Universiteit Leiden

nl en

Theo Stijnen

Professor emeritus Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics

Prof.dr. T. Stijnen
+31 71 526 9701

Most fascinating of medical statistics for me is that it operates on the border of two sciences. On one hand the world of statistics, a big discipline with a strong mathematical nature with numerous scientific journals, and on the other hand the big world of clinical and epidemiological research. Applying statistical methods in medical research demands a lot of creativity and professional skill. Having been working in this field for more than 25 years I still enjoy it very much. The field of medical research is very dynamic, more and more data are collected per individual and with a more complicated structure, continually giving rise to new challenges for biostatisticians. One of my special interests is meta-analysis. The medical literature is growing enormously and meta-analytical methods to combine, summarize and integrate the results are increasingly necessary. I hope to be able to contribute for a long time to the development of statistical methods in this and other areas.

Professor emeritus Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 4
  • Biomedical Data Sciences


  • Astellas freelance statistisch adviseur
  • Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) lid van trials van Chiesi en Nutricia Research
  • Nutricia freelance statistisch adviseur
  • Universiteit Gent cursus
  • Universiteit Wageningen cursus
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