Universiteit Leiden

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Nic van der Wee

Professor Psychiatry, in particular biological psychiatry

Prof.dr. N.J.A. van der Wee
+31 71 526 3785

Nic J.A. van der Wee is psychiatrist and professor of Psychiatry, in particular Biological Psychiatry, at Leiden University Medical Center. He is involved in patient care, education and research. Van der Wee is the director of the research center of Adult Psychiatry, member of the management team and coordinator of the education program. He is involved in (the management of) the LUMC Theme Neuroscience and the interfaculty Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC). Van der Wee is Co-chair/Scientific Coordinator of the Board of the European research networks of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP, Networks Board and Taskforce (ecnp.eu) and Chair of the Anxiety Working group of the global Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics trough Meta-analyses (ENIGMA) MRI and genetics initiative (ENIGMA-Anxiety « ENIGMA (usc.edu)

More information about Nic van der Wee

Nic J.A. van der Wee is psychiatrist and professor of Psychiatry, in particular Biological Psychiatry, at Leiden University Medical Center. He is involved in patient care, education and research. Van der Wee is the director of the research center of Adult Psychiatry, member of the management team and coordinator of the education program.  He is involved in (the management of) the LUMC Theme Neuroscience and the interfaculty Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC).

Van der Wee is Co-chair/Scientific Coordinator of the Board of the European research networks of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP, Networks Board and Taskforce (ecnp.eu) and Chair of the Anxiety Working group of the  global  Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics trough Meta-analyses (ENIGMA)  MRI and genetics initiative (ENIGMA-Anxiety « ENIGMA (usc.edu)


Psychiatric disorders are amongst the most prevalent and most incapacitating medical disorders. The biological psychiatric approach in in the research line ‘Stress-related disorders across the lifespan’ of the LUMC department of Psychiatry focuses on the neurobiology, phenomenology and (innovative) treatment of stress and trauma-related psychiatric disorders across the life-span, with a special emphasis on the neurobiological mechanisms involved in plasticity and adaptation and their link with vulnerability and resilience. Research into the neurobiological mechanisms involved in resilience has been lagging behind, but is becoming increasingly important with the acceptance of new definitions of health and the current emphasis on prevention and personalized medicine. The research topics of our biological psychiatric research reflect the many questions on aetiology, impact and treatment of brain and mental disorders in in the Dutch National Science Agenda. We investigate the neurobiology of stress- related disorders on all levels, from genes and  hormones to brain circuity and behaviour. 

In Leiden we have a strong preference for dimensional, developmental and translational approaches, for which we have developed collaborations within the LUMC, within Leiden University, with the Center for Human Drug Research (CHDR) , with regional mental health providers,,and with many national and international partners.

Academic career

Nic van der Wee studied medicine and medical biology in Utrecht, the Netherlands, with internships in Nigeria, Zimbabwe and France. After military service, he finished his residency in psychiatry at the University Medical Center  Utrecht in 1999, followed by a clinical research fellowship at this institute. He obtained his PhD at Utrecht University in 2005 for the thesis ‘Windows on the brain. Neuroimaging studies in obsessive-compulsive disorder’. He became a senior staff member of the Department of Psychiatry of the LUMC in 2002 and a full professor of Psychiatry, in particular Biological Psychiatry, in July 2013.  Van der Wee has combined clinical, research and educational activities since his residency.

He authored or co-authored more than 260 articles and several book chapters and supervised more than 15 Phd candidates. His groups’ research focuses on the neurobiology, phenomenology, and treatment of mood, anxiety, and stress related disorders, with a preference for dimensional, inter and multidisciplinary, developmental and translational approaches.

Since 2008, van der Wee is co-chair and scientific coordinator of the Board of the European research networks of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP). He is also active in many of these networks. He is a member of the management of the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) and the LUMC Theme Neuroscience . Van der Wee is chair and co-founder of the in 2017 established Anxiety Working Group of the large scale global Neuroimaging Genetics trough Meta-analyses (ENIGMA) initiative. He was member of working groups for treatment guidelines, such as for Anxiety disorders of the British Association of Psychopharmacology. He is member of the psychopharmacology section of the World Pychiatric Association, was expert in the EU FP-7 Roadmap for Mental Health in European Research (ROAMER) initiative and in the review board for the future Center of German Health.

Van der Wee is on the editorial board of the Dutch Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie  and reviewer for the most important international psychiatric journals

Prizes and honourable appointments

2014- appointed International Fellow, American Psychiatric Association

2012-     appointed Fellow, European College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Professor Psychiatry, in particular biological psychiatry

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 3
  • Psychiatrie

Work address

LUMC Main Building
Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden
Room number B1-P



  • Austrian Science Fund Reviewer
  • Fundacio Bancaria la Caixa Health Research Call for proposals Reviewer
  • German Center for Mental Health Review Board German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • ZonMw Onderzoeksprogramma GGZ Commissielid
  • European College of neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Coordinatie Europese onderzoeksnetwerken
  • Benecke congresbureau Organisatie landelijke nascholingsdag Resilience en voorzitter
  • NVVP Expertgroep Angst Landelijke Onderwijs Psychiatrie
  • Stichting Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie Redactieraad Tijdschrift Psychiatrie
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