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See below for the full programme. Abstracts will be available after 7 April.

Conference Programme

10.00: Registration (coffee available)

11.00: Housekeeping + Welcome 

11.15 – 12.45: Panels 1 + 2 

Panel 1

- James Daybell, ‘Collective Epistolarity in Early Modern Correspondence’ 

- Emily Chambers, ‘The Physicality of Handwriting and Elite Tudor Women’s Approaches to Holograph Letters’ 

- Daniel Ellis, ‘Authorship, Style, and Invention: The Correspondence of Ralph Rabbards and Sir Thomas and Lady Muriel Knyvett’ 

Panel 2

- Hannah Robb, ‘Mediating Voices in Church Court Depositions in Early Modern England’ 

- Clare Egan, ‘Deletions, Insertions and Marginal Notations in Early Seventeenth Century Star Chamber Records’ 

- Lloyd Bowen, ‘“You Mouste Remember to Set Doune Where You Reseved Youre Woundes in Youre Petishon”: Collaborative Authorship and Petitioning for Military Welfare in Seventeenth-Century England and Wales’ 

12.45 – 14.00: Lunch 

14.00 – 15.30: Panels 3 + 4 

Panel 3

- Angelika Zirker and Matthias Bauer, ‘The Harmonies of Little Gidding: Communal and Co-Creative Text Production’ 

- Millie Randall, ‘Flirting and Failure in Late Seventeenth-Century Miscellanies’ 

- Danielle Clarke, ‘Scribal Culture and the Production of the Poetry of Lady Anne Southwell (1574-1636)’ 

Panel 4

- Samantha Brown, ‘“I have a letter sent unto the King […] out of Barbary to translate”: The Reception of Arabic Diplomatic Correspondence in Early Seventeenth-Century England’ 

- Alisa van de Haar, ‘Migrants’ Quills: Scribes, Secretaries, and Calligraphers from the Low Countries in Sixteenth-Century England’ 

- Serena Carlamaria Crespi and Ambra Stefanello, ‘Mastering Ink: Valerio Spada and the Manuscript Production of 17th-Century Florence’ 

15.30 – 16.00: Break (tea/coffee)  

16.00 – 17.30: Panels 5 + 6 

Panel 5

- Helmer Helmers & Kerrewin van Blanken, ‘Negotiating Propaganda in Early Modern Europe. Public Diplomacy and the Making of Salmasius’ Defensio Regia (1649-1650)’ 

- Maxim Hoffman, ‘Masters of the Quill: Unveiling Authorship in the Production of Letters at the Habsburg Courts during Charles V’s Reign’ 

- James Loxley, ‘The Epistemology of the King’s Closet: Manuscript Letters, James VI and I, and the History of Sexuality’ 

Panel 6

- Blandine Demotz, ‘Becoming the King’s Man: Collaborative Writing in Thomas Cromwell’s Documents (1532-1540)’ 

- Hsuan-Ying Tu, ‘Dictation: The Secretarial Intimacy in Late Tudor Middling Politics’ 

- Lyndan Warner, ‘William Cecil, scribbler’ 

17.30 onwards: Drinks Reception 

09.30 – 11.00: Panels 7 + 8 

Panel 7

- Kyle Dase, ‘“Conveying One’s Own Disgrace”: Pithy Poems, Thomas Hobson, and Edgerly’s Wife, the Carrier in BL Additional MS 30982’ 

- Holly Lavergne, ‘“As Witness my Hand”: MS Rawl. poet. 173 and Collaborative Verse Miscellany Production’  

- Daniel Starza Smith, ‘The Burley Manuscript: a Major Source for John Donne’s Correspondence, Compiled at the English Embassy in Venice’ 

Panel 8

- Zoë Jackson, ‘“To the best of this deponents remembrance”: Memory and the Co-Production of Witness Depositions in Later Seventeenth-Century England’ 

- Tim Stretton, ‘Perjury in the Archives’ 

- Cameron Whiteside, ‘The Commission on Fees: Its “Recommendations” and “Regulation” of Manuscript Production’ 

11.00 – 11.30: Break (tea/coffee)   

11.30 – 12.30: Keynote 

Daniel Wakelin, ‘“Daily I wrote with mine own hands”: The Earliest Everyday Creativity in English’ 

12.30 – 13.30: Lunch 

13.30 – 14.30: Boat Tour 

14.30 – 15.00: Tea/coffee

15.00 – 16.30: Panels 9 + 10 

Panel 9

- Amber Hogan, ‘Adrift Authorship in Early Modern Navigational Logs’ 

- Randolph Cock, ‘The Voice of Elizabeth Sprigs, Bonded Labourer’ 

- Helen Watt, ‘“My freind who writes for me”: Scribes and Scribal Relationships in the Letters of Seamen, 1793-1815’ 

Panel 10

- Jessica Edmondes, ‘“The text is old”: Manufacturing Verse and Meaning in the Early Modern Manuscript Miscellany’ 

- Jean-Antoine Engel, ‘From Conquest to Plantation: Collaborative Authorship in Foras Feasa ar Éirinn (1634)’ 

- Helena Rutkowska, ‘Collaboration in the Drafts of William Camden’s Annals’ 

16.30 – 16.45: Break (tea/coffee)

16.45 – 17.45: Panels 11 + 12 

Panel 11

- Laura Purcell, ‘The Scribe and the Lady’ 

- Marika Keblusek, ‘“In amicitiae mnemosynon”. English Hands in the Album Amicorum of Bernardus Paludanus, c.1600’ 

Panel 12

- Eric Jorink, ‘Paper trials. Robert Hooke, Note-Taking and Microscopical Observations at the Royal Society’ 

- Scott Mandelbrote, ‘Authorship and Authenticity: The Scribal Production and Dissemination of Isaac Newton’s Writings’ 

18.30: Conference Dinner 

10.00 – 11.30: Panels 13 + 14 

Panel 13

- Emily Whittingham, ‘Newes from the Dead: Poetic Responses to the Case of Anne Greene’ 

- Owen Adams, ‘The Contested Origins of the Forest of Dean "Miners Magna Carta"’ 

- Paulina Kewes, ‘Mary Queen of Scots’ Phantom Texts’ 

Panel 14

- Samuli Kaislaniemi,‘Layout & Letterlocking in Scribal Letters: Shared Practices or Material Differences?’ 

- Guillaume Coatalen, ‘Folger ms X.d.393, Shedding Light on the Practice of an Unknown Popular Scribe’ 

- Dzemila Sero, ‘Heritage Biometrics: The Study of Fingerprints on Artworks Using Computational Imaging, Forensics, and Biometrics’ 

11.30 – 12.00: Break (tea/coffee) 

12.00 – 13.00: Roundtable 

Chair: Nadine Akkerman

- Marie-Louise Coolahan  
- Jonathan Gibson 
- Tim Stretton 
- Alison Wiggins 

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