Paul van den Broek
Professor emeritus Educational Sciences
- Name
- Prof.dr. P.W. van den Broek
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-9058-721x

Paul van den Broek is professor of Educational Sciences at Leiden University and professor in Cognitive Sciences at the University of Minnesota, USA. He received his PhD in 1985 from the University of Chicago, and has been on the faculty at the University of Minnesota since 1987 and in Leiden since 2008.
Curriculum vitae (including a full overview of publications)
Inaugural lecture (in Dutch, 2 november 2009)
In his research, Paul and his collaborators examine the cognitive and neurological structures and processes involved in learning and reading, from early childhood to adulthood. The goals of the research programme are to identify such structures and processes and their development –both when they succeed and when they fail-, and to derive implications for effective diagnostic and intervention tools.
- Brain and Education Lab
- Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC)
- Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition Junior (LIBC-Junior)
- Centre for Learning and Literacy across Media
Professor emeritus Educational Sciences
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Onderwijswetenschappen
- Espin C.A., Swart E.K., Helder A., Veerbeek J., Broek P. van den, Dijken M.J. van & Koornneef A.W. (2024), Scores from CBM maze: do they reflect text-level comprehension?. 31th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 10 July 2024 - 13 July 2024.
- Venneker D., Helder A. & Broek P.W. van den (2024), Understanding narratives in different media formats: processes and products of elementary-school children’s comprehension of texts and videos, Reading and Writing : .
- Arfé B., Carretti B., Broek P.W. van den, Benincasa P., Genovese E. & Oakhill J. (2023), Why are causal and temporal connectives difficult to understand?: A comparison between Italian hearing good and poor comprehenders and deaf poor comprehenders, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 66(9): 3515-3535.
- Carlson S.E., Broek P.W. van den & McMaster K.L. (2022), Factors that influence skilled and less-skilled comprehenders’ inferential processing during and after reading: exploring how readers maintain coherence and develop a mental representation of a text, The Elementary School Journal 122(4): .
- Moort M.L. van, Koornneef A.W., Wilderjans T.F. & Broek P.W. van den (2022), Validation processes and reading purpose: is validation against knowledge and prior text influenced by reading goal?, Journal of Educational Psychology 114(7): 1533-1552.
- Moort M.L. van, Helder A. & Broek P.W. van den (2022), Werk aan het opbouwen van kennis. In: Steensel R. van & Houtveen T. (Eds.), De zeven pijlers van onderwijs in begrijpend lezen . Stichting Lezen Reeks no. 35. Utrecht: Uitgeverij Eburon. 16-36.
- Bruïne A. de, Jolles D. & Broek P. van den (2021), Minding the load or loading the mind: the effect of manipulating working memory on coherence monitoring, Journal of Memory and Language 118: .
- Broek P.W. van den, Helder A., Espin C.A. & Liende M. van der (2021), Sturen op begrip: effectief leesonderwijs in Nederland: rapportage aan de Vaste 2e Kamer commissie voor OCW. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen.
- Venneker D., Helder A. & Broek P. van den (2021), Narrative comprehension across text, audio, and video in elementary school children. Spoken presentation at the (virtual) annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. . The annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 2 August 2021 - 4 August 2021.
- Broek P.W. van den, Helder A., KarlssonJ. & Venneker D. (2021), Effects of individual differences in children’s online reading comprehension processes on offline representation of text meaning: spoken presentation as part of the symposium on Reading comprehension for struggling readers: Processes, assessments, and interventions at PCRC (online). . The symposium on Reading comprehension for struggling readers: Processes, assessments, and interventions at PCRC 11 February 2021 - 12 February 2021.
- Huisman B., Saab N., Van Driel J. & Van den Broek P.W. (2020), A questionnaire to assess students’ beliefs about peer-feedback, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 57(3): 328-338.
- Mouw J., Saab N., Gijlers H., Hickendorff M., Paridon Y. van & Broek P. van den (2020), The differential effect of perspective-taking ability on profiles of cooperative behaviours and learning outcomes, Frontline Learning Research 8(6): 88-113.
- Moort M. van, Koornneef A. & Broek P.W. van den (2020), Differentiating text-based and knowledge-based validation processes during reading: evidence from eye movements, Discourse Processes 58(1): 22-41.
- van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & van den Broek P. (2020), What you read versus what you know: Neural correlates of accessing context information and background knowledge in constructing a mental representation during reading, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149(11): 2084-2101.
- Helder A., Perfetti C. & Van den Broek P. (2020), Thematic influences on word-to-text integration across a sentence boundary, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 35(10): 1239-1256.
- Denessen E., Keller A., Van den Bergh L. & Van den Broek P. (2020), Do teachers treat their students differently? An observational study on teacher-student interactions as a function of teacher expectations and student achievement, Education Research International 2020: 1-8.
- Helder A., Broek P. van den, Moort M.L. van, Bosch L.J. van den & Bruine A. de (2020), Begrijpend lezen vanuit een cognitief perspectief: hoe leerlingen coherente mentale representaties opbouwen tijdens het lezen van teksten. In: , Digitaal vakdidactisch Handboek Nederlands.
- Broek P. van den (2020), Implications of reading for understanding for the field of reading comprehension research and practice. Paper accepted at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Studies of Reading. (Conference canceled). . Newport Beach, CA, USA.
- Broek P. van den (2020), Genre as instructions for reader processing. Paper presented at the Lorentz workshop on the Paradox of Genres in Discourse. . Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Helder A., Leijenhorst L. van & Broek P. van den (2020), Monitoring the coherence of texts: Inconsistency detection by good and poor readers. Spoken presentation as part of the symposium on Understanding and assessing reading comprehension for struggling readers at PCRC. . San Diego, CA.
- Bosch L. van den, Helder A., Goossens A. & Broek P. van den (2020), Geef leerlingen betere teksten, Didaktief 50: 30-31.
- Segers E. & Broek P. van den (2020), Het nieuwe lezen: De digitale wereld, Didaktief 50: 46-47.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Van den Broek P.W. & Van Driel J.H. (2019), The impact of formative peer feedback on higher education students’ academic writing: a Meta-Analysis, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 44(6): 863-880.
- Kraal A., Van den Broek P., Koornneef A., Ganushchak L. & Saab N. (2019), Differences in text processing by low- and high-comprehending beginning readers of expository and narrative texts: Evidence from eye movements, Learning and Individual Differences 74: e101752.
- Cevasco J. & Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Contributions of causality processing models to the study of discourse comprehension and the facilitation of student learning, Psicología Educativa: Revista de los Psicólogos de la Educación 25(2): 159-167.
- Karlsson J., Jolles D., Koornneef A., Van den Broek P. & Van Leijenhorst L. (2019), Individual differences in children’s comprehension of temporal relations: Dissociable contributions of working memory capacity and working memory updating, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 185: 1-18.
- Martín-Arnal L.A., León J.A., Van den Broek P.W. & Olmos R. (2019), Understanding comics. A comparison between children and adults through a coherence/incoherence paradigm in an eye-tracking study, Psicología Educativa: Revista de los Psicólogos de la Educación 25(2): 127-137.
- Helder A., Swart E.K., Espin C.A., Koornneef A.W. & Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Coherence monitoring while completing reading maze task. 26th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto. 17 July 2019 - 20 July 2019. [conference poster].
- Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Constructing meaning from text: Passive and reader-initiated processes. Award-acceptance presentation for the Oswald Külpe Prize, University of Würzberg. Award-acceptance presentation for the Oswald Külpe Prize, University of Würzberg 9 November 2019 - 9 November 2019.
- Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Tekstbegrip en Onderwijs. Themagroep Tekstbegrip en Onderwijs, VIOT, Utrecht. Themagroep Tekstbegrip en Onderwijs, VIOT 1 November 2019 - 1 November 2019.
- Bruïne A., Jolles D. & Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Minding the load or loading the mind: Manipulating working memory in coherence monitoring. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, New York. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 9 July 2019 - 11 July 2019.
- Helder A., Espin C.A., Swart E.K., Van den Broek P.W. & Koornneef A.W. (2019), CBM maze tasks: Do they reflect comprehension? Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 17 July 2019 - 20 July 2019.
- Kiniry J. & Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Inference and vocabulary in a reading comprehension assessment. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, New York. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, New York. 9 July 2019 - 11 July 2019. [conference poster].
- Kiniry J., Van den Broek P.W. & Raijmakers M. (2019), The study of cognitive reading skill using data collected by a large-scale assessment of English reading. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, New York. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 9 July 2019 - 11 July 2019.
- Van Moort M.L., Koornneef A.W. & Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Tracking the time course of validation: Effects of text-based and knowledge-based monitoring processes on eye movements during reading. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, New York. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 9 July 2019 - 11 July 2019.
- Mouw J.M., Leijenhorst L. van, Saab N., Danel M.S. & Broek P.W. van den (2019), Contributions of emotion understanding to narrative comprehension in children and adults, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16(1): 66-81.
- Blankenstein F.M. van, Saab N., Rijst R.M. van der, Danel M.S., Bakker-Van den Berg A.S. & Broek P.W. van den (2019), How do self-efficacy beliefs for academic writing and collaboration and intrinsic motivation for academic writing and research develop during an undergraduate research project?, Educational Studies 45(2): 209-225.
- Helder A., Perfetti C.A., Broek P.W. van den, Stafura J.Z. & Calloway R.C. (2019), ERP Indicators of local and global text influences on word-to-text integration, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 34(1): 13-28.
- Beker K., Van den Broek P. & Jolles D. (2019), Children's integration of information across texts: reading processes and knowledge representations, Reading & Writing 32(3): 663-687.
- Beker K., Kim J., Van Boekel M., Van den Broek P. & Kendeou P. (2019), Refutation texts enhance spontaneous transfer of knowledge, Contemporary Educational Psychology 56: 67-79.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Driel J. van & Broek P. van den (2018), Peer Feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students’ peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 43(6): 955-968.
- Kraal A., Koornneef A.W., Saab N. & Van den Broek P.W. (2018), Processing of expository and narrative texts by low- and high-comprehending children, Reading and Writing 31(9): 2017-2040.
- Moort M.L. van, Koornneef A. & Broek P.W. van den (2018), Validation: Knowledge- and Text-Based Monitoring During Reading, Discourse Processes 55(5-6): 480-496.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Driel J.H. van & Broek P.W. van den (2018), Peer feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students’ peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 43(6): 955-968.
- Karlsson A.K.J., Van den Broek P.W., Helder A., Hickendorff M., Koornneef A.W. & Van Leijenhorst L. (2018), Profiles of young readers: Evidence from thinking aloud while reading narrative and expository texts, Learning and Individual Differences 67: 105-116.
- Salmerón L., Strømsø H.I., Kammerer Y., Stadtler M. & Van den Broek P.W. (2018), Comprehension processes in digital reading. In: Barzillai M., Thomson J., Schroeder S. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.), Learnng to Read in a Digital World. Book series: Studies in Written Language and Literacy no. 17. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 91-120.
- Thomson J., Barzillai M., Van den Broek P.W. & Schroeder S. (2018), Learning to read in a digital world: Discussion. In: Barzillai M., Thomson J., Schroeder S. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.), Learning to Read in a Digital World. Book series: Studies in Written Language and Literacy no. 17. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 225-238.
- Barzillai M., Thomson J., Schroeder S. & Van den Broek P. (Eds.) (2018), Learning to Read in a Digital World. Book series: Studies in Written Language and Literacy: John Benjamins.
- Segers E. & Van den Broek P. (Eds.) (2018), Developmental Perspectives in Written Language and Literacy: John Benjamins.
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Validation: Knowledge- and Text-based Monitoring during Reading. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam. 11 May 2018 - 13 May 2018. [conference poster].
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), What you read vs. what you know: Neural correlates of text-based and knowledge-based monitoring during reading. 8th International Summer School on Literacy Research (25/08/2018-30/08/2018, Egmond aan Zee). 8th International Summer School on Literacy Research 25 August 2018 - 30 August 2018.
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Validating What You Know and What You Just Read: Neural Correlates of Knowledge-based and Text-based Monitoring During Reading. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Brighton. 17 July 2018 - 19 July 2018. [conference poster].
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Neural correlates of integration during reading: influence of context information and background knowledge on integration processes and subsequent memory. 25th Annual Meeting of the Scientific Society for the Study of Reading, Brighton. 18 July 2018 - 21 July 2018. [conference poster].
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Validation: Knowledge- and Text-based Monitoring during Reading. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam. 10 May 2018 - 12 May 2018. [conference poster].
- Oudega M.H. & Van den Broek P.W. (2018), Standards of Coherence in Reading: Variations in Processing and Comprehension of Text. In: Millis K., Long D.L., Magliano J.P. & Wiemer K. (Eds.), Deep Comprehension. Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Understanding, Enhancing, and Measuring Comprehension. New York: Routledge. 41-51.
- Van den Broek P. (2018), Designing and using texts for effective learning in humanities. Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Central Asian Studies in Europe 22 November 2018 - 22 November 2018. Prague: Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Central Asian Studies in Europe.
- Van den Broek P. (2018), Developmental Aspects of Reading in a Digital World. COST E-Read Networking Conference 3 October 2018 - 4 October 2018. Stavanger: COST E-Read Networking Conference.
- Van den Broek P. (2018), Lezen van meerdere teksten. Kenniscentrum Begrijpend Lezen: Begrijpend lezen in de 21e eeuw 26 September 2018 - 26 September 2018. Rotterdam: Kenniscentrum Begrijpend Lezen: Begrijpend lezen in de 21e eeuw.
- De Bruïne A., Jolles D. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Monitoring information during reading: Investigating the role of working memory in a dual-task paradigm. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam. 10 May 2018 - 12 May 2018. [conference poster].
- De Bruïne A., Jolles D. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Monitoring information during reading: Investigating the role of working memory in a dual-task paradigm. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Brighton. 17 July 2018 - 19 July 2018. [conference poster].
- De Bruïne A., Jolles D. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Monitoring information during reading: Investigating the role of working memory in a dual-task paradigm. 25th Annual Meeting of the Scientific Society for the Study of Reading, Brighton. 18 July 2018 - 21 July 2018. [conference poster].
- De Bruïne A., Jolles D. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Monitoring information during reading: Investigating the role of working memory in a dual-task paradigm. 8th International Summer School on Literacy Research 25 August 2018 - 30 August 2018. Egmond aan Zee: 8th International Summer School on Literacy Research.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Van Driel J.H. & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Peer feedback on college students’ writing: exploring the relation between students’ ability match, feedback quality and essay performance, Higher Education Research & Development 36(7): 1433-1447.
- Van den Broek P.W. (2017), What Does the CBM-Maze Test Measure?, Scientific Studies of Reading 21(2): 120-132.
- Elfenbein A., Van den Broek P.W., Carlson S.E., Kendeou P. & Bohn-Gettler C. (2017), Text structure and expository prose, Reader. Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism and Pedagogy 86: 81-108.
- Van den Broek P.W. & Helder A. (2017), Cognitive Processes in Discourse Comprehension: Passive Processes, Reader-Initiated Processes, and Evolving Mental Representations, Discourse Processes 54(5-6): 360-372.
- Porteous J., Charles F., Smith C., Cavazza M., Mouw J.M. & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Using Virtual Narratives to Explore Children’s Story Understanding. 16th Conference International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Sao Paulo. Mouw J.M. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.), AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. 16th Conference International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 8 May 2017 - 12 May 2017. Sao Paulo, Brazil 773-781.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Driel J.H. van & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Peer feedback on writing: The relation between students' ability match, feedback quality, and essay performance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 27 April 2017 - 1 May 2017.
- Beker K., Jolles D. & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Meaningful learning from texts: The construction of knowledge representations. In: León J.A. & Escudero I. (Eds.), Reading comprehension in educational settings. Book series: Studies in Written Language and Literacy no. 16. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 29-62.
- Van den Broek P. & Kendeou P. (2017), Development of reading comprehension: Change and continuity in the ability to construct coherent representations. In: Cain K., Compton D.L. & Parrila R.K. (Eds.), Theories of Reading Development. Book series: Studies in Written Language and Literacy no. 15. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 283-305.
- Cevasco J. & Broek P. van den (2017), The importance of causality processing in the comprehension of spontaneous spoken discourse, Ciencia Cognitiva 11(2): 43-45.
- Helder A., Van den Broek P.W., Karlsson A.K.J. & Van Leijenhorst L. (2017), Neural correlates of coherence-break detection during reading of narratives, Scientific Studies of Reading 21(6): 463-479.
- Yeari M., Oudega M. & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), The effect of highlighting on processing and memory of central and peripheral text information: Evidence from eye movements, Journal of Research in Reading 40(4): 365-383.
- Van Moort M.L., Koornneef A.W. & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Processing of Inconsistencies with prior text and background knowledge during reading. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Philadelphia. the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 31 July 2017 - 2 August 2017.
- Van Moort M.L., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2017), Validation: Knowledge- and text-based monitoring during reading., Winter conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP), Egmond aan Zee. Winter conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP), Egmond aan Zee. 14 December 2017 - 16 December 2017. [conference poster].
- De Bruïne A., Jolles D. & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Monitoring information during reading: Investigating the role of working memory in a dual-task paradigm. Winter conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP), Egmond aan Zee. Winter conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP), Egmond aan Zee. 14 December 2017 - 16 December 2017. [conference poster].
- Helder A., Perfetti C.A., Van den Broek P.W., Stafura J.Z. & Calloway R.C. (2017), ERP indicators of local and global text influences on word-to-text integration. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Philadelphia. the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 31 July 2017 - 2 August 2017.
- Van den Broek P.W., Espin C.A., McMaster K. & Helder A. (2017), Developing reading comprehension interventions. In: Segers E. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.), Developmental Perspective in Written Language and Literacy: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 85-102.
- Van den Broek P.W., Espin C.A., McMaster K. & Helder A. (2017), Developing reading comprehension interventions. In: Segers E. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.), Developmental perspectives in written language and literacy: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 85-102.
- Koornneef A.W., Dotlacil J., Van den Broek P.W. & Sanders T.J. (2016), The influence of linguistic and cognitive factors on the time course of verb-based implicit causality, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69(3): 455-481.
- Van den Broek P.W., Mouw J. & Kraal A. (2016), Individual differences in reading comprehension. In: Afflerbach P. (Ed.), Handbook of individual differences in reading: Reader, text and context. New York: Routledge.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Van Driel J.H. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), Peer feedback on academic writing in higher education: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference, Newport. Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference 7 December 2016 - 9 December 2016.
- Pavias M., Broek P.W. van den, Hickendorff M., Beker K. & Leijenhorst L. van (2016), Effects of social-cognitive processing demands and structural importance on narrative recall: Differences between children, adolescents, and adults, Discourse Processes 53(5-6): 488-512.
- Yeari M. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), A computational modeling of semantic knowledge in reading comprehension: Integrating the landscape model with latent semantic analysis, Behavior Research Methods 48(3): 880-896.
- Helder A., Van Leijenhorst L. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), Coherence monitoring by good and poor comprehenders in elementary school: Comparing offline and online measures, Learning and Individual Differences 48: 17-23.
- Beker K., Jolles D., Lorch R.F.Jr. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), Learning from texts: Activation of information from previous texts during reading, Reading and Writing 29(6): 1161-1178.
- Arfé B., Oakhill J., Benincasa P., Van den Broek P.W. & Genovese E. (2016), Comprehension of temporal and causal connectives in poor comprehenders with and without hearing loss. 23rd Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto. 23rd Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 13 July 2016 - 16 July 2016.
- De Bruijne M., Van den Broek P.W. & Van Gelderen A.J.S. (2016), Development of individual self-regulation and reading task approach in a reciprocal teaching context. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Kassel. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse 18 July 2016 - 20 July 2016.
- Muijselaar M.M.L., Kendeou P., De Jong P.F. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), Taking another look at measures of reading comprehension: A comparison of the demands of the CBM-Maze and the Gates-MacGinitie tests. 23rd Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto. 23rd Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 13 July 2016 - 16 July 2016.
- Oudega M.H., Koornneef A.W. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), Individual differences in text processing under cognitive load: The effect of reading skill and WM capacity. SWAET 2016 / The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking , Turku. SWAET 2016 / The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking 19 June 2016 - 21 June 2016.
- Karlsson A.K.J., Van Leijenhorst L. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), The role of connectives in elementary school children’s comprehension of temporal relations between events during reading. 23rd Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto. 23rd Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 13 July 2016 - 16 July 2016.
- Beker K., Van den Broek P.W. & Jolles D.D. (2016), Children’s integration of information across texts: Reading processes and knowledge representations. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Kassel. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse 18 July 2016 - 20 July 2016.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Van Driel J.H. & Broek P.W. van den (2016), The influence of peer feedback on students’ academic writing : a meta-analysis (2016) Higher Education Conference, Amsterdam. International Conference on Higher Education: EARLI SIG 4 13 July 2016 - 15 July 2016. Amsterdam.
- Van Leijenhorst L., Jolles D.D. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), Onderwijspedagogiek in neurocognitief perspectief: De rol van de neurowetenschappen in onderwijzen en leren. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Rosmalen L. van (Eds.), Pedagogiek in beeld. Herziene druk. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 363-375.
- Cevasco J. & Van den Broek P. (2016), The effect of filled pauses on the processing of the surface form and the establishment of causal connections during the comprehension of spoken expository discourse, Cognitive Processing 17(2): 185-194.
- Espin C.A., Van den Broek P.W., McMaster K. & Guda M.C. (2016), Begrijpend lezen: problemen en mogelijke oplossingen.
- Yeari M. & Van den Broek P.W. (2015), The role of textual semantic constraints in knowledge-based inference generation during reading comprehension: A computational approach, Memory 23(8): 1193-1214.
- Yeari M., Broek P.W. van den & Oudega M.H. (2015), Processing and memory of central versus peripheral information as a function of reading goals: evidence from eye-movements, Reading and Writing 28(8): 1071-1097.
- Wassenburg S.I., Beker K., Van den Broek P.W. & Van der Schoot M. (2015), Children's comprehension monitoring of multiple situational dimensions of a narrative, READING AND WRITING 28(8): 1203-1232.
- McMaster K.L., Van den Broek P.W., Espin C.A., Pinto V., Janda B., Lam E., Hsu H., Jung P., Leinen A.B. & Van Boekel M. (2015), Developing a reading comprehension intervention: Translating cognitive theory to educational practice, Contemporary Educational Psychology 40: 28-40.
- Van den Broek P.W. & Kendeou P. (2015), Building coherence in web-based and other non-traditional reading environments. In: Sprio J.J., Deschryver M., Hagerman P., Morsink P. & Thompson P. (Eds.), Reading at a crossroads? Disjunctures and continuities in current conceptions and practices. New York: Routledge. 104-114.
- Van den Broek P.W., Beker K. & Oudega M.H. (2015), Inference generation in text comprehension: automatic and strategic processes in the construction of a mental representation. In: O'Brien E.J., Cook A.E. & Lorch R.F. (Eds.), Inferences during reading. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 94-121.
- Helder A., Kraal A. & Van den Broek P.W. (2015), De ontwikkeling van begrijpend lezen: Oorzaken van succes en falen vanuit een cognitief perspectief. In: Schram D. (Ed.), Hoe maakbaar is de lezer no. 25. Delft: Eburon, Stichting Lezen Reeks. 59-78.
- Beker K., Kendeou P., Van Boekel M. & Van den Broek P.W. (2015), Learning from texts: Do refutations texts enhance transfer of knowledge? 25th Annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. . Minneapolis, United States.
- Helder A., Stafura J., Calloway R. & Van den Broek P.W. (2015), Centrality effects on word-to-text integration during reading: An ERP study. 25th Annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. 25th Annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 6 July 2015 - 8 July 2015. Minneapolis, United States.
- Mouw J.M., Ganushchak L.Y. & Van den Broek P. (2015), Technical report: Evaluation of children's sensitivity to central information of a narrative.
- Karlsson J. & Van den Broek P.W. (2015), Individual differences in reading comprehension. Reading Comprehension Symposium for Teachers, Driestar, : .
- Van den Broek P.W. (10 April 2015), Keynote speaker at the Reading Network Symposium. Leiden, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Carlson S.E., Van den Broek P., McMaster K., Rapp D.N., Bohn-Gettler C.M., Kendeou P. & White M.J. (2014), Effects of comprehension skill on inference generation during reading, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 61(3): 258-274.
- Verhoeven L. & Van den Broek P.W. (Eds.) (2014), Studies in written language and literacy. Book series: Studies in Written Language and Literacy: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Clinton V., Seipel B., Van den Broek P.W., McMaster K., Kendeou P., Carlson S. & Rapp D.N. (2014), Gender differences in inference generation by fourth grade students, Journal of Research in Reading 37(4): 356-374.
- Van Leijenhorst L., Helder A., Karlsson A.K.J. & Van den Broek P.W. (2014), Neural correlates of sentence comprehension: Effects of the position of event-structure cues. 21st Annual Meeting Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston. 5 April 2014 - 8 April 2014. [conference poster].
- Van Leijenhorst L., Karlsson A.K.J., Helder A. & Van den Broek P.W. (2014), Neural correlates of individual differences in coherence monitoring during reading. 21st Annual Meeting Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston. 5 April 2014 - 8 April 2014. [conference poster].
- Karlsson J., Van Leijenhorst L. & Van den Broek P. (2014), The role of working memory in updating a mental model during sentence comprehension in children. Meeting Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden, The Netherlands. Meeting Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden. 1 January 2014 - 1 January 2014. [conference poster].
- Helder A., Van Leijenhorst L., Karlsson A.K.J. & Van den Broek P.W. (2014), Neural correlates of coherence monitoring during narrative comprehension in children and young adults. 21st Annual Meeting Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston. 5 April 2014 - 8 April 2014. [conference poster].
- McMaster K.L., Espin C.A. & Van den Broek P. (2014), Making connections: Linking cognitive psychology and intervention research to improve comprehension of struggling readers, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 29(1): 17-24.
- Kendeou P., Van den Broek P., Helder A. & Karlsson J. (2014), A cognitive view of reading comprehension: Implications for reading difficulties, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 29(1): 10-16.
- De Mulder W., Do Thi N.Q., Van den Broek P. & Moens M.F. (2013), Machine understanding for interactive storytelling. , : 73-80.
- Van den Broek P.W., Helder A. & Van Leijenhorst L. (2013), Sensitivity to Structural Centrality: Developmental and Individual Differences in Reading Comprehension Skills. In: Britt M.A., Goldman S.R. & Rouet J.-F. (Eds.), Reading: From Words to Multiple Texts. New York: Routledge. 132-146.
- Helder A., Van den Broek P., Van Leijenhorst L. & Beker K. (2013), Sources of comprehension problems during reading. In: Miller B., Cutting L. & McCardle P. (Eds.), Unraveling reading comprehension: Behavioral neurobiological, and genetic components.. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing. 43-53.
- Cevasco J. & Van den Broek P.W. (2013), Studies on the establishment of connections among spoken statements: What can they contribute to the promotion of students' construction of a coherent discourse representation?, Psicología Educativa 19(2): 67-74.
- Steele V.R., Bernat E.M., Van den Broek P.W., Collins P.F., Patrick C.J. & Marsolek C.J. (2013), Separable processes before, during, and after the N400 elicited by previously inferred and new information: Evidence from time-frequency decompositions, Brain Research 1492: 92-107.
- McMaster K.L., Broek P.W. van den, Espin C.A., White M.J., Rapp D.N., Kendeou P., Bohn-Gettler C.M. & Carlson S. (2012), Making the right connections: Differential effects of reading intervention for subgroups of comprehenders, Learning and Individual Differences 22(1): 100-111.
- Broek P.W. van den & Espin C.A. (2012), Connecting Cognitive Theory and Assessment: Measuring Individual Differences in Reading Comprehension, School Psychology Review 41(3): 315-325.
- Broek P.W. van den & White M.J. (2012), Cognitive Processes in Reading and the Measurement of Comprehension. In: Espin C.A., McMaster K.L., Rose S. & Wayman M.M. (Eds.), A Measure of Success. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 293-304.
- Broek P.W. van den (2012), Individual and developmental differences in reading comprehension: Assessing cognitive processes and outcomes. In: Sabatini J.P., Albro E.R. & O'Reilly T. (Eds.), Measuring up: Advances in how we assess reading ability.. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Education. 39-58.
- Clinton V., D'Mello S. & Broek P.W. van den (2012), Predicting interest using Wii Fit TM balance boards, Proceedings of the International Technology, Education, and Development Conference, 6th edition. 62-67.
- Clinton V. & Broek P.W. van den (2012), Interest, inferences, and learning from texts, Learning and Individual Differences 22: 650-663.
- Yeari M. & Broek P.W. van den (2011), A cognitive account of discourse understanding and discourse interpretation: The landscape model of reading, Discourse Studies 13(5): 635-643.
- Molinari Marotto C., Barreyro J.P., Cevasco J. & Broek P.W. van den (2011), Generation of emotional inferences during text comprehension: Behavioral data and implementation through the landscape model, Escritos de Psicologia 4(1): 9-17.
- Broek P.W. van den, Bohn-Gettler C., Kendeou P., Carlson S. & White M.J. (2011), When a reader meets a text: The role of standards of coherence in reading comprehension. In: McCrudden M.T., Magliano J.P. & Schraw G. (Eds.), Text relevance and learning from text.. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. 123-140.
- Broek P.W. van den, Kendeou P., Lousberg S. & Visser G. (2011), Preparing for reading comprehension: Fostering text comprehension skills in preschool and early elementary school children, International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education 4(1): 259-268.
- Bohn-Gettler C.M., Rapp D.N., Broek P.W. van den, Kendeou P. & White M.J. (2011), Adults' and children's monitoring of story events in the service of comprehension, Memory and Cognition 39: 992-1011.
- Broek P.W. van den & Espin C.A. (2010), Improving reading comprehension: Connecting cognitive science and education, Cognitive Critique 2: 1-25.
- Broek P.W. van den (2010), Using texts in science education: Cognitive processes and knowledge representation, Science 328: 453-456.
- Tilstra J., McMaster K., Broek P.W. van den, Kendeou P. & Rapp D.N. (2009), Simple but complex: Components of the simple view of reading across grade levels, Journal of Research in Reading 32(4): 383-401.
- Kendeou P., Broek P.W. van den, White M.J. & Lynch J.S. (2009), Predicting reading comprehension in early elementary school: The independent contributions of oral language and decoding skills, Journal of Educational Psychology 101(4): 765-778.
- Broek P.W. van den, White M.J., Kendeou P. & Carlson S. (2009), Reading between the lines. Developmental and individual differences in cognitive processes in reading comprehension. In: Wagner R.K., Schatschneider C. & Phythian-Sence C. (Eds.), Beyond decoding. The behavioral and biological foundations of reading comprehension.. New York: The Guilford Press. 107-123.
- Broek P.W. van den, Kendeou P. & White M.J. (2009), Cognitive processes during reading: Implications for the use of multimedia to foster reading comprehension. In: Bus A.G. & Neuman S.B. (Eds.), Multimedia and literacy development: Improving achievement for young learners.. New York: Taylor & Francis. 57-73.
- Goldman R.S., Graesser A.C. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.) (2009), Narrative comprehension, causality and coherence: Essays in honor of Tom Trabasso. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Verhoeven L. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.) (2009), . Book series: Studies in Written Language and Literacy.
- Broek P.W. van den (2009), Inferential processes in discourse comprehension. [other].
- Kendeou P., Savage R. & Broek P.W. van den (2009), Revisiting the simple view of reading, British Journal of Educational Psychology 79: 353-370.
- Kendeou P., Bohn-Gettler C., White M.J. & Broek P.W. van den (2008), Children's inference generation across different media, Journal of Research in Reading 31(1): 259-272.
- Konheim-Kalkstein Y.L. & Broek P.W. van den (2008), The effect of incentives on cognitive processing of text, Discourse Processes 45(2): 180-194.
- Cevasco J. & Broek P.W. van den (2008), The importance of causal connections in the comprehension of spontaneous spoken discourse, Psicothema 20(4): 801-806.
- Kim O., Kendeou P., Broek P.W. van den, White M.J. & Kremer K. (2008), Cat, rat, and rugrats: Narrative comprehension in young children with down syndrome, Espace Politique 20(4): 337-351.
- Seipel B. & Broek P.W. van den (2008), Monitoring reading of explicitly learned words in context using eye-tracking. [other].
- White M.J. & Broek P.W. van den (2008), Causality in embodied text comprehension. [other].
- McMaster K., Broek P.W. van den, Rapp D., White M.J., Carlson S., Kendeou P., Espin C.A. & Deno S.L. (2008), Using cognitive science to inform reading comprehension interventions for struggling, average, and good readers. [other].
- Fehr C., Broek P.W. van den, McMaster K. & Rapp D.N. (2008), Generation of mental state inferences by fourth grade readers during a think aloud procedure. [other].
- Clinton V., Seipel B., Broek P.W. van den, McMaster K.L., Rapp D.N. & White M.J. (2008), Gender differences in elaborative inferences. [other].
- Blanc N., Kendeou P., Broek P.W. van den & Brouillet D. (2008), Updating situation models during reading of news reports: Evidence from empirical data and simulations, Discourse Processes 45(2): 103-121.
- Lynch J.S., Broek P.W. van den, Kremer K.E., Kendeou P., White M.J. & Lorch E.P. (2008), The development of narrative comprehension and its relation to other early reading skills, Reading Psychology 29(4): 327-365.
- Broek P.W. van den & Kendeou P. (2008), Cognitive processes in comprehension of science texts: The role of co-activation in confronting misconceptions, Applied Cognitive Psychology 22(3): 335-351.
- Broek P.W. van den, Lynch J.S., Naslund J., Levers-Landis C.E. & Verduin C.J. (2003), Children's comprehension of main ideas in narratives: Evidence from the selection of titles, Journal of Educational Psychology 95: 707-718.
- Lorch E.P., Diener M.B., Sanchez R.P., Milich R., Welsh R. & Broek P.W. van den (1999), The effects of story structure on the recall of stories in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Journal of Educational Psychology 91: 273-283.
- Lorch E.P., Sanchez R.P., Broek P.W. van den, Milich R., Murphy E.L. & Lorch Jr.R.F. (1999), The relation of story structure properties to recall of television stories in young children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and nonreferred peers, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 27: 293-309.
- Goldman S.R., Graesser A.C. & Broek P.W. van den (1999), Reflections. In: Goldman S.R., Graesser A.C. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.), Narrative comprehension, causality, and coherence: Essays in honor of Tom Trabasso. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 1-15.
- Taylor B., Graves M. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.) (1999), Reading for meaning. New York, NY: Teacher's College Press.
- Goldman S.R., Graesser A.C. & Broek P.W. van den (Eds.) (1999), Narrative comprehension, causality and coherence: Essays in honor of Tom Trabasso. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Narvaez D., Broek P.W. van den & Barron-Ruiz A. (1999), The influence of reading purpose on inference generation and comprehension in reading, Journal of Educational Psychology 91: 488-496.
- Broek P.W. van den, Young M., Tzeng Y. & Linderholm T. (1998), The landscape model of reading: Inferences and the on-line construction of a memory representation. In: Oostendorp H. van & Goldman S.R. (Eds.), The construction of mental representations during reading. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 71-98.
- Wolman C., Broek P.W. van den & Lorch R.F. (1997), Effects of causal structure on immediate and delayed story recall by children with mild mental retardation, children with learning disabilities, and children without disabilities, Journal of Special Education 30: 439-455.
- Broek P.W. van den, Bauer P. & Bourg T. (1997), To span or not to span: That's the question. In: Broek P.W. van den, Bauer P. & Bourg T. (Eds.), Developmental spans in event comprehension and representation: Bridging fictional and actual events. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 1-5.
- Näslund J.C., Schneider W. & Broek P.W. van den (1997), Beginning reading in Germany and the U.S.: A comparison of phonological segmentation, decoding, lexical access, and comprehension. In: Leong C.K. & Joshi R.M. (Eds.), Cross-language studies of learning to read and speak: Phonologic and orthographic processing. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 103-121.
- Bourg T., Bauer P. & Broek P.W. van den (1997), Building the bridges: The development of event comprehension and representation. In: Broek P.W. van den, Bauer P. & Bourg T. (Eds.), Developmental spans in event comprehension and representation: Bridging fictional and actual events. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 385-407.
- Broek P.W. van den (1997), Discovering the cement of the universe: The development of event comprehension from childhood to adulthood. In: Broek P.W. van den, Bauer P. & Bourg T. (Eds.), Developmental spans in event comprehension and representation: Bridging fictional and actual events. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 321-342.
- Broek P.W. van den, Bauer P. & Bourg T. (Eds.) (1997), Developmental spans in event comprehension and representation: Bridging fictional and actual events. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Lorch Jr. R.F. & Broek P.W. van den (1997), Understanding reading comprehension: Current and future contributions of cognitive science, Contemporary Educational Psychology 22: 213-246.
- Broek P.W. van den, Lorch E.P. & Thurlow R. (1996), Children's and adults' memory for television stories: The role of causal factors, story-grammar categories and hierarchical level, Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 67: 3010-3029.
- Broek P.W. van den (1996), On becoming literate: The many sources of success and failure in reading. In: Graves M., Broek P.W. van den & Taylor B. (Eds.), The first R: Children's right to read. New York, NY: Teacher's College Press. 189-196.
- Broek P.W. van den, Risden K., Fletcher C.R. & Thurlow R. (1996), A 'landscape' view of reading: Fluctuating patterns of activation and the construction of a stable memory representation. In: Britton B.K. & Graesser A.C. (Eds.), Models of understanding text. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 165-187.
- Broek P.W. van den, Rohleder L. & Narváez D. (1996), Causal inferences in the comprehension of literary texts. In: Kreuz R.J. & MacNealy M.S. (Eds.), Empirical approaches to literature and aesthetics: Ablex Publishing Corporation. 179-200.
- Graves M., Broek P.W. van den & Taylor B. (Eds.) (1996), The first R: Children's right to read. New York, NY: Teacher's College Press.
- Broek P.W. van den (1995), A "landscape" model of reading comprehension: Inferential processes and the construction of a stable memory representation, Canadian Psychology 36: 53-54.
- Fletcher C.R., Chrysler S.T., Broek P.W. van den, Deaton J.A. & Bloom C.P. (1995), The role of co-occurence, co-reference and causality in the coherence of conjoined sentences. In: Lorch R.F. Jr & O'Brien E.J. (Eds.), Sources of coherence in text comprehension. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 203-218.
- Fletcher C.R., Broek P.W. van den & Arthur E. (1995), A model of narrative comprehension and recall. In: Britton B.K. & Graesser A.C. (Eds.), Models of understanding text. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 151-163.
- Broek P.W. van den, Risden K. & Husebye-Hartman E. (1995), The role of readers' standards for coherence in the generation of inferences during reading. In: Lorch R.F. Jr & O'Brien E.J. (Eds.), Sources of coherence in text comprehension. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 353-373.
- Shapiro B.P., Broek P.W. van den & Fletcher C.R. (1995), Using story-based causal diagrams to analyze disagreements about complex events, Discourse Processes 19: 51-77.
- Broek P.W. van den (1994), Comprehension and memory of narrative texts: Inferences and coherence. In: Gernsbacher M.A. (Ed.), Handbook of psycholinguistics. New York, NY: Academic Press. 539-588.
- Broek P.W. van den, Rohleder L. & Narváez D. (1994), Cognitive processes in the comprehension of literary texts. In: Oostendorp H. van & Zwaan R.A. (Eds.), Naturalistic text comprehension. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation. 229-246.
- Horiba Y., Broek P.W. van den & Fletcher C.R. (1994), Second-language readers' memory for narrative texts: Evidence for structure-preserving top-down processing. In: Cumming A.H. (Ed.), Bilingual performance in reading and writing. Ann Arbor, MI: Language Learning/John Benjamins. 43-71.
- Broek P.W. van den, Fletcher C.R. & Risden K. (1993), Investigations of inferential processes in reading: A theoretical and methodological integration, Discourse Processes 16: 169-180.
- Horiba Y., Broek P.W. van den & Fletcher C.R. (1993), Second-language readers' memory for narrative texts: Evidence for structure-preserving top-down processing, Language Learning 43: 345-372.
- Broek P.W. van den & Lorch Jr.R.F. (1993), Causal relations in memory for narrative texts: Evidence from a priming task for network representations, Discourse Processes 16: 75-98.
- Pick H., Broek P.W. van den & Knill D. (1992), The study of cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Pick H., Broek P.W. van den & Knill D. (1992), Introduction. In: Pick H., Broek P.W. van den & Knill D. (Eds.), The study of cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 1-8.
- Pick H., Broek P.W. van den & Knill D. (Eds.) (1992), The study of cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Bloom C.P., Fletcher C.R., Broek P.W. van den, Reitz L. & Shapiro B.P. (1990), An on-line assessment of causal reasoning during text comprehension, Memory and Cognition 18: 65-71.
- Broek P.W. van den (1990), The causal inference maker: Towards a process model of inference generation in text comprehension. In: Balota D.A., Flores d'Arcais G.B. & Rayner K. (Eds.), Comprehension processes in reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 423-446.
- Broek P.W. van den (1990), Causal inferences in the comprehension of narrative texts. In: Graesser A.C. & Bower G.H. (Eds.), Psychology of learning and motivation: Inferences and text comprehension. New York, NY: Academic Press. 175-196.
- Broek P.W. van den (1989), Causal reasoning and inference making in judging the importance of story statements, Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 60: 286-297.
- Trabasso T., Broek P.W. van den & Suh S.Y. (1989), Logical necessity and transitivity of causal relations in stories, Discourse Processes 12: 1-25.
- Broek P.W. van den (1989), The effects of causal structure on the comprehension of narratives: Implications for education, Reading Psychology 10: 19-44.
- Broek P.W. van den (1988), The effects of causal relations and hierarchical position on the importance of story statements, Journal of Memory and Language 27: 1-22.
- Russell R. & Broek P.W. van den (1988), A cognitive-developmental account of narratives in child psychotherapy. In: Shirk S.R. (Ed.), Cognitive development and child psychotherapy. New York, NY: Plenum Press. 19-52.
- Trabasso T., Broek P.W. van den & Liu L. (1988), A model for generating questions that assess and promote comprehension, Questioning exchange: A multidisciplinary review 2: 25-38.
- Broek P.W. van den & Trabasso T. (1986), Causal networks versus goal-hierarchies in summarizing text, Discourse Processes 9: 1-15.
- Trabasso T. & Broek P.W. van den (1985), Causal thinking and the representation of narrative events, Journal of Memory and Language 24: 612-630.
- Trabasso T., Secco T. & Broek P.W. van den (1984), Causal cohesion and story coherence. In: Mandl H., Stein N.L. & Trabasso T. (Eds.), Learning and comprehension of text. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 83-111.