Sandra van Dijk
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. S. van Dijk
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3913
- 0000-0002-5083-8421

Sandra van Dijk is Assistant Professor at the unit Health, Medical and Neuropsychology of the Institute of Psychology. Her research focuses predominantly on chronic diseases and how individuals cope with such a condition.
More information about Sandra van Dijk
Sandra van Dijk
Sandra van Dijk is Assistant Professor at the unit Health, Medical and Neuropsychology of the Institute of Psychology. Her research focuses predominantly on chronic diseases and how individuals cope with such a condition.
Research on self-management and e-health
‘How do people cope with serious threats to their health?’ This simple but intriguing question summarizes my research ever since being a student. My research projects mainly focus on building innovative and multi-disciplinary interventions that support people in coping with a chronic disease and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Within this research I have two main specific interests.
First, I am especially interested in making care systems personal. For example, how can we use advanced AI-technology to tailor care systems to unique characteristics and preferences of each individual? Secondly, I tend to focus on so-called vulnerable populations, such as people who struggle with financial stress and who are especially prone to having unhealthy health habits. I have a special interest in how problems cluster within the medical and social domain, and how we can prevent people from spiraling down to poor self-regulation and loneliness.
I am involved in several courses regarding motivational interviewing, health theories and behavioural interventions across Leiden University, Leiden University Medical Center and the Campus The Hague. In addition, I am coordinator of the module ‘The older Individual’ in the international and interdisciplinary LUMC master Vitality & Ageing. My main topic of teaching concerns health innovation. I teach students to combine creativity, empathy and scientific reflection to develop interventions for various target populations.
Grants (primary author grants in collaboration with colleagues)
- E-GOAL study. Identifying and treating psychological barriers for adopting a healthy life among patients with chronic kidney disease. Personal grant by the Dutch Kidney Foundation (2016-2020).
- Grant of the board of directors of the LUMC to evaluate new e-health approaches as a project leader ‘self-management’ at the department of Health Care Innovation (2015-2017).
- SUBLIME study. Reducing salt-intake. Cost-effectiveness of online self-regulation embedded in regular care for chronic kidney disease patients. Grants by ZonMw and the Dutch Kidney Foundation (2012-2016).
- COACH’D study. After the Health Check in vulnerable groups: an individually tailored self-management intervention led by Community Health Workers (COACH’D). Grant by Lekker Lang Leven (2010-2014).
- ADMIRE study. Assessment a of a Disease management system with Medical devices In REnal disease. Grants by ZonMw and the Dutch Kidney Foundation (2010-2014).
- ESMO study. Effects of Self-Monitoring on Outcome of Chronic Kidney Disease. Grants by ZonMw and the Dutch Kidney Foundation (2009-2013).
- CHECK’D study. Health checks in vulnerable groups: the role of beliefs and expectations. Grant by Lekker Lang Leven (2009-2013).
- Changes & Choices follow up. Long-term effects of genetic counseling for familial breast cancer focusing on women with uninformative DNA test results: risk management strategies, perceived risk and psychological well-being. Grant by the Dutch Cancer Society (2003-2006).
Associate professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie
- Tommel J., Evers A.W.M., van Hamersvelt H.W., Jordens R., van Dijk S., Hilbrands L.B., Hermans M.M.H., Hollander D.A.M.J., van de Kerkhof J.J., ten Dam M.A.G.J. & van Middendorp H. (2023), “What matters to you?”: the relevance of patient priorities in dialysis care for assessment and clinical practice, Arthritis Care & Research 36(2): 131-141.
- Faber J.S., Al-Dhahir I., Kraal J.J., Breeman L.D., van den Berg-Emons R.J.G., Reijnders T., van Dijk S., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Visch V.T., Chavannes N.H. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Guide development for eHealth interventions targeting people with a low socioeconomic position: participatory design approach, Journal of Medical Internet Research 25: e48461.
- Tommel J., Cardol C.K., Evers A.W.M., Stuivenberg R., Dijk S. van & Middendorp H. van (2023), The Personalized Priority and Progress Questionnaire (PPPQ): a personalized instrument for quality of life and self-management for use in clinical trials and practice, Quality of Life Research 32: 2789-2803.
- Cardol C.K., Boslooper-Meulenbelt K., Middendorp H. van, Meuleman Y., Evers A.W.M. & Dijk S. van (2022), Psychosocial barriers and facilitators for adherence to a healthy lifestyle among patients with chronic kidney disease: a focus group study, BMC Nephrology 23: 205.
- Cardol C.K., Middendorp H. van, Dusseldorp E.M.L., Boog P.J.M. van der, Navis G., Hilbrands L.B., Sijpkens Y.W.J., Evers A.W.M. & Dijk S. van (2022), Ehealth to improve psychological distress and self-management of chronic kidney disease: a randomized controlled trial, Psychosomatic Medicine 85(2): 203-215.
- Humalda J.K., Klaassen G., Vries H. de, Meuleman Y., Verschuur L.C., Straathof E.J.M., Laverman G.D., Bos W.J.W., Boog P.J.M. van der, Vermeulen K.M., Blanson Henkemans O.A., Otten W., Borst M.H. de, Dijk S. van & Navis G.J. (2020), A self-management approach for dietary sodium restriction in patients with CKD: a randomized controlled trial, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 75(6): 847-856.
- Meuleman Y., Hoekstra T., Dekker F.W., Van der Boog P.J.M. & Van Dijk S. (2018), Perceived Sodium Reduction Barriers Among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Which Barriers Are Important and Which Patients Experience Barriers?, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 25(1): 93-102.
- Meuleman Y., Hoekstra T., Dekker F.W., Navis G.J., Vogt L., Van der Boog P.J.M., Bos W.J.W., Van Montfrans G.A. & Van Dijk S. (2017), Sodium restriction in patients with CKD: a randomized controlled trial of self-management support, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 69(5): 576-586.
- Van Lint C.L., Wang W., Van Dijk S., Brinkman W.P., Rövekamp T.J.M., Neerincx M.A., Rabelink A.J. & Van der Boog P.J.M. (2017), Self-monitoring kidney function post transplantation: Reliability of patient-reported data, Journal of Medical Internet Research 19(9): e316.
- Meuleman Y., Chilcot J., Dekker F.W., Halbesma N. & Dijk S. van (2017), Health-related quality of life trajectories during predialysis care and associated illness perceptions, Health Psychology 36(11): 1083-1091.
- Wang W., Van Lint C.L., Brinkman W.P., Rövekamp T.J.M., Van Dijk S., Van der Boog P.J.M. & Neerincx M.A. (2017), Renal transplant patient acceptance of a self-management support system, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 17(1): e58.
- Bukman A.J., Teuscher D., Ben Meftah J., Groenenberg I., Crone M.R., Van Dijk S., Bos M.B. & Feskens E.J. (2016), Exploring strategies to reach individuals of Turkish and Moroccan origin for health checks and lifestyle advice: a mixed-methods study, BMC Family Practice 2016(17): e85.
- Meuleman Y., De Goeij M.C.M., Halbesma N., Chilcot J., Dekker F.W. & Van Dijk S. (2015), Illness perceptions in patients on predialysis care: Associations with time until start of dialysis and decline of kidney function, Psychosomatic Medicine 77(8): 946-954.
- Van Lint C.L., Van der Boog P.J.M., Wang W., Brinkman W.-P., Rovekamp T.J.M., Neerincx M.A., Rabelink T.J. & Van Dijk S. (2015), Patient experiences with self-monitoring renal function after renal transplantation: Results from a single-center prospective pilot study, Patient Preference and Adherence 9: 1721-1731.
- Groenenberg I., Crone M.R., Van Dijk S., Ben Meftah J., Middelkoop B.J.C., Assendelft W.J.J. & Stiggelbout A.M. (2015), Response and participation of underserved populations after a three-step invitation strategy for a cardiometabolic health check, BMC Public Health 15: e854.
- Loosman W.L., Hoekstra T., Van Dijk S., Terwee C.B., Honig A., Siegert C.E.H. & Dekker F.W. (2015), Short-Form 12 or Short-Form 36 to measure quality-of-life changes in dialysis patients?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30(7): 1170-1176.
- Groenenberg I., Crone M.R., Van Dijk S., Gebhardt W.A., Ben Meftah J., Middelkoop B.J.C., Stiggelbout A.M. & Assendelft W.J.J. (2015), 'Check it out!' Decision-making of vulnerable, groups about participation in a two-stage cardiometabolic health check: A qualitative study, Patient Education and Counseling 98(2): 234-244.
- Meuleman Y., Ten Brinke L., Kwakernaak A.J., Vogt L., Rotmans J.I., Bos W.J.W., Van der Boog P.J.M., Navis G., Van Montfrans G.A., Hoekstra T., Dekker F.W. & Van Dijk S. (2015), Perceived barriers and support strategies for reducing sodium intake in patients with chronic kidney disease: A qualitative study, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 22(4): 530-539.
- Van Lint C.L., Van der Boog P.J.M., Romijn F.P.H.T.M., Schenk P.W., Van Dijk S., Rovekamp T.J.M., Kessler A., Siekmann L., Rabelink T.J. & Cobbaert C.M. (2015), Application of a point of care creatinine device for trend monitoring in kidney transplant patients: Fit for purpose?, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 53(10): 1547-1556.
- De Goeij M.C., Meuleman Y., Van Dijk S., Grootendorst D.C., Dekker F.W. & Halbesma N. (2014), Haemoglobin levels and health-related quality of life in young and elderly patients on specialized predialysis care, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29(7): 1391-1398.
- Van Dijk S. & Dijkstra A. (2014), Adding power or losing strength? Searching for strategies on how self-affirmation may grow stronger: A comment on Jessop et al, Annals of Behavioral Medicine 47(2): 131-132.
- Van Dijk S., Van den Beukel T.O., Kaptein A.A., Honig A., Cessie S. le, Siegert C.E., Boeschoten E.W., Krediet R.T. & Dekker F.W. (2013), How baseline, new-onset, and persistent depressive symptoms are associated with cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality in incident patients on chronic dialysis, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 74(6): 511-517.
- Dijk S. van (15 November 2006), Chances and changes : psychological impact of genetic counselling and DNA testing for breast cancer (Dissertatie, Faculty of Medicine, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Kievit J. & Breuning M.H., Otten W. & Timmermans D.R.M.
- Onderwijs Geneeskunde en nascholing