Natascha van der Zwan
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. N.A.J. van der Zwan
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9574
- 0000-0002-7967-0757

Natascha van der Zwan does comparative and historical research on financialization and the welfare state, pension investment rules and regulations, and pension fund capitalism. Her work has been published in, among others, Socio-Economic Review, New Political Economy, and Journal of Modern European History. She is the co-author of Nederland Pensioenland (Amsterdam University Press, 2016, with Sijbren Kuiper) and one of the editors of the forthcoming International Handbook of Financialization (Routledge, with Philip Mader and Daniel Mertens). She is currently working on a comparative-historical analysis of pension financialization in the Netherlands, Germany and the United States.
More information about Natascha van der Zwan
Personal website
I am an Assistant Professor in Public Administration at Leiden University. I do comparative and historical research on financialization and the welfare state, pension investment rules and regulations, and pension fund capitalism. My work has been published in, among others, Socio-Economic Review, New Political Economy, Journal of Modern European History, and by Amsterdam University Press (Nederland Pensioenland, 2016, with Sijbren Kuiper). My article “Making Sense of Financialization” (Socio-Economic Review, 2014) has become a key publication in scholarship on financialization. It is the second most cited paper on financialization every published and it is widely used in university courses. I am also one of the co-editors of the forthcoming International Handbook of Financialization (Routledge, 2019, with Philip Mader and Daniel Mertens).
I am currently working on several projects related to my research on financialization and the welfare state, with a special focus on the politics and policies of pension fund investment.
1. Consensus Capital: Finance and the Political Economy of the Welfare
Financialization, or the growing influence of finance over the productive economy and other realms of life, has had a profound impact on social policy, most importantly in the area of private pensions. The current study is innovative in several ways. First, it departs from the labor market focus of traditional studies of the welfare state and instead provides a financial perspective on social policy. Second, it emphasizes the endogenous roots of welfare state transformation, rather than conceptualizing financialization as an outside source of change. The book focuses on the Netherlands, a corporatist political economy with a strongly developed financial system and an international model for its occupational pension system. Comparing the Dutch case to the United States and Germany, it analyzes the mutually constitutive relationship between the welfare state and the financial system, as it developed over the course of the 20thcentury.
From September 2018, I will be an Instituut Gak fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies. The fellowship period will be dedicated to finalizing the book manuscript.
2. The Routledge Handbook of Financialization (with Philip Mader and Daniel Mertens)
Financialization has become the go-to term for scholarship that studies the vastly expanded role of finance in contemporary politics, economy and society. The concept itself has equally expanded and evolved from a niche research theme in critical scholarship to one that informs an increasingly broad-ranging and pluridisciplinary research field. The International Handbook on Financialization will be the first publication of its kind to bring together established and upcoming scholars from various social scientific disciplines to reflect on the state-of-the-art in this emergent field. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the scholarship on financialization as it stands today, almost twenty years after the concept was first embraced by social scientists. Reflecting the move away from scholarship descriptively investigating the manifestations of financialization (e.g. the financialization of particular economic sectors, segments of society, or particular geographies), i t highli ghts scholarship studying the driving forces, mechanisms and boundaries of financialization. Finally, the Handbook promotes a more inclusive approach towards financialization studies: one that does not privilege the North Atlantic region, on which much scholarship has previously focused, but includes contributions which take a more global view – hence “international” handbook.
3. Pension Funds and Sustainable Investment (with Karen Anderson and Tobias Wiβ)
The central aim of this project is to compare national regulation of sustainable investment by pension funds in the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. Survey research shows that considerable national differences in sustainable investment (SI) by pension funds continue to exist in Europe and it identifies regulation as one of the drivers for SI . For this reason, it is relevant to explore if and how national regulations impose constraints or offer opportunities for SI by pension funds. The project employs a broad conceptualization of regulation, incorporating 1) national legislation, 2) regulatory activities by supervisory agencies and 3) self-regulation by the pension fund sector itself. We define sustainable investment as an approach to investment that considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in portfolio selection and management. In the study, we will focus on three types of regulation influencing sustainable investment by pension funds: 1) corporate gove rnance r ules regarding voting of ESG criteria, 2) investment regulations, that prohibit or mandate investment in particular asset classes; and 3) rules regarding the fiduciary duties of pension fund trustees.
This project is financed by a Netspar Comparative Research Grant.
Grants and awards
- Netspar Comparative Research Grant (2018-2019);
- Instituut GAK Fellowship (2018-2019);
- Emerald Publishing Citation of Excellence Award (2017);
- ICTO Teaching Innovation Grant (2017);
- Frieda Wunderlich Memorial Award for an Outstanding Dissertation by an International Student (2012)
Academic expertise
- Comparative political economy
- Historical political economy
- Financialization
- Pension policy
- Politics of investment
- Markest in the Welfare State
- Public Policy and Values
- Research Methods (IEG/PM)
Associate professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Goijaerts J., Zwan N. van der & Bussemaker J. (2025), From Straight Lines to Twists and Turns: Finding Patterns Between Socio‐Economics and Unequal Health Outcomes in the Life Course, Sociology of Health & Illness 47(1): e13879.
- GoijaertsJ., Zwan N. van der & Bussemaker J. (2025), How middle managers perceive and articulate the discrepancy between socio-health service delivery goals and practice, Policy & Politics : 1-20.
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2024), Living together and taking care of each other: narrating the asset-manager society, Journal of Cultural Economy 17(2): 267-270.
- Golka P., Zwan N. van der & Heide A. van der (2024), Financialization and assetization: assets as sites of financial power struggles, Economy and Society 53(1): 112-134.
- Zwan N.A.J. van der & Heide A. van der (2024), Investors as members in transnational sustainable finance initiatives: collectors, mediators and performers, Competition & Change : .
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2024), Nederland pensioenkampioen?!, Socialisme en democratie : .
- Zwan N.A.J. van der & Golka P. (2023), Regulation from the inside?: Internal supervision in Dutch pension funds, Competition & Change 28(1): 93-122.
- Zwan N. van der (2023), Institutionelle Investoren: Von nationaler Steuerung zu globalem Engagement im Bereich der Staatsverschuldung. In: Logemann J., Middendorf S. & Rischbieter L. (Eds.), Schulden Machen. Praktiken der Staatsverschulding im langen 20. Jahrhundert: Campus Verlag. 83-98.
- Golka P. & Zwan N. van der (2022), Experts versus representatives? Financialised valuation and institutional change in financial governance, New Political Economy 27(6): 1017-1030.
- Goijaerts J.M., Zwan N.A.J. van der & Bussemaker M. (2022), Health and the social investment state, Journal of European Public Policy 30(5): 828-848.
- Zwan N. van der, Heide A. van der & Golka P. (2021), Weg met fossiel! , Socialisme & Democratie 78(6): 62-70.
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2021), Van aandeelhouderskapitalisme naar neushoornobligaties, De Helling: Tijdschrift voor linkse politiek 2021(1): 47-51.
- Sorsa V.P. & Zwan N.A.J. van der (2021), Sustaining the unsustainable? The political sustainability of pensions in Finland and the Netherlands, Journal of European Social Policy : 1-14.
- Mader P., Mertens D. & Zwan N. van der (2020), The Routledge International Handbook of Financialization. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Mader P., Mertens D. & Zwan N. van der (2020), Financialization: An Introduction. In: Mader P., Mertens D. & Zwan N. van der (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Financialization. Abingdon: Routledge. 1-16.
- Mader P., Mertens D. & Zwan N.A.J. van der (11 June 2020), 9 ways corona virus could transform capitalism . Tribune . [blog entry].
- Mader P., Mertens D. & Zwan N.A.J. van der (11 June 2020), Picturing financialization, or how a book got its cover. Progress in Political Economy. [blog entry].
- Mader P., Mertens D. & Zwan N.A.J. van der (8 October 2020), Neun Wege, wie der Coronavirus den Finanzkapitalismus verändern köntte. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlisches Institut. [blog entry].
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2020), Patterns of pension financialization in four European welfare states = Modelos de financiarización de las pensiones en cuatro estados de bienestar europeos, Revista Internacional de Sociología 78(4): e175.
- Amable B., Regan A., Avdagic S., Baccaro L., Pontusson J. & Zwan N. van der (2019), New approaches to political economy, Socio-Economic Review 17(2): 433-459.
- Zwan N.A.J. van der & Afonso A. (2019), Activating the Research Methods Curriculum: A Blended Flipped Classroom, PS: Political Science and Politics 52(4): 749-753.
- Anderson K., Zwan N. van der & Wiß T. (2019), Betriebliche Altersversorgung und nachhaltiges Investment. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Niederlande und Dänemark. In: Hurrelmann K., Karch H. & Traxler C. (Eds.), MetallRente Studie 2019: Jugend, Vorsorge, Finanzen. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. 142-149.
- Anderson K., Zwan N. van der & Wiß T. (2019), Pension Funds and Sustainable Investment: Comparing Regulation in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany. Netspar Academic Series no. DP 05/2019-023. Tilburg: Netspar. [working paper].
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2019), The financial politics of occupational pensions: A business interest's perspective. In: Oude Nijhuis D. (Ed.), Business interests and the development of the modern welfare state. London and New York: Routledge. 271-291.
- Zwan Natascha van der & Afonso Alexandre (12 March 2018), Flipping the Research Methods Classroom, Part 4: Online, open, and collaborative?. Active Learning in Political Science. [blog entry].
- Zwan Natascha van der & Afonso Alexandre (19 March 2018), Flipping the Research Methods Classroom, Part 5: Do students like our flipped classroom?. Active Learning in Political Science. [blog entry].
- Zwan N.A.J. van der & Afonso A. (19 February 2018), Flipping the Research Methods Classroom, Part 1. Active Learning in Political Science. [blog entry].
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (26 February 2018), Flipping the research methods classroom, Part 2: How to build a flipped classroom. Active Learning in Political Science. [blog entry].
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (5 March 2018), Flipping the Research Methods Classroom, Part 3: Going offline. Active Learning in Political Science. [blog entry].
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2017), Buying It: Financialisation through Socialisation. In: Boussard V. (Ed.), Finance at Work. London: Routledge. 57-70.
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2017), Financialisation and the Pension System: Lessons from the United States and the Netherlands, Journal of Modern European History 15(4): 554-578.
- McCarthy M.A., Sorsa V.-P. & Zwan N.A.J. van der (2016), Investment preferences and patient capital: financing, governance, and regulation in pension fund capitalism, Socio-Economic Review 14(4): 751-769.
- Kuiper S. & Zwan N. van der (2016), Geschiedenis van het Nederlandse pensioenstelsel: wat kunnen we leren van het verleden?. Amsterdam: Het Financieele Dagblad. [audio].
- Kuiper S. & Zwan N. van der (11 November 2016), Nederland Pensioenland. [blog entry].
- Kuiper S. & Zwan N. van der (2016), Nederland Pensioenland. Wat Je Wilt Weten over Pensioen. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Zwan N. van der (2016), Het Pensioenmirakel Ontleed. Functionaliteit en Legitimiteit in het Nederlandse Pensioenstelsel. In: Keune M. (Ed.), Nog Steeds Een Mirakel? De Legitimiteit van het Poldermodel in de 21ste Eeuw. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 143-166.
- Beer P. de, Salverda W., Deken J. de, Hollanders D., Kuiper S. & Zwan N. van der (2015), Keuzevrijheid in pensioenen. Voor werknemer en werkgever, individueel of collectief?. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Institute for Advanced labor Studies.
- Kuiper S.K. & Zwan N.A.J. van der (2015), Liever meer zeggenschap dan meer keuzemogelijkheden, PensioenMagazine : .
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2014), Making Sense of Financialization, Socio-Economic Review 12(1): 99-129.
- Beer P. de, Deken J. de, Hollanders D., Kuiper S., Salverda W. & Zwan N. van der (18 December 2014), Keuzevrijheid pensioenen is risicovol. Me Judice. [blog entry].
- Hollanders D.A., Kuiper S.H. & Zwan N.A.J. van der (2013), Maatschappelijk gemotiveerd beleggingsbeleid van Nederlandse pensioenfondsen, TPEdigitaal 7(3): 82-101.
- Hollanders D., Kuiper S. & Zwan N. van der, Voorkom kapen pensioengeld voor ‘de goede zaak'. . Me Judice. [blog entry].
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2013) Of Unintended Consequence: The History of Finance Capitalism in the United States. Review of: . H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences .
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (1 June 2013), Plan voor nieuw pensioenstelsel biedt keuzevrijheid maar niet meer zeggenschap. Het Financieele Dagblad.
- Zwan N.A.J. van der (2013), Collectieve zeggenschap in het Nederlandse pensioenstelsel: De beroepspensioenvereniging, AIAS Working Paper Series : .
- Zwan Natascha van der (2013), (Dis-)Owning the Corporation: Three Models of Employee-Shareholder Activism, New Political Economy 18(1): 89-111.
- Zwan Natascha van der (2009), More Unequal: Aspects of Class in the United States, Labor History 50(4): 486-488.
- Groen M. & Zwan N. van der (2004), Tussen feit en interpretatie. In: Brants K. & Praag Ph. van (Eds.), Politiek en Media in Verwarring. De Verkiezingscampagnes in het Lange Jaar 2002. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. 92-110.