The Young Academy Leiden has a board, which consists of a chair and a vice-chair.

The mission of the Young Academy Leiden centers on four groups: community & communication, interdisciplinarity, science & education policy, and outreach. Community & communication serves as an umbrella that – in addition to its own activities – works with all three workgroups on the community and communication related aspects of their activities. This group focuses specifically on communicating with the early-career community, developing the YAL bulletin, the organization of inter-faculty events as well as includes the editorial committee of the blog Voices of Young Academics.
Complementary to these activities, the outreach group addresses ECR outreach to society at large. Interdisciplinarity takes up interdisciplinary challenges in teaching and research and brings together ECRs in the Seasons of Interdisciplinarity. Finally, science and education policy facilitate policy-related activities, such as publishing position papers, participating in university-wide committees and discussions and organizing policy-related events.
The groups work closely with each other and with YAL’s mission in mind. YAL members actively participate in one or more of the workgroups
Julia Cramer and Rachel Plak act as chair and vice-chair, respectively.
YAL contributes to the development of academic leadership. A position on the board of YAL provides an opportunity to learn and gain experience with leadership in an academic setting. The positions of chair and vice-chair rotate among the YAL members. They retire in alternating years to foster institutional continuity. Tom Louwerse, Helen Pluut and Annemarie Samuels are former chairs of YAL
YAL is supported by Suzanne Brinkman (project manager) and Kamiel Klarenbeek (student assistant).