Willem van der Does
Professor of Clinical Psychology
- Name
- Prof.dr. A.J.W. van der Does
- Telephone
- 071 5278482
- vanderdoes@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9753-2454

Willem van der Does is head of the Clinical Psychology department. Students are welcome to make an appointment via Annelies Oskam or come to one of the open office hours (first come, first served).
More information about Willem van der Does
Leiden Psychology Blog
Office hours give students an opportunity to meet and discuss a wide variety of subjects affecting them and the Clinical Psychology program. The sessions are not intended as an opportunity to request recommendation letters.
Office hours for students by appointment, please contact Annelies Oskam at 527 8482 or a.l.oskam@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
For further information please visit Willem van der Does' personal homepage.
Professor of Clinical Psychology
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
Professor of Clinical Psychology
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Kooistra M.J. Schoorl M., Oprel D. A.C., Does W. van der & Kleine R.A. de (2025), Maximizing expectancy violation and exposure outcomes in patients with PTSD, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 16: .
- Kooistra M.J. Minnen A. van Oprel D.A.C Schoorl M. Does W. van der & Kleine R.A de (2025), ‘If I am Reminded of my Trauma, I will …’: Assessing Threat Expectancies for Being Confronted with Trauma Reminders, Cognitive Therapy and Research : .
- Hoeboer C.M., Kullberg M.L.J., Oprel D.A.C., Schoorl S.M.D, Minnen A. van, Antypa N., Mouthaan J., Kleine R.A. de & Does A.J.W. van der (2024), Impact of three variants of prolonged exposure therapy on comorbid diagnoses in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSD, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 53(4): 377-393.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Mouthaan J., Does A.J.W. van der & Antypa N. (2024), Student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: are international students more affected?, Journal of American College Health 72(2): 414-422.
- Nimphy C.A. Elzinga B.M. Does A.J.W. van der, Bockstaele B. van & Pérez-Edgar K. Westenberg M Aktar E. (2024), “Nobody Here Likes Her”: the Impact of parental verbal threat information on children’s fear of strangers, Developmental Psychobiology 66: 1-10 (e22526).
- Does A.J.W. van der (2024), Over goede vragen en goede instrumenten, Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie 50(4): 299-301.
- Van der Does A.J.W. (2024), Reactie op Van Oenen en Hutsebaut & Feenstra, Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie 50(4): 318-319.
- Rosen G.M., Does A.J.W.nvan der, Gaudiano B.A., Pankratz L., Spielmans G.I., Hollon S. & Davison G.C. (2024), Commentary: EMDR, RCTs, and the proliferation of trademarked acronyms, Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 54: 99-102.
- Kivelä L.M.M. Van der Does A.J.W. Antypa N. (2024), Sleep, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation : An ecological momentary assessment and actigraphy study, Journal of Psychiatric Research 177: 46-52.
- Kivelä L.M.M.,Van der Does A.J.W., Gilissen R. & Antypa N. (2024), Digital phenotypes of real-time suicidal ideation: correlates and consequences, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica : 1-13.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Fried E.I., Does A.J.W. van der & Antypa N. (2024), Examining contemporaneous and temporal associations of real-time suicidal ideation using network analysis, Psychological Medicine : 1-9.
- Oprel D.A.C., Hoeboer C.M., Schoorl S.M.D., Kleine R.A. de, Does A.J.W. van der & Minnen A. van (2024), Working alliance in exposure-based treatments of posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 92(7): 399-409.
- Lamprou E., Kivelä L.M.M., Rohling J.H.T., Van der Does A.J.W. & Antypa N. (2024), Chronotype, sleep quality, depression and pre-sleep rumination: a diary and actigraphy study, European Journal of Neuroscience : 1-12.
- Nimphy C.A., Mitrou V., Elzinga B.M., Does A.J.W. van der & Aktar E. (2024), The role of parental verbal threat information in children’s fear acquisition: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 27: 714–731.
- Kooistra M.J., Hoeboer C.M., Oprel D.A.C., Schoorl S.M.D., Does A.J.W. van der, Minnen A. van & Kleine R.A. de (2024), Distress variability during exposure therapy and its relationship with PTSD symptom decline, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 85: 101983.
- Nimphy C.A., Venetikidi M., Elzinga B.M., Does A.J.W. van der & Aktar E. (2023), Parent to offspring fear transmission via modeling in early life: a systematic review and meta analysis, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review : 751-772.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Antypa N., Fried E.I., Schoevers R., Hemert A.M. van, Penninx B.W.J.H. & Does A.J.W. van der (2023), Suicidal ideation across depressive episodes: 9-year longitudinal cohort study, BJPsych Open 9(6): 1-8 (e218).
- Kivelä M.M. Fiß F. Van der Does W. Antypa N. (2023), Examination of Acceptability, Feasibility, and Iatrogenic Effects of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) of Suicidal Ideation, Assessment : .
- Jansen M., Does A.J.W. van der, Rover M. de, Bruijn E.R.A. de & Hamstra D.A. (2023), Hormonal status effects on the electrophysiological correlates of performance monitoring in women, Psychoneuroendocrinology 149: 1-10 (106006).
- Nimphy C.A., Elzinga B.M., Does A.J.W. van der & Aktar E. (2023), "Covid-19 is dangerous": the role of parental verbal threat information on children's fear of Covid-19, Journal of Adolescence 95(1): 147-156.
- Kullberg M.L.J., Schoorl S.M.D., Oprel D.A.C., Hoeboer C.M., Smit F., Does A.J.W. van der, Kleine R.A. de, Minnen A. van & Hout W. van den (2023), Exposure-based treatments for childhood abuserelated post-traumatic stress disorder in adults: a health-economic evaluation, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14(1): 1-11 (2171752).
- Kooistra M.J., Hoeboer C.M., Oprel D.A.C., Schoorl S.M.D., Does A.J.W. van der, Heide J.J. ter, Minnen A. van & Kleine R.A. de (2023), Changes in trauma-related cognitions predict subsequent symptom improvement during prolonged exposure in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSD, Behaviour Research and Therapy 163: 104284.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Riese H., Fakkel T.G., Verkuil B., Penninx B.W.J.H., Lamers F., Does A.J.W. van der & Antypa N. (2022), Chronotype, daily affect and social contact: an ecological momentary assessment study, Psychiatry Research 309: 1-7 (114386).
- Kivelä L.M.M., Mouthaan J., Van der Does A.J.W. & Antypa N. (2022), Student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: are international students more affected?, Journal of American College Health : 1-9.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Van der Does A.J.W., Riese H. & Antypa N. (2022), Don't miss the moment: a systematic review of ecological momentary assessment in suicide research, Frontiers in Digital Health 4: 876595.
- Memarpouri A., Van der Does A.J.W. & Molendijk M.L. (2022), N-3 PUFAs for depression: treatment effect or absence-of-placebo effect?, Translational Psychiatry 12: 298.
- Nimphy C.A., Elzinga B.M., Van der Does A.J.W. & Aktar E. (2022), “Covid‐19 is dangerous”: The role of parental verbal threat information on children's fear of Covid‐19, Journal of Adolescence 95(1): 147-156.
- Hoeboer C.M., Kleine R.A. de, Molendijk M.L., Schoorl S.M.D., Oprel D.A.C., Mouthaan J., Does A.J.W. van der & Minnen A. van (2022), De invloed van dissociatieve symptomen op de effectiviteit van psychotherapie voor posttraumatische-stressklachten: Een meta-analyse, Gedragstherapie 55: 86-106.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2022), David Rosenhan: de pseudo-onderzoeker, De psycholoog 57(10): 10-18.
- Oprel D.A.C., Hoeboer C.M., Schoorl S.M.D., Kleine R.A. de Cloitre M. Wigarde I.G., Minnen A. van & Does A.J.W. van der (2021), Effect of prolonged exposure, intensified prolonged exposure and STAIR+prolonged exposure in patients with PTSD related to childhood abuse : a randomized controlled trial, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 12(1): 1-13 (185151).
- Struijs S.Y., Jong P.J. de, Jeronimus B.F., Does A.J.W. van der, Riese H. & Spinhoven P. (2021), Psychological risk factors and the course of depression and anxiety disorders: : a review of 15 years of NESDA research, Journal of Affective Disorders 295: 1347-1359.
- Molendijk M.L. Molero P. Thomas-Odenthal F. van der Does W. (2021), There is not much to mediate [yet] when it comes to diet and depression, Molecular Psychiatry : 1-2.
- Hoeboer C.M., Kleine R.A. de, Oprel D.A.C., Schoorl S.M.D., Does A.J.W. van der & Minnen A. van (2021), Does complex PTSD predict or moderate treatment outcomes of three variants of exposure therapy?, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 80: 1-8 (102388).
- Hoeboer C.M., Oprel D.A.C., Kleine R.A.D., Schwartz B., Deisenhofer A.-K., Schoorl M., Van Der Does W.A.J., Minnen A. van & Lutz W. (2021), Personalization of treatment for patients with childhood-abuse-related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Journal of Clinical Medicine 10(19): 1-15 (4522).
- Hoeboer C.M., Oprel D.A.C., Schoorl M., Does A.J.W. van der, Minnen A. van, Kleine R.A. de & Kooistra M.J. (2021), Temporal relationship between change in subjective distress and PTSD symptom decrease during prolonged exposure therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Behavior Therapy : 1-12.
- Struijs S.Y., Lamers F., Verdam M.G.E., Ballegooijen W. van, Spinhoven P., Does W. van der & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2020), Temporal stability of symptoms of affective disorders, cognitive vulnerability and personality over time, Journal of Affective Disorders 260: 77-83.
- Son D. van, Van der Does A.J.W., Band G.P.H. & Putman P. (2020), EEG Theta/Beta ratio neurofeedback training in healthy females, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 45(3): 195-210.
- Hoeboer C.M., Kleine R.A. de, Molendijk M.L., Schoorl S.M.D., Oprel D.A.C., Mouthaan J., Does A.J.W. van der & Minnen A. van (2020), Impact of dissociation on the effectiveness of psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: meta-analysis, BJ Psych Open 6(3): e53.
- Thomas-Odenthal F., Molero P., Does A.J.W. van der & Molendijk M.L. (2020), Impact of review method on the conclusions of clinical reviews: a systematic review on dietary interventions in depression as a case in point, 15(9): e0238131.
- Burger A.M., Does W. van der, Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2020), From ear to eye? No effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on human pupil dilation: a report of three studies, Biological Psychology 152: 107863.
- Van der Does A.J.W. (2020), EMDR, de scepsis niet voorbij, De psycholoog 55(4): 27-30.
- Angelidis A., Solis E., Lautenbach F., Van der Does A.J.W. & Putman P. (2019), I’m going to fail! Acute cognitive performance anxiety increases threat-interference and impairs WM performance, 14(2): e0210824.
- Burger A.M., Van der Does A.J.W., Thayer F., Brosschot J. & Verkuil B. (2019), Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation reduces spontaneous but not induced negative thought intrusions in high worriers, Biological Psychology 142: 80-89.
- Burger A.M., Van Diest I., Van der Does W., Korbee J.N., Waziri N., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2019), The effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on fear generalization and subsequent fear extinction, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 161: 192-201.
- Van Son D.M.E., De Rover M., De Blasio F.M., Van der Does A.J.W., Barry R.J. & Putman P.L.J. (2019), Electroencephalography theta/beta ratio covaries with mind wandering and functional connectivity in the executive control network, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1452(1): 52-64.
- Kivelä L., Krause-Utz A., Mouthaan J., Schoorl M., Kleine R. de, Elzinga B., Eikelenboom M., Penninx B.W.J.H., Does W. van der & Antypa N. (2019), Longitudinal course of suicidal ideation and predictors of its persistence – A NESDA study, Journal of Affective Disorders 257: 365-375.
- Figueroa C.A., Mocking R.J.T., Mahmoud G.A., Koeter M.W., Bockting C.L., Does W. van der, Ruhe H.G. & Schene A.H. (2018), The measurement of cognitive reactivity to sad mood in patients remitted from major depressive disorder, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 57(3): 313-327.
- Conijn J.M., Emons W.H., Page B.F., Sijtsma K., Van der Does A.J.W., Carlier I.V. & Giltay E.J. (2018), Response inconsistency of patient-reported symptoms as a predictor of discrepancy between patient and clinician-reported depression severity, Assessment 25(7): 917-928.
- Molendijk M., Molero P., Sánchez-Pedreño F.O., Van der Does A.J.W. & Martínez-González M.A. (2018), Diet quality and depression risk: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies, Journal of Affective Disorders 226: 346–354.
- Angelidis A., Hagenaars M., Son D. van, Van der Does A.J.W. & Putman P. (2018), Do not look away! Spontaneous frontal EEG theta/beta ratio as a marker for cognitive control over attention to mild and high threat, Biological Psychology 135: 8-17.
- Son D. van, Schalbroeck R., Angelidis A., Wee N.J.A. van der, Does W. van der & Putman P. (2018), Acute effects of caffeine on threat-selective attention: Moderation by anxiety and EEG theta/beta ratio, Biological Psychology 136: 100-110.
- Burger A.M., Van Diest I., Van der Does A.J.W., Hysaj M., Thayer J.F., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2018), Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and extinction of prepared fear: A conceptual nonreplication, Scientific Reports 8: e11471.
- Struijs S.Y., Lamers F., Spinhoven P., Van der Does A.J.W. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2018), The predictive specificity of psychological vulnerability markers for the course of affective disorders, Journal of Psychiatric Research 103: 10-17.
- Son D. van, Angelidis A., Hagenaars M.A., Does A.J.W. van der & Putman P. (2018), Early and late dot‐probe attentional bias to mild and high threat pictures: Relations with EEG theta/beta ratio, self‐reported trait attentional control, and trait anxiety, Psychophysiology 55(12): e13274.
- Oprel D.A.C., Hoeboer C.M., Schoorl S.M.D., De Kleine R.A., Wigard I.G., Cloitre M., Van Minnen A. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2018), Improving treatment for patients with childhood abuse related posttraumatic stress disorder (IMPACT study): protocol for a multicenter randomized trial comparing prolonged exposure with intensified prolonged exposure and phase-based treatment, BMC Psychiatry 18: e385.
- Molendijk M.L., Fried E.I. & Van der Does W. (2018), The SMILES trial: Do recruitment practices explain the remarkably large effect?, BMC Medicine 16: e243.
- Koenders M.A. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2018), Stemmingsstoornissen. In: Simon E., De Hullu E., Smeets G. & Molen H.T. van der (Eds.), Klinische Psychologie. Diagnostiek en Behandeling. Groningen: Noordhoff. 205-222.
- Verkuil B., Van der Does W., Thayer J.F., Brosschot J.F. & Burger A. (2018), Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Reduces Spontaneous But Not Induced Negative Thought Intrusions In High Worriers, Psychophysiology 55: S75.
- Hamstra D., De Kloet E., Quataert I., Jansen M. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2017), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype, estradiol, progesterone and emotional information processing, Psychoneuroendocrinology 76: 162–173.
- Solis E., Antypa N., Conijn J.M., Kelderman H. & Does A.J.W. van der (2017), Psychometric Properties of the Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity (LEIDS), Psychological Assessment 29(2): 158-171.
- Antypa N., Verkuil B., Molendijk M.L., Schoevers R., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2017), Associations between chronotypes and psychological vulnerability factors of depression, Chronobiology International 34(8): 1125-1135.
- Hamstra D., Kloet E. de, Rover M. de & Does A.J.W. van der (2017), Oral contraceptives positively affect mood in healthy PMS-free women: A longitudinal study, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 103: 119-126.
- Angelidis A., Van der Does A.J.W., Schakel L. & Putman P. (2016), EEG theta/beta ratio as an electrophysiological marker for attentional control and its test-retest reliability, Biological Psychology 30(121 Part A): 49-52.
- Burger A.M., Verkuil B., Van Diest I., Van der Does A.J.W., Thayer J.F. & Brosschot J.F. (2016), The effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on conditioned fear extinction in humans, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 132: 49-56.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2016), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the effects of oral contraceptives and menstrual cycle on emotional information processing, Journal of Psychopharmacology 30(10): 1054-1061.
- Paans N.P., Bot M., Gibson-Smith D., Van der Does A.J.W., Spinhoven P., Brouwer I., Visser M. & Penninx B.W. (2016), The association between personality traits, cognitive reactivity and body mass index is dependent on depressive and/or anxiety status, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 89: 26-31.
- Cerit H., Veer I.M., Dahan A., Niesters M., Harmer C.J., Miskowiakf K.W., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Does A.J.W. van der (2015), Testing the antidepressant properties of the peptide ARA290 in a human neuropsychological model of drug action, European Neuropsychopharmacology 25(12): 2289–2299.
- Figueroa C.A., Ruhé H.G., Koeter M.W., Spinhoven P., Van der Does W., Bockting C.L. & Schene A.H. (2015), Cognitive reactivity versus dysfunctional cognitions and the prediction of relapse in recurrent major depressive disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 76(10): e1306-e1312.
- Hees N.J.M van, Giltay E.J., Tielemans S.M.A.J., Geleijnse J.M., Puvill T., Janssen N. & Does W. van der (2015), Essential amino acids in the gluten-free diet and serum in relation to depression in patients with celiac disease, PLoS ONE 10(4): e0122619.
- Cerit H., Schuur R.J., De Bruijn E.R.A. & Van der Does W. (2015), Tryptophan supplementation and the response to unfairness in healthy volunteers, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e1012.
- Van Hees N.J.M., Giltay E.J., Tielemans S.M.A.J., Geleijnse J.M., Puvill T., Janssen N. & Van der Does W. (2015), Correction: Essential amino acids in the gluten-free diet and serum in relation to depression in patients with celiac disease, PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129640.
- Jamal M., Van der Does A.J.W., Elzinga B.M., Molendijk M.L. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2015), Association between smoking, nicotine dependence, and BDNF Val66Met polymorphism with BDNF concentrations in serum, Nicotine & Tobacco Research 17(3): 323-329.
- Schoorl S.M.D., Van Mil-Klinkenberg L. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2015), Relationships between mindfulness skills, anxiety sensitivity and cognitive reactivity in posttraumatic stress disorder, Mindfulness 6(5): 1004-1011.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2015), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the influence of female hormones and oral contraceptives on cognition, Biological Psychiatry, vol. 77, 9 Supplement. 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Society of Biologic Psychiatry 14 May 2015 - 16 May 2015. Biological Psychiatry.
- Jamal M., Van der Does A.J.W. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2015), Effect of variation in BDNF Val66Met polymorphism, smoking, and nicotine dependence on symptom severity of depressive and anxiety disorders, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 148: 150-157.
- Elgersma H.J., De Jong P.J., Van Rijsbergen G.D., Kok G.D., Burger H., Van der Does A.J.W., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Bockting C.L.H. (2015), Cognitive reactivity, self-depressed associatons, and the recurrence of depression, Journal of Affective Disorders 183: 300-309.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Van Hemert A.M., De Rijk R.H. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2015), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype, oral contraceptives and emotional information processing, Neuroscience 286: 412-422.
- Kruijt A., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2014), The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, early and recent life stress, and cognitive endophenotypes of depression, Cognition and Emotion 28(7): 1149-1163.
- Drost J., Spinhoven P., Kruijt A.-W. & Van der Does W. (2014), The influence of worry and avoidance on the Iowa Gambling Task, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 45(1): 74-80.
- Schoorl M., Putman P., Mooren T.M., Van der Werff S. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2014), Attentional bias modification in Dutch veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-A case series with a personalized treatment version, Journal of Traumatic Stress 27(2): 240-243.
- Van Hees N.J., Giltay E.J., Geleijnse J.M., Janssen N. & Van der Does W. (2014), DHA serum levels were significantly higher in celiac disease patients compared to healthy controls and were unrelated to depression, PLoS ONE 9(5): e97778.
- Drost J., Van der Does W., Van Hemert A.M., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Spinhoven P. (2014), Repetitive negative thinking as a transdiagnostic factor in depression and anxiety: A conceptual replication, Behaviour Research and Therapy 63: 177-183.
- Westendorp R.G.J., Mulder B., Van der Does A.J.W. & Van der Ouderaa F.J.G. (2014), When vitality meets longevity; New strategies for health in later life. In: Kirkwood T.B.L. & Cooper C.L. (Eds.), Wellbeing: A Complete Reference Guide, Wellbeing in Later Life no. 4: John Wiley & Sons. 1-15.
- Schoorl S.M.D., Putman P.L.J., Van der Werff S. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2014), Attentional bias and attentional control in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28(2): 203-210.
- Hamstra D.A., De Rover M., De Rijk R.H. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2014), Oral contraceptives may alter the detection of emotions in facial expressions, European Neuropsychopharmacology 24(11): 1855–1859.
- Hees N.J.M. van, Does A.J.W. van der & Giltay E.J. (2013), Coeliac disease, diet adherence and depressive symptoms, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 74(2): 155-160.
- Cerit H., Jans L.A.W. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2013), The effect of tryptophan on the cortisol response to social stress is modulated by the 5-HTTLPR genotype, Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(2): 201-208.
- Schulte-Van Maaren Y.W.M., Carlier I.V.E., Zitman F.G., Van Hemert A.M., De Waal M.W.M., Van der Does A.J.W., Van Noorden M.S. & Giltay E.J. (2013), Reference values for major depression questionnaires: The Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study, Journal of Affective Disorders 149(1-3): 342-349.
- Van der Does A.J.W. (2013), Zo ben ik nu eenmaal! Lastpakken, angsthazen en buitenbeentjes. Schiedam: Scriptum.
- Schoorl S.M.D., Putman P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2013), Attentional bias modification in posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled trial, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82: 99-105.
- Spinhoven P., Van der Does W., Ormel J., Zitman F.G. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2013), Confounding of big five personality assessments in emotional disorders by comorbidity and current disorder, European Journal of Personality 27(4): 389-397.
- Kruijt A., Antypa N., Booij L., De Jong P.J., Glashouwer K., Penninx B.W. & Van der Does W. (2013), Cognitive reactivity, implicit associations, and the incidence of depression: A two-year prospective study, PLoS ONE 8(7): e70245.
- Kruijt A.-W., Putman P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2013), The effects of a visual search attentional bias modification paradigm on attentional bias in dysphoric individuals, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 44(2): 248-254.
- Kruijt A.-W., Putman P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2013), A multiple case series analysis of six variants of attentional bias modification for depression, ISRN Psychiatry 2013(414170): 8 pp.
- Verhoeven F.E.A., Booij L., Kruijt A.-W., Cerit H., Antypa N. & Does A.J.W. van der (2012), The effects of MAOA genotype, childhood trauma, and sex on trait and state-dependent aggression, Brain and Behavior 2(6): 806-813.
- Steenbergen H. van, Booij L., Band G.P.H., Hommel B. & Does A.J.W. van der (2012), Affective regulation of cognitive-control adjustments in remitted depressive patients after acute tryptophan depletion, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 12(2): 280-286.
- Van der Does A.J.W., Manthey L. & Hermans K. (2012), Dysphoric mood, thought suppression and cognitive control in recovered depressed and never-depressed individuals, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 3(121): 69-83.
- Antypa N., Smelt A.H.M., Strengholt A. & Does A.J.W. van der (2012), Effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on mood and emotional information processing in recovered depressed individuals, Journal of Psychopharmacology 26(5): 738-743.
- Jamal M., Does A.J.W. van der & Cuijpers P. (2012), Association of smoking and nicotine dependence with severity and course of symptoms in patients with depressive or anxiety disorder, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 126(1-2): 138-146.
- Drost J., Does A.J.W. van der, Antypa N., Zitman F.G., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2012), General, Specific and Unique Cognitive Factors Involved in Anxiety and Depressive Disorders, Cognitive Therapy and Research 36(6): 621-633.
- Wiersma J.E., Van Oppen P., Van Schaik D.F.J., Van der Does A.J.W., Beekman A.T.F. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), Psychological characteristics of chronic depression: A longitudinal cohort study, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 72: 288-294.
- Colzato L.S., Van der Does A.J.W., Kouwenhoven C., Elzinga B.M. & Hommel B. (2011), BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with higher anticipatory cortisol stress response, anxiety, and alcohol consumption in healthy adults, Psychoneuroendocrinology 36(10): 1562-1569.
- Karsten J., Hartman C.A., Smit J.H., Zitman F.G., Beekman A.T.F., Cuijpers P., Van der Does A.J.W., Ormel J., Nolen W.A. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), Psychiatric history and subthreshold symptoms as predictors of the occurence of depressive or anxiety disorder within 2 years, British Journal of Psychiatry 198: 206-212.
- Jamal M., Van der Does A.J.W., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Cuijpers P. (2011), Age at smoking onset and the onset of depression and anxiety disorders, Nicotine & Tobacco Research 13(9): 809-819.
- Jans L.A.W., Giltay E.J. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2011), Omega-3 supplemention and perinatal depression (Invited Comment), The Brown University Psychopharmacology Update 22(2): .
- Van der Does A.J.W. (2011), Hoe het werkt met EMDR. Reactie op Van den Hout & Engelhard (2011), Directieve Therapie 31: 24-31.
- Van der Does A.J.W. (2011), De toekomst van de psychotherapie. Commentaar op Huibers (2010), Maandblad voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid 66: 104-106.
- Verhoeven F.E.A., Booij L., Wee N.J.A. van der, Penninx B.W.J.H. & Does A.J.W. van der (2011), Clinical and physiological correlates of irritability in depression: results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety, Depression Research and Treatment 2011: e126895, 9 p.
- Booij L. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2011), Emotional processing as a predictor of symptom change: An acute tryptophan depletion study in depressed patients, European Neuropsychopharmacology 21(5): 379-383.
- Klok M.D., Giltay E.J., Does A.J.W. van der, Geleijnse J.M., Antypa N., Penninx B.W.J.H., Geus E.J.C. de, Willemsen F., Boomsma D.I., Leeuwen N. van, Zitman F.G., Kloet E.R. de & Rijk R.H. de (2011), A common and functional mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype enhances optimism and protects against depression in females, Translational Psychiatry 1: e62.
- Santen A. van, Vreeburg S.A., Does A.J.W. van der, Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), Psychological traits and the cortisol awakening response: Results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety, Psychoneuroendocrinology 36(2): 240-248.
- Antypa N., Cerit H., Kruijt A.-W., Verhoeven F.E.A. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2011), Relationships among 5-HTT genotype, life events and gender in the recognition of facial emotions, Neuroscience 172(1): 303-313.
- Antypa N. & Does A.J.W. van der (2010), Serotonin transporter gene, childhood emotional abuse and cognitive vulnerability to depression, Genes Brain and Behavior 9: 615-620.
- Klabbers G., Bosma H., Does A.J.W. van der, Vogelzangs N., Kempen G.I.J.M., Eijk J.T.H.M. van & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2010), The educational patterning of health-related adversities in individuals with major depression, Journal of Affective Disorders 126: 96-102.
- Antypa N., Does A.J.W. van der & Penninx B.W. (2010), Cognitive reactivity: Investigation of a potentially treatable marker of suicide risk in depression, Journal of Affective Disorders 122: 46-52.
- Jans L.A.W., Giltay E.J. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2010), The efficacy of n-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA (fish oil) for perinatal depression, The British Journal of Nutrition: an International Journal of Nutritional Science 104: 1577-1585.
- Colzato L.S., Wildenberg W.P.M. van den, Does A.J.W. van der & Hommel B. (2010), Genetic markers of striatal dopamine predict individual difference in dysfunctional impulsivity, Neuroscience 170: 782-788.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2010), Met de wetenschap van nu. Graaiers, draaiers en spijtoptanten. Schiedam: Scriptum Psychologie.
- Spinhoven P., Van der Does A.J.W., Van Dijk E. & Van Rood Y.R. (2010), Heart-focused anxiety as a mediating variable in the treatment of noncardiac chest pain by cognitive-behavioral therapy and paroxetine, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 69: 227-235.
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- Does A.J.W. van der (2009), Licht am Ende des Tunnels! Gib der Depression keine Chance. Zürich: Oesch Verlag.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2009), De Depressie Epidemie en andere misverstanden, Silhouet Focus op Angst & Depressie. 3: 15-19.
- Antypa N., Does A.J.W. van der, Smelt A.H.M. & Rogers R.D. (2009), Omega-3 fatty acids (fish-oil) and depression-related cognition in healthy volunteers, Journal of Psychopharmacology 23: 831-840.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2009), Houd een open mind, maar ook je verstand. Vernieuwing en hype in de behandeling van angst en depressie, Maandblad voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid 64: 343-356.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2008), Depressie, Modern medicine: specialistenblad voor de huisarts 9: 299-304.
- Does A.J.W. van der & Zitman F.G. (2008), Stemmingsstoornissen. In: Vandereycken W., Hoogduin C.A.L. & Emmelkamp P.M.G. (Eds.), Handboek Psychopathologie. Deel 1. Basisbegrippen.. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghem. 195-229.
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- Merens W., Booij L., Haffmans P.M.J. & Does A.J.W. van der (2008), The effects of experimentally lowered serotonin function on emotional information processing and memory in remitted depressed patients, Journal of Psychopharmacology 22: 653-662.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2007), Reactie op 'Een cursus in pseudowetenschap', Psychometrika 42: 89-91.
- Merens W., Does A.J.W. van der & Spinhoven P. (2007), The effects of serotonin manipulations on emotional information processing and mood, Journal of Affective Disorders 103: 43-62.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2007), Normal, störd eller bara udda? Lär dig första och hantera olika personlighetstyper. Stockholm: Liber AB.
- Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2007), Van hypnose naar mindfulness: a new belief?. In: Balkom A. van, Nijsen M., Beekman A. & Hoogendijk W. (Eds.), Verwetenschappelijking van de psychiatrie. Liber amicorum voor Richard van Dyck. Utrecht: de Tijdstroom. 25-31.
- Merens W. & Does A.J.W. van der (2007), Low-dose tryptophan depletion, Biological Psychiatry 62: 542-543.
- Booij L. & Does A.J.W. van der (2007), Cognitive and serotonergic vulnerability to depression: Convergent findings, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 116: 86-94.
- Greeven J.F., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Visser S., Merkelbach J.W., Rood Y.R. van, Dyck R. van, Does A.J.W. van der, Zitman F.G. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Cognitive behavior therapy and paroxetine in the treatment of hypochondriasis: A randomized controlled trial, The American Journal of Psychiatry 164: 91-99.
- Kremers I.P., Giezen A.E. van, Does A.J.W. van der, Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2007), Memory of childhood trauma before and after long-term psychological treatment of borderline personality disorder, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 38: 1-10.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2006), That's just the way I am. Understanding and dealing with troublemakers, wimps & oddballs. London: Marshall Cavendush and Cyan.
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- Kremers I.P., Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der & Dyck R. van (2006), Social problem solving, autobiographical memory and future specificity in outpatients with Borderline Personality Disorder, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 13: 131-137.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2006), Has everyone won, and must all have prizes?, Psychometrika 41: 650-657.
- Booij L., Merens W., Markus C.R. & Does A.J.W. van der (2006), Diet rich in a-lactalbumin improves memory in unmedicated recovered depressed patients and matched controls, Journal of Psychopharmacology 20: 526-535.
- Kremers I.P., Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der & Dyck R. van (2006), Autobiographical memory in depressed and nondepressed patients with borderline personality disorder after long-term psychotherapy, Cognition and Emotion 20: 448-465.
- Booij L., Swenne C.A., Brosschot J.F., Haffmans P.M.J., Thayer J.F. & Does A.J.W. van der (2006), Tryptophan depletion affects heart rate variability and impulsivity in remitted depressed patients with a history of suicidal ideation, Biological Psychiatry 60(5): 507-514.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2005), Dat moet mij weer gebeuren ... Zwartkijkers, zeurpieten en pechvogels. Schiedam: Scriptum Psychologie.
- Booij L. & Does A.J.W. van der (2005), Tryptofaandepletie als experimenteel model voor depressie, Neuropraxis 4: 93-98.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2005), Typen meetinstrumenten in de psychiatrie. In: Kooiman C.G., Zitman F.G. & Beurs E. de (Eds.), Meten in de psychiatrische praktijk.. Leiden: Boerhaave Commissie LUMC. 23-29.
- Does A.J.W. van der & Booij L. (2005), Cognitive therapy does not prevent a response to tryptophan depletion in patients also treated with antidepressants, Biological Psychiatry 58: 913-915.
- Merens W., Booij L., Markus C.R., Zitman F.G., Onkenhout W. & Does A.J.W. van der (2005), The effects of a diet enriched with a-lactalbumin on mood and cortisol response in unmedicated recovered depressed subjects and controls, The British Journal of Nutrition: an International Journal of Nutritional Science 94(3): 415-422.
- Kroeze S., Does A.J.W. van der, Spinhoven P., Schot R., Sterk P.J. & Aardweg J.G. van den (2005), Automatic negative evaluation of suffocation sensations in individuals with suffocation fear, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 114: 466-470.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Haffmans P.M.J. & Riedel W.J. (2005), Acute tryptophan depletion in depressed patients treated with a selective serotin-noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor: Augmentation of antidepressant response?, Journal of Affective Disorders 86: 305-311.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Haffmans P.M.J., Riedel W.J., Fekkes D. & Blom M.J.B. (2005), The effects of high-dose and low-dose tryptophan depletion on mood and cognitive functions of remitted depressed patients, Journal of Psychopharmacology 19: 267-276.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Haffmans P.M.J., Spinhoven P. & McNally R.J. (2005), Acute tryptophan depletion as a model of depressive relapse: behavioural specificity and ethical considerations, British Journal of Psychiatry 187: 148-154.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2005), Thought suppression and cognitive vulnerability to depression, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 44: 1-14.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Haffmans P.M.J., Riedel W.J., Fekkes D. & Blom M.B.J. (2004), The influence of varying reductions of tryptophan on mood and cognitive functions in remitted depressed patients, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 7 (S1): 318-318.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2004), Zo ben ik nu eenmaal! Lastpakken, angsthazen & buitenbeentjes. Schiedam: Scriptum Psychologie.
- Merens W., Booij L., Markus C.R., Zitman F.G. & Does A.J.W. van der (2004), The effects of a tryptophan enriched diet on mood, stress and cognitive functions in recovered depressed patients, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 7 (S1): 319-319.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Booij L. & Haffmans P.M.J. (2004), Cognitive and biological markers of vulnerability to depression: convergent findings, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 7 (S1): 189-189.
- Kremers I.P., Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2004), Autobiographical memory in depressed and non-depressed patients with borderline personality disorder, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 43: 17-29.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der & Haffmans P.M.J. (2004), Acute tryptophan depletion improves cognition in currently depressed patients and also improves symptoms in those treated with an SNRI, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 7 (S1): 319-319.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Duijsens I.J., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Verschuur M.J. & Spinhoven P. (2003), Anxiety sensitivity profile: dimensional structure and relationship with temperament and character, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 72: 217-222.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2003), Acute triptophan depletion (ATD) induces depressive symptoms in subgroups of recovered depressed patients, Psychological Medicine 33: 1133-1134.
- Lieverse R.J., Does A.J.W. van der & Hoogendijk W.J. (2003), Chronische depressie; biologische en psychologiesche determinanten. In: Blom M.B.J., Spijker J. & Dyck R. van (Eds.), Behandelingsstrategieën bij chronische depressie en dysthymie.. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 12-26.
- Lieverse R.J., Does A.J.W. van der & Hoogendijk W.J. (2003), Chronische depressie; biologische en psychologische determinanten. In: Blom M.B.J., Spijker J. & Dyck R. (Eds.), Behandelingsstrategieën bij Chronische Depressie en Dysthymie. Houten/Mechelen: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 12-26.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2003), Pas BaMa aan en selecteer aan de poort, Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare 27: 8.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der & Riedel W.J. (2003), Mono-amine depletion in psychiatric and healthy populations: review, Molecular Psychiatry 8: 951-973.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der & Riedel W.J. (2003), Monoamine depletion in psychiatric and healthy populations: review, Molecular Psychiatry 8: 951-974.
- Bakker A., Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der, Balkom A.J.L.M. van & Dyck R. van (2003), Reply [Letter], Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 72: 111-111.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2003), Acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) induces depressive symptoms in subgroups of recovered depressed patients [Letter to the editor], Psychological Medicine 33: 1133-1137.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2002), Handleiding Nederlandse vertaling en bewerking van de Beck Depression Inventory - second edition (BDI - II - NL). San Antonio, TX / Lisse, NL: The Psychological Corporation / Swets Test Publishers.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2002), Handleiding bij de Nederlandse versie van Beck Depression Inventory - second edition (BDI - II - NL). The Psychological Corporation/Swets Test Publisher: San Antonio, TX/ Lisse, NL.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2002), Different types of experimentally induced sad mood?, Behavior Therapy 33: 551-561.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Benkelfat C., Bremmer J.D., Cowen P.J., Fava M., Gillin C., Leyton M., Moore P., Smith K.A. & Kloot W.A. van der (2002), Predictors of mood response to acute tryptophan depletion: a reanalysis, Neuropsychopharmacology 27: 852-861.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2002), Cognitive vulnerability to depression: validity of a new measure, Journal of Affective Disorders 68: 137-138.
- Bakker A., Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der, Balkom A.J.L.M. van & Dyck R. van (2002), Locus of control orientation in panic disorder and the differential effects of treatment, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 71: 85-89.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2002), Different types of experimentally induced sad mood?, Behavior Therapy 33: 551-561.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Benkelfat C., Bremner J.D., Cowen P.J., Fava M., Gillin C., Leyton M., Moore P., Smith K.A. & Kloot W.A. van der (2002), Predictors of mood response to acute tryptophan depletion: a reanalysis, Journal of Affective Disorders 68: 103-103.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Benkelfat C., Bremner J.D., Cowen P.J., Fava M., Gillin C., Leyton M., Moore P., Smith K.A. & Kloot W.A. van der (2002), Predictors of mood response to tryptophan depletion: re-analysis, Neuropsychopharmacology 27: 852-861.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Benkelfat C., Bremner J.D., Cowen P.J., Fava M., Gillin C., Leyton M., Moore P., Smith K.A. & Kloot W.A. van der (2002), Predictors of mood response to acute tryptophan depletion: a reanalysis, Neuropsychopharmacology 27: 852-861.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2002), Cognitive reactivity to sad mood: structure and validity of a new measure, Behaviour Research and Therapy 40: 105-120.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2002), Cognitive reactivity to sad mood: structure and validity of a new measure, Behaviour Research and Therapy 40: 105-120.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2001), The mood-lowering effect of tryptophan depletion: possible explanation for discrepant findings, Archives of General Psychiatry 58: 200-202.
- Spillmann M.K., Does A.J.W. van der, Rankin M.A., Vuolo R.D., Alpert J.E., Nierenberg A.A., Rosenbaum J.F., Hayden D., Schoenfeld D. & Fava M. (2001), Tryptophan depletion in SSRI-recovered depressed outpatients, 155: 123-127.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2001), The mood-lowering effect of tryptophan depletion: possible explanation for discrepant findings, Archives of General Psychiatry 58: 200-201.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2001), The effects of tryptophan depletion on mood and psychiatric symptoms, Journal of Affective Disorders 64: 107-119.
- Spillmann M.K., Does A.J.W. van der, Rankin M.A., Vuolo R.D., Alpert J.E., Nierenberg A.A., Rosenbaum J.F., Hayden D., Schoenfeld D. & Fava M. (2001), Tryptophan depletion in SSRI-recovered depressed outpatients, 155: 123-127.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2001), The effects of tryptophan depletion on mood and psychiatric symptoms, Journal of Affective Disorders 64: 107-119.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2000), Cognitive therapy and somatoform disorders. [other].
- Does A.J.W. van der (2000), Attentional bias and unattentional blindness in panic disorder. [other].
- Does A.J.W. van der (2000), Cognitieve kwetsbaarheid voor depressie. [other].
- Does A.J.W. van der (2000), Attentional bias and inattentional blindness in panic disorder. [other].
- Does A.J.W. van der (2000), A radomized controlled trial of prayer?, Archives of Internal Medicine 160: 1871-1872.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Antony M.M., Ehlers A.W. & Barsky A.J. (2000), Heartbeat perception in panic disorder: a reanalysis, Behaviour Research and Therapy 38: 47-62.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Antony M.M., Ehlers A. & Barsky A.J. (2000), Heartbeat percetion in panic disorder: a re-analysis, Behaviour Research and Therapy 38: 47-62.
- Does A.J.W. van der (2000), A randomized, controlled trial of prayer?, Archives of Internal Medicine 160(june 26): 1871-1872.
- Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (1999), Thought suppression, dissociation and psychopathology, Personality and Individual Differences 27: 877-886.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Duijsens I.J., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Verschuur M.J. & Spinhoven P. (1999), Anxiety sensitivity profile: dimensional structure and relationship with personality, diagnosis and symptoms. [other].
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der, Bruschke A.V.G. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1999), Cognitive change following cognitive behavioral therapy for unexplained non-cardiac chest pain, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 68: 214-220.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Rood Y.R. van, Does A.J.W. van der & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1999), Cognitieve gedragstherapie voor niet-cardiale pijn op de borst - een gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde trial, Pijn Informatorium december: 1-20.
- Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (1999), Conditions not attributable to a mental disorder in Dutch psychiatric out-patients, Psychological Medicine 29: 213-220.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Rood Y.R. van, Does A.J.W. van der, Bruschke A.V.G. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1999), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Noncardiac Chest Pain: A Randomized Trial, American Journal of Medicine 106(April): 424-429.
- Does A.J.W. van der (Ed.) (1998), . Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy.
- Does A.J.W. van der (Ed.) (1998), . Psychophysiology.
- Does A.J.W. van der (Ed.) (1998), . Swiss National Science Foundation.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Hinderink E.M.C. & Vloemans A.F.P.M. (1998), Increasing numbers of patients with self-inflicted burns at Dutch burn units, Burns 24: 584-586.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (1998), Noncardiac chest pain: interest in a medical psychological treatment, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 45: 471-476.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1998), No heart feelings. Reply to Ehlers, Journal of Affective Disorders 49: 245-247.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Koch G.C.L., Does A.J.W. van der, Padmos I. & Bruschke A.V.G. (1998), Onverklaarde niet-cardiale pijn op de borst: prevalentie en natuurlijk beloop, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 143: 2468-2472.
- Wilmink F.W., Spinhoven P., Leentjens A.F.G., Does A.J.W. van der, Sicco Smit S.G., Verwielen M.A.W. & Voorhoeve O.M. (1998), Psychiatrische hulpvraag aan twee APZ-poliklinieken: wat verandert er in tien jaar tijd?, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 40: 3-13.
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- Does A.J.W. van der (1997), Voluntary breath-holding: not a suitable probe of the suffocation alarm in panic disorder, Behaviour Research and Therapy 35: 79-784.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1997), Accurate heartbeat perception in panic disorder: fact and artefact, Journal of Affective Disorders 43: 121-130.
- Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der & Dyck R. van (1997), The status of hypnotherapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders. In: Boer J.A. den (Ed.), Clinical Management of anxiety.. New York: Marcel Dekker. 197-229.
- Linszen D.H., Dingelmans P.M.A.J., Nugter M.A., Does A.J.W. van der, Scholte W.F. & Lenior M.E. (1997), Expressed emotion and patient attributeas as risk factors for psychotic relapse, Schizoph Bull 23: 119-130.
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- Nugter M.A., Dingemans P.M.A.J., Does A.J.W. van der, Linszen D.H. & Gersons B.P.R. (1997), Family treatment, expressed emotion and relapse in recent-onset schizophrenia, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 96: 445-451.
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- Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der, Rood Y.R. van & Moor W. de (1990), Hypnosis: Current theory, research and practice. Amsterdam: Free University Press.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P. & Kloosman A. (1989), The effectiveniss of standardized versus individualized hypnotic suggestions, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 37(1): 1-5.
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