Tom Louwerse
Director of Research / Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. T.P. Louwerse
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-4131-2724

Tom Louwerse is Associate Professor in Political Science and Director of Research at the Institute of Political Science.
More information about Tom Louwerse
Selected publications
New Developments in the Study of Coalition Governments
The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics
The predictive value of polls in a fragmented multi-party system: the Netherlands (1998–2021)
Moving up or down: parliamentary activity and candidate selection
Governance and Politics of the Netherlands (5th edition)
How Populists Wage Opposition: Parliamentary Opposition Behaviour and Populism in Netherlands
Parliamentary questions as strategic party tools
The Dutch Parliamentary Behaviour Dataset
The 2017 Netherlands election: Polls suggest mid-sized parties are now the new norm in Dutch politics
Response scales in Voting Advice Applications: Do different designs produce different outcomes?
Improving opinion poll reporting: the Irish Polling Indicator
The Dutch 2016 Referendum: Voice, No Exit
Reaching Across the Aisle: Explaining Government–Opposition Voting in Parliament
Personalised parliamentary behaviour without electoral incentives
PhD candidates
Tom Louwerse is Associate Professor in Political Science. His main areas of interest include political representation, parliaments, political parties, elections and polls in the Netherlands and in other established democracies. He teaches in the field of research methods, Dutch and comparative politics.
His main research project, Who opposes?, focuses on government-opposition cooperation in parliament and is supported by a Vidi grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
His outreach activities include polling aggregation in the Netherlands, published by the public broadcaster NOS, and Ireland. Louwerse is a member of Young Academy Leiden and a founder and co-editor of the Dutch political science weblog StukRoodVlees.
Dr Louwerse studied political science at Leiden University, obtaining his Master’s degree in 2006 and his PhD in 2011. His PhD thesis, written under supervision of Prof. Rudy Andeweg and Dr Huib Pellikaan deals with the democratic mandate of political parties in Great Britain and the Netherlands. This dissertation was shortlisted for the ECPR Jean Blondel Prize. Before returning to Leiden, Tom Louwerse worked as an Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland from 2013 to 2015. In September 2015 Dr Louwerse was awarded the Emerging Scholars Award from the Organized Section on Political Organizations and Parties of the American Political Science Association.
› Curriculum vitae Tom Louwerse
› Personal website Tom Louwerse
PhD supervision
Tom Louwerse is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- elections and electoral behaviour
- parliamentary behaviour
- political institutions and political parties
See for more information on PhD positions:
Director of Research / Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (2024), The reinvention of consensus politics: governing without a legislative majority in the Netherlands 2010–2021, Acta Politica 59(4): 797–821.
- Schakel W., Baumann M., Bolet D., Campbell R., Louwerse T.P. & Zittel T. (2024), How political and social constituent traits affect the responsiveness of legislators: a comparative field experiment, European Journal of Political Research : .
- Lange S.L. de, Louwerse T., Hart P. 't & Ham C. van (Eds.) (2024), The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Louwerse T.P. (2024), Investiture and removal of governments: ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ parliamentarism. In: Dumont P., Grofman B., Bergman T. & Louwerse T. (Eds.), New Developments in the Study of Coalition Governments. Studies in Public Choice no. 9. Cham: Springer. 17-37.
- Dumont P., Grofman B., Bergman T. & Louwerse T. (2024), Introduction: Old Puzzles, Conceptual Vagueness and New Developments in the Study of Coalition Governments. In: Dumont P., Grofman B., Bergman T. & Louwerse T. (Eds.), New Developments in the Study of Coalition Governments. Studies in Public Choice no. 9. Cham: Springer. 1-16.
- Dumont P., Grofman B., Bergman T. & Louwerse T.P. (Eds.) (2024), New developments in the study of coalition governments . Studies in Public Choice no. 9. Cham: Springer.
- Lange S. de, Louwerse T.P., Hart P. 't & Ham C. van (2024), Stability and change in Dutch politics: introduction to the handbook. In: Lange S. de, Louwerse T., Hart P. 't & Ham C. van (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-21.
- Louwerse T.P. & Vonno C.M.C. van (2024), Parliamentary Politics in the Netherlands. In: Lange S. de, Louwerse T., Hart P. 't & Ham C. van (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 105-123.
- Louwerse T.P. & Timmermans A. (2024), Managing Increased Complexity in Dutch Coalition Politics. In: Lange S. de, Louwerse T., Hart P. 't & Ham C. van (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 475-494.
- Kopecky P., Louwerse T.: Mickler T., Nagtzaam M., Otjes S. & Vonno C. van , Rudy Andeweg: een veelzijdig en betrokken politicoloog. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T.P. & Well R.L. van (18 November 2023), Hoe representatief is de stemhulp die terugkijkt?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T.P. & Well R.L. van (2023), Government-opposition distinctiveness in legislatures: a longitudinal analysis. Opposition Studies Conference 18 July 2023 - 18 July 2023.
- Holsteijn J. van & Louwerse T. (22 December 2023), Vraag niet aan de kiezer wat hij zou stemmen, maar wat hij wíl.
- Kaal M.A.C., Louwerse T.P., Otjes S.P. & Holsteijn J.J.M. van (2023), Policy positions and issue saliency as predictors of new party success. Politicologenetmaal 1 June 2023 - 2 June 2023.
- Louwerse T.P. & Otjes S.P., Waar staat de BoerBurgerBeweging?. De hofvijver. [blog entry].
- Roon C. de, Otjes S.P., Biezen I.C. van & Louwerse T.P. (2023), Piepen de jongen zoals de ouden zingen?: Politieke jongerenorganisaties in Nederland in de jaren 1980 en de jaren 2010 vergeleken. In: Borgman W., Jansen R., Kessel A. van, Kroeze R., Ramakers J., Smit D. & Steenbergen L. (Eds.), Een kwestie van tijd: de factor tijd in de politiek. Jaarboek Parlementaire Geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Boom. 68-78.
- Louwerse T.P. (21 November 2023), Slotpeilingen: wat zeggen ze wel en wat niet?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Van der Meer T.W.G., Janssen L. & Louwerse T.P. (2023), The predictive value of polls in a fragmented multi-party system: the Netherlands (1998–2021), Acta Politica 58(2): 461-482.
- Pedersen H.H., Louwerse T. & Zittel T. (2022), Ethics audits in cross-national research : experiences from correspondence study field experiments with national politicians in four European democracies, Political Studies Review 20(2): 184-191.
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Louwerse T.P. (2022), Geographical representation under a single nationwide district: the case of the Netherlands, Legislative Studies Quarterly : 1-32.
- Sieberer U., Meyer T.M., Bäck H., Ceron A., Falcó-Gimeno A., Guinaudeau I., Hansen M.E., Kolltveit K., Louwerse T., Müller W.C. & Persson T. (2021), The political dynamics of portfolio design in European democracies, British Journal of Political Science 51(2): 772-787.
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (2021), Derde keer op de evenwichtsbalk: parlementair stemgedrag tijdens Rutte III. In: Schinkelshoek J. & Voerman G. (Eds.), ‘Niet stoffig, toch?’ Terugblik op het kabinet-Rutte III. Montesquieu-reeks no. 16. Den Haag: Montesquieu Instituut. 55-70.
- Louwerse T.P. & Vonno C.M.C. van (2021), Moving up or down: parliamentary activity and candidate selection, Journal of Legislative Studies : .
- Louwerse T., Sieberer U., Tuttnauer O. & Andeweg R.B. (2021), Opposition in times of crisis: COVID-19 in parliamentary debates, West European Politics : 1-27.
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (2021), Do anti-elitist parties use their parliamentary tools differently?, Parliamentary Affairs 74(3): 704-721.
- Louwerse T.P. & Dijk R.E. van (2021), Reporting the polls: the quality of media reporting of vote intention polls in the Netherlands, Acta Politica : .
- Zittel T., Louwerse T.P., Pedersen H.H. & Schakel W. (2021), Should we conduct correspondence study field experiments with political elites? , International Political Science Review : 1-12.
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T. (2021), The Netherlands: party specialists taking the floor. In: Bäck H., Debus M. & Fernandes Jorge M. (Eds.), The Politics of Legislative Debates. Oxfod: Oxford University Press. 594-612.
- Louwerse T. & Timmermans A. (2021), The Netherlands: old solutions to new problems. In: Bergman T., Bäck H. & Hellström J (Eds.), Coalition governance in Western Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 448-481.
- de Vet B. & Louwerse T. (2021), Parliaments in the low countries: Representing divided societies, Politics of the Low Countries (3): 217-224.
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (17 January 2021), De derde keer op de evenwichtsbalk. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T.P. (2021), Slotpeilingen: niet perfect, toch nuttig. Den Haag: De Hofvijver (Montesquieu Instituut), 11(119): .
- Louwerse T.P. (14 March 2021), Slotpeilingen zijn informatief, maar let vooral op de grote lijnen. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T.P. & Dijk R. van (8 July 2021), Peilingennieuws geeft weinig informatie over onderzoeksaanpak. Hoe kan dat beter?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T.P. (21 September 2021), Hoe stemt de nieuwe Tweede Kamer?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. & Van der Veer H. (29 May 2020), Hoe stemmen de politieke partijen in de Tweede Kamer?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Andeweg R.B. Louwerse T.P. (2020), The institutional framework of representative democracy: comparing the populist-majoritarian and the liberal/consensual model. In: Rohrschneider R. & Thomassen J. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 94-112.
- Andeweg R.B., Irwin G.A. & Louwerse T. (2020), Governance and Politics of the Netherlands. London: Macmillan Education.
- Louwerse T.P. & Andeweg R.B. (2020), Measuring representation: policy congruence. In: Cotta M. & Russo F. (Eds.), Research Handbook on Political Representation. Elgar Handbooks in Political Science. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar. 368.
- Louwerse T.P. (2020) Review of [Between party and parliament: The roles of parliamentary party group leaders in partitocratic Belgium (PhD dissertation)] by [Benjamin de Vet]. Review of: Vet B. de (2019), Between party and parliament: The roles of parliamentary party group leaders in partitocratic Belgium. Ghent: Ghent University. Politics of the Low Countries 2(2): 218-220.
- Müller S. & Louwerse T.P. (2020), The electoral cycle effect in parliamentary democracies, Political Science Research and Methods 8(4): 795 - 802.
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T. (16 March 2019), Op wie kan het kabinet straks rekenen?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Hakhverdian A., Van der Meer T.W.G. & Louwerse T. 19 March 2019, Stuk Rood Vlees Podcast, aflevering 17: De Eerste Kamer met Tom Louwerse en Tom van der Meer. Stuk Rood Vlees podcast [podcast].
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T. (2019), De PVV in het parlement. In: Voerman G. & Vossen K. (Eds.), Wilders Gewogen. 15 jaar reuring in de Nederlandse politiek. Amsterdam: Boom. 213-230.
- Louwerse T., Andeweg R.B., Van Holsteyn J.J.M. & Den Ridder J. (Eds.) (2019), Van driestromenland tot delta? Beschouwingen over ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse politiek. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Louwerse T., Andeweg R.B., Van Holsteyn J.J.M. & Den Ridder J. (2019), Inleiding: Nederlandse politiek van driestromenland tot delta?. In: Louwerse T., Andeweg R.B., Holsteyn J.J.M. van & Ridder J. den (Eds.), Van driestromenland tot delta? Beschouwingen over ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse politiek. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 7-18.
- Tromble R., Jacobs K. & Louwerse T. (12 December 2019), Transparantie rond digitale politieke advertenties laat te wensen over. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. & Otjes S. (2019), Is er genoeg steun in de Eerste Kamer voor het kabinet? Bijdrage in rapport De Kiezer van Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland (SKON). [other].
- Louwerse T. & Otjes S. (2019), How Populists Wage Opposition: Parliamentary Opposition Behaviour and Populism in Netherlands, Political Studies 67(2): 479-495.
- Louwerse T., Otjes S. & Vonno C. van (2018), The Dutch Parliamentary Behaviour Dataset, Acta Politica 53(1): 149-166.
- Louwerse T.P. & Pellikaan H. (2018), Estimating uncertainty in party policy positions using the confrontational approach, Political Science Research and Methods 6(1): 197-209.
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (2018), Parliamentary questions as strategic party tools, West European Politics 41(2): 496-516.
- Louwerse T. (16 January 2018), Lokale verkiezingen: heb je iets aan landelijke peilingen?. Lokale verkiezingen: heb je iets aan landelijke peilingen?: Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T. (20 June 2018), Voeren populisten een ander soort parlementaire oppositie?. Voeren populisten een ander soort parlementaire oppositie?: Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Otjes S., Louwerse T. & Timmermans A. (2018), The Netherlands: The reinvention of consensus democracy. In: De Giorgi E. & Ilonszki G. (Eds.), Opposition Parties in European Legislatures: Conflict or Consensus?. London and New York: Routledge. 53--72.
- Louwerse T. (9 October 2018), Verliest de coalitie haar meerderheid in de Eerste Kamer?. Verliest de coalitie haar meerderheid in de Eerste Kamer?: Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. (23 October 2018), Regeringspartijen kunnen kiezers steeds moeilijker terugwinnen. Regeringspartijen kunnen kiezers steeds moeilijker terugwinnen: Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T. (9 July 2018), Evidence from the Netherlands: How do populist parties act in parliament?. LSE EUROPP. [blog entry].
- Müller S. & Louwerse T. (31 October 2018), Government parties no longer bounce back from midterm losses. LSE EUROPP. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T., Otjes S., Willumsen D. & Öhberg P. (2017), Reaching across the aisle: Explaining government-opposition voting in parliament, Party Politics 23(6): 746-759.
- Louwerse T. & Van Vonno C. (2017), Naar nieuwe verhoudingen tussen Kamer en kabinet?. In: Andeweg R.B. & Leyenaar M. (Eds.), Alle Stemmen Tellen. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Müller S. & Louwerse T. (2017), Explaining Government Support Throughout the Legislative Cycle: A Comparative Analysis. General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan. General Conference of the European Political Science Association 22 June 2017 - 24 June 2017.
- Louwerse T. (2017), The Blurring of Opposition: Measuring Government-Opposition Relations in Parliament. ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Basel. ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 29 June 2017 - 1 July 2017.
- Louwerse T. (2017), The Blurring of Opposition: Measuring Government-Opposition Relations in Parliament. General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan. General Conference of the European Political Science Association 22 June 2017 - 24 June 2017.
- Otjes S., Louwerse T. & Timmermans A. (2017), Populism and Opposition Party Behaviour in Netherlands. 4th General Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Basel. 4th General Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 29 June 2017 - 1 July 2017.
- Louwerse T. (24 October 2017), Naamswijzigingen ministeries: Symboolpolitiek?. [blog entry].
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T. (19 September 2017), Kamervragen: De voortzetting van de verkiezingscampagne met andere middelen?. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. (6 September 2017), How to use opinion polls. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. (22 August 2017), Waarom zit Rutte-II zo lang?. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. (30 May 2017), De beste peilingensites voor de Britse verkiezingen. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. (16 March 2017), Verschillen tussen slotpeilingen en uitslagen. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. (28 February 2017), Wat elke peilinggebruiker moet weten over onzekerheidsmarges. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. (3 February 2017), Waarom het LISS-panel in de Peilingwijzer zit. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T. (24 January 2017), The 2017 Netherlands election: Polls suggest mid-sized parties are now the new norm in Dutch politics. LSE Europp blog. [blog entry].
- Van Holsteyn J.J.M. & Louwerse T. (15 June 2016), The Dutch 2016 Referendum: Voice, No Exit (History and Policy). [web article].
- Rosema M. & Louwerse T. (2016), Response Scales in Voting Advice Applications: Do Different Designs Produce Different Outcomes?, Policy & Internet 8(4): 431-456.
- Van Holsteyn J. & Louwerse T. (4 November 2016), Trump kan winnen, ook als Clinton aan kop gaat in polls. NRC.Next & NRC Handelsblad.
- Louwerse T.P. & Otjes S. (2016), Personalised parliamentary behaviour without electoral incentives: The case of the Netherlands, West European Politics 39(4): 778-799.
- Louwerse T.P. (2016), Improving opinion poll reporting: the Irish Polling Indicator, Irish Political Studies 31(4): 541-566.
- Louwerse T. & Otjes S. (2015), The impact of parliamentary specialisation on cosponsorship, Journal of Legislative Studies 21(4): 476-494.
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T.P. (2015), Populists in parliament: Comparing left-wing and right-wing populism in the Netherlands, Political Studies 63(1): 60-79.
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T.P. (2014), A special majority cabinet? Supported minority governance and parliamentary behavior in the Netherlands, World Political Science Review 10(2): 343–363.
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T.P. (2014), Spatial models in voting advice applications, Electoral Studies 36: 263-271.
- Van Aelst P. & Louwerse T.P. (2014), Parliament without government: The Belgian parliament during the long government formation processes of 2007-2011, West European Politics 37(3): 475-493.
- Louwerse T.P. & Rosema M. (2014), The design effects of voting advice applications: Comparing methods of calculating matches, Acta Politica 49(3): 286-312.
- Louwerse T. (2014), Verkiezingsbeloften: Een verouderd ritueel?. In: Lange S.L. de, Leyenaar M. & Jong P. de (Eds.), Politieke partijen: Nodig of overbodig?. Den Haag: Raad voor het Openbaar Bestuur. 99-110.
- Fivaz J., Louwerse T. & Schwarz D. (2014), Keeping promises: VAAs and political representation. In: Garzia D. & Marschall S. (Eds.), Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates. Colchester: ECPR Press. 197-216.
- Fivaz J., Louwerse T. & Schwarz D. (2014), Keeping promises: VAAs and political representation. In: Garzia D. & Marschall S. (Eds.), Matching voters with parties and candidates. Colchester: ECPR Press. 197-216.
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T.P. (2014), Een middenkabinet of een minderheidskabinet?. In: Voerman G. (Ed.), Halverwege? Tussenbalans kabinet Rutte-II. Den Haag: Montesquieu Instituut. 35-48.
- Otjes S. & Louwerse T. (2013), Een bijzonder meerderheidskabinet?: Parlementair gedrag tijdens het kabinet Rutte-I, Res Publica 55(4): 459-480.
- Andeweg R.B., Kopecky P. & Louwerse T.P. (2013), De rol van het parlement in benoemingsprocedures. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken.
- Louwerse T.P. (2012), Mechanisms of Issue Congruence: The Democratic Party Mandate, West European Politics 35(6): 1249-1271.
- Louwerse T.P. & Otjes S.P. (2012), Design challenges in cross-national VAAs: the case of the EU Profiler, International Journal of Electronic Governance 5(3/4): 279-297.
- Louwerse T.P. (2012), Het democratisch mandaat van Nederlandse politieke partijen: Crisis of continuïteit?, Res Publica 54(4): 413-441.
- Louwerse T.P. (2012), Feitenvrije vs meningenvrije politiek, Idee: wetenschappelijk tijdschrift D66 2012(5): 21-23.
- Louwerse T.P. & Vonno C.M.C. van (2012), Candidate selection, parliamentary activity and party orientation. Paper presented at the Politicologenetmaal, Amsterdam, 31 May-1 June 2012. [other].
- Van Aelst P. & Louwerse T.P. (2012), Parliament without government: A study on the Belgian parliament during 541 days of government formation. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (2012) Leven van Dick Dolman. Review of: Dolman D. (2012), Politiek samenspel: biografische notities no. 12. Amsterdam: Boom. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) 2012: 30-30.
- Louwerse T.P. & Otjes S.P. (2012), Talking the talk, walking the walk? Comparing speech and sponsorship in the Dutch Parliament. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. & Maat J. van de (13 February 2012), Verslaafd aan politieke dagkoersen. 16-17.
- Louwerse T.P. (7 July 2012), Cuba Libre-coalitie is nog ver weg. Trouw: 25-25.
- Louwerse T.P. (23 August 2012), Kiezer moet huiswerk doen, ondanks stemhulp. Trouw: 23-23.
- Louwerse T.P. (2011), The spatial approach to the party mandate, Parliamentary Affairs 64(3): 425-447.
- Louwerse T.P. & Otjes S.P. (2011), Loyaal met een scherpe rand. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (2011), Spatial models in Voting Advice Applications. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. & Pellikaan H. (2011), Estimating party policy positions: The confrontational approach. [other].
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (2011), Specialized Partisans. Understanding Patterns of Parliamentary Cosponsorship: the Case of the Netherlands. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. & Rosema M. (2011), The Design Effects of Voting Advice Applications: Comparing Methods of Calculating Results. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (2011), Mechanisms of issue congruence: the democratic party mandate. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (22 June 2011), Political parties and the democratic mandate : comparing collective mandate fulfilment in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands (Dissertatie. Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Andeweg R.B., Pellikaan H.
- Van Aelst P. & Louwerse T.P. (30 November 2011), Het compromis is springlevend. De Morgen: 23-23.
- Louwerse T.P. & Otjes S.P. (11 May 2011), Emile Roemer: het beste maatje van Geert?. 18-19.
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (24 December 2011), GroenLinks houdt wél afstand van de SP. De Volkskrant: 30-30.
- Louwerse T.P. (27 June 2011), Partijen doen vaker wat ze beloven dan u denkt. Trouw: 19-19.
- Otjes S.P. & Louwerse T.P. (2010), Kies voor de liberale democratie, De Helling: Tijdschrift voor linkse politiek 3: .
- Louwerse T.P. (2010), Comparing Spaces of Electoral and Parliamentary Party Competition. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (2010), The Spatial Approach to the Party Mandate. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (2010), Tweede Kamer moet 150 leden houden, Reformatorisch Dagblad (9-10-2010): 6-7.
- Louwerse T.P. (2009), Referenda and party representation: the case of the Dutch EU referendum. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (2009), The promise of political parties: congruence between electoral and parliamentary spaces of party competition in the Netherlands. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (2009) Mapping Policy Preferences II: Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments in Eastern Europe, European Union and OECD 1990-2003. Review of: (2006), Mapping Policy Preferences II: Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments in Eastern Europe, European Union and OECD 1990-2003 no. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Acta Politica 44: 106-109.
- Louwerse T.P. (2008), The European mandate of national parliaments. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (2008), Populism and the democratic mandate. [other].
- Louwerse T.P. (2007), Following the leader? Party positions on institutional reform in the Netherlands, 1998-2006. [other].
- peilingwijzer