Stefanie van Goozen
Professor of Neuro-biological and Orthopedagogical Settings of Serious Behavioural Problems
- Name
- Prof.dr. S.H.M. van Goozen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 NVT
- 0000-0002-5983-4734
See profile Stefanie van Goozen at Cardiff University (UK).
Professor of Neuro-biological and Orthopedagogical Settings of Serious Behavioural Problems
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Neuropedagogiek en ontwikk. stoornissen
- Van Adrichem D.S., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van der Heijden K.B., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2020), Aggression in toddlerhood: The roles of parental beliefs, parenting behavior and precursors of theory of mind, Social Development 29(2): 427-442.
- Noten M.M.P.G., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2020), Infant emotional responses to challenge predict empathic behavior in toddlerhood, Developmental Psychobiology 62(4): 454-470.
- Noten M.M.P.G., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2020), Associations between empathy, inhibitory control, and physical aggression in toddlerhood, Developmental Psychobiology 62(6): 871-881.
- Adrichem D.S. van, Huijbregts S.C.J., Heijden K.B. van der, Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab H. (2020), Aggressive behavior during toddlerhood: interrelated effects of prenatal risk factors, negative affect and cognition, Child Neuropsychology : a Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence 26(7): 982-1004.
- Adrichem D.S. van, Huijbregts S.C.J., Heijden K.B. van der, Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab J.T. (2020), The role of inhibitory control, attention and vocabulary in physical aggression trajectories from infancy to toddlerhood, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 1079.
- Noten M.M.P.G., Van der Heijen K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Bouw N., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2019), Empathic distress and concern predict aggression in toddlerhood: The moderating role of sex, Infant Behavior & Development 54: 57-65.
- Noten M.M.P.G., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2019), Indicators of affective empathy, cognitive empathy, and social attention during emotional clips in relation to aggression in 3-year-olds, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 185: 35-50.
- Adrichem D.S. van, Huijbregts S.C.J., Van der Heijden K.B., Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab H. (2019), Prenatal risk and physical aggression during the first years of life: The gender-specific role of inhibitory control, Infancy 24(5): 807-826.
- Van Zonneveld L., De Sonneville L., Van Goozen S. & Swaab J.T. (2019), Recognition of Facial Emotion and Affective Prosody in Children at High Risk of Criminal Behavior, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 25(1): 57-64.
- Pijper J., De Wied M., Van Rijn S., Van Goozen S., Swaab H. & Meeus W. (2018), Executive Attention and Empathy-Related Responses in Boys with Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder, With and Without Comorbid Anxiety Disorder, Child Psychiatry and Human Development 49(6): 956-965.
- Schoorl J., Van Rijn S., De Wied K., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2018), Boys with Oppositional Defiant Disorder/Conduct Disorder Show Impaired Adaptation During Stress: An Executive Functioning Study, Child Psychiatry and Human Development 49(2): 298-307.
- Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2018), Infant Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Activity during Baseline, Stress and Recovery: Interactions with Prenatal Adversity Predict Physical Aggression in Toddlerhood, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 46(4): 755-768.
- Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2017), Infant autonomic nervous system response and recovery: Associations with maternal risk status and infant emotion regulation, Development and Psychopathology 29(3): 759-773.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van der Heijden K.B., Hay D.F., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2017), Prenatal reflective functioning and development of aggression in infancy: The roles of maternal intrusiveness and sensitivity, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 45(2): 237-248.
- Zonneveld L. van, Platje E., Sonneville L. de, Goozen S. van & Swaab H. (2017), Affective empathy, cognitive empathy and social attention in children at high risk of criminal behaviour, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 58(8): 913-921.
- Schoorl J., Van Rijn S., De Wied M., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2017), Neurobiological stress responses predict aggression in boys with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder: A 1-year follow-up intervention study, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 26(7): 805-813.
- Suurland J., Heijden K.B. van der, Huijbregts S.C.J., Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab H. (2017), Interaction between prenatal risk and infant parasympathetic and sympathetic stress reactivity predicts early aggression, Biological Psychology 128: 98-104.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Suurland J., Heijden K.B. van der, Mesman J., Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab J.T. (2016), Prenatal reflective functioning and maternal interactive behavior during free play, the Still-Face Paradigm, and two teaching tasks, Infancy 21(6): 766-784.
- Schoorl J., Van Rijn S., De Wied M., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2016), The role of anxiety in cortisol stress response and cortisol recovery in boys with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder, Psychoneuroendocrinology 73: 217-223.
- Laurent H.K., Harold G.T., Leve L., Shelton K.H. & Goozen S.H.M. van (2016), Understanding the unfolding of stress regulation in infants, Development and Psychopathology 28(4): 1431-1440.
- Schoorl J., Van Rijn S., De Wied M., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2016), Emotion regulation difficulties in boys with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder and the relation with comorbid autism traits and attention deficit traits, PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159323.
- Schoorl J., Van Rijn S., De Wied M., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2016), Variability in emotional/behavioral problems in boys with oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder: The role of arousal, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 25(8): 821-830.
- Pijper J., De Wied M., Van Rijn S., Van Goozen S.H.M., Swaab J.T. & Meeus W. (2016), Callous unemotional traits, autism spectrum disorder symptoms and empathy in boys with oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder, Psychiatry Research 245: 340-345.
- Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Smaling H.J.A., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2016), Parental perceptions of aggressive behavior in preschoolers: inhibitory control moderates the association with negative emotionality, Child Development 87(1): 256-269.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van der Heijden K.B., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2016), Maternal reflective functioning as a multidimensional construct: Differential associations with children's temperament and externalizing behavior, Infant Behavior & Development 44: 263-274.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2015), Prenatal reflective functioning in primiparous women with a high-risk profile, Infant Mental Health Journal 36(3): 251-261.
- Hubble K., Bowen K.L., Moore S.C. & Van Goozen S.H.M. (2015), Improving negative emotion recognition in young offenders reduces subsequent crime, PLoS ONE 10(6): e0132035.
- Van Goozen S.H.M. (2015), The role of early emotion impairments in the development of persistent antisocial behavior, Child Development Perspectives 9(4): 206-210.
- Van Rijn S., Barendse M., Van Goozen S. & Swaab H. (2014), Social attention, affective arousal and empathy in men with Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY): Evidence from eyetracking and skin conductance, PLoS ONE 9(1): e84721.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Smaling H.J.A., Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Swaab J.T. & Van Goozen S.H.M. (2014), Prenatal tobacco exposure and infant stress regulation: Dissociation between behavioral and physiological indicators of stress. Conference paper ICIS, Berlin. . Berlin, Germany.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Berkel S.R., Swaab H. & Van Goozen S.H.M. (2011), Neurobiological and behavioral stress reactivity in children prenatally exposed to tobacco, Psychoneuroendocrinology 36: 912-918.
- Fairchild G., Stobbe Y., Goozen S.H.M. van, Calder A.J. & Goodyer I.M. (2010), Facial expression recognition, fear conditioning and startle modulation in females with Conduct Disorder, Biological Psychiatry 68: 272-279.
- Syngelaki E.M., Moore S.C., Savage J.C., Fairchild G. & Goozen S.H.M. van (2009), Executive functioning and risky decision making in young male offenders, Criminal Justice and Behavior 36: 1203-1217.
- Fairchild G., Goozen S.H.M. van, Stollery S., Aitken M.R.F., Savage J.C., Moore S.C. & Goodyer I.M. (2009), Decision-making and executive function in male adolescents with early-onset or adolescence-onset conduct disorder and control subjects, Biological Psychiatry 66: 162-168.
- Beek C. van, Goozen S.H.M. van, Buitelaar J.K. & Cohen-Kettenis P.T. (2009), Prenatal sex hormones (maternal and amniotic fluid) and gender-related play behavior in 13-month-old infants, Archives of Sexual Behavior 38: 6-15.
- Fairchild G., Goozen S.H.M. van, Calder A.J., Stollery S. & Goodyer I.M. (2009), Deficits in facial expression recognition in male adolescents with early-onset or adolescence-onset conduct disorder, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 50: 627-636.
- Goozen S.H.M. van & Fairchild G. (2009), The neuroendocrinology of antisocial behaviour. In: Hodgins S., Viding E. & Plodowski A. (Eds.), The neurobiological basis of violence: Science and rehabilitation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 201-221.
- Fowler T., Langley K., Rice F., Whittinger N., Ross K., Goozen S.H.M. van, Owen M.J., O'Donovan M.C., Bree M.B. van den & Thapar A. (2009), Psychopathy traits in adolescents with childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, British Journal of Psychiatry 194(1): 62-67.
- Moore S.C., Carter L.M. & Goozen S.H.M. van (2009), Confectionery consumption in childhood and adult violence, British Journal of Psychiatry 195: 366-367.
- Goozen S.H.M. van, Fairchild G. & Harold G.T. (2008), The Role of Neurobiological Deficits in Childhood Antisocial Behavior, Current Directions in Psychological Science 17(3): 224-228.
- Goozen S.H.M. van & Fairchild G. (2008), How can the study of biological processes help design new interventions for children with severe antisocial behavior?, Development and Psychopathology 20: 941-973.
- Fairchild G., Goozen S.H.M. van, Stollery S.J. & Goodyer I.M. (2008), Fear conditioning and affective modulation of the startle reflex in male adolescents with early-onset of adolescence-onset conduct disorder and healthu control subjects, Biological Psychiatry 63: 279-285.
- Fairchild G., Goozen S.H.M. van, Stollery S.J., Brown J., Gardiner J., Herbert J. & Goodyer I.M. (2008), Cortisol diurnal rhythm and stress reactivity in male adolescents with early-onset or adolescence-onset conduct disorder, Biological Psychiatry 64: 599-606.
- Van Goozen S.H.M., Cohen-Kettenis P.T., Snoek H., Matthys W., Swaab H. & Van Engeland H. (2004), Executive functioning in children: a comparison of hospitalised ODD and ODD/ADHD in children and normal controls, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45(2): 284-292.
- hoogleraar psychologie