Thomas Hankemeier
Professor of Analytical biosciences
- Name
- Prof.dr. T. Hankemeier
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4226
- 0000-0001-7871-2073

Thomas Hankemeier is full professor of the Metabolomics and Analytics Centre at the LACDR, Leiden University, since 2004. His research is aiming at innovative analytical tools for metabolomics-driven systems biology in personalized health strategies.
More information about Thomas Hankemeier
PhD Candidates
Former PhD Candidates
Marlien Admiraal-van Mever
Wei Yang
Amar Oedit
Xinyu Di
Yupeng He
German Preciat Gonzalez
Marianne Vormann
Cornelius Willacey
Abidemi Junaid
Tom van der Laan
Sebastiaan Goulooze
Wei Zhang
Vincent van Duinen
Lizah van der Aart
Vasudev Kantae
Sebastiaan Johannes Trietsch
Colleen Fogarty Draper
Willem van den Brink
Junzeng Fu
Johannes Cornelius Schoeman
Robert-Jan Raterink
Miquel Rojas Cherto
Marco Ries
Johannis Willem Quist
Julio Eduardo Peironcely Miguel
Frans Meindert van der Kloet
Maria Draisma
Kjeld Janssen
Petrus Willhelmus Lindenburg
Chunxiu Hu
Jose Miguel Castro Perez
Jurre Jorian Kamphorst
Maud Marijtje Koek
Thomas Hankemeier is full professor of the Metabolomics and Analytics Centre at the LACDR, Leiden University, since 2004. His research is aiming at innovative analytical tools for metabolomics-driven systems biology in personalized health strategies.
In recent years he developed tools to detect, quantify and identify as many as possible metabolites in mammalian biofluids, tissues and cells. His research aims at improving sample preparation and multi-dimensional chromatographic and electro-driven separation methods, improving the interfacing to mass spectrometry, miniaturizing analytical methods using micro/nano-technology and developing methods for the identification of metabolites. He has developed several innovative technologies for miniaturized and high throughput metabolomics, for which he also holds a few patents.
In collaboration with clinicians, biomedical researchers, biostatisticians and other –omics researchers he works on better (early) diagnosis and interventions for (cardio)vascular and metabolic diseases and neurological diseases.
He is initiator and Scientific Director of the Netherlands Metabolomics Centre. He is one of the four PIs of the recently funded Netherlands X-omics Initiative (2018-2027, 40M€;, building a truly integrated x-omics infrastructure; Hankemeier leads the metabolomics programme and builds a high throughput metabolomics facility in his lab.
He has developed a microfluidic 3D cell culture platform allowing to have 40 and more individual cell cultures with organotypic functionality. For example, he has established blood vessels, neuronal co-cultures, gut tubes in that platform, and used metabolomics to study disease mechanisms and the mechanism of action of drugs using patient-derived human cells.
His ultimate goal is to identify early disease pathways and network changes that can be modulated by interventions to prevent or treat diseases, and support the development of novel intervention strategies to prevent or treat diseases.
He is Medical Delta Professor of Translational Epidemiology at the Department of Epidemiology at Erasmus University Medical Centre. He is the Scientific Director of the Netherlands Metabolomics Centre ( He is co-founder of MIMETAS (, the worldwide first organ-on-a-chip company. He has a MSc in chemistry and a PhD in analytical chemistry. From 1996 to 2004 he was responsible as a scientific Product Manager at the department of Analytical Sciences at TNO for research in the fields of food safety, food quality and metabolomics.
Covid-19 research
Immediately after the global corona outbreak in March, Hankemeier started on using his expertise in metabolomics to unravel why some patients develop much more critical symptoms than other. His consortium recently received a grant of 1 million euros from Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland). Hankemeier: ‘We will determine the metabolic fingerprints in the blood of 5000 to 7000 Covid-19 patients. This fingerprint consists of more than 1000 metabolic products and lipids. It is therefore a direct reflection of all Covid-19 relevant processes that take place in the body. Think of the viral infection, its consequences, and the body's reaction to it.’
In this way, researchers can identify markers that predict which new patients will develop serious symptoms. ‘By combining the obtained profiles with computer models and organs-on-a-chip systems, we can accurately determine what is happening in the sick patients,’ says Hankemeier.
Together with his colleagues, Hankemeier hopes to improve patient care for intensive care patients, the elderly and at-risk groups. With the models and fingerprints, they will also be able to test the effect of existing and new drugs or to optimise patients’ diets and dietary supplements.
Professor of Analytical biosciences
- Science
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Analytical Biosciences
- Huang X., Di X., Zuiderwijk M.C., Zhang L., Leegwater H., Davidse S., Kindt A., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Le Dévédec S.E. & Ali A. (2025), Lipidomic profiling of triple-negative breast cancer cells reveals distinct metabolic signatures associated with EpCAM expression, Talanta 283: 127127.
- Leegwater H., Zhang Z., Zhang X., Hankemeier T, Harms A.C., Zweemer A.J.M., Le Dévédec S.E. & Kindt A.S.D. (2025), Normalization strategies for lipidome data in cell line panels, Journal of Chemometrics 39(1): e3636.
- He B.S., Ramautar R., Beekman M., Slagboom P.E., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2025), A micro-flow liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the quantification of oxylipins in volume-limited human plasma, Electrophoresis : .
- Kallakkudi Pandian K., Zonneveld A.J. van, Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2025), Metabolic alterations of endothelial cells under transient and persistent hypoxia: study using a 3D microvessels-on-chip model, Tissue Barriers : .
- Zhu P., Savova M.V., Kindt A.S.D., Wopereis H., Belzer C., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2025), Exploring the fecal metabolome in infants with cow's milk allergy: the distinct impacts of cow's milk protein tolerance acquisition and of synbiotic supplementation, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 69(1): 202400583.
- Kok M., Hankemeier T. & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2025), Nutrient conditions affect antimicrobial pharmacodynamics in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Microbiology Spectrum 13(1): e01409.
- Huang X., Ali A., Yachioui D.E.I., Le Dévédec S.E. & Hankemeier T. (2025), Lipid dysregulation in triple negative breast cancer: insights from mass spectrometry-based approache, Progress in Lipid Research 98: 101330.
- Pandian K., Huang L., Junaid A.O., Harms A.C., Zonneveld A.J. van & Hankemeier T. (2024), Tracer‐based metabolomics for profiling nitric oxide metabolites in a 3D microvessels‐on‐chip model, The FASEB Journal 38(16): e70005.
- Mever M. van, Mamani-Huanca M., Faught L.E., Lopez-Gonzalvez A., Hankemeier T., Barbas C., Schaaf M.J.M. & Ramautar R. (2024), Application of a capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry metabolomics workflow in zebrafish larvae reveals new effects of cortisol, Electrophoresis 45(5-6): 380-391.
- Di X., Martinez-Tellez B., Krekels E.H.J., Jurado-Fasoli L., Osuna-Prieto F.J., Ortiz-Alvarez L., Hankemeier T., Rensen P.C.N., Ruiz J.R. & Kohler I. (2024), Higher plasma levels of endocannabinoids and analogues correlate with a worse cardiometabolic profile in young adults, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 109(5): 1351-1360.
- Singh M., Kiyuna L.A., Odendaal C., Bakker B.M., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2024), Development of targeted hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for acyl-Coenzyme A covering short- to long-chain species in a single analytical run, Journal of Chromatography A 1714: 464524.
- Bonanini F., Singh M., Yang H., Kurek D., Harms A.C., Mardinoglu A. & Hankemeier T. (2024), A comparison between different human hepatocyte models reveals profound differences in net glucose production, lipid composition and metabolism in vitro, Experimental Cell Research 437(1): 114008.
- Zhang Z., Karu N., Kindt A.S.D., Singh M., Lamont L., Gammeren A.J. van, Ermens A.A.M., Harms A.C., Lutzen P., Vermeulen R.C.H, Dik W.A., Langerak A.W. , Velden V.H.J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2024), Association of altered plasma lipidome with disease severity in COVID-19 patients, Biomolecules 14(3): 296.
- Bi D., Wilhelmy C., Unthan D.M., Keil I.S., Zhao B., Kolb B., Koning R.I., Graewert M.A., Wouters B., Zwier R., Bussmann J., Hankemeier T., Diken M., Haas H., Langguth P., Barz M. & Zhang H. (2024), On the influence of fabrication methods and materials for mRNA-LNP production: from size and morphology to internal structure and mRNA delivery performance in vitro and on vivo, Advanced Healthcare Materials 13(26): 2401252.
- Pandian K., Matos L.D. de, Hetzel L A., Zwier R.C.T., Veldhuizen P.J. van, Schubert C., Karuppusamy J., Harms A.C., Ali A. & Hankemeier T. (2024), Enabling high-sensitivity live single-cell mass spectrometry using an integrated electrical lysis and nano electrospray ionization interface, Analytica Chimica Acta 1324: 343068.
- Hartog I. den, Zwep L.B., Meulman J.J., Hankemeier T., Garde E.M.W. van de & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2024), Longitudinal metabolite profiling of Streptococcus pneumoniae-associated community-acquired pneumonia, Metabolomics 20(2): 35.
- Nunez Santiago I., Machushynets N.V., Mladic M., Bergeijk D.A. van, Elsayed S.S.M.A., Hankemeier, T. & Wezel G.P. van (2024), nanoRAPIDS as an analytical pipeline for the discovery of novel bioactive metabolites in complex culture extracts at the nanoscale, Communications Chemistry 7: 71.
- Dubbelman A.C.: Wieringen B. van, Arias L.R., Vliet M.S. van, Vermeulen R., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2024), Strategies for using postcolumn infusion of standards to correct for matrix effect in LC-MS-based quantitative metabolomics, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 35(12): 3286-3295.
- Vanmaele A., Bouwens E., Hoeks S.E., Kindt A.S.D., Lamont L., Fioole B., Budde R.P.J., Raa S. ten, Hussain B., Oliveira-Pinto J., Ijpma A.S., Lier F. van, Akkerhuis K.M.,Majoor-Krakauer D.F., Bruin J. L. de, Hankemeier T., Rijke Y. de, Verhagen H.J.M., Boersma E. & Kardys I. (2024), Targeted plasma multi-omics propose glutathione, glycine and serine as biomarkers for abdominal aortic aneurysm growth on serial CT scanning, Atherosclerosis 398: 118620.
- Drouin N., Elfrink H.L., Boers S.A., Hugten S. van, Wessels E., Vries J.J.C. de, Groeneveld G.H., Miggiels A.L.W., Puyvelde B. van, Dhaenens M., Budding A.E., Ran L., Masius R., Takats Z., Boogaerds A., Bulters M., Muurlink W., Oostvogel P., Harms A.C., Lubben M. van der & Hankemeier T. (2024), A targeted LC-MRM3 proteomic approach for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in nasopharyngeal swabs, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 23(7): 100805.
- He Y., Yang W., Huang L., Mever M. van, Ramautar R., Harms A.C., Rijksen Y., Brandt R.M.C., Barnhoorn S., Smit K., Jaarsma D., Lindenburg P.W., Hoeijmakers J.H.J., Vermeij W.P. & Hankemeier T. (2024), Metabolomic analysis of dietary-restriction-induced attenuation of sarcopenia in prematurely aging DNA repair-deficient mice, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 15(3): 868-882.
- Isokaanta H., Pinto da Silva L., Karu N., Kallonen T., Aatsinki A.K., Hankemeier T., Schimmel L., Diaz E., Hyotylainen T., Dorrestein P.C., Knight R., Oresic M., Kaddurah-Daouk R., Dickens A.M. & Lamichhane S. (2024), Correction to: "Comparative metabolomics and microbiome analysis of ethanol versus OMNImet/gene GUT fecal stabilization" , Analytical Chemistry 96(43): 17464-17464.
- Torta F., Hoffmann N., Burla B. Alecu I., AritaM., Bamba T., Bennett S.A.L., Bertrand-Michel J., Bruegger B., Cala M.P., Camacho-Munoz D., Checa A, Chen M., Chocholouskova M., Cinel M., Chu-Van E., Colsch B., Coman C., Connell L., Sousa B.C., Dickens A.M., Fedorova M., Eiriksson F. F., Gallart-Ayala H. Ghorasaini M., Giera M., Guan X. L., Haid M., Hankemeier T., Harms A., Hoering M.,Holcapek M., Hornemann T, HuC, Hulsmeier A.J., Huynh K., Jones C.M., Ivanisevic J., Izumi Y., Koefeler H.C., Lam S. M, Lang M., Lee J. C, Liebisch G., Lippa K., Lopez-Clavijo A. F., Manzi M., Martinefski M.R., Raviswamy G. H.M., Mayor S, Meikle P.J., Monge M. E., Moon M. H., Muralidharan S., Nicolaou A., Nguyen-Tran T., O'Donnell V.B., Oresic M., Ramanathan A., Riols F., Saigusa D., Schock T. B., Schwartz-Zimmermann H., Shui G., Singh M., Takahashi M. Thorsteinsdottir M., Tomiyasu N.,Tournadre A., Tsugawa H., Tyrrell V.J., van der Gugten G., Wakelam M.O., Wheelock C.E., Wolrab D., Xu G., Xu T., Bowden J.A., Ekroos K., Ahrends R. & Wenk M.R. (2024), Concordant inter-laboratory derived concentrations of ceramides in human plasma reference materials via authentic standards, Nature Communications 15(1): 8562.
- Yang W., Schoeman J.C., Di X., Lamont L., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2024), A comprehensive UHPLC-MS/MS method for metabolomics profiling of signaling lipids: markers of oxidative stress, immunity and inflammation, Analytica Chimica Acta 1297: 342348.
- Ahmad S., Yang W., Orellana A., Frohlich L., de Rojas I., Cano A., Boada M., Hernandez I., Hausner L., Harms A.C., Bakker M.H.M., Cabrera-Socorro A., Amin N., Ramirez A., Ruiz A., Duijn C.M. van & Hankemeier T. (2024), Association of oxidative stress and inflammatory metabolites with Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 16: 171.
- Mever M. van, He B.S., Veen M. van, Slaats J., Buijs M.M., Wieringa J.E., Hankemeier T., Winter P. de & Ramautar R. (2024), Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for creatinine analysis in residual clinical plasma samples and comparison with gold standard assay, Electrophoresis 45(15-16): 1316-1324.
- Jurado-Fasoli L., Sanchez-Delgado G., Di X., Yang W., Kohler I., Villarroya F., Aguilera C.M., Hankemeier T., Ruiz J.R. & Martinez-Tellez B. (2024), Cold-induced changes in plasma signaling lipids are associated with a healthier cardiometabolic profile independently of brown adipose tissue, Cell Reports Medicine 5(2): 101387.
- Isokaanta H., Pinto da Silva L., Karu N., Kallonen T., Aatsinki A.K., Hankemeier T., Schimmel L., Diaz E., Hyotylainen T., Dorrestein P.C., Knight R., Oresic M., Kaddurah-Daouk R., Dickens A.M. & Lamichhane S. (2024), Comparative metabolomics and microbiome analysis of ethanol versus OMNImet/gene•GUT fecal stabilization, Analytical Chemistry 96(22): 8893-8904.
- Zhu P., Dubbelman A.C., Hunter C., Genangeli M., Karu N., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2024), Development of an untargeted LC-MS metabolomics method with postcolumn infusion for matrix effect monitoring in plasma and feces, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 35(3): 590-602.
- Buijink M.R., Weeghel M. van, Harms A.C., Murli D.S., Meijer J.H., Hankemeier T., Michel S. & Kervezee L. (2024), Loss of temporal coherence in the circadian metabolome across multiple tissues during ageing in mice, European Journal of Neuroscience 60(2): 3843-3857.
- Yaqub A., Vojinovic D., Vernooij M.W., Slagboom P.E., Ghanbari M., Beekman M., Grond J. van der, Hankemeier T., Duijn C.M. van, Ikram M.A. & Ahmand S. (2024), Plasma trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO): associations with cognition, neuroimaging, and dementia, Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 16: 113.
- Andreu-Sanchez S., Ahmad S., Kurilshikov A., Beekman M., Ghanbari M., Faassen M. van, Munckhof I.C.L. van den, Steur M., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Ikram M.A., Kavousi M., Voortman T., Kraaij R., Netea M.G., Rutten J.H.W., Riksen N.P., Zhernakova A., Kuipers F., Slagboom P. E., Duijn C.M. van Fu J. & Vojinovic D. (2024), Unraveling interindividual variation of trimethylamine N-oxide and its precursors at the population level, iMeta 3(3): e183.
- Zhang C., Le Dévédec S.E., Ali A.M.A.M. & Hankemeier T. (2023), Single-cell metabolomics by mass spectrometry: ready for primetime?, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 82: 102963.
- Hetzel L.A., Ali A.M.A.M., Corbo V. & Hankemeier T. (2023), Microfluidics and organoids, the power couple of developmental biology and oncology studies, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(13): 10882.
- Hartog I. den, Karu N., Zwep L.B., Voorn P.G., Garde E.M.W. van de, Hankemeier T. & Hasselt C.J.G. van (2023), Differential metabolic host response to pathogens associated with community-acquired pneumonia, Metabolism open 18: 100239.
- Zhang Z., Duri K., Duisters K.L.W., Schoeman J.C., Chandiwana P., Lindenburg P., Jaeger J., Ziegler S., Altfeld M., Kohler I., Harms A., Gumbo F.Z., Hankemeier T. & Bunders M.J. (2023), Altered methionine-sulfone levels are associated with impaired growth in HIV-exposed-uninfected children, AIDS 37(9): 1367-1376.
- Fleming R.M.T., Haraldsdottir H.S., Minh L.H., Vuong P.T., HankemeierT. & Thiele I. (2023), Cardinality optimization in constraint-based modelling: application to human metabolism, Bioinformatics 39(9): btad450.
- Onderwater G.L.J., Dongen R.M. van, Harms A.C., Zielman R., Oosterhout W.P.J. van, Klinken J.B. van, Goeman J.J., Terwindt G.M., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Hankemeier T. & Ferrari M.D. (2023), Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma amine profiles in interictal migraine, Annals of Neurology 93(4): 715-728.
- Zhang Z., Singh M., Kindt A.S.D., Wegrzyn A.B., Pearson M.J., Ali A.M.A.M., Harms A.C., Baker P. & Hankemeier T. (2023), Development of a targeted hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry based lipidomics platform applied to a coronavirus disease severity study, Journal of Chromatography A 1708: 464342.
- Theel W.B., Boxma-de Klerk B.M., Dirksmeier-Harinck F., Rossum E.F.C. van, Kanhai D.A., Apers J.A., Dalen B.M. van, Knegt R.J. de, Neecke B., Zwan E.M. van der, Grobbee D.E., Hankemeier T., Wiebolt J. & Castro Cabezas M. (2023), Effect of bariatric surgery on NAFLD/NASH: a single-centre observational prospective cohort study, BMJ Open 13(7): e070431.
- Kallakkudi Pandian K., Matsui M., Hankemeier T., Ali A.M.A.M. & Okubo-Kurihara E. (2023), Advances in single-cell metabolomics to unravel cellular heterogeneity in plant biology, Plant Physiology 193(2): 949-965.
- Wevers D., Ramautar R., Clark C.P., Hankemeier T. & Ali A.M.A.M. (2023), Opportunities and challenges for sample preparation and enrichment in mass spectrometry for single‐cell metabolomics, Electrophoresis 44(24): 2000-2024.
- Jiang M., Huizenga M.C.W., Wirth J.L., Paloczi J., Amedi A., Berg R.J.B.H.N. van den, Benz J., Collin L., Deng H., Di X., Driver W.F., Florea B.I., Grether U., Janssen A.P.A., Hankemeier T., Heitman L.H., Lam T.W., Mohr F., Pavlovic A., Ruf I., Hurk H. van den, Stevens A.F., Vliet D. van der, Wel T. van der, Wittwer M.B., Boeckel C.A.A. van, Pacher P., Hohmann A.G. & Stelt M. van der (2023), A monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitor showing therapeutic efficacy in mice without central side effects or dependence, Nature Communications 14(1): 8039.
- Thangavelu M.U., Wouters B., Kindt A., Reiss I.K.M. & Hankemeier T. (2023), Blood microsampling technologies: innovations and applications in 2022, Analytical Science Advances 4(5-6): 154-180.
- Hubers N., Hagenbeek F.A., Pool R., Déjean S., Harms A.C. Roetman P.J., Beijsterveldt C.E.M. van, Fanos V., Ehli E.A., Vermeiren R.R.J.M., Bartels M., Hottenga J.J., Hankemeier T., Dongen J. van & Boomsma D.I. (2023), Integrative multi-omics analysis of genomic, epigenomic, and metabolomics data leads to new insights for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 195(2): e32955.
- Singh M., Elfrink H.L., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2023), Recent developments in the analytical approaches of acyl-CoAs to assess their role in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorders, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 140(1-2): 107711.
- Wevers L.D., Ramautar R., Clark C.P., Hankemeier T. & Ali A.M.A.M. (2023), Opportunities and challenges for sample preparation and enrichment in mass spectrometry for single‐cell metabolomics, Electrophoresis 44(24): 2000-2024.
- Jiang M., Huizenga M.C.W., Wirt J.L., Paloczi J., Amedi A., Berg R.J.B.H.N. van den, Benz J., Collin L., Deng H., Di X., Driever W.F., Florea B.I., Grether U., Janssen A.P.A., Hankemeier T., Heitman L.H., Lam T.-W., Mohr F., Pavlovic A., Ruf I., Hurk H. van den, Stevens A.F., Vliet D. van der, Wel T. van der, Wittwer M.B. Boeckel C.A.A. van, Pacher P., Hohmann A.G. & Stelt M. van der (2023), Amonoacylglycerol lipase inhibitor showing therapeutic efficacy in mice without central side effects or dependence, Nature Communications 14(1): 8039.
- Hagenbeek F.A., Dongen J. van, Roetman P.J., Harms A.C., Hottenga J.J., Kluft C., Colins O.F., Beijsterveldt C.E.M. van, Fanos V., Ehli E.A., Hankemeier T., Vermeiren R.R.J.M., Bartels M., Dejean S. & Boomsma D.I. (2023), Integrative multi-omics analysis of childhood aggressive behavior, Behavior Genetics 53: 101-117.
- Yin C., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Kindt A.S.D. & Lange E.C.M. de (2023), Status of metabolomic measurement for insights in Alzheimer’s disease progression—what is missing?, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(5): 4960.
- Huang L., Drouin N.F.P., Causon J., Wegrzyn A.B., Castro-Perez J., Fleming R.M., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2023), Reconstruction of glutathione metabolism in the neuronal model of rotenone-induced neurodegeneration using mass isotopologue analysis with hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-Zeno high-resolution multiple reaction monitoring, Analytical Chemistry 95(6): 3255-3266.
- Jurado-Fasoli L., Di X., Sanchez-Delgado G., Yang W., Osuna-Prieto F.J., Ortiz-Alvarez L., Krekels E., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Schonke C., Aguilera C.M., Llamas-Elvira J.M., Kohler I., Rensen P.C.N., Ruiz J.R. & Martinez-Tellez B. (2022), Acute and long-term exercise differently modulate plasma levels of oxylipins, endocannabinoids, and their analogues in young sedentary adults: A sub-study and secondary analyses from the ACTIBATE randomized controlled-trial, EBioMedicine 85: 104313.
- Puyvelde B. van, Uytfanghe K., Oudenhove L. van Gabriels R., Royen T. van, Matthys A., Razavi M., Yip R., Pearson T., Drouin N.F.P., Claereboudt J., Foley D., Wardle R., Wyndham K., Hankemeier T., Jones D., Saelens X., Martens G., Stove C.P., Deforce D., Martens L., Vissers J.P.C., Anderson N.L. & Dhaenens M. (2022), Cov2MS: an automated and quantitative matrix-independent assay for mass spectrometric measurement of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein, Analytical Chemistry 94(50): 17379-17387.
- Ronde E., Frerichs N.M.M., Brantenaar S., El Hassani El Manouni S., Wicaksono A.N.N., Covington J.A.A., Boer N.K.H. de, Meij T.G.G. de, Hankemeier T., Reiss I.K.M. & Schoenmakers S. (2022), Detection of spontaneous preterm birth by maternal urinary volatile organic compound analysis: a prospective cohort study, Frontiers in Pediatrics 10: 1063248.
- Tool L., Vormann M., Ohbuchi M., Gijzen L., Vught R. van, Hankemeier T., Kiyonaga F., Kawabe T., Westra N., Goto T., Fujimori A., Vulto P., Lanz H. & Tetsuka K. (2022), Modelling and prevention of acute kidney injury through ischemia and reperfusion in a combined human renal proximal Tubule/Blood Vessel-on-a-Chip, Kidney360 3(2): 217-231.
- Hagenbeek F., Hubers N., Dongen J. van, Pool R., Roetman P., Harms A.C., Hottenga J.J., Hankemeier T., Veremeiren R., Bartels M., Dejean S. & Boomsma D. (2022), Integrative multi-omics approaches to child-hood aggression and attention-deficit/hyper-activity disorder, European Neuropsychopharmacology 63: e4.
- Kanhai K.M.S., Goulooze S.C., Grond J. van der, Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Verma A., Dent G., Chavez J., Meijering H. & Groeneveld G.J. (2022), Kinetics of myelin breakdown products: a labeling study in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis, Clinical and Translational Science 15(3): 638-648.
- Jurado-Fasoli L., Di X.Y., Kohler I., Osuna-Prieto F.J., Hankemeier T., Krekels E.H.J., Harms A.C., Yang W., Garcia-Lario J.V., Fernandez-Veledo S., Ruiz J.R., Rensen P.C.N. & Martinez-Tellez B. (2022), Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins as potential markers of cardiometabolic risk in young adults, Obesity 30(1): 50-61.
- He Y., Drouin N.F.P., Wouters B., Miggiels A.L.W., Hankemeier T. & Lindenburg P.W. (2022), Development of a fast, online three-phase electroextraction hyphenated to fast liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for analysis of trace-level acid pharmaceuticals in plasma, Analytica Chimica Acta 1192: 339364.
- Jong L.M. de, Zhang Z., Hartog Y. de, Sijsenaar T.J.P., Martins Cardoso R., Manson M.L., Hankemeier T., Lindenburg P.W., Salvatori D.C.F., Eck M. van & Hoekstra M. (2022), PRMT3 inhibitor SGC707 reduces triglyceride levels and induces pruritus in Western-type diet-fed LDL receptor knockout mice, Scientific Reports 12(1): 483.
- Machushynets N.V., Elsayed S.S.M.A., Du C., Siegler M.A., Cruz M. de la, Genillou O., Hankemeier T. & Wezel G.P. van (2022), Discovery of actinomycin L, a new member of the actinomycin family of antibiotics, Scientific Reports 12: 2813.
- Hosseinkhani F., Huang L., Dubbelman A.C., Guled F., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2022), Systematic evaluation of HILIC stationary phases for global metabolomics of human plasma, Metabolites 12(2): 165.
- Kok M., Maton L., Peet M.P. van der, Hankemeier T. & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2022), Unraveling antimicrobial resistance using metabolomics, Drug Discovery Today 27(6): 1774-1783.
- Ortiz-Alvarez L., Xu H., Di X., Kohler I., Osuna-Prieto F.J., Acosta F.M., Vilchez-Vargas R., Link A., Plaza-Díaz J., Stelt M. van der, Hankemeier T., Clemente-Postigo M., Tinahones F.J., Gil A., Rensen P.C.N., Ruiz J.R. & Martinez-Tellez B. (2022), Plasma levels of endocannabinoids and their analogues are related to specific fecal bacterial genera in young adults: role in gut barrier integrity, Nutrients 14(10): 2143.
- Karu N., Kindt A., Lamont L., Gammeren A.J. van, Ermens A.A.M., Harms A.C., Portengen L., Vermeulen R.C.H. Dik W.A., Langerak A.W., Velden V.H.J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2022), Plasma oxylipins and their precursors are strongly associated with COVID-19 severity and with immune response markers, Metabolites 12(7): 619.
- Karu N., Kindt A., Gammeren A.J. van, Ermens A.A.M., Harms A.C., Portengen L., Vermeulen R.C.H., Dik W.A., Langerak A.W., Velden V.H.J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2022), Severe COVID-19 is characterised by perturbations in plasma amines correlated with immune response markers, and linked to inflammation and oxidative stress, Metabolites 12(7): 618.
- Ding Y., Haks M.C., Eeden S.J.F. van den, Ottehoff T.H.M., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Eeza M.N.H., Matysik J., Alia A. & Spaink H.P. (2022), Leptin mutation and mycobacterial infection lead non-synergistically to a similar metabolic syndrome, Metabolomics 18(8): 67.
- He Y., Mever M. van, Yang W., Huang L.: Ramautar R., Rijksen Y., Vermeij W.P., Hoeijmakers J.H.J., Harms A.C., Lindenburg P.W. & Hankemeier T. (2022), A sample preparation method for the simultaneous profiling of signaling lipids and polar metabolites in small quantities of muscle tissues from a mouse model for sarcopenia, Metabolites 12(8): 742.
- Wouters B., Miggiels A.L.W., Bezemer R.P., Cruijsen E.A.W. van der, Leeuwen E. van, Gauvin J., Houben K., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Zuijdwijk P., Harms A.C., Carvalho de Souza A. & Hankemeier T. (2022), Automated segmented-flow analysis: NMR with a novel fluoropolymer flow cell for high-throughput screening, Analytical Chemistry 94(44): 15350-15358.
- Jurado-Fasoli L., Yang W., Kohler I., Dote-Montero M., Osuna-Prieto F.J., Di X., Hankemeier T., Krekels E.H.J., Harms A.C., Castillo M.J., Amaro-Gahete F.J. & Martinez-Tellez B. (2022), Effect of different exercise training modalities on fasting levels of oxylipins and endocannabinoids in middle-aged sedentary adults: a randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 32(4): 275-284.
- Schultes E., Roos M., Santos L.O.B.D., Guizzardi G., Bouwman J., Hankemeier T., Baak A. & Mons B. (2022), FAIR digital twins for data-intensive research, Frontiers in Big Data 5: 883341.
- Hagenbeek F.A., Dongen J. van, Pool R., Harms A.C., Roetman P.J., Fanos V., Keulen B.J. van, Walker B.R., Karu N., Hulshoff P.H.E., Rotteveel J., Finken M.J.J., Vermeiren R.R.J.M., Kuft C., Bartels M. & Hankemeier T. Boomsma D.I. (2022), Heritability of urinary amines, organic acids, and steroid hormones in children, Metabolites 12(6): 474.
- Kindt A.S.D., Kraus Y., Rasp D.J.N.P., Förster K.M., Ahmidi N., Flemmer A.W., Herber-Jonat S., Heinen F., Weigand H., Hankemeier T., Koletzko B., Krumsiek J., Babl J. & Hilgendorff A. (2022), Improved macro- and micronutrient supply for favorable growth and metabolomic profile with standardized parenteral nutrition solutions for very preterm infants, Nutrients 14(19): 3912.
- Ali A.M.A.M., Davindson S., Fränkel E., Gilmore I., Hankemeier T., Kirwan J.A., Lane A.N., Lanekoff I., Larion M., McCall L.I., Murphy M., Sweedler J.V. & Zhu C. (2022), Single cell metabolism: current and future trends, Metabolomics 18(10): 77.
- Maas P., Hartog I. den, Kindt A.S.D., Boman S., Hankemeier T. & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2022), The Immunometabolic Atlas: a tool for design and interpretation of metabolomics studies in immunology, PLoS ONE 17(5): e0268408.
- Leygeber S., Grossmann J.L., Diez-Simon C., Karu N., Dubbelman A.C., Harms A.C., Westerhuis J.A., Jacobs D.M., Lindenburg P.W., Hendriks M.M.W.B., Ammerlaan B.C., Berg M.A. van den, Doorn R. van, Mumm R., Hall R.D., Smilde A.K. & Hankemeier T. (2022), Flavor profiling using comprehensive mass spectrometry analysis of metabolites in tomato soups, Metabolites 12(12): 1194.
- He B.S., Di X., Gulded F., Harder A.V.E., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Terwindt G.M., Krekels E.H.J., Kohler I., Harms A.C., Ramautar R. & Hankemeier T. (2022), Quantification of endocannabinoids in human cerebrospinal fluid using a novel micro-flow liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method, Analytica Chimica Acta 1210: 339888.
- He Y., Miggiels A.L.W., Drouin N.F.P., Lindenburg P.W., Wouters B. & Hankemeier T. (2022), An automated online three-phase electro-extraction setup with machine-vision process monitoring hyphenated to LC-MS analysis, Analytica Chimica Acta 1235: 340521.
- Amersfoort J., Schaftenaar F.H., Douna H., Santbrink P.J. van, Puijvelde G.H.M. van, Slütter B., Foks A.C., Harms A., Moreno-Gordaliza E., Wang Y., Hankemeier T., Bot I., Chi H. & Kuiper J. (2021), Diet-induced dyslipidemia induces metabolic and migratory adaptations in regulatory T cells, Cardiovascular Research 117(5): 1309-1324.
- Goulooze S.C., Krekels E.H.J., Saleh M.A.A.E.W., Ahlers S.J., Valitalo P.A.J., Dongen E.P. van, Schaik R.H. van, Hankemeier T., Tibboel D. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2021), Predicting unacceptable pain in cardiac surgery patients receiving morphine maintenance and rescue doses: a model-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analysis, Anesthesia and Analgesia 132(3): 726-734.
- Laan T. van der, Elfrink H.L., Azadi-Chegeni F., Dubbelman A.C., Harms A.C., Jacobs D.M., Braumann U., Velders A.H., Duynhoven J. & Hankemeier T. (2021), Fractionation platform for target identification using off-line directed two-dimensional chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, Analytica Chimica Acta 1142: 28-37.
- Oedit A., Hankemeier T. & Lindenburg P.W. (2021), On-line coupling of two-phase microelectroextraction to capillary electrophoresis - mass spectrometry for metabolomics analyses, Microchemical Journal 162: 105741.
- He Y.P., Miggiels A.L.W., Wouters B., Drouin N.F.P., Guled F., Hankemeier T. & Lindenburg P.W. (2021), A high-throughput, ultrafast, and online three-phase electro-extraction method for analysis of trace level pharmaceuticals, Analytica Chimica Acta 1149: 338204.
- Leeuw F.A., Karamujic-Comic H., Tijms B.M., Peeters C.F.W., Kester M.I., Scheltens P., Ahmad S., Vojinovic D., Adams H.H.H., Hankemeier T., Bos D., Lugt A. van der, Vernooij M.W., Ikram M.A., Amin N., Barkhof F., Teunissen C.E., Duijn C.M. van & Flier W.M. (2021), Circulating metabolites are associated with brain atrophy and white matter hyperintensities, Alzheimer's & Dementia 17(2): 205-214.
- Jiang X., Renkema H., Pennings B., Pecheritsyna S., Schoeman J.C., Hankemeier T., Smeitink J. & Beyrath J. (2021), Mechanism of action and potential applications of selective inhibition of microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1-mediated -PGE(2) biosynthesis by sonlicromanol's metabolite KH176m, Scientific Reports 11: 880.
- Hosseinkhani F., Heinken A., Thiele I., Lindenburg P.W. Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2021), The contribution of gut bacterial metabolites in the human immune signaling pathway of non-communicable diseases, Gut Microbes 13(1): 1-22.
- Ding Y., Haks M.C., Forn Cuní G., He J., Nowik N., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Eeza M.N.H., Matysik J., Alia A. & Spaink H.P. (2021), Metabolomic and transcriptomic profiling of adult mice and larval zebrafish leptin mutants reveal a common pattern of changes in metabolites and signaling pathways, Cell & Bioscience 11(1): 126.
- Puyvelde B. van, Uytfanghe K. van, Tytgat O., Oudenhove L., Gabriels R., Bouwmeester R., Daled S., Bossche T. van den, Ramasamy P., Verhelst S., Clerck L. de, Corveleyn L., Willems S., Debunne N., Wynendaele E., Spiegeleer B. de, Judak P, Roels K., Wilde L. de, Eenoo P. van, Reyns T., Cherlet M., Dumont E., Debyser G.,'Kindt R. 't, Sandra K., Gupta S., Drouin N., Harms A., Hankemeier T., Jones D.J.L., Gupta P., Lane D., Lane C.S., El Ouadi S., Vincendet J.B., Morrice N., Oehrle S., Tanna N., Silvester S., Hannam S., Sigloch F.C., Bhangu-Uhlmann A., Claereboudt J., Anderson N.L., Razavi M., Degroeve S., Cuypers L., Stove C., Lagrou K., Martens G.A., Deforce D., Martens L., Vissers J.P.C. & Dhaenens M. (2021), Cov-MS: A Community-Based Template Assay for Mass-Spectrometry-Based Protein Detection in SARS-CoV-2 Patients: a community-based template assay for mass-spectrometry-based protein detection in SARS-CoV-2 patients, JACS Au 1(6): 750-765.
- Nicolas A., Schavemaker F., Kosim K., Kurek D., Haarmans M., Bulst M., Lee K., Wegner S., Hankemeier T., Joore J., Domansky K., Lanz H.L., Vulto P. & Trietsch S.J. (2021), High throughput transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurements on perfused membrane-free epithelia, Lab on a Chip 21(9): 1676-1685.
- Arykbaeva A.S., Vries D.K. de, Doppenberg J.B., Engelse M.A., Hankemeier T., Harms A.C., Wijermars L.G., Schaapherder A.F., Bakker J.A., Ploeg R.J., Alwayn I.P.J. & Lindeman J.H.N. (2021), Metabolic needs of the kidney graft undergoing normothermic machine perfusion, Kidney International 100(2): 301-310.
- Hartog I. den, Zwep L.B., Vestjens S.M.T., Harms A.C., Voorn G.P., Lange D.W. de, Bos W.J.W., Hankemeier T., Garde E.M.W. & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2021), Metabolomic profiling of microbial disease etiology in community-acquired pneumonia, PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252378.
- Junaid A.O. & Hankemeier T. (2021), OrganoPlate micro-fluidic microvessel culture and analysis, Bio-protocol 11(13): e4070.
- Hosseinkhani F., Dubbelman A.C., Karu N., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2021), Towards standards for human fecal sample preparation in targeted and untargeted LC-HRMS studies, Metabolites 11(6): 364.
- Junaid A.O., Duinen V. van, Stam W., Dólleman S., Yang W., Rijke Y. de, Endeman H., Kooten C. van, Mashaghi Tabari A., Boer H. de, Gils J., Hankemeier T. & Zonneveld A.J. van (2021), A microfluidics-based screening tool to assess the impact of blood plasma factors on microvascular integrity, Advanced biology 5(11): 2100954.
- Ronde E., Reiss I.K.M., Hankemeier T., Meij T.G. de, Frerichs N. & Schoenmakers S. (2021), The potential of metabolomic analyses as predictive biomarkers of preterm delivery: a systematic review, Frontiers in Endocrinology 12: 668417.
- Mever M. van, Segers K., Mangelings D., Hankemeier T., Heyden Y. vander, Eeckhaut A. van & Ramautar R. (2021), Mass spectrometry based metabolomics of volume-restricted in-vivo brain samples: actual status and the way forward, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 143: 116365.
- He B.S., Zhang W., Guled F., Harms A.C., Ramautar R. & Hankemeier T. (2021), Analytical techniques for biomass-restricted metabolomics: an overview of the state-of-the-art, Microchemical Journal 171: 106794.
- Jurado-Fasoli L., Di X.Y., Kohler I., Osuna-Prieto F.J., Hankemeier T., Krekels E.H.J., Harms A.C., Yang W., Garcia-Lario J.V., Fernendez-Veledo S., Ruiz J.R., Rensen P.C.N. & Martinez-Tellez B. (2021), Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins as potential markers of cardiometabolic risk in young adults, Obesity 30(1): 50-61.
- Wouters B., Currivan S.A., Abdulhussain N., Hankemeier T. & Schoenmakers P.J. (2021), Immobilized-enzyme reactors integrated into analytical platforms: recent advances and challenges, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 144: 116419.
- Mever M. van, Willacey C.C.W., Zhang W., Drouin N.F.P., Christina A.E., Lindenburg P.W., Veldhoven J.P. D. van, Es D. van der, Harms A.C., Hankemeier T. & Ramautar R. (2021), Profiling acidic metabolites by capillary electrophoresis‐mass spectrometry in low numbers of mammalian cells using a novel chemical derivatization approach, Analytical Science Advances 3(1-2): 3-13.
- Ding Y., Raterink R., Marín Juez R., Veneman W.J., Egbers K., Eeden S. van den, Haks M.C., Joosten S.A., Ottenhoff T.H.M., Harms A.C., Alia A., Hankemeier T. & Spaink H.P. (2020), y Tuberculosis causes highly conserved metabolic changes in human patients, mycobacteria-infected mice and zebrafish larvae, Scientific Reports 10(1): 11635.
- Goulooze S.C., Zwep L.B., Vogt J.E., Krekels E.H.J., Hankemeier T., Anker J.N. van den & Knibbe C.A.J. (2020), Beyond the randomized clinical trial: innovative data science to close the pediatric evidence gap, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 107(4): 786-795.
- Duisters K.L.W., Ogino S., Andou T., Ito K., Akabane T., Harms A.C., Moerland M., Hashimoto Y., Ando A., Ohtsu Y., Wada N., Yukinaga H., Meulman J., Kobayashi H., Kobayashi N., Suzumura K. & Hankemeier T. (2020), Intersubject and intrasubject variability of potential plasma and urine metabolite and protein biomarkers in healthy human volunteers, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 107(2): 397-405.
- Junaid A.O., Tang H., Reeuwijk A. van, Abouleila Y.A.M.I., Wuelfroth P., Duinen V. van, Stam W., Zonneveld A.J. van, Hankemeier T. & Mashaghi Tabari A. (2020), Ebola Hemorrhagic Shock Syndrome-on-a-Chip, iScience 23(1): 100765.
- Mock E.D., Mustafa M., Gunduz-Cinar O., Cinar R., Petrie G.N., Kantae V., Di X., Ogasawara D., Varga Z.V., Paloczi J., Miliano C., Donvito G., Esbroeck A.C.M. van, Gracht A.M.F. van der, Kotsogianni I., Park J.K., Martella A., Wel T. van der, Soethoudt M., Jiang M., Wendel T.J., Janssen A.P.A., Bakker A.T., Donovan C.M., Castillo L.I., Florea B.I., Wat J., Hurk H. van den, Wittwer M., Grether U., Holmes A., Boeckel C.A.A. van, Hankemeier T., Cravatt B.F., Buczynski M.W., Hill M.N., Pacher P., Lichtman A.H. & Stelt M. van der (2020), Discovery of a NAPE-PLD inhibitor that modulates emotional behavior in mice, Nature Chemical Biology 16(6): 667-675.
- Ding Y. Raterink R. Marín‑Juez R. Veneman W.J. Egbers K. Eeden S. van den Haks M.C. Joosten S.A. Ottenhof T.H.M. Harms A.C. Alia A. Hankemeier T. Spaink H.P. (2020), Tuberculosis causes highly conserved metabolic changes in human patients, mycobacteria‑infected mice and zebrafish larvae, Scientific Reports 10: 11635.
- Zhou J., Mock E.D., Al Ayed K., Di X., Kantae V., Burggraaff L., Stevens A.F., Martella A., Mohr F., Jiang M., Wel T. van der, Wendel T.J., Ofman T.P., Tran Y., Koster N. de, Westen G.J.P. van, Hankemeier T. & Stelt M. van der (2020), Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of α-Ketoamides as Inhibitors of the Phospholipase A and Acyltransferase Enzyme Family, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 63(17): 9340-9359.
- Lindeman J.H., Wijermars L.G., Kostidis S., Mayboroda O.A., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Bierau J., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Giera M., Reinders M.E., Zuiderwijk M.C., Le Dévédec S.E., Schaapherder A.F. & Bakker J.A. (2020), Results of an explorative clinical evaluation suggest immediate and persistent post-reperfusion metabolic paralysis drives kidney ischemia reperfusion injury, Kidney International 98(6): 1476-1488.
- Ahmad S., Orellana A., Kohler I., Frolich L., Rojas I. de, Gil S., Boada M., Hernandez I., Hausner L., Bakker M.H.M., Cabrera-Socorro A., Amin N., Ramirez A., Ruiz A., Hankemeier T. & Duijn C.M. van (2020), Association of lysophosphatidic acids with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and progression to Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 12: 124.
- Elsayed S.S., Genta-Jouve G., Carrion V.J., Nibbering P.H., Siegler M.A., Boer W., Hankemeier T. & Wezel G.P. van (2020), Atypical spirotetronate polyketides identified in the underexplored genus streptacidiphilus, Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC) 85(16): 10648-10657.
- Mulder S., Perco P., Oxlund C., Mehdi U.F., Hankemeier T., Jacobsen I.A., Toto R., Heerspink H.J.L. & Pena M.J. (2020), Baseline urinary metabolites predict albuminuria response to spironolactone in type 2 diabetes, Translational Research 222: 17-27.
- Ahmad S., Milan M.D., Hansson O., Demirkan A., Agustin R., Saez M.E., Giagtzoglou N., Cabrera-Socorro A., Bakker M.H.M., Ramirez A., Hankemeier T., Stomrud E., Mattsson-Carlgren N., Scheltens P., Flier W.M. van der, Ikram M.A., Malarstig A., Teunissen C.E., Amin N. & Duijn C.M. van (2020), CDH6 and HAGH protein levels in plasma associate with Alzheimer's disease in APOE epsilon 4 carriers, Scientific Reports 10: 8233.
- Segers K.R.H., Zhang W., Aourz N., Bongaerts J., Declerck S., Mangelings D., Hankemeier T., Bundel D. de, Heyden Y. van der, Smolders I., Ramautar R. & Eeckhaut A. van (2020), CE-MS metabolic profiling of volume-restricted plasma samples from an acute mouse model for epileptic seizures to discover potentially involved metabolomic features, Talanta 217: 121107.
- Mever M. van, Segers K.R.H., Drouin N.F.P., Guled F., Vander Heyden Y., Van Eeckhaut A., Hankemeier T. & Ramautar R. (2020), Direct profiling of endogenous metabolites in rat brain microdialysis samples by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry with on-line preconcentration, 156: 104949.
- Pool R., Hagenbeek F.A., Hendriks A.M., Dongen J. van, Willemsen G., Geus E. de, Dijk K.W. van, Verhoeven A., Suchiman H.E., Beekman M., Slagboom P.E., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Boomsma D.I., Beekman M., Suchiman H.E.D., Amin N., Beulens J.W., Bom J.A. van der, Bomer N., Demirkan A., Hilten J.A., Meessen J.M.T.A., Pool R., Moed M.H., Fu J., Onderwater G.L.J., Rutters F., So-Osman C., Flier W.M. van der, Heijden A.A.W.A. van der, Spek A. van der, Asselbergs F.W., Boersma E., Elders P.M., Geleijnse J.M., Ikram M.A., Kloppenburg M., Meulenbelt I., Mooijaart S.P., Nelissen R.G.H.H., Netea M.G., Penninx B.W.J.H., Stehouwer C.D.A., Teunissen C.E., Terwindt G.M., Hart L.M. 't, Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Harst P. van der, Horst I.C.C. van der, Kallen C.J.H. van der, Greevenbroek M.M.J. van, Spil W.E. van, Wijmenga C., Zwinderman A.H., Zhernikova A., Jukema J.W., Wolf J.J.H.B., Cats D., Mei H., Slofstra M., Swertz M., Akker E.B. van den, Deelen J., Reinders M.J.T., Boomsma D.I., Duijn C.M. van & Slagboom P.E. (2020), Genetics and not shared environment explains familial resemblance in adult metabolomics data, Twin Research and Human Genetics 23(3): 145-155.
- Tarazona S., Balzano-Nogueira L., Gómez-Cabrero D., Schmidt A., Imhof A., Hankemeier T., Tegnér J., Westerhuis J.A. & Conesa A. (2020), Harmonization of quality metrics and power calculation in multi-omic studies, Nature Communications 11: 3092.
- Hagenbeek F.A., Pool R., Dongen J. van, Draisma H.M., Hottenga J.J., Willemsen G., Abdellaoui A., Fedko I.O., Braber A. den , Visser P.J., Geus E.J.C.N. de, Duijn C.M. van, Harms A.C., Bartels M. Nivard M.G., Boomsma D.I., Hankemeier T., Beulens J.W., Rutters F., Flier W.M. van der, Hart L.M., Bom J.A. van der, Kloppenburg M., Harst P. van der, Bomer N., Hilten J.A. van, So-Osman C., Meessen J.M.T.A., Fu J., Wijmenga C., Zhernikova A., Slofstra M., Swertz M., Onderwater G.L.J., Terwindt G.M., Heijden A.A.W.A. van der, Asselbergs F.W., Boersma E., Elders P.M., Geleijnse J.M., Ikram M.A., Mooijaart S.P., Nelissen R.G.H.H., Netea M.G., Penninx B.W.J.H., Stehouwer C.D.A., Kallen C.J.H. van der, Greevenbroek M.M.J. van, Teunissen C.E., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Horst I.C.C. van der, Spil W.E. van, Zwinderman A.H., Jukema J.W., Mei H., Akker E.B. van den, Reinders M.J.T., Deelen J. & Abdel Abdellaoui (2020), Correction to: Heritability estimates for 361 blood metabolites across 40 genome-wide association studies (vol 11, 39, 2020), Nature Communications 11: 1702.
- Liu J., Lahousse L., Nivard M.G., Bot M., Chen L.M., Klinken J.B. van, Thesing C.S., Beekman M., Akker E.B. van den, Slieker R.C., Waterham E., Kallen C.J.H. van der, Boer I. de, Li-Gao R.F., Vojinovic D., Amin N., Radjabzadeh D., Kraaij R., Alferink L.J.M., Murad S.D., Uitterlinden A.G., Willemsen G., Pool R., Milaneschi Y., Heemst D. van, Suchiman H.E.D., Rutters F., Elders P.J.M., Beulens J.W.J., Heijden A.A.W.A. van der, Greevenbroek M.M.J. van, Arts I.C.W., Onderwater G.L.J., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Mook-Kanamori D.O., Hankemeier T., Terwindt G.M., Stehouwer C.D.A., Geleijnse J.M., 't Hart L.M., Slagboom P.E., Dijk K.W. van, Zhernakova A., Fu J.Y., Penninx B.W.J.H., Boomsma D.I., Demirkan A., Stricker B.H.C. & Duijn C.M. van (2020), Integration of epidemiologic, pharmacologic, genetic and gut microbiome data in a drug-metabolite atlas, Nature Medicine 26: 110-117.
- Vogelzangs N., Kallen C.J.H. van der, Greevenbroek M.M.J. van, Kolk B.W. van der, Jocken J.W.E., Goossens G.H., Schaper N.C., Henry R.M.A., Eussen S.J.P.M., Valsesia A., Hankemeier T., Astrup A., Saris W.H.M., Stehouwer C.D.A., Blaak E.E. & Arts I.C.W. (2020), Metabolic profiling of tissue-specific insulin resistance in human obesity: results from the Diogenes study and the Maastricht Study, International Journal of Obesity 44: 1376-1386.
- Junaid A., Schoeman J., Yang W., Stam W., Mashaghi. A., Zonneveld A.J. van & Hankemeier T. (2020), Metabolic response of blood vessels to TNF alpha, eLife 9: e54754.
- Zhang W., Guled F., Hankemeier T. & Ramautar R. (2020), Profiling nucleotides in low numbers of mammalian cells by sheathless CE-MS in positive ion mode: Circumventing corona discharge, Electrophoresis 41(5-6): 360-369.
- Beitelshees A., Bromberek S., Lewis J., Yerges-Armstrong L., Ellero-Simatos S., Hankemeier T., Kaddurah-Daouk R., Rotroff D. & Shuldiner A. (2020), Purine pathway metabolomics and clopidogrel response, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Annual meeting 17 March 2020 - 21 March 2020. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics no. 107: WILEY. S25-S26.
- Duinen V. van, Stam W., Mulder E., Famili F., Reijerkerk A., Vulto P., Hankemeier T. & Zonneveld A.J. van (2020), Robust and Scalable Angiogenesis Assay of Perfused 3D Human iPSC-Derived Endothelium for Anti-Angiogenic Drug Screening, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(13): 4804.
- Di Zazzo A., Yang W., Coassin M., Micera A., Antonini M., Piccinni F., De Piano M., Kohler I., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Boinini S. & Mashaghi A. (2020), Signaling lipids as diagnostic biomarkers for ocular surface cicatrizing conjunctivitis, Journal of Molecular Medicine 98: 751-760.
- Di Zazzo A., Yang W., Coassin M., Micera A., Antonini M., Piccinni F., Piano M. de, Kohler I., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Bonini S. & Mashaghi A. (2020), Correction to: Signaling lipids as diagnostic biomarkers for ocular surface cicatrizing conjunctivitis , Journal of Molecular Medicine 98: 1049-1049.
- Hagenbeek F.A., Roetman P.J., Pool R., Kluft C., Harms A.C., Dongen J. van, Colins O.F., Talens S., Beijsterveldt C.E.M. van, Vandenbosch M.M.L.J.Z., Zeeuw E.L. de, Dejean S., Fanos V., Ehli E.A., Davies G.E., Hottenga J.J., Hankemeier T., Bartels M., Vermeiren R.R.J.M. & Boomsma D.I. (2020), Urinary Amine and Organic Acid Metabolites Evaluated as Markers for Childhood Aggression: The ACTION Biomarker Study, Frontiers in Psychiatry 11: 165.
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- Laan T. van der, Dubbelman A.C., Duisters K.L.W., Kindt A.S.D., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2020), High-throughput fractionation coupled to mass spectrometry for improved quantitation in metabolomics, Analytical Chemistry 92(21): 14330-14338.
- Hubers N., Hagenbeek F.A., Dongen J. van, Dejean S., Roetman P.J., Harms A.C., Hottenga J.J., Kluft C., Colins O.F., Beijsterveldt C.E.M., Vandenbosch M.M.L.J.Z., Zeeuw E.L., Talens S., Fanos V., Ehli E.A., Davies G.E., Vermeiren R.R.J.M., Hankemeier T., Bartels M., Pool R. & Boomsma D.I. (2020), Integrative multi-omics analysis of epigenomic and metabolomic data for attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. The 50th BGA Meeting 26 June 2020 - 26 June 2020. Behavior Genetics: Springer. 459.
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- Smilde A.K. & Hankemeier T. (2020), Numerical representations of Metabolic Systems, Analytical Chemistry 92(20): 13614-13621.
- Willacey C.C.W., Karu N., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2020), Metabolic profiling of material-limited cell samples by dimethylaminophenacyl bromide derivatization with UPLC-MS/MS analysis, 159: 105445.
- Laan T. van der, Boom I., Maliepaard J., Dubbelman A.C., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2020), Data-independent acquisition for the quantification and identification of metabolites in plasma, Metabolites 10(12): 514.
- Wijk R.C. van, Krekels E.H.J., Kantae V., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Graaf P.H. van der & Spaink H.P. (2019), Impact of post-hatching maturation on the pharmacokinetics of paracetamol in zebrafish larvae, Scientific Reports 9: 2149.
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- Machushynets N.V., Wu C., Elsayed S.S., Hankemeier T. & Wezel G.P. van (2019), Discovery of novel glycerolated quinazolinones from Streptomyces sp. MBT27, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 46(3-4): 483-492.
- Zhang W., Guled F., Hankemeier T. & Ramautar R. (2019), Utility of sheathless capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for metabolic profiling of limited sample amounts, Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 1105: 10-14.
- Nho K., Kueider-Paisley A., Mahmoudian Dekhordi S., Arnold M., Risacher S.L., Louie G., Blach C., Baillie R., Han X., Kastenmüller G., Jia W., Xie G., Ahmad S., Hankemeier T., Duijn C.M. van, Trojanowski J.Q., Shaw L.M., Weiner M.W., Doraiswarmy P.M., Saykin A.J., Kaddurah-Daouk R. & (2019), Altered bile acid profile in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: Relationship to neuroimaging and CSF biomarkers, Alzheimer's & Dementia 15(2): 232-244.
- Kane K.I.W., Lucumi Moreno E., Hachi S., Walter M., Jarazo J., Oliveira Miguel A.P., Hankemeier T., Vulto P., Schwamborn J.C., Thoma M. & Fleming R.M.T. (2019), Automated microfluidic cell culture of stem cell derived dopaminergic neurons, Scientific Reports 9: 1796.
- Lee S.J. van der, Teunissen C.E., Pool R., Shipley M.J., Teumer A., Chouraki V., Lent D.M. van, Tynkkynen J., Fischer K., Hernesniemi J., Haller T., Singh-Manoux A., Verhoeven A., Willemsen G., Leeuw F.A. de, Wagner H., Dongen J. van, Hertel J., Budde K., Dijk K. Willems van, Weinhold L., Ikram M.A., Pietzner M., Perola M., Wagner M., Friedrich N., Slagboom P.E., Scheltens P., Yang Q., Gertzen R.E., Egert S., Li S., Hankemeier T., Beijsterveldt C.E.M. van, Vasan R.S., Maier W., Peeters C.F.W., Grabe H.J., Ramirez A., Seshadri S., Metspalu A., Kivimaki M., Salomaa V., Demirkan A., Boomsma D.I., Flier W.M. van der, Amin N. & Duijn C.M. van (2019), Erratum to "Circulating metabolites and general cognitive ability and dementia: Evidence from 11 cohort studies" [Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018;14:707-22.], Alzheimer's & Dementia 15(2): 319.
- Emami Khoonsari P., Moreno P., Bergmann S., Burman J., Capuccini M., Carone M., Cascante M., Atauri P. de, Foguet C., Gonzalez-Beltran A., Hankemeier T., Haug K., He S., Herman S., Johnson D., Larsson A., Kale N., Peters K., Neumann S., Rocca-Serra P., Pireddu L., Rueedi R., Roger P., Sadawi N., Ruttkies C., Sansone S.A., Salek R.M., Selivanov V., Schober D., Vliet M. van, Thévenot E.A., Kultima K., Spjuth O., Zanetti G., Steinbeck C., Kultima K. & Spjuth O. (2019), Interoperable and scalable data analysis with microservices: Applications in Metabolomics, Bioinformatics 35(19): 3752-3760.
- Peters K., Bradbury J., Bergmann S., Capuccini M., Cascante M., Atauri P. de, Ebbels T.M.D., Foguet C., Glen R., Gonzalez-Beltran A., Günther U.L., Handakas E., Hankemeier T., Haug K., Herman S., Izzo M., Holub P., Johnson D., Jacob D., Kale N., Jourdan F., Khalili B., Karaman I., Kultima K., Emami Khonsari P., Larsson A., Lampa S., Moreno P., Ludwig C., Novella J.A., Neumann S., Peluso A., Piras M.E., O'Donovan C., Pearce J.T.M., Rocca-Serra P., Roger P., Pireddu L., Reed M.A.C., Ruttkies C., Sadawi N., Rosato A., Rueedi R., Selivanov V., Spjuth O., Salek R.M., Sansone S.A., Rijswijk M. van, Tomasoni M., Thévenot E.A., Schober D., Zanetti G., Weber R.J.M., Viant M.R., Vliet M. van & Steinbeck C. (2019), PhenoMeNal: processing and analysis of metabolomics data in the cloud, GigaScience 8(2): 1-12.
- Wijk R.C. van, Krekels E.H.J., Kantae V., Ordas A., Kreling T., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Spaink H.P. & Graaf P.H. van der (2019), Mechanistic and quantitative understanding of pharmacokinetics in zebrafish larvae through nanoscale blood sampling and metabolite modelling of paracetamol, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 371(1): 15-24.
- Esbroeck A.C.M. van, Varga Z.V., Di X., Rooden E.J. van, Tóth V.E., Onódi Z., Kuśmierczyk M., Leszek P., Ferdinandy P., Hankemeier T., Stelt M. van der & Pacher P. (2019), Activity-based protein profiling of the human failing ischemic heart reveals alterations in hydrolase activities involving the endocannabinoid system, Pharmacological Research 151: 104578.
- Goulooze S.C., Ista E., Dijk M. van, Hankemeier T., Tibboel D., Knibbe C.A.J. & Krekels E.H.J. (2019), Supervised Multidimensional Item Response Theory Modeling of Pediatric Iatrogenic Withdrawal Symptoms, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 8(12): 904-912.
- Miggiels P., Wouters B., Westen G.J.P van, Dubbelman A.-C. & Hankemeier T. (2019), Novel technologies for metabolomics: More for less, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120: 115323.
- Esbroeck A.C.M. van, Kantae V., Di X., Wel T. van der, Dulk J. den, Stevens A.F., Singh S., Bakker A.T., Florea B.I., Stella N., Overkleeft H.S., Hankemeier T. & Stelt M. van der (2019), Identification of alpha,beta-Hydrolase Domain Containing Protein 6 as a Diacylglycerol Lipase in Neuro-2a Cells, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 12: 286.
- Mahmoudian Dehkordi S., Arnold M., Nho K., Ahmad S., Jia W., Xie G., Louie G., Kueider-Paisley A., Moseley M.A., Thompson J.W., St John Williams L., Tenenbaum J.D., Blach C., Baillie R., Han X., Bhattacharyya S., Toledo J.B., Schafferer S., Klein S., Koal T., Risacher S.L., Kling M.A., Motsinger-Reif A., Rotroff D.M., Jack J., Hankemeier T., Bennett D.A., De Jager P.L., Trojanowski J.Q., Shaw L.M., Weiner M.W., Doraiswamy P.M., Duijn C.M. van, Saykin A.J., Kastenmüller G. & Kaddurah-Daouk R. (2019), Altered bile acid profile associates with cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease-An emerging role for gut microbiome, Alzheimer's & Dementia 15: 76-92.
- Zhang W., Segers K.R.H., Mangelings D., Eeckhaut A. van, Hankemeier T., Heyden Y. van der & Ramautar R. (2019), Assessing the suitability of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for biomarker discovery in plasma-based metabolomics, Electrophoresis 40(18-19): 2309-2320.
- Mever M. van, Hankemeier T. & Ramautar R. (2019), CE-MS for anionic metabolic profiling: An overview of methodological developments, Electrophoresis 40(18-19): 2349-2359.
- Peters K., Treutler H., Döll S., Kindt A.S.D., Hankemeier T. & Neumann S. (2019), Chemical Diversity and Classification of Secondary Metabolites in Nine Bryophyte Species, Metabolites 9(10): 222.
- Laan T. van der, Kloots T.N., Beekman M., Kindt A.S.D., Dubbelman A.C., Harms A.C., Duijn C.M. van, Slagboom P.E. & Hankemeier T. (2019), Fast LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis and influence of sampling conditions for gut metabolites in plasma and serum, Scientific Reports 9: 12370.
- Duinen V. van, Ramakers C., Trietsch S., Zonneveld A.J. van, Hankemeier T. & Vulto P. (2019), High-Throughput Permeability Assay on Perfused 3D Microvessels In Vitro, Journal of Vascular Research 56(Supplement 1): 93-93.
- Nickels S.L., Walter J., Bolognin S., Gerard D., Jaeger C., Qing X.B., Tisserand J., Jarazo J., Hemmer K., Harms A.C., Halder R., Lucarelli P., Berger E., Antony P.M.A., Glaab E., Hankemeier T., Klein C., Sauter T., Sinkkonen L. & Schwamborn J.C. (2019), Impaired serine metabolism complements LRRK2-G2019S pathogenicity in PD patients, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 67: 48-55.
- Hertel J., Harms A.C., Heinken A., Baldini F., Thinnes C.C., Glaab E., Vasco D.A., Pietzner M., Stewart I.D., Wareham N.J., Langenberg C., Trenkwalder C., Kruger R., Hankemeier T., Fleming R.M.T., Mollenhauer B. & Thiele I. (2019), Integrated Analyses of Microbiome and Longitudinal Metabolome Data Reveal Microbial-Host Interactions on Sulfur Metabolism in Parkinson's Disease, Cell Reports 29(7): 1767-1777.
- Kramer B., Haan L. de, Vermeer M., Olivier T., Hankemeier T., Vulto P., Joore J. & Lanz H.L. (2019), Interstitial Flow Recapitulates Gemcitabine Chemoresistance in A 3D Microfluidic Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Model by Induction of Multidrug Resistance Proteins, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 20(18): 4647.
- Willacey C.C.W., Naaktgeboren M., Moreno E.L., Wegrzyn A.B., Es D. van der, Karu N., Fleming R.M.T., Harms A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2019), LC-MS/MS analysis of the central energy and carbon metabolites in biological samples following derivatization by dimethylaminophenacyl bromide, Journal of Chromatography A 1608: 460413.
- Draper C.F., Duisters K.L.W., Weger B., Chakrabarti A., Harms A.C., Brennan L., Hankemeier T., Goulet L., Konz T., Martin F.P., Moco S. & Greef J. van der (2019), Publisher Correction: Menstrual cycle rhythmicity: metabolic patterns in healthy women, Scientific Reports 9: 5797.
- Duinen V. van, Ramakers C., Trietsch S., Zonneveld A.J. van, Hankemeier T. & Vulto P. (2019), Perfusable 3D Angiogenesis in High Throughput Microfluidic Culture Platform. Houben A.J.H.M. & Sluimer J.C. (Eds.), ESM-EVBO 2019. 3rd Joint Meeting of the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM) & European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO) 15 April 2019 - 18 April 2019. Journal of Vascular Research. Basel: KARGER. 94-94.
- Duinen V. van, Stam W., Reijerkerk A., Vulto P., Hankemeier T. & Zonneveld A.J. van (2019), Perfused 3D Angiogenic Sprouting Assay of iPSC-Derived Endothelial Microvessels In Vitro. Houben A.J.H.M. & Sluimer J.C. (Eds.), ESM-EVBO 2019. 3rd Joint Meeting of the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM) & European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO) 15 April 2019 - 18 April 2019. Journal of Vascular Research. Basel: KARGER. 117-117.
- Vrieling F., Alisjahbana B., Sahiratmadja E., Crevel R. van, Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Ottenhoff T.H.M. & Joosten S.A. (2019), Plasma metabolomics in tuberculosis patients with and without concurrent type 2 diabetes at diagnosis and during antibiotic treatment, Scientific Reports 9: 18669.
- Ali A., Abouleila Y., Shimizu Y., Hiyama E., Emara S., Mashaghi A. & Hankemeier T. (2019), Single-cell metabolomics by mass spectrometry: advances, challenges, and future applications, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120: 115436.
- Duinen V. van, Stam W., Borgdorff V., Reijerkerk A., Orlova V., Vulto P., Hankemeier T. & Zonneveld A.J. van (2019), Standardized and Scalable Assay to Study Perfused 3D Angiogenic Sprouting of iPSC-derived Endothelial Cells In Vitro, Journal of visualized experiments 153: e59678.
- Gomez-Cabrero D., Tarazona S., Ferreiros-Vidal I., Ramirez R.N., Company C., Schmidt A., Reijmers T., Saint Paul V.V., Marabita F., Rodriguez-Ubreva J., Garcia-Gomez A., Carroll T., Cooper L., Liang Z.W., Dharmalingam G., Kloet F. van der, Harms A.C., Balzano-Nogueira L., Lagani V., Tsamardinos I., Lappe M., Maier D., Westerhuis J.A., Hankemeier T., Imhof A., Ballestar E., Mortazavi A., Merkenschlager M., Egner J.T. & Conesa A. (2019), STATegra, a comprehensive multi-omics dataset of B-cell differentiation in mouse, Scientific Data 6: 256.
- He M., Sun M.M., Koval S., Wijk R. van, Hankemeier T., Greef J. van der, Wijk E.P.A. van der & Wang M. (2019), Traditional Chinese Medicine-Based Subtyping of Early-Stage Type 2 Diabetes Using Plasma Metabolomics Combined with Ultra-Weak Photon Emission, Engineering 5(5): 916-923.
- Boomsma D., Pool R., Hagenbeek F., Hankemeier T., Kluft C., Fanos V., Nivard M., Bartels M., Harms A.C. & Slagboom P. (2019), Twin studies of metabolomics traits and metabo-phenotype associations, Behavior Genetics 49(6): 494.
- Drouin N.F.P., Kloots T.N., Schappler J., Rudaz S., Kohler I., Harms A.C., Lindenburg P.W. & Hankemeier T. (2019), Electromembrane Extraction of Highly Polar Compounds: Analysis of Cardiovascular Biomarkers in Plasma, Metabolites 10(1): 4.
- Esbroeck A.C.M. van, Kantae V., Di X., Wel T. van der, Dulk J. den, Stevens A.F., Singh S., Bakker A.T., Florea B.I., Stella N., Overkleeft H.S., Hankemeier T. & Stelt M. van der (2019), Identification of α,β-Hydrolase Domain Containing Protein 6 as a Diacylglycerol Lipase in Neuro-2a Cells, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 12: 286.
- Oedit A., Duivelshof B., Lindenburg P.W. & Hankemeier T. (2019), Integration of three-phase microelectroextraction sample preparation into capillary electrophoresis, Journal of Chromatography A 1610: 460570.
- Strijker W., Nicolas A.Y.M., Naumovska E., Trietsch S.J., Hankemeier T., Vulto P. & Joore A.T. (2019), High-throughput platform for rapid TEER measurement of organ-on-a-chip endothelial and epithelial tubules. . Toxicology Letters: ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD. S289-S289.
- He M., Harms A.C., Wijk E.P.A. van, Wang M., Berger R., Koval V.V., Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2019), Role of amino acids in rheumatoid arthritis studied by metabolomics, International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 22(1): 38-46.
- Duinen V. van, Zhu D., Ramakers C., Zonneveld A.J. van, Vulto P. & Hankemeier T. (2019), Perfused 3D angiogenic sprouting in a high-throughput in vitro platform, Angiogenesis 22(1): 157-165.
- Goulooze S.C., Krekels E.H.J., Hankemeier T. & Knibbe C.A.J. (2019), Covariates in Pharmacometric Repeated Time-to-Event Models: Old and New (Pre)Selection Tools, AAPS Journal 21: 11.
- Zhou J., Mock E.D., Martella A., Kantae V., Di X., Burggraaff L., Baggelaar M.P., Al-Ayed K., Bakker A., Florea B.I., Grimm S.H., Dulk H. den, Li C.T., Mulder L., Overkleeft H.S., Westen G.J.P. van, Hankemeier T. & Stelt M. van der (2019), Activity-based protein profiling identifies α-ketoamides as inhibitors for Phospholipase A2 Group XVI, ACS Chemical Biology 14(2): 164-169.
- Brink W.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Berg D.J. van den, Flik G., Gonzalez-Amoros B., Koopman N., Elassais-Schaap J., Graaf P.H. van der, Hankemeier T. & Lange E.C.M. de (2019), Blood-Based Biomarkers of Quinpirole Pharmacology: Cluster-Based PK/PD and Metabolomics to Unravel the Underlying Dynamics in Rat Plasma and Brain, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 8(2): 107-117.
- Hagenbeek F.A., Dongen J. van, Kluft C., Hankemeier T., Ligthart L., Willemsen G., Geus E.J.C. de, Vink J.M., Bartels M. & Boomsma D.I. (2018), Adult aggressive behavior in humans and biomarkers: a focus on lipids and methylation, Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine 7(2): e070204.
- Teitsma X.M., Yang W., Jacobs J.W.G., Petho-Schramm A., Borm M.E.A., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Laar J.M. van, Bijlsma J.W.J. & Lafeber F.P.J.G. (2018), Baseline metabolic profiles of early rheumatoid arthritis patients achieving sustained drug-free remission after initiating treat-to-target tocilizumab, methotrexate, or the combination: insights from systems biology, Arthritis Research & Therapy 20: 230.
- Fazelzadeh P., Hoefsloot H.C.J., Hankemeier T., Most J., Kersten S., Blaak E.E., Boekschoten M. & Duynhoven J. van (2018), Global testing of shifts in metabolic phenotype, Metabolomics 14(10): 139.
- Trietsch S., Naumowska E., Kurek D., Setyawati M., Vormann M., Wilschut K., Lanz H., Nicolas A., Ping Ng C., Joore J., Kustermann S., Roth A., Hankemeier T., Moisan A. & Vulto P. (2018), Perfused intestinal tubules for real-time assessment of drug-induced barrier disruption, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 12(supplement_1): S132-S132.
- Peltenburg N.C., Schoeman J.C., Hou J., Mora F., Harms A.C., Lowe S.H., Bierau J., Bakker J.A., Verbon A., Hankemeier T. & Boonstra A. (2018), Persistent metabolic changes in HIV-infected patients during the first year of combination antiretroviral therapy, Scientific Reports 8: 16947.
- Buijink M.R., Weeghel M. van, Gulersonmez M.C., Harms A.C., Rohling J.H.T., Meijer J.H., Hankemeier T. & Michel S. (2018), The influence of neuronal electrical activity on the mammalian central clock metabolome, Metabolomics 14: 122.
- Eyk H.J. van, Schinkel L.D. van, Kantae V., Dronkers C.E.A., Westenberg J.J.M., Roos A. de, Lamb H.J., Jukema J.W., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Stelt M. van der, Jazet I.M., Rensen P.C.N. & Smit J.W.A. (2018), Caloric restriction lowers endocannabinoid tonus and improves cardiac function in type 2 diabetes, Nutrition and Diabetes 8(1): 6.
- Waaijenborg S., Korobko O., Willems van Dijk J.A.P., Lips M., Hankemeier T., Wilderjans T.F., Smilde A.K. & Westerhuis J.A. (2018), Fusing metabolomics data sets with heterogeneous measurement errors, PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195939.
- Fu J., Chang L., Harms A.C., Jia Z., Wang H., Wei C., Qiao L., Tian S., Hankemeier T., Wu Y. & Wang M. (2018), A metabolomics study of Qiliqiangxin in a rat model of heart failure: a reverse pharmacology approach, Scientific Reports 8(1): 3688.
- Brink W.J. van den, Hankemeier T., Graaf P.H. van der & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Bundling arrows: improving translational CNS drug development by integrated PK/PD-metabolomics, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 13(6): 539-550.
- Lee S.J. van der, Teunissen C.E., Pool R., Shipley M.J., Teumer A., Chouraki V., Melo Van Lent D., Tynkkynen J., Fischer K., Hernesniemi J., Haller T., Singh-Manoux A., Verhoeven A., Willemsen G., Leeuw F.A. de, Dongen J. van, Wagner H., Budde K., Hertel J., Weinhold L., Willems Van Dijk J.A.P., Pietzner M., Ikram M.A., Wagner M., Perola M., Slagboom P., Friedrich N., Yang Q., Scheltens P., Egert S., Gertzen R.E., Beijsterveldt C.E.M. van, Vasan R.S., Li S., Hankemeier T., Grabe H.J., Ramirez A., Maier W., Peeters C.F.W., Kivimäki M., Salomaa V., Seshadri S., Metspalu A., Flier W.M. van der, Amin N., Demirkan A., Boomsma D.I. & Duijn C.M. van (2018), Circulating metabolites and general cognitive ability and dementia: Evidence from 11 cohort studies, Alzheimer's & Dementia 14(6): 707-722.
- Schoeman J.C., Harms A.C., Weeghel M. van, Berger R., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2018), Development and application of a UHPLC-MS/MS metabolomics based comprehensive systemic and tissue-specific screening method for inflammatory, oxidative and nitrosative stress, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 410(10): 2551-2568.
- Nahon K.J., Kantae V., Haan R. den, Hanssen M.J.W., Harms A.C., Stelt M. van der, Hankemeier T., Jazet I.M., Marken Lichtenbelt W.D. van, Rensen P.C.N. & Boon M.R. (2018), Gene expression of endocannabinoid system components in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of South Asians and White Caucasians with overweight, Obesity 26(8): 1332-1337.
- Aart L.T. van der, Spijksma G.K., Harms A.C., Vollmer W., Hankemeier T. & Wezel G.P. van (2018), High-Resolution analysis of the Peptidoglycan composition in Streptomyces coelicolor, Journal of Bacteriology 200(20): e00290.
- Dubbelman A.C., Cuyckens F., Dillen L., Gross G., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2018), Mass spectrometric recommendations for Quan/Qual analysis using liquid-chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta 1020: 62-75.
- Draper C.F., Duisters K.L.W., Weger B., Chakrabarti A., Harms A.C., Brennan L., Hankemeier T., Goulet L., Konz T., Martin F.P., Moco S. & Greef J. van der (2018), Menstrual cycle rhythmicity: metabolic patterns in healthy women, Scientific Reports 8: 14568.
- Rossetto Burgos R.C., Ramautar R., Wijk E.P.A. van, Hankemeier T., Greef J. van der & Mashaghi Tabari A. (2018), Pharmacological targeting of ROS reaction network in myeloid leukemia cells monitored by ultra-weak photon emission, OncoTarget 9(2): 2028-2034.
- Kaddurah-Daouk R., Hankemeier T., Scholl E.H., Baillie R., Harms A.C., Stage C., Dalhoff K.P., Jűrgens G., Taboureau O., Nzabonimpa G.S., Motsinger-Reif A.A., Thomsen R., Linnet K. & Rasmussen H.B. (2018), Pharmacometabolomics Informs about pharmacokinetic profile of Methylphenidate, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 7(8): 525-533.
- Kolk B.W. van der, Vogelzangs N., Jocken J.W.E., Valsesia A., Hankemeier T., Astrup A., Saris W.H.M., Arts I.C.W., Greevenbroek M.M.J. van & Blaak E.E. (2018), Plasma lipid profiling of tissue-specific insulin resistance in human obesity, International Journal of Obesity 43: 989-998.
- Noga M.J., Zielman R., Dongen R.M. van, Bos S., Harms A.C., Terwindt G.M., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Hankemeier T. & Ferrari M.D. (2018), Strategies to assess and optimize stability of endogenous amines during cerebrospinal fluid sampling, Metabolomics 14: 44.
- Fazelzadeh P., Hangelbroek R.W.J., Joris P.J., Schalkwijk C.G., Esser D., Afman L., Hankemeier T., Jacobs D.M., Mihaleva V.V., Kersten S., Duynhoven J. van & Boekschoten M.V. (2018), Weight loss moderately affects the mixed meal challenge response of the plasma metabolome and transcriptome of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in abdominally obese subjects, Metabolomics 14: 46.
- Kuipers E.N., Kantae V., Maarse B.C.E., Berg S.M. van den, Eenige R. van, Nahon K.J., Reifel-Miller A., Coskun T., Winther M.P.J. de, Lutgens E., Kooijman S., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Stelt M. van der, Rensen P.C.N. & Boon M.R. (2018), High Fat Diet Increases Circulating Endocannabinoids Accompanied by Increased Synthesis Enzymes in Adipose Tissue, Frontiers in Physiology 9: 1913.
- Kantae V., Ogino S., Noga M.J., Harms A.C., Dongen R.M. van, Onderwater G.L.J., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Terwindt G.M., Stelt M. van der, Ferrari M.D. & Hankemeier T. (2017), Quantitative profiling of endocannabinoids and related N-acylethanolamines in human CSF using nano LC-MS/MS, Journal of Lipid Research 2017(58): 615-624.
- Kantae V., Krekels E.H.J., Esdonk M.J. van, Lindenburg P.W., Harms A.C., Knibbe C.A.J., Graaf P.H. van der & Hankemeier T. (2017), Integration of pharmacometabolomics with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: towards personalized drug therapy, Metabolomics 13(1): 9.
- Dongen R.M. van, Zielman R., Noga M.J., Dekkers O.M., Hankemeier T., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Terwindt G.M. & Ferrari M.D. (2017), Migraine biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Cephalalgia 37(1): 49-63.
- Junaid A.O. Mashaghi A. Hankemeier T. Vulto P. (2017), An end-user perspective on Organ-on-a-Chip: Assays and usability aspects, Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 1: 15-22.
- Sun M., Wijk E.P.A. van, Koval V.V., Wijk R. van, He M., Wang M., Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2017), Measuring ultra-weak photon emission as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for detecting early-stage type 2 diabetes: A step toward personalized medicine, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 166: 86-93.
- Wijk R.C. van, Krekels E.H.J., Hankemeier T., Spaink H.P. & Graaf P.H. van der (2017), Systems pharmacology of hepatic metabolism in zebrafish larvae, Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models 22: 27-34.
- Esbroeck A.C.M. van, Janssen A.P.A., Cognetta III A.B., Ogasawara D., Shpak G., Kroeg M. van der, Kantae V., Baggelaar M.P., Vrij F.M.S. de, Deng H., Allara M., Fezza F., Lin Z., Wel T. van der, Soethoudt M., Mock E.D., Dulk H. den, Baak I.L., Florea B.I., Hendriks G., Petrocellis L. de, Overkleeft H.S., Hankemeier T., Zeeuw C.I. de, Di Marzo V., Maccarrone M., Cravatt B.F., Kushner S.A. & Stelt M. van der (2017), Activity-based protein profiling reveals off-target proteins of the FAAH inhibitor BIA 10-2474, Science 356(6342): 1084-1087.
- Kantae V., Nahon K.J., Straat M.E., Bakker L.E.H., Harms A.C., Stelt M. van der, Hankemeier T., Jazet I.M., Boon M.R. & Rensen P.C.N. (2017), Endocannabinoid tone is higher in healthy lean South Asian than white Caucasian men, Scientific Reports 7(1): 7558.
- Smilde A.K., Mage I., Naes T., Hankemeier T., Lips M.A., Kiers H.A.L., Acar E. & Bro R. (2017), Common and distinct components in data fusion, Journal of Chemometrics 31(7): e2900.
- Amin N., Jovanova O., Adams H.H.H., Dehghan A., Kavousi M., Vernooij M.W., Peeters R.P., Vrij F.M.S. de, Lee S.J. van der, Rooij J.G.J. van, Leeuwen E.M. van, Chaker L., Demirkan A., Hofman A., Brouwer R.W.W., Kraaij R., Willems Van Dijk K., Hankemeier T., Ijcken W.F.J. van, Uitterlinden A.G., Niessen W.J., Franco O.H., Kushner S.A., Ikram M.A., Tiemeier H. & Duijn C.M. van (2017), Exome-sequencing in a large population-based study reveals a rare Asn396Ser variant in the LIPG gene associated with depressive symptoms, Molecular Psychiatry 22(4): 537-543.
- Kantae V., Krekels E.H.J., Esdonk M.J. van, Lindenburg P.W., Harms A.C., Knibbe C.A.J., Graaf P.H. van der & Hankemeier T. (2017), Integration of pharmacometabolomics with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: towards personalized drug therapy: an addition to the topical collection "Recent Advances in Pharmacometabolomics: Enabling Tools for Precision Medicine", Metabolomics 13(5): 58.
- Trietsch S.J., Naumovska E., Kurek D., Setyawati M.C., Vormann M.K., Wilschut K.J., Lanz H.L., Nicolas A., Ng Chee P., Joore J., Kustermann S., Roth A., Hankemeier T., Moisan A. & Vulto P. (2017), Membrane-free culture and real-time barrier integrity assessment of perfused intestinal epithelium tubes, Nature Communications 8: 262.
- Toledo J.B., Arnold M., Kastenmüller G., Chang R., Baillie R.A., Han X., Thambisetty M., Tenenbaum J.D., Suhre K., Thompson J.W., St. John-Williams L., MahmoudianDehkordi S., Rotroff D.M., Jack J.R., Motsinger-Reif A., Risacher S.L., Blach C., Lucas J.E., Massaro T., Louie G., Zhu H., Dallmann G., Klavins K., Koal T., Kim S., Nho K., Shen L., Casanova R., Varma S., Legido-Quigley C., Arthur Moseley M., Zhu K., Henrion M.Y.R., Lee S.J. van der, Harms A.C., Demirkan A., Hankemeier T., Duijn C.M. van, Trojanowski J.Q., Shaw L.M., Saykin A.J., Weiner M.W., Doraiswamy P.M. & Kaddurah-Daouk R. (2017), Metabolic network failures in Alzheimer's disease: A biochemical road map, Alzheimer's & Dementia 13(9): 965-984.
- Moutloatse G.P., Schoeman J.C., Lindeque Z., Reenen M. van, Hankemeier T., Bunders M.J. & Reinecke C.J. (2017), Metabolic risks of neonates at birth following in utero exposure to HIV-ART: the amino acid profile of cord blood, Metabolomics 13(8): 89.
- Liu J., Semiz S., Lee S.J. van der, Spek A. van der, Verhoeven A., Klinken J.B., Sijbrands E., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Willems van Dijk J.A.P., Duijn C.M. van & Demirkan A. (2017), Metabolomics based markers predict type 2 diabetes in a 14-year follow-up study, Metabolomics 13(9): 104.
- Rossetto Burgos R.C., Schoeman J.C., Van Winden L.J., Červinková K., Ramautar R., Van Wijk E.P.A., Cifra M., Berger R., Hankemeier T. & Van der Greef J. (2017), Ultra-weak photon emission as a dynamic tool for monitoring oxidative stress metabolism, Scientific Reports 7: 1229.
- Leeuw F.A., Peeters C.F.W., Kester M.I., Harms A.C., Struys E.A., Hankemeier T., Vlijmen H. van, Lee S.J. van der, Duijn C.M. van, Scheltens P., Demirkan A., Wiel M.A. van der, Flier W.M. van der & Teunissen C.E. (2017), Blood-based metabolic signatures in Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring 8: 196-207.
- Sun M., Chang Wen-Te, Wijk E.P.A. van, He M., Koval V.V., Lin M.K., Wijk R. van, Hankemeier T., Greef J. van der & Wang M. (2017), Characterization of the therapeutic properties of Chinese herbal materials by measuring delayed luminescence and dendritic cell-based immunomodulatory response, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 168: 1-11.
- He M., Wijk E. van, Wietmarschen H. van, Wang M., Sun M., Koval V.V., Wijk R. van, Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2017), Spontaneous ultra-weak photon emission correlates with inflammatory metabolism and oxidative stress in the collagen induced arthritis mice model, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 168: 98-106.
- Brink W.J. van den, Elassaiss J., Gonzalez Amoros B., Harms A.C., Graaf P.H. van der, Hankemeier T. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Multivariate pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PKPD) analysis with metabolomics shows multiple effects of remoxipride in rats, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109: 431-440.
- Duinen V. van, Heuvel A. van den, Trietsch S.J., Lanz H.L., Gils J.M. van, Zonneveld A.J. van, Vulto P. & Hankemeier T. (2017), 96 perfusable blood vessels to study vascular permeability in vitro, Scientific Reports 7: 18071.
- Liu J., Klinken J.B. van, Semiz S., Willems van Dijk K., Verhoeven A., Hankemeier T., Harms A.C., Sijbrands E., Sheehan N.A., Duijn C.M. van & Demirkan A. (2017), A Mendelian Randomization Study of Metabolite Profiles, Fasting Glucose, and Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes 66(11): 2915-2926.
- Rossetto Burgos R.C., Zhang W., Wijk E.P.A. van., Hankemeier T., Ramautar R. & Greef J. van der (2017), Cellular glutathione levels in HL-60 cells during respiratory burst are not correlated with ultra-weak photon emission, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 175: 291-296.
- Schoeman J.C., Moutloatse G.P., Harms A.C., Vreeken R.J., Scherpbier H.J., Leeuwen L. van, Kuijpers T.W., Reinecke C.J., Berger R., Hankemeier T. & Bunders M.J. (2017), Fetal Metabolic Stress Disrupts Immune Homeostasis and Induces Proinflammatory Responses in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1-and Combination Antiretroviral Therapy-Exposed Infants, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 216(4): 436-446.
- Kohler I., Hankemeier T., Graaf P.H. van der, Knibbe C.A.J. & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2017), Integrating clinical metabolomics-based biomarker discovery and clinical pharmacology to enable precision medicine, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109: S15-S21.
- Lanz H.L., Saleh A., Kramer B., Cairns J., Ng C.P., Yu J., Trietsch S.J., Hankemeier T., Joore A.T., Vulto P., Weinshilboum R. & Wang L. (2017), Therapy response testing of breast cancer in a 3D high-throughput perfused microfluidic platform, BMC Cancer 17: 709.
- Goulooze S.C., Krekels E.H.J., Dijk M. van, Tibboel D., Graaf P.H. van der, Hankemeier T., Knibbe C.A.J. & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2017), Towards personalized treatment of pain using a quantitative systems pharmacology approach, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109: S32-S38.
- Kylli P.T., Hankemeier T. & Kostiainen R. (2017), Feasibility of ultra-performance liquid chromatography-ion mobility-time-of-flight mass spectrometry in analyzing oxysterols, Journal of Chromatography A 1487: 147-152.
- He M., Wijk E.P.A. van, Wietmarschen H.A. van, Wang M., Sun M., Koval V.V., Wijk E.P.A. van, Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2017), Spontaneous ultra-weak photon emission in correlation to inflammatory metabolism and oxidative stress in a mouse model of collagen-induced arthritis, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 168: 98-106.
- Rijswijk M. van, Beirnaert C., Caron C., Cascante M., Dominguez V., Dunn W.B., Ebbels T.M.D., Giacomoni F., Gonzalez-Beltran A., Hankemeier T., Haug K., Izquierdo-Garcia J.L., Jimenez R.C., Jourdan F., Kale N., Kohlbacher O., Klapa M.I., Kultima K., Koort K., Moreno P., Le Corguillé G., Neumann S., Moschonas N.K., Reczko M., O'Donovan C., Rosato A., Rocca-Serra P., Sansone S.A., Salek R.M., Schober D., Satagopam V., Spjuth O., Thévenot E.A., Shimmo R., Spicer R.A., Willighagen E.L., Zanetti G., Viant M.R., Weber R.J.M. & Steinbeck C. (2017), The future of metabolomics in ELIXIR, F1000Research 6: 1649.
- Moreno Gordaliza M.E., Lee S.J. van der, Demirkan A., Duijn C.M. van, Kuiper J., Lindenburg P.W. & Hankemeier T. (2016), A novel method for serum lipoprotein profiling using high performance capillary isotachophoresis, Analytica Chimica Acta 944: 57-69.
- Kantae V., Krekels E.H.J., Ordas A.K., Gonzalez O., Wijk R.C. van, Harms A.C., Racz P.I., Graaf P.H. van der, Spaink H.P. & Hankemeier T. (2016), Pharmacokinetic modeling of paracetamol uptake and clearance in zebrafish larvae: expanding the allometric scale in vertebrates with five orders of magnitude, Zebrafish 13(6): 504-510.
- Kanhai K., Goulooze S.C., Stevens J., Dent G., Verma A., Hankemeier T., Boer T. de, Meijering H., Chavez J. & Groeneveld G.J. (2016), Quantifying myelin kinetics in healthy subjects using deuterium labeling, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 99: S15-S15.
- Hankemeier T., Kaddurah-Daouk R., Koval V.V., Harms A.C., Moon I., Kuwahara H., Bos S., Marin S., Cascante M., Weinshilboum R. & Wang L. (2016), Studying individual differences in cancer drug efficacy using cell lines derived from patients, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 99: S103-S103.
- Moreno-Gordaliza E., Stigter E.C., Lindenburg P.W. & Hankemeier T. (2016), Bacterial surface layer proteins as a novel capillary coating material for capillary electrophoretic separations, Analytica Chimica Acta 923: 89-100.
- Sun M., Li L., Wang M., Wijk E.P.A. van, He M., Wijk R. van, Koval S., Hankemeier T., Greef J. van der & Wei S. (2016), Effects of growth altitude on chemical constituents and delayed luminescence properties in medicinal rhubarb, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 162: 24-33.
- Stroeve J.H.M., Saccenti E., Bouwman J., Dane A.D., Strassburg K., Vervoort J., Hankemeier T., Astrup A., Smilde A.K., Ommen B. van & Saris W.H.M. (2016), Weight loss predictability by plasma metabolic signatures in adults with obesity and morbid obesity of the DiOGenes study, Obesity 24(2): 379-388.
- Bojic L.A., McLaren D.G., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Dane A.D., Wang S.-P., Rosa R., Previs S.F., Johns D.G. & Castro-Perez J.M. (2016), Quantitative profiling of oxylipins in plasma and atherosclerotic plaques of hypercholesterolemic rabbits, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 408(1): 97-105.
- Kanhai K.M.S., Goulooze S.C., Stevens J., Hay J.L., Dent G., Verma A., Hankemeier T., Boer T. de, Meijering H., Chavez J.C., Cohen A.F. & Groeneveld G.J. (2016), Quantifying Beta‐Galactosylceramide Kinetics in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Healthy Subjects Using Deuterium Labeling, Clinical and Translational Science 9(6): 321-327.
- Breitenstein M.K., Berger R., Bos S., Cascante M., Hankemeier T., Harms A.C., Kaddurah-Daouk R.F., Kalari K.R., Koval V.V., Marin S., Moon I., Nair K.S., Persson M., Weinshilboum R.M. & Wang L. (2016), A metformin metabolomic expression profile study utilizing an electronic health record (ehr)-linked biorepository and integrative molecular epidemiology approaches, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 99: S30-S30.
- He M., Sun M., Wijk E.P.A. van, Wietmarschen H.A. van, Wijk R., Wang Z., Wang M., Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2016), A Chinese literature overview on ultra-weak photon emission as promising technology for studying system-based diagnostics, Complementary therapies in medicine 25: 20-26.
- Zhang W., Hankemeier T. & Ramautar R. (2016), Next-generation capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry approaches in metabolomics, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 43: 1-7.
- Gulersonmez M.C., Lock S., Hankemeier T. & Ramautar R. (2016), Sheathless capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for anionic metabolic profiling, Electrophoresis 37(7-8): 1007-1014.
- Oedit A., Ramautar R., Hankemeier T. & Lindenburg P.W. (2016), Electroextraction and electromembrane extraction: Advances in hyphenation to analytical techniques, Electrophoresis 37(9): 1170-1186.
- Schoeman J.C., Hou J., Harms A.C., Vreeken R.J., Berger R., Hankemeier T. & Boonstra A. (2016), Metabolic characterization of the natural progression of chronic hepatitis B, Genome Medicine 8(1): 64.
- Fu J., Schoeman J.C., Harms A.C., Van Wietmarschen H.A., Vreeken R.J., Berger R., Cuppen B.V., Lafeber F.P., Van der Greef J. & Hankemeier T. (2016), Metabolomics profiling of the free and total oxidised lipids in urine by LC-MS/MS: application in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 408(23): 6307–6319.
- Hagenbeek F.A.A., Kluft C., Hankemeier T., Bartels M., Draisma H.H., Middeldorp C.M., Berger R., Noto A., Lussu M., Pool R., Fanos V. & Boomsma D.I. (2016), Discovery of biochemical biomarkers for aggression: A role for metabolomics in psychiatry, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 171(5): 719-732.
- Sun M., Wijk R. van, Wijk E.P.A. van, Wang M., Wietmarschen H.A. van, Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2016), Delayed luminescence: an experimental protocol for Chinese herbal medicines, Luminescence 31(6): 1220-1228.
- Fu J., Cuppen B.V.J., Welsing P.M.J., Wietmarschen H.A. van, Harms A.C., Berger R., Koval V.V., Fritsch-Stork R.D.E., Bijlsma J.W.J., Hankemeier T., Greef J. van der & Lafeber F.P.J.G. (2016), Differences between serum polar lipid profiles of male and female rheumatoid arthritis patients in response to glucocorticoid treatment, Inflammopharmacology 24(6): 397-402.
- Cuppen B.V.J., Fu J., Wietmarschen H.A. van, Harms A.C., Koval V.V., Marijnissen A.C.A., Peeters J.J.W., Bijlsma J.W.J., Tekstra J., Laar J.M., Hankemeier T., Lafeber F.P.J.G. & Greef J. van der (2016), Exploring the Inflammatory Metabolomic Profile to Predict Response to TNF-alpha Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 11(9): e0163087.
- Hagenbeek F., Nivard M., Pool R., Dongen J. van, Hottenga J.-J., Abdellaoui A., Willemsen G., Vink J., Ligthart L., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Bartels M. & Boomsma D. (2016), Genome-wide pleiotropy of adult aggression and blood metabolites, Behavior Genetics 46(6): 785-786.
- Rest O. van de, Schutte B.A.M., Deelen J., Stassen S.A.M., Akker E.B. van de, Heemst D. van, Dibbets-Schneider P., Dipten-Van der Veen R.A. van, Kelderman M., Hankemeier T., Mooijaart S.P., Grond J. van der, Houwing-Duistermaat J.J., Beekman M., Feskens E.J.M. & Slagboom P. (2016), Metabolic effects of a 13-weeks lifestyle intervention in older adults: The Growing Old Together Study, Aging 8(1): 111-126.
- Beger R.D., Dunn W., Schmidt M.A., Gross S.S., Kirwan J.A., Cascante M., Brennan L., Wishart D.S., Oresic M., Hankemeier T., Broadhurst D.I., Lane A.N., Suhre K., Kastenmueller G., Sumner S.J., Thiele I., Fiehn O. & Kaddurah-Daouk R. (2016), Metabolomics enables precision medicine: "A White Paper, Community Perspective", Metabolomics 12(9): 149.
- Zhang Y., Blasco-Colmenares E., Harms A.C., London B., Halder I., Singh M., Dudley S.C., Gutmann R., Guallar E., Hankemeier T., Tomaselli G.F. & Cheng A. (2016), Serum amine-based metabolites and their association with outcomes in primary prevention implantable cardioverter-defibrillator patients, Europace 18(9): 1383-1390.
- Zhang Y., Guallar E., Blasco-Colmenares E., Harms A.C., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Tomaselli G.F. & Cheng A. (2016), Serum-Based Oxylipins Are Associated with Outcomes in Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Patients, 11(6): e0157035.
- Rossetto-Burgoss R.C., Cervinkova K., Laan T. van der, Ramautar R., Wijk E.P.A., Cifra M., Koval V.V., Berger R., Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2016), Tracking biochemical changes correlated with ultra-weak photon emission using metabolomics, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 163: 237-245.
- Zhang Wei, Can Gulersonmez M., Hankemeier Thomas & Ramautar Rawi (2016), Sheathless Capillary Electrophoresis–Mass Spectrometry for Metabolic Profiling of Biological Samples, Journal of visualized experiments (116): e54535.
- Oedit A., Vulto P., Ramautar R., Lindenburg P.W. & Hankemeier T. (2015), Lab-on-a-Chip hyphenation with mass spectrometry: strategies for bioanalytical applications, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 31: 79-85.
- Baggelaar M.P., Chameau P.J.P., Kantae V., Hummel J., Hsu K.L., Janssen F., Wel T. van der, Soethoudt M., Deng H., Den Dulk H., Allara M., Florea B.I., Di Marzo V., Wadman W.J., Kruse C.G., Overkleeft H.S., Hankemeier T., Werkman T.R., Cravatt B.F. & Stelt M. van der (2015), Highly Selective, Reversible Inhibitor Identified by Comparative Chemoproteomics Modulates Diacylglycerol Lipase Activity in Neurons, Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(27): 8851-8857.
- Ordas A.K., Raterink R., Cunningham F., Jansen H.J., Wiweger M.I., Raadsen S.A., Bos S., Bates R.H., Barros D., Meijer A.H., Vreeken R.J., Ballell-Pages L., Dirks R.P.H., Hankemeier T. & Spaink H.P. (2015), Testing tuberculosis drug efficacy in a zebrafish high-throughput translational medicine screen, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 59(2): 753-762.
- Schroen Y., Wang M., Wietmarschen H.A. van, Witkamp R., Hankemeier T., Fan T.-P. & Greef J. van der (2015), Bridging the seen and the unseen: a systems pharmacology view of herbal medicine, Science 350(6262): S66-S69.
- He M., Wijk E.P.A. van, Berger R., Wang M., Strassburg K., Schoeman J.C., Vreeken R.J., Wietmarschen H.A. van, Harms A.C., Kobayashi M., Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2015), Collagen Induced Arthritis in DBA/1J Mice Associates with Oxylipin Changes in Plasma, Mediators of Inflammation 2015: 543541.
- Spaink H., Racz P., Ordas A., Veneman W., Vijver M., Wildwater M., Pieters R., Zope H.R., Kros A., Kantae V., Krekels E., Graaf P.H. van der & Hankemeier T. (2015), Automated zebrafish toxicology screening: effect assessment and uptake studies, Toxicology Letters 238(2): S54-S54.
- Duinen V. van, Trietsch S.J., Joore J., Vulto P. & Hankemeier T. (2015), Microfluidic 3D cell culture: from tools to tissue models, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 35: 118-126.
- Gonzalez O., Vliet M.S. van, Damen C.W.N., Kloet F.M. van der, Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2015), Matrix Effect Compensation in Small-Molecule Profiling for an LC-TOF Platform Using Multicomponent Postcolumn Infusion, Analytical Chemistry 87(12): 5921-5929.
- Rasmussen H.B., Bjerre D., Linnet K., Juergens G., Dalhoff K., Stefansson H., Hankemeier T., Kaddurah-Daouk R., Taboureau O., Brunak S., Houmann T., Jeppesen P., Pagsberg A.K., Plessen K., Dyrborg J., Hansen P.R., Hansen P.E., Hughes T. & Werge T. (2015), Individualization of treatments with drugs metabolized by CES1: combining genetics and metabolomics, Pharmacogenomics 16(6): 649-665.
- Alves R.D.A.M., Dane A.D., Harms A.C., Strassburg K, Seifar R.M, Verdijk L.B., Kersten S., Berger R., Hankemeier T. & Vreeken R.J. (2015), Global profiling of the muscle metabolome: method optimization, validation and application to determine exercise-induced metabolic effects, Metabolomics 11(2): 271-285.
- Koster M.P.H., Vreeken R.J., Harms A.C., Dane A.D., Kuc S., Schielen Peter C.J.I., Hankemeier T., Berger R., Visser G.H.A. & Pennings J.L.A. (2015), First-Trimester Serum Acylcarnitine Levels to Predict Preeclampsia: A Metabolomics Approach, Disease Markers 2015(857108): .
- Salek R.M., Neumann S., Schober D., Hummel J., Billiau K., Kopka J., Correa E., Reijmers T.H., Rosato A., Tenori L., Turano P., Marin S., Deborde C., Jacob D., Rolin D., Dartigues B., Conesa P., Haug K., Rocca-Serra P., O'Hagan S., Hao J., Vliet M. van, Sysi-Aho M., Ludwig C., Bouwman J., Cascante M., Ebbels T., Griffin J.L., Moing A., Nikolski M., Oresic M., Sansone S.-A., Viant M.R., Goodacre R., Guenther U.L., Hankemeier T., Luchinat C., Walther D. & Steinbeck C. (2015), Erratum to: Coordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access, Metabolomics 11(6): 1598-1599.
- Xu T., Brandmaier S., Messias A.C., Herder C., Draisma H.H.M., Demirkan A., Yu Z., Ried J.S., Haller T., Heier M., Campillos M., Fobo G., Stark R., Holzapfel C., Adam J., Chi S., Rotter M., Panni T., Quante A.S., He Y., Prehn C., Roemisch-Margl W., Kastenmueller G., Willemsen G., Pool R., Kasa K., Dijk K.W. van, Hankemeier T., Meisinger C., Thorand B., Ruepp A., Angelis M.H.E., Li Y., Wichmann H.-E., Stratmann B., Strauch K., Metspalu A., Gieger C., Suhre K., Adamski J., Illig T., Rathmann W., Roden M., Peters A., Duijn C.M. van, Boomsma D.I., Meitinger T. & Wang-Sattler R. (2015), Effects of Metformin on Metabolite Profiles and LDL Cholesterol in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 38(10): 1858-1867.
- Lopez-Sanchez P., Vos R.C.H. de, Jonker H.H., Mumm R., Hall R.D., Bialek L., Leenman R., Strassburg K., Vreeken R., Hankemeier T., Schumm S. & Duynhoven J. van (2015), Comprehensive metabolomics to evaluate the impact of industrial processing on the phytochemical composition of vegetable purees, Food Chemistry 168: 348-355.
- Ellero-Simatos S., Beitelshees A.L., Lewis J.P., Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Georgiades A., Dane A., Harms A.C., Strassburg K., Guled F., Hendriks M.M., Horenstein R.B., Shuldiner A.R., Hankemeier T. & Kaddurah-Daouk R. (2015), Oxylipid profile of low-dose exposure: a pharmacometabolomics study, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 97(S1): S22-S22.
- Iglesias A.I., Springelkamp H., Lee S. van der, Demirkan A., Verhoeven A., Schmitz G., Dijk K.W. van, Hankemeier T., Klaver C.C.W. & Duijn C.M. van (2015), Identification of plasma metabolites associated with intraocular pressure in a Dutch family-based study, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7): .
- Rueda-Rincon N., Bloch K., Derua R., Vyas R., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Khan Niamat A., Dehairs J., Bagadi M., Binda M.M., Waelkens E., Marine J.-C. & Swinnen J.V. (2015), p53 attenuates AKT signaling by modulating membrane phospholipid composition, OncoTarget 6(25): 21240-21254.
- Moreno E.L., Hachi S., Hemmer K., Trietsch S.J., Baumuratov A.S., Hankemeier T., Vulto P., Schwamborn J.C. & Fleming R.M.T. (2015), Differentiation of neuroepithelial stem cells into functional dopaminergic neurons in 3D microfluidic cell culture, Lab on a Chip 15(11): 2419-2428.
- Ellero-Simatos S., Beitelshees A.L., Lewis J.P., Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Georgiades A., Dane A.D., Harms A.C., Strassburg K., Guled F., Hendriks M.M.W.B., Horenstein R.B., Shuldiner A.R., Hankemeier T. & Kaddurah-Daouk R. (2015), Oxylipid profile of low-dose aspirin exposure: a pharmacometabolomics study, Journal of the American Heart Association 4(10): e002203.
- Massink A., Holzheimer M., Hölscher A., Louvel J., Guo D., Spijksma G., Hankemeier T. & IJzerman A.P. (2015), Mass spectrometry-based ligand binding assays on adenosine A1 and A2A receptors, Purinergic Signalling 11(4): 581-594.
- Salek R.M., Neumann S., Schober D., Hummel J., Billiau K., Kopka J., Correa E., Reijmers T.H., Rosato A., Tenori L., Turano P., Marin S., Deborde C., Jacob D., Rolin D., Dartigues B., Conesa P., Haug K., Rocca-Serra P., O'Hagan S., Hao J., Vliet M.S. van, Sysi-Aho M., Ludwig C., Bouwman J., Cascante M., Ebbels T., Griffin J.L., Moing A., Nikolski M., Oresic M., Sansone S.-A., Viant M.R., Goodacre R., Guenther U.L., Hankemeier T., Luchinat C., Walther D. & Steinbeck C. (2015), COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access, METABOLOMICS 11(6): 1587-1597.
- Ouchaou K., Maire F., Salo O., Ali H., Hankemeier T., Marel G.A. van der, Filippov D.V., Bovenberg R.A.L., Vreeken R.J., Driessen A.J.M. & Overkleeft H.S. (2015), A Mutasynthesis Approach with a Penicillium chrysogenum Delta roqA Strain Yields New Roquefortine D Analogues, ChemBioChem 16(6): 915-923.
- Schroen Y. van, Wietmarschen H.A., Wang M., Wijk E.P. van, Hankemeier T., Xu G. & Greef J. van der (2014), East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet?, Science 346(6216): S10-S12.
- Dubbelman A.C., Cuyckens F., Dillen L., Gross G., Hankemeier T. & Vreeken R.J. (2014), Systematic evaluation of commercially available ultra-high performance liquid chromatography columns for drug metabolite profiling: optimization of chromatographic peak capacity, Journal of Chromatography A 1374: 122-133.
- Astarita G., McKenzie J.H., Wang B., Strassburg K., Doneanu A., Johnson J., Baker A., Hankemeier T., Murphy J., Vreeken R.J., Langridge J. & Kang J.X. (2014), A protective lipidomic biosignature associated with a balanced omega-6/omega-3 ratio in fat-1 transgenic mice, PLoS ONE 9(4): e96221.
- Kuc S., Koster M.P.H., Pennings J.L.A., Hankemeier T., Berger R., Harms A.C., Dane A.D., Schielen P.C.J.L., Visser G.H.A. & Vreeken R.J. (2014), Metabolomics profiling for identification of novel potential markers in early prediction of preeclampsia, PLoS ONE 9(5): e98540.
- Ellero-Simatos S., Lewis J.P., Georgiades A., Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Beitelshees A.L., Horenstein R.B., Dane A.D., Harms A.C., Ramaker R., Vreeken R.J., Perry C.G., Zhu H., Sànchez C.L., Kuhn C., Ortel T.L., Shuldiner A.R., Hankemeier T. & Kaddurah-Daouk R. (2014), Pharmacometabolomics reveals that serotonin is implicated in aspirin response variability, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 2014(3): e125.
- Lips M.A., Klinken J.B. van, Harmelen V. van, Dharuri H.K., Hoen P.A. 't, Laros J.F., Ommen G.J. van, Janssen I.M., Ramshorst B. van, Wagensveld B.A. van, Swank D.J., Dielen F. van, Dane A.D., Harms A.C., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Smit J.W.A., Pijl H. & Willems van Dijk K. (2014), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, but not calorie restriction, reduces plasma branched-chain amino acids in obese women independent of weight loss or the presence of type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Care 37(12): 3150-3156.
- Schoonen J.W.A., Duinen V. van, Oedit A., Vulto P., Hankemeier T. & Lindenburg P.W. (2014), Continuous-flow microelectroextraction for enrichment of low abundant compounds, Analytical Chemistry 86(16): 8048-8056.
- Ahonen L., Maire F.B., Savolainen M., Kopra J., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Myöhänen T.Z.A.P. & Kostiainen R. (2014), Analysis of oxysterols and vitamin D metabolites in mouse brain and cell line samples by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure photoionization-mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A 2014(1364): 214-222.
- Raterink R., Witkam Y., Vreeken R., Ramautar R. & Hankemeier T. (2014), Gas pressure assisted microliquid-liquid extraction coupled online to direct infusion mass spectrometry: a new automated screening platform for bioanalysis, Analytical Chemistry 86(20): 10323-10330.
- Damen C.W., Isaac G., Langridge J., Hankemeier T. & Vreeken R.J. (2014), Enhanced lipid isomer separation in human plasma using reversed-phase UPLC with ion-mobility/high-resolution MS detection, 55(8): 1772-1783.
- Ali H., Ries M.I., Lankhorst P.P., Hoeven R.A.M. van der, Schouten O.L., Noga M.J., Hankemeier T., Peij N.M.E. van, Bovenberg R.A.J., Vreeken R.J. & Driessen A.J.M. (2014), A non-canonical NRPS is involved in the synthesis of fungisporin and related hydrophobic cyclic tetrapeptides in Penicillium chrysogenum, PLoS ONE 9(6): e98212.
- Dane A.D., Hendriks M.M., Reijmers T.H., Harms A.C., Troost J., Vreeken R.J., Boomsma D.I., Duijn C.M. van, Slagboom E.P. & Hankemeier T. (2014), Integrating metabolomics profiling measurements across multiple biobanks, Analytical Chemistry 86(9): 4110-4.
- Strassburg K., Esser D., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Müller M., Duynhoven J. van, Golde J. van, Dijk S.J. van, Afman L.A. & Jacobs D.M. (2014), Postprandial fatty acid specific changes in circulating oxylipins in lean and obese men after high-fat challenge tests, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 58(3): 591-600.
- Maaden K. van der, Trietsch S.J., Kraan H., Varypataki E.M., Romeijn S., Zwier R., Linden H.J. van der, Kersten G., Hankemeier T., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J. (2014), Novel Hollow Microneedle Technology for Depth-Controlled Microinjection-Mediated Dermal Vaccination: A Study with Polio Vaccine in Rats, 31(7): 1846-1854.
- Smeden J. van, Boiten W.A., Hankemeier T., Rissmann R., Bouwstra J.A. & Vreeken R.J. (2014), Combined LC/MS-platform for analysis of all major stratum corneum lipids, and the profiling of skin substitutes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1841(1): 70-79.
- Yildirim E., Trietsch S.J., Joore J., Berg A. van den, Hankemeier T. & Vulto P. (2014), Phaseguides as tunable passive microvalves for liquid routing in complex microfluidic networks, Lab on a Chip 14(17): 3334-3340.
- Quist J.W., Vulto P. & Hankemeier T. (2014), Isotachophoretic phenomena in electric field gradient focusing: perspectives for sample preparation and bioassays, Analytical Chemistry 86(9): 4078-4087.
- Lindenburg P.W., Ramautar R., Jayo R.G., Chen D.D. & Hankemeier T. (2013), Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry using a flow-through microvial interface for cationic metabolome analysis, Electrophoresis 35(9): 1308-1314.
- Van der Kloet Frans M., Hendriks Margriet, Hankemeier Thomas & Reijmers Theo (2013), A new approach to untargeted integration of high resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry data, Analytica Chimica Acta 801: 34-42.
- Lewis J.P., Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Ellero-Simatos S., Georgiades A., Kaddurah-Daouk R. & Hankemeier T. (2013), Integration of Pharmacometabolomic and Pharmacogenomic Approaches Reveals Novel Insights Into Antiplatelet Therapy, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 94(5): 570-573.
- Coulier Leon, Muilwijk Bas, Bijlsma Sabina, Noga Marek, Tienstra Marc, Attali Amos, Van Aken Hans, Suidgeest Ernst, Tuinstra Tinka, Luider Theo M., Hankemeier Thomas & Bobeldijk Ivana (2013), Metabolite profiling of small cerebrospinal fluid sample volumes with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: application to a rat model of multiple sclerosis, METABOLOMICS 9(1): 78-87.
- Peironcely Julio E., Rojas-Cherto Miguel, Tas Albert, Vreeken Rob, Reijmers Theo, Coulier Leon & Hankemeier Thomas (2013), Automated Pipeline for De Novo Metabolite Identification Using Mass-Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics, Analytical Chemistry 85(7): 3576-3583.
- Strassburg K., Esser D., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Müller M., Duynhoven J. van, Golde J. van, Dijk S.J. van, Afman L.A. & Jacobs D.M. (2013), Postprandial fatty acid specific changes in circulating oxylipins in lean and obese men after high-fat challenge tests, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 58(3): 591-600.
- Ali H., Ries M.I., Nijland J.G., Lankhorst P.P., Hankemeier T., Bovenberg R.A., Vreeken R.J. & Driessen A.J. (2013), A branched biosynthetic pathway is involved in production of roquefortine and related compounds in Penicillium chrysogenum, PLoS ONE 8(8): e65328.
- Trietsch Sebastiaan J., Israels Guido D., Joore Jos, Hankemeier Thomas & Vulto Paul (2013), Microfluidic titer plate for stratified 3D cell culture, LAB ON A CHIP 13(18): 3548-3554.
- Krishnan Shaji, Verheij Elwin E.R., Bas Richard C., Hendriks Margriet W.B., Hankemeier Thomas, Thissen Uwe & Coulier Leon (2013), Pre-processing liquid chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry data: extracting pure mass spectra by deconvolution from the invariance of isotopic distribution, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 27(9): 917-923.
- Kirchmair Johannes, Howlett Andrew, Peironcely Julio E., Murrell Daniel S., Williamson Mark J., Adams Samuel E., Hankemeier Thomas, Van Buren Leo, Duchateau Guus, Klaffke Werner & Glen Robert C. (2013), How Do Metabolites Differ from Their Parent Molecules and How Are They Excreted?, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 53(2): 354-367.
- Draisma H.H., Reijmers T.H., Meulman J.J., Greef J. van der, Hankemeier T. & Boomsma D.I. (2013), Hierarchical clustering analysis of blood plasma lipidomics profiles from mono- and dizygotic twin families, European Journal of Human Genetics 21(1): 95-101.
- Ramautar Rawi, Berger Ruud, Greef Jan van der & Hankemeier Thomas (2013), Human metabolomics: strategies to understand biology, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 17(5): 841-846.
- Gonzalez-Covarrubias Vanessa, Dane Adrie, Hankemeier Thomas & Vreeken Rob J. (2013), The influence of citrate, EDTA, and heparin anticoagulants to human plasma LC-MS lipidomic profiling, METABOLOMICS 9(2): 337-348.
- Ries M.I., Ali H., Lankhorst P.P., Hankemeier T., Bovenberg R.A.L., Driessen A.J.M. & Vreeken R.J. (2013), Novel Key Metabolites Reveal Further Branching of the Roquefortine/Meleagrin Biosynthetic Pathway, Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(52): 37289-37295.
- Gonzalez-Covarrubias Vanessa, Beekman Marian, Uh Hae-Won, Dane Adrie, Troost Jorne, Paliukhovich Iryna, Van der Kloet Frans M., Houwing-Duistermaat Jeanine, Vreeken Rob J., Hankemeier Thomas & Slagboom Eline P. (2013), Lipidomics of familial longevity, Aging Cell 12(3): 426-434.
- Schoonen Jan-Willem, Vulto Paul, Roo Niels de, Duynhoven John van, Linden Heiko van der & Hankemeier Thomas (2013), Solvent Exchange Module for LC-NMR Hyphenation Using Machine Vision-Controlled Droplet Evaporation, Analytical Chemistry 85(12): 5734-5739.
- Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Ellero-Simatos S., Georgiades A., Zhu H., Lewis J.P., Horenstein R.B., Beitelshees A.L., Dane A., Reijmers T., Hankemeier T., Fiehn O., Shuldiner A.R. & Kaddurah-Daouk R. (2013), Purine Pathway Implicated in Mechanism of Resistance to Aspirin Therapy: Pharmacometabolomics-Informed Pharmacogenomics, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 94(4): 525-532.
- Raterink R., Kloet F.M. van der, Li J., Wattel N.A., Schaaf M.J.M., Spaink H.P., Berger R., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2013), Rapid metabolic screening of early zebrafish embryogenesis based on direct infusion-nanoESI-FTMS, Metabolomics 9: 864–873.
- Raterink R.J., Lindenburg P.W., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2013), Three-phase electroextraction: a new (online) sample purification and enrichment method for bioanalysis, Analytical Chemistry 85(16): 7762-7768.
- Lindenburg Petrus W., Ramautar Rawi & Hankemeier Thomas (2013), The potential of electrophoretic sample pretreatment techniques and new instrumentation for bioanalysis, with a focus on peptidomics and metabolomics, Bioanalysis 5(22): 2785-2801.
- Jaghoori M.M., Jongmans S.S.T.Q., Boer F. de, Peironcely J.E., Faulon J.L., Reijmers T.H. & Hankemeier T. (2013), PMG: Multi-core metabolite identification, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 299: 53-60.
- Quist Jos, Trietsch Sebastiaan J., Vulto Paul & Hankemeier Thomas (2013), Elastomeric microvalves as tunable nanochannels for concentration polarization, LAB ON A CHIP 13(24): 4810-4815.
- Peironcely J.E., Rojas-Chertó M., Fichera D., Reijmers T.H., Coulier L., Faulon J.L. & Hankemeier T. (2012), OMG: Open Molecule Generator, 4: 21.
- Quist J., Janssen K.G.H., Vulto P., Hankemeier T. & Van der Linden H.J. (2012), Single-electrolyte isotachophoresis using a nanochannel-induced depletion zone, Analytical Chemistry 83(20): 7910-7915.
- Ason B., Castro-Perez J., Tep S., Stefanni A., Tadin-Strapps M., Roddy T., Hankemeier T., Hubbard B., Sachs A.B., Flanagan W.M., Kuklin N.A. & Mitnaul L.J. (2012), ApoB siRNA-induced liver steatosis is resistant to clearance by the loss of fatty acid transport protein 5 (Fatp5), Lipids 46(11): .
- Van Smeden J., Hoppel L., Van der Heijden R., Hankemeier T., Vreeken R.J. & Bouwstra J.A. (2012), LC/MS analysis of stratum corneum lipids: ceramide profiling and discovery, 52(6): .
- Hu C., Kong H., Zhu C., Wei H., Hankemeier T., Van der Greef J., Wang M. & Xu G. (2012), [An ultra performance liquid chromatography-time-of-flight-mass spectrometric method for fast analysis of ginsenosides in Panax ginseng root], Se Pu 29(6): .
- Podszun S., Vulto P., Heinz H., Hakenberg S., Hermann C., Hankemeier T. & Urban G.A. (2012), Enrichment of viable bacteria in a micro-volume by free-flow electrophoresis, Lab on a Chip 12(3): 451-457.
- Wei H., Hu C., Wang M., Hoek A.M. van den, Reijmers T.H., Wopereis S., Bouwman J., Ramaker R., Korthout H.A.A.J., Vennik M., Hankemeier T., Havekes L.M., Witkamp R.F., Verheij E.R., Xu G. & Greef J. van der (2012), Lipidomics reveals multiple pathway effects of a multi-components preparation on lipid biochemistry in ApoE*3Leiden.CETP mice, PLoS ONE 7(1): e30332.
- Kasper P.T., Rojas-Chertó M., Mistrik R., Reijmers T.H., Hankemeier T. & Vreeken R.J. (2012), Fragmentation trees for the structural characterisation of metabolites, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26(19): 2275-2286.
- Wietmarschen H.A. van, Dai W., Kooij A.J. van der, Reijmers T.H., Schroën Y., Wang M., Xu Z., Wang X., Kong H., Xu G., Hankemeier T., Meulman J.J. & Greef J. van der (2012), Characterization of rheumatoid arthritis subtypes using symptom profiles, clinical chemistry and metabolomics measurements, PLoS ONE 7(9): e44331.
- Kloet F.M. van der, Tempels F.W.A., Ismail N., Heijden R. van der, Kasper P.T., Rojas-Cherto M., Doorn R. van, Spijksma G., Koek M., Greef J. van der, Mäkinen V.P., Forsblom C., Holthöfer H., Groop P.H., Reijmers T.H. & Hankemeier T. (2012), Discovery of early-stage biomarkers for diabetic kidney disease using ms-based metabolomics (FinnDiane study), Metabolomics 2012(8): 109-119.
- Janssens M., Smeden J. van, Gooris G.S., Bras W., Portale G., Caspers P.J., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Kezic S., Wolterbeek R., Lavrijsen A.P. & Bouwstra J.A. (2012), Increase in short-chain ceramides correlates with an altered lipid organization and decreased barrier function in atopic eczema patients, Journal of Lipid Research 53(12): 2755-2766.
- Noga M.J., Dane A.D., Shi S., Attali A., Aken H. van, Suidgeest E., Tuinstra T., Muilwijk B., Coulier L., Luider T., Reijmers T.H., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2012), Metabolomics of cerebrospinal fluid reveals changes in the central nervouws system metabolism in a rat model of multiple sclerosis, Metabolomics 8(2): 253-263.
- Lindenburg P.W., Tempels F.W.A., Tjaden U.R., Greef J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2012), On-line large-volume electroextraction coupled to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to improve detection of peptides, Journal of Chromatography A 1249: 17-24.
- Rojas-Cherto M., Peironcely J.E., Kasper P.T., Hooft J.J.J van der., Vos R.C.H. de, Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T. & Reijmers T.H. (2012), Metabolite Identification Using Automated Comparison of High-Resolution Multistage Mass Spectral Trees, Analytical Chemistry 84(13): 5524-5534.
- Rojas-Cherto M., Vliet M.S. van, Peironcely J.E., Doorn R. van, Kooyman M., Beek T. te, Driel M.A. van, Hankemeier T. & Reijmers T.H. (2012), MetiTree: a web application to organize and process high-resolution multi-stage mass spectrometry metabolomics data, Bioinformatics 28(20): 2707-2709.
- Strassburg K., Huijbrechts A.M.L., Kortekaas K.A., Lindeman J.H., Pedersen T.L., Dane A.D., Berger R., Brenkman A., Hankemeier T., Duynhoven J. van, Kalkhoven E., Newman J.W. & Vreeken R.J. (2012), Quantitative profiling of oxylipins through comprehensive LC-MS/MS analysis: application in cardiac surgery, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 404(5): 1413-1426.
- Dijkstra M., Berenschot J.W., Boer M.J. de, Linden H.J. van der, Hankemeier T., Lammerink T.S.J., Wiegerink R.J., Elwenspoek M. & Tas N.R. (2012), Nano-slit electrospray emitters fabricated by a micro- to nanofluidic via technology, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 13(1): 29-35.
- Lindenburg P.W., Tjaden U.R., Greef J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2012), Feasibility of electroextraction as versatile sample preconcentration for fast and sensitive analysis of urine metabolites, demonstrated on acylcarnitines, Electrophoresis 33(19-20): 2987-2995.
- Quist J.W., Vulto P., Linden H.J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2012), Tunable Ionic Mobility Filter for Depletion Zone Isotachophoresis, Analytical Chemistry 84(21): 9065-9071.
- Krishnan S., Vogels J.T.W.E., Coulier L., Bas R.C., Hendriks M.W.B., Hankemeier T. & Thissen U. (2012), Instrument and process independent binning and baseline correction methods for liquid chromatography-high resolution-mass spectrometry deconvolution, Analytica Chimica Acta 740: 12-19.
- Koek M.M., Jellema R.H., Van der Greef J., Tas A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2012), Quantitative metabolomics based on gas chromatography mass spectrometry: status and perspectives, METABOLOMICS 7(3): .
- Zhu C., Dane A., Spijksma G.K., Wang M., Greef J. van der, Luo G.A., Hankemeier T. & Vreeken R.J. (2012), An efficient hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography separation of 7 phospholipid classes based on a diol column, Journal of Chromatography A 1220: 26-34.
- Draisma H.H., Reijmers T.H., Meulman J.J., Greef J. van der, Hankemeijer T. & Boomsma D.I. (2012), Hierarchical clustering analysis of blood plasma lipidomics profiles from mono- and dizygotic twin families, European Journal of Human Genetics 21: 95-101.
- Castro-Perez J., Previs S.F., McLaren D.G., Shah V., Herath K., Bhat G., Johns D.G., Wang S.P., Mitnaul L., Jensen K., Vreeken R., Hankemeier T., Roddy T.P. & Hubbard B.K. (2012), In vivo D2O labeling to quantify static and dynamic changes in cholesterol and cholesterol esters by high resolution LC/MS, 52(1): .
- Rosenling T., Stoop M.P., Smolinska A., Muilwijk B., Coulier L., Shi S., Dane A., Christin C., Suits F., Horvatovich P.L., Wijmenga S.S., Buydens L.M., Vreeken R., Hankemeier T., Van Gool A.J., Luider T.M. & Bischoff R. (2012), The impact of delayed storage on the measured proteome and metabolome of human cerebrospinal fluid, Clinical Chemistry 57(12): .
- Hu C., Wei H., Kong H., Bouwman J., Gonzalez-Covarrubias V., Van der Heijden R., Reijmers T.H., Bao X., Verheij E.R., Hankemeier T., Xu G., Van der Greef J. & Wang M. (2012), Linking biological activity with herbal constituents by systems biology-based approaches: effects of Panax ginseng in type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats, Molecular Biosystems 7(11): .
- Rojas-Cherto M., Kasper P.T., Willighagen E.L., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T. & Reijmers T.H. (2012), Elemental composition determination based on MS(n), Bioinformatics 27(17): 2376-2383.
- Castro-Perez J.M., Roddy T.P., Shah V., McLaren D.G., Wang S.P., Jensen K., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Johns D.G., Previs S.F. & Hubbard B.K. (2012), Identifying static and kinetic lipid phenotypes by high resolution UPLC-MS: unraveling diet-induced changes in lipid homeostasis by coupling metabolomics and fluxomics, Journal of Proteome Research 10(9): .
- Castro-Perez J.M., Roddy T.P., Shah V., Wang S.P., Ouyang X., Ogawa A., McLaren D.G., Tadin-Strapps M., Robinson MJ, Bartz S.R., Ason B., Chen Y, Previs S.F., Wong K.K., Vreeken R.J., Johns D.G., Hubbard B.K., Hankemeier T. & Mitnaul L. (2012), Attenuation of Slc27a5 gene expression followed by LC-MS measurement of bile acid reconjugation using metabolomics and a stable isotope tracer strategy, Journal of Proteome Research 10(10): .
- Castro-Perez J., Briand F., Gagen K., Wang S.P., Chen Y., McLaren D.G., Shah V., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Sulpice T., Roddy T.P., Hubbard B.K. & Johns D.G. (2012), Anacetrapib promotes reverse cholesterol transport and bulk cholesterol excretion in Syrian golden hamsters, 52(11): .
- Janssen K.G.H., Li J.J., Hoang H.T., Vulto P., Van den Berg R.J.B.H.N., Overkleeft H.S., Eijkel J.C.T., Tas N.R., Van der Linden H.J. & Hankemeier T. (2012), Limits of miniaturization: Assessing ITP performance in sub-micron and nanochannels, LAB ON A CHIP 12(16): .
- Castro-Perez J., Roddy T.P., Nibbering N.M., Shah V., McLaren D.G., Previs S., Attygalle A.B., Herath K., Chen Z., Wang S.P., Mitnaul L., Hubbard B.K., Vreeken R.J., Johns D.G. & Hankemeier T. (2012), Localization of fatty acyl and double bond positions in phosphatidylcholines using a dual stage CID fragmentation coupled with ion mobility mass spectrometry, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 22(9): .
- Ellero-Simatos S., Szymańska E., Rullmann T., Dokter W.H., Ramaker R., Berger R., Van Iersel T.M., Smilde A.K., Hankemeier T. & Alkema W. (2012), Assessing the metabolic effects of prednisolone in healthy volunteers using urine metabolic profiling, Genome Medicine 4(11): 94.
- Chan W.T., Choi Y.H., Heijden R. van der, Lee M.S., Lin M.K., Kong H., Kim H.K., Verpoorte R., Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2011), Traditional processing strongly affects metabolite composition by hydrolysis in Rehmannia glutinosa Roots, Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin 59: 546.
- Castro-Perez J.M., Kamphorst J., DeGroot J., Lafeber F., Goshawk J., Yu K.T., Shockcor J.P., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2011), Comprehensive LC-MS(E) Lipidomic Analysis using a Shotgun Approach and Its Application to Biomarker Detection and Identification in Osteoarthritis Patients (vol 9, pg 2377, 2010), Journal of Proteome Research 10(7): .
- Castro-Perez J., Roddy T.P., Nibbering N.M., Shah V., McLaren D.G., Previs S., Attygalle A.B., Herath K., Chen Z., Wang S.P., Mitnaul L., Hubbard B.K., Vreeken R.J., Johns D.G. & Hankemeier T. (2011), Localization of fatty acyl and double bond positions in phosphatidylcholines using a dual stage CID fragmentation coupled with ion mobility mass spectrometry, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 22(9): 1552-1567.
- Trietsch S.J., Hankemeier T. & Van der Linden H.J. (2011), Lab-on-a-chip technologies for massive parallel data generation in the life sciences: A review, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 108(1): .
- Rosenling T., Stoop M.P., Smolinska A., Muilwijk B., Coulier L., Shi S., Dane A., Christin C., Suits F., Horvatovich P.L., Wijmenga S.S., Buydens L.M., Vreeken R.J., Hankemeier T., Van Gool A.J., Luider T.M. & Bischoff R. (2011), The impact of delayed storage on the measured proteome and metabolome of human cerebrospinal fluid, Clinical Chemistry 57(12): 1703-1711.
- Peironcely Miguel J.E., Reijmers T.H., Coulier L., Bender A. & Hankemeier T. (2011), Understanding and classifying metabolite space and metabolite-likeness, PLoS ONE 6(12): e28966.
- Hu C., Wei H., Hoek A.M. van den, Wang M., Heijden R. van der, Spijksma G.K., Reijmers T.H., Bouwman J., Wopereis S., Havekes L.M., Verheij E., Hankemeier T., Xu G. & Greef J. van der (2011), Plasma and liver lipidomics response to an intervention of rimonabant in ApoE*3Leiden.CETP transgenic mice, PLoS ONE 6(5): e19423.
- Koek M.M., Kloet F.M. van der, Kleemann R., Kooistra T., Verheij E.R. & Hankemeier T. (2011), Semi-automated non-target processing in GC x GC-MS metabolomics analysis: applicability for biomedical studies, METABOLOMICS 7(1): 1-14.
- Koek M.M., Jellema R.H., Van der Greef J., Tas A.C. & Hankemeier T. (2011), Quantitative metabolomics based on gas chromatography mass spectrometry: status and perspectives, METABOLOMICS 7: 307-328.
- Wietmarschen H.A. van, Reijmers T.H., Kooij A.J. van der, Schroen J., Wei H., Hankemeier T., Meulman J.J. & Greef J. van der (2011), Sub-typing of rheumatic diseases based on a systems diagnosis questionnaire, PLoS ONE 6(9): e24846.
- Stoop M.P., Coulier L., Rosenling T., Shi S., Smolinska A.M., Buydens L., Ampt K., Stingl C., Dane A., Muilwijk B., Luitwieler R.L., Smitt Paes, Hintzen R.Q., Bischoff R., Wijmenga S.S., Hankemeier T., Van Gool A.J. & Luider T.M. (2010), Quantitative Proteomics and Metabolomics Analysis of Normal Human Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 9(9): .
- Peironcely J.E., Bender A., Rojas-Chertó M., Reijmers T.H., Coulier L. & Hankemeier T. (2010), Expanding and understanding metabolite space , 2: P39.
- Rojas-Chertó M., Kasper P.T., Peironcely J.E., Reijmers T.H., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2010), The pipelined metabolite identification based on MS fragmentation , 2(Suppl 1): P53.
- Lindenburg P.W., Seitzinger R., Tempels F.W.A., Tjaden U.R., Van der Greef J. & Hankemeier T. (2010), Online capillary liquid-liquid electroextraction of peptides as fast pre-concentration prior to LC-MS, Electrophoresis 31(23-24): .
- Liu Z., Galli F., Janssen K.G.H., Jiang L., Linden H.J. van der, Geus D.C. de, Voskamp P., Kuil M.E., Olsthoorn R.C.L., Oosterkamp T.H., Hankemeier T. & Abrahams J.P. (2010), Stable single-walled carbon nanotube-streptavidin complex for biorecognition, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 114(10): 4345-4352.
- Van der Greef J., Van Wietmarschen H., Schroen J., Wang M., Hankemeier T. & Xu G.W. (2010), Systems Biology-Based Diagnostic Principles as Pillars of the Bridge between Chinese and Western Medicine, Planta Medica 76(17): .
- Castro-Perez J.M., Kamphorst J.J., DeGroot J., Lafeber F., Goshawk J., Yu K., Shockcor J.P., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2010), Comprehensive LC-MSE Lipidomic Analysis using a Shotgun Approach and Its Application to Biomarker Detection and Identification in Osteoarthritis Patients, Journal of Proteome Research 9(5): .
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- Koek M., Bakels F., Engel W, Van den Maagdenberg A., Ferrari M, Coulier L. & Hankemeier T. (2009), Metabolic profiling of ultrasmall sample volumes with GC/MS: from microliter to nanoliter samples, Analytical Chemistry 82(1): 156-62.
- Kong H., Wang M., Venema K., Maathuis A., Heijden R. van der, Greef J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2009), Bioconversion of red ginseng saponines in the gastro-intestinal tract in vitro model studied by high-performance liquid chromatography-high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A 1216(11): 2195-203.
- Hu C., Van der Heijden R., Wang M., Van der Greef J., Hankemeier T. & Xu G. (2009), Analytical strategies in lipidomics and applications in disease biomarker discovery, Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 877(26): 2836-46.
- Wang J., Reijmers T., Chen L., Van der Heijden R., Wang M., Peng S., Hankemeier T., Xu G. & Van der Greef J. (2009), Systems toxicology study of doxorubicin on rats using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry based metabolomics, METABOLOMICS 5(4): 407-418.
- Kamphorst J.J., Tjaden U.R., Van der Heijden R., DeGroot J., Van der Greef J. & Hankemeier T. (2009), Feasibility of electrodialysis as a fast and selective sample preparation method for the profiling of low-abundant peptides in biofluids, Electrophoresis 30(13): 2284-92.
- Scalbert A., Brennan L., Fiehn O., Hankemeier T., Kristal B.S., Van Ommen B., Pujos-Guillot E., Verheij E.R., Wishart D. & Wopereis S. (2009), Mass-spectrometry-based metabolomics: limitations and recommendations for future progress with particular focus on nutrition research, METABOLOMICS 5(4): 435-458.
- Wang J., Heijden R. van der, Spruit S., Hankermeier T., Chan K., Greef J. van der, Xu G. & Wang M. (2009), Quality and safety of Chinese herbal medicines guided by a systems biology perspective, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 126(1): 31-41.
- Rosenling T., Slim C.L., Christin C., Coulier L., Shi S., Stoop M.P., Bosman J., Suits F., Horvatovich P.L., Stockhofe-Zurwieden N., Vreeken R., Hankemeier T., Van Gool A.J., Luider T.M. & Bischoff R. (2009), The effect of preanalytical factors on stability of the proteome and selected metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), Journal of Proteome Research 8(12): 5511-22.
- Wang J., Heijden R. van der, Spijksma G.K., Reijmers T., Wang M., Xu G., Hankemeier T. & Greef J. van der (2009), Alkaloid profiling of the Chinese herbal medicine Fuzi by combination of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A 1216(11): 2169-2178.
- Draisma H.H., Reijmers T., Van der Kloet F.M., Bobeldijk-Pastorova I., Spies-Faber E., Vogels J., Meulman J.J., Boomsma D., Van der Greef J. & Hankemeier T. (2009), Equating, or correction for between-block effects with application to body fluid LC-MS and NMR metabolomics data sets, Analytical Chemistry 82(3): 1039-46.
- Koek M., Muilwijk B., Stee L.L.P. van & Hankemeier T. (2008), Higher mass loadability in GC×GC–MS: improved analytical performance for metabolomics analysis, Journal of Chromatography A 1186: 420-429.
- Werf M.J. van der, Overkamp K.M., Muilwijk B., Koek M., Werff-Van der Vat B.J. van der, Jellema R.H., Coulier L. & Hankemeier T. (2008), Comprehensive analysis of the metabolome of Pseudomonas putida S12 grown on different carbon sources, Mol. Biosyst. 4(4): 315-327.
- Janssen K.G.H., Hoang H.T., Floris J., Vries J. de, Tas N.R., Eijkel J.C.T. & Hankemeier T. (2008), Solution Titration by Wall Deprotonation During Capillary Filling of Silicon Oxide Nanochannels, Analytical Chemistry 80: 8095-8101.
- Hu C., Dommelen J., Heijden R. van der, Spijksma G., Reijmers T.H., Wang M., Slee E., Lu X., Xu G., Greef J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2008), RPLC-ion-trap-FTMS method for lipid profiling of plasma: method validation and application to p53 mutant mouse model, Journal of Proteome Research 7(11): 4982-4991.
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- Bergheanu S.C., Reijmers T., Zwinderman A.H., Bobeldijk I., Ramaker R., Liem A.H., Greef J. van der, Hankemeier T. & Jukema J.G. (2008), Lipidomic approach to evaluate rosuvastatin and atorvastatin at various dosages: investigating differential effects among statins, Current Medical Research and Opinion 24: 2477-2487.
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- Angelova N.S., Kong H.W., Heijden R. van der, Yang S.Y., Choi Y.H., Kim H.K., Wang M., Hankemeier T., Greef J. van der, Xu X. & Verpoorte R. (2008), Recent methodology in the phytochemical analysis of ginseng, Phytochemical Analysis 19: 2-16.
- Kamphorst J.J., Heijden R.V., DeGroot J., Lafeber F.P.J.G., Reijmers T.H., El B.V., Tjaden U.R., Greef J. van der & Hankemeier T. (2007), Profiling of Endogenous Peptides in Human Synovial Fluid by NanoLC-MS: Method Validation and Peptide Identification, Journal of Proteome Research 6: 4388-4396.
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