Patricio Silva
Professor emeritus Modern Latin American History
- Name
- Prof.dr. P. Silva
- Telephone
- 071 527 1646
- 0000-0002-3914-260x

Patricio Silva is Professor Emeritus of Modern Latin American History.
More information about Patricio Silva
PhD candidates
Macarena Alegria Garcia
José María Castro Ibarra
Carla Cisternas Guasch
Felipe Cousiño
Tomás Díaz
Joaquin Fernandez Abara
Nestor Marin Bravo
Aad van Mastrigt
Karla Medrano Gonzalez
Eduardo Menz Queirolo
Liliana Morawietz Yanez
Nicole Pereira Ríos
Nadia Rojas
Cristian Saavedra Bastía
Elsa Saez Jara
Theresa St John
Juliët Tinebra
Fields of Interest
Contemporary Latin American history, modern Latin American political and economic development, modernization and social change, democratization and technocracy, public policies and citizenship, civil-military relations, and neoliberalism in Latin America.
Curriculum Vitae
Patricio Silva (1957) studied Political Science at the University Amsterdam and received his doctorandus degree (cum laude) in June 1983. In June 1987 he defended his PhD thesis at Leiden University. The study focused on the political and ideological backgrounds of the agrarian policies followed by the Pinochet regime in Chile. In the period 1987-2002 he was Lecturer at the Department of Cultural Anthropology at Leiden University. In the period September 1998-September 1999 he has been Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) at Wassenaar. From 2002 to 2024 he was full Professor of Modern Latin American History at the Department of Latin American Studies (LAS), Leiden University.
Interview at the Diego Portales University, Santiago de Chile.
Interview at the Diego Portales University, Santiago de Chile, part two
Key Publications
P. Silva (2012) ‘Tecnócratas y política en Chile: de los Chicago Boys a los Monjes de Cieplan’ in Tomás Ariztía (ed.), Produciendo lo Social: usos de las ciencias sociales el Chile reciente, pp. 73-100. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
P. Silva (2008) In the Name of Reason: Technocrats and Politics in Chile. University Park: Penn State University Press.
P. Silva (2008) ‘Die Technokraten und die Chilenische Politik: Vergangenheit und Gegenwart’ in Dieter Boris, Alke Jenss et al. (eds), Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika: Ein Überblick, pp. 73-93. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.
P. Silva (2004) "The New Political Order in Latin America: Towards Technocratic Democracies?", Latin America Transformed: Globalization and Modernity, Robert Gwynne and Cristóbal Kay (eds), New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 157-170.
(2004) "Doing Politics in a Depoliticised Society: Social Change and Political Deactivation in Chile", Bulletin of Latin American Research 23 (1), 63-78.
(2003) "Democratisation and State-Civil Society Relations in Chile, 1983-2000': From Effervescence to Deactivation", Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 32 (2), 73-96.
(2003) "Between Autonomy and Subordination: Government-Military Relations in Post-Authoritarian Chile", Governing Insecurity: Democratic Control of Military Establishments in Transitional Democracies, Gavin Cawthra and Robin Luckham (eds.), London, Zed Books, 102-122.
(2001) The Soldier and the State in South America: Essays in Civil-Military Relations, (ed.). London and New York, Palgrave Publishers.
P. Silva (and Francisco Rojas) (eds) (2013) Gobernabilidad y convivencia democrática en América Latina. San José, Costa Rica: FLACSO.
P. Silva (2010) En el nombre de la razón: tecnócratas y política en Chile. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales. An updated and extended version of the 2008 book In the Name of Reason.
P. Silva (and Herwig Cleuren) (eds) (2009) Widening Democracy: Citizens and Participatory Schemes in Brazil and Chile. Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers.
P. Silva (2008) In the Name of Reason: Technocrats and Politics in Chile. University Park: Penn State University Press.
P. Silva (ed.) (2001) The Soldier and the State in South America: Essays in Civil-Military Relations. London and New York: Palgrave Publishers.
P. Silva (2000) State Capacity, Technocratic Insulation, and Government-Business Relations in South Korea and Chile. Santiago: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales.
P. Silva (and Kees Koonings) (eds) (1999) Construcciones étnicas y dinámica sociocultural en América Latina. Quito: Abya-Yala Editores.
P. Silva (and Peter Nas) (eds) (1999) Modernization, Leadership, and Participation. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
P. Silva (and Miguel A. Centeno) (eds) (1998) The Politics of Expertise in Latin America. Basingstoke and New York: Macmillan/ St. Martin’s Press.
P. Silva (and B. Galjart) (eds) (1995) Designers of Development: Intellectuals and Technocrats in the Third World. Leiden: Centre for Non-Western Studies.
P. Silva (with M. Baud, K. Koonings, G. Oostindie and A. Ouweneel) (1996) Etnicidad como estrategia en América Latina y el Caribe. Abya-Yala Editores, Quito, Ecuador.
P. Silva (with M. Baud, K. Koonings, G. Oostindie and A. Ouweneel) (1994) Etniciteit als Strategie in Latijns-Amerika en de Caraïben. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
P. Silva (and C. Kay) (eds) (1992) Development and Social Change in the Chilean Countryside. Amsterdam: CEDLA.
P. Silva (and B. Galjart) (eds) (1989) Democratization and the State in the Southern Cone. Amsterdam: CEDLA.
P. Silva (1987) Estado, neoliberalismo y política agraria en Chile, 1973-1981. Amsterdam: CEDLA.
Professor emeritus Modern Latin American History
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Latijns-Amerika studies