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Deelnemende teams 2019

Benieuwd wie er in 2019 allemaal aan de start zijn verschenen? Bekijk onderstaande lijst:

Teams 2019

Teamnaam Motto
LST-MST runners Run Science Run!
RunFunBSK Clean up your act! 
FWN rent voor het UAF The Science of Running
NWO - NWA n.t.b.
UAF speedo's Wees gul voor het UAF
Persea Foundation Science is culture
Henk je auto staat verkeerd geparkeerd Het moest van Fie
SCS: Chatting Cheetah's Serious Chatting for Science
Bianomics on the run Never stop
Nucleus Runners Going to the core
Dreamteam  Je Kan Dit Best
SOZ 4(44) Mobility 4(44) Mobility
Algemeen Leidsch Overbruggings Project Houdoe (dat is Brabants voor doei)
DNA Cowboys Untameable
MI Office 230 ntb
EhrenFAST Relatively quite fast
DMC Run lady, run!
Dream genes Dream big, run fast
The 444 Musketeers One 4 all and all 4 one
Hot Shots A dose of charity
Sloth team We will get there when we get there
Worthless without chocolate I could give up chocolate but I'm not a quitter
Finstas Who Dares Wins
Exhilarate Run like a phoenix
J&J USPers Run, Linguist, Run!
Snelle zeekoeien More than humans
Kermit the Quicker Run Kermit, Run
ZoBio One Time Is Not Severything
ZoBio Two Time Is Not Severything
Random Walkers 'Be the force with you'
Unintroduced runners Meet and run
MANTA Run as an administrator
LOL-01 Lopen = Ontdekken
Bloodelecious Bloodelecious on the run!
LUMC-KCL we run for fun
SBC1 Phospholipid rangers
SBC2 Assembly squad
SBC3 Random Distribution
PE=Bae Labjournaal or it didn't happen
Greenrunners E=MCO2
Team Appelsap An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Mimetas Green Team Teams mimetas run the science run for stichting UAF!
TN2 Tntwee keer zo snel als vorig jaar
Running444ever Run
4Ma(cBio) Running on recombinant protein
Revanche Niet omlopen maar harder lopen!
MacBio 4.44 I thought they said rum...
Luris 1 I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that
Luris 2 I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that
De Leidsche Flash No flash, no glory
Technologisch Gezelschap 126 Valt hier nog iets te raggen
Fab & Moneyz One for all and all for the UAF
Africa is a Country We have an Ethiopian in our Team...
Team CADS Winter is coming
SOLOrunners Support voor Onderzoek, Laboratoria, Onderwijs én bedreigde wetenschappers
Louter Adidas 3 streepjes amice
3L Leiden Loopt Lekker
G.P.C.R. Genius People Can Run
fast & fysio's again volhouden is belangrijker dan neerstorten
Three Represents No decayed tooth!
LUCL Running Linguists Let your feet do the talking
SNU RUNNERS Being healthy
Mathematical Fish When math meets fish
Haasje Over Met sprongen vooruit
Power Vrouwen UAF Go for it!
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