Dutch Extract Library
We like to welcome you kindly to the Dutch Extract Library.
We have a new website!
Please visit www.dutchextractlibrary.com for more, up-to-date information.
General information
The library was set up by the former Knowledge Centre of Plant Compounds. The province of Zuid-Holland is the owner and it is hosted by the Institute Biology of Leiden University now and, as such, part of the theme Leiden Bio-active Molecules.
The library encompasses the extracts of the majority of crops grown in Dutch horticulture. Screening indicated several hits with respect to use in, food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and agro-chemistry. The library is open for screenings by public and private parties. A screening may be executed by Leiden University on behalf of the user, or the user itself. You may, please, contact us.

Mission Statement
The extract library increases and disseminates knowledge about bio-active compounds present in commercially grown plants in the Netherlands within the framework of the Bio-based economy and it stimulates valorisation of this knowledge thereby creating added value to the crops grown in Dutch horticulture. The governance of the extract Library is by Leiden University on behalf of the Province of Zuid Holland. Leiden University will maintain the extract library with 2240 plant extracts and will make this library available for bio-prospecting by knowledge institutes and private parties. On request Leiden University will make bio-activity tests available to outside parties relevant to the fields of crop protection, health, cosmetics and industrial processes.