Veronique de Gucht
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. V.M.J. de Gucht
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3863
- 0000-0001-5155-0983

Véronique de Gucht conducts research in clinical health psychology, specifically on chronic conditions and sensitivity to stimuli.
Véronique de Gucht conducts research in clinical health psychology, specifically on chronic conditions and sensitivity to stimuli.
Short CV
De Gucht graduated (summa cum laude) in clinical psychology from Gent University in 1989. After being certified in cognitive behavioural therapy, she obtained the diploma in continued cognitive behavioural therapy at the University of Leuven in 1999. She obtained her PhD from Leiden University in 2001 for a thesis on somatically unexplained physical complaints.
Research on chronic conditions and sensitivity to stimuli
Her current area of research can be situated in the domain of (clinical) health psychology, with a special emphasis on:
(1) medically unexplained physical complaints and syndromes, including questionnaire research aimed at the determinants of these complaints and intervention research, particularly in the field of chronic pain and chronic fatigue;
(2) the psychosocial determinants and psychological consequences of chronic diseases, including rheumatic disorders;
(3) the concept of sensory processing sensitivity, in particular the way this concept is measured and the relationship between increased sensitivity to stimuli and psychological and physical complaints.
- MSc Clinical and Developmental Psychology (Ghent University, 1989).
- Advanced degree in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Leuven University, 1999).
- PhD obtained in 2001 at Leiden University. Title PhD thesis: "Personality and affect as predictors of medically unexplained symptoms in primary care".
Grant acquisition
- Grant from Fresenius Medical Care (Germany) for a two-year study (2018-2020) on fatigue and physical activity in Chronic Kidney Disease.
- Grant from Fresenius Medical care (Germany) for a three-year study (2016-2019) on Quality of Life in patients undergoing Lipoprotein Apheresis treatment.
- PhD grant (2009-2013) of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/47579/2008 - FCT - MCTE). The objective of the research project was to pilot-test a physical activity intervention, based upon self-regulation and motivational counselling in CFS patients in Lisbon and Porto.
Managerial positions
Leiden University
- Member of the University Council (2016 - present)
- Member of the Board of Examiners of the Institute of Psychology (2015 - present)
- Member of the Council of the Institute of Psychology (2014 – present)
- Member of the Board of Psychology and Director of Research of the Institute of Psychology, Leiden University (January 2009 - May 2011)
- Member of the Executive Board of the Belgian National Health Council (which directly advises the Belgian government on health issues) (January 2009 - present)
- Expert member of the Belgian National Health Council. (January 2004 - present)
Other international activities (selection)
- Invited lectures/seminars in Bejing (2004), London (2005), Aix-en-Provence (2005), Metz (2010), Lisbon (2011), Newcastle (2012) and Toulouse (2012/2014).
- Member of the European Health Psychology Society.
- Member of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine.
Selected Publications (10)
De Gucht, V., Garcia, F. K., den Engelsman, M., Maes, S. (2017). Do changes in illness perceptions, physical activity, and behavioural regulation influence fatigue severity and health-related outcomes in CFS patients? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 95, 55-61.
Marques, M., De Gucht, V., Leal, I., Maes, S. (2017). Efficacy of a randomized controlled self-regulation based physical activity intervention for Chronic Fatigue: Mediation effects of physical activity progress and self-regulation skills. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 94, 24-31.
De Gucht, V., Garcia, F. K., den Engelsman, M., Maes, S. Differences in physical and psychosocial characteristics between CFS and fatigued non-CFS patients, a case-control study (2016). International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23, 589-594. (IF=2.19).
Knittle, K., De Gucht, V., Maes, S. (2016). Explaining physical activity maintenance after a theory-based intervention among patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial. Arthritis Care & Research, 68, 203-210. (IF=5.05)
De Gucht, V. (2015). Illness perceptions mediate the relationship between bowel symptom severity and health-related quality of life in IBS patients. Quality of Life Research, 24, 1845-56 (IF= 2.99)
Marques, M., De Gucht, V., Gouveia, M. J., Leal, I., & Maes, S. (2015). Differential effects of behavioral interventions with a graded physical activity component in patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue (Syndrome): an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 40, 123-137. (IF=9.86)
Adriaenssens, J., De Gucht, V., Maes, S. (2015). Determinants and prevalence of burnout in emergency nurses: A systematic review of 25 years of research. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52, 649-661. (IF=2.85)
Janssen, V., De Gucht, V., Dusseldorp, E., & Maes, S. (2013). Lifestyle Modification Programs for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 20, 620-640. (IF=3.04)
Knittle, K., De Gucht, V., Maes, S. (2012). Lifestyle- and behavior-change interventions in musculoskeletal conditions. Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology, 26, 293-304. (IF=3.49)
De Gucht, V. & Maes, S. (2006). Explaining medically unexplained symptoms: Toward a multidimensional, theory-based approach to somatization. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 60, 349-352. (IF=3.56)
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie
- Damatac C.G., Avest M.J. ter, Wilderjans T.W., Gucht V.M.J. de, Woestenburg D.H.A., Landeweerd. L., Galesloot T.E., Geerligs L., Homberg J.R. & Greven C.U. (2025), Exploring sensory processing sensitivity: Relationships with mental and somatic health, interactions with positive and negative environments, and evidence for differential susceptibility, Current Research in Behavioral Sciences 8: 100165 (100165).
- De Gucht V., Woestenburg D.H.A. & Wilderjans T.F. (2022), The different faces of (high) sensitivity, toward a more comprehensive measurement instrument: development and validation of the sensory processing sensitivity questionnaire (SPSQ), Journal of Personality Assessment 104(6): 784-799.
- Timal R.J., Gucht V.M.J. de, Rotmans J.I., Hensen L., Buiten M.S., Bie M.K. de, Putter H., Schalij M.J., Rabelink T.J. & Jukema J.W. (2021), The impact of transvenous cardioverter-defibrillator implantation on quality of life, depression and optimism in dialysis patients: report on the secondary outcome of QOL in the randomized controlled ICD2 trial, Quality of Life Research 30(6): 1605-1617.
- Moormann P.P., De Gucht V., Heiser W. & Bermond B. (2018), The impact of alexithymia types on somatisation when controlling for gender and psychological distress. In: Teixeira R.J., Bermond B. & Moormann P.P. (Eds.), Current Developments in Alexithymia, a Ccognitive and Affective Deficit.. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 219-237.
- Dewsaran-Van der Ven C., Van Broekhuysen-Kloth S., Thorsell S., Scholten R., De Gucht V. & Geenen R. (2018), Self-compassion in somatoform disorder, Psychiatry Research 262: 34-39.
- De Gucht V., Cromm K., Vogt A., Julius U., Hohenstein B., Spitthöver R.M., Ramlow W., Schettler V.J.J. & Maes S. (2018), Treatment-related and health-related quality of life in lipoprotein apheresis patients, Journal of clinical lipidology 12(5): 1225-1233.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Garcia F.K., Den Engelsman M. & Maes S. (2017), Do changes in illness perceptions, physical activity, and behavioural regulation influence fatigue severity and health-related outcomes in CFS patients?, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 95: 55-61.
- Marques M.M., De Gucht V., Lea I. & Maes S. (2017), Efficacy of a randomized controlled self-regulation based physical activity intervention for chronic fatigue: Mediation effects of physical activity progress and self-regulation skills, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 94: 24-31.
- Rizou I., De Gucht V., Papavasiliou A. & Maes S. (2017), Evaluation of a self-regulation based psycho-educational pilot intervention targeting children and adolescents with epilepsy in Greece, Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 50: 137-143.
- De Cuyper E., De Gucht V., Maes S., Van Camp Y. & De Clerck L.S. (2016), Determinants of methotrexate adherence in rheumatoid arthritis patients, Clinical Rheumatology 35: 1335-1339.
- Somville F.J.M.P., De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes C.M.J.G. (2016), The impact of occupational hazards and traumatic events among Belgian emergency physicians, Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2016(24): e59.
- Rizou I., De Gucht V.M.J., Papavasiliou A. & Maes C.M.J.G. (2016), The contribution of illness perceptions to fatigue and sleep problems in youngsters with epilepsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 20(1): 93-99.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Garcia F.K., Den Engelsman M.E.H. & Maes C.M.J.G. (2016), Differences in physical and psychosocial characteristics between CFS and fatigued non-CFS patients, a case-control study, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 23(5): 589-594.
- Knittle K.P., De Gucht V.M.J., Hurkmans E., Vliet Vlieland T.P.M. & Maes C.M.J.G. (2016), Explaining physical activity maintenance after a theory-based intervention among patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial, Arthritis Care and Research 68(2): 203-210.
- Marques M.M., De Gucht V., Gouveia M.J., Leal I. & Maes S. (2015), Differential effects of behavioral interventions with a graded physical activity component in patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue (Syndrome): An updated systematic review and meta-analysis, Clinical Psychology Review 40: 123-137.
- De Gucht V. (2015), Illness perceptions mediate the relationship between bowel symptom severity and health-related quality of life in IBS patients, Quality of Life Research 24(8): 1845-1856.
- Marques M., De Gucht V., Leal I. & Maes S. (2015), Effects of a self-regulation based physical activity program (The “4-STEPS”) for unexplained chronic fatigue: A randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 22(2): 187-196.
- Knittle K., De Gucht V., Hurkmans E., Peeters A., Ronday K., Maes S. & Vliet Vlieland T. (2015), Targeting motivation and self-regulation to increase physical activity among patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised controlled trial, Clinical Rheumatology 34(2): 231-238.
- Adriaenssens J., De Gucht V. & Maes S. (2015), Causes and consequences of occupational stress in emergency nurses, a longitudinal study, Journal of Nursing Management 23(3): 346-358.
- Rizou I., De Gucht V., Papavasiliou A. & Maes S. (2015), Illness perceptions determine psychological distress and quality of life in youngsters with epilepsy, Epilepsy & Behavior 46: 144-150.
- Adriaenssens J., De Gucht V. & Maes S. (2015), Determinants and prevalence of burnout in emergency nurses: A systematic review of 25 years of research, International Journal of Nursing Studies 52(2): 649-661.
- Adriaenssens J., De Gucht V. & Maes S. (2015), Association of goal orientation with work engagement and burnout in emergency nurses, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 57(2): 151-160.
- Henrich J.F., Knittle K., De Gucht V., Warren S., Dombrowsky S.U. & Maes S. (2015), Identifying effective techniques within psychological treatments for irritable bowel syndrome: A meta-analysis, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 78(3): 205-222.
- Smelt A.F.H., Louter M.A., Kies D.A., Blom J.W.M., Terwindt G.M., Van der Heijden G.J.M.G., De Gucht V., Ferrari M.D. & Assendelft W.J.J. (2014), What do patients consider to be the most important outcomes for effectiveness studies on migraine treatment? Results of a Delphi study, PLoS ONE 9(6): e98933.
- Janssen V., De Gucht V., Van Exel H. & Maes S. (2014), A self-regulation lifestyle program for post-cardiac rehabilitation patients has long-term effects on exercise adherence, Journal of Behavioral Medicine 37(2): 308-321.
- Janssen V.R., Gucht V.M.J. de, Dusseldorp E. & Maes S. (2013), Lifestyle modification programmes for patients with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 20(4): 620-640.
- Janssen V.R., Gucht V.M.J. de, Exel H. van & Maes S. (2013), Changes in illness perceptions and quality of life during participation in cardiac rehabilitation, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 20(4): 582-589.
- Marques M., De Gucht V., Gouveia M.J., Leal I. & Maes S. (2013), An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of physical exercise interventions for chronic fatigue, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82: 60-61.
- Marques M., De Gucht V., Leal I. & Maes S. (2013), Long-term results of a self-regulation based physical activity intervention for chronic fatigue patients, Psychology & Health 28: 122-123.
- Marques M., De Gucht V., Leal I. & Maes S. (2013), Results of a randomized controlled trial of a self-regulation physical activity program for chronic fatigue patients, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82(1): 61.
- De Gucht V. & Van Opstal T. (2013), Effect of a multidisciplinary pain treatment for chronic low back pain patients, Psychology & Health 28: 84-85.
- Janssen V.R., Gucht V.M.J. de, Exel H. van & Maes S. (2013), Beyond resolutions? A randomized controlled trial of a self-regulation lifestyle programme for post-cardiac rehabilitation patients, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 20(3): 431-441.
- Marques M., Gucht V.M.J. de, Leal I. & Maes S. (2013), A cross-cultural perspective on psychological determinants of chronic fatigue syndrome: A comparison between a Portuguese and a Dutch patient sample, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 20(2): 229-238.
- Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Hurkmans E.J. & Vliet Vlieland T. (2012), Goal ownership and self-efficacy predict physical exercise and fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis patients, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 82-83.
- Adriaenssens J., De Gucht V.M.J., Van Exel H. & Maes S. (2012), Do changes in occupational stressors predict work-related and generic stress outcomes in emergency (ER) nurses?, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 2.
- Knittle K.P., De Gucht V.M.J., Henrich J., Warren S. & Maes S. (2012), A meta-analysis examining theories and intervention techniques used within psychological treatments for irritable bowel syndrome, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 70.
- De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2012), Illness perceptions and behaviour at baseline predict fatigue, physical symptoms and depression in chronic fatigue syndrome at one-year follow-up, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 72: 476-476.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Marques M. & Maes S. (2012), A cross-cultural perspective on psychological determinants of unexplained chronic fatigue: comparison between a Portuguese and a Dutch sample, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 72: 476-476.
- De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2012), Illness perceptions and illness behaviour predict symptom reporting in chronic fatigue syndrome, a follow-up study, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 30-31.
- Marques M., De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S. & Leal I. (2012), A comparative study between a Portuguese and a Dutch unexplained chronic fatigue patient sample, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 270-270.
- Janssen V.R., De Gucht V.M.J., Van Exel H. & Maes S. (2012), Changing for good: the role of self-regulation in exercise adherence following cardiac rehabilitation, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 61.
- Knittle K.P., De Gucht V.M.J., Hurkmans E.J., Vliet Vlieland T. & Maes S. (2012), Investigating mediation within a self-regulation intervention to increase physical activity among patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 70.
- Marques M., De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S. & Leal I. (2012), Effectiveness of a self-regulation based physical activity intervention for patients with unexplained chronic fatigue, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 84-85.
- Marques M., Gucht V.M.J. de, Maes S. & Leal I. (2012), Protocol for the "four steps to control your fatigue (4-STEPS)" randomised controlled trial: a self-regulation based physical activity intervention for patients with unexplained chronic fatigue, BMC Public Health 12: 202.
- Knittle K.P., Gucht V.M.J. de & Maes S. (2012), Lifestyle- and behavior-change interventions in musculoskeletal conditions, Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology 26(3): 293-304.
- Adriaenssens J., Gucht V.M.J. de & Maes S. (2012), The impact of traumatic events on emergency room nurses: Findings from a questionnaire survey, International Journal of Nursing Studies 49: 1411-1422.
- Knittle K.P., De Gucht V.M.J., Hurkmans E.J., Vliet Vlieland T.P.M., Peeters A.J., Ronday H.K. & Maes S. (2011), Effect of self-efficacy and physical activity goal achievement on arthiritis pain and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Care and Research 63(11): 1613-1619.
- Janssen V.R., De Gucht V.M.J., Van Exel H. & Maes S. (2011), A self-regulation intervention of maintenance of lifestyle change following cardiac rehabilitation, Psychology & Health 26: 33-33.
- Knittle K.P., Meijno A., De Gucht V.M.J., Hurkmans E.J., Vliet-Vlieland T. & Maes S. (2011), Motivational interviewing to promote physical activity: Do characteristics of an interview impact upon outcomes?, Psychology & Health 26: 149-149.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Den Engelsman M., Van der Kleij R. & Maes S. (2011), Cognitive, behavioural and social factors contribute to fatigue and psychological distress in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Psychology & Health 26: 113-113.
- Knittle K.P., De Gucht V.M.J., Hurkmans E.J., Vliet-Vlieland T. & Maes S. (2011), Physical activity goal achievement predicts better self-reported quality of life among patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Psychology & Health 26: 38-38.
- Adriaenssens J., De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2011), The impact of exposure to work-related traumatic events on physical/psychological health in emergency (ER)-nurses, Psychology & Health 26: 323-323.
- Hurkmans E.J., De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S., Peeters A.J., Ronday H.K. & Vliet-Vlieland T.P. (2011), Promoting physical activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatologists' and health professionals' practice and educational needs, Clinical Rheumatology 30(12): 1603-1609.
- Adriaenssens J., De Gucht V.M.J., Van der Doef M.P. & Maes S. (2011), Exploring the burden of emergency care: Predictors of stress-health outcomes in emergency nurses, Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(6): 1317-1328.
- Huisman S.D., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Chatrou M. & Haak H. (2010), Low goal ownership predicts drop-out from a weight intervention study in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 17: 176-181.
- Knittle K.P., Maes S. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2010), Psychological interventions for rheumatoid arthritis: Examining the role of self-regulation with a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Arthritis Care and Research 62: 1460-1472.
- Kalavana T., Maes S. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2010), Interpersonal and self-regulation determinants of healthy and unhealthy eating behavior in adolescents, Journal of Health Psychology 15(1): 44-52.
- Marques M., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J. & Leal I. (2010), Autonomous motivation, planning and regulatory self-efficacy as determinants of physical exercise in a healthy population, Psychology & Health 25: 120.
- De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2010), Illness perceptions determine quality of life and psychological distress in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 68: 617.
- Janssen V.R., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J. & Van Exel H. (2010), Beyond resolutions: A self-regulation intervention for maintenance of lifestyle change following cardiac rehabilitation, Psychology & Health 25: 120-121.
- Rizou I., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Pat-El R.J. & Papavasiliou A. (2010), Do autonomous and controlled treatment self-regulation predict health behaviours and sleep problems in adolescents with epilepsy?, Psychology & Health 25: 120.
- Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Hurkmans E.J. & Vliet-Vlieland T. (2010), Goal ownership and self-efficacy predict physical exercise and fatigue in rheumatoid arthitis patients, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 68: 646.
- De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2010), Illness perceptions determine quality of life and psychological distress in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, Psychology & Health 25: 119-120.
- Hurkmans E.J., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Knittle K.P., Peeters A.J., Ronday H.K. & Vliet Vlieland T.P.M. (2010), Motivation as a determinant of physical activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Care and Research 62: 371-377.
- Huisman S.D., De Gucht V.M.J., Dusseldorp E. & Maes S. (2009), The effect of weight reduction interventions for diabetes type 2 patients: A meta-analysis from a self-regulation perspective, The Diabetes Educator 35: 818-835.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S., Hurkmans E.J. & Vliet-Vlieland T.P. (2009), Impact of self-regulation on physical exercise and fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis patients: A follow-up study, Psychology & Health 24: 147.
- Marques M.A.M., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J. & Leal I. (2009), A self-regulation perspective on physical exercise in a healthy population, Psychology & Health 24: 258.
- Treveza N., De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S., Knittle K.P., Hurkmans E.J. & Vliet-Vlieland T.P. (2009), Impact of self-determination upon physical activity, pain, and fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis patients, Psychology & Health 24: 389.
- Adriaenssens J., De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2009), Predictors of job satisfaction, fatigue, psychosomatic complaints, and post-traumatic stress reactions in emergency nurses, Psychology & Health 24: 73-73.
- Rizou I., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J. & Papavasiliou A. (2009), Quality of life in adolescents with epilepsy, Psychology & Health 24: 341-342.
- Knittle K.P., Maes S. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2009), Psychological interventions for rheumatoid arthritis: A meta-analysis examining the role of self-regulation, Psychology & Health 24: 234.
- Maes S., Janssen V.R. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2009), Are changes in illness perceptions related to outcome in cardiac rehabilitation?, Psychology & Health 24: 253-254.
- Janssen V.R., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J. & Van Exel H. (2009), A self-regulation intervention for maintenance of lifestyle change following cardiac rehabilitation: First results, Psychology & Health 24: 218.
- Huisman S.D., De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S., Schroevers M.J., Chatrou H.W.C.C.I. & Haak H. (2009), Self-regulation and weight reduction in patients with type 2 diabetes: A pilot intervention study, Patient Education and Counseling 75: 84-90.
- Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Goud R., Hellemans I. & Peek N. (2008), Is the Mac New Quality of Life Questionnaire a useful diagnostic and evaluation instrument for cardiac rehabilitation?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 15: 516-520.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S., Goud R., Hellemans I. & Peek N. (2008), Is the Mac New Quality of Life Questionnaire a useful diagnostic and evaluation instrument for cardiac rehabilitation?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 15: 55-55.
- Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Shoval H. & Boyle C. (2008), Self-regulation interventions in rheumatoid arthritis, a meta analysis, International Journal of Psychology 43: 575-575.
- Knittle K.P., Maes S. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2008), A self-regulation oriented meta-analysis of psychological treatments for irritable bowel syndrome, Psychology & Health 23: 161-162.
- Maes S. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2008), Reliability and validity of the self-regulation skills scale, International Journal of Psychology 43: 710-710.
- Hurkmans E.J., Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Peeters A.J., Ronday H.K. & Vlieland T.P.M.V. (2008), Self-regulation and self-regulation support are associated with physical activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 58: 608-608.
- Maes S., Liem S., De Gucht V.M.J., Schouten R. & Schalij M.J. (2008), Autonomous motivation and autonomy supportiveness by cardiologists as predictors of adherence, life-style changes and quality of life in myocardial infarction patients, Psychology & Health 23: 174-174.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S. & Heiser W.J. (2008), Is there a reciprocal relationship between health behaviour and psychological and somatic distress?, International Journal of Psychology 43: 594-594.
- Hurkmans E.J., De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S., Peeters A.J., Ronday H.K. & Vlieland T.P.M.V. (2008), Promoting physical activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Willingness but insufficient knowledge in health professionals, Arthritis & Rheumatology 58: 597-598.
- Maes S., Liem S., De Gucht V.M.J., Schouten R. & Schalij M.J. (2008), Autonomous motivation and autonomy supportiveness by cardiologists as predictors of adherence, life-style changes and quality of life in myocardial infarction patients, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 15: 89-90.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S., Goud R., Hellemans I. & Peek N. (2008), Is the Mac New Quality of Life Questionnaire a useful diagnostic and evaluation instrument for cardiac rehabilitation?, Psychology & Health 23: 100-100.
- Gravely-Witte S., De Gucht V.M.J., Heiser W.J., Grace S.L. & Elderen-Van Kemenade T.M.T. van (2007), The impact of angina and cardiac history on health-related quality of life and depression in coronary heart disease patients, Chronic Illness 3: 66-76.
- De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2007), Reliability and validity of the Self-Regulation Skills Battery (SRSB), Health Psychology Review 1: 269-269.
- Maes S., De Gucht V.M.J., Shoval H. & Boyle C. (2007), Self-regulation and psychological interventions for rheumatoid arthritis, a meta analysis, Health Psychology Review 1: 302-302.
- Huisman S.D., De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2007), Self-regulation skills and illness perceptions in type 2 diabetes patients, Health Psychology Review 1: 301-302.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S., Grootheest J. & Huisman S.D. (2006), Self-regulation and the effectiveness of weight reduction programs in diabetes type 2 patients, a meta-analysis, Psychology & Health 21(Suppl. 1): 37-38.
- De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2006), The impact of affect and health behaviours on medically unexplained symptoms: A follow-up study, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 61: 407-407.
- De Gucht V.M.J. & Maes S. (2006), Explaining medically unexplained symptoms: Toward a multidimensional, theory-based approach to somatization, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 60: 349-352.
- Pieters G., Speybrouck E., De Gucht V.M.J. & Joos S. (2005), Assaults by patients on psychiatric trainees: frequency and training issues, Psychiatric Bulletin 29: 168-170.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S. & Janssen V.R. (2005), The development of the Self-Regulation Skills Scale, Psychology & Health 20: 58-59.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Elderen-Van Kemenade T.M.T. van, Kamp L.J.T. van der & Oldridge N. (2004), Quality of life after myocardial infarction: translation and validation of the MacNew Questionnaire for a Dutch population, Quality of Life Research 13: 1483-1488.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Fontaine J. & Fischler B. (2004), Temporal stability and differential relationships with neuroticism and extraversion ot the three subscales of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale in clinical and nonclinical samples, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 57: 25-33.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Fischler B. & Heiser W.J. (2004), Neuroticism, alexithymia, negative affect, and positive affect as determinants of medically unexplained symptoms, Personality and Individual Differences 36: 1655-1667.
- Callewaert T., Pieters G. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2004), Vlaamse kranten over geneeskunde en psychiatrie, Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 60: 94-97.
- Heyn E. de, Pieters G., Joos S. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2004), Ervaringen van psychiaters in opleiding in Vlaanderen met suïcide van patiënten, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 46: 579-588.
- Duron K., Pieters G. & De Gucht V.M.J. (2004), Kleding en aanspreektitel van psychiaters: welke voorkeur hebben patiënten?, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 46: 39-46.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Fischler B. & Heiser W.J. (2004), Personality and affect as determinants of medically unexplained symptoms in primary care. A follow up study, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56(3): 279-285.
- Pieters G., De Gucht V.M.J. & Heyn E. de (2004), Stressfactoren bij artsen. Impact van suïcide op psychiaters in opleiding, 2: 28-34.
- Pieters G., De Gucht V.M.J., Joos G. & Heyn E. (2003), Frequency and impact of patient suicide on psychiatric trainees, European Psychiatry 18: 345-349.
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