Wilfried Admiraal
- Name
- Prof.dr. W.F. Admiraal

Wilfried Admiraal was a Full Professor Educational Sciences at ICLON Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching from 2012 till 2022.
More information about Wilfried Admiraal
See also
PhD candidates
Completed PhD projects
Marjon Baas
Indira Day
Irena Galikyan
Pengyue Guo
Miranda de Hei
Xinglin Jin
Loes de Jong
Evelyn van Kampen
Rineke Keijzer-Groot
Marieke Kroneman
Yuzhi Lai
Ikupa Moses
Antonia Reeuwijk-Lamers
Tamara Roemjantsev
Ben Smit
Brigitte Theeuwes
Tran Tran Thien Quynh
Ietje Veldman
Hans Vogelzang
Jingxian Wang
Xin Zhang
Na Zhou
More information on Wilfried Admiraal: https://sites.google.com/site/wilfriedadmiraal/.
- Onderzoek
- Admiraal W.F. (24 March 2021), Werkplaatsen onderwijsonderzoek: webinar op jubileumcongres Didactief. [lecture].
- Admiraal W.F. (1 June 2021), Education for IoT: panel presentation at the 2021 IEEE international workshop on metrology for industry 4.0 and IoT. [lecture].
- Wei X., Admiraal W. & Saab N. (6 September 2021), Identifying the influence of Motivations, Learning Experiences, Learning Engagement, and Self-regulated Learning Strategies on Perceived Learning in MOOCs [poster]. Geneva, Switzerland. [lecture].
- Admiraal W. (6 October 2020), Online eindconferentie Werkplaats Onderwijsonderzoek Utrecht. [lecture].
- Admiraal W. (12 March 2020), School als Professionele Leergemeenschap. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Admiraal W. (9 June 2020), Technology-enhanced teaching to promote students’ active learning: Exploring new practices or consolidating teaching from the pre-COVID-19 era?. [lecture].
- Admiraal Wilfried (2019), Admiraal, W. (2019). A typology of student-teachers' coping with stressful classroom events. Paper presented at the International Conference on Recent Social Studies and Research (ICSRS), 25-26 October 2019, Rome, Italy. . [lecture].
- Admiraal W. et al. (2019), IoT Rapid Proto Labs: A design study on cross-border mutlidiscplinary students groups in higher education. Paper presented at the International Congress on Education and Social Sciences (ICRESS), 3-7 February 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. . [lecture].
- Admiraal W., Lockhorst D., Janssen C., Louws M., Post L. & Kester L. (2019), Tablets in secondary schools: Supporting learning of both boys and girls? Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Gender Research, 11-12 April 2019, Rome, Italy. . [lecture].
- Ertugruloglu E. Admiraal W. Mearns T. (2019), Taalondersteuning in zaakvakken in de context van tweetalig onderwijs en internationale schakelklassen: lespraktijk en leeropbrengst. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference for the Caribbean Association for Dutch Studies (CARAN), 27-30 November 2019, Paramaribo, Surinam. [lecture].
- Admiraal W.F. (2018), Condities in school die bijdragen aan leren van leraren. [lecture].
- Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (2018), Docenten en leerlingen als mede-onderzoekers: Participatory Action Research in de lerarenopleiding. Nijmegen. [lecture].
- Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (3 December 2018), From PAR to Partnership: design of a teacher education program preparing for student participation in schools. Sydney, Australia. [lecture].
- Kan C. van, Brouwer P., Smit B.H.J., Spreeuwenberg L., Swet J. van & Admiraal W.F. (30 June 2017), Voorbij de kloof tussen onderwijsonderzoek en de onderwijspraktijk. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017. Antwerpen. [lecture].
- Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (2017), ‘Focus on the Learner’ in Teacher Education: PAR as a Strategy to Enable Student Voice in Schools. ECER 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. [lecture].
- Kan C. van, Brouwer P., Smit B.H.J., Spreeuwenberg L., Swet J. van & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Moving Beyond the Research-practice Gap: Impact of Teacher Research on Professional Development and Knowledge Utilization in Schools. ECER 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. [lecture].