Valérie Pattyn
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. V.E. Pattyn
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0001-7844-8858

Valérie Pattyn is associate professor in public policy and policy analysis at the Institute of Public Administration of Leiden University, and visiting professor at KU Leuven Public Governance Institute. Her research focuses on policy design and evaluation, with particular attention for the role of knowledge in the policy process. She co-directs the Power of Evidence research program. Her research has been published in a wide range of public policy, public administration and evaluation journals. She is also regularly involved in advisory work and applied evaluations for national (Belgium, Netherlands) and international governments (European Commission; OECD).
More information about Valérie Pattyn
Current research projects
- 2022-2026: ‘Policy evaluations evaluated. When do they prompt an overhaul of policies?’. Funding: NWO Veni.
- 2023-2027: ‘INFLUEX. Influence of experts on public policy’ (2023-2027). Funding: Research Council of Norway.
- 2020-2025: ‘The uncertainty communication project’. Funding: KU Leuven C1 grant.
Professional activities (selection):
- College member of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA, 2023-27)
- Co-chair of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) permanent study group on Policy Design and Evaluation.
- Editorial work: Policy Design and Practice (associate editor); Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (co-editor Policy Innovation section); American Journal of Evaluation (editorial board); Evaluation and Program Planning (editorial board); Beleidsonderzoek Online (editorial board); Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement (editorial board)
- Member of the advisory board of COMPASSS (COMPArative Methods for Systematic cross-caSe analysis) · Board member of the Flemish Evaluation Association (Vlaams EvaluatiePlatform)
- Co-ordination Committee member of the Dutch Evaluation Association (Vide, beroepsvereniging voor toezichthouders, inspecteurs, handhavers en evaluatoren)
Services to public administration and policy makers (selection):
- 2023-2024: Chair supervisory committee ‘Development evaluation framework and first evaluation of the Policy Compass’ (Beleidskompas). Research and Documentation Center (WODC). Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security.
- 2023-2024: Advisor and member of Dutch expert team for multi-country TSI project ‘Building capacity for evidence-informed policy in governance and public administration’. Joint Research Center. European Commission.
- 2021-2022: Chair supervisory committee ‘Evaluatie Algemene wet inkomensafhankelijke regelingen (Awir) en uitvoering en dienstverlening Toeslagen’ (Evaluation of the General Law on Income-Dependent Schemes, the implementation and services of Benefits/Allowances). Dutch Ministry of Finance.
- 2018-2022: Expert member Commissie Beleidsevaluatie, Dutch Ministry of Finance
- 2020: Expert member ‘Toolbox Beleidsevaluaties’ (Toolbox policy evaluations), Dutch Ministry of Finance.
- 2020: Member core team for development of pilot Wetenschapstoets: Wetsvoorstellen langs de meetlat van de Wetenschap (An evidence-based assessment of legislative proposals)
Associate professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Editorial Board Member
- Assistant Editor
- Co-chair Permanent Study Group Policy Design and Evaluation
- Member Advisory Board
- Lid Coördinatiecomité
- Lid werkgroep beleidsevaluatie
- Lid redactie
- Lid kernredactie