Abdourahamane Idrissa Abdoulaye
Universitair docent Islam in Sub-Sahara Afrika
- Naam
- Dr. A. Idrissa Abdoulaye
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3372
- a.idrissa.abdoulaye@asc.leidenuniv.nl

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Universitair docent Islam in Sub-Sahara Afrika
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Wetenschappelijke staf
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2024), Niamey nights, Granta (166): 235-245.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2024), Niger. In: Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (red.), Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa. EADI Global Development Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 123-146.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2024), L’efficace politique du sentiment : une histoire sahélienne, La Revue Internationale et Strategique (133): 89-96.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (7 september 2023), En Afrique, les pragmatiques sont devenus inaudibles. Le Monde.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (7 augustus 2023), Rule by junta. Sidecar, the New Left Review blog. London: New Left Review (NLR). [blog].
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2023), Sudan's repressed democracy, The New York review of books : .
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2023), In Bamako, London Review of Books 45(3): .
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2022), History of Niger. In: , African history. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (25 juli 2022), Rêves violents au Mali. Le Temps.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2022), Françafrique: l'idée qui ne veut pas mourir, Politique Africaine 2022/2(166): 203-207.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (6 oktober 2022), Damiba’s ousting. Sidecar, the New Left Review (NLR) blog. London: New Left Review (NLR). [blog].
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2022), Coup-contrecoup : Rahmane Idrissa on Burkina Faso, London Review of Books 44(4): .
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2021), Yesterday meets tomorrow in Sahelian intellectual currents. In: Villalón L.A. (red.), The Oxford handbook of the African Sahel. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 493-510.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2021), Not its own man: the EU, West African migration, and the justice question. In: Ceccorulli M. & Fassi E. (red.), The EU’s external governance of migration perspectives of justice. London: Routledge. 117-133.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2021), Europe-Africa unequal pacts: the case of West African migration. In: Fargion V. & Gazibo M. (red.), Revisiting EU-Africa relations in a changing world. New Horizons in European Politics . Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. 104–115 .
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2021), The Sahel: a cognitive mapping, New Left Review (132): 5-39.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2021) Countries without currency. Bespreking van: Pigeaud F. & Ndongo Samba S. (2021), Africa's last colonial currency: the CFA franc story. London: Pluto Press. London Review of Books 43(23).
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2021), Africa's perceptions, prospects, and strategies towards the US-China tech competition . In: Cha J. (red.), The future of US-China tech competition: global perceptions, prospects, and strategies. Seoul: National Assembly Futures Institute. 169-178.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2020), "Boko Halal" : limits to radicalization in Southern Niger Republic. In: Mustapha A.R. & Meagher K. (red.), Overcoming Boko Haram : faith, society & Islamic radicalization in Northern Nigeria. Western Africa series. Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer.
- Villalón L.A. & Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (red.) (2020), Democratic struggle, institutional reform, and state resilience in the African Sahel. New York: Lexington Books.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2020), The dialectics of democratization and stability in the Sahel. In: Villalón L.A. & Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (red.), Democratic struggle, institutional reform, and state resilience in the African Sahel. New York: Lexington Books. 191-210.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2020), Historical dictionary of Niger. Historical dictionaries of Africa. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A., A ‘COVID revolution’ in Africa? . INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [blog].
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2020), Diary: in Mali, London Review of Books 42(13): .
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2020), The coup in Mali is an ominous sign for Francophone west Africa . The Guardian.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2020), Islamic legal radicalism: the cases of Katsina and Maradi. In: Apard E. (red.), Transnational Islam: circulation of religious ideas, actors and practices between Niger and Nigeria. West African Politics and Society (WAPOSO) series nr. 4. Leiden, Ibadan: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA). 39-66.
- Idrissa A. (2019), Dialogue in divergence: the impact of EU migration policy on West African integration: the cases of Nigeria, Mali, and Niger. Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
- Idrissa A. (2019), Un dialogue sur fond de divergence : L'impact de la politique migratoire européenne sur l'integration Ouest-Africaine : les cas du Nigeria, du Mali et du Niger. Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2019), Weakened states and market giants: neoliberalism and democracy in Niger and West Bengal, Africa development 43(3): 25-52.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2019), Mais que se passe-t-il au Sahel?, Alternatives économiques : .
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2019), Tinder to the fire: Burkina Faso in the conflict zone. RLS research papers on peace and conflict studies in West and Central Africa nr. 2. Dakar: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
- Idrissa Adboulaye A. (2019) Islam and the Nigeria quandary: history, politics and reform. Bespreking van: Kendhammer B., Thurston A., Vaughan O. & Loimeier R. (2016), 1. Muslims talking politics: framing Islam, democracy, and law in northern Nigeria. 2. Salafism in Nigeria: Islam, preaching, and politics 3. Religion and the making of Nigeria 4. Islamic reform in twentieth-century Africa. Chicago IL [etc.]: Chicago University Press [etc.]. Africa 89(2): 401-406.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A., Salafists and the missing state in the Sahel. ASCL Africanist Blog. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog].
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2018), Islam et politique au Sahel : entre persuasion et violence. Niamey: EPGA.
- Idrissa Abdoulaye A. (2017), The politics of Islam in the Sahel: between persuasion and violence. London: Routledge.