Pablo Mendes De Leon
Professor emeritus Air and Space Law
- Name
- Prof.dr. P.M.J. Mendes De Leon
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-3918-0235

Pablo Mendes de Leon studied at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands from 1974 to 1979. He continued his studies at the University of Paris 2, and during this period he also followed a training programme at the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. Subsequently, he worked for the EC Delegation at the United Nations in New York. In 1981, he started his professional career at the law firm Barents and Krans in The Hague, where he practised European Community Law, company law and bankruptcy law.
In 1985, Mendes de Leon joined Leiden University, where he obtained his doctoral (PhD) degree (with honours) in 1992 on a thesis entitled "Cabotage in International Air Transport Regulation". In addition to his teaching position, he acted as Director of the International Institute of Air and Space Law. In this capacity, he organised a number of international conferences on topical developments in international aviation and space law. Besides his academic research as a Meijers Fellow, Mendes de Leon carries out studies for third parties. From 2003 until 2007, he was Director of Air Law Research at the International Institute of Air and Space law. He lectures private international air law and competition law in the Institute's Advanced LL.M. programme. Moreover, he is a regular speaker at conferences on international aviation developments.
Professor Mendes de Leon maintains memberships in organisations that work to combine air and space law and education including:
- President, European Air Law Association (see:
- Honorary Judge, District Courts, The Netherlands
- Honorary President, Student Association "Telders" on International Law, Law Faculty, Leiden University
- President European Air Law Association
- Membre de l’Acadérmie de l’Air et de l’Espace (Toulouse)
- Member Editorial Board, Air and Space Law magazine (Kluwer)
- Fellow, Meijers Institute, Leiden University
- Board Member, KLM-Air France foundation
- Chairman Foundation SAK-I
- Member, Air Transport Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris
- Board member, Brazilian Institute of Strategic Studies and Policies in Air Transport, Rio de Janeiro; Member, International Faculty, IATA Learning Centre, Geneva
- Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Air Law and Commerce
- Member Editorial Board, Aviation Maritime Journal (Bologna, Italy)
- Series Editor, Aviation Law and Policy, Kluwer Law International
- Member, Advisory committee of the Korea Institute of Air & Space Law, Hanul Professional Law Corp; Correspondent, Editorial Board, Netherlands' Association for Public Transport Law
- Member, Advisory Board Asian Institute of Air and Space Law
- Member, Council of the Foundation for Aviation and Sustainable Tourism, Delhi, India
- Member, International Panel of Experts, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, India
- Member, Supervisory Board, "Aerius", Amsterdam
- Fellow, AirNeth, Amsterdam/The Hague
- Member, Advisory Academic Board, Airneth, Amsterdam
- Main publications Conferences Research NAA EALA
- Main publications of Professor P.M.J. Mendes Leon
Professor emeritus Air and Space Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Lucht- en Ruimterecht
- Mendes de Leon P. & Scott B.I. (2023), Scanning the air transport market in Europe and Beyond: the position of airlines and the evolution of technical innovations. In: Meneghetti A.D. & Perrotta P. (Eds.), Aviation Law 2023 [11th edition]: practical cross-border insights into aviation law. International Comparative Legal Guides. London: Global Legal Group. 15-19.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Choi J. (2023), Opening Pandora’s box: comparing airline passenger protection in Korea and Europe in light of global treaties, Journal of Air Law and Commerce 88(1): 105-140.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2021), The Operation of Traffic Rights in the Post-Brexit Era: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, Air & Space Law 46(special issue): 11-28.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2021), Editorial Note, Air & Space Law 46(4/5): 479-480.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2021), Review of: Lee J.W. (ed.) (2021), Aviation Law and Policy in Asia: Smart Regulation in Liberalized Markets. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. Air & Space Law 46(4/5): 633-638.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2021), The Establishment of Flight Information Regions and Air Defence Identification Zones: Air Law Is Air Law and Maritime Law Is Maritime Law; Shall the Twain Ever Meet?. In: Blokker N.M., Dam-de Jong D. & Prislan V. (Eds.), Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development. Liber Amicorum Nico Schrijver. Leiden: Brill. 223-246.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2020), National Reflexes Following the COVID-19 Outbreak: Is Sovereignty Back in the Air?, Air & Space Law 45(special issue): 17-38.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2020), Review of: D. van het Kaar (2019), International Civil Aviation: Treaties, Institutions and Programmes. Essential Air and Space Law. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. Air & Space Law 45(4/5): 499-502.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2020), Chairmanship of the annual conference/webinar of The European Air Law Association (EALA) (The European Air Law Association (EALA)). [other].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2020), Rapporteur PhD defence: Mme Olivia Chazal "Les relations entre gestionnaires d’aéroports et transporteurs aériens: Etude des dynamiques de marché et des réactivités juridiques" [Sous la direction du Professeur Loïc Grard] (Université de Bordeaux IX). [other].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Buissing N. (Eds.) (2019), Behind and Beyond the Chicago Convention: The Evolution of Aerial Sovereignty. Aerospace law and policy series no. 16. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2019), Liability for Damage in International Civil Aviation from a GNSS Perspective. In: , The International Comparative Legal Guide to Aviation Law 2019. London: Global Legal Group Ltd.. 28-32.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2018), Airlines as Allies: How to Manage the Market?. In: Walulik J. (Ed.), Harmonising Regulatory and Antitrust Regimes for International Air Transport. Routledge Research in Competition Law. London-New York: Routledge. 23-41.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Mitusch K. (2018), Competition in Air Transport: Proceedings of the Workshop, Brussels, 24 January 2018 no. IP/A/ECON/2017-13. Brussels: European parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies. Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2018), Transport Policy. In: Kuijper P.J., Amtenbrink F., Curtin D., Witte B. de, McDonnell A. & Bogaert S.C.G. van den (Eds.), The Law of the European Union. Deventer: Kluwer. 1067-1089.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2018), Responsibility and Liability of the EU under International Air and Space Law. In: Panella L. & Pellegrino F. (Eds.), Le nuove frontiere del diritto dello spazio. Ordine internazionale e diritti umani no. Supplemento al n. 5/2018. Roma: Ordine internazionale e diritti umani. 79-88.
- Mendes De Leon P.M.J. & Traa H. van (2017), Space Law. In: Nollkaemper A. & Plakokefalos I. (Eds.), The Practice of Shared Responsibility in International Law. Shared Responsibility in International Law no. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 453-478.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2017), Introduction to Air Law (Tenth Edition). Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2017), Review of: Clarke M.A. & Leloudas G. (2016), Air Cargo Insurance. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Informa Law from Routledge. Air & Space Law 42(3): 369-370.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2017), Review of: Otto D.W. (2017), Die Entwicklung der Regulierung der Luftfahrt in Hinsicht auf die Globalisierung, 1783-1947. Zürcher Studien zur Rechtsgeschichte no. 71. Zürich: Schulthess. Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht 66(2): 400-403.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2017), Conclusion générale. In: Grigorieff C.-I. & Correia V. (Eds.), Le droit du financement des aéronefs. Droit & économie no. 8. Bruxelles: Bruylant. 499-500.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2017), From Rule to Reality: Reconciling Opposing Views in International Air Transport and Outer Space Law, Manurawa Law Journal 1: 38-49.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Oude Alink W.M. (2016), The Benelux: Small Is Not Less. In: Bobek M. & Prassl J. (Eds.), Air Passenger Rights: Ten Years On. EU Law in the Member States no. 3. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 103-116.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2016), Foreword. In: Scott B.I. (Ed.), The law of unmanned aircraft systems: an introduction to the current and future regulation under national, regional and international law. Aviation law and policy series no. 11. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer. xxxvii-xxxviii.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Scott B.I. (2016), An Analysis of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Under Air Law. In: Završnik A. (Ed.), Drones and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Legal and Social Implications for Security and Surveillance. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland. 185-213.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2016), Application of the UN Space Law Treaties to the Spacecraft Owned by the EU: European Commission DG GROW.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2016), 100 Years of Air Law – Turning the History of Air Law into its Future: From Unilateral Acts to International Agreement through Comity and Diplomacy. In: Hobe S. (Ed.), Air Law, Space Law, Cyber Law - the Institute of Air and Space Law at Age 90. Schriften zum Luft- und Weltraumrecht no. 37. Köln: Carl Heymanns Verlag. 25-37.
- Mendes De Leon P.M.J. & Traa H.L. van (2015), The Practice of Shared Responsibility and Liability in International Space Law. SHARES Research Paper no. 70. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Centre of International Law. [working paper].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2015), Preface, Air & Space Law 40(1): 1-8.
- Masson-Zwaan T. & Mendes de Leon P. (Eds.) (2015), Air and Space Law - Special Issue. Air & Space Law: Kluwer.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2015), Les efforts de l'Union européenne pour forcer la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre par l'aviation civile - Reculer pour mieux sauter?, Revue des affaires européennes (2): 353-364.
- Burghouwt G., Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Wit J.G. de (2015), EU air transport liberalisation: Process, Impacts and Future Considerations. Joint Transport Research Centre Discussion Paper no. 2015-04. Paris: OECD.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2015) Alejandro Piera Valdés, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the International Civil Aviation – Legal and Policy Challenges, 486 pp. 2015, ISBN 978-94-6236-467-7. Review of: Piera Valdés A. (2015), Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the International Civil Aviation – Legal and Policy Challenges. Essential Air and Space Law no. 14. Den Haag: Eleven international Publishing. Air & Space Law 40(4/5): 341-344.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2014), An Introduction to Air Law. Shanghai: Shanhai Jiao Tong University Press.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2014), De zaak Stott tegen Thomas Cook over mensenrechten in de luchtvaart: I promessi sposi ....?. In: Blokker N.M., Bogaert S.C.G. van den, Koffeman N.R., Loenen M.L.P. & Ölçer F.P. (Eds.), Vijftig. Juridische opstellen voor een Leidse nachtwacht.. Meijers-reeks no. 233. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 229-235.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2014), Liberalisation efforts undertaken during 70 years of the Chicago Convention, Via Dubai (19): 6 - 10.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2013), A Multifunctional Approach Towards Slot Allocation, Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht 62(4): 553-578.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2013), The Legal Force of ICAO SARPs in a Multilevel Jurisdictional Context: varietas delectat, Journaal luchtrecht 12(2-3): 9-18.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (Ed.) (2013), From Lowlands to High Skies: A Multilevel Jurisdictional Approach Towards Air Law. Essays in Honour of John Balfour. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2013), Jurisdiction under and Exclusivity of Private International Air Law Agreements on Air Carrier Liability: The Case of Airbus versus Armavia Airlines. In: Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (Ed.), From Lowlands to High Skies: A Multilevel Jurisdictional Approach Towards Air Law. Essays in Honour of John Balfour. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff. 261-273.
- Maarsen-Neumann E. & Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2013), Foreign Air Carriers with their Principal Place of Business in the EU/EEA. In: Hobe S., Ruckteschell N. von & Heffernan D. (Eds.), Cologne Compendium on Air Law in Europe. Köln: Carl Heymans Verlag. 505-520.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2013), Review of: Maass T.P. (2012), Handelspolitische Schutzinstrumente im Luftverkehr. Antidumping- und Antisubventionsregelungen für den Luftverkehr im Recht der Europäischen Union und der USA. Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht no. 55. Baden Baden: Nomos. Common Market Law Review 50(4): 1189-1191.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2013), Fair Competition in a European and global context, Open Democracy 16: 10-11.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2013), Review of: Larsen P.B., Sweeney J.C. & Gillick J.E. (2012), Aviation Law: Cases, Laws and Related Sources. Leiden: Brill. Air & Space Law 38(2): 165-169.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2012), Slot allocatie voor general aviation en business aviation. Den Haag: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2012), Represaille maatregelen in samenhang met het EU systeem inzake emissierechten. Den Haag: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Diederiks-Verschoor I.H.P. (2012), An Introduction to Air Law. Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2012), The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Vol. V: Human rights, treaties, third-party effect to international organizations of institutions, headquarters. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 413-417.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2012), Market Access for the Operation of Air Services under International and EU Law. In: Moura Vicente D. (Ed.), Estudos de Direito Aéreo. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora. 139-182.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2012), Enforcement of the EU ETS: The EU’s Convulsive Efforts to Export its Environmental Values, Air & Space Law 37(4/5): 287-306.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2012), De Sturgeon uitspraak van het Europese Hof van Justitie inzake passagiersrechten in het luchtvervoer: Quod est corrigendum, Ars Aequi 61: 334-335.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2011), Selectiviteitscriteria voor toegang tot Nederlandse luchthavens. Den Haag: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2011), Duits recht in verband met het regime van de Single European Sky. Den Haag: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2011), Light UAS. European Regulation below 150 kg?. In: Roma A., Sanchez Aranzamendi M. & Schrogl K.-U. (Eds.), Opening Airspace for UAS. A Regulatory Framework to Introduce Unmanned Aircraft Systems into Civilian Airspace. ESPI Report no. 31. Vienna: European Space Policy Institute, ESPI. 30-34.
- Calleja Crespo D. & Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (Eds.) (2011), Achieving the Single European Sky: Goals and Challenges. Aviation law and policy series no. 8. Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer law International.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2011), Competition in the Air Transport Sector with Special Reference to Latin America. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (5 September 2011), Emissies in de luchtvaart: van juridisch mijnenveld tot handelsoorlog. Airneth newsletter.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2011), Crossing Borders in International Air and Space Law, India Law Journal 3(1): 4-28.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Rijpma J.J. (2011), Towards a more transparent and efficient protection of air passengers' rights: avenues and arguments for the clarification of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2011), Road Map Luftfahrt 2020. Wien: bmvit – Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Abteilung II/L2 – Luftfahrtsbeziehungen.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2011), Foreword. In: Singamsetty S.S.P. (Ed.), Contemporary issues and future challenges in air and space law - Celebrating 25 years of IIASL (Liber Amicorum). Bunnik: Air and space books. i-iii.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2011), Luchtvaart en luchtrecht in de 21e eeuw, Bestuurskundige Berichten 25(2): 20-20.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2010), Towards a Contract based Air Transportation System. Brussel: Europese Commissie Brussel.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2010), Report Sarin Leiden Air Law Moot Court, Delhi, India, 3-6 March 2010. Air & Space Law.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2010), Towards a Road Map for Austria in the Air. Wenen: BMVIT - Austrian Ministry for Transport and Information Technology.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2010), De vulkaan in IJsland en de Sturgeon-zaak uit Luxemburg leiden tot uitbarstingen, Nederlands Juristenblad 2010(19): 1218-1225.
- Arnold K. & Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2010), Regulation (EC) 261/2004 in the Light of the Recent Decisions of the European Court of Justice: Time for a Change?!, Air & Space Law 35(2): 91-112.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2010), Building the regulatory framework for introducing the UAS in the civil airspace - European Regulation for light UAS below 150 KG?, The Aviation and Maritime Journal IX(4): 1-5.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2009), The Effect of Globalisation on the Development of Air Law. In: Hobe S. (Ed.), Globalisation, the state and international law. Historische Mitteilungen / Ranke-Gesellschaft, Vereinigung für Geschichte im öffentlichen Leben. Beiheft no. 76. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 61-70.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2009), Establishment of air transport undertakings - Towards a more holistic approach, Journal of Air transport Management 15(2): 96-101.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Maarsen-Neumann E. (2009), Ausländische Luftfahrtunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in der EU/EWR. In: Hobe S. & Ruckteschell N. von (Eds.), Kölner Kompendium des Luftrechts. Bd.2: Luftverkehr. Köln: Carl Heymanns Verlag. 708-740.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2009), Nouvelles Frontières: Trading International law and European law in the Context of the Establishment of an Emission Trade System. In: Bulterman M.K., Hancher L.R., McDonnell A.M. & Sevenster H.G (Eds.), Views of European Law from the Mountain: Liber amicorum for Piet Jan Slot. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 301-312.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2009), De luchtvaartovereenkomst tussen de EG en de VS van 2008: les jeux ne sont pas encore faits, SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 57(6): 236-243.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2009), A Tour d'Horizon of Contemporary Issues in Air and Space Law, Issues in Aviation Law and Policy 8(2): 135-153.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2009), Promoting World Trade Through Aviation: A Step by Step Approach Towards the Liberalisation of Air Services, Soochow Law Journal VI(2): 157-178.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2008), Time for reflection, time for prospects. Leiden: Instituut voor Lucht- en Ruimterecht, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Universiteit Leiden.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2008), Sovereignty in aviation. Brussel: Eurocontrol.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2008), The Relationship between Eurocontrol and the EC: Living Apart Together, International Organizations Law Review 4(2): 305-321.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2008), A New Step Towards Global Liberalization; the Creation of a Regional, Transatlantic Market for Air Transport Services. In: Jong D. de, Kaashoek B. & Zondag W.-J. (Eds.), Blue Skies or Storm Clouds?: essays on public policy & air transport. Amsterdam: Aerlines Magazine Foundation. 41-48.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2008), The emergence of commercial suborbital flights: Public international law and liability issues. Folchi M., Guerrero Lebrón M.J. & Madrid Parra A. (Eds.), Estudios de Derecho aeronáutico y espacial: XXXI Jornadas latinoamericanas de Derecho aeronáutico y espacial (Sevilla, España, 20-23 de marzo de 2007). XXXI Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Derecho Aeonautico y Espacial. Sevilla: Marcial Pons. 477-490.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2008) Book Review: The Impact of EU law on the Regulation of International Air Transportation. Review of: Bartlik M. (2007), The Impact of EU law on the Regulation of International Air Transportation. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. Aerlines Magazine 15(42).
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2008), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford-Heidelberg: Oxford University Press-Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law. 1-6.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2007), The position of state aircraft under international law. Den Haag: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Wouters J. (2007), International law aspects of the revised Convention of Eurocontrol. Brussel: Eurocontrol Organisatie.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Vos E. (2007), Options for Change for Eurocontrol. Brussel: Eurocontrol.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2007), Responsibility for aviation safety in relation to national sovereignty. Den Haag: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Gurvits M. (2007), De ontwikkeling van een trans-Atlantische luchtvaartrelatie in de periode 1992-2007, Justitiële Verkenningen 33(5): 46-61.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2007), Hoofdstuk 22: Luchtrecht. In: Horbach N., Lefeber R. & Ribbelink O. (Eds.), Handboek Internationaal Recht. Den Haag: T.M.C. Asser Press. 801-839.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2007), Liability in the context of space tourism, The Korean Journal of Air and Space Law (10): 225-270.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2007), Implications of the EC-US agreement for a Transatlantic Open Aviation Area, with special reference to the Position of Thrid States, Soochow Law Journal IV(1): 195-212.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2006), Eurocontrol safety standards in relation to the Single Sky Provisions of the EU. onbekend: Lucht- en ruimterecht.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2006), Liberalising International Aviation with the ECJ Judgement re Open Skies and the Community clause. In: Hobe S., Schmidt-Tedd B. & Schrogl K-U. (Eds.), "Project 2001 Plus" - global and European challenges for air and space law at the edge of the 21st century. Schriften zum Luft- und Weltraumrecht no. 20. Köln: Carl Heymanns Verlag. 119-127.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2006), The Fight against Terrorism through Aviation: Data Protection versus Data Production, Air & Space Law 31(4/5): 320-331.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2006), Une liaison franco-néerlandaise en aviation civile: parité par complémentairité, Revue francaise de droit aérien et spatial : 123-150.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2005), Allocation of Traffic Rights in the EU (a comparative analysis). Den Haag: DGL, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2005), International law aspects of the relationship between Eurocontrol and the EU. Brussel: EUROCONTROL.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2005), The Growing Up of an 'Air Transport Undertaking' under International Air Law, Journaal luchtrecht 4: 63-71.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Stoliarov A. (2005), Prospects for the Establishment of a Low Cost Carrier in Russia, Responsabilita Comunicazione e Impresa (2): 193-228.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2005), The long and lonely road from a regulated air transport industry to multilateral liberalisation: Bilateralism versus WTO principles, The Aviation and Maritime Journal 4(3): 1-6.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2005), Three Avenues to the Liberalisation of International Air Services: A European Viewpoint, Soochow Law Journal 2(1): 219-239.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2004), The Verdict of the European Court of Justice in the Open Skies Cases: Inside out?. Dagtoglou P.D. & Unger S. (Eds.), 18 Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the European Air Law Association. 69-80.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2004), A new phase in Alliance Building: the Air France/KLM Venture as a case study, Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht 53: 359-385.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2003), From Liberalizing Internal Markets toward a More Global Market, Conference Proceedings on the Transatlantic Relationship. 153-163.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2003), Beyond Bilateralism - Reality and Strategy, Proceedings of the Conference organised by the Int. Inst. of Air & Space Law of McGill University on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of this Institute. 50th anniversary.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2003), The Open Skies verdict of the European Court of Justice: navigation between the devil and the deep sea. In: Dagtoglou P.D. & Unger S. (Eds.), European air law and policy: recent developments: fourteenth annual conference, Stockholm, 22 November 2002. European Air Law Association conference papers no. 18. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International. 71-81.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2003), Liability for surface damages and collisions after the World Trade Center - Is there a need for change?, European Transport Law 38(5): 577-600.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (30 September 2003), Alliance vol gevaren (KLM-Air France). NRC Handelsblad: 7-7.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2003), The Future of Ownership and Control Clauses in Bilateral Air Transport Agreements; Current Proposals and Legal Objections. In: Hobe S., Schmidt-Tedd B. & Schrogl K.-U. (Eds.), Consequences of air transport globalization: proceedings of the Workshop, 8/9 May 2003 in Cologne. Project 2001 plus: global and European challenges for air and space law at the edge of the 21st Century: workshop proceedings no. 2. Köln: Heijmans Verlag. 19-36.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2003), Environmental liability: the polluter pays - dearly. [other].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2003), Van Open Skies naar open markten: het dilemma van de internationale luchtvaart, Tijdschrift voor Vervoer en Recht 3: 83-95.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2003), Consequences of Air Transport Globalization. [other].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2002), A bookreview: A. Lücke, Bilaterale Luftverkehrsabkommen im Lichte des Gemeinschaftsrechtes, Common Market Law Review 39(1): 193-195.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2002), The Dynamics of Sovereignty and Jurisdiction in International Aviation Law. In: Kreijen G. & Brus M. (Eds.), State, Sovereignty, and International Governance [Liber Amicorum Peter H. Kooijmans]. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 483-495.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2002), Some questions on the Relationship between Slots and Traffic Rights. In: Dagtoglou P.D. & Balfour J.M. (Eds.), European air transport law and policy: recent developments: twelfth annual conference, Athens 3 November 2000. European Air Law Association conference papers no. 16. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. 137-142.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (13 November 2002), Safety, Security, Economic Regulation and Liability Questions in International Air Transport. Presentations given to the Management of Garuda International Airlines. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2002), Before and After the Tenth Anniversary of the Open Skies Agreement, Air & Space Law 28(4/5): 280-312.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2001), Aircraft noise: The Prerequisite of Non-Discrimination under the Rule of International Law. Benkö M. & Kröll W. (Eds.), Air and Space Law in the 21st Century. Liber Amicorum Professor K.H. Böckstiegel. Köln, Berlin, Bonn, München: Carl Heymanns Verlag K.G.. 140-152.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2001), Het belang van de verkeersveiligheid in het kader van het ongevallen in de luchtvaart. Muller E.R. & Stolker C.J.J.M. (Eds.), Ramp en Recht, Beschouwingen over rampen, verantwoordelijkheid en aansprakelijkheid, In: Meijers-reeks, nr. 37. . Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 399-416.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Molenaar E.J. (2001), Still a Mile too Far? International Law Implications of the Location of an Airport in the Sea, Leiden Journal of International Law 14: 233-245.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2001), The Montreal Convention: Analysis of some Aspects of the Attempted Modernization and Consolidation of the Warsaw System, Journal of Air Law and Commerce 66(3): 1155-1185.
- Kulkarni Prachee & Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2000), Liability for damage in civil aviation within the context of GNSS, Outer Space 3(1): 26-30.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1999), Nationality and privatization of airlines in light of globalization. In: Butler Gail F. & Keller Martin R. (Eds.), Handbook of Airline Finance. Oakdale, New York: Aviation Week (McGraw-Hill div.). 51-70.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1999), Verhaal van schade als gevolg van geluidshinder in de luchtvaart, Tijdschrift Vervoer en Recht (2): 41-51.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1999), Een nieuw hoofdstuk in de burgerluchtvaart, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht (nr. 3): 57-63.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1999), Liability of airports for noise hindrance: A comparative analysis, The Korean Journal of Air and Space Law 11: 169-191.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (16 November 1999), The law of air transportation. Chairman of Session IV (A) of the Millennium Conference on the Future of Air and Space Transportation, organized by the Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. and the Asian Institute of Int. Air and Space Law. Shanghai. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (25 September 1999), Economic regulation of international air transport. Seminar Airport Management Training organised by the Netherlands Aviation Academy for aviation experts from Vietnam. Leiden. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1998), Unilateral efforts designed to enhance security in the context of international law. In: Cheng Chia-Jui (Ed.), The use of air and outer space cooperation and competition. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International. 289-304.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1998), Wijziging internationaal recht nodig voor gebruik vliegveld in zee, Staatscourant (240): 4-4.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1998), Schiphol-in-zee juridisch problematisch, Nederlands Juristenblad 73(37): 1707-1708.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1998), Book Review voor het boek 'In Search of Open Skies', van Brian F. Havel, Air & Space Law XXIII(1): 54-56.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1998), The role of international law in safeguarding aviation security, World Bulletin 14(1-2): 81-92.
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