A boost for open source laboratory education: 175,000 euro subsidy
A project to improve practicals in science courses has been awarded a 175,000 subsidy. Leiden physicist Paul Logman is one of the applicants, together with colleagues from the UvA and Eindhoven University of Technology.
With the project Open Source Materials and Support of Open Scientific Research, the applicants want to give open research methods a greater role in laboratory education within science courses. To this end, they will collect best practices in this area, after which they will adapt them, test them, evaluate them, and make them available, with a roadmap to support lecturers.
The subsidy comes from SURF (ICT cooperation of education and research) and DUS-I (Dienst Uitvoering Subsidies aan Instellingen). The project will run for two years. In the first year, the project will focus on internal knowledge sharing and innovation, with the primary target group being students from five natural sciences Bachelor's programmes: (applied) physics, biomedical sciences and two interdisciplinary science programmes. In the second year, the focus will be on external knowledge sharing, with the aim of inspiring and supporting other lecturers in the application of open research methods.
Image: Pixabay