Universiteit Leiden

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Karla Medrano Gonzalez

PhD candidate

K.V. Medrano Gonzalez MSc
071 5271646

Karla Medrano’s PhD research looks into the ways indigenous thought informs the local-to-global peace architecture.

More information about Karla Medrano Gonzalez

In Indigenous people’s literature, the land and natural environment are seen as part of the (sense of) self and identity of indigenous peoples. However, a growing number of scholars argue that environmental identity is not unique to indigenous peoples, but prevalent in all humans, and can become a resource in peace and conflict studies.

This research revisits indigenous literature, moving beyond romanticizing views and towards a secularizing approach. In this way, indigenous spirituality and relationship with the natural world are seen in a new light with the possibility to inform policy and institutions. The indigenous spiritual realm becomes a repository of different concepts for, and approaches to, current global challenges.

The Rights of Nature (RON) is one example of how indigenous people can form synergic partnerships with international partners to manage environmental conflicts and address environmental and existential concerns. The RON is just one example of the many ways in which indigenous thought influences the local-to-global peace architecture. This research stands in the nexus of several primary interests: peace and security, environmental identity, (sense of) self, and local-to-global and global-to-local influences.


Past appointments include:

Political Science
Leiden University

Education and Research Officer
Diplomacy and Global Affairs
Leiden University

PhD candidate

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Institute for History
  • History and International Studies
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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