Universiteit Leiden

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Robert Vermeiren

Professor Psychiatry

Prof.dr. R.R.J.M. Vermeiren
+31 71 515 9621

Robert Vermeiren (Gent, 1968) is a professor of Child and adolescent psychiatry and head of the subdepartment LUMC-Curium, child and Adolescent Psychiatry. He has many functions within Dutch collaborative networks and the Dutch Association of Psychiatry, and is co-chair of the Policy Division of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

More information about Robert Vermeiren

Robert Vermeiren (Gent, 1968) is a professor of Child and adolescent psychiatry and head of the subdepartment LUMC-Curium, child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

He has many functions within Dutch collaborative networks and the Dutch Association of Psychiatry, and is co-chair of the Policy Division of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Child and adolescent psychiatry

This discipline focuses on (dysfunctional) development of children. It therefore integrates the interplay of biopsychosocial factors that are relevant for a successful or unwanted development. Success depends on the way a child succeeds to function in the family, at school and with friends. When a child fails to do so in several perspectives, they can ask Vermeiren for help. His specific expertise lies with the development of severe mental disorders in youths.

The number and severity of mental problems in youths have substantially increased over the last years, which is challenging for child and adolescent psychiatry. To address this, an innovative approach is needed. Core to Vermeiren’s approach is participation of stakeholders (youths, parents and professionals) and practice based methods (use of clinical data and qualitative research).

Academic career

Prof. Vermeiren followed his medical training at the University of Ghent, followed by a training in child and adolescent psychiatry at the University Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Antwerp (UCKJA). He finished his PhD in Antwerp (2001) on a study in youths who had a juvenile court contact because of an offence. As part of his PhD, he spent a one year postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale Child Study Center (New Haven, US). Starting in 2002, he was assistant / associate professor at the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at the VU University in Amsterdam, where he became professor of forensic child and adolescent psychiatry in 2006 (until 2017). In between (2004-2007) he held a chair of forensic psychiatry at the University of Leiden (faculty of law and criminology).

The developmental psychopathology of mental disorders (including suicidality, self-harm, eating disorders, …) is the core research focus of Prof. Vermeiren. He published until now more than 250 papers and 20 book chapters, both in Dutch and English. Emphasis has shifted over years towards relevance for clinical practice. For that reason, he studies mainly clinical populations, combining both qualitative and quantitative research. By participating in several Academic Workplaces, he aims at bridging clinical practice, policy and research.

Prizes and honourable appointments

In 2017 the Academic Workplace Forensic Care for Youths was awarded the ZonMW pearl. Before, Prof. Vermeiren received several prices for his scientific work and a prestigious grant (Belgian American Educational Foundation - BAEF) for his fellowship at de Yale Child Study Center.

Professor Psychiatry

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 3
  • Psychiatrie

Work address

LUMC Main Building
Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden



  • Nederlandse vereniging voor Psychiatrie Hoofdredacteur ''de Psychiater''
  • Parnassia Groep, Youz Hoofd onderzoek, Voorzitter Commissie Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
  • stuurgroep Academische Werkplaats Risicojeugd Lid
  • Academische Werkplaats SAMEN Lid-boegbeeld
  • Kenniscentrum Kinder en jeugdpsychiatrie Bestuurslid
  • LUMC Hoogleraar kinder - en jeugdpsychiatrie
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie Voorzitter afdeling kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie
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