Aglaia Zedlitz
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. A.M.E.E. Zedlitz
- Telefoon
- 071 5276018
- 0000-0002-8983-361X
Kort CV
Aglaia Zedlitz is universitair docent Gezondheids- Medische en Neuropsychologie en psychotherapeut bij G-Kracht psychomedisch centrum. Haar promotieonderzoek naar vermoeidheid bij niet aangeboren hersenletsel rondde ze in 2013 af aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behavior.
In Leiden richten haar onderoeksinteresses en -activiteiten zich op patientenzorg, psychotherapie en de verbetering van zorg. Neuropsychologie, revalidatie, E-Health, (psycho)therapie, (somatische) ziekten maken hier allen onderdeel van uit. Naast onderzoek en onderwijs, is Aglaia een ervaren psycholoog en sinds 2020 geregistreerd als psychotherapeut.
Mijn onderzoeksinteresses liggen in het verbeteren van behandelingen; bij neurologische aandoeningen (met nadruk op vermoeidheid), maar ook op (neuro) psychiatrisch gebied met een duidelijke link naar theorie en empirie. Hierin heb ik ook interesse in nieuwe vormen van behandeling via eHealth en serious gaming.
• Behandeling van vermoeidheid na niet aangeboren hersenletsel. / The treatment of Fatigue after acquired brain injury: eCOGRAT
• Serious gaming in rehabilitation
• Het verbeteren van de zorg in en na ICU opname (CONTENT-studie)
• Dual tasking, contraconditioning and werkgeheugen bij trauma
- Coordinator van het vak: Intervention strategies in clinical neuropsychology (MSc)
- Docent in het vak: Diagnostics in clinical neuropsychology (MSc)
- Docent in het vak: Clinical neuropsychology (BSc)- Begeleiden van studenten bij hun klinische stage en scripties
• Revalidatiefonds grant (2015). for the development of an eHealth application for the treatment of fatigue after acquired brain damage.
• Johanna Kinderfonds grant (2015) and Adriaanfonds grant (2015) for the development of an eHealth application for children with fatigue after acquired brain damage.
Begeleide promovendi
- Johan Molenaar MSc
- Janice Sandjojo PhD (2019)
- Miel Vugts PhD (2019)
- Psychotherapeut (2020)
Relevante Links
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie
- Ali A., Morfin J., Mills J., Pasipanodya E.C., Maas Y.J., Huang E., Dirlikov B., Englander J. & Zedlitz A.M.E.E. (2022), Fatigue after traumatic brain injury: a systematic review, Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 37(4): E249-E257.
- Sandjojo J., Eltringham E.G., Gebhardt W.A., Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Embregts P.J.C.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2020), Self-management interventions for people with intellectual disabillities: a systematic review, Patient Education and Counseling 103(10): 1983-1996.
- Vugts M.A.P., Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Joosen M.C.W. & Vrijhoef H.J.M. (2020), Serious gaming during multidisciplinary rehabilitation for patients with chronic pain or fatigue symptoms: mixed methods design of a realist process evaluation, Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(3): e14766.
- Sandjojo J., Gebhardt W.A., Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Hoekman J., Dusseldorp E., Haan J.A. den & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Development of the Leiden Independence Questionnaire for Support Staff: a measure of staff behaviour regarding promoting independence of people with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 63(4): 286-297.
- Sandjojo J., Gebhardt W.A., Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Hoekman J., Den Haan J.A. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Promoting independence of people with intellectual disabilities: A focus group study. Perspectives from people with intellectual disabilities, legal representatives, and support staff, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 16(1): 37-52.
- Sandjojo J., Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Gebhardt W.A., Hoekman J., Haan J.A. den & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Effects of a self-management training for people with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 32(2): 390-400.
- Van Vreeswijk M.F. & Zedlitz A.M.E.E. (2019), Schema therapy for eating disorders: Therapist self-care. In: Simpson S. & Smith E. (red.), Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders. Theory and Practice for Individual and Group Settings. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 242-251.
- Sandjojo J., Gebhardt W.A., Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Hoekman J., Den Haan J.A. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Promoting Independence of People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Focus Group Study Perspectives from People with Intellectual Disabilities, Legal Representatives, and Support Staff, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 16(1): 37-52.
- Vugts M.A.P., Joosen M.C.W., Mert A., Zedlitz A.M.E.E. & Vrijhoef H.J.M. (2018), Effectiveness of Serious Gaming During the Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation of Patients With Complex Chronic Pain or Fatigue: Natural Quasi-Experiment, Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(8): e250.
- Vugts M.A.P., Joosen M.C.W., Van der Geer J.E., Zedlitz A.M.E.E. & Vrijhoef H.J.M. (2018), The effectiveness of various computer-based interventions for patients with chronic pain or functional somatic syndromes: A systematic review and meta-analysis, PLoS ONE 13(5): e0196467.
- Sandjojo J., Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Gebhardt W.A., Hoekman J., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Den Haan J.A. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Training staff to promote self-management in people with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 31(5): 840-850.
- Vugts M.A.P., Joosen M.C.W., Mert A., Zedlitz A.M.E.E. & Vrijhoef A.J.M. (2017), Serious gaming during multidisciplinary rehabilitation for patients with complex chronic pain or fatigue complaints: study protocol for a controlled trial and process evaluation, BMJ Open 7(6): e016394.
- Wegen K.S., Van Dijke A., Aalbers A. & Zedlitz A.M.E.E. (2017), Dissociation and under-regulation of affect in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder with and without a co-morbid substance use disorder, European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 1(4): 227-234.
- Zedlitz A.M.E.E. (2017), Vermoeidheid en verminderde belastbaarheid. In: Heugten C. van, Bertens D. & Spikman J. (red.), Richtlijn Neuropsychologische Revalidatie. Utrecht: Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen. 20-25.
- Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Van Mierlo M.L., Van Eijk M., Geurts A. & Fasotti L. (2016), Psychometric properties of FSS and CIS-20r for measuring post-stroke fatigue, International Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience 2(1): 153-179.
- Van den Broek J.M., Brunsveld-Reinders A.H., Zedlitz A.M., Girbes A.R., De Jonge E. & Sesmu Arbous M. (2015), Questionnaires on family satisfaction in the adult ICU: A systematic review including psychometric properties, Critical Care Medicine 43(8): 1731-1744.
- Zedlitz A.M.E.E. (17 oktober 2013), Brittle Brain Power. Post-stroke fatigue, explorations into assessment and treatment (Dissertatie, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Radboud University Nijmegen). Promotor(en): Fasotti L., Geurts A.C.H. & Kessels R.P.C.
- Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Rietveld T.C.M., Geurts A.C. & Fasotti L. (2012), Cognitive and Graded Activity Training Can Alleviate Persistent Fatigue After Stroke A Randomized, Controlled Trial, Stroke 43(4): 1046-1051.
- Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Van Eijk M., Kessels R.P.C., Geurts A.C.H. & Fasotti L. (2012), Post-stroke fatigue is still a neglected issue: Findings from an internet-based study on the need for information and treatment in the Netherlands, ISRN Stroke Art. ID 629589: 5 p.
- Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Fasotti L. & Geurts A.C.H. (2011), Post-stroke fatigue: a treatment protocol that is being evaluated, Clinical Rehabilitation 25(6): 487-500.
- Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Visser-Meily J.M.A., Schepers V.P.M., Geurts A.C.H. & Fasotti L. (2011), Patients with severe post-stroke fatigue show a psychosocial profile comparable to patients with other chronic disease: implications for diagnosis and treatment, ISRN Neurology Article ID 627081: .
- supervisor wetenschap postdoc opleiding Klinisch Psycholoog
- Docent wetenschap (in de GZ-opleiding)
- Psychotherapeut BIG