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Reference management software

Reference management software is software that enables scholars, researchers, and academics of all types to capture and use citations when creating their bibliography. These programs allow you to import citations from various databases and websites, create and organize bibliographies, and format article citations according to your needs. You can also save and organize PDFs, screenshots, graphics, images and other files for your research.

Reference management software is most useful for users who are undertaking:

  • written assignments
  • independent research
  • systematic reviews

Why should I use a reference management software?

  1. Saves you (lots of) time: It is an efficient way of keeping track of your references, and avoids having to type out each reference manually (and making mistakes while doing so).
  2. Ensures consistent referencing: referencing styles can output references consistently and accurately, lowering your error chances once more.
  3. Helps you to keep track of what you have read, and to find it again even a year later 

Which software are out there?

There are a variety of reference management packages you can use, and most of them are free! We offer a small comparison of the three most-used software available online: EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero. Please note that there are many more out there, which gives you plenty of space for experimenting.

  EndNote Desktop Mendeley Zotero
Cost Free for Leiden University staff and students (normally € 278,30 €) Free (2 GB) Free (300 MB), Open Source
How does it work? Web app (free) Web app Web app; plugin (Firefox, Safari, Chrome)
Compatibility Windows, Mac Windows, Mac, Linux Windows, Mac, Linux
Search in databases Web only Web only Yes, but limited in format (only ISBN, Doi, or PubMed-ID)
Mobile app iOS app only App for iOS and Android Mobile version of zotero.org; third-party apps
Can datasets be linked? Yes No Yes
Export to BibTeX Yes Yes Yes
Available citations styles +5000 +9500 +9000
Word processor integration Yes Yes Yes

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