Paul Logman
- Name
- P.S.W.M. Logman
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7490
- 0000-0003-0699-9399

Paul Logman is lecturer at the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION), where he organises all the practicals for the Bachelor of Physics. He also conducts research on the effects of those practicals on students.
Paul studied Applied Physics at TU Delft, obtained his first-degree teaching qualification in physics at VU Amsterdam and a PhD in physics education at the University of Amsterdam. He has taught for many years at almost all levels of secondary education, where he has always focused on open practicals: practicals in which students are given almost complete freedom to conduct their own physics research.
After working as a teacher-researcher in Marc Vrakking's XUV research group, he regained a taste for physics research. Working at LION, he now organises all practicals for the Bachelor of Science in physics, focusing of course on open practicals. He is also a Teaching Methodologist for Physics in Leiden at Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON). In this context, Paul obtained his Basic Teaching Qualification in Leiden in 2020 and his Senior Teaching Qualification in 2024.
Paul is on the board of GIREP (International Research Group on Physics Teaching): an international group for research into all facets of physics education. Within it, he is co-leader of the thematic group on lab education (Laboratory Based Teaching in Physics (LabTiP)).
Furthermore, he is part of a national collaboration on open practical education broader than just physics: S3OIL (Supporting Students' Scientific Open Inquiries in Labs). Internationally, he is part of a group of researchers focusing specifically on lab education in the Bachelor of Physics. Paul is always open to new forms of collaboration both within undergraduate and high school education, both within physics and beyond, and both nationally and internationally.
Currently, his interests lie in the area of student decision making and student creativity and the development students undergo in this during their Bachelor's degree.
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Science Education Support Group
Teaching Methodologist for Physics
- Opleiden
- Logman Paul Rog Matthijs Sedghinejad Nazly (2025), Decision-making by students in lab courses: stimulating students’ reasoning when choosing apparatus in experiments, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2950(1): 012014.
- Goesaert W.M. & Logman P.S.W.M. (2024), Easy method to establish the dispersion relation of capillary waves on water jets, American Journal of Physics 92(2): 93-99.
- Fazio C. & Logman P.S.W.M. (2024), Physics education today: innovative methodologies, tools and evaluation. Challenges in Physics Education. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Logman P.S.W.M. Fazio C. (2024), Preface, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2727: 011001.
- Logman P.S.W.M. (2024), Engaging theoretically primed students in second year lab courses, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2727: 012021.
- Geschwind G., Alemani M., Fox M.F.J., Logman P.S.W.M., Tufino E. & Lewandowski H.J. (2024), Development of a global landscape of undergraduate physics laboratory courses, Physical Review Physics Education Research 20(2): 020117.
- Berg E. van den, Logman P.S.W.M. & Veen N. van (2023), Resonantie. In: Frederik I. & Sonneveld W. (Eds.), Show de fysica 3: natuurkunde laat je zien. Utrecht: NVON. 28-29.
- Balta Nuri & Logman P.S.W.M. (2022), Development of counterintuitive basic electric DC circuits test, Physics Education 57(4): 045033.
- Feenstra L., Cramer J. & Logman P.S.W.M. (2021), A Lego® Mach–Zehnder interferometer with an Arduino detector, Physics Education 56(2): 023004.
- Logman P.S.W.M. & Kautz J. (2021), From Dublin descriptors to implementation in Bachelor labs, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. GIREP-ICPE-EPEC-MPTL 2019 1 July 2019 - 5 July 2019 no. 1929: IOP Publishing. 012065.
- Logman P.S.W.M. & Uffelen F. van (2018), Nederlands CERN docentenprogramma 2017: Een impressie, NVOX 2018(1): 40-41.
- Wenneker I. & Logman P.S.W.M. (2018), Quantummechanica: Een leuke lesopener, NVOX 2018(6): 286-287.
- Logman P.S.W.M. & Berg E. van den (2017), Kwadratenwet voor geluid met mobieltjes. In: Frederik I. (Ed.), Showdefysica2: Natuurkunde laat je zien no. 2. Utrecht: NVON. 60-61.
- Janssen F.J.J.M., Bemmel H.J.M. van & Logman P.S.W.M. (2017), Natuurkundig leren denken, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 83(12): 402-408.
- Logman P.S.W.M., Kaper W. & Ellermeijer T. (2015), Evaluation of the Learning Process of Students Reinventing the General Law of Energy Conservation, EURASIA Journal of Mathemathics, Science and Technology Education 11(3): 479-504.
- Logman P.S.W.M., Ellermeijer A.L. & Kaper W.H. (11 April 2014), Students reinventing the general law of energy conservation (Dissertatie. AMSTEL Institute, Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica, University of Amsterdam). Alkmaar: Logman. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Ellermeijer A.L., Kaper W.H.
- Huismans Y., Cormier E., Cauchy C., Hervieux P.-A., Gademann G., Gijsbertsen A., Ghafur O., Johnsson P., Logman P., Barillot T., Bordas C., Lepine F. & Vrakking M.J.J. (2013), Macro-atom versus many-electron effects in ultrafast ionization of C-60, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 88(1): 013201.
- Huismans Y., Rouzee A., Gijsbertsen A., Logman P.S.W.M., Lepine F., Cauchy C., Zamith S., Stodolna A.S., Jungmann J.H., Bakker J.M., Berden G., Redlich B., Meer A.F.G. van der, Schafer K.J. & Vrakking M.J.J. (2013), Photoelectron angular distributions from the ionization of xenon Rydberg states by midinfrared radiation, Physical Review A 87(3): 033413.
- Huismans Y., Gijsbertsen A., Smolkowska A.S., Jungmann J.H., Rouzee A., Logman P.S.W.M., Lepine F., Cauchy C., Zamith S., Marchenko T., Bakker J.M., Berden G., Redlich B., Meer A.F.G. van der, Ivanov M.Yu., Yan T.-M., Bauer D., Smirnova O. & Vrakking M.J.J. (2012), Scaling Laws for Photoelectron Holography in the Midinfrared Wavelength Regime, Physical Review Letters 109(1): 013002.
- Huismans Y., Rouzee A., Gijsbertsen A., Jungmann J.H., Smolkowska A.S., Logman P.S.W.M., Lepine F., Cauchy C., Zamith S., Marchenko T., Bakker J.M., Berden G., Redlich B., Meer A.F.G. van der, Muller H.G., Vermin W., Schafer K.J., Spanner M., Ivanov M.Yu., Smirnova O., Bauer D., Popruzhenko S.V. & Vrakking M.J.J. (2011), Time-Resolved Holography with Photoelectrons, Science 331(6013): 61-64.
- Lid GIREP-bestuur