Adriaan Lankester
Hoogleraar Kindergeneeskunde, in het bijzonder stamceltransplantatie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.C. Lankester
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 2824
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Professor Arjan Lankester is hoogleraar kindergeneeskunde, in het bijzonder stamceltransplantatie. Hij is tevens hoofd van het JACIE-geaccrediteerde programma voor pediatrische stamceltransplantatie, voorzitter van de Working Party Inborn Errors van de Europese Organisatie voor Bloed en Beenmerg Transplantatie (EBMT) en voorzitter van de Working Party Inborn Errors van de Europese Organisatie voor Immuundeficiënties (ESID).
Meer informatie over Adriaan Lankester
Professor Arjan Lankester is hoogleraar kindergeneeskunde, in het bijzonder stamceltransplantatie. Hij is tevens hoofd van het JACIE-geaccrediteerde programma voor pediatrische stamceltransplantatie, voorzitter van de Working Party Inborn Errors van de Europese Organisatie voor Bloed en Beenmerg Transplantatie (EBMT) en voorzitter van de Working Party Inborn Errors van de Europese Organisatie voor Immuundeficiënties (ESID).
De leerstoel is verbonden aan het programma voor pediatrische stamceltransplantatie en de LUMC onderzoekslijn “Transplantation and Immunomodulation (31301)”. Het programma fungeert als landelijk verwijscentrum voor kinderen met een aangeboren of verworven immuno-hematologische aandoening waarvoor allogene stamceltransplantatie een curatieve behandeling vormt. Het programma voor stamceltransplantatie combineert deze vorm van regeneratieve geneeskunde met translationeel, innovatief, en internationaal georiënteerd onderzoek om de effectiviteit van de stamceltransplantatie behandeling te optimaliseren. Het programma is tevens actief in de ontwikkeling en klinische implementatie van stamcel gentherapie voor ernstige afweerstoornissen en hemoglobinopathieën. Het programma is onderdeel van door de NFU erkende expertise centra voor gecombineerde afweerstoornissen, graft versus host ziekte en hemoglobinopathieën.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Professor Arjan Lankester heeft zijn studie Geneeskunde gedaan aan de Universiteit Leiden. Vervolgens heeft hij promotieonderzoek verricht op het Centraal Laboratorium van de Bloedtransfusiedienst van het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (sinds 1998 Stichting Sanquin)/Universiteit van Amsterdam. De titel van het proefschrift luidt ‘Antigen receptor complexes on normal and malignant human B cells’ (12 oktober 1995). Na voltooiing van de opleiding Kindergeneeskunde (LUMC, 2000) en een fellowship pediatrische immunologie (LUMC, 2002) werd hij staflid binnen de afdeling Kindergeneeskunde in de subafdeling stamceltransplantatie. Sinds 2009 is hij hoofd van het programma voor pediatrische stamceltransplantatie, en in 2016 werd hij benoemd tot hoogleraar Kindergeneeskunde, in het bijzonder stamceltransplantatie. De titel van de oratie was “Terug naar de toekomst” (8 september 2017).
Hoogleraar Kindergeneeskunde, in het bijzonder stamceltransplantatie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Willem-Alexander erziekenhuis
- Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Hiensch, F.; Heidt, S.; Mohseny, A.B.; Roelen, D.L.; Kramer, C.S.M.; Claas, F.H.J.; Albert, M.H.; Neven, B.; Lankester, A.C. & Beek, A.A. van (2024), Permissible HLA mismatches in 9/10 unrelated donor pediatric stem cell transplants using HLA-EMMA: an EBMT Inborn Errors Working Party study, Blood Advances 8(18): 4767-4777.
- Kemna, K.; Burg, M. van der; Lankester, A. & Giera, M. (2024), Hematopoietic stem cell metabolism within the bone marrow niche - insights and opportunities, BioEssays.
- Tsilifis, C.; Speckmann, C.; Lum, S.H.; Fox, T.A.; Soler, A.M.; Mozo, Y.; Corral, D.; Ewins, A.M.; Hague, R.; Oikonomopoulou, C.; Kalwak, K.; Drabko, K.; Wynn, R.; Morris, E.C.; Elcombe, S.; Bigley, V.; Lougaris, V.; Malagola, M.; Hauck, F.; Sedlacek, P.; Laberko, A.; Tjon, J.M.L.; Buddingh, E.P.; Wehr, C.; Grimbacher, B.; Gennery, A.R.; Lankester, A.C.; Albert, M.H.; Neven, B. & Slatter, M.A. (2024), Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for CTLA-4 insufficiency across Europe: A European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Inborn Errors Working Party study, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 154(6).
- Sorel, N.; Díaz-Pascual, F.; Bessot, B.; Sadek, H.; Mollet, C.; Chouteau, M.; Zahn, M.; Gil-Farina, I.; Tajer, P.; Eggermond, M. van; Berghuis, D.; Lankester, A.C.; André, I.; Gabriel, R.; Cavazzana, M.; Pike-Overzet, K.; Staal, F.J.T. & Lagresle-Peyrou, C. (2024), Restoration of T and B Cell Differentiation after RAG1 Gene Transfer in Human RAG1 Defective Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Biomedicines 12(7).
- Gier, M. de; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Dam, M.M.V.T.; Berghuis, D.; Smiers, F.J.; Beek, A.A. van; Jolink, H.; Jansen, P.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Burg, M. van der (2024), Case report, Frontiers in Immunology 15.
- (2024), Allogene stamceltransplantatie bij volwassen patiënten met een primaire immuundeficiëntie, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie 21(2).
- Gilioli, G.; Lankester, A.C.; Kivit, S. de; Staal, F.J.T. & Bruin, L.M.O. de (2024), Gene therapy strategies for RAG1 deficiency: Challenges and breakthroughs, Immunology Letters 270.
- Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Putter, H.; Mohseny, A.B.; Schilham, M.W.; Snowden, J.A.; Saccardi, R. & Lankester, A.C. (2023), Automating outcome analysis after stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 58(9): 1017-1023.
- Stoep, M.Y.E.C. van der; Bense, J.E.; Kloet, L.C. de; Asmuth, E.G.J.V.; Pagter, A.P.J. de; Hannema, S.E.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Zwaveling, J. & Lankester, A.C. (2023), Effect of busulfan and treosulfan on gonadal function after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in children and adolescents with nonmalignant diseases is not exposure-dependent, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 29(8): 529e1-529e5.
- Achini-Gutzwiller, F.R.; Schilham, M.W.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Zijde, C.M. van der; Tol, M.J.D. van; Bredius, R.G.M.; Gungor, T.; Lankester, A.C. & Moes, D.J.A.R. (2023), Exposure-response analysis of alemtuzumab in pediatric allogeneic HSCT for nonmalignant diseases, Blood Advances 7(16): 4462-4474.
- Schuetz, C.; Gerke, J.; Ege, M.; Walter, J.; Kusters, M.; Worth, A.; Kanakry, J.A.; Dimitrova, D.; Wolska-Kusnierz, B.; Chen, K.; Unal, E.; Karakukcu, M.; Pashchenko, O.; Leiding, J.; Kawai, T.; Amrolia, P.J.; Berghuis, D.; Buechner, J.; Buchbinder, D.; Cowan, M.J.; Gennery, A.R.; Güngör, T.; Heimall, J.; Miano, M.; Meyts, I.; Morris, E.C.; Rivière, J.; Sharapova, S.O.; Shaw, P.J.; Slatter, M.; Honig, M.; Veys, P.; Fischer, A.; Cavazzana, M.; Moshous, D.; Schulz, A.; Albert, M.H.; Puck, J.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Notarangelo, L.D.; Neven, B.; European Soc Immunodeficiencies; Inborn Errors Working Party IEWP; European Soc Blood Marrow Trans & Primary Immune Deficiency Treat (2023), Hypomorphic RAG deficiency, Blood 141(7): 713-724.
- Vissers, L.T.W.; Burg, M. van der; Lankester, A.C.; Smiers, F.J.W.; Bartels, M. & Mohseny, A.B. (2023), Pediatric Bone Marrow Failure: A Broad Landscape in Need of Personalized Management, Journal of Clinical Medicine 12(22).
- Bruin, L.M.O. de; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Weitering, T.J.; Berghuis, D.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Burg, M. van der (2023), Persistent hypogammaglobulinemia after receiving rituximab post-HSCT is not caused by an intrinsic B cell defect, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(21).
- Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Neven, B.; Albert, M.H.; Mohseny, A.B.; Schilham, M.W.; Binder, H.; Putter, H. & Lankester, A.C. (2023), Predicting patient death after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for inborn errors using machine learning (PREPAD), Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 29(12).
- Bense, J.E.; Guilonard, N.; Zwaginga, F.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Louwerens, M.; Mekelenkamp, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Pieterse, A.H. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2023), The value of using patient-reported outcomes for health screening during long-term follow-up after paediatric stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant diseases, Health Expectations 27(1).
- Bense, J.E.; Guilonard, N.; Zwaginga, F.A.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Louwerens, M.; Mekelenkamp, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Pieterse, A.H. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2023), THE VALUE OF USING PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES FOR HEALTH SCREENING DURING LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP AFTER PEDIATRIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION FOR NONMALIGNANT DISEASES, Bone Marrow Transplantation 58(SUPP1): 132-133.
- Cseh, A.; Galimard, J.E.; Fuente, J. de la; Isgro, A.; Zecca, M.; Garwer, B.; Biffi, A.; Aljurf, M.; Sundin, M.; Belendez, C.; Locatelli, F.; Balduzzi, A.; Lawson, S.; Sengeloev, H.; Ifversen, M.; Saccardi, R.; Wynn, R.; Lankester, A.C.; Corbacioglu, S. & Peters, C. (2023), Busulfan-fludarabine- or treosulfan-fludarabine-based conditioning before allogeneic HSCT from matched sibling donors in paediatric patients with sickle cell disease, British Journal of Haematology 204(1).
- Kaiser, F.M.P.; Janowska, I.; Menafra, R.; Gier, M. de; Korzhenevich, J.; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Khatri, I.; Schulz, A.; Kuijpers, T.W.; Lankester, A.C.; Konstantinidis, L.; Erlacher, M.; Kloet, S.; Schouwenburg, P.A. van; Rizzi, M. & Burg, M. van der (2023), IL-7 receptor signaling drives human B-cell progenitor differentiation and expansion, Blood 142(13): 1113-1130.
- Bense, J.E.; Haverman, L.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Louwerens, M.; Luijten, M.A.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2023), Late effects in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant diseases, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 29(3).
- Vissers, L.; Burg, M. van der; Lankester, A.; Smiers, F. & Mohseny, A. (2023), Optimizing diagnostic methods and stem cell transplantation outcomes in pediatric bone marrow failure, European Journal of Pediatrics 182.
- Achini-Gutzwiller, F.R.; Zijde, C.M. van der; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Moes, D.J.A.R. & Schilham, M.W. (2023), Development and validation of an efficient and highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for alemtuzumab quantification in human serum and plasma, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 45(1): 79-86.
- Bense, J.E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2023), Long-term parental distress after pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant diseases, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 70(11).
- Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Hiensch, F.; Heidt, S.; Mohseny, A.B.; Roelen, D.L.; Kramer, C.S.M.; Claas, F.; Lankester, A.C. & Beek, A.A. van (2023), IDENTIFYING PERMISSIBLE HLA MISMATCHES IN PEDIATRIC SCT USING HLA-EMMA, Bone Marrow Transplantation 58(SUPP1): 593-594.
- Mekelenkamp, H.; Vries, M. de; Markovitch, B.; Sirait, T.; Pieterse, A.H.; Bense, J.; Kleinschmidt, K.; Albert, M.H.; Neven, B.; Corbacioglu, S.; Lankester, A. & Smiers, F. (2023), Decision making on HSCT in patients with hemoglobinopathies; an EBMT Pediatric Diseases Working Party and Inborn Errors Working Party scenario-based survey on physicians' perspectives.
- Svec, P.; Elfeky, R.; Galimard, J.E.; Higham, C.S.; Dalissier, A.; Quigg, T.C.; Sanchez, D.B.; Lum, S.H.; Faraci, M.; Cole, T.; Pichler, H.; Benitez-Carabante, M.I.; Horakova, J.; Vicent, M.G.; Yanir, A.; Fagioli, F.; Wolfl, M.; Weid, N. von der; Protheroe, R.; Krivan, G.; Speckmann, C.; James, B.; Avcin, S.L.; Bertrand, Y.; Verna, M.; Riha, P.; Patrick, K.; Cesaro, S.; Kalwak, K.; Bierings, M.; Buchner, J.; Mellgren, K.; Prohaszka, Z.; Neven, B.; Lankester, A. & Corbacioglu, S. (2022), Use of eculizumab in children with allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation associated thrombotic microangiopathy, Bone Marrow Transplantation 58.
- Stoep, M.Y.E.C. van der; Oostenbrink, L.V.E.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Zwaveling, J. & Lankester, A.C. (2022), Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Conditioning Agents in Pediatric Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation; Where do We Stand?, Frontiers in Pharmacology 13.
- Jeyaratnam, J.; Faraci, M.; Gennery, A.R.; Drabko, K.; Algeri, M.; Morimoto, A.; Sirait, T.; Lankester, A.C.; Albert, M.; Neven, B.; Frenkel, J. & EBMT Inborn Errors Working Party (2022), The efficacy and safety of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency, Pediatric Rheumatology 20(1).
- Verbeek, A.B.; Jansen, S.A.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Lankester, A.C.; Lindemans, C.A. & Buddingh, E.P. (2022), Ten years of steroid refractory acute graft-versus-host disease in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: What have we learned?, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 189-190.
- Melsen, J.E.; Ostaijen-Ten Dam, M.M. van; Akker, E.B. van den; Welters, M.J.P.; Heezen, K.C.; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Kolijn, P.M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Doorn, R. van; Langerak, A.W.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2022), T and NK cells in IL2RG-deficient patient 50 years after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Journal of Clinical Immunology.
- Niet, K. van der; Rozendaal, L.; Berghuis, D.; Stoep, E. van der; Lankester, A. & Mekelenkamp, H. (2022), Skin care in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients receiving thiotepa and treosulfan, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 419-420.
- Tulling, A.; Verbeek, A.; Asmuth, E. von; Vreede, I. de; Rikkers-Mutsaerts, E.; , M. los; Dekkers, I.; Harkel, A. ten; Lankester, A.; Smiers, F.; Mohseny, A. & Buddingh, E. (2022), Sickle cell disease and thalassemia in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Evaluation of pulmonary risk factors and manifestations, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 244-244.
- Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Mohseny, A.B.; Putter, H.; Albert, M.H.; Neven, B.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2022), Prepad: predicting patient death after alloHSCT for inborn errors using machine learning, an IEWP study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 55-56.
- Achini-Gutzwiller, F.R.; Schilham, M.W.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Bredius, R.G.; Gungor, T.; Lankester, A.C. & Moes, D.J.A. (2022), Population pharmacokinetic analysis of alemtuzumab in in children with non-malignant diseases undergoing allogeneic HSCT: towards model informed precision dosing, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 93-93.
- Yang, L.L.; Booth, C.; Speckmann, C.; Seidel, M.G.; Worth, A.J.J.; Kindle, G.; Lankester, A.C.; Grimbacher, B.; Gennery, A.R.; Seppanen, M.R.J.; Morris, E.C.; Burns, S.O. & ESID Clinical Registry Working Parties (2022), Phenotype, genotype, treatment, and survival outcomes in patients with X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis deficiency, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 150(2): 456-466.
- Bense, J.E.; Welle, L. ter; Schimmel, M.; Louwerens, M.; Lankester, A.C.; Pieterse, A.H. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2022), Long-term psychosocial impact of pediatric hematological stem cell transplantation for non-malignant diseases: A qualitative study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 361-362.
- Kloet, L.C. de; Bense, J.E.; Stoep, M.Y.E.C. van der; Louwerens, M.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Lankester, A.C.; Pagter, A.P.J. de & Hannema, S.E. (2022), Late endocrine effects after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with nonmalignant diseases, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(10): 1564-1572.
- Horne, A.C.; Beutel, K.; Galimard, J.E.; Baker, S.; Alahmari, A.; Ottaviano, G.; Moshous, D.; Kansoy, S.; Nademi, Z.; Faraci, M.; Sundin, M.; Fagioli, F.; Albert, M.H.; Sedlacek, P.; Bertrand, Y.; Locatelli, F.; Paillard, C.; Mellgren, K.; Muller, I.; Dreger, P.; Balduzzi, A.; Dalissier, A.; Basak, G.; Lankester, A.; Neven, B.; Rao, K. & Corbacioglu, S. (2022), Late effects after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with HLH: a histiocyte society, PDWP, IEWP and TCWP EBMT study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 12-12.
- Bense, J.E.; Haverman, L.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Louwerens, M.; Luijten, M.A.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2022), Late effects: Patient-reported and proxy-reported outcomes among pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for non-malignant diseases - what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 358-359.
- Achini-Gutzwiller, F.R.; Vermont, C.L.; Montfrans, J.M. van; Moshous, D.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Schilham, M.W.; Moes, D.J.A.; Lankester, A.C. & Buddingh, E.P. (2022), Individualized alemtuzumab dosing for induction of disease remission prior to HSCT in children with HLH, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 84-85.
- Snowden, J.A.; Sanchez-Ortega, I.; Corbacioglu, S.; Basak, G.W.; Chabannon, C.; Camara, R. de la; Dolstra, H.; Duarte, R.F.; Glass, B.; Greco, R.; Lankester, A.C.; Mohty, M.; Neven, B.; Latour, R.P. de; Pedrazzoli, P.; Peric, Z.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Sureda, A. & Nicolaus Kroger European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) (2022), Indications for haematopoietic cell transplantation for haematological diseases, solid tumours and immune disorders, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(8): 1217-1239.
- Melsen, J.E.; Ostaijen-Ten Dam, M.M. van; Akker, E.B. van den; Welters, M.J.; Heezen, K.C.; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Kolijn, P.M.; Bredius, R.G.; Doorn, R. van; Langerak, A.W.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2022), In depth immune profiling of IL2RG deficient patient 50 years after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation reveals a diverse naive but oligoclonal memory T cell compartment, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 53-53.
- Atmar, K.; Ruivenkamp, C.; Nibbeling, E.; Hooimeijer, L.; Eckhardt, C.; Huisman, E.; Lankester, A.; Bartels, M.; Santen, G.; Smiers, F.; Burg, M. van der & Mohseny, A. (2022), In-depth diagnostics of pediatric bone marrow failure increases detection rate of underlying causes: a multi-center prospective cohort study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 24-24.
- Stoep, M.Y.E.C. van der; Bertaina, A.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Algeri, M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Smiers, F.J.W.; Berghuis, D.; Buddingh, E.P.; Mohseny, A.B.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Locatelli, F.; Zwaveling, J. & Lankester, A.C. (2022), Impact of treosulfan exposure on early and long-term clinical outcomes in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 28(2).
- Schuetz, C.; Gerke, J.; Ege, M.; Walter, J.E.; Kusters, M.; Worth, A.; Kanakry, J.; Dimitrova, D.; Wolska, B.; Chen, K.; Unal, E.; Karakukcu, M.; Paschenko, O.; Leiding, J.; Kawai, T.; Amrolia, P.; Berghuis, D.; Buchner, J.; Buchbinder, D.; Cowan, M.J.; Gennery, A.; Gungor, T.; Heimall, J.; Mareika, Y.; Miano, M.; Meyts, I.; Morris, E.; Riviere, J.; Sharapova, S.; Shaw, P.; Slatter, M.; Honig, M.; Veys, P.; Fischer, A.; Cavazzana, M.; Moshous, D.; Albert, M.; Schulz, A.; Puck, J.; Lankester, A.C.; Notarangelo, L. & Neven, B. (2022), HSCT outome in hypomorphic rag deficiencies: an IEWP/PIDTC study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 51-52.
- Verhoeven, D.; Schonenberg-Meinema, D.; Ebstein, F.; Papendorf, J.J.; Baars, P.A.; Leeuwen, E.M.M. van; Jansen, M.H.; Lankester, A.C.; Burg, M. van der; Florquin, S.; Maas, S.M.; Koningsbruggen, S. van; Kruger, E.; Berg, J.M. van den & Kuijpers, T.W. (2022), Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome (PRAAS), Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 149(3): 1120-+.
- Albert, M.H.; Slatter, M.A.; Gennery, A.R.; Gungor, T.; Bakunina, K.; Markovitch, B.; Hazelaar, S.; Sirait, T.; Courteille, V.; Aiuti, A.; Aleinikova, O.V.; Balashov, D.; Bernardo, M.E.; Bodova, I.; Bruno, B.; Cavazzana, M.; Chiesa, R.; Fischer, A.; Hauck, F.; Ifversen, M.; Kalwak, K.; Klein, C.; Kulagin, A.; Kupesiz, A.; Kuskonmaz, B.; Lindemans, C.A.; Locatelli, F.; Lum, S.H.; Maschan, A.; Meisel, R.; Moshous, D.; Porta, F.; Sauer, M.G.; Sedlacek, P.; Schulz, A.; Suarez, F.; Vallee, T.C.; Winiarski, J.H.; Zecca, M.; Neven, B.; Veys, P.; Lankester, A.C.; EBMT; European Soc Immunodeficiencies ES & Stem CELL Transplant Primary Immun (2022), Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, Blood 139(13): 2066-2079.
- Lankester, A.C.; Neven, B.; Mahlaoui, N.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Courteille, V.; Alligon, M.; Albert, M.H.; Serra, I.B.; Bader, P.; Balashov, D.; Beier, R.; Bertrand, Y.; Blanche, S.; Bordon, V.; Bredius, R.G.; Cant, A.; Cavazzana, M.; Diaz-De-Heredia, C.; Dogu, F.; Ehlert, K.; Entz-Werle, N.; Fasth, A.; Ferrua, F.; Ferster, A.; Formankova, R.; Friedrich, W.; Gonzalez-Vicent, M.; Gozdzik, J.; Gungor, T.; Hoenig, M.; Ikinciogullari, A.; Kalwak, K.; Kansoy, S.; Kupesiz, A.; Lanfranchi, A.; Lindemans, C.A.; Meisel, R.; Michel, G.; Miranda, N.A.A.; Moraleda, J.; Moshous, D.; Pichler, H.; Rao, K.; Sedlacek, P.; Slatter, M.; Soncini, E.; Speckmann, C.; Sundin, M.; Toren, A.; Vettenranta, K.; Worth, A.; Yesilipek, M.A.; Zecca, M.; Porta, F.; Schulz, A.; Veys, P.; Fischer, A. & Gennery, A.R. (2022), Hematopoietic cell transplantation in severe combined immunodeficiency: , Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 149(5): 1744-+.
- Atmar, K.; Tulling, A.J.; Lankester, A.C.; Bartels, M.; Smiers, F.J.; Burg, M. van der & Mohseny, A.B. (2022), Functional and Immune Modulatory Characteristics of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Patients With Aplastic Anemia: A Systematic Review, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Oostenbrink, L.V.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Vervat, C.; Bredius, R.G.; Tol, M.J. van; Schilham, M.W.; Sedlacek, P.; Ifversen, M.; Balduzzi, A.; Bader, P.; Peters, C.; Moes, D.J.; Lankester, A.C. & FORUM Study Grp (2022), Exposure-response analysis of ATLG Grafalon (R) in paediatric all patients: towards individualized dosing to prevent acute GVHD after HSCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 86-87.
- Bense, J.E.; Welle, L. ter; Mekelenkamp, H.; Schimmel, M.; Louwerens, M.; Lankester, A.C.; Pieterse, A.H. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2022), Exploring the long-term psychosocial impact of paediatric haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant diseases, Health Expectations 25(5): 2462-2470.
- Atmar, K.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Hooimeijer, L.; Nibbeling, E.A.R.; Eckhardt, C.L.; Huisman, E.J.; Lankester, A.C.; Bartels, M.; Santen, G.W.E.; Smiers, F.J.; Burg, M. van der & Mohseny, A.B. (2022), Diagnostic value of a protocolized in-depth evaluation of pediatric bone marrow failure, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Mekelenkamp, H.; Vries, M. de; Markovitch, B.; Sirait, T.; Pieterse, A.; Kleinschmidt, K.; Albert, M.; Neven, B.; Corbacioglu, S.; Lankester, A. & Smiers, F. (2022), Decision-making about HSCT in patients with hemoglobinopathies, a PDPW/IEWP scenario-based survey on physicians' perspectives, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 48-48.
- Versluijs, A.B.; Koning, C.C.H. de; Lankester, A.C.; Nierkens, S.; Kollen, W.J.; Bresters, D.; Lindemans, C.A.; Boelens, J.J. & Bierings, M. (2022), Clofarabine-fludarabine-busulfan in HCT for pediatric leukemia, Blood Advances 6(6): 1719-1730.
- Machowicz, R.; Suarez, F.; Wiktor-Jedrzejczak, W.; Eikema, D.J.; Wreede, L.C. de; Blok, H.J.; Isaksson, C.; Einsele, H.; Poire, X.; Dorp, S. van; Nikolousis, E.; Johansson, J.E.; Kobbe, G.; Zecca, M.; Arnold, R.; Gerbitz, A.; Finke, J.; Diez-Martin, J.L.; Bonifazi, F.; McQuaker, G.; Lenhoff, S.; Rohrlich, P.S.; Theobald, M.; Ljungman, P.; Collin, M.; Albert, M.H.; Ehninger, G.; Carlson, K.; Halaburda, K.; Lehmberg, K.; Schonland, S.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Gennery, A.R.; Lankester, A.C. & Kroger, N. (2022), Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for adult HLH, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(5): 817-823.
- Moise, K.J.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Bredius, R.G.M. (2022), Targeting neonatal Fc receptor: potential clinical applications in pregnancy, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 60(2): 167-175.
- Damoiseaux, M.; Damoiseaux, J.; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Burg, M. van der; Bredius, R. & Well, G. van (2022), Lessons learned from the diagnostic work-up of a patient with the bare lymphocyte syndrome type II, Clinical Immunology 235.
- Admiraal, R.; Nierkens, S.; Bierings, M.B.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Vliet, I. van; Jiang, Y.L.; Lopez-Yurda, M.; Versluijs, A.B.; Zwaan, C.M.; Lindemans, C.A. & Boelens, J.J. (2022), Individualised dosing of anti-thymocyte globulin in paediatric unrelated allogeneic haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (PARACHUTE), The Lancet Haematology 9(2): E111-E120.
- Hashem, H.; Bucciol, G.; Ozen, S.; Unal, S.; Bozkaya, I.O.; Akarsu, N.; Taskinen, M.; Koskenvuo, M.; Saarela, J.; Dimitrova, D.; Hickstein, D.D.; Hsu, A.P.; Holland, S.M.; Krance, R.; Sasa, G.; Kumar, A.R.; Muller, I.; Sousa, M.A. de; Delafontaine, S.; Moens, L.; Babor, F.; Barzaghi, F.; Cicalese, M.P.; Bredius, R.; Montfrans, J. van; Baretta, V.; Cesaro, S.; Stepensky, P.; Benedicte, N.; Moshous, D.; Guenno, G. le; Boutboul, D.; Dalal, J.; Brooks, J.P.; Dokmeci, E.; Dara, J.; Lucas, C.L.; Hambleton, S.; Wilson, K.; Jolles, S.; Koc, Y.; Gungor, T.; Schnider, C.; Candotti, F.; Steinmann, S.; Schulz, A.; Chambers, C.; Hershfield, M.; Ombrello, A.; Kanakry, J.A. & Meyts, I. (2022), Correction to: Hematopoietic cell transplantation cures adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency, Journal of Clinical Immunology 42(7): 1580-1581.
- Mlakar, S.J.; Uppugunduri, S.C.R.; Nava, T.; Mlakar, V.; Golay, H.; Robin, S.; Waespe, N.; Rezgui, M.A.; Chalandon, Y.; Boelens, J.J.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Dalle, J.H.; Peters, C.; Corbacioglu, S.; Bittencourt, H.; Krajinovic, M.; Ansari, M. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla (2022), Correction to: GSTM1 and GSTT1 double null genotypes determining cell fate and proliferation as potential risk factors of relapse in children with hematological malignancies after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation , Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 148(1): 87-88.
- Oegema, S.; Henriet, S.S.V.; Aerde, K.J. van; Bredius, R.G.M. & Berghuis, D. (2022), First Successful Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for MKL1 Deficiency.
- Uppugunduri, C.R.S.; Curtis, P.H.D.; Nava, T.; Rezgui, M.A.; Mlakar, V.; Mlakar, S.J.; Waespe, N.; Theoret, Y.; Gumy-Pause, F.; Bernard, F.; Chalandon, Y.; Boelens, J.J.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Dalle, J.H.; Nath, C.; Corbacioglu, S.; Peters, C.; Bader, P.; Shaw, P.; Bittencourt, H.; Krajinovic, M. & Ansari, M. (2022), Association study of candidate DNA-repair gene variants and acute graft versus host disease in pediatric patients receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation, Pharmacogenomics Journal 22(1): 9-18.
- Bognar, T.; Bartelink, I.H.; Egberts, T.C.G.; Rademaker, C.M.A.; Versluys, A.B.; Slatter, M.A.; Kletzel, M.; Nath, C.E.; Cuvelier, G.D.E.; Savic, R.M.; Dvorak, C.; Long-Boyle, J.R.; Cowan, M.J.; Bittencourt, H.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Gungor, T.; Shaw, P.J.; Ansari, M.; Hassan, M.; Krajinovic, M.; Hempel, G.; Marktel, S.; Chiesa, R.; Theoret, Y.; Lund, T.; Orchard, P.J.; Wynn, R.F.; Boelens, J.J. & Lalmohamed, A. (2022), Association between the magnitude of intravenous busulfan exposure and development of hepatic veno-occlusive disease in children and young adults undergoing myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 28(4): 196-202.
- Cancio, M.; Troullioud, A.; Elizabeth, K.; Witte, M. de; Smiers, F.; Bresters, D.; Boelens, J.J.; Bierings, M. & Smetsers, S. (2022), Predictors of outcomes in hematopoietic cell transplantation for fanconi anemia: A multicenter analysis, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 227-227.
- Huisman, E.J.; Brooimans, A.R.; Mayer, S.; Joosten, M.; Bont, L. de; Dekker, M.; Rammeloo, E.L.M.; Smiers, F.J.; Hagen, P.M. van; Zwaan, C.M.; Haas, M. de; Cnossen, M.H. & Dalm, V.A.S.H. (2022), Patients with chromosome 11q deletions are characterized by inborn errors of immunity involving both B and T lymphocytes, Journal of Clinical Immunology 42(7): 1521-1534.
- Verbeek, A.B.; Jansen, S.A.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Lankester, A.C.; Bresters, D.; Bierings, M.; Mohseny, A.B.; Lindemans, C.A. & Buddingh, E.P. (2022), Clinical features, treatment, and outcome of pediatric steroid refractory acute graft-versus-host disease, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 28(9).
- Luftinger, R.; Zubarovskaya, N.; Galimard, J.E.; Cseh, A.; Salzer, E.; Locatelli, F.; Algeri, M.; Yesilipek, A.; Fuente, J. de la; Isgro, A.; Alseraihy, A.; Angelucci, E.; Smiers, F.J.; Nasa, G.L.; Zecca, M.; Fisgin, T.; Unal, E.; Kleinschmidt, K.; Peters, C.; Lankester, A. & Corbacioglu, S. (2022), Busulfan-fludarabine- or treosulfan-fludarabine-based myeloablative conditioning for children with thalassemia major, Annals of Hematology 101.
- Melsen, J.E.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Schoorl, D.J.A.; Schol, P.J.; Homberg, D.A.L. van den; Lankester, A.C.; Lugthart, G. & Schilham, M.W. (2022), Single-cell transcriptomics in bone marrow delineates CD56dimGranzymeK+ subset as intermediate stage in NK cell differentiation, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Albert, M.H.; Sirait, T.; Eikema, D.J.; Bakunina, K.; Wehr, C.; Suarez, F.; Fox, M.L.; Mahlaoui, N.; Gennery, A.R.; Lankester, A.C.; Beier, R.; Bernardo, M.E.; Bigley, V.; Lindemans, C.A.; Burns, S.O.; Carpenter, B.; Dybko, J.; Güngör, T.; Hauck, F.; Lum, S.H.; Balashov, D.; Meisel, R.; Moshous, D.; Schulz, A.; Speckmann, C.; Slatter, M.A.; Strahm, B.; Uckan-Cetinkaya, D.; Meyts, I.; Vallée, T.C.; Wynn, R.; Neven, B.; Morris, E.C.; European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla & European Soc Immunodeficiencies ES (2022), Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for adolescents and adults with inborn errors of immunity, Blood 140(14): 1635-1649.
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- Garcia-Perez, L.; Roon, L. van; Schilham, M.W.; Lankester, A.C.; Pike-Overzet, K. & Staal, F.J.T. (2021), Combining mobilizing agents with busulfan to reduce chemotherapy-based conditioning for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Cells 10(5).
- Lankester, A.C.; Albert, M.H.; Booth, C.; Gennery, A.R.; Gungor, T.; Honig, M.; Morris, E.C.; Moshous, D.; Neven, B.; Schulz, A.; Slatter, M.; Veys, P.; European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla; European Soc Immune Deficiencies & European Reference Network Rare Pr (2021), EBMT/ESID inborn errors working party guidelines for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for inborn errors of immunity, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(9): 2052-2062.
- Mekelenkamp, H.; Smiers, F.; Camp, N.; Stubenrouch, F.; Lankester, A. & Vries, M. de (2021), Decision-Making for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Pediatric, Adolescent And Young Adult Patients with A Hemoglobinopathy - Shared Or Not?, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 256-257.
- Mekelenkamp, H.; Smiers, F.; Camp, N.; Stubenrouch, F.; Lankester, A. & Vries, M. de (2021), Decision making for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pediatric, adolescent, and young adult patients with a hemoglobinopathy, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 68(9).
- Lugthart, G.; Jordans, C.; Pagter, A. de; Bresters, D.; Jol-van Der Zijde, E.; Bense, J.; Rooij-Kouwenhoven, R. van; Sukhai, R.; Louwerens, M.; Dorresteijn, E. & Lankester, A. (2021), CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE TEN YEARS AFTER PEDIATRIC ALLOGENEIC HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION, Pediatric Nephrology 36(10): 3325-3325.
- Lugthart, G.; Jordans, C.C.E.; Pagter, A.P.J. de; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Bresters, D.; Rooij-Kouwenhoven, R.W.G. van; Sukhai, R.N.; Louwerens, M.; Dorresteijn, E.M. & Lankester, A.C. (2021), Chronic Kidney Disease Ten Years After Pediatric Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 162-163.
- Lugthart, G.; Jordans, C.C.E.; Pagter, A.P.J. de; Bresters, D.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Bense, J.E.; Rooij-Kouwenhoven, R.W.G. van; Sukhai, R.N.; Louwerens, M.; Dorresteijn, E.M. & Lankester, A.C. (2021), Chronic kidney disease ten years after pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Kidney International 100(4): 906-914.
- Chabannon, C.; Terwel, S.; Hoogenboom, J.D.; Basak, G.; Corbacioglu, S.; Camara, R. de la; Dolstra, H.; Glass, B.; Greco, R.; Lankester, A.; Mohty, M.; Tour, R.P. de la; Snowden, J.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Cerisoli, F.; Biezen, A. van; Mol, M.; Mauff, K.A.L.; Gordon, D.; Verhoeven, B.; Sanchez-Ortega, I.; Bonini, C.; Gribben, J.; Kroger, N. & Kuball, J. (2021), Building of The G0-CAR-T Initiative to Promote Use of Data Collected from Patients Treated With CAR-T Cells AT EU OR EBMT Affiliated Programs, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 43-44.
- Arnold, D.E.; Emoto, C.; Fukuda, T.; Dong, M.; Vinks, A.A.; Lane, A.; McIntosh, K.; Neumeier, L.; Lankester, A.C.; Achini, F.; Teusink-Cross, A.; Chandra, S.; Jordan, M.B.; Nelson, A.S.; Myers, K.C.; Davies, S.M.; Mehta, P.A. & Marsh, R.A. (2021), A prospective pilot study of a novel alemtuzumab target concentration intervention strategy, Bone Marrow Transplantation.
- Albert, M.; Wehr, C.; Suarez, F.; Fox, M.L.; Gennery, A.; Mahlaoui, N.; Hazelaar, S.; Bakunina, K.; Slatter, M.; Collin, M.; Lum, S.H.; Bigley, V.; Hauck, F.; Klein, C.; Burns, S.; Carpenter, B.; Chakraverty, R.; Speckmann, C.; Warnatz, K.; Cheminant, M.; Neven, B.; Beier, R.; Lange, A.; Laberko, A.; Balashov, D.; Schulz, A.; Wynn, R.; Lankester, A. & Morris, E. (2021), Allogeneic HSCT For Adolescents and Adults With Inborn Errors of Immunity: A Retrospective Study of The Inborn Errors Working Party (IEWP), Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 101-102.
- Passweg, J.R.; Baldomero, H.; Chabannon, C.; Basak, G.W.; Camara, R. de la; Corbacioglu, S.; Dolstra, H.; Duarte, R.; Glass, B.; Greco, R.; Lankester, A.C.; Mohty, M.; Latour, R.P. de; Snowden, J.A.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Kroger, N. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla (2021), Hematopoietic cell transplantation and cellular therapy survey of the EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(7): 1651-1664.
- Oostenbrink, L.V.E.; Pool, E.S.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Vervat, C.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Bredius, R.G.M.; Smiers, F.J.W.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Schilham, M.W.; Lankester, A.C. & Mohseny, A.B. (2021), Successful mismatched hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for pediatric hemoglobinopathy by using ATG and post-transplant cyclophosphamide, Bone Marrow Transplantation.
- Blom, M.; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Imholz, S.; Vissers, L.; Schulze, J.; Werner, J.; Bredius, R. & Burg, M. van der (2021), Second tier testing to reduce the number of non-actionable secondary findings and false-positive referrals in newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency, Journal of Clinical Immunology 41.
- Hassine, K. ben; Nava, T.; Thoret, Y.; Nath, C.E.; Daali, Y.; Kassir, N.; Lewis, V.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Shaw, P.J.; Bittencourt, H.; Krajinovic, M.; Uppugunduri, C.R.S. & Ansari, M. (2021), Precision dosing of intravenous busulfan in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 10(9): 1043-1056.
- Hashem, H.; Bucciol, G.; Ozen, S.; Unal, S.; Bozkaya, I.O.; Akarsu, N.; Taskinen, M.; Koskenvuo, M.; Saarela, J.; Dimitrova, D.; Hickstein, D.D.; Hsu, A.P.; Holland, S.M.; Krance, R.; Sasa, G.; Kumar, A.R.; Muller, I.; Sousa, M.A. de; Delafontaine, S.; Moens, L.; Babor, F.; Barzaghi, F.; Cicalese, M.P.; Bredius, R.; Montfrans, J. van; Baretta, V.; Cesaro, S.; Stepensky, P.; Benedicte, N.; Moshous, D.; Guenno, G. le; Boutboul, D.; Dalal, J.; Brooks, J.P.; Dokmeci, E.; Dara, J.; Lucas, C.L.; Hambleton, S.; Wilson, K.; Jolles, S.; Koc, Y.; Gungor, T.; Schnider, C.; Candotti, F.; Steinmann, S.; Schulz, A.; Chambers, C.; Hershfield, M.; Ombrello, A.; Kanakry, J.A. & Meyts, I. (2021), Hematopoietic cell transplantation cures adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency, Journal of Clinical Immunology 41(7): 1633-1647.
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- Marle, M.E.V.; Blom, M.; Burg, M. van der; Bredius, R.G.M. & Ploeg, C.P.B. van der (2021), Economic evaluation of different screening strategies for severe combined immunodeficiency based on real-life data, International Journal of Neonatal Screening 7(3).
- Jansen, S.J.; Lopriore, E.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Beek, M.T. van der; Moes, D.J.A.R. & Bekker, V. (2021), Benzylpenicillin Serum Concentrations in Neonates With Group B Streptococci Sepsis or Meningitis A Descriptive Cohort Study, The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 40(5): 434-439.
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- Zubicaray, J.; Pagliara, D.; Sevilla, J.; Eikema, D.J.; Bosman, P.; Ayas, M.; Zecca, M.; Yesilipek, A.; Kansoy, S.; Renard, C.; Dalle, J.H.; Campos, A.; Faraci, M.; Kupesiz, A.; Smiers, F.J.W.; Velardi, A.; Abecasis, M.; Corti, P.; Fagioli, F.; Muniz, S.G.; Krivan, G.; Dufour, C.; Risitano, A.; Corbacioglu, S. & Latour, R.P. de (2021), Haplo-identical or mismatched unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplantation for Fanconi anemia, American Journal of Hematology 96(5): 571-579.
- Vonderen, J.J. van; Keus, J.M.H.; Schaik, J. van; Smiers, F.J.; Harkel, D.J. ten & Lopriore, E. (2021), A neonate with spontaneous arterial limb ischemia and an aneurysm of the oval foramen, Journal of Medical Case Reports 15(1).
- Niemi, M.E.K.; Karjalainen, J.; Liao, R.G.; Neale, B.M.; Daly, M.; Ganna, A.; Pathak, G.A.; Andrews, S.J.; Kanai, M.; Veerapen, K.; Fernandez-Cadenas, I.; Schulte, E.C.; Striano, P.; Marttila, M.; Minica, C.; Marouli, E.; Karim, M.A.; Wendt, F.R.; Savage, J.; Sloofman, L.; Butler-Laporte, G.; Kim, H.N.; Kanoni, S.; Okada, Y.; Byun, J.; Han, Y.; Uddin, M.J.; Smith, G.D.; Willer, C.J.; Buxbaum, J.D.; Karjalainen, J.; Mehtonen, J.; Niemi, M.E.K.; Pathak, G.A.; Andrews, S.J.; Kanai, M.; Finucane, H.; Cordioli, M.; Martin, A.R.; Zhou, W.; Cordioli, M.; Pasaniuc, B.; Julienne, H.; Aschard, H.; Shi, H.; Yengo, L.; Polimanti, R.; Ghoussaini, M.; Schwartzentruber, J.; Dunham, I.; Buxbaum, J.D.; Liao, R.G.; Chwialkowska, K.; Francescatto, M.; Trankiem, A.; Balaconis, M.K.; Davis, L.; Ganna, A.; Lee, S.; Priest, J.; Renieri, A.; Sankaran, V.G.; Heel, D. van; Deelen, P.; Richards, J.B.; Nakanishi, T.; Biesecker, L.; Kerchberger, V.E.; Kenneth, J.; Renieri, A.; Mari, F.; Bernasconi, A.; Ceri, S.; Canakoglu, A.; Veerapen, K.; Wolford, B.; Trankiem, A.; Faucon, A.; Dutta, A.K.; Schurmann, C.; Harry, E.; Birney, E.; Pathak, G.A.; Nguyen, H.; Nasir, J.; Priest, J.; Kaunisto, M.; Marttila, M.; Solomonson, M.; Dueker, N.; Vadgama, N.; Andrews, S.J.; Limou, S.; Liao, R.G.; Ganna, A.; Rahmouni, S.; Mbarek, H.; Darwish, D.; Dutta, A.K.; Uddin, M.M.; Fernandez-Cadenas, I.; Albertos, R.; Perez-Tur, J.; Li, R.L.; Folkersen, L.; Moltke, I.; Koelling, N.; Schulte, E.C.; Schurmann, C.; Teumer, A.; Kousathanas, A.; Marouli, E.; Utrilla, A.; Verdugo, R.A.; Zarate, R.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Gomez-Cabrero, D.; Carnero-Montoro, E.; Perez-Tur, J.; Fernandez-Cadenas, I.; Cadilla, C.L.; Moreno-Estrada, A.; Garmendia, A.; Moya, L.; Sedaghati-Khayat, B.; Marttila, M.; Boua, P.R.; Butler-Laporte, G.; Fave, M.J.; Francioli, L.; Lemacon, A.; Limou, S.; Migeotte, I.; Dutta, A.K.; Patel, S.; Varnai, R.; Szentpeteri, J.L.; Sipeky, C.; Colombo, F.; Francescatto, M.; Hohenstaufen, K. von; Lio, P.; Vallerga, C.; Striano, P.; Wang, Q.B.; Kanai, M.; Tanigawa, Y.; Nakanishi, T.; , H. im; Han, C.; Song, H.; Lim, J.; Lee, Y.; Kim, S.; , S. im; Atanasovska, B.; Ahmad, H.F.; Veerapen, K.; Boer, C.; Jansen, P.; Franke, L.; Chwialkowska, K.; Kaja, E.; Pasko, D.; Kennis-Szilagyi, I.; Kornilov, S.A.; Prijatelj, V.; Prokic, I.; Sivanadhan, I.; Perumal, S.; Esmaeeli, S.; Pearson, N.M.; Zarate, R.; Karim, M.A.; Nguyen, H.; Solomonson, M.; Auton, A.; Shelton, J.F.; Shastri, A.J.; Filshtein-Sonmez, T.; Coker, D.; Symons, A.; Esparza-Gordillo, J.; Aslibekyan, S.; O'Connell, J.; Ye, C.; Weldon, C.H.; Auton, A.; Perera, M.; O'Leary, K.; Tuck, M.; O'Brien, T.; Meltzer, D.; O'Donnell, P.; Nutescu, E.; Yang, G.; Alarcon, C.; Herrmann, S.; Mazurek, S.; Banagan, J.; Hamidi, Z.; Barbour, A.; Raffat, N.; Moreno, D.; Friedman, P.; Ferwerda, B.; Beek, D. van de; Brouwer, M.C.; Vlaar, A.P.J.; Wiersinga, W.J.; Posthuma, D.; Tissink, E.; Zwinderman, A.H.K.; Uffelmann, E.; Agtmael, M. van; Algera, A.G.; Baarle, F. van; Bax, D.; Beudel, M.; Bogaard, H.J.; Bomers, M.; Bonta, P.I.; Bos, L.; Botta, M.; Brabander, J. de; Bree, G. de; Bruin, S. de; Bugiani, M.; Bulle, E.; Chouchane, O.; Cloherty, A.; Dongelmans, D.; Elbers, P.; Fleuren, L.; Geerlings, S.; Geerts, B.; Geijtenbeek, T.; Girbes, A.; Goorhuis, B.; Grobusch, M.P.; Hafkamp, F.; Hagens, L.; Hamann, J.; Harris, V.; Hemke, R.; Hermans, S.M.; Heunks, L.; Hollmann, M.; Horn, J.; Hovius, J.W.; Jong, M.D. de; Koning, R.; Mourik, N. van; Nellen, J.; Nossent, E.J.; Paulus, F.; Peters, E.; Poll, T. van der; Preckel, B.; Prins, J.M.; Raasveld, J.; Reijnders, T.; Schinkel, M.; Schultz, M.J.; Schuurman, A.; Sigaloff, K.; Smit, M.; Stijnis, C.S.; Stilma, W.; Teunissen, C.; Thoral, P.; Tsonas, A.; Valk, M. van der; Veelo, D.; Vries, H. de; Vugt, M. van; Wouters, D.; Minnaar, R.P.; Kromhout, A.; Uffelen, K.W.J. van; Wolterman, R.A.; Roberts, G.; Park, D.; Ball, C.A.; Coignet, M.; McCurdy, S.; Knight, S.; Partha, R. & Rhea (2021), Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19, Nature 600.
- Ottaviano, G.; Achini-Gutzwiller, F.; Kalwak, K.; Lanino, E.; Faraci, M.; Rao, K.; Chiesa, R.; Amrolia, P.; Bonanomi, S.; Rovelli, A.; Veys, P.; Lankester, A.; Balduzzi, A. & Lucchini, G. (2021), Impact of in vivo lymphodepletion on outcome in children with nonmalignant disorders receiving peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 27(12).
- Bakhtiar, S.; Salzmann-Manrique, E.; Blok, H.J.; Eikema, D.J.; Hazelaar, S.; Ayas, M.; Toren, A.; Goldstein, G.; Moshous, D.; Locatelli, F.; Merli, P.; Michel, G.; Ozturk, G.; Schulz, A.; Heilmann, C.; Ifversen, M.; Wynn, R.F.; Aleinikova, O.; Bertrand, Y.; Tbakhi, A.; Veys, P.; Karakukcu, M.; Kupesiz, A.; Ghavamzadeh, A.; Handgretinger, R.; Unal, E.; Perez-Martinez, A.; Gokce, M.; Porta, F.; Aksu, T.; Karasu, G.; Badell, I.; Ljungman, P.; Skorobogatova, E.; Yesilipek, A.; Zuckerman, T.; Bredius, R.R.G.; Stepensky, P.; Shadur, B.; Slatter, M.; Gennery, A.R.; Albert, M.H.; Bader, P.; Lankester, A.; Pediat Dis Working Party & Inborn Errors Working Party EBMT (2021), Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in leukocyte adhesion deficiency type I and III, Blood Advances 5(1): 262-273.
- Pichler, H.; Dalle, J.H.; Locatelli, F.; Poetschger, U.; Sedlacek, P.; Buechner, J.; Shaw, P.J.; Staciuk, R.; Ifversen, M.; Vettenranta, K.; Svec, P.; Aleinikova, O.; Stein, J.; Gungor, T.; Toporski, J.; Truong, T.H.; Diaz-de-Heredia, C.; Bierings, M.; Ariffin, H.; Essa, M.; Burkhardt, B.; Schultz, K.; Meisel, R.; Lankester, A.; Ansari, M.; Schrappe, M.; Stackelberg, A. von; Balduzzi, A.; Corbacioglu, S.; Bader, P. & Peters, C. (2021), Treosulfan- Versus Busulfan-Based Myeloablative Conditioning For Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. A Report From The International AllSCTPED Forum Trial, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 163-164.
- Stoep, M.Y.E.C. van der; Berghuis, D.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Buddingh, E.P.; Mohseny, A.B.; Smiers, F.J.W.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Zwaveling, J. (2021), Treosulfan-induced myalgia in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation identified by an electronic health record text mining tool, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Peters, C.; Dalle, J.H.; Locatelli, F.; Poetschger, U.; Sedlacek, P.; Buechner, J.; Shaw, P.J.; Staciuk, R.; Ifversen, M.; Pichler, H.; Vettenranta, K.; Svec, P.; Aleinikova, O.; Stein, J.; Gungor, T.; Toporski, J.; Truong, T.H.; Diaz-de-Heredia, C.; Bierings, M.; Ariffin, H.; Essa, M.; Burkhardt, B.; Schultz, K.; Meisel, R.; Lankester, A.; Ansari, M.; Schrappe, M.; Stackelberg, A. von; Balduzzi, A.; Corbacioglu, S.; Bader, P.; IBFM Study Grp; IntReALL Study Grp; I-BFM SCT Study Grp & EBMT Paediat Dis Working Party (2021), Total body irradiation or chemotherapy conditioning in childhood ALL, Journal of Clinical Oncology 39(4): 295-+.
- Lum, S.H.; Minkov, M.; Jones, S.; Hazelaar, S.; Potter, J.; Stepensky, P.; Garban, F.; Holter, W.; Stein, J.; Kocak, U.; Schulz, A.; Mellgren, K.; Heredia, C.D. de; Rubio, M.T.; Carballero, D.; Diaz, M.A.; Neven, B.; Michel, G.; Lindemans, C.; Gruhn, B.; Albert, M.H.; Lankester, A. & Wynn, R. (2021), Outcome of Haematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Children with Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency: A Study On Behalf of The Ebmt Inborn Errors Working Party, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 260-261.
- Maas, N.G. van der; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Berghuis, D.; Schouwenburg, P.A. van; Putter, H.; Burg, M. van der & Lankester, A.C. (2021), Modeling influencing factors in B-cell reconstitution after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Vavassori, V.; Mercuri, E.; Marcovecchio, G.E.; Castiello, M.C.; Schiroli, G.; Albano, L.; Margulies, C.; Buquicchio, F.; Fontana, E.; Beretta, S.; Merelli, I.; Cappelleri, A.; Rancoita, P.M.V.; Lougaris, V.; Plebani, A.; Kanariou, M.; Lankester, A.; Ferrua, F.; Scanziani, E.; Cotta-Ramusino, C.; Villa, A.; Naldini, L. & Genovese, P. (2021), Modeling, optimization, and comparable efficacy of T cell and hematopoietic stem cell gene editing for treating hyper-IgM syndrome, EMBO Molecular Medicine 13(3).
- Bense, J.E.; Kloet, L.C. de; Stoep-Yap, M.Y.E.C. van der; Louwerens, M.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Lankester, A.C.; Pagter, A.P.J. de & Hannema, S.E. (2021), Late Endocrine Effects After Hsct in Children with Nonmalignant Diseases: A Single Center Cohort Analysis, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 316-316.
- Olbrich, P.; Dimitrova, D.; Gennery, A.; Schulz, A.; Bhat, S.; Slatter, M.; Heimall, J.; Zecca, M.; Lugt, M.V.; Veys, P.; Berghuis, D.; Molinos, A.; Raj, R.; Aksoylar, S.; Karaca, N.E.; Burroughs, L.M.; Torgerson, T.; Kanakry, J.; Moshous, D.; Hazelaar, S.; Freeman, A.F.; Lankester, A.; Holland, S.M.; Bredius, R. & Honig, M. (2021), International Survey And Retrospective Analysis of 28 Patients With IFN-Gamma-Receptor Deficiency, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 100-101.
- Kielsen, K.; Oostenbrink, L.V.E.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Ifversen, M.; Heilmann, C.; Schilham, M.W.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Bredius, R.G.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Jol-van Der Zijde, C.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Muller, K. (2021), IL-7 and IL-15 Levels Reflect the Degree of T Cell Depletion during Lymphopenia and Are Associated with an Expansion of Effector Memory T Cells after Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Journal of Immunology 206(12): 2828-2838.
- Stoep, E. van der; Smiers, F.; Bredius, R.; Berghuis, D.; Buddingh, E.; Mohseny, A.; Guchelaar, H.; Lankester, A. & Zwaveling, J. (2021), IDENTIFICATION OF TREOSULFAN-INDUCED MYALGIA IN PEDIATRIC HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION USING AN ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD TEXT MINING TOOL., Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 109: S76-S76.
- Mekelenkamp, H.; Zanten, H. van; Vries, M. de; Lankester, A. & Smiers, F. (2021), How to Facilitate Decision-Making for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Hemoglobinopathies - The Perspectives of Health Care Professionals, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 255-255.
- Mekelenkamp, H.; Zanten, H. van; Vries, M. de; Lankester, A.; Smiers, F. & SCORE Consortium (2021), How to facilitate decision-making for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with hemoglobinopathies, Frontiers in Pediatrics 9.
- Mohseny, A.B.; Eikema, D.J.A.; Neven, B.; Kroger, N.; Shaw, P.J.; Damaj, G.; Dalle, J.H.; Bosman, P.V.; Delehaye, F.; Lankester, A.C.; Smiers, F.J. & Latour, R.P. de (2021), Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Hepatitis-associated Aplastic Anemia Following Liver Transplantation for Nonviral Hepatitis: A Retrospective Analysis and a Review of the Literature by the Severe Aplastic Anemia Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 43(7): E1025-E1029.
- Lum, S.H.; Elfeky, R.; Achini, F.R.; Margarit-Soler, A.; Cinicola, B.; Perez-Heras, I.; Nademi, Z.; Flood, T.; Cheetham, T.; Worth, A.; Qasim, W.; Amin, R.; Rao, K.; Chiesa, R.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Amrolia, P.; Abinun, M.; Hambleton, S.; Veys, P.; Gennery, A.R.; Lankester, A. & Slatter, M. (2021), Outcome of Non-hematological Autoimmunity After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Children with Primary Immunodeficiency, Journal of Clinical Immunology 41(1): 171-184.
- Blom, M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Jansen, M.E.; Weijman, G.; Kemper, E.A.; Vermont, C.L.; Hollink, I.H.I.M.; Dik, W.A.; Montfrans, J.M. van; Gijn, M.E. van; Henriet, S.S.; Aerde, K.J. van; Koole, W.; Lankester, A.C.; Dekkers, E.H.B.M.; Schielen, P.C.J.I.; Vries, M.C. de; Henneman, L.; Burg, M. van der & SONNET-Study Grp (2021), Parents' perspectives and societal acceptance of implementation of newborn screening for SCID in the Netherlands, Journal of Clinical Immunology 41(1): 99-108.
- Versluys, A.B.; Boelens, J.J.; Pronk, C.; Lankester, A.; Bordon, V.; Buchner, J.; Ifversen, M.; Jackmann, N.; Sundin, M.; Vettenranta, K.; Abrahamson, J. & Mellgren, K. (2021), Hematopoietic cell transplant in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia after similar upfront therapy; a comparison of conditioning regimens, Bone Marrow Transplantation.
- Versluys, A.B.; Koning, C. de; Bierings, M.; Nierkens, S.; Lindemans, C.; Bresters, D.; Kollen, W.; Lankester, A. & Boelens, J.J. (2020), Combining Clofarabine and Fludarabine with Exposure Targeted Busulfan for Pediatric Leukemia: An Effective, Low Toxic, TBI-free Conditioning Regimen, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 279-280.
- Nademi, Z.; Rao, K.; Lum, S.H.; Jolles, S.; Steward, C.; Hughes, S.; Wynn, R.; Ip, W.; Worth, A.; Veys, P.; Lankester, A.; Maccari, M.E.; Flood, T.; Hambleton, S.; Gennery, A. & Slatter, M. (2020), UK Experience in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) for Activating PI3K Mutations, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 396-396.
- Svec, P.; Elfeky, R.; Galimard, J.E.; Higham, C.; Neven, B.; Dalissier, N.; Quigg, T.C.; Sanchez, D.B.; Lum, S.H.; Faraci, M.; Cole, T.; Pichler, H.; Benitez, M.; Horakova, J.; Gonzalez-Vicent, M.; Yanir, A.; Fagioli, F.; Schlegel, P.G.; Weid, N. von der; Robinson, S.; Krivan, G.; Speckman, C.; James, B.; Avcin, S.L.; Bertrand, Y.; Verna, M.; Riha, P.; Patrick, K.; Cesaro, S.; Kalwak, K.; Bierings, M.; Prohaszka, Z.; Lankester, A. & Corbacioglu, S. (2020), Use of Eculizumab in Children with Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy - A Multicenter Retrospective Study on Behalf of IEWP and PDWP EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 136-138.
- Mekelenkamp, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Bierings, M.B.; Smiers, F.J.W.; Vries, M.C. de & Kars, M.C. (2020), Parental experiences in end-of-life decision-making in allogeneic pediatric stem cell transplantation "Have I been a good parent?", Pediatric Blood & Cancer 67(5).
- Blincoe, A.; Heeg, M.; Campbell, P.K.; Hines, M.; Khojah, A.; Klein-Gitelman, M.; Talano, J.A.; Speckmann, C.; Touzot, F.; Lankester, A.; Legger, G.E.; Riviere, J.G.; Garcia-Prat, M.; Alonso, L.; Putti, M.C.; Lehmberg, K.; Maier, S.; Chazli, Y. el; Abd Elmaksoud, M.; Astigarraga, I.; Kurjane, N.; Bulina, I.; Kenina, V.; Bryceson, Y.; Rascon, J.; Lortie, A.; Goldstein, G.; Booth, C.; Worth, A.; Wassmer, E.; Schmitt, E.G.; Warren, J.T.; Bednarski, J.J.; Ali, S.; Chiang, K.Y.; Krueger, J.; Henry, M.M.; Holland, S.M.; Marsh, R.A.; Ehl, S. & Haddad, E. (2020), Neuroinflammatory disease as an isolated manifestation of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, Journal of Clinical Immunology 40(6): 901-916.
- Maggio, I.; Zittersteijn, H.A.; Wang, Q.; Liu, J.; Janssen, J.M.; Ojeda, I.T.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Lankester, A.C.; Hoeben, R.C. & Goncalves, M.A.F.V. (2020), Integrating gene delivery and gene-editing technologies by adenoviral vector transfer of optimized CRISPR-Cas9 components, Gene Therapy 27.
- Visser, G.L.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Bekker, V.; Pas, A.B. te; Lankester, A.C.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Verbeek, L. (2020), Leukocyte counts and other hematological values in twin-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 47(2): 123-128.
- Stoep, E. van der; Berghuis, D.; Bredius, R.; Buddingh, E.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Mohseny, A.; Klaassen, I.; Smiers, F.; Lankester, A. & Zwaveling, J. (2020), Treosulfan-induced Myalgia in Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 592-593.
- Dimitrova, D.; Nademi, Z.; Maccari, M.E.; Ehl, S.; Lankester, A.C.; Gennery, A.; Uzel, G.; Laberko, A.; Mukhina, A.; Ip, W.; Rao, K.; Worth, A.J.J.; Speckmann, C.; Wehr, C.; Abolhassani, H.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Bleesing, J.J.; Dara, J.; Dvorak, C.C.; Ghosh, S.; Kang, H.F.; Markelj, G.; Modi, A.; Bayer, D.; Notarangelo, L.D.; Schulz, A.; Garcia-Prat, M.; Soler-Palacin, P.; Kurakukcu, M.; Yilmaz, E.; Slatter, M. & Kanakry, J.A. (2020), International Retrospective Study of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) for Activated Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Delta (PI3K) Syndrome, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 26(3): S14-S15.
- Gluckman, E.; Fuente, J. de la; Cappelli, B.; Scigliuolo, G.M.; Volt, F.; Tozatto-Maio, K.; Rocha, V.; Tommaso, M.; O'Boyle, F.; Smiers, F.; Cunha-Riehm, C.B. da; Calore, E.; Bonanomi, S.; Graphakos, S.; Paisiou, A.; Albert, M.H.; Ruggeri, A.; Zecca, M.; Lankester, A.C.; Corbacioglu, S. & Paediat Dis PDWP Inborn Errors Wor (2020), The role of HLA matching in unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for sickle cell disease in Europe, Bone Marrow Transplantation.
- Dalle, J.H.; Balduzzi, A.; Bader, P.; Pieczonka, A.; Yaniv, I.; Lankester, A.; Bierings, M.; Yesilipek, A.; Sedlacek, P.; Ifversen, M.; Svec, P.; Toporski, J.; Gungor, T.; Wachowiak, J.; Glogova, E.; Poetschger, U. & Peters, C. (2020), The impact of donor type on the outcome of pediatric patients with very high risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56.
- Versluijs, A.B.; Koning, C. de; Lankester, A.C.; Bresters, D.; Kollen, W.; Lindemans, C.A.; Nierkens, S.; Bierings, M. & Boelens, J.J. (2020), Combining Clofarabine/Fludarabine with Exposure Targeted Busulfan for Pediatric Leukemia Is an Effective, Low Toxic TBI-Free Conditioning Regimen, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 26(3): S34-S35.
- Snowden, J.A.; Saccardi, R.; Orchard, K.; Ljungman, P.; Duarte, R.F.; Labopin, M.; McGrath, E.; Brook, N.; Elvira, C.R. de; Gordon, D.; Poirel, H.A.; Ayuk, F.; Beguin, Y.; Bonifazi, F.; Gratwohl, A.; Milpied, N.; Moore, J.; Passweg, J.; Rizzo, J.D.; Spellman, S.R.; Sierra, J.; Solano, C.; Sanchez-Guijo, F.; Worel, N.; Gusi, A.; Adams, G.; Balan, T.; Baldomero, H.; Macq, G.; Marry, E.; Mesnil, F.; Oldani, E.; Pearce, R.; Perry, J.; Raus, N.; Schanz, U.; Tran, S.; Wilcox, L.; Basak, G.W.; Chabannon, C.; Corbacioglu, S.; Dolstra, H.; Kuball, J.; Mohty, M.; Lankester, A.; Montoto, S.; Nagler, A.; Styczynski, J.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Latour, R.P. de; Kroeger, N.; Brand, R.; Wreede, L.C. de; Zwet, E. van & Putter, H. (2020), Benchmarking of survival outcomes following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a review of existing processes and the introduction of an international system from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the Joint Accreditation Committee of ISCT and EBMT (JACIE), Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(4): 681-694.
- Melsen, J.E.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Lankester, A.C.; Schilham, M.W. & Akker, E.B. van den (2020), A comprehensive workflow for applying single-cell clustering and pseudotime analysis to flow cytometry data, Journal of Immunology 205(3): 864-871.
- Uden, T.; Bertaina, A.; Abrahamsson, J.; Ansari, M.; Balduzzi, A.; Bourquin, J.; Gerhardt, C.; Bierings, M.; Hasle, H.; Lankester, A.; Mischke, K.; Moore, A.S.; Nivison-Smith, I.; Pieczonka, A.; Peters, C.; Sedlacek, P.; Reinhardt, D.; Stein, J.; Versluys, B.; Wachowiak, J.; Willems, L.; Zimmermann, M.; Locatelli, F. & Sauer, M.G. (2020), Outcome of children relapsing after first allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukaemia: a retrospective I-BFM analysis of 333 children, British Journal of Haematology.
- Styczynski, J.; Tridello, G.; Koster, L.; Iacobelli, S.; Biezen, A. van; Werf, S. van der; Mikulska, M.; Gil, L.; Cordonnier, C.; Ljungman, P.; Averbuch, D.; Cesaro, S.; Camara, R. de la; Baldomero, H.; Bader, P.; Basak, G.; Bonini, C.; Duarte, R.; Dufour, C.; Kuball, J.; Lankester, A.; Montoto, S.; Nagler, A.; Snowden, J.A.; Kroger, N.; Mohty, M.; Gratwohl, A. & Infect Dis Working Party EBMT (2020), Death after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(1).
- Ljungman, P.; Mikulska, M.; Camara, R. de la; Basak, G.W.; Chabannon, C.; Corbacioglu, S.; Duarte, R.; Dolstra, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Mohty, M.; Montoto, S.; Murray, J.; Latour, R.P. de; Snowden, J.A.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Verhouven, B.; Kroger, N.; Styczynski, J. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla (2020), The challenge of COVID-19 and hematopoietic cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55.
- Garcia-Perez, L.; Ordas, A.; Cante-Barrett, K.; Meij, P.; Pike-Overzet, K.; Lankester, A. & Staal, F.J.T. (2020), Preclinical development of autologous hematopoietic stem cell-based gene therapy for immune deficiencies: a journey from mouse cage to bed side, Pharmaceutics 12(6).
- Achini, F.R.; Smiers, F.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Schilham, M.W.; Lankester, A.C. & Bredius, R.G.M. (2020), Plasmapheresis to eliminate immunosuppressive alemtuzumab levels in a child with disseminated adenovirus infection after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
- Asmuth, E. von; Schilham, M.; Putter, H.; Mohseny, A. & Lankester, A. (2020), Long-term Erythropoietic Recovery after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Pediatric Patients: Host Determines Result, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 650-651.
- Tesch, V.K.; Abolhassani, H.; Shadur, B.; Zobel, J.; Mareika, Y.; Sharapova, S.; Karakoc-Aydiner, E.; Riviere, J.G.; Garcia-Prat, M.; Moes, N.; Haerynck, F.; Gonzales-Granado, L.I.; Perez, J.L.S.; Mukhina, A.; Shcherbina, A.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Hammarstrom, L.; Dogu, F.; Haskologlu, S.; Ikinciogullari, A.I.; Bal, S.K.; Baris, S.; Kilic, S.S.; Karaca, N.E.; Kutukculer, N.; Girschick, H.; Kolios, A.; Keles, S.; Uygun, V.; Stepensky, P.; Worth, A.; Montfrans, J.M. van; Peters, A.M.J.; Meyts, I.; Adeli, M.; Marzollo, A.; Padem, N.; Khojah, A.M.; Chavoshzadeh, Z.; Stefanija, M.A.; Bakhtiar, S.; Florkin, B.; Meeths, M.; Gamez, L.; Grimbacher, B.; Seppanen, M.R.J.; Lankester, A.; Gennery, A.R.; Seidel, M.G.; European Soc Blood & European Soc Immunodeficiencies (2020), Long-term outcome of LRBA deficiency in 76 patients after various treatment modalities as evaluated by the immune deficiency and dysregulation activity (IDDA) score, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 145(5): 1452-1463.
- Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Mohseny, A.B.; Putter, H.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2020), Modeling long-term erythropoietic recovery after allogeneic stem cell transplants in pediatric patients, Frontiers in Pediatrics 8.
- Willasch, A.M.; Peters, C.; Sedlacek, P.; Dalle, J.H.; Kitra-Roussou, V.; Yesilipek, A.; Wachowiak, J.; Lankester, A.; Prete, A.; Hamidieh, A.A.; Ifversen, M.; Buechner, J.; Krivan, G.; Hamladji, R.M.; Diaz-de-Heredia, C.; Skorobogatova, E.; Michel, G.; Locatelli, F.; Bertaina, A.; Veys, P.; Dupont, S.; Or, R.; Gungor, T.; Aleinikova, O.; Sufliarska, S.; Sundin, M.; Rascon, J.; Kaare, A.; Nemet, D.; Fagioli, F.; Klingebiel, T.E.; Styczynski, J.; Bierings, M.; Nagy, K.; Abecasis, M.; Afanasyev, B.; Ansari, M.; Vettenranta, K.; Alseraihy, A.; Chybicka, A.; Robinson, S.; Bertrand, Y.; Kupesiz, A.; Ghavamzadeh, A.; Campos, A.; Pichler, H.; Dalissier, A.; Labopin, M.; Corbacioglu, S.; Balduzzi, A.; Galimard, J.E.; Bader, P. & EBMT Paediat Dis Working Party (2020), Myeloablative conditioning for allo-HSCT in pediatric ALL, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(8): 1540-1551.
- Oostenbrink, L.V.E.; Laberko, A.; Sultanova, E.; Jol-van der Zijde, E.C.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Vervat, C.; Pershin, D.; Fadeeva, M.; Vladimirov, I.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Maschan, M.; Schilham, M.W.; Balashov, D. & Lankester, A.C. (2020), Pharmacokinetics of Active ATG Impacts T-cell Recovery after TCR alpha beta/CD19-Depleted HSCT in Paediatric Patients, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 632-633.
- Oostenbrink, L.V.E.; Mohseny, A.B.; Pool, E.S.; Jol-van der Zijde, E.C.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Vervat, C.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Bredius, R.G.M.; Smiers, F.J.W.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2020), Succesful HLA-Mismatched HSCT in Paediatric Patients with Hemoglobinopathies Using ATG Serotherapy and Posttransplant Cyclophosphamide, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 96-96.
- Garcia-Perez, L.; Eggermond, M. van; Roon, L. van; Vloemans, S.A.; Cordes, M.; Schambach, A.; Rothe, M.; Berghuis, D.; Lagresle-Peyrou, C.; Cavazzana, M.; Zhang, F.; Thrasher, A.J.; Salvatori, D.; Meij, P.; Villa, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Zwaginga, J.J.; Burg, M. van der; Gaspar, H.B.; Lankester, A.; Staal, F.J.T. & Pike-Overzet, K. (2020), Successful preclinical development of gene therapy for recombinase-activating gene-1-deficient SCID, Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development 17: 666-682.
- Felber, M.; Steward, C.G.; Kentouche, K.; Fasth, A.; Wynn, R.F.; Zeilhofer, U.; Haunerdinger, V.; Volkmer, B.; Prader, S.; Gruhn, B.; Ehl, S.; Lehmberg, K.; Muller, D.; Gennery, A.R.; Albert, M.H.; Hauck, F.; Rao, K.; Veys, P.; Hassan, M.; Lankester, A.C.; Schmid, J.P.; Hauri-Hohl, M.M.; Gungor, T.; Inborn Errors Working Party IEWP E & European Soc Immunodeficiencies ES (2020), Targeted busulfan-based reduced-intensity conditioning and HLA-matched HSCT cure hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, Blood Advances 4(9): 1998-2010.
- Passweg, J.R.; Baldomero, H.; Chabannon, C.; Basak, G.W.; Corbacioglu, S.; Duarte, R.; Dolstra, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Mohty, M.; Montoto, S.; Latour, R.P. de; Snowden, J.A.; Styczynski, J.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Kroger, N. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla (2020), The EBMT activity survey on hematopoietic-cell transplantation and cellular therapy 2018, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(8): 1604-1613.
- Berghuis, D.; Leeuwen, L. van; Hoogenboom, J.; Weemaes, C.; Slatter, M.; Elfeky, R.; Albert, M.; Meisel, R.; Laberko, A.; Yesilipek, A.; Mehyar, L.; Gennery, A. & Lankester, A. (2020), Immunodeficiency - Centromeric Instability - Facial Dysmorphism (ICF) Syndrome: Evaluation of Characteristics and Outcome after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 443-444.
- Stoep, E. van der; Bertaina, A.; Moes, D.J.; Algeri, M.; Bredius, R.; Smiers, F.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Locatelli, F.; Zwaveling, J. & Lankester, A. (2020), Treosulfan Exposure in Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation is Associated with Early Toxicity but not with event-free Survival, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 17-17.
- Chiesa, R.; Wang, J.F.; Blok, H.J.; Hazelaar, S.; Neven, B.; Moshous, D.; Schulz, A.; Hoenig, M.; Hauck, F.; Seraihy, A. al; Gozdzik, J.; Ljungman, P.; Lindemans, C.A.; Fernandes, J.F.; Kalwak, K.; Strahm, B.; Schanz, U.; Sedlacek, P.; Sykora, K.W.; Aksoylar, S.; Locatelli, F.; Stepensky, P.; Wynn, R.; Lurn, S.H.; Zecca, M.; Porta, F.; Taskinen, M.; Gibson, B.; Matthes, S.; Karakukcu, M.; Hauri-Hohl, M.; Veys, P.; Gennery, A.R.; Lucchini, G.; Felber, M.; Albert, M.H.; Balashov, D.; Lankester, A.; Gungor, T.; Slatter, M.A. & EBMT Inborn Errors Working Party (2020), Hematopoietic cell transplantation in chronic granulomatous disease, Blood 136(10): 1201-1211.
- Ghosh, S.; Bal, S.K.; Edwards, E.S.J.; Pillay, B.; Heredia, R.J.; Cipe, F.E.; Rao, G.; Salzer, E.; Zoghi, S.; Abolhassani, H.; Momen, T.; Gostick, E.; Price, D.A.; Zhang, Y.; Oler, A.J.; Gonzaga-Jauregui, C.; Erman, B.; Metin, A.; Ilhan, I.; Haskologlu, S.; Islamoglu, C.; Baskin, K.; Ceylaner, S.; Yilmaz, E.; Unal, E.; Karakukcu, M.; Berghuis, D.; Cole, T.; Gupta, A.K.; Hauck, F.; Kogler, H.; Hoepelman, A.I.M.; Baris, S.; Karakoc-Aydiner, E.; Ozen, A.; Kager, L.; Holzinger, D.; Paulussen, M.; Kruger, R.; Meisel, R.; Oommen, P.T.; Morris, E.; Neven, B.; Worth, A.; Montfrans, J. van; Fraaij, P.L.A.; Choo, S.; Dogu, F.; Davies, E.G.; Burns, S.; Duckers, G.; Becker, R.P.; Bernuth, H. von; Latour, S.; Faraci, M.; Gattorno, M.; Su, H.C.; Pan-Hammarstrom, Q.; Hammarstrom, L.; Lenardo, M.J.; Ma, C.S.; Niehues, T.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Rezaei, N.; Ikinciogullari, A.; Tangye, S.G.; Lankester, A.C.; Boztug, K. & Inborn Errors Working Party ESID (2020), Extended clinical and immunological phenotype and transplant outcome in CD27 and CD70 deficiency, Blood 136(23): 2638-2655.
- Niet, K. van der; Rozendaal, L.; Berghuis, D.; Stoep-Yap, E. van der; Asmuth, E. von; Taeye-Veldhuizen, M. de; Lankester, A. & Mekelenkamp, H. (2020), Evaluation of a Preventive Skin Care Protocol in Pediatric Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Patients Receiving Thiotepa, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 748-749.
- Admiraal, R.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Silva, J.M.F.; Knibbe, C.A.J.; Lankester, A.C.; Boelens, J.J.; Hale, G.; Etuk, A.; Wilson, M.; Adams, S.; Veys, P.; Kesteren, C. van & Bredius, R.G.M. (2019), Population Pharmacokinetics of Alemtuzumab (Campath) in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Towards Individualized Dosing to Improve Outcome, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 58(12): 1609-1620.
- Albert, M.H.; Slatter, M.; Gennery, A.; Gungor, T.; Blok, H.J.; Hazelaar, S.; Wang, J.F.; Courteille, V.; Mahlaoui, N.; Bernado, M.E.; Bodova, I.; Bruno, B.; Bykova, T.; Chiesa, R.; Fischer, A.; Formankova, R.; Kalwak, K.; Klein, C.; Kozlovskaya, S.; Kupesiz, A.; Locatelli, F.; Moshous, D.; Neven, B.; Porta, F.; Schulz, A.; Sykora, K.W.; Karakukcu, M.; Winiarski, J.; Zecca, M.; Veys, P. & Lankester, A.C. (2019), Busulfan/Fludarabine- or Treosulfan/Fludarabine-Based Conditioning Regimen for Patients with Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome - an EBMT Inborn Errors Working Party and Scetide Study, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 25(3).
- Greco, R.; Labopin, M.; Badoglio, M.; Veys, P.; Silva, J.M.F.; Abinun, M.; Gualandi, F.; Bornhauser, M.; Ciceri, F.; Saccardi, R.; Lankester, A.; Alexander, T.; Gennery, A.R.; Bader, P.; Farge, D. & Snowden, J.A. (2019), Allogeneic HSCT for Autoimmune Diseases: A Retrospective Study From the EBMT ADWP, IEWP, and PDWP Working Parties, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Maas, N.G. van der; Berghuis, D.; Burg, M. van der & Lankester, A.C. (2019), B Cell Reconstitution and Influencing Factors After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Shouval, R.; Fein, J.A.; Labopin, M.; Kroger, N.; Duarte, R.F.; Bader, P.; Chabannon, C.; Kuball, J.; Basak, G.W.; Dufour, C.; Galimard, J.E.; Polge, E.; Lankester, A.; Montoto, S.; Snowden, J.A.; Styczynski, J.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Mohty, M. & Nagler, A. (2019), Outcomes of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation from HLA-matched and alternative donors: a European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation registry retrospective analysis, Lancet Haematology 6(11): E573-E584.
- Stoep, M.Y.E.C. van der; Zwaveling, J.; Bertaina, A.; Locatelli, F.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Moes, D.J.A.R. (2019), Population pharmacokinetics of treosulfan in paediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 85(9): 2033-2044.
- van der Stoep Eileen, Zwaveling Juliette, Bertaina Alice, Locatelli Franco, Guchelaar Henk-Jan, Lankester Arjan & Moes Dirk Jan (2019), Population pharmacokinetics of treosulfan in pediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 212-213.
- Kielsen, K.; Oostenbrink, L.V.E.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Ifversen, M.; Heilmann, C.; Schilham, M.W.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Bredius, R.G.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Muller, K. (2019), IL-7 and IL-15 levels reflect the degree of T-cell depletion during lymphopenia and drive expansion of effector memory T cells after allogeneic HSCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 476-477.
- Opstelten, R.; Slot, M.C.; Lardy, N.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Mulder, A.; Claas, F.H.J.; Rood, J.J. van & Amsen, D. (2019), Determining the extent of maternal-foetal chimerism in cord blood, Scientific Reports 9.
- Faraci, M.; Bertaina, A.; Dalissier, A.; Ifversen, M.; Schulz, A.; Gennery, A.; Burkhardt, B.; Serra, I.B.; Diaz-de-Heredia, C.; Lanino, E.; Lankester, A.C.; Gruhn, B.; Matthes-Martin, S.; Kuhl, J.S.; Varotto, S.; Paillard, C.; Guilmatre, A.; Sastre, A.; Abecasis, M.; Garwer, B.; Sedlacek, P.; Boelens, J.J.; Beohou, E.; Bader, P. & EBMT Pediat Dis Working Party (2019), Solid organ transplantation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in childhood: A multicentric retrospective survey, American Journal of Transplantation 19(6): 1798-1805.
- Passweg, J.R.; Baldomero, H.; Basak, G.W.; Chabannon, C.; Corbacioglu, S.; Duarte, R.; Kuball, J.; Lankester, A.; Montoto, S.; Latour, R.P. de; Snowden, J.A.; Styczynski, J.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Arat, M.; Mohty, M.; Kroger, N. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla (2019), The EBMT activity survey report 2017: a focus on allogeneic HCT for nonmalignant indications and on the use of non-HCT cell therapies, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54(10): 1575-1585.
- Bader, P.; Salzmann-Manrique, E.; Balduzzi, A.; Dalle, J.H.; Woolfrey, A.E.; Bar, M.; Verneris, M.R.; Borowitz, M.J.; Shah, N.N.; Gossai, N.; Shaw, P.J.; Chen, A.R.; Schultz, K.R.; Kreyenberg, H.; Maio, L. di; Cazzaniga, G.; Eckert, C.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Sutton, R.; Lankester, A.; Peters, C.; Klingebiel, T.E.; Willasch, A.M.; Grupp, S.A.; Pulsipher, M.A.; Children's Oncology Grp; Pediatric Blood Marrow Transplant; Australian Transplantation Grp; Int Berlin-Frankfurt-Munster St; European Soc Blood Marrow Transpl & Westhafen Intercontinental Grp (2019), More precisely defining risk peri-HCT in pediatric ALL: pre- vs post-MRD measures, serial positivity, and risk modeling, Blood Advances 3(21): 3393-3405.
- Balduzzi, A.; Dalle, J.H.; Wachowiak, J.; Yaniv, I.; Yesilipek, A.; Sedlacek, P.; Bierings, M.; Ifversen, M.; Sufliarska, S.; Kalwak, K.; Lankester, A.; Toporski, J.; Maio, L. di; Glogova, E.; Poetschger, U. & Peters, C. (2019), Transplantation in Children and Adolescents with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia from a Matched Donor versus an HLA-Identical Sibling: Is the Outcome Comparable? Results from the International BFM ALL SCT 2007 Study, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 25(11): 2197-2210.
- Paiman, E.H.M.; Louwerens, M.; Bresters, D.; Westenberg, J.J.M.; Tao, Q.; Geest, R.J. van der; Lankester, A.C.; Roest, A.A.W. & Lamb, H.J. (2019), Late effects of pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation on left ventricular function, aortic stiffness and myocardial tissue characteristics, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 21.
- Poelman, E.; Hoogeveen-Westerveld, M.; Hout, J.M.P. van den; Bredius, R.G.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Driessen, G.J.A.; Kamphuis, S.S.M.; Pijnappel, W.W.M. & Ploeg, A.T. van der (2019), Effects of immunomodulation in classic infantile Pompe patients with high antibody titers, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 14.
- Bekker, V.; Zwittink, R.D.; Knetsch, C.W.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Berghuis, D.; Heidt, P.J.; Vossen, J.M.J.J.; Vos, W.M. de; Belzer, C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; van't Hof, P.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Kuijper, E.J. (2019), Dynamics of the Gut Microbiota in Children Receiving Selective or Total Gut Decontamination Treatment during Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 25(6): 1164-1171.
- Furtado-Silva, J.M.; Paviglianili, A.; Ruggeri, A.; Boelens, J.J.; Veys, P.; Ahmari, A.A.; Zecca, M.; Locatelli, F.; Michel, G.; Volt, F.; Kenzey, C.; Sedlacek, P.; Rao, K.; Lankester, A.; Gluckman, E.; Rocha, V.; Eurocord Monacord Cord Blood Comm & European Blood Marrow Transplant (2019), Risk factors affecting outcome of unrelated cord blood transplantation for children with familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, British Journal of Haematology 184(3): 397-404.
- Styczynski J, Tridello G, Gil L, Ljungman P, Mikulska M, van der Werf S, Knelange N, Averbuch D, Socie G, Veelken H, Dalle JH, Aljurf M, Kupesiz A, Bertrand Y, Tbakhi A, Afanasyev B, Ledoux MP, Labussiere-Wallet H, Poire X, Maertens J, Petersen E, Chevalier P, Milpied N, Snowden JA, Yakoub-Agha I, Cornelissen J, Schaap N, Dufour C, de Latour RP, Lankester A & Cesaro S (2019), Donor EBV-positive serostatus increases the risk of chronic GVHD in patients with non-malignant hematological disorders: Infectious diseases working party EBMT study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 400-401.
- Oostenbrink, L.V.E.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Kielsen, K.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Ifversen, M.; Muller, K.G.; Lankester, A.C.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Bredius, R.G.M.; Schilham, M.W. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2019), Differential Elimination of Anti-Thymocyte Globulin of Fresenius and Genzyme Impacts T-Cell Reconstitution After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Kuijt, C.; Dogterom, M.; Juffermans, S.; Taeye-Veldhuijzen, M. de; Verweij-Baars, H.; Lankester, A. & Mekelenkamp, H. (2019), Improving of safety practice in administration and management of chemotherapy in paediatric haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 662-662.
- Duarte, R.F.; Labopin, M.; Bader, P.; Basak, G.W.; Bonini, C.; Chabannon, C.; Corbacioglu, S.; Dreger, P.; Dufour, C.; Genneryl, A.R.; Kuball, J.; Lankester, A.C.; Lanza, F.; Montoto, S.; Nagler, A.; Latour, R.P. de; Snowden, J.A.; Styczynski, J.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Kroger, N.; Mohty, M.; Albert, M.; Alexander, T.; Averbuch, D.; Baron, F.; Bazarbachi, E.; Beksac, M.; Brissot, E.; Bug, G.; Cesaro, S.; Chalandon, Y.; Ciceri, F.; Czerw, T.; Dazzi, F.; Esteve, J.; Fleischhauer, K.; Garderet, L.; Giebel, S.; Gil, L.; Gilleece, M.; Gorin, N.C.; Hayden, P.; Halter, J.; Boluda, J.C.H.; Hudecek, M.; Kleinschmidt, K.; Kenyon, M.; Koenecke, C.; Locatelli, F.; Malard, F.; McLornan, D.; Mikulska, M.; Murray, J.; Onida, F.; Pedrazzoli, P.; Penack, O.; Peric, Z.; Risitano, A.; Robin, M.; Robinson, S.; Ruggeri, A.; Sanz, J.; Savani, B.; Schetelig, J.; Schied, C.; Schmid, C.; Schoemans, H.; Schonland, S.; Sharrack, B.; Shouval, R.; Spyridonidis, A.; Toubert, A.; Tourniac, O.; Urbano-Ispizua, A.; Vago, L.; Gelder, M. van; Verhoeven, B.; Versluis, J.; Wietten, L.; Willasch, A. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla (2019), Indications for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for haematological diseases, solid tumours and immune disorders: current practice in Europe, 2019, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54(10): 1525-1552.
- Lankester, A.; Heidt, P.; Rumke, H.; Bredius, R. & Tol, M. van (2019), In Memoriam: Prof. Dr. JMJJ Vossen (1937-2019), Journal of Clinical Immunology 39(6): 530-531.
- Blincoe Annaliesse, Heeg Maximilian, Campbell Patrick, Khojah Amer, Klein-Gitelman Marisa, Talano Julie-An, Booth Claire, Moshous Despina, Touzot Fabien, Lankester Arjan, Riviere Jacques, Putti Maria Caterina, Maier Sarah, Lehmberg Kai, Astigarraga Itziar, Holland Steven M., Marsh Rebecca A., Ehl Stephan & Haddad Elie (2019), Isolated Central Nervous System Disease in Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis a Multicenter Case Series, Journal of Clinical Immunology 39: S112-S113.
- Willasch AM, Peters C, Sedlacek P, Dalle JH, Kitra-Roussou V, Yesilipek A, Wachowiak J, Lankester A, Prete A, Hamidieh AA, Ifversen M, Buechner J, Krivan G, Hamladji RM, de Heredia CD, Skoroboga-Tova E, Michel G, Locatelli F, Bertaina A, Veys P, Dupont S, Or R, Gungor T, Aleinikova O, Sufliarska S, Sundin M, Rascon J, Kaare A, Nemet D, Fagioli F, Klingebiel TE, Styczynski J, Bierings M, Nagy K, Abecasis M, Afanasyev B, Ansari M, Venntenranta K, Alseraihy A, Chybicka A, Robinson S, Bertrand Y, Kupesiz A, Ghavamzadeh A, Campos A, Dalissier A, Labopin M, Corbacioglu S, Galimard JE & Bader P (2019), Myeloablative conditioning for first allogeneic HSCT in pediatric all: FTBI or chemotherapy? - An update of the retrospective multicenter EBMT-PDWP study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 137-138.
- Greco R, Labopin M, Badoglio M, Veys P, Silva J, Abinun M, Gualandi F, Bornhauser M, Ciceri F, Saccardi R, Lankester A, Alexander T, Gennery A, Bader P, Farge D & Snowden J (2019), Allogeneic hsct for autoimmune diseases: A retrospective study from the ebmt autoimmune diseases, inborn errors and paediatric working parties, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 33-34.
- Wentink, M.W.J.; Kalina, T.; Perez-Andres, M.; Molina, L.D.; IJspeert, H.; Kavelaars, F.G.; Lankester, A.C.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Burg, M. van der & EuroFlow PID Consortium (2019), Delineating Human B Cell Precursor Development With Genetically Identified PID Cases as a Model, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Faraci M, Diesch T, Labopin M, Dalissier A, Lankester A, Gennery A, Sundin M, Uckan-Cetinkaya D, Biering M, Strahm B, Garwer M, Schulz A, Michel G, Giorgiani G, Gruhn B, Locatelli F, Giardino S, Uyttebroeck A, Rialland F, Itala-Remes M, Dreger P, Shaw PH, Bordon V, Schlegel PG, Mellgren K, Moraleda JM, Patrick K, Schneider P, Jubert C, Lawitschka A, Salooja N, Basak GW, Corbaciuoglu S, Duarte R & Bader P (2019), Gonadal function after busulfan comparing to treosulfan in pediatric patients received allogeneic stem cell transplant. on behalf of paediatric disease & transplant complications working parties, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 527-528.
- Gennery, A.R.; Lankester, A. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla (2019), Long Term Outcome and Immune Function After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Primary Immunodeficiency, Frontiers in Pediatrics 7.
- Bortnick, R.; Wlodarski, M.; Haas, V. de; Moerloose, B. de; Dworzak, M.; Hasle, H.; Masetti, R.; Stary, J.; Turkiewicz, D.; Ussowicz, M.; Albert, M.H.; Bader, P.; Bordon, V.; Claviez, A.; Kremens, B.; Kuhl, J.S.; Lankester, A.C.; Muller, I.; Pichler, H.; Sedlacek, P.; Sykora, K.W.; Zecca, M.; Gohring, G.; Locatelli, F.; Noellke, P.; Niemeyer, C.M.; Strahm, B.; Noellke, P.; Niemeyer, C.M. & Strahm, B. (2019), Outcome of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children and Adolescents with GATA2-Related Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Blood 134.
- Maas, N.G. van der; Berghuis, D.; Putter, H.; Burg, M. van der & Lankester, A.C. (2019), Factors influencing B-cell reconstitution after HSCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 475-476.
- Faraci, M.; Diesch, T.; Labopin, M.; Dalissier, A.; Lankester, A.; Gennery, A.; Sundin, M.; Uckan-Cetinkaya, D.; Bierings, M.; Peters, A.M.J.; Garwer, M.; Schulz, A.; Michel, G.; Giorgiani, G.; Gruhn, B.; Locatelli, F.; Giardino, S.; Uyttebroeck, A.; Rialland, F.; Itala-Remes, M.; Dreger, P.; Shaw, P.J.; Bordon, V.; Schlegel, P.G.; Mellgren, K.; Moraleda, J.M.; Patrick, K.; Schneider, P.; Jubert, C.; Lawitschka, A.; Salooja, N.; Basak, G.W.; Corbacioglu, S.; Duarte, R.; Bader, P. & Pediat Transplant Complications Wo (2019), Gonadal Function after Busulfan Compared with Treosulfan in Children and Adolescents Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 25(9): 1786-1791.
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- Gennery, A.R.; Albert, M.H.; Slatter, M.A.; Lankester, A. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpla (2019), Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Primary Immunodeficiencies, Frontiers in Pediatrics 7.
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- Chiesa, R.; Wang, J.F.; Blok, H.J.; Neven, B.; Moshous, D.; Schulz, A.; Hoenig, M.; Albert, M.H.; Hauck, F.; Al-Seraihy, A.; Gozdzik, J.; Ljungman, P.; Lindemans, C.A.; Kalwak, K.; Strahm, B.; Schanz, U.; Sedlacek, P.; Sykora, K.W.; Aksoylar, S.; Locatelli, F.; Stepensky, P.; Wynn, R.; Lum, S.H.; Zecca, M.; Veys, P.; Gennery, A.; Felber, M.; Lankester, A.; Guengoer, T. & Slatter, M. (2018), Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children and Adults with Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD): A Study of the Inborn Errors Working Party (IEWP) of the EBMT, Blood 132.
- Dalle, J.H.; Balduzzi, A.; Bader, P.; Lankester, A.; Yaniv, I.; Wachowiak, J.; Pieczonka, A.; Bierings, M.; Yesilipek, A.; Sedlacek, P.; Ifversen, M.; Sufliarska, S.; Toporski, J.; Glogova, E.; Poetschger, U. & Peters, C. (2018), Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation from HLA-Mismatched Donors for Pediatric Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated According to the 2003 BFM and 2007 International BFM Studies: Impact of Disease Risk on Outcomes, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 24(9): 1848-1855.
- Xiao Y., Grabowska J. A., Mezzadra R., Voogd R., de Kivit S., Sun C., Lankester A. C., Schumacher T. & Borst J. (2018), Antigen crosspresentation and T-cell priming ability of human dendritic cells derived in vitro from a newly discovered oligopotent progenitor of granulocytes, macrophages, osteoclasts and dendritic cells, European Journal of Immunology 48: 30-31.
- Bomken, S.; Bosch, J.V. ten; Attarbaschi, A.; Bacon, C.M.; Borkhardt, A.; Boztug, K.; Fischer, U.; Hauck, F.; Kuiper, R.P.; Lammens, T.; Loeffen, J.; Neven, B.; Pan-Hammarstrom, Q.; Quinti, I.; Seidel, M.G.; Warnatz, K.; Wehr, C.; Lankester, A.C.; Gennery, A.R.; European Soc Immunodeficiencie; European Soc Blood Marrow Trans; European Reference Network Rare; Host Variation Task Force Int Berl & Study Grp European Intergrp Colla (2018), Current Understanding and Future Research Priorities in Malignancy Associated With Inborn Errors of Immunity and DNA Repair Disorders: The Perspective of an Interdisciplinary Working Group, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Staal F. J. T., Garcia-Perez L., van Eggermont M., van Roon L., Vloemans S., Cordes M., Baert M., Berghuis D., Rothe A. M., Schambach A., van der Burg M., Lankester A., Thrasher A. J., Gaspar H. B. & Pike-Overzet K. (2018), Developing stem cell-based gene therapy for RAG1 deficient-SCID, Human Gene Therapy 29(12): A24-A24.
- van der Stoep Eileen, Bertaina Alice, ten Brink Marloes, Bredius Robbert, Smiers Frans, Wanders Dominique, Moes Dirk Jan, Locatelli Franco, Guchelaar Henk-Jan, Zwaveling Juliette & Lankester Arjan (2018), High Treosulfan Exposure is Associated with Early Toxicity in Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Prospective Multicenter Study, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 24(3): S70-S71.
- Melsen, J.E.; Lugthart, G.; Vervat, C.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Zeeuw, S.A.J. van der; Buermans, H.P.J.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Lankester, A.C. & Schilham, M.W. (2018), Human Bone Marrow-Resident Natural Killer Cells Have a Unique Transcriptional Profile and Resemble Resident Memory CD8(+) T Cells, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Haan, N. de; Tol, M.J.D. van; Driessen, G.J.; Wuhrer, M. & Lankester, A.C. (2018), Immunoglobulin G Fragment Crystallizable Glycosylation Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Is Dissimilar to Donor Profiles, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Passweg, J.R.; Baldomero, H.; Bader, P.; Basak, G.W.; Bonini, C.; Duarte, R.; Dufour, C.; Kroger, N.; Kuball, J.; Lankester, A.; Montoto, S.; Nagler, A.; Snowden, J.A.; Styczynski, J.; Mohty, M. & European Soc Blood Marrow Transpl (2018), Is the use of unrelated donor transplantation leveling off in Europe? The 2016 European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplant activity survey report, Bone Marrow Transplantation 53(9): 1139-1148.
- Mohty, M.; Duarte, R.F.; Kuball, J.; Bader, P.; Basak, G.W.; Bonini, C.; Carreras, E.; Chabannon, C.; Dufour, C.; Gennery, A.; Lankester, A.; Lanza, F.; Ljungman, P.; Montoto, S.; Nagler, A.; Snowden, J.A.; Styczynski, J.; Sureda, A. & Kroger, N. (2018), Recommendations from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) for a curriculum in hematopoietic cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 53(12): 1548-1552.
- Thielen, F.W.; Blommestein, H.M.; Oosten, L.E.M.; Calkoen, F.G.; Lankester, A.C.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Blanc, K. le; Redondo, A.; Sanchez-Guijo, F.; Algeri, M.; Locatelli, F.; Fibbe, W.E. & Uyl-de Groot, C.A. (2018), Second-line treatment for acute graft-versus-host disease with mesenchymal stromal cells: A decision model, European Journal of Haematology 101(5): 676-683.
- Petersheim, D.; Massaad, M.J.; Lee, S.; Scarselli, A.; Cancrini, C.; Moriya, K.; Sasahara, Y.; Lankester, A.C.; Dorsey, M.; Giovanni, D. di; Bezrodnik, L.; Ohnishi, H.; Nishikomori, R.; Tanita, K.; Kanegane, H.; Morio, T.; Gelfand, E.W.; Jain, A.; Secord, E.; Picard, C.; Casanova, J.L.; Albert, M.H.; Torgerson, T.R. & Geha, R.S. (2018), Mechanisms of genotype-phenotype correlation in autosomal dominant anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immune deficiency, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 141(3): 1060-+.
- Kruizinga, M.D.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Bekker, V.; Netelenbos, T.; Smiers, F.J.; Bresters, D.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Kollen, W.J.W.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Bredius, R.G.M. (2018), Risk Factors, Treatment, and Immune Dysregulation in Autoimmune Cytopenia after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Pediatric Patients, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 24(4): 772-778.
- Corbacioglu, S.; Carreras, E.; Ansari, M.; Balduzzi, A.; Cesaro, S.; Dalle, J.H.; Dignan, F.; Gibson, B.; Guengoer, T.; Gruhn, B.; Lankester, A.; Locatelli, F.; Pagliuca, A.; Peters, C.; Richardson, P.G.; Schulz, A.S.; Sedlacek, P.; Stein, J.; Sykora, K.W.; Toporski, J.; Trigoso, E.; Vetteranta, K.; Wachowiak, J.; Wallhult, E.; Wynn, R.; Yaniv, I.; Yesilipek, A.; Mohty, M. & Bader, P. (2018), Diagnosis and severity criteria for sinusoidal obstruction syndrome/veno-occlusive disease in pediatric patients: a new classification from the European society for blood and marrow transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 53(2): 138-145.
- Haan, N. de; Tol, M. van; Driessen, G.; Wuhrer, M. & Lankester, A. (2018), IgG Fc Glycosylation After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation is Dissimilar to Donor Profiles, Bone Marrow Transplantation 53: 631-632.
- Bastiaans, D.E.T.; Immohr, L.I.; Zeinstra, G.G.; Strik-Albers, R.; Pein-Hackelbusch, M.; Flier, M. van der; Haan, A.F.J. de; Boelens, J.J.; Lankester, A.C.; Burger, D.M. & Warris, A. (2017), In vivo and in vitro palatability testing of a new paediatric formulation of valaciclovir, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 83(12): 2789-2797.
- Bekker, V.; Knetsch, C.W.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Berghuis, D.; Bredius, R.; Hof, P.J. van het; Lankester, A. & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), Microbiome dynamics during stem cell transplantation in children using total gut decontamination as graft-versus-host prophylaxis, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52: S370-S371.
- Kruizinga, M.; Tol, M. van; Bekker, V.; Smiers, F.; Bresters, D.; Bakker-Steeneveld, H.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.; Kollen, W.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Lankester, A. & Bredius, R. (2017), Autoimmune cytopenia following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pediatric patients, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52: S350-S351.
- Machowcz, R.; Suarez, F.; Wiktor-Jedrzejczak, W.; Eikema, D.J.; Wreede, L. de; Blok, H.J.; Isaksson, C.; Poire, X.; Nikolousis, M.; Kobbe, G.; Einsele, H.; Arnold, R.; Bonifazi, F.; McQuacker, G.; Lenhoff, S.; Rohrlich, P.S.; Theobald, M.; Ljungman, P.; Schaap, N.; Collin, M.; Albert, M.; Finke, J.; Ehninger, G.; Carlson, K.; Halaburda, K.; Johansson, J.E.; Zecca, M.; Diez-Martin, J.; Lehmberg, K.; Schonland, S.; Lankester, A.; Gennery, A. & Kroger, N. (2017), Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Provides Cure for Adult Patients with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH): A Retrospective Study of The Chronic Malignancies and Inborn ErrorsWorking Parties (CMWP and IEWP) of The EBMT, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 64: S23-S24.
- Theunissen, P.M.J.; Sedek, L.; Haas, V. de; Szczepanski, T.; Sluijs, A. van der; Mejstrikova, E.; Novakova, M.; Kalina, T.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Orfao, A.; Lankester, A.C.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Velden, V.H.J. van der & EuroFlow Consortium (2017), Detailed immunophenotyping of B-cell precursors in regenerating bone marrow of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients: implications for minimal residual disease detection, British Journal of Haematology 178(2): 257-266.
- Balduzzi, A.; Dalle, J.H.; Jahnukainen, K.; Wolff, M. von; Lucchini, G.; Ifversen, M.; Macklon, K.T.; Poirot, C.; Diesch, T.; Jarisch, A.; Bresters, D.; Yaniv, I.; Gibson, B.; Willasch, A.M.; Fadini, R.; Ferrari, L.; Lawitschka, A.; Ahler, A.; Sanger, N.; Corbacioglu, S.; Ansari, M.; Moffat, R.; Dalissier, A.; Beohou, E.; Sedlacek, P.; Lankester, A.; Rubio, C.D.D.; Vettenranta, K.; Wachowiak, J.; Yesilipek, A.; Trigoso, E.; Klingebiel, T.; Peters, C.; Bader, P.; Pediat Dis Working Party European & Int BFM Study Grp (2017), Fertility preservation issues in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: practical approaches from the consensus of the Pediatric Diseases Working Party of the EBMT and the International BFM Study Group, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52(10): 1406-1415.
- Wentink, M.; Dalm, V.; Lankester, A.C.; Schouwenburg, P.A. van; Scholvinck, L.; Kalina, T.; Zachova, R.; Sediva, A.; Lambeck, A.; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Pac, M.; Bernatowska, E.; Hagen, M. van; Driessen, G. & Burg, M. van der (2017), Genetic defects in PI3K delta affect B-cell differentiation and maturation leading to hypogammaglobulineamia and recurrent infections, Clinical Immunology 176: 77-86.
- Lucchini, G.; Labopin, M.; Beohou, E.; Dalissier, A.; Dalle, J.H.; Cornish, J.; Zecca, M.; Samarasinghe, S.; Gibson, B.; Locatelli, F.; Bertrand, Y.; Abdel-Rahman, F.; Socie, G.; Sundin, M.; Lankester, A.; Sedlacek, P.; Hamladji, R.M.; Heilmann, C.; Afanasyev, B.; Hough, R.; Peters, C.; Bader, P. & Veys, P. (2017), Impact of Conditioning Regimen on Outcomes for Children with Acute Myeloid Leukemia Undergoing Transplantation in First Complete Remission. An Analysis on Behalf of the Pediatric Disease Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 23(3): 467-474.
- Dalle, J.H.; Lucchini, G.; Balduzzi, A.; Ifversen, M.; Jahnukainen, K.; Macklon, K.T.; Ahler, A.; Jarisch, A.; Ansari, M.; Beohou, E.; Bresters, D.; Corbacioglu, S.; Dalissier, A.; Rubio, C.D.D.; Diesch, T.; Gibson, B.; Klingebiel, T.; Lankester, A.; Lawitschka, A.; Moffat, R.; Peters, C.; Poirot, C.; Saenger, N.; Sedlacek, P.; Trigoso, E.; Vettenranta, K.; Wachowiak, J.; Willasch, A.; Wolff, M. von; Yaniv, I.; Yesilipek, A.; Bader, P. & EBMT Paediat Dis Working Party (2017), State-of-the-art fertility preservation in children and adolescents undergoing haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a report on the expert meeting of the Paediatric Diseases Working Party (PDWP) of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) in Baden, Austria, 29-30 September 2015, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52(7): 1029-1035.
- Kruizinga, M.D.; Bresters, D.; Smiers, F.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Bredius, R.G.M. (2017), The use of intravenous pentamidine for the prophylaxis of Pneumocystis pneumonia in pediatric patients, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 64(8).
- Walraven, S.M. van; Brand, A.; Bakker, J.N.A.; Heemskerk, M.B.A.; Nillesen, S.; Bierings, M.B.; Bungener, L.B.; Hepkema, B.G.; Lankester, A.; Meer, A. van der; Sintnicolaas, K.; Somers, J.A.E.; Spierings, E.; Tilanus, M.G.J.; Voorter, C.E.M.; Cornelissen, J.J. & Oudshoorn, M. (2017), The increase of the global donor inventory is of limited benefit to patients of non-Northwestern European descent, Haematologica 102(1): 176-183.
- Rizzi, M.; Courteille, V.; Mahlaoui, N.; Lankester, A.; Finke, J.; Warnatz, K. & Wehr, C. (2017), STRIDE: Stem cell TRansplantation in CVID with severe Immune DysrEgulation, European Journal of Immunology 47: 292-292.
- Thielen, F.; Blommestein, H.M.; Oosten, L.; Fibbe, W.; Blanc, K. le; Locatelli, F.; Sanchez-Guijo, F.; Calkoen, F.; Lankester, A.; Algeri, M.; Redondo-Guijo, A. & Uyl-de Groot, C.A. (2017), SECOND-LINE TREATMENT FOR STEROID-REFRACTORY GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE WITH MESENCHYMAL STROMAL CELLS. A CONCEPTUAL DISEASE MODEL, Value in Health 20(9): A545-A546.
- Perez, L.G.; Roon, L. van; Schilham, M.W.; Lankester, A.C.; Pike-Overzet, K. & Staal, F.J.T. (2017), Reducing stem cell conditioning for SCID gene therapy, Human Gene Therapy 28(12): A88-A88.
- Stoep, M.Y.E.C. van der; Bertaina, A.; Brink, M.H. ten; Bredius, R.G.; Smiers, F.J.; Wanders, D.C.M.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Locatelli, F.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Zwaveling, J. & Lankester, A.C. (2017), High interpatient variability of treosulfan exposure is associated with early toxicity in paediatric HSCT: a prospective multicentre study, British Journal of Haematology 179(5): 772-780.
- Lugthart, G.; Goedhart, M.; Leeuwen, M.M. van; Melsen, J.E.; Zijde, C.M.J.V.D.; Vervat, C.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Lankester, A.C. & Schilham, M.W. (2017), Expansion of cytotoxic CD56(bright) natural killer cells during T-cell deficiency after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 140(5): 1466-+.
- Lugthart, G.; Melsen, J.; Vervat, C.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M. van; Corver, W.; Roelen, D.; Bergen, J. van; Tol, M. van; Lankester, A. & Schilham, M.W. (2016), Human lymphoid tissues harbor a distinct CD69+CXCR6+natural killer cell population, Bone Marrow Transplantation 51: S315-S315.
- Boztug, H.; Sykora, K.W.; Slatter, M.; Zecca, M.; Veys, P.; Lankester, A.; Cant, A.; Skinner, R.; Wachowiak, J.; Glogova, E.; Potschger, U. & Peters, C. (2016), European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Analysis of Treosulfan Conditioning Before Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children and Adolescents With Hematological Malignancies, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 63(1): 139-148.
- Melsen, J.E.; Lugthart, G.; Lankester, A.C. & Schilham, M.W. (2016), Human Circulating and Tissue-Resident CD56(bright) Natural Killer Cell Populations, Frontiers in Immunology 7.
- Harnisch, E.; Buddingh, E.P.; Thijssen, P.E.; Brooks, A.S.; Driessen, G.J.; Kersseboom, R. & Lankester, A.C. (2016), Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in a Patient With ICF2 Syndrome Presenting With EBV-Induced Hemophagocytic Lymphohystiocytosis, Transplantation 100(7): E35-E36.
- Wlodarski, M.W.; Hirabayashi, S.; Pastor, V.; Stary, J.; Hasle, H.; Masetti, R.; Dworzak, M.; Schmugge, M.; Heuvel-Eibrink, M. van den; Ussowicz, M.; Moerloose, B. de; Catala, A.; Smith, O.P.; Sedlacek, P.; Lankester, A.C.; Zecca, M.; Bordon, V.; Matthes-Martin, S.; Abrahamsson, J.; Kuhl, J.S.; Sykora, K.W.; Albert, M.H.; Przychodzien, B.; Maciejewski, J.P.; Schwarz, S.; Gohring, G.; Schlegelberger, B.; Cseh, A.; Noellke, P.; Yoshimi, A.; Locatelli, F.; Baumann, I.; Strahm, B.; Niemeyer, C.M. & EWOG-MDS (2016), Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and prognosis of GATA2-related myelodysplastic syndromes in children and adolescents, Blood 127(11): 1387-1397.
- Wiekmeijer, A.S.; Pike-Overzet, K.; IJspeert, H.; Brugman, M.H.; Wolvers-Tettero, I.L.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Fibbe, W.E.; Langerak, A.W.; Burg, M. van der & Staal, F.J.T. (2016), Identification of checkpoints in human T-cell development using severe combined immunodeficiency stem cells, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 137(2): 517-+.
- Lugthart, G.; Melsen, J.E.; Vervat, C.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Corver, W.E.; Roelen, D.L.; Bergen, J. van; Tol, M.J.D. van; Lankester, A.C. & Schilham, M.W. (2016), Human Lymphoid Tissues Harbor a Distinct CD69(+)CXCR6(+) NK Cell Population, Journal of Immunology 197(1): 78-84.
- Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Prins, H.J.; Boerman, G.H.; Vervat, C.; Pende, D.; Putter, H.; Lankester, A.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Zwaginga, J.J. & Schilham, M.W. (2016), Preparation of Cytokine-activated NK Cells for Use in Adoptive Cell Therapy in Cancer Patients: Protocol Optimization and Therapeutic Potential, Journal of Immunotherapy 39(2): 90-100.
- Lugthart, G.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Halteren, A.G. van; Bredius, R.G.; Tol, M.J. van; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2015), Methotrexate prophylaxis prevents severe aGvHD after HLA-identical sibling transplantation for pediatric ALL without compromising relapse risk, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S40-S41.
- Schaarenburg, R.A. van; Schejbel, L.; Truedsson, L.; Topaloglu, R.; Al-Mayouf, S.M.; Riordan, A.; Simon, A.; Kallel-Sellami, M.; Arkwright, P.D.; Ahlin, A.; Hagelberg, S.; Nielsen, S.; Shayesteh, A.; Morales, A.; Tam, S.; Genel, F.; Berg, S.; Ketel, A.G.; Berg, J.M. van den; Kuijpers, T.W.; Olsson, R.F.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Trouw, L.A. (2015), Marked variability in clinical presentation and outcome of patients with C1q immunodeficiency, Journal of Autoimmunity 62: 39-44.
- Koster, M.; Verweij-Baars, H.; Mekelenkamp, H.; Ball, L.; Taeye-Veldhuijzen, M. de; Kollen, W. & Lankester, A. (2015), HOSPITALITY AS A LEAD FOR IMPROVING CARE OF PAEDIATRIC SCT PATIENTS, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: 5524-5524.
- Lankester, A.; Bredius, R.; Mahlaoui, N.; Courteille, V.; Provot, J.; Honig, M.; Schulz, A.; Slatter, M.; Gaspar, B.; Veys, P.; Moshous, D.; Neven, B.; Blanche, S.; Cavazzana-Calvo, M.; Fischer, A.; Gennery, A.; EBMT IEWP & EBMT IEWP (2015), Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation between 1968 and 2013 for Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) below age two: an update by the European Registry (SCETIDE), Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S105-S106.
- Ferrua, F.; Courteille, V.; Janda, A.; Slatter, M.; Albert, M.H.; Al-Mousa, H.; Al-Saud, B.; Balashov, D.; Bertrand, Y.; Booth, C.; Bordon, V.; Czogala, W.; Dogu, F.; Fasth, A.; Formankova, R.; Gozdzik, J.; Heilmann, C.; Honig, M.; Ikinciogullari, A.; Kalwak, K.; Keogh, S.J.; Krivan, G.; Lange, A.; Lankester, A.C.; Ljungman, P.; Meyts, I.; Neven, B.; Soncini, E.; Suarez, F.; Mahlaoui, N.; Fischer, A.; Davies, E.G.; Gennery, A.R. & EBMT IEWP (2015), Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for CD40 ligand deficiency: results from an EBMT Inborn Errors Working Party (IEWP) study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S45-S46.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Zijl, S.; Wang, L.Q.; Groot, D.C. de; Tol, M.J. van; Lankester, A.C. & Borst, J. (2015), Identification of the Common Origins of Osteoclasts, Macrophages, and Dendritic Cells in Human Hematopoiesis, Stem Cell Reports 4(6): 984-994.
- Schaarenburg, R.A. van; Daha, N.A.; Schonkeren, J.J.M.; Levarht, E.W.N.; Gijlswijk-Janssen, D.J. van; Kurreeman, F.A.S.; Roos, A.; Kooten, C. van; Koelman, C.A.; Ernst-Kruis, M.R.; Toes, R.E.M.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Trouw, L.A. (2015), Identification of a novel non-coding mutation in C1qB in a Dutch child with C1q deficiency associated with recurrent infections, Immunobiology 220(3): 422-427.
- Pahl, J.H.W.; Santos, S.J.; Kuijjer, M.L.; Boerman, G.H.; Sand, L.G.L.; Szuhai, K.; Cleton-Jansen, A.; Egeler, R.M.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2015), Expression of the immune regulation antigen CD70 in osteosarcoma, Cancer Cell International 15.
- Latour, R.P. de; Peters, C.; Gibsons, B.; Strahm, B.; Lankester, A.; Heredia, C.D. de; Longoni, D.; Fioredda, F.; Locatelli, F.; Yaniv, I.; Wachowiak, J.; Donadieu, J.; Lawitschka, A.; Bierings, M.; Wlodarski, M.; Corbacioglu, S.; Bonanomi, S.; Samarasinghe, S.; Leblanc, T.; Dufour, C.; Dalle, J.H.; Pediat Working Party PDWP & European Grp Blood Marrow (2015), Recommendations on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50(9): 1168-1172.
- Boztug, H.; Glogova, E.; Potschger, U.; Zecca, M.; Veys, P.; Lankester, A.; Cant, A.; Skinner, R.; Slatter, M.; Wachowiak, J.; Sykora, K.W.; Peters, C. & EBMT Pediatric Dis Working Party (2015), EBMT metaanalysis of treosulfan conditioning before allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in paediatric patients with haematological malignancies, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S229-S229.
- Boelens, J.; Bredius, R.; Versluys, B.; Kollen, W.; Lindemans, C.A.; Lankester, A. & Bierings, M. (2015), Combining Clofarabine/Fludarabine with Exposure Targeted Busulfan for Pediatric Leukemia: An Effective, Low Toxic TBI-Free Conditioning Regimen, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 21(2): S93-S94.
- Lugthart, G.; Vervat, C.; Melsen, J.E.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Roelen, D.L.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Lankester, A.C. & Schilham, M.W. (2015), CD69 and CXCR6 Identify a Distinct Population of Human Bone Marrow and Spleen Resident NK Cells, Blood 126(23).
- Boerman, G.H.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Kraal, K.C.J.M.; Santos, S.J.; Ball, L.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Schilham, M.W.; Egeler, R.M. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2015), Role of NKG2D, DNAM-1 and natural cytotoxicity receptors in cytotoxicity toward rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines mediated by resting and IL-15-activated human natural killer cells, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 64(5): 573-583.
- Nierkens, S.; Lankester, A.C.; Egeler, R.M.; Bader, P.; Locatelli, F.; Pulsipher, M.A.; Bollard, C.M.; Boelens, J.J. & Westhafen Intercontinental Grp (2015), Challenges in the harmonization of immune monitoring studies and trial design for cell-based therapies in the context of hematopoietic cell transplantation for pediatric cancer patients, Cytotherapy 17(12): 1667-1674.
- Lugthart, G.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Tol, M.J.D. van; Lankester, A.C. & Schilham, M.W. (2015), CD56(dim)CD16(-) NK cell phenotype can be induced by cryopreservation, Blood 125(11): 1842-1843.
- Verhoeven, D.H.J.; Claas, E.C.J.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Thijssen, J.C.P.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Putter, H.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2015), Reactivation of Human Herpes Virus-6 After Pediatric Stem Cell Transplantation Risk Factors, Onset, Clinical Symptoms and Association With Severity of Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 34(10): 1118-1127.
- Lugthart, G.; Oomen, M.A.; Zijde, C.M.J.V.D.; Ball, L.M.; Bresters, D.; Kollen, W.J.W.; Smiers, F.J.; Vermont, C.L.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Schilham, M.W.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Lankester, A.C. (2015), The Effect of Cidofovir on Adenovirus Plasma DNA Levels in Stem Cell Transplantation Recipients without T Cell Reconstitution, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 21(2): 293-299.
- Slatter, M.A.; Boztug, H.; Potschger, U.; Sykora, K.W.; Lankester, A.; Yaniv, I.; Sedlacek, P.; Glogova, E.; Veys, P.; Gennery, A.R.; Peters, C. & EBMT Inborn Errors Paediat Dis Wor (2015), Treosulfan-based conditioning regimens for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with non-malignant diseases, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50(12): 1536-1541.
- Lankester, A.C.; Locatelli, F.; Bader, P.; Rettinger, E.; Egeler, M.; Katewa, S.; Pulsipher, M.A.; Nierkens, S.; Schultz, K.; Handgretinger, R.; Grupp, S.A.; Boelens, J.J.; Bollard, C.M. & Westhafen Intercontinental Grp (2015), Will Post-Transplantation Cell Therapies for Pediatric Patients Become Standard of Care?, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 21(3): 402-411.
- Thus, K.A.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Hond, T.A.P. de; Dijk, M.R. van; Kloos, R.Q.H.; Lankester, A.C.; Bierings, M.B. & Spierings, E. (2015), The number of T cell allo-epitopes associates with CD4+and CD8+T-cell infiltration in pediatric cutaneous GVHD, Cellular Immunology 295(2): 112-117.
- Admiraal, R.; Kesteren, C. van; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Lankester, A.; Bierings, M.; Tol, M. van; Knibbe, C.A.J.; Bredius, R. & Boelens, J.J. (2015), Thymoglobulin (R) Exposure Is Influencing CD4+Immune Reconstitution As a Predictor for Improved Overall Survival in Pediatric Haematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Towards Individualized Dosing, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 21(2): S91-S92.
- Willemsen, L.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Admiraal, R.; Putter, H.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M.; Wijnen, J.T.; Kesteren, C. van; Waaijer, J.L.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2015), Impact of Serotherapy on Immune Reconstitution and Survival Outcomes After Stem Cell Transplantations in Children: Thymoglobulin Versus Alemtuzumab, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 21(3): 473-482.
- Admiraal, R.; Kesteren, C. van; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Bierings, M.B.; Egberts, T.C.G.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Knibbe, C.A.J.; Bredius, R.G.M. & Boelens, J.J. (2015), Association between anti-thymocyte globulin exposure and CD4(+) immune reconstitution in paediatric haemopoietic cell transplantation: a multicentre, retrospective pharmacodynamic cohort analysis, Lancet Haematology 2(5): E194-E203.
- Boztug, H.; Zecca, M.; Sykora, K.W.; Veys, P.; Lankester, A.; Slatter, M.; Skinner, R.; Wachowiak, J.; Potschger, U.; Glogova, E.; Peters, C. & EBMT Paediat Dis Working Party (2015), Treosulfan-based conditioning regimens for allogeneic HSCT in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, Annals of Hematology 94(2): 297-306.
- Balduzzi, A.; Dalle, J.H.; Lankester, A.C.; Yaniv, I.; Yesilipek, A.; Sedlacek, P.; Ifversen, M.; Sufliarska, S.; Bierings, M.B.; Wachowiak, J.; Toporski, J.; Poetschger, U.; Glogova, E.; Hirsch, I. & Peters, C. (2015), Risk Factors Affecting Outcome of Transplantation in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Results of the International BFM ALL SCT Study, Blood 126(23).
- Mahlaoui, N.; Bredius, R.; Lankester, A.; Courteille, V.; Provot, J.; Honig, M.; Schulz, A.; Slatter, M.; Gaspar, B.; Veys, P.; Moshous, D.; Neven, B.; Blanche, S.; Fischer, A.; Gennery, A.; EBMT IEWP & EBMT IEWP (2015), Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation For Patients With Primary Immune Deficiencies In Europe: An Update By The European Registry (SCETIDE), Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S106-S107.
- Pike-Overzet, K.; Wiekmeijer, A.S.; Brugman, M.H.; Wolvers-Tettero, I.L.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.; Dongen, J.J. van; Fibbe, W.E.; Langerak, A.W.; Burg, M. van der & Staal, F.J. (2015), Transplantation of human SCID stem cells in NSG mice gives new insights into human T-cell development, Human Gene Therapy 26(10): A59-A59.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Grabowska, J.A.; Mezzadra, R.; Tol, M.J. van; Lankester, A.C. & Borst, J. (2015), A Common Progenitor for Macrophages, Osteoclasts and Dendritic Cells Newly Discovered in Human Bone Marrow and Cord Blood Yields Dendritic Cells with T-Cell Priming Ability, Blood 126(23).
- Pike-Overzet, K.; Baert, M.R.M.; Schambach, A.; Rothe, M.; Zhang, F.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Thrasher, A.; Gaspar, B. & Staal, F.J.T. (2015), Successful Correction of Rag1 Severe Combined Immunedefciency at Clinically Relevant Vector Copy Numbers, Molecular Therapy 23: S111-S111.
- Halteren, A. van; Griendt, I. van der; Kemps-Mols, B.; Eikmans, M.; Marijt, E.; Netelenbos, T.; Griffioen, M.; Lankester, A. & Tol, M. van (2015), Passive transfer of male microchimeric cells from female donors to female HSCT patients: a case report, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S150-S151.
- Mekelenkamp, H.; Lankester, A.; Bierings, M.; Ball, L. & Kars, M. (2015), PARENTAL EXPERIENCES AND PERSPECTIVES OF END-OF-LIFE DECISION-MAKING IN ALLOGENEIC PAEDIATRIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S505-S505.
- Jol-van der Zijde, E.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.; Hale, G.; Lankester, A.; Bredius, R. & Tol, M. van (2015), NK-cell recovery after allogeneic HSCT occurs in the presence of circulating Thymoglobulin (ATG) or Alemtuzumab, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S42-S43.
- Kosmoliaptsis, V.; Joris, M.M.; Mallon, D.H.; Lankester, A.C.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Kuball, J.; Bierings, M.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Groenendijk-Sijnke, M.E.; Holt, B. van der; Bradley, J.A.; Oudshoorn, M.; Rood, J.J. van; Taylor, C.J. & Claas, F.H.J. (2015), Physiochemical disparity of mismatched HLA class I alloantigens and risk of acute GVHD following HSCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50(4): 540-544.
- Lugthart, G.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Holten, T.C. van; Kester, M.G.D.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Toll, M.J.D. van & Lankester, A.C. (2014), Early Cytomegalovirus Reactivation Leaves a Specific and Dynamic Imprint on the Reconstituting T Cell Compartment Long-Term after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 20(5): 655-661.
- Wiekmeijer, A.; Pike-Overzet, K.; Brugman, M.H.; Wolvers-Tettero, I.L.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Fibbe, W.E.; Langerak, A.W.; Burg, M. van der & Staal, F.J.T. (2014), Transplantation of human SCID stem cells in NSG mice gives new insights into human T-cell development and reveals where SCID mutations act, Human Gene Therapy 25(11): A41-A41.
- Pike-Overzet, K.; Baert, M.R.M.; Schambach, A.; Rothe, M.; Zhang, F.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Thrasher, A.J.; Gaspar, H.B. & Staal, F.J.T. (2014), Finding levels of RAG1 expression that will correct RAG1 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Human Gene Therapy 25(11): A41-A41.
- Joris, M.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Borne, P. von dem; Kuball, J.; Bierings, M.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Groenendijk-Sijnke, M.E.; Holt, B. van der; Rood, J.J. van; Oudshoorn, M. & Claas, F.H.J. (2014), Translating in vitro prediction of cytotoxic T cell alloreactivity to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation outcome, Transplant Immunology 30(2-3): 59-64.
- Brink, M. ten; Bavel, T. van; Swen, J.J.; Straaten, T. van der; Bredius, R.G.; Lankester, A.C.; Zwaveling, J. & Guchelaar, H. (2014), THE ROLE OF GENETIC VARIANTS GSTA1 AND CYP39A1 AND ONTOGENESIS ON BUSULFAN CLEARANCE IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS UNDERGOING HEMATOPOIETIC SCT., Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 95: S100-S100.
- Calkoen, F.G.J.; Vervat, C.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Welters, M.J.P.; Veltrop-Duits, L.A.; Lankester, A.C.; Egeler, R.M.; Ball, L.M. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2014), Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy Is Associated With Increased Adenovirus-Associated but Not Cytomegalovirus-Associated Mortality in Children With Severe Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease, Stem Cells Translational Medicine 3(8): 899-910.
- Vermont, C.L.; Jol-van der Zijde, E.C.M.; Hissink Muller, P.; Ball, L.M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Vossen, A.C. & Lankester, A.C. (2014), Varicella zoster reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplant in children is strongly correlated with leukemia treatment and suppression of host T-lymphocyte immunity, Transplant Infectious Disease 16(2): 188-194.
- IJspeert, H.; Driessen, G.J.; Moorhouse, M.J.; Hartwig, N.G.; Wolska-Kusnierz, B.; Kalwak, K.; Pituch-Noworolska, A.; Kondratenko, I.; Montfrans, J.M. van; Mejstrikova, E.; Lankester, A.C.; Langerak, A.W.; Gent, D.C. van; Stubbs, A.P.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Burg, M. van der (2014), Similar recombination-activating gene (RAG) mutations result in similar immunobiological effects but in different clinical phenotypes, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 133(4): 1124-+.
- Brink, M. ten; Ackaert, O.; Zwaveling, J.; Bredius, R.G.; Smiers, F.J.; Hartigh, J. den; Lankester, A.C. & Guchelaar, H. (2014), Pharmacokinetics of Treosulfan in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 36(4): 465-472.
- Brink, M.H. ten; Zwaveling, J.; Swen, J.J.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2014), Personalized busulfan and treosulfan conditioning for pediatric stem cell transplantation: the role of pharmacogenetics and pharmacokinetics, Drug Discovery Today 19(10): 1572-1586.
- Gestel, J.P.J. van; Bierings, M.B.; Dauger, S.; Dalle, J.H.; Pavlicek, P.; Sedlacek, P.; Monteiro, L.M.; Lankester, A. & Bollen, C.W. (2014), Outcome of invasive mechanical ventilation after pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic SCT: results from a prospective, multicenter registry, Bone Marrow Transplantation 49(10): 1287-1292.
- Pahl, J.H.W.; Kwappenberg, K.M.C.; Varypataki, E.M.; Santos, S.J.; Kuijjer, M.L.; Mohamed, S.; Wijnen, J.T.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Jiskoot, W.; Lankester, A.C. & Schilham, M.W. (2014), Macrophages inhibit human osteosarcoma cell growth after activation with the bacterial cell wall derivative liposomal muramyl tripeptide in combination with interferon-gamma, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 33.
- Vossen, J.M.; Guiot, H.F.L.; Lankester, A.C.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Wolterbeek, R.; Bakker, H.D.J. & Heidt, P.J. (2014), Complete Suppression of the Gut Microbiome Prevents Acute Graft- Versus-Host Disease following Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation, PLoS ONE 9(9).
- Dvorak, C.C.; Hassan, A.; Slatter, M.A.; Honig, M.; Lankester, A.C.; Buckley, R.H.; Pulsipher, M.A.; Davis, J.H.; Gungor, T.; Gabriel, M.; Bleesing, J.H.; Bunin, N.; Sedlacek, P.; Connell, J.A.; Crawford, D.F.; Notarangelo, L.D.; Pai, S.Y.; Hassid, J.; Veys, P.; Gennery, A.R. & Cowan, M.J. (2014), Comparison of outcomes of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation without chemotherapy conditioning by using matched sibling and unrelated donors for treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 134(4): 935-U263.
- Amaral, A.T.; Manara, M.C.; Berghuis, D.; Ordonez, J.L.; Biscuola, M.; Lopez-Garcia, M.A.; Osuna, D.; Lucarelli, E.; Alviano, F.; Lankester, A.; Scotlandi, K. & Alava, E. de (2014), Characterization of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Ewing Sarcoma Patients. Pathogenetic Implications, PLoS ONE 9(2).
- Schaarenburg, R.A. van; Schejbel, L.; Truedsson, L.; Topaloglu, R.; Al-Mayouf, S.M.; Riordan, A.; Simon, A.; Kallel-Sellami, M.; Arkwright, P.D.; Ahlin, A.; Hagelberg, S.; Nielsen, S.; Shayesteh, A.; Morales, A.; Tam, S.; Genel, F.; Berg, S.; Berg, J.M. van den; Kuijpers, T.W.; Olsson, R.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Trouw, L.A. (2014), C1q deficient individuals have a wide variety of clinical presentation, quality of life and life expectancy, Molecular Immunology 61(2): 260-260.
- Brink, M.H. ten; Bredius, R.G.M.; Zwaveling, J.; Ackaert, O.; Hartigh, J. den; Smiers, F.J.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Lankester, A. (2014), Treosulfan-Based Conditioning in Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Prospective Study on Pharmacokinetics and Early Clinical Outcomes, Blood 124(21).
- Pike-Overzet, K.; Baum, C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Cavazzana, M.; Driessen, G.J.; Fibbe, W.E.; Gaspar, H.B.; Hoeben, R.C.; Lagresle-Peyrou, C.; Lankester, A.; Meij, P.; Schambach, A.; Thrasher, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Zwaginga, J.J. & Staal, F.J.T. (2014), Successful RAG1-SCID gene therapy depends on the level of RAG1 expression.
- Bierings, M.; Boelens, J.; Kollen, W.; Versluys, B.; Pieters, R.; Velden, V. van der & Lankester, A. (2013), The impact of pre-transplant disease load on outcome in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in the current era, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S289-S289.
- Ball, L.M.; Bernardo, M.E.; Roelofs, H.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Contoli, B.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Avanzini, M.A.; Conforti, A.; Bertaina, A.; Giorgiani, G.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Zecca, M.; Blanc, K. le; Frassoni, F.; Egeler, R.M.; Fibbe, W.E.; Lankester, A.C. & Locatelli, F. (2013), Multiple infusions of mesenchymal stromal cells induce sustained remission in children with steroid-refractory, grade III-IV acute graft-versus-host disease, British Journal of Haematology 163(4): 501-509.
- Joris, M.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Borne, P.A.V.; Kuball, J.; Bierings, M.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Groenendijk-Sijnke, M.E.; Holt, B. van der; Haasnoot, G.W.; Zanden, H.G.M. van der; Walraven, S.M. van; Rood, J.J. van; Claas, F.H.J. & Oudshoorn, M. (2013), The impact of frequent HLA haplotypes in high linkage disequilibrium on donor search and clinical outcome after unrelated haematopoietic SCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48(4): 483-490.
- Brink, M.H. ten; Bavel, T. van; Swen, J.J.; Straaten, T. van der; Bredius, R.G.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Zwaveling, J. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2013), Effect of genetic variants GSTA1 and CYP39A1 and age on busulfan clearance in pediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Pharmacogenomics 14(14): 1683-1690.
- Schultz, R.K.R.; Baker, K.S.; Boelens, J.J.; Bollard, C.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Cowan, M.; Ladenstein, R.; Lankester, A.; Locatelli, F.; Lawitschka, A.; Levine, J.E.; Loh, M.; Nemecek, E.; Niemeyer, C.; Prasad, V.K.; Rocha, V.; Shenoy, S.; Strahm, B.; Veys, P.; Wall, D.; Bader, P.; Grupp, S.A.; Pulsipher, M.A. & Peters, C. (2013), Challenges and Opportunities for International Cooperative Studies in Pediatric Hematopoeitic Cell Transplantation: Priorities of the Westhafen Intercontinental Group, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 19(9): 1279-1287.
- Vlug, R.; Bertels, R.; Lankester, A.; Bredius, R.; Bresters, D. & Smiers, F. (2013), Pulmonary hypertension following paediatric allogeneic stem cell transplantation: improved outcome after treatment with sildenafil, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S288-S288.
- Peters, C.; Sykora, K.W.; Veys, P.; Lankester, A.; Slatter, M.; Skinner, R.; Wachowiak, J. & Poetschger, U. (2013), Treosulfan for Conditioning in Children and Adolescents Before Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 19(2): S164-S164.
- Gestel, S. van; Dauger, S.; Dalle, J.; Pavlicek, P.; Sedlacek, P.; Monteiro, L.; Lankester, A.; Bollen, C. & Bierings, M. (2013), Results from a prospective, multicentre registry of mechanical ventilation in children after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S2-S3.
- Pike-Overzet, K.; Wiekmeijer, A.S.; Baert, M.R.M.; Lagresle-Peyrou, C.; Schambach, A.; Zhang, F.; Hoeben, R.C.; Hacein-Bey-Abina, S.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Driessen, G.J.A.; Thrasher, A.J.; Baum, C.; Cavazzana-Calvo, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Staal, F.J.T. (2013), Self-Inactivating Lentiviral Vectors for Correction of Rag1 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Molecular Therapy 21: S120-S121.
- Pahl, J.H.W.; Ruslan, S.E.N.; Kwappenberg, K.M.C.; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Tol, M.J.D. van; Lankester, A.C. & Schilham, M.W. (2013), Antibody-dependent cell lysis by NK cells is preserved after sarcoma-induced inhibition of NK cell cytotoxicity, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 62(7): 1235-1247.
- Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Willemsen, L.; Putter, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2013), Impact of serotherapy on the outcome after stem cell transplantation in children: ATG versus Campath-1H, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S54-S54.
- Lugthart, G.; Jol-Van der Zijde, C.M.; Holten, T.C. van; Tol, M.J.D. van & Lankester, A.C. (2013), Early CMV reactivation after stem cell transplantation leaves an imprint on the CD8+T-lymphocyte compartment one year post transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S132-S132.
- Walraven, S.M. van; Straathof, L.M.; Switzer, G.E.; Lankester, A.; Korthof, E.T.; Brand, A. & Ball, L.M. (2013), Immediate and long-term somatic effects, and health-related quality of life of BM donation during early childhood. A single-center report in 210 pediatric donors, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48(1): 40-45.
- Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Buddingh, E.P. & Lankester, A.C. (2012), Immunotherapy Is it different for sarcomas?, OncoImmunology 1(2): 255-257.
- Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Smiers, F.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2012), Antibodies to anti-thymocyte globulin in aplastic anemia patients have a negative impact on hematopoietic SCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 47(9): 1256-1258.
- Lugthart, G.; Albon, S.J.; Ricciardelli, I.; Kester, M.G.D.; Meij, P.; Lankester, A.C. & Amrolia, P.J. (2012), Simultaneous Generation of Multivirus-specific and Regulatory T Cells for Adoptive Immunotherapy, Journal of Immunotherapy 35(1): 42-53.
- Kuijjer, M.L.; Rydbeck, H.; Kresse, S.H.; Buddingh, E.P.; Lid, A.B.; Roelofs, H.; Burger, H.; Myklebost, O.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Meza-Zepeda, L.A. & Cleton-Jansen, A.M. (2012), Identification of osteosarcoma driver genes by integrative analysis of copy number and gene expression data, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 51(7): 696-706.
- Pike-Overzet, K.; Rodijk, M.; Ng, Y.Y.; Baert, M.; Lagresle-Peyrou, C.; Schambach, A.; Zhang, F.; Hoeben, R.; Hacein-Bey-Abina, S.; Lankester, A.; Bredius, R.; Driessen, G.; Thrasher, A.; Baum, C.; Cavazzana-Calvo, M.; Dongen, J. van & Staal, F. (2012), SELF-INACTIVATING LENTIVIRAL VECTORS FOR CORRECTION OF RAG1 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, Experimental Hematology 40(8): S46-S47.
- Joris, M.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Borne, P.A.V.; Boelens, J.J.; Kuball, J.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Zanden, H. van der; Groenendijk-Sijnke, M.E.; Holt, B. van der; Rood, J.J. van; Oudshoorn, M. & Claas, F.H.J. (2012), DONOR-PATIENT PAIRS WITH FREQUENT 5 LOCUS HIGH RESOLUTION TYPED HLA-HAPLOTYPES IN HIGH LINKAGE DISEQUILIBRIUM BETWEEN HLA-B/-C AND-DRB1 HAVE DECREASED RISK OF ACUTE GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE, Tissue Antigens 79(6): 460-460.
- Pike-Overzet, K.; Rodijk, M.; Ng, Y.Y.; Baert, M.R.M.; Lagresle-Peyrou, C.; Schambach, A.; Zhang, F.; Hoeben, R.C.; Hacein-Bey-Abina, S.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Driessen, G.J.A.; Thrasher, A.J.; Baum, C.; Cavazzana-Calvo, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Staal, F.J.T. (2012), Self-Inactivating Lentiviral Vectors for Correction of Rag1 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Human Gene Therapy 23(10): A42-A42.
- Lankester, A.C.; Gemerden, J. van; Jol-van der Zijde, C.J. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2012), Recipient T-lymphocytes may selectively persist after successful myeloablative stem cell transplantation in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and contribute to anti-viral immune responses, Bone Marrow Transplantation 47: S275-S275.
- Pahl, J.H.W.; Verhoeven, D.H.J.; Kwappenberg, K.M.C.; Vellinga, J.; Lankester, A.C.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Schilham, M.W. (2012), Adenovirus type 35, but not type 5, stimulates NK cell activation via plasmacytoid dendritic cells and TLR9 signaling, Molecular Immunology 51(1): 91-100.
- Trouw, L.; Schonkeren, J.; Daha, N.; Levarht, N.; Roos, A.; Ernst-Kruis, M.; Huizinga, T.; Lankester, A. & Toes, R. (2012), A novel non-coding mutation in C1q that causes C1q deficiency associated with recurrent infections, Immunobiology 217(11): 1132-1132.
- Mul, D.; Wu, S.; Paus, R.A. de; Oostdijk, W.; Lankester, A.C.; Duyvenvoorde, H.A. van; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Losekoot, M.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Luca, F. de; Vosse, E. van de & Wit, J.M. (2012), A mosaic de novo duplication of 17q21-25 is associated with GH insensitivity, disturbed in vitro CD28-mediated signaling, and decreased STAT5B, PI3K, and NF-kappa B activation, European Journal of Endocrinology 166(4): 743-752.
- IJspeert, H.; Driessen, G.J.; Hartwig, N.G.; Wolska, B.; Kalwak, K.; Pituch-Noworolska, A.; Kondratenko, I.; Montfrans, J.M. van; Krasowska, A.; Mejstrikova, E.; Lankester, A.C.; Langerak, A.W.; Gent, D.C. van; Dongen, J.M. van & Burg, M. van der (2012), SIMILAR N-TERMINAL TRUNCATING RAG1 MUTATIONS GIVE RISE TO A BROAD SPECTRUM OF CLINICAL PHENOTYPES, Journal of Clinical Immunology 32: 312-313.
- Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Raaijmakers, S.; Egeler, R.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2012), IgG antibodies to ATG early after pediatric hematopoietic SCT increase the risk of acute GVHD, Bone Marrow Transplantation 47(3): 360-368.
- Pahl, J.H.W.; Ruslan, S.E.N.; Buddingh, E.P.; Santos, S.J.; Szuhai, K.; Serra, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2012), Anti-EGFR Antibody Cetuximab Enhances the Cytolytic Activity of Natural Killer Cells toward Osteosarcoma, Clinical Cancer Research 18(2): 432-441.
- Meij, P.; Jedema, I.; Zandvliet, M.L.; Heiden, P.L.J. van der; Meent, M. van de; Egmond, H.M.E. van; Liempt, E. van; Hoogstraten, C.; Kruithof, S.; Veld, S.; Marijt, E.W.A.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Lankester, A.C.; Halkes, C.J.M. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2012), Effective Treatment of Refractory CMV Reactivation After Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation With In Vitro-generated CMV pp65-specific CD8(+) T-cell Lines, Journal of Immunotherapy 35(8): 621-628.
- Amaral, A.T.; Manara, M.C.; Berghuis, D.; Ordonez, J.L.; Lucarelli, E.; Alviano, F.; Lankester, A.C.; Scotlandi, K. & Alava, E. (2012), Immunophenotype and CD99 Expression Patterns of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Implication in Ewing Sarcoma Genesis, Biology and Treatment, European Journal of Cancer 48: S229-S230.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Ruslan, S.E.N.; Berghuis, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Anninga, J.K.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2012), Intact interferon signaling in peripheral blood leukocytes of high-grade osteosarcoma patients, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 61(6): 941-947.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Kuijjer, M.L.; Duim, R.; Burger, H.; Agelopoulos, K.; Myklebost, O.; Serra, M.; Mertens, F.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Lankester, A.C. & Cleton-Jansen, A.M. (2011), Tumor-Infiltrating Macrophages Are Associated with Metastasis Suppression in High-Grade Osteosarcoma: A Rationale for Treatment with Macrophage-Activating Agents, Laboratory Investigation 91: 10A10A.
- Tilmans, F.; Schilham, M.W.; Bakker-Steeneveld, H.; Jol-van der Zijde, E.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Lankester, A.C. (2011), Omitting methotrexate prophylaxis increases acute graft-versus-host disease in identical sibling transplantation in childhood leukaemia, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46: S145S146.
- Bernardo, M.E.; Ball, L.M.; Cometa, A.M.; Roelofs, H.; Zecca, M.; Avanzini, M.A.; Bertaina, A.; Vinti, L.; Lankester, A.; Maccario, R.; Ringden, O.; Blanc, K. le; Egeler, R.M.; Fibbe, W.E. & Locatelli, F. (2011), Co-infusion of ex vivo-expanded, parental MSCs prevents life-threatening acute GVHD, but does not reduce the risk of graft failure in pediatric patients undergoing allogeneic umbilical cord blood transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46(2): 200-207.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Kuijjer, M.L.; Duim, R.; Burger, H.; Agelopoulos, K.; Myklebost, O.; Serra, M.; Mertens, F.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Lankester, A.C. & Cleton-Jansen, A.M. (2011), Tumor-Infiltrating Macrophages Are Associated with Metastasis Suppression in High-Grade Osteosarcoma: A Rationale for Treatment with Macrophage-Activating Agents, Modern Pathology 24: 10A10A.
- Vries, A. de; Zwaan, C.M.; Beverloo, H.B.; Wagner, A.; Lankester, A.; Boekhorst, P.T.; Coo, R. de; Schoonderwoerd, K.; Smeets, B.; Polychronopoulou, S.; Pieters, R. & Heuvel, M.M. van den (2011), Germline Mitochondrial DNA Mutations As a Novel First Event in Childhood Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Blood 118(21): 745-745.
- Veltrop-Duits, L.A.; Vreeswijk, T. van; Heemskerk, B.; Thijssen, J.C.P.; Seady, R. el; Zijde, E.M.J.V.D.; Claas, E.C.J.; Lankester, A.C.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Schilham, M.W. (2011), High Titers of Pre-existing Adenovirus Serotype-Specific Neutralizing Antibodies in the Host Predict Viral Reactivation After Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children, Clinical Infectious Diseases 52(12): 1405-1413.
- Jol-van der Zijde, E.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2011), Occurrence of human antibodies to thymoglobulin is frequent and associated with transplant-related toxicity after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46: S8S8.
- IJspeert, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Berg, J.M. van den; Wiegant, W.; Zelm, M.C. van; Weemaes, C.M.R.; Warris, A.; Pan-Hammarstrom, Q.; Pastink, A.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Gent, D.C. van & Burg, M. van der (2011), Artemis splice defects cause atypical SCID and can be restored in vitro by an antisense oligonucleotide, Genes and Immunity 12(6): 434-444.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Schilham, M.W.; Eriaty, S.; Ruslan, N.; Berghuis, D.; Szuhai, K.; Suurmond, J.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Egeler, R.M.; Serra, M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2011), Chemotherapy-resistant osteosarcoma is highly susceptible to IL-15-activated allogeneic and autologous NK cells, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 60(4): 575-586.
- Ball, L.M.; Bernardo, M.E.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Giorgiani, G.; Roelofs, H.; Cometa, A.M.; Bertaina, A.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Zijde, E.J. van de; Avanzini, M.A.; Blanc, K. le; Ringden, O.; Frassoni, F.; Fibbe, W.E.; Egeler, M.; Lankester, A.C. & Locatelli, F. (2011), Mesenchymal stromal cells are highly effective in steroid-refractory, grade III-IV acute graft-versus-host disease in children, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46: S6S7.
- Berghuis, D.; Santos, S.J.; Baelde, H.J.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2011), Pro-inflammatory chemokine-chemokine receptor interactions within the Ewing sarcoma microenvironment determine CD8(+) T-lymphocyte infiltration and affect tumour progression, Journal of Pathology 223(3): 347-357.
- Gestel, S. van; Dauger, S.; Dalle, J.H.; Pavlicek, P.; Sedlacek, P.; Monteiro, L.; Lankester, A.C.; Bollen, C. & Bierings, M. (2011), Results from a prospective, multi-centre database on intensive care treatment in children after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46: S17S18.
- Greef, J.C. de; Wang, J.; Balog, J.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Frants, R.R.; Straasheijm, K.R.; Aytekin, C.; Burg, M. van der; Duprez, L.; Ferster, A.; Gennery, A.R.; Gimelli, G.; Reisli, I.; Schuetz, C.; Schulz, A.; Smeets, D.F.C.M.; Sznajer, Y.; Wijmenga, C.; Eggermond, M.C. van; Ostaijen-ten Dam, M.M. van; Lankester, A.C.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Elsen, P.J. van den; Weemaes, C.M. & Maarel, S.M. van der (2011), Mutations in Z8T824 Are Associated with Immunodeficiency, Centromeric Instability, and Facial Anomalies Syndrome Type 2, American Journal of Human Genetics 88(6): 796-804.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Kuijjer, M.L.; Duim, R.A.J.; Burger, H.; Agelopoulos, K.; Myklebost, O.; Serra, M.; Mertens, F.; Hogendoom, P.C.W.; Lankester, A.C. & Cleton-Jansen, A.M. (2011), Tumor-Infiltrating Macrophages Are Associated with Metastasis Suppression in High-Grade Osteosarcoma: A Rationale for Treatment with Macrophage Activating Agents, Clinical Cancer Research 17(8): 2110-2119.
- Pike-Overzet, K.; Rodijk, M.; Ng, Y.Y.; Baert, M.R.M.; Lagresle-Peyrou, C.; Schambach, A.; Zhang, F.; Hoeben, R.C.; Hacein-Bey-Abina, S.; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Driessen, G.J.A.; Thrasher, A.J.; Baum, C.; Cavazzana-Calvo, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Staal, F.J.T. (2011), Correction of murine Rag1 deficiency by self-inactivating lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer, Leukemia 25(9): 1471-1483.
- Veltrop-Duits, L.A.; Vreeswijk, T. van; Heemskerk, B.; Thijssen, J.C.; Seady, R. el; Jol-van der Zijde, E.; Claas, E.C.J.; Lankester, A.C.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Schilham, M.W. (2011), High titres of pre-existing adenovirus serotype-specific neutralizing antibodies predict viral reactivation after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in children, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46: S210S210.
- Booth, C.; Gilmour, K.C.; Veys, P.; Gennery, A.R.; Slatter, M.A.; Chapel, H.; Heath, P.T.; Steward, C.G.; Smith, O.; O'Meara, A.; Kerrigan, H.; Mahlaoui, N.; Cavazzana-Calvo, M.; Fischer, A.; Moshous, D.; Blanche, S.; Pachlopnick-Schmid, J.; Latour, S.; Saint-Basile, G. de; Albert, M.; Notheis, G.; Rieber, N.; Strahm, B.; Ritterbusch, H.; Lankester, A.; Hartwig, N.G.; Meyts, I.; Plebani, A.; Soresina, A.; Finocchi, A.; Pignata, C.; Cirillo, E.; Bonanomi, S.; Peters, C.; Kalwak, K.; Pasic, S.; Sedlacek, P.; Jazbec, J.; Kanegane, H.; Nichols, K.E.; Hanson, I.C.; Kapoor, N.; Haddad, E.; Cowan, M.; Choo, S.; Smart, J.; Arkwright, P.D. & Gaspar, H.B. (2011), X-linked lymphoproliferative disease due to SAP/SH2D1A deficiency: a multicenter study on the manifestations, management and outcome of the disease, Blood 117(1): 53-62.
- Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2010), Sensibilization of severe aplastic anaemia patients to thymoglobulin (ATG) impairs the efficacy of ATG in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) conditioning, Bone Marrow Transplantation 45: S168S169.
- Herr, A.L.; Kabbara, N.; Bonfim, C.M.S.; Teira, P.; Locatelli, F.; Tiedemann, K.; Lankester, A.; Jouet, J.P.; Messina, C.; Bertrand, Y.; Heredia, C.D. de; Peters, C.; Chaves, W.; Nabhan, S.K.; Ionescu, I.; Gluckman, E. & Rocha, V. (2010), Long-term follow-up and factors influencing outcomes after related HLA-identical cord blood transplantation for patients with malignancies: an analysis on behalf of Eurocord-EBMT, Blood 116(11): 1849-1856.
- Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.; Egeler, R.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Tol, M.J.D. van (2010), Human antibodies to thymoglobulin may impair the efficacy of the conditioning in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 45: S130S131.
- Lankester, A.C.; Ball, L.M.; Lang, P. & Handgretinger, R. (2010), Immunotherapy in the Context of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: The Emerging Role of Natural Killer Cells and Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, Pediatric Clinics of North America 57(1): 97+.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Anninga, J.K.; Versteegh, M.I.M.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Rijswijk, C.S.P. van; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Lankester, A.C. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Prognostic Factors in Pulmonary Metastasized High-Grade Osteosarcoma, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 54(2): 216-221.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Anninga, J.K.; Versteegh, M.I.M.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Rijswijk, C.S.P. van; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Lankester, A.C. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Prognostic factors in pulmonary metastasized high-grade osteosarcoma., Pediatric Blood and Cancer 54(2): 216-21.
- Berghuis, D.; Santos, S.J.; Baelde, J.J.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2010), A Pro-Inflammatory Tumor Microenvironment with High Chemokine Expression and High Tumor-Infiltrating CD3+CD8+Numbers Associates with Improved Survival in Ewing Sarcoma (EWS).
- Faaij, C.M.; Annels, N.E.; Ruigrok, G.; Burg, M. van der; Ball, L.M.; Bredius, R.G.; Tol, M.J. van & Lankester, A.C. (2010), Decrease of Skin Infiltrating and Circulating CCR10+T Cells Coincides with Clinical Improvement after Topical Tacrolimus in Omenn Syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 130(1): 308-311.
- Zandvliet, M.L.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Liempt, E. van; Veltrop-Duits, L.A.; Lankester, A.C.; Kalpoe, J.S.; Kester, M.G.D.; Steen, D.M. van der; Tol, M.J. van; Willemze, R.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Schilham, M.W. & Meij, P. (2010), Combined CD8(+) and CD4(+) adenovirus hexon-specific T cells associated with viral clearance after stem cell transplantation as treatment for adenovirus infection, Haematologica 95(11): 1943-1951.
- Lankester, A.C.; Bierings, M.B.; Wering, E.R. van; Wijkhuijs, A.J.M.; Weger, R.A. de; Wijnen, J.T.; Vossen, J.M.; Versluys, B.; Egeler, R.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Putter, H.; Revesz, T.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Velden, V.H.J. van der & Schilham, M.W. (2010), Preemptive alloimmune intervention in high-risk pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients guided by minimal residual disease level before stem cell transplantation., Leukemia 24(8): 1462-9.
- Willemze, A.J.; Press, R.R.; Lankester, A.C.; Egeler, R.M.; Hartigh, J. den & Vossen, J.M. (2010), CsA exposure is associated with acute GVHD and relapse in children after SCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 45(6): 1056-1061.
- Ball, L.M.; Bernardo, M.E.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Tol, M. van; Cometa, A.; Roelofs, H.; Giorgiani, G.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Avanzini, M.A.; Blanc, K. le; Bertaina, A.; Frassoni, F.; Fibbe, W.E.; Ringden, O.; Egeler, R.M.; Locatelli, F. & Lankester, A. (2010), Early Intervention with Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Refractory Grade III-IV Graft Versus Host Disease In Children Results In Excellent Long Term Outcome., Blood 116(21): 965-965.
- Ball, L.M.; Schweizer, J.; Lankester, A.; Bernardo, M.E.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Roelofs, H.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Fibbe, W.E.; Locatelli, F. & Egeler, R.M. (2010), Gastrointestinal steroid refractory GvHD in children successfully treated with mesenchymal stromal cells cannot be solely assessed by clinical response, Bone Marrow Transplantation 45: S132S133.
- Ball, L.; Bernardo, M.E.; Lankester, A.; Tol, M. van; Locatelli, F. & Egeler, M. (2010), MESENCHYMAL STROMAL CELL TREATMENT IN CHILDREN WITH ACUTE GVHD. TIME FOR A RANDOMIZED STUDY OF EARLY INTERVENTION?, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 55(5): 928-928.
- Wu, S.F.; Walenkamp, M.J.; Lankester, A.; Bidlingmaier, M.; Wit, J.M. & Luca, F. de (2010), Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Insensitivity of Fibroblasts Isolated from a Patient with an I kappa B alpha Mutation, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(3): 1220-1228.
- Fry, T.J. & Lankester, A.C. (2010), Cancer Immunotherapy: Will Expanding Knowledge Lead to Success in Pediatric Oncology?, Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America 24(1): 109+.
- Ball, L.M.; Bernardo, M.E.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Avanzini, M.A.; Lankester, A.C.; Roelofs, H.; Giorgiani, G.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Blanc, K. le; Fibbe, W.E.; Egeler, R.M. & Locatelli, F. (2010), Children responding to treatment with mesenchymal stromal cells for refractory severe graft-versus-host disease have excellent long-term outcome, Bone Marrow Transplantation 45: S261S261.
- Gennery, A.R.; Slatter, M.A.; Grandin, L.; Taupin, P.; Cant, A.J.; Veys, P.; Amrolia, P.J.; Gaspar, H.B.; Davies, E.G.; Friedrich, W.; Hoenig, M.; Notarangelo, L.D.; Mazzolari, E.; Porta, F.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Wulffraat, N.M.; Seger, R.; Gungor, T.; Fasth, A.; Sedlacek, P.; Neven, B.; Blanche, S.; Fischer, A.; Cavazzana-Calvo, M.; Landais, P.; European Group For Blood & European Society For (2010), Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and long-term survival for primary immunodeficiencies in Europe: Entering a new century, do we do better?, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 126(3): 602U342.
- Berghuis, D.; Santos, S.J.; Baelde, J.J.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2010), A Pro-Inflammatory Tumor Microenvironment with High Chemokine Expression and High Tumor-Infiltrating CD3+CD8+Numbers Associates with Improved Survival in Ewing Sarcoma (EWS), Laboratory Investigation 90: 15A15A.
- Lankester, A.C.; Bierings, M.; Wering, E. van; Wijkhuis, A.; Weger, R. de; Wijnen, J.; Vossen, J.; Versluys, B.; Egeler, R.M.; Tol, M. van; Revesz, T.; Dongen, J. van; Velden, V. van der & Schilham, M. (2010), Pre-emptive allo-immune intervention in high-risk paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients guided by minimal residual disease level before stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 45: S188S188.
- Lankester, A.C.; Bierings, M.B.; Wering, E.R. van; Wijkhuijs, A.J.M.; Weger, R.A. de; Wijnen, J.T.; Vossen, J.M.; Versluys, B.; Egeler, R.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Putter, H.; Revesz, T.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Velden, V.H.J. van der & Schilham, M.W. (2010), Preemptive alloimmune intervention in high-risk pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients guided by minimal residual disease level before stem cell transplantation, Leukemia 24(8): 1462-1469.
- Ball, L.M.; Bernardo, M.E.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Avanzini, M.A.; Lankester, A.C.; Roelofs, H.; Giorgiani, G.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Blanc, K. le; Fibbe, W.E.; Egeler, R.M. & Locatelli, F. (2010), Children responding to treatment with mesenchymal stromal cells for refractory severe graft-versus-host disease have excellent long-term outcome, Bone Marrow Transplantation 45: S261S261.
- Smiers, F.J.; Vijver, E. van de; Delsing, B.J.P.; Lankester, A.C.; Ball, L.M.; Rings, E.H.H.M.; Rheenen, P.F. van & Bredius, R.G.M. (2010), Delayed immune recovery following sequential orthotopic liver transplantation and haploidentical stem cell transplantation in erythropoietic protoporphyria.
- Hislop, A.D.; Palendira, U.; Leese, A.M.; Arkwright, P.D.; Rohrlich, P.S.; Tangye, S.G.; Gaspar, H.B.; Lankester, A.C.; Moretta, A. & Rickinson, A.B. (2010), Impaired Epstein-Barr virus-specific CD8(+) T-cell function in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease is restricted to SLAM family-positive B-cell targets, Blood 116(17): 3249-3257.
- Berghuis D, Verhoeven DHJ, Santos SJ, Buddingh EP, Schaefer KL, Scotlandi K, Egeler RM, Schilham MW, Hogendoorn PCW & Lankester AC (2009), Chemo-Resistant Ewing Sarcoma Is Susceptible to Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity: Implications for Immunotherapy, Modern Pathology 22: 11A11A.
- Vardizer Y, Lupetti A, Vandelanotte S, Lankester AC, Wiersinga WM & Baldeschi L (2009), Graves' orbitopathy in a patient with adrenoleukodystrophy after bone marrow transplantation, European Journal of Endocrinology 161(2): 369-373.
- Lankester AC, Bierings M, van der Velden VHJ, Revesz T, Wijkhuis A, van Wering ER, van Tol MJD, Egeler MR, van Dongen JJ & Schilham MW (2009), Graft-versus-Leukemia Induced by Graft-versus-Host Disease Early After Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation in Children With Detectable Levels of Residual Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Prior to Transplantation, Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 31(4): 242-243.
- Bartelink IH, Bredius RGM, Belitser SV, Suttorp MM, Bierings M, Knibbe CAJ, Egeler M, Lankester AC, Egberts ACG & Zwaveling J (2009), Association between Busulfan Exposure and Outcome in Children Receiving Intravenous Busulfan before Hematologic Stem Cell Transplantation, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 15(2): 231-241.
- Berghuis D, Verhoeven DHJ, Santos S, Schaefer KL, Scotlandi K, Egeler RM, Gelderblom H, Taminiau A, Hogendoorn PCW & van Tol MJD (2009), Towards NK-cell-mediated Immunotherapy in Ewing Sarcoma: Identification of Molecular Mechanisms, Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 31(4): 242-242.
- Berghuis D, Verhoeven DHJ, Santos SJ, Buddingh EP, Schaefer KL, Scotlandi K, Egeler RM, Schilham MW, Hogendoorn PCW & Lankester AC (2009), Chemo-Resistant Ewing Sarcoma Is Susceptible to Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity: Implications for Immunotherapy, Laboratory Investigation 89: 11A11A.
- Bartelink IH, Bredius RGM, Bierings M, Knibbe CAJ, Egeler M, Lankester AC, Egberts ACG, Zwaveling J & Boelens JJ (2009), TARGETING TO OPTIMAL BUSULFAN EXPOSURE IS ASSOCIATED WITH A LOW RELAPSE RATE AND HIGH ACUTE-GVHD 2-4 RATES IN MDS AND JMML PATIENTS, Haematologica 94: S10S11.
- de Vries ACH, Bredius RGM, Lankester AC, Bierings M, Trebo M, Sedlacek P, Niemeyer CM, Zecca M, Locatelli F & van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM (2009), HLA-IDENTICAL UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD TRANSPLANTATION FROM A SIBLING DONOR IN JUVENILE MYELOMONOCYTIC LEUKEMIA, Haematologica 94: S26S26.
- Bosch, J.E.V. ten; Kollen, W.J.W.; Ball, L.M.; Brinkman, D.M.C.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Lankester, A.C.; Egeler, R.M. & Bredius, R.G.M. (2009), Atypical Varicella Zoster Infection Associated With Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 53(2): 226-228.
- Wu SF, Walenkamp MJ, Lankester A, Wit JM & De Luca F (2009), Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) resistance in a child with an I kappa B alpha mutation, Hormone Research 72: 113-114.
- Berghuis, D.; Hooge, A.S.K. de; Santos, S.J.; Horst, D.; Wertz, E.J.; Eggermond, M.C. van; Elsen, P.J. van den; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Ottaviano, L.; Schaefer, K.L.; Dirksen, U.; Hooijberg, E.; Mulder, A.; Melief, C.J.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W.; Jordanova, E.S.; Hogendoom, P.C.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2009), Reduced human leukocyte antigen expression in advanced-stage Ewing sarcoma: implications for immune recognition, The Journal of Pathology 218(2): 222-231.
- De Vries A, Bredius R, Lankester A, Bierings M, Trebo M, Sedlacek P, Niemeyer C, Zecca M, Locatelli F & van den Heuvel-Eibrink M (2009), HLA-identical umbilical cord blood transplantation from a sibling donor in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, Leukemia Research 33: S48S49.
- Jol-van der Zijde CM, Jansen-Hoogendijk AM, Raaijmakers S, Egeler R, Lankester AC, Bredius RGM & van Tol MJD (2009), Kinetics of active and total thymoglobulin in paediatric stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 43: S126S127.
- de Vries ACH, Bredius RGM, Lankester AC, Bierings M, Trebo M, Sedlacek P, Niemeyer CM, Zecca M, Locatelli F & van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM (2009), HLA-identical umbilical cord blood transplantation from a sibling donor in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, Haematologica 94(2): 302-304.
- Jol-van der Zijde CM, Jansen-Hoogendijk AM, Egeler R, Lankester AC, Bredius RGM & van Tol MJD (2009), Serotherapy in paediatric allogeneic stem cell transplantation: comparison of ATG and Campath-1H as part of conditioning, Bone Marrow Transplantation 43: S126S126.
- Bresters D, Van Gils ICM, Dekker FW, Lankester AC, Bredius RGM & Schweizer JJ (2008), Abnormal liver enzymes two years after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children: prevalence and risk factors, Bone Marrow Transplantation 41(1).
- Hagleitner, M.M.; Lankester, A.; Maraschio, P.; Hulten, M.; Fryns, J.P.; Schuetz, C.; Gimelli, G.; Davies, E.G.; Gennery, A.; Belohradsky, B.H.; Groot, R. de; Gerritsen, E.J.A.; Mattina, T.; Howard, P.J.; Fasth, A.; Reisli, I.; Furthner, D.; Slatter, M.A.; Cant, A.J.; Cazzola, G.; Dijken, P.J. van; Deuren, M. van; Greef, J.C. de; Maarel, S.M. van der & Weemaes, C.M.R. (2008), Clinical spectrum of immunodeficiency, centromeric instability and facial dysmorphism (ICF syndrome), Journal of Medical Genetics 45(2).
- Fry TJ & Lankester AC (2008), Cancer immunotherapy: Will expanding knowledge lead to success in pediatric oncology?, Pediatric Clinics of North America 55(1).
- Ball L, Bredius R, Lankester A, Schweizer J, van den Heuvel-Eibrink M, Escher H, Fibbe W & Egeler M (2008), Third party mesenchymal stromal cell infusions fail to induce tissue repair despite successful control of severe grade IV acute graft-versus-host disease in a child with juvenile myelo-monocytic leukemia, Leukemia 22(6).
- Karlsson H, Samarasinghe S, Ball LM, Sundberg B, Lankester AC, Dazzi F, Uzunel M, Rao K, Veys P, Le Blanc K, Ringden O & Amrolia PJ (2008), Mesenchymal stem cells exert differential effects on alloantigen and virus-specific T-cell responses, Blood 112(3).
- Willemze AJ, Cremers SC, Schoemaker RC, Lankester AC, den Hartigh J, Burggraaf J & Vossen JM (2008), Ciclosporin kinetics in children after stem cell transplantation, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 66(4).
- Verhoeven DHJ, de Hooge ASK, Mooiman ECK, Santos SJ, ten Dam MM, Gelderblom H, Melief CJM, Hogendoorn PCW, Egeler RM, van Tol MJD, Schilham MW & Lankester AC (2008), NK cells recognize and lyse Ewing sarcoma cells through NKG2D and DNAM-1 receptor dependent pathways, Molecular Immunology 45(15).
- IJspeert H, Lankester AC, Weemaes CMR, Warris A, Wiegant W, Van Zelm MC, van Tol MJD, van Gent DC, van Dongen JJM & van der Burg M (2008), New type of SCID due to aberrant Artemis splicing, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 154: 66-67.
- Karlsson H, Samarasinghe S, Ball L, Sundberg B, Lankester AC, Dazzi F, Rao K, Veys P, Le Blanc K, Ringden O & Amrolia PJ (2008), MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS EXERT DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS ON ALLO-ANTIGEN- AND VIRUS-SPECIFIC T CELLS, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 14(2): 48-49.
- Karlsson H, Samarasinghe S, Ball L, Sundberg B, Lankester AC, Dazzi F, Rao K, Veys P, Le Blanc K, Ringden O & Amrolia PJ (2008), Mesenchymal stem cells exert differential effects on alloantigen and virus-specific T-cell responses, Bone Marrow Transplantation 41.
- Hooge, A.S.K. de; Berghuis, D.; Santos, S.J.; Mooiman, E.; Romeo, S.; Kummer, J.A.; Egeler, R.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Melief, C.J.M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2007), Expression of cellular FLICE inhibitory protein, caspase-8, and protease inhibitor-9 in Ewing sarcoma and implications for susceptibility to cytotoxic pathways, Clinical Cancer Research 13(1).
- Ball LM, Kollen WJW, Bernado ME, Lankester A, Roelofs H, Locatelli F, Fibbe WE & Egeler RM (2007), Co-transplanation of haploidentical mesenchymal stem cells to overcome graft dysfunction associated with parental haploidentical CD34 postive selected peripheral stem cell grafts, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 13(2).
- Smiers FJ, Bredius R, Ball L, Lankester A, Bakker H & Egeler RM (2007), Treosulfan: An attractive alternative in the conditioning in bone marrow transplant for thalassemia, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 13(2).
- Ball LM, Kollen WJW, Lankester A, Roleofs H, Fibbe WE & Egeler RM (2007), Treatment of steroid refractory, severe acute graft versus host disease with expanded mesenchymal stem cells in children having undergone allogeneic stem cell transplant tion: A single center experience, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 13(2).
- Kalpoe JS, van der Heiden PLJ, Barge RMY, Houtzager S, Lankester AC, van Tol MJD & Kroes ACM (2007), Assessment of disseminated adenovirus infections using quantitative plasma PCR in adult allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients receiving reduced intensity or myeloablative conditioning, European Journal of Haematology 78(4).
- Zijde EJVD, Schenk C, Jansen-Hoogendijk A, Lankester A, Bredius R & Van Tol M (2007), Influence of post-transplant serum concentration of ATG and Campath-1H on immune recovery in children after stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 39.
- Lankester AC, Zijde EJV, Waaijer J, Verhoeven DHJ, Egeler RM, Bredius R & van Tol M (2007), Disseminated adenovirus infection in children after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: control by cidofovir and immune recovery, Bone Marrow Transplantation 39.
- Schilham M, van der Velden V, Bierings M, Revesz T, Wijkhuis A, van Wering E, van Tol M, Egeler M, van Dongen J & Lankester A (2007), Graft-versus-leukaemia induced by graft-versus-host disease early after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in children with detectable levels of residual acute lymphoblastic leukaemia prior to transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 39.
- Bresters D, Muller LT, Egberts PF, Wolterbeek R, van Gils I, Lankester A, Bredius R & Schweizer JJ (2007), Abnormal liver enzymes 2 years after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children: prevalence and risk factors, Bone Marrow Transplantation 39.
- Kroes ACM, de Klerk EPA, Lankester AC, Malipaard C, de Brouwer CS, Claas ECJ, Jol-van der Zijde EC & van Tol MJD (2007), Sequential emergence of multiple adenovirus serotypes after pediatric stem cell transplantation, Journal of Clinical Virology 38(4).
- Knijnenburg J, van Haeringen A, Hansson KBM, Lankester A, Smit MJM, Belfroid RDM, Bakker E, Rosenberg C, Tanke HJ & Szuhai K (2007), Ring chromosome formation as a novel escape mechanism in patients with inverted duplication and terminal deletion, European Journal of Human Genetics 15(5).
- Bierings M, Lankester A, van der Velden VJV, van Wering E, Revesz T, Wijkhuis A, van Dongen JJM, Van Tol M, Egeler M & Schilham MW (2007), Graft-versus-leukemia induced by graft-versus-host disease early after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in children with detectable levels of residual acute lymphoblastic leukemia prior to transplantation, Haematologica 92.
- Knijnenburg J, Ruivenkamp C, Lankester A, Tanke H & Szuhai K (2007), High resolution molecular analysis of a ring chromosome reveals unexpected alterations: Lessons for routine diagnosis, Analytical Cellular Pathology / Cellular Oncology 29(2).
- Ball LM, Bernardo ME, Roelofs H, Lankester A, Cometa A, Egeler RM, Locatelli F & Fibbe WE (2007), Cotransplantation of ex vivo-expanded mesenchymal stem cells accelerates lymphocyte recovery and may reduce the risk of graft failure in haploidentical hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation, Blood 110(7).
- Gennery AR, Slatter MA, Bredius RG, Hagleitner MM, Weemaes C, Cant AJ & Lankester AC (2007), Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation corrects the immunologic abnormalities associated with immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial dysmorphism syndrome, Pediatrics 120(5).
- Ball LM, Bernardo ME, Roelofs H, Lankester A, Cometa A, Egeler RM, Cometa A, Giorgiani G, Locatelli F & Fibbe WE (2007), Co-transplantation of HLA-haploidentical, bone mat-row derived mesenchymal stem cells prevents graft failure and improves hematological recovery in T-cell depleted haploidentical stem cell transplantation, Blood 110(11).
- Bresters D, Van Gils I, Wolterbeek R, Lankester A, Bredius R & Schweizer J (2007), Elevated liver enzymes two years after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children: Prevalence and etiology, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 44.
- Bredius RGM, Laan LAEM, Lankester AC, Poorthuis BJHM, van Tol MJD, Egeler RM & Arts WFM (2007), Early marrow transplantation in a pre-symptomatic neonate with late infantile metachromatic leukodystrophy does not halt disease progression, Bone Marrow Transplantation 39(5).
- Annels NE, Kalpoe JS, Bredius RGM, Claas EC, Kroes ACM, Hislop AD, van Baarle D, Egeler RM, van Tol MJD & Lankester AC (2006), Management of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation after allogeneic stem cell transplantation by simultaneous analysis of EBV DNA load and EBV-specific T cell reconstitution, Clinical Infectious Diseases 42(12).
- Ball LM, LeBlanc K, Roelofs H, Lankester AC, Egeler M, Frassoni F, Ringden O & Fibbe WE (2006), Co-transplantation of haplo-identical bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells to promote engraftment in children. A phase I/II multicenter study., Cytotherapy 8.
- Zwaveling J, den Hartigh J, Lankester AC, Guchelaar HJ, Egeler RM & Bredius RGM (2006), Once-daily intravenous busulfan in children prior to stem cell transplantation: study of pharmacokinetics and early clinical outcomeos, Anti-Cancer Drugs 17(9).
- van Velzen-Ball LM, Bernado ME, Locatelli F, Roelofs H, Lankester A, Maarten Egeler R & Fibbe WE (2006), Co-transplantation of haploidentical bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells overcomes graft dysfunction and improves hernatological and lymphocyte recovery in haploidentical stem cell transplantation., Blood 108(11).
- Ball LM, Le Blanc K, Roelofs H, Lankester A, Egeler RM, Frassoni F, Ringden O & Fibbe WE (2006), Co-transplantation of haploidentical bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and haematopoietic stem cells to promote engraftment in children. A phase I/II multicentre study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 37.
- Faaij CMJM, Lankester AC, Spierings E, Hoogeboom M, Bowman EP, Bierings M, Revesz T, Egeler RM, van Tol MJD & Annels NE (2006), A possible role for CCL27/CTACK-CCR10 interaction in recruiting CD4(+) T cells to skin in human graft-versus-host disease, British Journal of Haematology 133(5).
- Lankester A, de Hooge A, Berghuis D, Santos S, Bots M, Melief K & Hogendoorn P (2006), Expression and functional relevance of cFLIP, PI-9 and caspase 8 in Ewing's sarcoma: Implications for immunotherapy., Clinical Immunology 119: S99S100.
- Korthof ET, Snijder PP, de Graaff AA, Lankester AC, Bredius RGM, Ball LM, Lie JWLT, Vossen JM & Egeler RM (2005), Successful treatment of JMML with related bone marrow transplantation after reduced-intensity conditioning - Response, Bone Marrow Transplantation 36(5).
- Lankester AC, Visser LFA, Hartwig NG, Bredius RGM, Gaspar HB, van der Burg M, van Tol MJD, Gross TG & Egeler RM (2005), Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease: two cases in one family and review of the literature, Bone Marrow Transplantation 36(2).
- Claas ECJ, Schilham MW, de Brouwer CS, Hubacek P, Echavarria M, Lankester AC, van Tol MJD & Kroes ACM (2005), Internally controlled real-time PCR monitoring of adenovirus DNA load in serum or plasma of transplant recipients, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43(4).
- Ball LM, Lankester AC, Roelofs H, Egeler RM & Fibbe WE (2005), Successful co-transplantation of haplo-identical bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and cytokine-mobilised peripheral blood stem cells, Bone Marrow Transplantation 35.
- van Tol MJD, Claas ECJ, Heemskerk B, Veltrop-Duits LA, de Brouwer CS, van Vreeswijk T, Sombroek CC, Kroes ACM, Beersma MFC, de Klerk EPA, Egeler RM, Lankester AC & Schilham MW (2005), Adenovirus infection in children after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: diagnosis, treatment and immunity, Bone Marrow Transplantation 35.
- Ball LM, Lankester AC, Bredius RGM, Fibbe WE, van Tol MJD & Egeler RM (2005), Graft dysfunction and delayed immune reconstitution following haploidentical peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 35.
- Steward CG, Blair A, Moppett J, Clarke E, Virgo P, Lankester A, Burger SR, Sauer MG, Flanagan AM, Pamphilon DH & Orchard PJ (2005), High peripheral blood progenitor cell counts enable autologous backup before stem cell transplantation for malignant infantile osteopetrosis, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 11(2).
- Korthof ET, Snijder PP, de Graaff AA, Lankester AC, Bredius RGM, Ball LM, Lie JLWT, Vossen JM & Egeler RM (2005), Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: a single center experience of 23 patients, Bone Marrow Transplantation 35(5).
- Heemskerk B, Lankester AC, van Vreeswijk T, Beersma MFC, Claas ECJ, Veltrop-Duits LA, Kroes ACM, Vossen JMJJ, Schilham MW & van Tol MJD (2005), Immune reconstitution and clearance of human adenovirus viremia in pediatric stem-cell recipients, Journal of Infectious Diseases 191(4).
- Zwaveling J, Bredius RGM, Cremers SCLM, Ball LM, Lankester AC, Teepe-Twiss IM, Egeler RM, den Hartigh J & Vossen JM (2005), Intravenous busulfan in children prior to stem cell transplantation: study of pharmacokinetics in association with early clinical outcome and toxicity, Bone Marrow Transplantation 35(1).
- van Zelm MC, van der Burg M, de Ridder D, Barendregt BH, de Haas EFE, Reinders MJT, Lankester AC, Revesz T, Staal FJT & van Dongen JJM (2005), Ig gene rearrangement steps are initiated in early human precursor B cell subsets and correlate with specific transcription factor expression, Journal of Immunology 175(9).
- van Velzen-Ball LM, Le Blanc K, Lankester AC, Roelofs H, Egeler M, Frassoni F, Ringden O & Fibbe WE (2005), Transplantation of haplo-identical bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells together with hematopoietic stem cells to promote engraftment in children - A phase I/II multicenter study, Blood 106(11).
- Nicholls BM, Bredius RGM, Hamdy NAT, Gerritsen EJA, Lankester AC, Hogendoorn PCW, Nesbitt SA, Horton MA & Flanagan AM (2005), Limited rescue of osteoclast-poor osteopetrosis after successful engraftment by cord blood from an unrelated donor, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 20(12).
- Annels NE, Faaij CMJM, Lankester AC, Spierings E, Schilham MW, Bowman EP, Bierings M, Revesz T, Egeler RM & Leiden MJDV (2005), Identification Of a skin-homing population of CD4+T cells in patients with skin GvHD, Bone Marrow Transplantation 35: S134-S135.
- Janssen R, Verhard E, Lankester A, ten Cate R & van Dissel JT (2004), Enhanced interleukin-1 beta and interleukin-18 release in a patient with chronic infantile neurologic, cutaneous, articular syndrome, Arthritis and Rheumatism 50(10).
- Janssen R, van Wengen A, Hoeve MA, ten Dam M, van der Burg M, van Dongen J, van de Vosse E, van Tol M, Bredius R, Ottenhoff TH, Weemaes C, van Dissel JT & Lankester A (2004), The same I kappa KB alpha mutation in two related individuals leads to completely different clinical syndromes, Journal of Experimental Medicine 200(5).
- Lankester AC, Heemskerk B, Claas ECJ, Schilham MW, Beersma MFC, Bredius RGM, van Tol MJD & Kroes ACM (2004), Effect of ribavirin on the plasma viral DNA load in patients with disseminating adenovirus infection, Clinical Infectious Diseases 38(11).
- ten Cate R, Smiers FJ, Bredius RGM, Lankester AC, van Suijlekom-Smit LWA, Huizinga TW & Egeler RM (2004), Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab) for refractory autoimmune thrombocytopenia in a girl with systemic lupus erythematosus, Rheumatology 43(2).
- Kalpoe J, van Tol M, Bredius R, van Baarle D, Annels N, Claas E, Kroes A & Lankester A (2004), Pre-emptive treatment with rituximab efficiently prevents EBV lymphoproliferative disease (EBV-LPD) in paediatric allogeneic stem cell recipients, Bone Marrow Transplantation 33.
- Stranska R, van Loon AM, Polman M, Beersma MFC, Bredius RGM, Lankester AC, Meijer E & Schuurman R (2004), Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex viruses isolated from haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients, Antiviral Therapy 9(4).
- Stranska R, van Loon AM, Bredius RGM, Polman M, Nienhuis E, Beersma MFC, Lankester AC & Schuurman R (2004), Sequential switching of DNA polymerase and thymidine kinase-mediated HSV-1 drug resistance in an immunocompromised child, Antiviral Therapy 9(1).
- Bredius RGM, Ouachee M, van Brempt R, Bokenkamp R, Lankester AC, Dolman KM, Maarten Egeler R & Fischer A (2004), Pulmonary hypertension in two severe combined immunodeficiency disease patients posthaematopoietic stem cell transplantation, British Journal of Haematology 125(3).
- Krejci O, van der Velden VHJ, Bader P, Kreyenberg H, Goulden N, Hancock J, Schilham MW, Lankester A, Revesz T, Klingebiel T & van Dongen JJM (2003), Level of minimal residual disease prior to haematopoietic stem cell transplantation predicts prognosis in paediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a report of the Pre-BMT MRD Study Group, Bone Marrow Transplantation 32(8).
- Ball LM, Lankester AC, Giordano PC, van Weel MH, Harteveld CL, Bredius RGM, Smiers FJ, Egeler RM & Vossen JMJJ (2003), Paediatric allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for homozygous beta-thalassaemia, the Dutch experience, Bone Marrow Transplantation 31(12).
- Goulden N, Bader P, Van der Velden V, Moppett J, Schilham M, Masden HO, Krejci O, Kreyenberg H, Lankester A, Revesz T, Klingebiel T & Van Dongen J (2003), Minimal residual disease prior to stem cell transplant for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, British Journal of Haematology 122(1).
- Cate, R. ten; Brinkman, D.M.C.; Rossum, M.A.J. van; Lankester, A.C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; Egeler, M.R.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Vossen, J.M. (2002), Macrophage activation syndrome after autologous stem cell transplantation for systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, European Journal of Pediatrics 161(12).
- Schilham MW, Claas EC, van Zaane W, Heemskerk B, Vossen JM, Lankester AC, Toes RE, Echavarria M, Kroes AC & van Tol MJ (2002), High levels of adenovirus DNA in serum correlate with fatal outcome of adenovirus infection in children after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation, Clinical Infectious Diseases 35(5).
- Lankester AC, van Tol MJD, Vossen JM, Kroes ACM & Claas E (2002), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-DNA quantification in pediatric allogeneic stem cell recipients: prediction of EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disease, Blood 99(7).
- Lankester AC, van Tol MJD, Claas ECJ, Vossen JM & Kroes ACM (2002), Quantification of adenovirus DNA in plasma for management of infection in stem cell graft recipients, Clinical Infectious Diseases 34(6).
- van der Velden VHJ, Joosten SA, Willemse MJ, van Wering ER, Lankester AW, van Dongen JJM & Hoogerbrugge PM (2001), Real-time quantitative PCR for detection of minimal residual disease before allogeneic stem cell transplantation predicts outcome in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Leukemia 15(9).
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