 maart 2016 - 25 maart 2016 nr. 644. Cham: Springer. 187-198.
- Saxena A., Iyengar S. & Gupta Y. (2015), Understanding spreading patterns on social networks based on network topology. ASONAM, Paris. 25 augustus 2015 - 28 augustus 2015. [conferentie poster].
- Saxena A., Iyengar S.R.S. & Gupta Y. (2015), Understanding spreading patterns on social networks based on network topology. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Paris. 25 augustus 2015 - 28 augustus 2015. [conferentie poster].
- Adjunct Professor