Peggy Bracco Gartner
- Name
- Mr. M.E.J. Bracco Gartner
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5156
- 0000-0001-6861-4947

Peggy Bracco Gartner joined the Institute of Private Law as a lecturer on 1 April 2017.
More information about Peggy Bracco Gartner
Before Peggy Bracco Gartner joined the university, she worked in the financial sector for over 25 years. She combines her part-time tenure at the Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law with dispute resolution at the Dutch Financial Complaints Institute (KiFiD).
After completing her law studies at Leiden University, Peggy started her career at the Dutch Ministry of Finance as a policy advisor in 1991, where she worked on the EU Investment Services Directive, contributing to the EU legislative process as well as transposing the rules into Dutch law. In 1993, Peggy joined ABN AMRO Bank's Legal department, where she worked for almost ten years as in-house counsel in investment services and in corporate affairs.
Peggy then served as criminal law judge at the Haarlem District Court from 2003. She left the bench to join the Authority for the Financial Markets in 2006, where she worked as a Senior Supervision Officer in capital markets (prospectus supervision) and in supervision on financial institutions, focusing on investment firms and collective investment schemes. From 2011 to 2016, Peggy worked as a Senior Policy Advisor at the AFM's Strategy and International Affairs Department, where she was responsible for the AFM contribution to the MiFID II legislative proposals on investor protection matters. Peggy represented AFM in ESMA Investor Protection and Intermediaries Standing Committee and IOSCO Committee 3 - Market Intermediaries. Peggy also served as a board member at pension fund AFM for three years. After leaving AFM in 2016, Peggy had various Supervisory Board roles with Dutch pension funds between 2017 and 2022.
In 2019, Peggy Bracco Gartner was appointed as a member of the Dutch Financial Complaints Institute (KiFiD), where she has also served as Vice Chair of the investments complaints chamber since 2022.
Peggy Bracco Gartner is the Academic Coordinator for the Advanced LL.M. in Law & Finance and teaches in the Dutch Financial Law master’s programme.
Financial supervision regulation (investment services) and consumer dispute resolution (financial services).
Dutch and English
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Privaatrecht
- Financieel Recht
- Bracco Gartner M.E.J. (2022), Is een beding ter berekening van de boeterente oneerlijk?: Een kritische beschouwing bij HvJ EU van 27 januari 2021, Bedrijfsjuridische Berichten 2022(3): 32-36 (Bb 2022/10).
- Bracco Gartner M.E.J. (2022), Veranderend karakter van pensioen leidt tot meer zorgplichten voor pensioenfondsen, Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht 2022(2): 77-82.
- Bracco Gartner M.E.J. (2022), Financiële ondernemingen: pensioenbedrijf. In: Haentjens M., Raas R.P. & Rank W.A.K. (Eds.), Compendium Financieel Recht. Compendia. Den Haag: Sdu. 253-280.
- Bracco Gartner M.E.J. (2022), Kernoverzichten bij: Boek 7, Afdeling 1 en Artikelen 7:57 BW tot en met 7:83 BW (consumentenkrediet). In: Bartels S.E. & Breedveld-de Voogd C.G. (Eds.), Bijzondere overeenkomsten. Groene Serie. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
- Bracco Gartner M.E.J. (2018), Beleggingsadvies bij verzekeringsbemiddeling: een incidentele activiteit?, Bedrijfsjuridische Berichten 2018(26): 331-333 (Bb 2018/90).
- Vries C. de, Bracco Gartner M.E.J., Haentjens M., Korteweg J., Markakis M., Repasi R. & Tegelaar J.T. (2017), Implications of Brexit on EU Financial Services no. IP/A/ECON/2016-22. Brussels: Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy (European Parliament).
- Bracco Gartner M.E.J. (2016), Strengere eisen aan provisies onder MiFID II, Tijdschrift voor Compliance 2016(6): 329-333 (UDH:TvCo/13975).
- Bracco Gartner M.E.J., Dinant J., Teeboom P.B. & Wolters A.J. (2012), Nieuwe regels voor financiële markten: het voorstel van de Europese Commissie voor herziening van de MiFID nader bezien, Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht 2012(5): 132-138 (UDH:FR/9833).
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