Thijs Porck
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. M.H. Porck
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1611
- 0000-0002-8537-6909

Thijs Porck teaches Old English, Middle English, Tolkien and Medieval Studies at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. He is a cultural historian of early medieval England, with a background in medieval history as well as English language and literature. The common strand in his research is gaining an understanding of Old English language and literature, and of how modern generations have interacted with this early medieval heritage, in both scholarship and popular culture. He has published widely on Beowulf, Old English textual criticism, medievalism, Tolkien studies, old age and the life course in the Middle Ages, and the history of Old English studies. His latest monograph Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History (2019) is the first book-length study of the cultural conceptualisation of growing old in early medieval England. He is the Primary Investigator of the ERC-funded project 'Early Medieval English in the Nineteenth Century [EMERGENCE]' (2024-2028).
More information about Thijs Porck
Research Blog
Blogs on Leiden Medievalists Blog
PhD candidates
Thijs Porck teaches Old English, Middle English, Tolkien and Medieval Studies at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. He is a cultural historian of early medieval England, with a background in medieval history as well as English language and literature. The common strand in his research is gaining an understanding of Anglo-Saxon culture and of how modern generations have interacted with this early medieval heritage, in both scholarship and popular culture. He has published widely on Beowulf, Old English textual criticism, medievalism, Tolkien studies, old age and the life course in the Middle Ages, and the history of Old English studies. He is the Primary Investigator of the ERC-funded project 'Early Medieval English in the Nineteenth Century [EMERGENCE]' (2024-2028)
You can find out more about him and his research on his personal website and blog: For a full version of his CV, click here.
PhD supervision
As co-promotor (daily supervisor):
- (completed) Sander Stolk, Semantic Treasure Troves: Sharing and Reusing Topical Thesauri on Historical Periods (Leiden University; with prof.dr. Rolf H. Bremmer Jr & prof.dr. Piek Vossen; 2016-2023)
- (in process) Martina Marzullo, Old English in Contemporary Literature (University of Heidelberg; with prof. dr. P. P. Schnierer; 2020-)
- (in process) Song Tan, Imitatio Imperii or Translatio Imperii? The Idea of Imperial Rule and the Representation of the Classical World in Early Medieval England (Leiden University; with prof.dr. A. Wessels & dr. S.T.M. de Beer; 2021-)
- (in process) Amos van Baalen, Old English Renewed: Tracing Transitional English in the Twelfth Century (Leiden University; with prof.dr. J. Grijzenhout; 2021-)
- (in process) Suzanne Klare, Claiming Beowulf as a European Epic: Non-Anglophone Appropriations of an Old English Poem (Leiden University; with prof.dr. Nadine Akkerman; 2024-)
- (in process) Lucas Gahrmann, Cædmon, Cynewulf and the Continent: The Search for Anglo-Saxon Christianity in 19th-century Europe (Leiden University; with prof.dr. Herman Paul; 2024-)
Porck's latest monograph Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History (2019) is the first book-length study of the cultural conceptualisation of growing old in Anglo-Saxon England. He has also published nine edited volumes and special issues on the topics of Old English medievalism, the life course in early medieval England, digital approaches to Old English lexicography, scholarly correspondence, English historical linguistics, the familiar and the foreign in Old Germanic Studies, cultural contacts between early medieval England and Europe, and history of scholarship. For more information see:
For a full overview of his publications, with Open Access options where available, see:
BA and MA thesis supervision
Porck supervises any thesis on Old and Middle English language and literature; Anglo-Saxon culture and history; medievalism; and fantasy literature (especially Tolkien). For an overview of BA and MA theses he has supervised as a first reader, see:
Porck has taught at university level since 2008, mostly at Leiden University, with a brief spell at Radboud University Nijmegen. In 2014, he was awarded with the Humanities Faculty Teaching Prize for the most inspiring lecturer of the faculty of Humanities at Leiden University. In 2015/2016, he was one of the teaching ambassadors for ‘blended learning’ at Leiden University’s ExpertiseCentre for Online Learning (ECOLe). In 2017, he was one of three nominees for the LUS Teaching Award; he won the award in 2019. Between 2021 and 2023, he was the co-chair of the Leiden Teachers' Academy.
He teaches Old English, Middle English, Tolkien studies and Medieval Studies in the BA English Language and Literature and the MA Literary Studies: English Literature and Culture at Leiden University. You can find out more about the courses he has been involved in here: This website also includes an overview of his projects in teaching innovation.
Press and popularisation
Porck shares his knowledge of the history, culture and language of the Middle Ages with people in- and outside academia. His research blog (active since October 2015) has had over 600.000 views by more than 400.000 unique visitors. He is also one of the founders of the Leiden Medievalists Blog, the Leiden Teachers Blog and the Podcast Middeleeuwse Toestanden. He is also active on YouTube, where his knowledge clips on Old English and early medieval England have been viewed over 450.000 times. In addition, he regularly gives public lectures and appears in national and local media. For an overview, see: For media appearances, see: In 2020, he was awarded the LUCAS Public Engagement Award.
Ancillary positions (selection)
- International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England (ISSEME) - President (2020-present)
- Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik (Brill) – Member of the Editorial Board (2015-present)
- Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Medieval Language and Literature (Springer) – Managing Editor (2011-2022); Member of Advisory Board (2022-present)
- Studies in Old English Literature (Brepols) - Member of Advisory Board (2021-present)
- Vereniging van Oudgermanisten (VOG) - Chair (2018-2021)
- Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland (TOEBI) – Committee Member and Webmaster (2017-2020)
Grants & awards
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Oude Britse letterkunde
- Caon L.M.D., Gordon M.S. & Porck M.H. (Eds.) (2024), Unlocking the history of English : pragmatics, prescriptivism and text types. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory no. 364. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Caon L.M.D., Gordon M.S. & Porck T. (2024), Introduction: Unlocking the history of English. In: Caon L.M.D., Gordon M.S. & Porck T. (Eds.), Unlocking the history of English: Pragmatics, prescriptivism and text types. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory no. 364. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-7.
- Porck T. (2024), De Beowulf binnen de romantiek van de Lage Landen: mediëvisme en moderne adaptaties van historische literatuur. In: Caers B., Dlabačová A., Hoftijzer P., Marion O. van & Warnar G. (Eds.), Trouw aan de tekst: Historische letterkunde in de praktijk. Hilversum: Verloren. 272-281.
- Porck T. (2024), More pieces of Gunhild's Psalter found?: New fragments of an Old English glossed psalter discovered in Alkmaar, AMARC Newsletter of the Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections (82): 4-5.
- Porck T., Gordon M.S. & Caon L.M.D. (Eds.) (2024), Keys to the History of English: Diachronic linguistic change, morpho-syntax and lexicography. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory no. 363. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Porck T., Gordon M.S. & Caon L. (2024), Introduction: Keys to the history of English. In: Porck T., Gordon M.S. & Caon L. (Eds.), Keys to the History of English: Diachronic linguistic change, morpho-syntax and lexicography. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-7.
- Porck M.H. (2023), J. R. R. Tolkien: Midden-aarde als voedingsbodem voor de mediëvistiek. In: Anrooij W. van, Besamusca B., Poel D. van der & Willaert F. (Eds.), Spiegelingen: mediëvisten voor de eenentwintigste eeuw. Amsterdam: Prometheus. 77-90.
- Porck M.H. (2023), Runenoefeningen: de Oudgermanistiek in Leidse kinderschoenen. In: Anrooij W. van & Hoftijzer P. (Eds.), Tot publijcque dienst der studie: boeken uit de Bibliotheca Thysiana. Hilversum: Verloren. 118-119.
- Porck M.H. (29 September 2023), Hogs and heraldry: medieval pigs on coats of arms. Leiden Medievalists Blog (Universiteit Leiden). [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2022), The Ages of Man and the Ages of Woman in Early Medieval England: From Bede to Byrhtferth of Ramsey and the Tractatus de quaternario. In: Porck M.H. & Soper H. (Eds.), Early Medieval English Life Courses: Cultural-Historical Perspectives. Leiden: BRILL. 17-46.
- Porck M.H. Soper H. (Ed.) (2022), Early Medieval English Life Courses: Cultural-Historical Perspectives. Leiden: BRILL.
- Porck M.H. & Soper H. (2022), Conceptualizing the Life Course in Early Medieval England. In: Porck M.H. & Soper H. (Eds.), Early Medieval English Life Courses: Cultural-Historical Perspectives. Leiden: BRILL. 1-14.
- Porck M.H. (2022), Medieval Animals in Middle-earth: J.R.R. Tolkien and the Old English and Middle English Physiologus. In: Haar A. van de & Schulte Nordholt A.E. (Eds.), Figurations animalières à travers les textes et l'image en Europe. Leiden: BRILL. 266-280.
- Porck M.H. (17 January 2022), Teaching Old English on YouTube: When a medieval language meets a modern medium. Leiden Teachers Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (12 January 2022), A Digital Beowulf Thesaurus! Exploring the Epic in Evoke. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (21 January 2022), And then Christ turned the children into pigs: A curious miracle in late medieval England. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Fletcher R.A., Porck M.H. & Traxel O.M. (Eds.) (2022), Old English Medievalism: Reception and Recreation in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Medievalism no. 21. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer.
- Fletcher R.A., Porck M.H. & Traxel O.M. (2022), Early Medieval English in the Modern Age: An Introduction to Old English Medievalism. In: Fletcher R.A., Porck M.H. & Traxel O.M. (Eds.), Old English Medievalism: Reception and Recreation in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Medievalism no. 21. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. 1-16.
- Porck M.H. (2022), Review of: Atherton M. (2019), Complete Old English: A Comprehensive Guide to Reading and Understanding Old English with Original Texts. London: Teach Yourself. English Studies 103(8): 1361-1362.
- Barreveld J., Hartog M.I. den & Porck M.H. 6 December 2021, In de Middeleeuwen werd niemand oud: in gesprek met Thijs Porck. Middeleeuwse toestanden S1, A3. Universiteit Leiden [podcast].
- Porck M.H. & Stolk S.S. (Eds.) (2021), Exploring Early Medieval English Eloquence: A Digital Humanities Approach with A Thesaurus of Old English and Evoke: Special issue of Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 81:3-4 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik no. 81:3-4. Leiden: Brill.
- Porck M.H. (2021), Onomasiological Profiles of Old English Texts: Analysing the Vocabulary of Beowulf, Andreas and the Old English Martyrology through Linguistic Linked Data, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 81: 359-383.
- Porck M.H. (2021), I can read Hollandsch very fairly. The Correspondence between James Murray (1837-1915) and Pieter Jacob Cosijn (1840-1899). In: Caon L., Elenbaas M. & Grijzenhout J. (Eds.), Language Use, Usage Guides, and Linguistic Norms. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars. 107-129.
- Porck M.H. (2021), Columbanus’s De mundi transitu in Early Medieval England: A New Source for an Old English Homily (Irvine VII) in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 343. In: Rudolf W. & Irvine S. (Eds.), The Anonymous Old English Homily: Sources, Composition, and Variation. Leiden: BRILL. 234-256.
- Porck M.H. (2021), Andreas Thesaurus (data file): DataverseNL. [dataset].
- Porck M.H. (2021), Beowulf Thesaurus (data file): DataverseNL. [dataset].
- Porck M.H. (2021), Old English Martyrology Thesaurus (data file): DataverseNL. [dataset].
- Porck M.H. (2021), De schatten uit het schip: Sutton Hoo, de Beowulf en The Dig, Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 35: 76-86.
- Porck M.H. & Stolk S.S. (2021), Preface: Exploring Early Medieval English Eloquence: A Digital Humanities Approach with A Thesaurus of Old English and Evoke, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 81: 293-295.
- Porck M.H. (2021), Project MEME: Meme-ing Early Medieval English, TOEBI Newsletter 38: 26-33.
- Porck M.H. (6 January 2021), Missing line of 1400-year old poem found! Columbanus’s ‘De mundi transitu’ once more complete!. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Pig Pharma: Some Uses of Swine in Early Medieval English Medicine. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Hogwarts in the Middle Ages: Piggy Place Names in Early Medieval England. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Barreveld J., Hartog M.I. den & Porck M.H. 17 December 2021, In de Middeleeuwen werd niemand oud: in gesprek met Thijs Porck (seizoen 1, aflevering 3). Middeleeuwse toestanden. Universiteit Leiden [podcast].
- Porck M.H. (2020), Undoomed Men Do Not Need Saving. A Note on Beowulf, ll.572b-3 and 2291-3a, Notes and Queries 67: 157-159.
- Porck M.H. & Bossenbroek E.B. (2020), A Hart with Its Head Held High: A New Emendation for Beowulf, Line 1372a, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 33(1): 4-8.
- Porck M.H. (2020), Gerontophobia in Early Medieval England: Anglo-Saxon Reflections on Old Age. In: Maren Clegg Hyer M. & Owen-Crocker G.R. (Eds.), Sense and Feeling in Daily Living in the Early Medieval English World. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 219-235, 278-282, 287.
- Porck M.H. (2020), Eald enta geweorc: Herinneringen aan de Romeinen en de klassieken in vroegmiddeleeuws Engeland, Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 34: 141-148.
- Porck M.H. (2020), Let Them Be Vlogged! Video Assignments for the Old English Classroom, TOEBI Newsletter 37: 37-42.
- Porck M.H. (2020), Beowulf: A Dutch Paper Doll Pirate History (1934), TOEBI Newsletter 37: 25-27.
- Porck M.H. (2020), Review of: Lenker U. & Kornexl L.(eds.) (2019), Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts: De Gruyter. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 80: 233-236.
- Porck M.H. (20 December 2020), Heaven is a place without old age: Age and the afterlife in early medieval England. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (26 October 2020), “Men þa leofestan!” Manuscript variations of an Old English formula. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (15 September 2020), When medieval chroniclers have nothing to report: The years 190-381 in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (27 July 2020), From Bede (731) to BONE (1991-2004): A sparrow’s flight through the ages. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Triangular texts in three manuscripts from early medieval England. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Teaching Old English on YouTube. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., What’s in a place name? The toponymy of early medieval England. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Familiar and the Foreign in Old Germanic Studies. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Medieval manuscripts in modern media: Anglo-Saxon manuscripts spotted in Vikings, The Last Kingdom and Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Dwarf begone! Five early medieval ways to rid yourself of dwarfs. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Medieval in Middle-earth: Anglo-Saxon Elephants and Tolkien’s Oliphaunts. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Proverbial Pigs in the Middle Ages: Ten Medieval Proverbs Featuring Swine. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Play piggy games, win piggy prizes: Swine entertainment in medieval Europe. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2019), Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
- Porck M.H. (2019), Reshaping the Germanic economy of honour: gift giving in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. In: Vink R. (Ed.), The World Tolkien Built. Beverwijk: Unquendor & Uitgeverij IJmond. 7-26.
- Porck M.H. (2019), De Middeleeuwen in Midden-Aarde: J.R.R. Tolkien en zijn oudengelse inspiratiebronnen, Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 32(4): 195–205.
- Porck M.H., Beowulf: A Paper Doll Pirate History (1934). Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Composing Old English: A Do-It-Yourself Guide. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Medieval in Middle-Earth: Anglo-Saxon Elves. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Old age as a prefiguration of Hell: Senescence in early medieval England. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Anglo-Saxon gift horses: Equine gifts in early medieval England. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Medieval piggyback rides: Riding boars in the Middle Ages. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Homicidal Hogs: Murderous Pigs on Trial in Medieval France. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Baalen A.M.W. van & Mann J.E.V. (Eds.) (2018), Scholarly Correspondence on Medieval Germanic Language and Literature: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 78: 2-3. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik no. 78:2-3. Leiden: BRILL.
- Porck M.H. (Ed.) (2018), De filosoof en de filoloog. De correspondentie tussen G. J. P. J. Bolland en P. J. Cosijn (1879-1899): Digitale teksteditie met introductie op eLaborate: Huygens/ING.
- Porck M.H. (2018), An Old English love poem, a Beowulf summary and a recommendation letter from Eduard Sievers: G.J.P.J. Bolland (1854–1922) as an aspiring Old Germanicist, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 78: 262-291.
- Porck M.H., Baalen A.M.W. van & Mann J.E.V. (2018), Preface: Scholarly Correspondence on Medieval Germanic Language and Literature, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 78: 153-154.
- Porck M.H., An Old English love poem from 1879. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Cooked crow’s brains and other early medieval remedies for headaches from the Leiden Leechbook. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., ‘The last king of medieval Frisia’: Redbad and the Anglo-Saxon missionaries. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The history of Beowulf’s sandwich: A sketch about ‘fake news’ from 1909. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Early Medieval Magical Medicine: An Anglo-Saxon Trivia Quiz. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Creepy Crawlies in Early Medieval England: Anglo-Saxon Medicine and Minibeasts. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Half-assed humanoids: Centaurs in early medieval England. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Grendel’s Mother: A Student Doodle Edition. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., A Burgundian king in an Old English poem: The Germanic past in Widsith. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Pigs and Bagpipes: Geoffrey Chaucer's Miller in Context. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The boar who would be king: Royal boar prophecies in medieval England. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., This pig is on fire: A late medieval pig in Leiden’s Pieterskerk. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2017), Wie zijn verleden verloochent, verloochent zichzelf: Een interview met Rolf H. Bremmer Jr over Friezen in de Middeleeuwen, Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 31: 140-147.
- Porck M.H. (2017), Eald enta geweorc: De Romeinen in vroegmiddeleeuws Engeland (ca. 450-1100), Frons 37(5): 37-41.
- Porck M.H., Adoring the Magi in early medieval England. Personal research blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2017), Tolkien Among Scholars: An Introduction. In: , Tolkien Among Scholars. Beekbergen: Uitgeverij IJmond. 7-16.
- Porck M.H. (2017), New roads and secret gates, waiting around the corner: Investigating Tolkien’s other Anglo-Saxon sources. In: , Tolkien Among Scholars. Beekbergen: Uitgeverij IJmond. 49-64.
- Porck M.H. & Mann J.E.V. (2017), Blanded leornung: Three Digital Approaches to Teaching Old English, TOEBI Newsletter 34: 5-13.
- Porck M.H. (2017), Unieke bron over het Katwijks uit 1879 aan het licht gebracht, Neerlandistiek : .
- Porck M.H. (Ed.) (2017), The Familiar and the Foreign in Old Germanic Studies. Special issue. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik no. 77. Leiden: Brill.
- Porck M.H. (2017), "Ih wallota sumaro enti wintro sehstic": The Familiar and the Foreign in Old Germanic Studies, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 77(3-4): 489-492.
- Porck M.H. & Stolk S.S. (2017), Marking Boundaries in Beowulf: Æschere's Head, Grendel's Arm and the Dragon's Corpse, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 77(3-4): 521-540.
- Porck M.H., Lucky pigs and protective boars: The medieval origins of the Glücksschwein. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Observations about the Katwijk dialect from 1879. Leiden Special Collections Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Unique source for Katwijk dialect from 1879 brought to light. Brill Language & Linguistics Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Paws, Pee and Pests: Cats among medieval manuscripts. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Vikings Introduced A ‘Scandalous’ New Hairstyle And The Anglo-Saxons LOVED It. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Anglo-Saxon bynames: Old English nicknames from the Domesday Book, Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Boars of battle: The wild boar in the early Middle Ages. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Anglo-Saxons putting on Viking (h)airs. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., #NotMyConqueror: Gytha and the Anglo-Saxon Women’s March against William the Conqueror. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Old English Words & Anglo-Saxon Worldviews. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., A medieval manuscript ransomed from Vikings: The Stockholm Codex Aureus. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Chop chop! Three bizarre beheadings in Anglo-Saxon England. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Anglo-Saxon obscenities: Explicit art from early medieval England. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Illustrated Psalms of Alfred the Great: The Old English Paris Psalter. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Old English memes. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Anglo-Saxon Cryptography: Secret Writing in Early Medieval England. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Heads on sticks: Decapitation and impalement in early medieval England. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Old English Grammar Videos. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Medieval in Middle-Earth: Horses!. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Old English Judith: A Student Doodle Edition. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., How to cook your dragon and a medieval cure for old age. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Kings and Candlesticks in Anglo-Saxon England. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Digging for early medieval grandmothers in Anglo-Saxon wills. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: Cnut the Great and the walking dead. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Spoiling the Mystery: Grendel in Beowulf Movies. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Anglo-Saxonist, Plagiarist and Polyglot: James Platt Jr (1861-1910). Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: How a peasant beheaded himself. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Word processing in early medieval England: Browsing British Library, Royal MS 8 C III. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., A pug’s guide to medieval Holland. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Reading between the lines in early medieval England: Old English interlinear glosses. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: Eilmer, the flying monk, and the dangers of classical literature. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Richard Morris: The Man Who Popularized Early English. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Parchment and Parliament: Vellum making headlines, Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Fighting Philologists: A Diffused Dispute between Eduard Sievers and Pieter Jacob Cosijn. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: A singing ox, some dead pigeons and Saint Edith of Wilton. Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (26 April 2016), Growing old among the Anglo-Saxons : the cultural conceptualisation of old age in Early Medieval England (Dissertatie. Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), Faculty of the Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Bremmer R.H. & Anrooij W. van.
- Porck M.H. (2016), Review of: Niles J.D. (2015), The Idea of Anglo-Saxon England 1066-1901. Remembering, Forgetting, Deciphering, and Renewing the Past: Wiley. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 76: 435–438.
- Porck M.H. (2016), Overview of One Hundred Years of Editors of Neophilologus. In: Bremmer R.H. Jr., Porck M.H., Ruiter F. & Wilbers U. (Eds.), Tracing Paradigms: One Hundred Years of Neophilologus. s.l.: Springer. 29-31.
- Bremmer Jr. R.H., Porck M.H., Ruiter F. & Wilbers U. (2016), Tracing Paradigms: One Hundred Years of Neophilologus. s.l.: Springer.
- Porck M.H. (2016), Everzwijn, Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 30(4): 206-207.
- Porck M.H. (2016), Review of: Gneuss H. & Lapidge M. (2015), Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. A Bibliographical Handlist of Manuscripts and Manuscript Fragments Written or Owned in England up to 1100.. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 76: 551-553.
- Porck M.H., 'Anglo-Saxon apps: Old English on your smartphone', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'The Battle of Maldon: A Student Doodle Edition', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'The Medieval in Middle-earth: The Anglo-Saxon Habits of Hobbits', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'The Medieval in Middle-earth: Aragorn and Exiled Anglo-Saxon Kings', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Paws, Pee and Pests: Cats among Medieval Manuscripts', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Lǣce Hwā: Doctor Who in Anglo-Saxon England', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'The Illustrated Old English Hexateuch: An early medieval picture book', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Sitting down in early medieval England: A catalogue of Anglo-Saxon chairs', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'The Marvels of the East: An early medieval Pokédex', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., '“Do not give your books to children!” and other medieval tips for taking care of books', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Scribal abuse in the Middle Ages', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Benjamin Thorpe: The Man Who Translated Almost All Old English Texts', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'The Freoðuwebbe and the Freswael: A Comic Strip Reconstruction of the Finnsburg Fragment and Episode', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Bits of Bede. Or: Why Bede deserves his own museum', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Teaching the Passion to the Anglo-Saxons: An early medieval comic strip in the St Augustine Gospels', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Anglo-Saxon aphrodisiacs: How to arouse someone from the early Middle Ages?', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Henry Sweet: The Man Who Taught the World Old English', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Lǣce Hwā: Doctor Who and Alfred the Great', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: How beer and bees beat the Viking siege of Chester in c. 907', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., '“A conspicuous specimen of Anglosaxon poetry”: A student summary of Beowulf from 1880', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Beowulf vs the Dragon: A Student Doodle Edition', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'How Cnut became Canute', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Lǣce Hwā: Doctor Who and the Norman Conquest', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog,Ç£ce-hwa-doctor-who-and-the-norman-conquest/. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Flashed after the Flood: Seeing naked fathers in Anglo-Saxon England', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: Earl Siward and the Proper Ways to Die', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: Dreaming of witch-wives, fiery pitchforks and the Battle of Fulford', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: The Battle of the Birds, 671', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'An Anglo-Saxon comic book collector: Cuthwine and the Carmen Paschale', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Anglo-Saxons in the Low Countries: Boniface in Dorestad', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: Alleluia, the Anglo-Saxon Boo!', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'No Sex Allowed and Other Downsides to Growing Old in Early Medieval England’, Leiden Arts in Society Blog, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2015), Treasures in a Sooty Bag? A Note on Durham Proverb 7, Notes and Queries 62(2): 203-206.
- Porck M.H. (2015) Book. Review of: Treharne E. (2012), Living through Conquest: The Politics of Early English, 1020-1220. Oxford textual perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. English Studies 96: 225-226.
- Porck M.H., What if Shakespeare HAD written Old English?, Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Old English is alive! Five TV series and movies that use Old English', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Arseling: A Word Coined by Alfred the Great?', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Medieval in Middle-Earth: Thror’s Map', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Medieval in Middle-Earth: Rings of Power', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Splitting Anglo-Saxon Hairs: Cuthbert’s Comb', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Anglo-Saxon props: Three TV series and films that use early medieval objects', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: The Real Night of the Long Knives', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Passion, Piles and a Pebble: What Ailed Alfred the Great?', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., A medieval giant on display: Last resting place of Beowulf’s Hygelac discovered?', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., An Anglo-Saxon Anecdote: How Hengest was led by the nose', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., The Latest Miracle of Anglo-Saxon Missionary Saint Adalbert of Egmond (d. c.740)', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., Anglo-Saxons in the Low Countries: Ælfthryth of Wessex in Ghent', Dutch Anglo-Saxonist Blog. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (31 January 2014), Scribal Abuse in the Middle Ages. medievalfragments. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (23 July 2014), De schaal van Oegstgeest en de botten van een reuzenkoning. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (25 July 2014), The Oegstgeest bowl and the bones of a giant king mentioned in Beowulf. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (10 December 2014), Van Beowulf tot Bilbo. Sporen van Oudengelse taal en cultuur in The Hobbit. Kennislink. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. & Mann J.E.V. (2014), How Cnut became Canute (and how Harthacnut became Airdeconut), NOWELE : North-Western European Language Evolution 67: 237-243.
- Porck M.H. (2014) Book. Review of: Fulk R.D. (2014), An Introductory Grammar of Old English with an Anthology of Readings. Tempe, Arizona: ACMRS. Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval Language and Literature (SELIM) 20: 287-290.
- Porck M.H., 'Scribal Abuse in the Middle Ages', medievalfragments, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Van Beowulf tot Bilbo: Sporen van Oudengelse taal en cultuur in The Hobbit', MEMO Kennislink, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'Van Beowulf tot Bilbo: Sporen van Oudengelse taal en cultuur in The Hobbit',, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H., 'The Oegstgeest bowl and the bones of a giant king mentioned in Beowulf',, [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2013) Book review. Review of: Hogg R.M. & Fulk R.D. (2011), A Grammar of Old English. Volume 2: Morphology. Malden, MA | Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. English Studies 94(6): 733-734.
- Porck M.H. (2013) Book review. Review of: Bolton T. (2009), The Empire of Cnut the Great: Conquest and the Consolidation of Power in Northern Europe in the Early Eleventh Century. Leiden: Brill. English Studies 94: 235-237.
- Porck M.H. (22 February 2013), Paws, Pee and Mice: Cats among Medieval Manuscripts. medievalfragments. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2013), Two Notes on an Old English Confessional Prayer in Vespasian D. XX, Notes and Queries 60(4): 493-498.
- Porck M.H., ‘Paws, Pee and Mice: Cats among Medieval Manuscripts’, medievalfragments(2013): [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2012), The Bones in the Soup: The Anglo-Saxon Flavour of Tolkien's The Hobbit. In: Zon C. van (Ed.), Lembas Extra: 2012 Edition. Beekbergen: Tolkien Genootschap Unquendor. 65-74.
- Porck M.H. (22 June 2012), “Do not give your books to children!” and other Medieval Rules of Book Conservation. medievalfragments. [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2012), The Bones in the Soup: The Anglo-Saxon Flavour of Tolkien's The Hobbit, Lembas Extra : 77-84.
- Porck M.H. & Porck H.J. (2012), Eight Guidelines on Book Preservation from 1527: How One Should Preserve All Books to Last Eternally, Journal of PaperConservation : IADA Reports - Mitteilungen der IADA 13(2): 17-25.
- Porck M.H. (2012), Vergrijzing in een Oudengels heldendicht. De rol van oude koningen in de Beowulf, Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 26(2): 66-76.
- Porck M.H., '“Do Not Give Your Books to Children!” and Other Medieval Rules of Book Conservation’, medievalfragments (2012): [blog entry].
- Porck M.H. (2011) Book review. Review of: Godden M. & Irvine S. (2009), The Old English Boethius. An Edition of the Old English Versions of Boethius’s De Consolatione Philosophiae. Oxford: Oxford University Press. English Studies 92: 100-102.
- Porck M.H. (2011) Book review. Review of: Anderson E.R. (2010), Understanding Beowulf as an Indo-European Epic: A Study in Comparative Mythology. Lewiston, Queenston and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press. English Studies 92: 693-702.
- Porck M.H. (2010), De Brederodekroniek van Jan van Leiden. Online: Platform Teksteditie.
- Porck M.H. (2009), De Brederodekroniek voor Yolande van Lalaing. In: Hartog E. den & Wijsman H. (Eds.), Yolande de Lalaing (1422-1497), kasteelvrouwe van Brederode. Haarlem 36-66.
- Porck M.H. & Porck H.J. (2008), Hoemen alle boucken bewaren sal om eewelic te duerene. Acht regels uit 1527 over het conserveren van boeken, Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis 15: 7-21.
- Porck M.H. (2007) Book review. Review of: Tigelaar J. (2006), Brabants historie ontvouwd. Die alder excellenste cronyke van Brabant en het Brabantse geschiedbeeld anno 1500.. Hilversum: Verloren. Noordbrabants historisch jaarboek 24: 227-230.
- Porck M.H. (2006), Een Rijnlandse serie adelskronieken 1533–1542. Het zogenaamde Voorste Haagsche Handschrift, Millennium : Tijdschrift voor Middeleeuwse Studies 20: 44-62.