Adam Fairclough
Emeritus hoogleraar Amerikaanse geschiedenis
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A. Fairclough
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1646

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Emeritus hoogleraar Amerikaanse geschiedenis
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Fairclough A. (2014), History or Civil Religion? The Uses of Lincoln’s ‘Last Best Hope of Earth'.
- Fairclough A. (2011), The Civil Rights Era. In: Letwin D. (red.), The American South: A Reader and Guide. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 348-376.
- Fairclough A. (2011), Entwicklung des offentlichen Bildungswesens in Suden der USA, Geographische Rundschau 63(10): 52-59.
- Fairclough A. (2011), ’Scalawags,’ Southern Honor, and the Lost Cause: The Fatal Encounter of James H. Cosgrove and Edward L. Pierson, Journal of Southern History 77(4): 1-28.
- Fairclough A. (2010), Alfred Raford Blunt and the Reconstruction Struggle in Natchitoches, Louisiana, 1866-1879, Louisiana History 51(3): 284-305.
- Fairclough A. (2009), Political repression during Reconstruction: a Louisiana case study, Natchitoches, 1866-1878. In: Minnen C.A. van & Hilton S.L. (red.), Political Repression in U.S. History. Amsterdam: VU University Press. 57-67.
- Fairclough A. (2009), Foreward. In: Verney K. & Sartain L. (red.), Long is the Way and Hard: One Hundred Years of the NAACP. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press.
- Fairclough A. (2007), A Class of Their Own: Black Teachers in the Segregated South. Cambridge: Belknap Press.
- Fairclough A. (2005), A Political Coup D'Etat? How the Enemies of Earl Long Overwhelmed Racial Moderation in Louisiana. In: Webb C. (red.), The South and Massive Resistance: Southern Opposition to the Second Reconstruction. New York: Oxford University Press. 56-75.
- Fairclough A. (2004), Washington Parish and its Black Community: Horace Mann Bond¿s Study of 1934-35. In: Hyde S.C. (red.), The State of U.S. HistoryIn A Fierce and Fractious Frontier: The Curious Development of Louisiana¿s Florida Parishes, 1699-2000. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 173-190.
- Fairclough A. (2004), Louisiana: The Civil Rights Struggle, 1940-1954. In: Feldman G. (red.), Before Brown: Change and Continuity in the South, 1940-1954. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. 144-169.
- Fairclough A. (2004), The Costs of Brown: Black Teachers and Integration, Journal of American History 91(June): 43-55.
- Fairclough A. (2004), Review Essay: Dividing Lines: Municipal Politics and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Montgomery, Birmingham, and Selma, Alabama Review 57(2): 132-140.
- Fairclough A. (2004), Thurgood Marshall's Pursuit of Equality through Law, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 7(Winter): 177-199.
- Fairclough A. (2002), Segregation and Civil Rights: African-American Freedom Strategies in the Twentieth Century. In: Stokes M. (red.), The State of U.S. History. Oxford: Berg. 155-175.
- Fairclough A. (2002), The General Education Board, Black Teachers and Civil Rights, Rockefeller Archive Center Newsletter Spring: 1-4.
- Fairclough A. (2001), Teaching Equality: Black Schools in the Age of Jim Crow. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
- Fairclough A. (2001), Better Day Coming: Blacks and Equality, 1890-2000. New York: Viking.
- Fairclough A. (2000), Being in the Field of Education and Also Being a Negro . . . Seems . . . Tragic': Black Teachers in the Jim Crow South, Journal of American History 87(June): 53-79.
- Fairclough A. (1997), The NAACP and School Integration, Arkansas Historical Journal 56(Fall): 371-375.
- Fairclough A., Bond H.M. & Bond J.W. (1997), The Star Creek Papers: Washington Parish and the Lynching of Jerome Wilson. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
- Fairclough A. (1997), Civil Rights and the Lincoln Memorial: The Censored Speeches of Robert R. Moton (1922) and John Lewis (1963), Journal of Negro History 82(Fall): 408-416.
- Fairclough A. (1997), Ayers on Lynching: A Critique of Promise of the New South, Over Here: A European Journal of American Culture 17(1): 208-217.
- Fairclough A. (1997), Forty Acres and a Mule: Horace Mann Bond and the Lynching of Jerome Wilson, Journal of American Studies 31(Summer): 1-17.
- Fairclough A. (1995), Race and Democracy: The Civil Rights Struggle in Louisiana, 1915-1972. Athens: University of Georgia Press.