Shelley van der Veek
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. S.M.C. van der Veek
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3767
- 0000-0001-9195-6523
Shelley van der Veek works as an Associate Professor at the Institute of Education and Child Studies at Leiden University. Shelley’s research focusses on health and illness within the family.
More information about Shelley van der Veek
Short CV
Shelley van der Veek works as an assistant professor at the Institute of Education and Child Studies at Leiden University. In 2005 she graduated cum laude at the same university (clinical and health psychology). From 2006 to 2012 she worked on her dissertation at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam and at the Bascule, academic center for child and adolescent psychiatry, where she also did clinical work.
Shelley’s research focusses on health and illness within the family. Questions she aims to answer involve the influence of parenting on the physical and mental health of children, and whether parentings strategies can be positively influenced through interventions.
She is also involved in multiple research project staking place at the program group Parenting, Child Care and Development.
PhD candidates
Supervision of PhD candidates:
- Roxanna Camfferman (2017)
- Merel van Vliet
- Sanne de Vet
- Camila Espinoza Chaparro
NWO Food, Cognition and Behavior (2014, €700.000), for research on how to promote healthy eating habits in the first two years of life
- Excellent teacher award Institute of Education and Child Studies (2018)
- Young researcher award European Health Psychology Society (2009)
Associate professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Opvoeding en Ontwikkeling
- Espinoza C. Alink L. Laplante D. P. Elzinga B. & van der Veek S. (2025), COVID-19 hardship and mental health in Chilean parents: the role of disaster exposure and family resilience, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 16(1): 2465001.
- Espinoza C., Canessa F., Veek S. van der, Alink L. & Voort A. van der (2024), Development will (try to) find its way: a qualitative study of Chilean adolescent mental health during and after lockdown, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 18: 136.
- Gallant C.D., Toelen J., Sluiter-Post J., De Coninck D., Hendriks A.C., Sombroek-van Doorm M.P., Veek S.M.C. van der, Vries M.C. de & Winter J.P. de (2023), Wat weten ouders over de patiëntenrechten van kinderen?: Patiëntenrechten van minderjarigen relevant voor medische besluitvorming, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 167(22): 1-3 (D7546).
- Vet S.M. de, Vrijhof C.I., Veek S.M.C. van der, Linting M. & Vermeer H.J. (2023), Young children's cortisol levels at out-of-home child care: a meta-analysis, Early Childhood Research Quarterly 63: 204-218.
- Veek S.M.C. van der & Rosmalen L. van (2022), Maternal satisfaction with professional health care for excessive infant crying: does it meet maternal needs?, Early Child Development and Care : .
- Larsen J.K., Karssen L.T. & Veek S.M.C. van der (2022), Targeting food parenting practices to prevent early child obesity risk requires a different approach in families with a lower socioeconomic position, Frontiers in Public Health 10: 1012509.
- Vliet M.S. de, Mesman J., Schultink J.M., Vereijken C.M.J.L., Martens V.E.G. & Veek S.M.C. (2022), Maternal sensitivity during mealtime and free play: differences and explanatory factors, Infancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant Studies 27(3): 630-644.
- Vliet M.S. van, Schultink J.M., Jager G. de, Vries J.H.M, Mesman J., Graaf C. de , Vereijken C.M.J.L., Weenen H., Wild V.W.T. de, Martens V.E.G., Houniet H. & Veek S.M.C. van der (2022), The baby’s first bites RCT: evaluating a vegetable-exposure and a sensitive-feeding intervention in terms of child health outcomes and maternal feeding behavior during toddlerhood, Journal of Nutrition 152(2): 386-398.
- Schultink J.M., Vries J.H.M. de, Wild V.W.T. de, Vliet M.S. van, Veek S.M.C. van der, Martens V.E.G, Graaf C. de & Jager G. (2021), Eating in the absence of hunger in 18-month-old children in a home setting, Pediatric obesity 16(11): e12800.
- Vliet M.S. van, Mesman J., Schultink J.M., Vries J.H.M. de, Vereijken C.M.J.L., Rippe R.C.A. & Veek S.M.C. van der (2021), Baby's first bites: association between observed maternal feeding behavior and infant vegetable intake and liking, Appetite 165: 105316.
- Vet S.M. de, Vrijhof C.I., Veek S.M.C. van der, Pieplenbosch J.M., van Bakel H.J.A. & Vermeer H.J. (2021), Child care in times of COVID-19: predictors of distress in Dutch children and parents when re-entering center-based child care after a 2-month lockdown, Frontiers in Psychology 12: 718898.
- Vliet M.S. van, Schultink J.M., Jager G., de Vries J.H.M., Mesman J., de Graaf C., Vereijken C.M.J.L., Weenen H., de Wild V.W.T., Martens V.E.G., Houniet H. & Veek S.M.C. van der (2021), The baby's first bites RCT: evaluating a vegetable-exposure and a sensitive-feeding intervention in terms of child health outcomes and maternal feeding behavior during toddlerhood, Journal of Nutrition : nxab387.
- Riper M. van, Knafl G.J., Barbieri-Figueiredo M. do Céu, Caples M., Choi H., Graaf G. de, Dittz Duarte E., Honda J., Marta E., Phetrasuwan S., Alfieri S., Angelo M., Deoisres W., Fleming L., Soares dos Santos A., Rocha da Silva M.J., Skelton B., Veek S. van der & Knafl K.A. (2020), Measurement of family management in families of individuals with down syndrome: a cross-cultural investigation, Journal of Family Nursing 27(1): 8-22.
- Camfferman R., Van der Veek S.M.C., Rippe R.C.A. & Mesman J. (2019), Maternal feeding practices, health cognitions, and children's eating styles and weight status, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 40(2): 122-130.
- Veek S.M.C. van der, Graaf C. de, Vries J.H.M. de, Jager G., Vereijken C.M.J.L., Weenen H., Winden N. van, Vliet M.S. van, Schultink J.M., Wild V.W.T. de, Janssen S. & Mesman J. (2019), Baby's First Bites: A randomized controlled trial to assess the effects of vegetable-exposure and sensitive feeding on vegetable acceptance, eating behavior and weight gain in infants and toddlers, BMC Pediatrics 19: e266.
- Veek S.M.C. van der, Haan E. de, Derkx H.H.F., Benninga M.A. & Boer F. (2019), Psychological factors addressed in cognitive behaviour therapy for paediatric functional abdominal pain: Which are most important to target?, Journal of Health Psychology 24(9): 1282-1292.
- Verhage C.L., Gillebaart M., Van der Veek S.M.C. & Vereijken C.M.J.L. (2018), The relation between family meals and health of infants and toddlers: A review, Appetite 127: 97-109.
- Van der Veek S.M.C., Camfferman R. & Mesman J. (2017), No dessert until you’ve finished your plate! Lack of received sensitivity during mealtime is related to overweight in early childhood. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) in Victoria, Canada. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 7 June 2017 - 10 June 2017.
- Van der Veek S.M.C. & De Haan E. (2016), Buikpijn bij kinderen. Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo.
- Camfferman R., Van der Veek S.M.C., Rippe R.C.A. & Mesman J. (2016), Eating styles and adiposity in 4-6 year-olds: Do maternal feeding practices and health cognitions matter?. 26th European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) Congress 6 October 2016 - 8 October 2016.
- Camfferman R., Jansen P.W., Rippe R.C.A., Mesman J., Derks I.P.M., Tiemeier H., Jaddoe V. & Van der Veek S.M.C. (2016), The association between overweight and internalizing and externalizing behavior in early childhood, Social Science & Medicine 168: 35-42.
- Yavuz M.E., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Mesman J. & Van der Veek S. (2015), Interventions aimed at reducing obesity in early childhood: A meta-analysis of programs that involve parents, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 56(6): 677-692.
- Yavuz M.H., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Mesman J. & Van der Veek S.M.C. (2014), Reducing overweight and obesity in early childhood: A meta-analysis of intervention programs that involve parents. ECOG Conference, Salzburg, Austria. . Salzburg, Austria.
- Van der Veek S.M., Derkx B.H., Plak R.D., Benninga M.A., Boer F., Lindauer R.J. & De Haan E. (2014), Attentional bias to activity of different parts of the body in children with functional abdominal pain: an experimental study, Journal of Pediatric Psychology 39(4): 438-449.
- Van der Veek S.M.C., Derkx B.H.F., Benninga M.A., Boer F. & De Haan E. (2013), Cognitive behavior therapy for pediatric functional abdominal pain: A randomized controlled trial, Pediatrics 132(5): e1163-e1172.
- Van der Veek S.M., Derkx H.H., De Haan E., Benninga M.A. & Boer F. (2012), Emotion awareness and coping in children with functional abdominal pain: A controlled study, Social Science & Medicine 74(2): 112-119.
- Van der Veek S.M.C., Derkx H.H.F., De Haan E., Benninga M.A. & Boer F. (2012), Do parents maintain or exacerbate pediatric functional abdominal pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Health Psychology 17(2): 258-272.
- Van der Veek S.M., Nobel R.A. & Derkx H.H. (2012), The relationship between emotion awareness and somatic complaints in children and adolescents: Investigating the mediating role of anxiety and depression, Psychology & Health 27(11): 1359-1374.
- Jellesma F.C., Faddegon K. & Van der Veek S.M.C. (2011), Children with somatic complaints: Do they show a somatic attention bias?, Netherlands Journal of Psychology 66: 78-84.
- Van der Veek S.M., Derkx H.H., De Haan E., Benninga M.A. & Boer F. (2010), Abdominal pain in Dutch schoolchildren: Relations with physical and psychological comorbid complaints in children and their parents, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 51(4): 481-487.
- Van der Veek S.C.M., Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2009), Cognitive coping strategies and stress in parents of children with Down Syndrome: A prospective study, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 47: 295-306.
- Veek S.C.M., Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Maes S. (2009), Down or up? Explaining positive and negative emotions in parents of children with Down syndrome: Goals, cognitive coping and coping resources, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 34: 216-229.
- Kraaij V., Van der Veek S., Garnefski N., Schroevers M.J., Witlox R. & Maes S. (2008), Coping, goal adjustment, and psychological well-being in HIV-infected men who have sex with men, AIDS Patient Care and STDs 22: 395-402.
- Van der Veek S., Kraaij V., Koppen W. van, Garnefski N. & Joekes K.J. (2007), Goal disturbance, cognitive coping and psychological distress in HIV-infected persons, Journal of Health Psychology 12: 225-230.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Van der Veek S., Joekes K.J. & Van Koppen W. (2005), Cognitive emotion regulation, goal disturbance and psychological distress in people infected with HIV, Psychology & Health 20: 137-137.