Ajay Gandhi
Universitair Docent
- Naam
- Dr. A. Gandhi
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9100
- a.gandhi@luc.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-0281-3748

Ajay Gandhi is universitair docent aan het Leiden University College en is aangesloten bij het Institute for Area Studies (LIAS). Zijn onderzoekservaring is voornamelijk als etnograaf van stedelijk India, en zijn interesses omvatten: fenomenologie, taal en symbolische interpretatieve dimensies, de stedelijke toestand, postkoloniale natiestaten, transactionele sociale relaties en de Indische Oceaan en de duurzaamheid van transnationale verbindingen.
Universitair Docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
- Gandhi A., Harriss-White B., Haynes D.E. & Schwecke S. (2023), Translating transactions: markets as epistemic and moral spheres, Modern Asian Studies : .
- Gandhi A., Schwecke S., Harriss-White B. & Haynes D.E. (2022), Abetting the market: on property, propriety and actually existing capitalisms, Journal of Cultural Economy : .
- Gandhi & Ajay (2021), Shock and shove: the embodied politics of force in India, South Asian History and Culture 12(2-3): 328-344.
- Gandhi A. (2021), Poornima: designing relations. In: Björkman Lisa (red.), Bombay Brokers. Durham: Duke University Press. 347-353.
- Gandhi A., Harriss-White B., Haynes D. & Schwecke S. (2020), Rethinking Markets in Modern India: Embedded Exchange and Contested Jurisdiction: Cambridge University Press.
- Gandhi A. (2020), Black Money in India: Fighting Specters and Fostering Relations. In: Gandhi A., Harriss-White B., Haynes D. & Schwecke S. (red.), Rethinking Markets in Modern India: Contested Jurisdiction and Embedded Exchange: Cambridge University Press. 269-293.
- Schwecke S. & Gandhi A. (2020), Markets in Modern India: Embedded, Contested, Pliable. In: Gandhi A., Harriss-White B., Haynes D. & Schwecke S. (red.), Rethinking Markets in Modern India: Contested Jurisdiction and Embedded Exchange: Cambridge University Press. 1-28.
- Ajay Gandhi (2019) The Constrained Circumference of Delhi Muslims. Bespreking van: , Ghazala Jamil’s "Accumulation by Segregation" (2017). Contemporary South Asia .
- Gandhi A. (2017), The Sanctioning State: Official Permissiveness and Prohibition in India, Focaal (77): 8-21.
- Gandhi A. (2017), A Fractured Globe: Anthropology and Narration after 1989. In: Burchardt M. & Kirn G. (red.), Beyond Neoliberalism: Social Analysis after 1989. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. 69-82.
- Gandhi A. (2016), The Hermeneutics of the Bazaar: Sincerity's Elusiveness in Delhi, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 39(1): 126-148.
- Gandhi A. (2016), Delicious Delhi: nostalgia, consumption and the old city, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 23(3): 345-361.
- Hoek L. & Gandhi A. (2016), Provisional Relations, Indeterminate Conditions: Non-Sociological Sociality in South Asia, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 39(1): 64-72.
- Gandhi A. (2016), The Language of the Crowd: Public Congregation in Urban India, European Journal of Social Theory 17(3): 308-315.
- Gandhi A. (2015), The Postcolonial Street: Patterns, Modes and Forms. In: Bates C. & Mio M. (red.), Cities in South Asia. New York: Routledge. 265-286.
- Gandhi A. (2013), A Superlative Form: How Gold Mediates Personhood and Property in Mumbai, Etnofoor 25(1): 91-110.
- Gandhi A. (2013), Standing Still and Cutting in Line: The Culture of the Queue in India, South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal : .
- Gandhi A. (2012), Catch me if you can: monkey capture in Delhi, Ethnography 13(1): 43-56.
- Gandhi A. & Hoek L. (2012), Introduction to crowds and conviviality: ethnographies of the South Asian city, Ethnography 13(1): 3-11.
- Gandhi A. (2011), Crowds, congestion, conviviality: the enduring life of the old city. In: Clark-Deces I. (red.), A Companion to the Anthropology of India: Wiley-Blackwell. 202-22.
- Gandhi Ajay (2003), Developing compliance and resistance: the state, transnational social movements and tribal peoples contesting India's Narmada project [Developing compliance and resistance: the state, transnational social movements and tribal peoples contesting India's Narmada project] (vertaling Gandhi A.), Global Networks : a journal of transnational affairs 3(4): 481-495.