Pablo Mendes De Leon
Professor emeritus Air and Space Law
- Name
- Prof.dr. P.M.J. Mendes De Leon
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-3918-0235

Pablo Mendes de Leon studied at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands from 1974 to 1979. He continued his studies at the University of Paris 2, and during this period he also followed a training programme at the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. Subsequently, he worked for the EC Delegation at the United Nations in New York. In 1981, he started his professional career at the law firm Barents and Krans in The Hague, where he practised European Community Law, company law and bankruptcy law.
In 1985, Mendes de Leon joined Leiden University, where he obtained his doctoral (PhD) degree (with honours) in 1992 on a thesis entitled "Cabotage in International Air Transport Regulation". In addition to his teaching position, he acted as Director of the International Institute of Air and Space Law. In this capacity, he organised a number of international conferences on topical developments in international aviation and space law. Besides his academic research as a Meijers Fellow, Mendes de Leon carries out studies for third parties. From 2003 until 2007, he was Director of Air Law Research at the International Institute of Air and Space law. He lectures private international air law and competition law in the Institute's Advanced LL.M. programme. Moreover, he is a regular speaker at conferences on international aviation developments.
Professor Mendes de Leon maintains memberships in organisations that work to combine air and space law and education including:
- President, European Air Law Association (see:
- Honorary Judge, District Courts, The Netherlands
- Honorary President, Student Association "Telders" on International Law, Law Faculty, Leiden University
- President European Air Law Association
- Membre de l’Acadérmie de l’Air et de l’Espace (Toulouse)
- Member Editorial Board, Air and Space Law magazine (Kluwer)
- Fellow, Meijers Institute, Leiden University
- Board Member, KLM-Air France foundation
- Chairman Foundation SAK-I
- Member, Air Transport Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris
- Board member, Brazilian Institute of Strategic Studies and Policies in Air Transport, Rio de Janeiro; Member, International Faculty, IATA Learning Centre, Geneva
- Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Air Law and Commerce
- Member Editorial Board, Aviation Maritime Journal (Bologna, Italy)
- Series Editor, Aviation Law and Policy, Kluwer Law International
- Member, Advisory committee of the Korea Institute of Air & Space Law, Hanul Professional Law Corp; Correspondent, Editorial Board, Netherlands' Association for Public Transport Law
- Member, Advisory Board Asian Institute of Air and Space Law
- Member, Council of the Foundation for Aviation and Sustainable Tourism, Delhi, India
- Member, International Panel of Experts, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, India
- Member, Supervisory Board, "Aerius", Amsterdam
- Fellow, AirNeth, Amsterdam/The Hague
- Member, Advisory Academic Board, Airneth, Amsterdam
- Main publications Conferences Research NAA EALA
- Main publications of Professor P.M.J. Mendes Leon
Professor emeritus Air and Space Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Lucht- en Ruimterecht
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (18 June 2020), Closing remarks [Webinar. An Invisible Hijacker The Striking Implications of Covid-19 for Air Transport]. Rome. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J (21 September 2020), Seventy five years Chicago Convention. Leiden. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (7 November 2020), The Covid-19 pandemic in the context of international air transport law. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (18 November 2020), ‘Free riders’ and ‘bad actors’ in relation to the draft Convention on Foreign Investment in Airlines. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (25 November 2020), The European perspective. InterVistas. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (24 January 2018), The possible revision of EU Regulation 868/2004 on subsidisation of non-EU carriers. Workshop on Competition in air transport, European Parliament, Directorate General; for Internal Policies, Policy Department A, Brussels. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1 February 2018), Towards increased security? Legal challenges for international civil aviation [keynote & chair]. Centro Studi in Affari Europei e Internazionali, University of Parma. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (16 March 2018), Consumer rights – the suppliers’ and consumers’ perspectives [panel chair]. Travel Law Forum 2018 "Consumer Rights in digital era", Athens. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (29 April 2018), The delicate balance between aviation security and privacy. ‘Belt and Road’ Aviation Law Conference, Wuhan University. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (11 May 2018), Simulation / Model ICAO [chair]. Université de Québec à Montréal, 11-13 May 2018. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (25 May 2018), ‘Fair competition’ in international air transport. ICAO Legal Seminar in the Asia-Pacific Region, Incheon. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (24 May 2018), Aviation Security [chair]. ICAO Legal Seminar in the Asia-Pacific Region, Incheon. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1 June 2018), Introduction & Concluding remarks. European Air Law Association (EALA), 6th Copenhagen Aircraft Finance Legal Seminar. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (15 June 2018), Opening Speech of the Conference. "Creating Legal Gateways In The Italian, European And International Aviation Markets", School of Law, LUISS University, Roma. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (9 July 2018), Level playing field in the operation of international air services. AACO Aeropolitical Watch Group Meeting, Amman - Jordan. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (11 July 2018), Forum shopping in continental Europe. panel "Forum shopping under the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions", 14th Beaumont International Aerospace Conference, London. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (27 January 2017), Responsibility and Liability of International Organisations under International Space Law and International Law. International Colloquium ‘The New Frontiers of the Use of Outer Space: Regulation, Legal issues and Models’, University of Messina, Italy. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (24 November 2017), The Brexit mapping: what are the wider repercussions for aviation & tourism. 5th Airport Chief Executives' symposium (ACES), Athens. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (9 June 2017), Closing remarks. "The Impact of Brexit on Aviation", School of Law of LUISS University, Rome. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (28 January 2017), Implications of Brexit for aviation. Swiss Air Law Association, Lenzburg. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (1 February 2017), The boundaries of law in the context of aviation safety: practices and remedies. University San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (22 February 2017), Competition in air transport: how to proceed from here?. International Conference "Contemporary Issues in Air & Space Laws", University of Sharjah, College of Law. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (17 March 2017), Market access in international aviation: challenges for EU and other policymakers. LUISS University & law firm Pierallini, Rome. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (18 April 2017), Market access and competition in Iran (chair). Iranian Aviation Confex 2017, Teheran. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (28 April 2017), Opening speech & Concluding remarks. the 11th Munich Liability Seminar "Liability, insurance and re-insurance, passenger rights, drones and litigation in the air transport industry" of the European Air Law Association (EALA), Munich. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (24 May 2017), Mysteries in aviation and solutions established by international air law. Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (12 July 2017), The proposed EU regulation on subsidies in air transport. Arab Air Carriers Organization (AACO), Rome. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (23 July 2017), The Chicago Convention on international civil aviation and EU air law. Catholic University of Lisbon before the European Law Students’ Association, sponsored by law firm Vieira de Almeida. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (31 July 2017), Lectures on air and space law (31 July – 3 August 2017). International Law Centre, Istanbul. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (6 October 2017), A New Threat: Cyber Attacks in International Civil Aviation [panel chair]. 7th St. Petersburg Air Law Conference. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (20 October 2017), Are there frictions between air services agreements and competition law regimes?. Airline Regulatory and Antitrust Conference, organised by the Civil Aviation Laboratory for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (CARS), Faculty of Management University of Warsaw. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (29 November 2017), The regulation of drones. China University of Political Law and Sciences (CUPL), Beijing. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (30 November 2017), Lectures on the Chicago Convention, competition law, airline liability and safety regulation (30 November – 4 December 2017). China University of Political Law and Sciences (CUPL), Beijing. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (3 December 2017), Presentation of ten selected air law subjects. meeting of aviation lawyers from the principal Chinese airlines, and the CAAC, organised by Air China. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (5 December 2017), Lecture on Airline liability. Northern University of Political Law and Sciences (NUPL), Xi’an. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (11 December 2017), Possible solutions for air transport arrangements after Brexit. “The likely impact of Brexit on aviation”, European Aviation Club, Brussels. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (24 July 2002), Environmental Liability: the polluter pays - dearly. Beaumont Conference. London. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (21 April 2002), Beyond Bilateralism - Reality and Strategy. 50tj Anniversary of the Institute of Air & Space Law of Mc Gill University. Montreal. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (19 October 2002), Access to Zurich Airport in the Light of the Draft German-Swiss Treaty on Air Transport. Speech before the Parliament of the Swiss Confederation. Bern, Switzerland. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (10 December 2002), Low Cost Carriers Versus Flag Carriers. Guest Lecture at the Institute of Air and Space Laws of the University of Cologne. Cologne. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (24 October 2002), The Central European Countries'Aviation Relations with the EC in Historical and Policy Perspective. Seminar on The Central European Countries'Aviation Relations. Brussel. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (24 October 2002), The relationship between the EC and the ten central european countries in the field of airtransport. Conference on the Central European Countries'Aviation Relations with the EC. Brussel. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (18 June 2002), Nationality Requirements of Community Airlines in Relation to the Freedom of Establishment under EC Law. Brussels Air Law Forum. Brussel. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (19 August 2002), Access to Zürich Airport in the light of the draft German-Swiss treaty on air transport. Colloquium Parliament of the Swiss Confederation. Bern. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (29 November 2001), Liability of airlines, public and private airports. Seminar on Privatised Airport Companies organised by the Netherlands Aviation Academy in co-operation with Angkesa/Schiphol. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (25 April 2001), The Challenges of Liberalization of Air Services and Airport Management for Syria. Seminar organised by the Syrian Civil Aviaiton Authorities in cooperation with the Netherlands Civial Aviation Authorities. Damascus. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (29 November 2001), Standards pertaining to noise and emissions in international air transport. Seminar on Privatised Airport Companies organised by the Netherlands Aviation Academy in co-operation with Angkasa Pura/Schiphol. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (29 November 2001), Safety and Security in international air transport in the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 events. Seminar on Privatised Airport Companies organised by the Netherlands Aviation Academy in co-operation with Angkasa Pura/Schiphol. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (29 November 2001), Economic regulation, with special reference to the position of airports. Seminar on Privatised Airport Companies organised by the Netherlands Aviation Academy in co-operation with Angkasa/Schiphol. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (3 November 2000), The relationship between slots and traffic rights. Presentation at the annual meeting of the European Air Law Association. Athens. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (25 January 2000), Passenger protection. Chairman of a seminar organised by the European Aviation Club. Brussels. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (5 July 2000), The distinction between operating carrier and marketing carrier in airline alliances. Beaumont Garnault Fifth International Aviation Conference. London. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2 October 2000), Basic principles of bilateralism, with special reference to the trend towards privatisation of airlines. Voordracht bij de International Air Transport Association (IATA). Genève. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (4 February 2000), Rulemaking powers of Eurocontrol. Speech delivered before the Regulatory Task Force of Eurocontrol. Brussels. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (13 December 2000), Internationale netwerken en de keuze van luchthavens. NACO. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (11 September 2000), Liability in international air transport. Seminar organized by the Netherlands Aviation Academy for the representatives of Vietnam Airlines. World Trade Center, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (25 January 2000), Legal and non-legal remedies with respect to protection of passengers. Remarks at the Seminar "Passenger Protection". Chairman of a seminar organised by the European Aviation Club.. Brussels. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (11 September 2000), Ownership and control of airlines. Seminar organized by the Netherlands Aviation Academy for representatives of Vietnam Airlines. World Trade Center, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (7 December 2000), The application of safety and security standards to infrastructure for international air transport. Seminar on Privatized Airport Companies. Netherlands Aviation Academy in cooperation with Angkasa Pura Schiphol.. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (8 February 2000), Co-operation between airlines. Lecture delivered at the Maastricht School of Management. Maastricht. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (7 December 2000), The application of environmental rules to airports. Seminar on Privatized Airport Companies. Netherlands Aviation Academy in cooperation with Angkasa Pura Schiphol.. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (11 September 2000), Commercial agreements between airlines. Seminar organized by the Netherlands Aviation Academy for representatives of Vietnam Airlines. World Trade Center, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (7 April 2000), The future of EU-US aviation relations. Chairman of the Panel on Competition and Anti-Trust Issues at a conference organised by the European Union Center of the University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (8 May 2000), Economic regulation of international air transport: Bilateral air agreements. Seminar organised by the Netherlands Aviation Academy at the Civil Aviation Organisation of Vietnam. Saigon. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (7 December 2000), Responsibility and liability of states under the Chicago Convention and national regulations. Seminar on Privatized Airport Companies. Netherlands Aviation Academy in cooperation with Angkasa Pura Schiphol.. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (4 September 2000), Regulatory issues affecting the operations of airlines. Seminar on aviation law and policy, organised under the auspices of the EC commission and with the assistance of Berenschot Euromanagement. Ljubljana, Slovenia. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (7 December 2000), Privatisation of airports in the light of liberalisation of international air transport. Seminar on Privatized Airport Companies. Netherlands Aviation Academy in cooperation with Angkasa Pura Schiphol.. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (7 February 2000), Liability in international air transport. Lecture delivered at the Maastricht School of Management. Maastricht. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (23 February 2000), La privatisation des compagnies aériennes dans le cadre de la libéralisation du transport aérien. Réunion organisée par la Banque Mondiale et al Commission des Communautés Européenne à Rabat. Rabat, Maroc. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (26 February 1999), Carriage of cargo and passengers by air. Lezing aan de Universiteit van Antwerpen. Antwerpen. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (23 September 1999), Luchtvaart op de grens van het nieuw millennium, en tussen Scylla en Charybdis. Presentation for the Rotary in The Hague. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (16 November 1999), Asia meets Europe in the air and outer space. Opening and concluding remarks at the Millennium Conference on the Future of Air and Space Transportation, organised by the Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. and the Asian Institute of Int. Air and Space Law. Shanghai. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (29 October 1999), EC law and the conduct of a modern aviation policy. Chairmanship at a seminar organised for aviation experts from Central European countries. Leiden/Oegstgeest. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (22 September 1999), Global trends in the aviation industry - towards the 21st century. Chairmanship at a conference organised by the Netherlands Aviation Academy. Luchthaven Schiphol. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (15 March 1999), Convergence of competition regimes. International Air Law Seminar organised by the International Air Transport Organisation (IATA). Genève. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (22 September 1999), Privatisation of airports in a global environment. Conference organised by the Netherlands Aviation Academy. Luchthaven Schiphol. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (21 April 1998), Verantwoordelijkheid en aansprakelijkheid van verkeersleiders in het luchtverkeer. Forum seminar georganiseerd door het NL luchtverkeersleidersgilde. Luchthaven Schiphol. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (4 December 1998), Luchtvaart en luchtrecht in ontwikkeling. Post Academisch Onderwijs, georganiseerd door de Grotius Academie. Rotterdam. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (16 March 1998), The Chicago Convention of 1944, with special reference to economic aspects of international air transport. International Air Law Seminar, organised by the Air Transport Organisation (IATA). Geneva. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (12 November 1998), Introduction to air law, bilateralism, EU aviation market and commercial agreements. Seminar organized by the Maastricht School of Management and the Netherlands Aviation Academy. Amman, Jordan. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (16 March 1998), Bilateral agreements and inter-carrier alliances. International Air Law Seminar. Organised by the International Air Transport Organisation (IATA). Geneva. [lecture].
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (5 February 1998), Changing perceptions of the legal and policy regime regarding international air transport. Management training for Ethiopian Airlines. Seminar organised by the Maastricht School of Management. Maastricht. [lecture].
- Board Member SAK 1
- Member, Scientific Council
- Member, Panel of Experts
- Member
- Professor h.c.
- Member, Scientific Comittee
- Legal Expert
- Member, Editorial Board