Wilfried Admiraal
- Name
- Prof.dr. W.F. Admiraal

Wilfried Admiraal was a Full Professor Educational Sciences at ICLON Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching from 2012 till 2022.
More information about Wilfried Admiraal
See also
PhD candidates
Completed PhD projects
Marjon Baas
Indira Day
Irena Galikyan
Pengyue Guo
Miranda de Hei
Xinglin Jin
Loes de Jong
Evelyn van Kampen
Rineke Keijzer-Groot
Marieke Kroneman
Yuzhi Lai
Ikupa Moses
Antonia Reeuwijk-Lamers
Tamara Roemjantsev
Ben Smit
Brigitte Theeuwes
Tran Tran Thien Quynh
Ietje Veldman
Hans Vogelzang
Jingxian Wang
Xin Zhang
Na Zhou
More information on Wilfried Admiraal: https://sites.google.com/site/wilfriedadmiraal/.
- Onderzoek
- Schoots-Snijder A.J.M. Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2025), Curriculum guidelines for the development of student agency in secondary education: A systematic review [Curriculum guidelines for the development of student agency in secondary education: A systematic review, Curriculumrichtlijnen voor de ontwikkeling van leerling-agency in het voortgezet onderwijs: Een systematische review] (translation: Schoots‐Snijder A. J. M. Tigelaar E. H. Admiraal W. F.), The Curriculum Journal : .
- Smit B.H.J., Tigelaar D.E.H., Berry A.K. & Admiraal W.F. (2024), Teacher educators’ views on educating pre-service teachers for participatory action research in secondary schools, Teaching and Teacher Education 141: 104460.
- Wang L., Vetten A. de, Admiraal W. & Rijst R. van der (2024), Relationship between perceived learner control and student engagement in various study activities in a blended course in higher education, Education and Information Technologies : .
- Kusters M., De Vetten A., Admiraal W. & Van der Rijst R. (2024), Developing scenarios for exploring teacher agency in universities: a multimethod study, Frontline Learning Research 12: 1-26.
- Kusters M.C.J., Rijst R.M. van der, Vetten A.J. de & Admiraal W.F. (2023), University lecturers as change agents: how do they perceive their professional agency?, Teaching and Teacher Education 127: 104097.
- Ertugruloglu E.O., Mearns T.L. & Admiraal W.F. (2023), Scaffolding what, why and how?: A critical thematic review study of descriptions, goals, and means of language scaffolding in Bilingual education contexts, Educational Research Review 40: 100550.
- Çal A., Mearns T.L. & Admiraal W.F. (2023), Two worlds apart? : Engineering students’ perceptions of workplace English, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly : 1-27.
- Schoots-Snijder A.J.M., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2023), Leerlingperceptie van agency in het VO: een exploratief onderzoek naar het ontwerp en de kwaliteit van de Student Agency Scale (SAS), Pedagogische Studien 100(4): 448-485.
- Rumiantsev T., Rijst R. van der, Kuiper W., Verhaar A. & Admiraal W. (2023), Teacher professional development and educational innovation through action research in conservatoire education in the Netherlands, British Journal of Music Education 41: 195-208.
- Rumiantsev T.W., Rijst R.M. van der & Admiraal W.F. (2023), A systematic literature review of collaborative learning in conservatoire education, Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8: 100683.
- Wang J., Tigelaar E.H., Luo J. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Teacher beliefs, classroom process quality, and student engagement in the smart classroom learning environment: a multilevel analysis, Computers & Education 183: 104501.
- Wang J., Tigelaar Dineke E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), From policy to practice: integrating ICT in Chinese rural schools, Technology, Pedagogy and Education 31(4): 509-524.
- Wang J., Tigelaar D.E.H., Zhou T. & Admiraal W. (2022), The effects of mobile technology usage on cognitive, affective, and behavioural learning outcomes in primary and secondary education: A systematic review with meta‐analysis, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 39: 301-328.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar D. & Admiraal W. (2022), The relationship between vocational teachers’ motivational beliefs and their engagement in work placement, Journal of Vocational Education and Training : 1-20.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar Dineke E.H. & Admiraal W.F (2022), Factors influencing the impact of work placement on vocational teachers’ school practice, Educational Studies : 1-20.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar D.E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Vocational teachers' professional learning: a systematic literature review of the past decade, Teaching and Teacher Education 119: 103856.
- Jin X., Tigelaar D., Want A.van der & Admiraal W. (2022), Novice teachers' appraisal of expert feedback in a teacher professional development programme in Chinese vocational education, Teaching and Teacher Education 112: 103652.
- Jin X., Tigelaar D., Want A. van der & Admiraal W. (2022), The effects of a teacher development programme in chinese vocational education on the efficacy and professional engagement of novice teachers, Journal of Education for Teaching 49: 252-265.
- Wurth J.G.R., Tigelaar E.H., Hulshof H.,Jong J. de & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Teacher and student perceptions of L1-oral language lessons in Dutch secondary education, L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature 22: 1-27.
- Rijst R.M. van der, Lamers A.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Addressing student challenges in transnational education in Oman: the importance of student interaction with teaching staff and peers, Compare 53(7): 1189-1205.
- Baas M.A.A., Schuwer R., Berg E. van den, Huizinga T., Rijst R.M. van der & Admiraal W. (2022), The role of brokers in cultivating an inter-institutional community around open educational resources in higher education, Higher Education 85: 999-1019.
- Baas M., Schuwer R., Berg E. van den, Huizinga T., Rijst R.M van der & Admiraal W. (2022), What’s in it for me?: A mixed-methods study on teachers’ value creation in an inter-institutional community on open educational resources in higher education, Education and Information Technologies 28: 6049-6074.
- Post L., Leeuwen A. van, Lockhorst D., Admiraal W. & Kester L. (2022), A Blueprint for Teacher Design Teams to Create Professional Development Interventions, International Journal of Studies in Education 4: 88-106.
- Lai Y., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), University students’ use of mobile technology in self-directed language learning: using the integrative model of behavior prediction, Computers & Education 179: 104413.
- Smit B.H.J., Meirink J.A., Tigelaar E.H., Berry A.K. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Principles for school student participation in pre-service teacher action research: a practice architecture’s perspective, Educational Action Research : 1-21.
- Lai Y., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Learning strategies in self-directed language learning using mobile technology in higher education: a systematic scoping review, Education and Information Technologies 27(6): 7749-7780.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar D.E.H. & Admiraal W. (2021), Understanding vocational teachers’ professional development in work placement: learning goals, activities, and outcomes, Studies in Continuing Education 45: 18-36.
- Jong L.A.H. de, Wilderjans T.F., Meirink J.A., Schenke W., Sligte H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Teachers’ perceptions of their schools changing toward professional learning communities, Journal of Professional Capital and Community : .
- Vogelzang J., Admiraal W.F. & Driel J.H. van (2021), Scrum methodology in context-based secondary chemistry classes: effects on students’ achievement and on students’ perceptions of affective and metacognitive dimensions of their learning, Instructional Science 49(5): .
- Çal A., Admiraal W.F. & Mearns T.L. (2021), The what - how - why of English in the workplace: perspectives from Turkish engineers, European Journal of Engineering Education : .
- Haenen J., Vink C.C., Sjoer E. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Challenge and learning in honours education: a quantitative and qualitative study on students' and teachers' perceptions, Teaching in Higher Education : 1-17.
- Admiraal W.F. (2021), Student-teachers’ emotionally challenging classroom events: a typology of their responses, Educational Studies 47(6): 765-769.
- Le T.T.T., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Thế nào là một trường học dân chủ? Khái niệm và sự thực thi các giá trị: tôn trọng, công bằng và tự chủ trong trường học từ quan điểm so sánh = What is a democratic school?: The concept and implementation of respect, equity, and autonomy in Vietnamese high schools from a comparative perspective . In: Duong B.H., Hoang A-D. & Bu H.T.M. (Eds.), Giáo dục Phổ thông Việt Nam: chuyển biến và sáng tạo = General education in Vietnam: challenges, innovation, and change. Hanoi: Dan Tri Publishing House. 154-174.
- Day I.N.Z., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2021), Designing assessment and feedback to improve student learning and student success. In: Shah M., Kift S & Thomas L. (Eds.), Student retention and success in higher education. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 217-249.
- Admiraal W.F., Schenke W., Jong L.A.H. de, Emmelot Y. & Sligte H. (2021), Schools as professional learning communities: what can schools do to support professional development of their teachers?, Professional Development in Education 47(4): 684-698.
- Galikyan I., Admiraal W.F. & Kester L. (2021), MOOC discussion forums: the interplay of the cognitive and the social, Computers & Education 165: 1-10 (104133).
- Guo P., Saab N., Wu L. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), The Community of Inquiry perspective on students' social presence, cognitive presence, and academic performance in online project‐based learning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37(5): 1479-1493.
- Jin X., Li T., Meirink J.A., Want A. van der & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Learning from novice–expert interaction in teachers’ continuing professional development, Professional Development in Education 47(5): 745-762.
- Karkdijk J., Schee J. van der & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Strategies used by small student groups to understand a geographical mystery, J-Reading Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography 1(10): 5-21.
- Keijzer R., Rijst R.M. van der, Schooten E. van & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Individual differences among at-risk students changing the relationship between resilience and vocational identity, International Journal of Educational Research 110: 1-13 (101893).
- Keijzer R., Rijst R.M. van der, Schooten E. van & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Towards emotional responsive mentoring of at-risk students in last-resort programs, Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 13: 22.
- Wang J., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Rural teachers’ sharing of digital educational resources: from motivation to behavior, Computers & Education 161: 1-17 (104055).
- Wei X., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Assessment of cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning outcomes in massive open online courses: a systematic literature review, Computers & Education 163: 1-24 (104097).
- Zhang X., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2021), Teachers’ motivation to participate in continuous professional development: relationship with factors at the personal and school level, Journal of Education for Teaching 47: 714-731.
- Admiraal W.F., Schenke W., Jong L.A.H. de & Sligte H. (2021), De school als professionele leergemeenschap: interventies om professioneel leren te bevorderen. In: Poell R. & Kessels J. (Eds.), Handboek human resource development: organiseren van het leren. Leuven: LannooCampus. 365-380.
- Admiraal W.F., Teaching with learning analytics. TPEA. London: Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association (TPEA). [blog entry].
- Admiraal W.F. (1 April 2021), Student-teachers’ stress and well-being in teacher education: coping with emotionally challenging work as a teacher [online keynote] (Lecture). Antalya: International Conference on Research in Education and Science.
- Post L.S., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Final pilot report: IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Helsinki: Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences.
- Post L.S., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Final curriculum report: technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Helsinki: Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences.
- Den Brok P., Jong L.A.H. de, Alhanachi S., Thurlings M., Hendrickx M., Severiens S., De Meijer L., Admiraal W.F. & Meirink J.A. (2021), Professionele leergemeenschappen: zo werkt het (goed), Van Twaalf tot Achttien 2021(4): 32-33.
- Admiraal W.F. (12 August 2021), Mag een leraar weer leraar zijn?. Teaching and Teacher Learning - ICLON Research Blog. Leiden: Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON). [blog entry].
- Admiraal W.F. (1 January 2021), Stay connected! Students’ sense of belonging in higher education. Teaching and Teacher Learning - ICLON Research Blog. Leiden: Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON). [blog entry].
- Williams-Britton S.M., Sahin I. & Admiraal W.F. (Eds.) (2021), Teachers’ voices in one-to-one technology integration professional development programs. Monument, CO, USA: STES Organization.
- Admiraal W. (Ed.) (2021), . International Journal of Studies in Education: International Society for Technology, Education and Science (ISTES).
- Admiraal W. (Executive editor) (Ed.) (2021), . Teaching and Teacher Education.
- Guo P., Saab. N., Wu. L. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Relationship between collaborative learning, need satisfaction, and student satisfaction with a blended project-based learning course. Scholkmann A., Telléus P.K., Ryberg T., Hung W., Andreasen L.B., Kofoed L.B., Christiansen N.L.S. & Nielsen S.R. (Eds.), Transforming PBL Through Hybrid Learning Models: Timely Challenges and Answers in a (Post)-Pandemic Perspective and Beyond. PBL2021 17 August 2021 - 19 August 2021. Aalborg, Denmark: Aalborg University Press. 240-245.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Understanding vocational teachers’ professional development in work placement: learning goals, activities, and outcomes, Studies in Continuing Education : 1-19.
- Admiraal W. (2021), Member of editorial staff International Journal of Research in Education and Science.
- Admiraal W. (Ed.) (2021), . Frontline Learning Research.
- Admiraal W. (Ed.) (2021), . Humanities.
- Admiraal W. (Ed.) (2021), . The European Educational Researcher.
- Admiraal W. (Ed.) (2021), . Educational Psychology.
- Admiraal W. (Ed.) (2021), . Electronic Journal of e-Learning.
- Galikyan I., Admiraal W.F. & Kester L. (2021), MOOC discussion forums: the interplay of the cognitive and the social, Computers & Education 165: 104133.
- Jong L.A.H. de, Meirink J.A. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Teacher learning in the context of teacher collaboration: connecting teacher dialogue to teacher learning, Research Papers in Education : 1-24.
- Kamp M.T. van de, Admiraal W.F., Coertjens L., Goossens M. & Rijlaarsdam G. (2021), The relationship of types of exploration activities with originality of visual arts designs, Journal of Creative Behavior : 1-17 (jocb.519).
- Kroneman M., Admiraal W.F. & Kleistra Y. (2021), Peer education on sexual diversity in Dutch secondary education: peer educators’ perceptions of activities and perceived outcomes, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services : 1-23.
- Le T.T.T., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), A typology of educational democratic values: perspectives from teachers and students in Vietnamese secondary schools, Asia Pacific Journal of Education : 1-16.
- Admiraal W., Jong L. de, Schenke W. & Sligte H. (2020), De school als professionele leergemeenschap. In: Ros A., Geijsel F., Dengerink J. & Wit B. de (Eds.), Leraar: een professie met perspectief. Deel 3: Een leeromgeving voor leraren. no. 3. Meppel, Nederland: Ten Brink Uitgevers. 36-45.
- Smit B.H.J., Meirink J.A., Berry A.K. & Admiraal W.F. (2020), Source, respondent, or partner? Involvement of secondary school students in participatory action research, International Journal of Educational Research 100: 1-12.
- Guo P., Saab N., Post L.S. & Admiraal W. (2020), A review of project-based learning in higher education: Student outcomes and measures, International Journal of Educational Research 102: 101586.
- Admiraal W., Post L.,Lockhorst D., Louws M. & & Kester L. (2020), Personalizing learning with mobile technology in a secondary school in the Netherlands: Effects on students' autonomy support, learning motivation and achievement, The European Educational Researcher 3(3): 119-137.
- Admiraal W. (2020), A typology of student-teachers' coping with stressful classroom events, European Journal of Education 3(1): 6-17.
- Admiraal W., Vermeulen J. & Bulterman-Bos J. (2020), Teaching with learning analytics: How to connect computer-based assessment data with classroom instruction?, Technology, Pedagogy and Education 29(5): .
- Hendriks R. A., Jong P. G. M., Admiraal W. F. & Reinders M. E. J. (2020), Uncovering motivation and self-regulated learning skills in integrated medical MOOC learning: a mixed methods research protocol, BMJ Open 10(10): .
- Kampen E. van, Meirink J., Admiraal W. & Berry M. (2020), Do we all share the same goals for content and language integrated learning (CLIL)? Specialist and practitioner perceptions of ‘ideal’ CLIL pedagogies in the Netherlands, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 23(8): 855-871.
- Keijzer R., Admiraal W., Rijst R. van der & Schooten E. van (2020), Vocational identity of at-risk emerging adults and its relationship with individual characteristics, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 20(2): 375-410.
- Lamers-Reeuwijk A. M., Admiraal W. & Rijst R. van der (2020), Expatriate academics and transnational teaching: the need for quality assurance and quality enhancement to go hand in hand, Higher Education Research & Development 39(4): 733-747.
- Nguyen P-N.T., Rijlaarsdam G., Janssen T. & Admiraal W. (2020), Effects of rhetorical text analysis on idea generation and text quality, ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics 171(2): 280-306.
- Rumiantsev T. W., Admiraal W. & Rijst R. van der (2020), Conservatoire leaders’ observations and perceptions on curriculum reform, British Journal of Music Education 37(1): 29-41.
- Schaik P. van, Volman M., Admiraal W. & Schenke W. (2020), Fostering collaborative teacher learning: A typology of school leadership, European Journal of Education 55(2): 217-232.
- Tran T., Admiraal W. & Saab. N. (2020), Work-related values in international workplace in international workplaces in Vietnam: Cross-cultural differences between employers and employees, Open Journal of Business and Management 8(4): 1567-1586.
- Tran T. T. Q., Admiraal W. & Saab N. (2020), Effects of critical incident tasks on students’ awareness of intercultural communication (Efectos de un programa de actividades basadas en incidentes críticos en la competencia de los estudiantes sobre comunicación intercultural), Cultura y Educación. Culture and Education 32(4): 674-704.
- Vogelzang J., Admiraal W. F. & Driel J. H. van (2020), A teacher perspective on Scrum methodology in secondary chemistry education, Chemistry Education Research and Practice 21(1): 237-249.
- Vogelzang J., Admiraal W. F. & Driel J. H. van (2020), Effects of Scrum methodology on students’ critical scientific literacy: the case of Green Chemistry, Chemistry Education Research and Practice 21(3): 940-952.
- Zhang X., Admiraal W. & Saab N. (2020), University-school partnership in China: Teachers’ personal factors, working conditions, and principal leadership that explain their development in teaching, Frontiers of Education in China 15(4): 621-646.
- Guo P., Post L., Saab N. & Admiraal W. (2020), Pilot 2 report. Technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Erasmus Knowledge Alliance program. Helsinki, Finland: Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences.
- Post L., Kester L. Admiraal W., Lockhorst D. & Bulder E. (2020), Gamification in digitale oefenprogramma’s. Eindrapportage Overzichtstudie. Leiden/Utrecht: NRO, Universiteit Utrecht, Universiteit Leiden & Oberon.
- Admiraal W. (2020), Ứng dụng CNTT ở bậc trung học: Mười điểm cần lưu ý, GIÁO DỤC. TiaSÁng : .
- Admiraal W. (Ed.) (2020), Stress, distress and drop-out amongst higher education students – how to deal with challenges in higher education?. Open Education Studies: De Gruyter.
- Admiraal W. (2020), Panellid van het Socratische gesprek “Moeten leraren beter worden toegerust om digitaal geletterd te zijn?” (OnderwijsInzicht). [other].
- Admiraal W., Jong L. de, Schenke W. & Sligte H. (2020), Bouwen aan de school als professionele leergemeenschap. Workshop op het symposium 'Leraar een professie met perspectief'. [other].
- Admiraal W. (2020), 10 Tips voor afstandsonderwijs, Didaktief : .
- Kester L., Admiraal W. & Lockhorst D. (2020), Ervaringen met leren en lesgeven op maat met ict, De Nieuwe Meso juni 2020(2): 57-61.
- Kester L., Lockhorst D. & Admiraal W. (2020), Lesgeven tijdens de coronacrisis: Didactische toepassingen van digitale oefenprogramma’s, Sociaalweb : .
- Schaik P. van, Schenke W., Admiraal W. & Volman M. (2020), Het stimuleren van een lerende cultuur. Vier typen schoolleiders, School Management Totaal april 2020: 20-22.
- Admiraal W. (11 February 2020), Digitalisering hoger onderwijs verkleint toegankelijkheid. Teaching and Teacher Learning. Leiden: ICLON, Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Admiraal W. (9 May 2020), Teaching and learning from home – what we have learned from pre-COVID-19 times. Teaching and Teacher Learning. Leiden: ICLON, Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Wang J., Tigelaar D. E. & Admiraal W. (2020), Rural teachers’ sharing of digital educational resources: From motivation to behavior, Computers & Education 161: .
- Kampen E. van, Meirink J.A., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A. (2020), Characterising integrated content-language pedagogies of global perspectives teachers in Dutch bilingual schools, Language, Culture and Curriculum 34(1): 18-34.
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2019), Effects of critical incident tasks on the intercultural competence of English non-majors, Intercultural Education 30(6): 618-633.
- Moses I., Admiraal W.F., Berry A. & Saab N. (2019), Student-teachers’ commitment to teaching and intentions to enter the teaching profession in Tanzania, South African Journal of Education 39(1): 1-15.
- Wang J., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Connecting Rural Schools to Quality Education: Rural Teachers’ Use of Digital Educational Resources, Computers in Human Behavior 101: 68-76.
- Jong L.A.H. de, Meirink J.A. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), School-based teacher collaboration: Different learning opportunities across various contexts, Teaching and Teacher Education 86(November): 102925.
- Admiraal W.F., Schenke W., Jong L.A.H. de, Emmelot Y. & Sligte H. (2019), Schools as professional learning communities: what can schools do to support professional development of their teachers?, Professional Development in Education : .
- Rijst R.M. van der, Verberg C.P.M., Post L. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Profielwerkstuk? Fluitje van een cent, Didaktief 49(1): 22-23.
- Theeuwes B.C., Saab N., Denessen E. & Admiraal W. (2019), Docenten en hun cultuurdiverse klassen in het voortgezet onderwijs, Pedagogische Studiën 96(4): 218-243.
- Post L.S., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Effects of remote labs on cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning outcomes in higher education, Computers & Education 140: 1-9.
- Wurth J.G.R., Tigelaar E.H., Hulshof H., Jong J.C. de & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Key elements of L1-oral language teaching and learning in secondary education. A literature review, L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature 19: 1-23.
- Admiraal W.F., Nieuwenhuis G., Kooij Y., Dijkstra T. & Cloosterman I. (2019), Perceived autonomy support in primary education in the Netherlands: Differences between teachers and their students, World Journal of Education 19(4): 1-12.
- Admiraal W.F., Post L., Guo P., Saab N., Makinen S., Rainio O., Vuori J., Burgeois J., Kortuem G. & Danford G. (2019), Students as future workers: Cross-border multidisciplinary learning labs in higher education, International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 3(2): 85-94.
- Admiraal W.F., Veldman I., Mainhard T. & Tartwijk J. van (2019), A typology of veteran teachers' job satisfaction: Their relationships with their students and the nature of their work, Social Psychology of Education 22(2): 337-355.
- Baas M., Admiraal W.F. & Berg E. van den (2019), Teachers' adoption of Open Educational Resources in higher education, Journal of Interactive Media in Education 1(9): 1-11.
- Galikyan I. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Students' engagement in asynchronous online discussion: The relationship between cognitive presence, learner prominence, and academic performance, Internet and Higher Education 43: .
- Hendriks R.A., Jong P.G.M. de, Admiraal W.F. & Reinders M.E.J. (2019), Teaching modes and social-epistemological dimensions in Medical Massive Open Online Courses: Lessons for integration in campus education, Medical Teacher 41(8): 917-926.
- Huizenga J., Admiraal W.F., Dam G. ten & Voogt J. (2019), Mobile game-based learning in secondary education: Students' immersion, game activities, team performance and learning outcomes, Computers in Human Behavior 99: 137-143.
- Karkdijk J., Admiraal W.F. & Schee J. van der (2019), Small-group work and relational thinking in geographical mysteries: A study in Dutch secondary education, Review of International Geographical Education Online 9(2): 402-425.
- Karkdijk J., Schee J.A. van der & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Students’ geographical relational thinking when solving mysteries, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 28(1): 5-21.
- Schaik P.W. van, Volman M., Admiraal W.F. & Schenke W. (2019), Approaches to co-construction of knowledge in teacher learning groups, Teaching and Teacher Education 84: 30-43.
- Vogelzang J., Admiraal W.F. & Driel J.H. van (2019), Scrum methodology as an effective scaffold to promote students' learning and motivation in context-based secondary chemistry education, EURASIA Journal of Mathemathics, Science and Technology Education 15(12): em1783.
- Theeuwes B., Saab. N., Denessen E. & Admiraal W. (2019), Docenten en hun cultuurdiverse klassen in het voortgezet onderwijs, Pedagogische Studiën 96(4): 2018-243.
- Brink S.C., Georgsson F., Thomson G., Hei M.S.A. de, Sjoer E. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Mapping current curricular changes in European engineering education. Nagy B.V., Murphy M., Järvinen H.-M. & Kálmán A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the SEFI 47th Annual Conference Complexity is the new normality - Research Papers. SEFI 47th Annual Conference Complexity is the new normality 16 September 2019 - 19 September 2019. Brussels: SEFI. 1447-1457.
- Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W. (2019), Pilot 1 report. Technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Erasmus Knowledge Alliance program.
- Post L., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W. (2019), Pilot Curriculum Report. General outline and implementation. Technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Erasmus Knowledge Alliance program.
- Post L., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W. (2019), Review of student competences in learning labs in higher education. Technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Erasmus Knowledge Alliance program.
- Verberg C., Post L., Rijst R. van der & Admiraal W. (2019), Naar zelfstandig onderzoek van leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs voortgezet onderwijs. Eindrapport NRO-405-15-552.
- Admiraal W., Op naar 40 jaar inspirerend voor de klas. Op naar 40 jaar inspirerend voor de klas.. [blog entry].
- Kroneman M., Admiraal W.F. & Ketelaars M.P. (2019), A Peer-educator intervention: Attitudes towards LGB in prevocational secondary education in the Netherlands, Journal of LGBT Youth 16(1): 62-82.
- Day I.N.Z., Blankenstein F.M. van, Westenberg P.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), University teachers’ conceptions of their current and ideal intermediate assessment: an A+ is good, but speaking your mind is better, Studies in Higher Education 44(12): 2223-2234.
- Van der Zee T., Davis D., Saab N., Giesbers B., Ginn F., Van der Sluis F., Paas F. & Admiraal W. (2018), Evaluating retrieval practice in a MOOC: how writing and reading summaries of videos affects student learning. .
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2018), Cultural distance in the workplace: Differences in work-related attitudes between Vietnamese employees and Western employers. [conference poster].
- Admiraal W.F., Schaik P. van, Bastiaanse T. & Schaik-Maljaars N. van (2018), Teaching reading strategies in science and social sciences in secondary education, L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature 18: 1-15.
- Hei M. de, Admiraal W.F., Sjoer E. & Strijbos J.W. (2018), Group learning activities and perceived learning outcomes, Studies in Higher Education 43(12): 2354-2370.
- Lamers A.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), Moving out of their comfort zones: enhancing teaching practice in transnational education, International Journal of Academic Development 23(2): 110-122.
- Nguyen P.N.T., Admiraal W.F., Janssen T. & Rijlaarsdam G. (2018), Learning to write: Effects of pre-writing tasks on English writings of Vietnamese students, Asian EFL Journal 20(9.1): 57-74.
- Pilli O., Admiraal W.F. & Salli A. (2018), MOOCs: Innovation or stagnation?, The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 19(3): 169-181.
- Schaik P. van, Volman M., Admiraal W.F. & Schenke W. (2018), Barriers and conditions for teachers' utilisation of academic knowledge, International Journal of Educational Research 90(1): 50-63.
- Admiraal W.F., Onderwijs met ict moet anders. het roer moet om!. Researchblog. [blog entry].
- Admiraal W.F. (2018), Optimaal onderwijs (Universiteit Leiden). [other].
- Admiraal W.F. (2018), Brein en gedrag in ontwikkeling (Universiteit Leiden). [other].
- Nieuwenhuis G., Kooij Y., Dijkstra T., Cloosterman I. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), Autonomie van leerlingen en pedagogisch-didactisch handelen in de bovenbouw van het basisonderwijs, Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk 57(1-2): 14-26.
- Kester L., Lockhorst D. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), Maatwerk in het onderwijs. Onderzoek naar leraarsturing, leerlingsturing en de rol van ict, LBBO-Beter Begeleiden Magazine : 32-35.
- Admiraal W.F. (2018), Onderwijs met ict moet anders. Het roer moet om!. [other].
- Admiraal W.F., Kester L., Janssen C., Jonge M. de, Post L. & Lockhorst D. (2018), Personalizing learning with mobile technology in secondary education. Sánchez I.A. & Isaias P. (Eds.), Proceedings of 14th International Conference Mobile Learning 2018. : IADIS Press.
- Admiraal W.F. (2018), Professionele leergemeenschappen en onderzoek door leraren en opleiders: Een vruchtbare combinatie?. In: Boei F. & Willemse M. (Eds.), Kennisbasis lerarenopleiders. Katern 5: Onderzoek in de lerarenopleidingen no. 5 131-142.
- Kester L., Cviko A., Janssen C., Jonge M. de, Louws M., Nouwens S., Paas T., Ven F. van der, Admiraal W.F., Post L., Lockhorst D., Buynsters M. & Damstra G. (2018), Gepersonaliseerd leren met ICT: docent en leerling samen aan het stuur.
- Lockhorst D., Kieft M., Admiraal W.F. & Kester L. (2018), Omgaan met verschillen met behulp van ict.
- Admiraal W.F., Meijer P.C., Meirink J.A., Oolbekkink-Marchand H.W., Schaap H., Tartwijk J.W.F. van & Zwart R.C. (2018), Drie professionaliseringsinitiatieven onder de loep: de professionele ruimte van leraren in de context van de professionele leergemeenschappen, de promotiebeurs en traineeships voor leraren.
- Kampen E. van, Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (2018), Content and language integrated learning in the Netherlands: teacher’s self-reported pedagogical practices, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 21(2): 222-236.
- Vereijken Mayke, Saab Nadira, Smit Ben, Van Schijndel Tessa, Van Driel Jan, Berry Amanda & Admiraal Wilfried (2018), Delen van kennis: Samen professionaliseren rond inquiry-based teaching op internationale scholen; Het Sharing Knowledge Project [Eindrapport project 405-15-813]. Den Haag: NRO.
- Day I.N.Z., Blankenstein F.M. van, Westenberg P.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), Teacher and student perceptions of intermediate assessment in higher education, Educational Studies 44(4): 449-467.
- Jong L.A.H. de, Admiraal W.F., Sligte H., Schenke W. & Emmelot Y. (2018), Secondary Schools Toward a Culture of Professional Collaboration: School Culture, Interventions, and Outcomes. American Educational Research Association 13 April 2018 - 13 April 2018.
- Jong L.A.H. de, Meirink J.A. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), Met en van collega’s leren: Een cross-case analyse naar leeroriëntaties en participatie van docenten. Onderwijs Research Dagen 13 June 2018 - 15 June 2018.
- Jong L.A.H. de, Admiraal W.F., Sligte H., Schenke W. & Emmelot Y. (2018), De school als PLG: Een driejarige studie naar de relatie tussen condities en elementen (een docentperspectief). .
- Day I.N.Z., Blankenstein F.M. van, Westenberg P.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), A review of the characteristics of intermediate assessment and their relationship with student grades, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 43(6): 908 - 929.
- Day I.N.Z., Blankenstein F.M. van, Westenberg P.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), Explaining individual student success using continuous assessment types and student characteristics, Higher Education Research & Development 37(5): 937-951.
- Jong L.A.H. de, Meirink J.A. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), Teacher Orientations towards Learning and Self-Perceived Participation: A Cross Case Analysis of In-School Teacher Collaboration. .
- Kan C. van, Brouwer P., Smit B.H.J., Spreeuwenberg L., Swet J. van & Admiraal W.F. (2018), From master student to master teacher: The meaning of teacher research for school practice. EAPRIL 2018, Portoroz. 12 November 2018 - 14 November 2018. [conference poster].
- Meirink J.A., Oolbekkink-Marchand H. & Admiraal W.F. (2018), Professionele ruimte van leraren in het voortgezet onderwijs. Inleiding bij het themanummer, Pedagogische Studiën 95(3): 126-130.
- Kampen E. van, Mearns T.L., Meirink J.A., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A. (2018), How do we measure up? A review of Dutch CLIL subject pedagogies against an international backdrop, Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 7(2): 127-154.
- Sligte H., Admiraal W.F., Schenke W., Emmelot Y. & Jong L.A.H. de (2018), De School als PLG. Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut.
- Moses I., Berry A., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Who wants to become a teacher? Typology of student-teachers’ commitment to teaching, Journal of Education for Teaching 43(4): 444-457.
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2017), Effects of critical incident tasks on the intercultural competence of English Non-majors. [conference poster].
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2017), Effects of critical incident tasks on students' awareness of intercultural communication. [other].
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2017), Enhancing students' communication skills through incorporating cultures into the English classrooms. [other].
- Vogelzang J. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Classroom action research on formative assessment in a context-based chemistry course, Educational Action Research 25(1): .
- Moses I., Berry A., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Who wants to become a teacher? Typology of student-teachers’ commitment to teaching, Journal of Education for Teaching 43(4): 444-457.
- Jong L.A.H. de, Meirink J.A. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Differentiatie in het voortgezet onderwijs: Ecologische validiteit van een vragenlijst. Ontmoetingsdag binnenklasdifferentiatie 28 April 2017 - 28 April 2017. Antwerpen: Ontmoetingsdag binnenklasdifferentiatie.
- Kampen E. van, Meirink J.A., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A. (2017), Do we all share the same goals for content and language integrated learning (CLIL)? Specialist and practitioner perceptions of ‘ideal’ CLIL pedagogies in the Netherlands, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism : .
- Zee T. van der, Admiraal W.F., Paas F., Saab N. & Giesbers B. (2017), Effects of subtitles, complexity, and language proficiency on learning from online education videos, Journal of Media Psychology 29(1): 18-30.
- Wurth J.G.R., Admiraal W.F., Jong J.C. de, Hulshof H. & Tigelaar E.H. (2017), Ontwerpcriteria voor effectief spreekvaardigheidsonderwijs: de rol van feedback. Mottart A. & Vanhooren S. (Eds.), 31ste conferentie onderwijs Nederlands. HSN-Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands 18 November 2016 - 19 November 2016 no. 31. Gent: HSN. 83-87.
- Admiraal W.F., Buijs M., Claessens W., Honing T. & Karkdijk J. (2017), Linking theory and practice: Teacher research in history and geography classrooms, Educational Action Research 25(2): 316-331.
- Admiraal W.F., Louws M.L, Lockhorst D., Paas T., Buynsters M., Cviko A., Nouwens S., Janssen C., Jonge M. de, Post L.S, Ven F. van der & Kester L. (2017), Teachers in school-based technology innovations: A typology of their beliefs on teaching and technology, Computers & Education 114(2017): 57-68.
- Admiraal W.F., Vugt F. van, Kranenburg F., Koster B., Smit B., Weijers S. & Lockhorst D. (2017), Preparing pre-service teachers to integrate technology into K-12 instruction: Evaluation of a technology-infused approach, Technology, Pedagogy and Education 26(1): 105-120.
- Huizenga J.C., Dam G.T.M. ten, Voogt J.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Teachers' practice-based perceptions of the value of game-based learning in secondary education, Computers & Education 110(2017): 105-115.
- Moses I., Berry A., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Who wants to become a teacher? Typology of student-teachers’ commitment to teaching, Journal of Education for Teaching 43(4): 444-457.
- Pilli O. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Students' learning outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): Some suggestions for course design, Yüksekögretim Dergisi 7(1): 46-71.
- Rumiantsev T.W., Maas A. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Collaborative learning in two vocal conservatoire courses, Music Education Research 19(4): 371-383.
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2017), Cultural distance in the workplace: Differences in work-related attitudes between Vietnamese employees and Western employers, International Journal of Business and Management 12(10): 91-110.
- Veldman I., Admiraal W.F., Mainhard T., Wubbels T. & Tartwijk J. van. (2017), Measuring teachers' interpersonal self-efficacy: Relationship with realized interpersonal aspirations, classroom management efficacy and age, Social Psychology of Education 20: 411-426.
- Vogelzang H. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Classroom action research on formative assessment in a context-based chemistry course, Educational Action Research 25(1): 155-166.
- Admiraal W.F., Erken leren in school ook in het lerarenregister. Didaktief. [blog entry].
- Kamp M. van de, Admiraal W.F. & Rijlaarsdam G. (2017), Bevorderen van originaliteit: over de effecten van strategie-instructie, Tijdschrift Cultuur + Educatie 17(47): 94-129.
- Schaik P.W. van, Bastiaanse A.A., Schaik-Maljaars N.S. van, Bloemhof M. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Taalgerichte vakondersteuning in de bovenbouw van het voortgezet onderwijs, Pedagogische Studiën 94(1): 25-48.
- Khalil M., Ebner M. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), How can gamification improve MOOC student engagement?. In: Pivec M. & Gründler J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Game Based Learning. Reading, UK: Academic Publishing Limited. 819-828.
- Admiraal W.F., Denk na over onderzoek in de universitaire lerarenopleiding!. http://researchblog.iclon.nl/. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Admiraal W.F., Erken leren in school ook in Lerarenregister!. http://researchblog.iclon.nl/. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Jong L.A. de, Admiraal W.F., Meirink J.A., Emmelot Y., Schenke W. & Sligte H. (2017), Strategies and Affordances of Secondary Schools to develop towards Professional Learning Communities. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER).
- Wurth J.G.R., Jong J.C. de, Hulshof H., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), Naar een betere mondelinge taalvaardigheid, het belang van feedback!, Bundel HSN. HSN-Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands 18 November 2016 - 19 November 2016 no. 30. Den Haag: Taalunie.
- Meirink J.M., Smit B., Admiraal W.F., Sligte H., Emmelot Y., Schenke W. & Buisman M. (2016), Het mes snijdt aan twee kanten? De mogelijke bijdrage van onderzoek aan de optimalisering van Professionele Leergemeenschappen in het VO. Placklé I. & Cools W. (Eds.), Professioneel leren in en door onderzoek. Velon 2016 4 February 2016 - 5 February 2016. Brussel: VUB. 321-322.
- Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (2016), “Let’s find out together!”: Participatory action research by student teachers and school students in secondary education. AARE 2016 27 November 2016 - 1 December 2016.
- Admiraal W.F. (2016), Het beste onderwijsonderzoek van 2016, Didaktief 46(10): 22-25.
- Admiraal W.F. (2016), Praktijkonderzoek. In: Groen A. in ’t, Roon C. de & Slaman P. (Eds.), Leids-Haags allegorieënlexicon. Delft: Eburon. 271-278.
- Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (2016), Video narratives to assess student-teachers’ competence as new teachers, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 22(1): 21-34.
- Moses I., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A. (2016), Gender and gender role differences in student-teachers' commitment to teaching, Social Psychology of Education 19(3): 475-492.
- Hei M. de, Sjoer E., Admiraal W.F. & Strijbos J-W. (2016), Teacher educators’ design and implementation of group learning activities, Educational Studies 42(4): 394-409.
- Kamp M.T. van de, Admiraal W.F. & Rijlaarsdam G. (2016), Becoming original: effects of strategy instruction, Instructional Science 44(6): 543-566.
- Meirink J.A., Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F., Sligte H., Emmelot Y., Schenke W. & Buisman M. (2016), Het mes snijdt aan twee kanten? De mogelijke bijdrage van onderzoek aan de optimalisering van Professionele Leergemeenschappen in het VO. Velon 2016 4 February 2016 - 5 February 2016.
- Admiraal W.F. (2016), Het lerarenregister en de betekenis van leren op de werkplek, Pedagogische Studiën 93(5/6): 278-280.
- Braaksma M. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), Invoering van een wettelijk lerarenregister in het Nederlandse onderwijs: Inleiding op themanummer, Pedagogische Studiën 93(5/6): 270-273.
- Brouwer P., Klaeijsen A., Bijman D., Admiraal W.F., Geerdink G. & Helms-Lorenz M. (2016), OECD TALIS Initial Teacher Preparation Study. Country Background Report - The Netherlands. Den Bosch: ecbo.
- Pilli O. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), A taxonomy for Massive Open Online Courses, Contemporary Educational Technology 7(3): 223-240.
- Sander A. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), German schools abroad – hotspots of elite multilingualism?, Journal of Research in International Education 15(3): 224-237.
- Veldman I., Admiraal W.F., Tartwijk J. van, Mainhard T. & Wubbels T. (2016), Veteran teachers’ job satisfaction as a function of personal demands and resources in the relationships with their students, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 22(8): 913-926.
- Nguyen P.N.T., Janssen T., Rijlaarsdam G.C.W. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), Effects of self-questioning on students' engagement in literary reading, Cultura y Educación 28(4): 702-737.
- Admiraal W.F., Kruiter J., Lockhors D., Schenke W., Sligte H., Smit B., Tigelaar D. & Wit W. de (2016), Affordances of teacher professional learning in secondary schools, Studies in Continuing Education 38(3): 281-298.
- Hei M. de, Strijbos J-W., Sjoer E. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), Thematic review of approaches to design group learning activities in higher education: The development of a comprehensive framework, Educational Research Review 18(1): 33-45.
- Day I.N.Z., Blankenstein F.M. van, Westenberg P.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), Intermediate Assessment in Undergraduate Law Programs: the Relation between Test Characteristics, Student Characteristics and Study Results. International Conference on Higher Education: EARLI SIG 4 13 July 2016 - 15 July 2016.
- Huisman B.A., Admiraal W.F., Pilli O., Ven M. van de & Saab N. (2016), Peer assessment in MOOCs: The relationship between peer reviewers’ ability and authors’ essay performance, British Journal of Educational Technology : .
- Day I.N.Z., Blankenstein F.M. van, Westenberg P.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), Characteristics of intermediate assessment and student results: A literature review. Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference 7 December 2016 - 9 December 2016.
- Day I.N.Z., Blankenstein F.M. van, Westenberg P.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), Literatuurreview: Kenmerken van tussentijds toetsen in het hoger onderwijs en hun relatie met opbrengst bij studenten. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2016 25 May 2016 - 27 May 2016.
- Kragten M., Rijlaarsdam G. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Students’ ability to solve process-diagram problems, Journal of Biology Education 49: 91-103.
- Admiraal W.F. (2015), A role-play game to facilitate the development of students’ reflective internet skills, Journal of Educational Technology & Society 18(3): 301-308.
- Hei M. de, Strijbos J-W., Sjoer E. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Collaborative learning in higher education: Lecturers’ practices and beliefs, Research Papers in Education 30: 232-247.
- Kamp M-T. van de, Admiraal W.F., Driel J.H.van. & Rijlaarsdam G. (2015), Enhancing divergent thinking in visual arts education: Effects of explicit instruction of meta-cognition, British Journal of Educational Psychology 85: 47-58.
- Zwart R.C., Smit B.H.J. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Docentonderzoek nader bekeken: een reviewstudie naar de aard en betekenis van onderzoek door docenten, Pedagogische Studiën 92(2): 131-148.
- Geboers E., Admiraal W.F., Geijsel F. & Dam G. ten (2015), Citizenship orientations and knowledge in primary and secondary education, Social Psychology and Education 18: 749-767.
- Kragten M., Admiraal W.F. & Rijlaarsdam G. (2015), Students’ learning activities while studying biological process diagrams, International Journal of Science Education 37: 1915-1937.
- Schenke W., Sligte H., Admiraal W.F., Buisman M., Emmelot Y., Meirink J.A. & Smit B.H.J. (2015), Scan School als Professionele Leergemeenschap. Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut.
- Admiraal W.F. (2015), Reactie op het hoofdstuk Samenwerkend leren gaat niet vanzelf. In: Sjoer E., Hei M. de & Helvoort J. van (Eds.), Onbegrensd leren. Den Haag: Haagse Hogeschool. 20-21.
- Sligte H., Lockhorst D. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Bevorderen van professionele leergemeenschappen van docenten. ORD 2015.
- Admiraal W.F. (2015), Onderzoek van (aanstaande) docenten. Lunchlezingen Saxion 9 September 2015 - 9 September 2015.
- Keijzer R. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Mentor in mind: Sustainable success. EAPRIL 2015.
- Sligte H., Lockhorst D. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Towards a professional learning culture in schools. EARLI 2015 25 August 2015 - 29 August 2015.
- Sligte H., Schenke W. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Samen op pad: de school als professionele leergemeenschap. NRO-congres.
- Admiraal W.F. (2015), Preparing pre-service teachers for teaching with technology. EARLI Conference. Limassol, Cyprus: EARLI Conference.
- Schenke W. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Towards schools as professional learning communities. EAPRIL 2015.
- Vermeulen J. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Personalized feedback by teachers based on learning analytics. EAPRIL 2015.
- Moses I., Berry A. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Gender and gender role differences in student teachers’ commitment to teaching. ISATT 2015.
- Day I.N.Z., Blankenstein F.M. van, Westenberg P.M. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Tussentijds toetsen in de bacheloropleidingen rechtsgeleerdheid en criminologie. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2015, Leiden. 17 June 2015 - 19 June 2015. [conference poster].
- Admiraal W.F., Huisman B.A. & Pilli O. (2015), Assessment in massive open online courses, Electronic Journal of e-Learning 13(4): 207-216.
- Admiraal W.F. (2015), Naar wetenschappelijk praktijkonderzoek door docenten. VOR discussiebijeenkomst praktijkgericht onderzoek (Den Bosch) 1 April 2015 - 1 April 2015.
- Geboers E., Geijsel F., Admiraal W.F., Jorgensen T. & Dam G. ten (2015), Citizenship development of adolescents during the lower grades of secondary education, Journal of Adolescence 45: 89-97.
- Admiraal Wilfried, Smit Ben H.J. & Zwart Rosanne (2014), Models and design principles for teacher research, IB Journal of Teaching Practice 2(1): 1-6.
- Admiraal W.F., Huisman B.A. & Ven M. van de (2014), Self- and peer assessment in massive open online courses, International Journal of Higher Education 3(3): 119-128.
- Dobber M., Akkerman S.F., Verloop N., Admiraal W. & Vermunt J.D. (2012), Developing designs for community development in four types of student teacher groups, Learning Environments Research 15(3): 279-297.