Sybille Lammes
Professor New Media and Digital Culture
- Name
- Prof.dr. S. Lammes
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2754
- 0000-0001-8340-8412

Sybille Lammes is full professor New Media and Digital Culture at Leiden University. Her background is in new media-studies and play-studies.
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Sybille Lammes is full professor New Media and Digital Culture at Leiden University. She has been a visiting Senior Research Fellow at The University of Manchester, and has worked as a researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick, as well as the media-studies departments of Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam. Her background is in media-studies and game-studies, which she has always approached from an interdisciplinary angle, including cultural studies, science and technology studies, postcolonial studies, and critical geography. She is co-editor of Playful Identities (2015), Mapping Time (2017 fc.) and The Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods (2018 fc.). and The Playful Citizen (2017 fc.). She is an ERC laureate and has been the PI of numerous research projects. She is a member of the Playful Mapping Collective.
PhD supervision
- Alex Gekker, Digital Maps and Play, 2012-2016.
- Sam Hind, Political Mapping, 2012-2016.
- Clancy Wilmott, Living the Map: Mobile Mapping practices in post-colonial Cities, 2012-2016.
- Marianne van den Boomen, Medium, Metaphor, Myth: The Making of the Internet, 2005-2014.
- Valentina Rao, Rhetorics of Pervasive Gaming, 2009-2012.
- Teresa de la Hera Conde-Pompidu, Advergames, 2010-2014.
Scholarships, grants and prizes
- 2011-2016, ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant Laureate. Project title: “Charting the Digital: Digital Mapping Practices as New Media Cultures.”
- 2016- 2017, ERC (European Research Council) Proof of Concept grant to develop prototype game for fieldwork learning. Project title: “Playgrounds”.
- 2016-2017 Proof of concept grant to playtest prototype game for fieldwork learning, Project title: “Playgrounds"
- 2016-2017 Proof of concept “Urban Planning for Playful Participation” (UPPP)
- 2009-2011, Grant for Knowledge Transfer Project (KTP) Mobile Learning, GATE (Game Research for Training and Entertainment). Co-applicant, PI: J. Raessens. (€ 94.000)
- 2004-2009, VENI laureate NWO (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research). Project title: “Postcolonial playgrounds: A study of the cultural meanings of computer games that centre around the colonisation and mapping of landscapes.”
Professor New Media and Digital Culture
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Nieuwe Media & Digitale Cultuur
- Politopoulos A., Mol A.A.A. & Lammes S. (2023), Finding the fun: towards a playful archaeology, Archaeological Dialogues 30(1): 1-15.
- Mol A.A.A., Politopoulos A. & Lammes S. (2023), On being stuck in Sid Meier’s Civilization: the promise of freedom in historical games. DiGRA 2023 19 June 2023 - 23 June 2023.
- Gotlieb R.J.M., Hickey-Moody A., Güroglu B., Burnard P., Horn C., Willcox M., Saadatmand M., Linzarini A., Vandenbroucke A.R.E., Albanese D.L., Bayley A., Blaise M., Blanchet P., Campos A.L., Cavioni V., Cefai C., Collie R.J., Dumontheil I., Emery H.F., Fuligni A., Glaveanu V., Gibson J., Glozah F.N., Kuo H., Lagi R., Lammes S., Macfarlane A.H., Martinsone B., Mclellan R., Pekrun R., Poulou M., Rey J., Rieffe C.J., Rodriguez V., Rojas N., Rosenbaum G., Sinha P., Wu J. & Zhou J. (2022), The social and emotional foundations of learning. In: , Reimagining education: the international science and evidence based assessment no. 3. New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP. 182-282.
- Lammes S. (2021), How not to bake a cake: playful methods and ‘pluriversing’. In: Westgeest, H. Zijlmans K. & Berghuis T.J. (Eds.), Mix & stir: new outlooks on contemporary art from global perspectives: Valiz. 67-72.
- Lammes S. & Wilmott C. (2020), Mobile mapping and play. In: Hjorth L., de Souza e Silva A. & Lanson K. (Eds.), The Routledge companion to mobile media art. New York: Routledge. 202-213.
- Lammes S. & Leorke D. (2020), Guest editors' foreword: games, play, and the urban, American Journal of Play 12(3): 255-258.
- Hjorth L.: Lammes S. (2020), Playing with the ‘new normal’ of life under coronavirus, The Conversation : .
- Lammes S. & Leorke D. (Eds.) (2020), Games, Play and the Urban. American Journal of Play .
- Glas R., Lammes S., Lange M., Raessens J., Vries I., Jansz J., Neys J., Werning S., Uricchio W., Schleiner A., Hoofd I., Barry L., Blair D., Breen J., Dosemagen S. Gabrys J., Glas R., Harmsen D., Schouten B., Dippel E. van der, Fizek A., Bunz S., Hind M., Gordon S.E., Walter S., Rushkoff D., Deuze M. de, Ems L. & Gekker A. (2019), The playful citizen: civic engagement in a mediatized culture no. 14. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Gekker A., Hind S. Lammes S., Perkins C. & Wilmott C. (2018), Conclusion: back to the future. In: Lammes S., Perkins C., Gekker A., Hind S., Wilmott C. & Evans D. (Eds.), Time for mapping: cartographic temporalities. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 256-267.
- Lammes S. (2018), Engaging and distributing. In: Lury C., Fensham R, Heller-Nicholas A, Lammes S., Last A., Michael M. & Uprichard E. (Eds.), Routledge handbook of interdisciplinary research methods. London: Routledge. 145-151.
- Lammes S. & Smale S. de (2018), Hybridity, reflexivity and mapping: a collaborative ethnography of postcolonial gameplay, Open Library of Humanities 4(1): .
- Glas R., Lammes S., Lange S., Raessens J. & Vries I. de (Eds.) (2018), The Playful Citizen: Knowledge, Creativity, Power.
- Gekker A., Hind S., Lammes S., Perkins C., Wilmott C. & Evans D. (Eds.) (2018), Time for Mapping: Cartographic Temporalities. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Lammes S., McLean K. & Perkins S. (2018), Mapping the Quixotic Volatility of Smellscapes; A trialogue. In: Gekker A., Hind S., Lammes S., Perkins C., Wilmott C. & Evans D. (Eds.), Time for Mapping: Cartographic Temporalities. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Lammes S. (2018), Introduction to 'Engaging and Distributing'. In: Lury C., Fensham R., Lammes S., Last A., Mccrea A., Michael M. & Scanell Uprichard E. (Eds.), Handbook of interdisciplinary methods. London: Routledge.
- Lammes S. (2018), Destabilizing playgrounds: cartographical interfaces, mutability, risk and play. In: Cermak-Sassenrath D. (Ed.), Playful disruption of digital media. Singapore: Springer. 87-97.
- Lury C., Heller-Nicholas A., Fensham R., Lammes S., Last A., Michael M. & Uprichard E. (Eds.) (2018), Routledge handbook of interdisciplinary research methods. London and New York: Routledge.
- Wilmott C. & Fraser A.: Lammes S. (2017), I am he. I am he. Siri rules’: Work and play with the Apple Watch, European Journal of Cultural Studies 21(1): 78-95.
- Lury C., Clough P.T., Chung U., Fensham R., Lammes S., Last A., Michael M. & Uprichard E. (Eds.) (2017), Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods. London: Routledge.
- Lammes S. & Smale S. de (2017), Hybridity, reflexivity & mapping: A collaborative ethnography of postcolonial gameplay, Open Library of Humanities. Special issue Postcolonial Perspectives in Game Studies (eds. E. Hammar, S. Mukherjee) 4(1): 19.
- Panek J., Gekker A., Hind S., Wendler J., Perkins C. & Lammes S. (2017), Encountering Place: Mapping and Location-Based Games in Interdisciplinary Education, The cartographic Journal 54(4): .
- Lammes S. (2017), Playfields: A prototype game for playful learning. [design].
- Wilmott C., Fraser E. & Lammes S. (2017), ‘I am he. I am he. Siri rules’: Work and play with the Apple Watch, European Journal of Cultural Studies : 1-18.
- Hind S. & Lammes S. (2016), Digital mapping as double-tap: cartographic modes, calculations and failures, Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 6(1-2): 79-97.
- Lammes S., Perkins C. & Wilmott C. (2016), GoGoGozo: the magic of playful mapping moments. In: , Playful mapping in the digital age no. 21. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures. 28-43.
- Lammes S. & Wilmott C. (2016), Mapping the city, playing the city: Location-based apps as navigational interfaces, Convergence : .
- Lammes S. (2016), An introduction to playful mapping in the Digital Age. In: Collective TPM (Ed.), Playful mapping. Amsterdam: INT/Theory on Demand. 12-27.
- Lammes S. (2016), Digital mapping interfaces: From immutable mobiles to mutable images, New Media & Society 19(7): 1019-1033.
- Lammes S., Perkins C. & Wilmott C. (2016), GoGoGozo: Playful mapping modes, moments and methods. In: , Playful Mapping in the Digital Age. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
- Lammes S. (2016), An Introduction to Playful Mapping in the Digital Age. In: Evans D., Fraser E., Gekker A., Hind S., Lammes S., Perkins C. & Wilmott C. (Eds.), Playful Mapping in the Digital Age. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
- Lammes S. (2015), Digital cartographies as playful practices. In: Lange M., Raessens J., Mul J., Lammes S. & Frissen V. (Eds.), Playful identities: the ludification of digital media cultures. MediaMatters no. 10. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Frissen V., Lammes S., Lange M. de, Mul J. de & Raessens J. (2015), Introduction to part III. In: Lange M. de, Raessens J., Mul J. de, Lammes S. & Frissen V. (Eds.), Playful identities: the ludification of digital media cultures. MediaMatters no. 10. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 263-266.
- Lange M. de, Mul J. de, Raessens J., Frissen V. & Lammes S. (2015), Playful identities: the ludification of digital media cultures. MediaMatters no. 10. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Lammes S. (2015), Digital Mapping as Double Tap: Cartographic Modes, Calculations and Failures, Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought Special issue Politics and the Later Latour.: 1-19.
- Frissen V., Lammes S., Lange M. de, Mul J. de & Raessens J. (Eds.) (2015), Playful identities: The ludification of media cultures. Amsterdam: AUP.
- Lammes S. (2013), Digital cartographies as playful practices. In: Thissen J., Zwijnenberg R. & Zijlmans K. (Eds.), Contemporary culture: New directions in art and humanities research. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 93-100.
- Lammes S. & Wilmott C. (2013), Mapping the city, playing the city: Location-based apps as navigational interfaces, From Pole to Pole, ICC 2013, 26th International Cartographic Conference. .
- Lammes S. (2013), Digital Cartographies as Ludic Practices. In: Thissen J., Zijlmans K. & Zwijnenberg R. (Eds.), Understanding Contemporary Culture: New Directions in Arts & Humanities Research. Amsterdam: AUP. 93-100.
- Baetens J. (2010), Review of: Boomen M. van den, Lammes S., Lehmann A. Raessens J. & Schäfer M.T. (2009), Digital material: tracing new media in everyday life and technology. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Leonardo 43(3): 301-302.
- Lammes S. (2009), Terra incognita: Computer games, cartography and spatial stories. In: Boomen M. van den, Lammes S., Lehmann A.-S., Raessens J. & Schäfer M.T. (Eds.), Digital Material: Tracing new media in every day life and technology 223-235.
- Lammes S. & Verhoeff N. (2008), Landmarks: navigating spacetime in digital mobility. Bottà Giacomo & Härmänmaa M. (Eds.), Language and the scientific imagination: proceedings of the 11th conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI). International Society for the Study of European Ideas 28 July 2008 - 2 August 2008. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
- Lammes S. (2008), Spatial regimes of the digital playground: cultural functions of spatial practices in computer games, Space and Culture 11(3): 260-272.
- Lammes S. (2007), Approaching game-studies: towards a reflexive methodology of games as situated cultures. Baba A. (Ed.), DiGRA '07 - Proceedings of the 2007 DiGRA International Conference: Situated Play. DiGRA 2007 – “Situated Play” 24 September 2007 - 28 September 2007 no. 4. Tokyo 25-30.
- Lammes S. (2001), The Making of Televisual Technologies in Science Fiction: 1925-19391, : .
- Wetenschappelijk Adviescollege