Nadine Akkerman
Professor Early Modern Literature & Culture
- Name
- Prof.dr. N.N.W. Akkerman
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2065
- 0000-0002-3063-2610

Nadine Akkerman, FRHistS, MAE is a Professor of Early Modern Literature & Culture at the Centre for the Arts in Society.
More information about Nadine Akkerman
In the media

Recent and on-going research
As PI of the ERC Consolidator Grant FEATHERS (2020-2025) I lead a large-scale project on early modern manuscript culture and the mediation of authorship. The project members are Lotte Fikkers, Clodagh Murphy, Jonathan Powell, and Holly Riach. To distinguish between authorial and scribal voices the project analyses 3 distinct manuscript types: Historical letters, Legal documents, and Literary works. In doing so it addresses 3 questions: who were these scribes; what was their role or function, and where did their influence end and their employer’s begin?
Another ongoing project is the editing of the complete correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662), Queen of Bohemia, published by Oxford University Press (OUP) in three volumes, of which my prize-winning PhD (2008) serves as the groundwork:
- Vol. I: 1603-1631 (publ. 20 Aug. 2015)
- Vol. II: 1632-1642 (publ. 25 Aug. 2011)
- Vol. III: 1643-1662 (forthcoming 2028, to coincide with the 380th anniversary of the Peace of Westphalia)
I have published extensively on women’s history, diplomacy, and masques - one of my books being the biography of Elizabeth Stuart and the political struggles that reshaped early modern Europe in the 17th century, Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Hearts (OUP 2021; translated as De Hartenkoningin bij Querido Facto, 2023), the other being the critically acclaimed Invisible Agents: Women and Espionage in Seventeenth-Century Britain (Oxford: OUP, 2018) - and am part of the team behind ‘Signed, Sealed, & Undelivered’, an international project split between Leiden, Groningen, Massachusetts, Oxford, and London, which created waves by virtually unfolding a 17th-century letter.
Other publications include The Politics of Female Households: Ladies-in-Waiting across Early Modern Europe (Leiden: Brill, 2013), edited with Birgit Houben, the first collection that seeks to integrate ladies-in-waiting into the master narrative of early modern court studies, and Courtly Rivals: Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662) and Amalia von Solms (1602-1675) in The Hague, which appeared on the occasion of an exhibition of the same name at the Historical Museum in The Hague ('Het Haags Historisch Museum') held between 24 October 2014 and 15 March 2015.
My latest book is Spycraft: Tricks and Tools of the Dangerous Trade from Elizabeth I to the Restoration (Yale UP, 2024), co-written with Pete Langman.

My research activities have been supported, among others, by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, NWO, and the British Academy. Recently, in 2021, I was awarded the Dr. Hendrik Muller Prize for my work. In April 2018, I was awarded the Ammodo Science Award for fundamental research in the humanities. In November 2017, I received the World Cultural Council Special Recognition Award. In 2009 I was awarded the Studieprijs Stichting Praemium Erasmianum, a national award, for the completion of an extraordinary PhD in the field of humanities, social sciences or behavioral sciences.
Dissemination of Research
I have given presentations at several literary festivals, including the Hay Festival, Edinburgh Spy Week and Althorp, and also at institutions including Google UK and Lincoln’s Inn. I have been historical advisor to several exhibitions. With Jana Dambrogio, the Thomas F. Peterson (1957) Conservator of MIT Libraries, I am the co-director of a growing number of videos on letters, espionage and materiality: click here for Courtly Rivals or Spies and Secrets on Vimeo (also available on YouTube). Follow me on Twitter @misswalsingham.
I am represented by Johnson & Alcock.
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I studied English Language and Literature at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam from 1996 to 2001. In November 2008 I was awarded my PhD in English Literature ‘cum laude’ (with distinction) for a dissertation entitled, “The Letters of A Stuart Princess: The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Electress Palatine of the Rhine, and Queen of Bohemia”. My dissertation includes a census of all the letters, either to or by the Queen of Bohemia, many of which are dispersed in archives across the world and which were before my edition mostly unpublished. I have been lecturing at Leiden since 2007. I was elected as member of The Young Academy (KNAW) in 2017.
1 October 2022 - 30 September 2023
Visiting Senior Research Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford
1 September 2018 – 30 June 2019
Visiting Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford
21 July 2017 – 1 July 2024
NWO Aspasia
1 May 2017 – 1 November 2018
co-applicant, with Helmer Helmers, of an NWO Archaeological Discoveries of (Inter)national Importance Grant
1 September 2016 – 24 March 2021
main applicant of the NWO Internationalisation in the Humanities Grant
1 January 2016 – 25 March 2017
main applicant of the NWO Added Value in Humanties Grant
1 September 2015 – 30 June 2016
Fellow at The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS)
1 March 2011 - 1 March 2015
NWO VENI research fellow at Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS)
27 May 2014 – 4 July 2014
Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Birmingham
1 February 2010 - 28 February 2011
NWO RUBICON research fellow at Leiden University's Institute for History
Since 1 May 2017
Senior Lecturer / Reader in early modern English Literature, Leiden University
1 September 2007 - 30 April 2017
Lecturer, Leiden University
1 August 2006 – 1 August 2007
Junior lecturer Radboud University Nijmegen
1 September 2002 – 9 December 2006
PhD student / Junior lecturer Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Teaching activities
From September 2024 I will be teaching the MA course ‘Shakespeare’s Sister: Gender Troubles in the Early Modern Period’, with Dr Lotte Fikkers, and the ResMa core course ‘Methodologies and Theories-Medieval & Early Modern’, with Prof. dr. Stijn Bussels.
Professor Early Modern Literature & Culture
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Oude Britse letterkunde
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Gibbs M. 24 January 2025, She-Intelligencers: Women and Espionage in the British Civil Wars [Vrouwelijke spionnen]. The World Turned Upside Down: The British Civil Wars 1638-1651 [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (3 May 2024), The tale of the Manx cat: recounting early modern authorship [Het verhaal van de staartloze kat: over auteurschap in de vroegmoderne tijd]. Leiden (Leiden University). [web essay].
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Langman P. (2024), Fraud & forgery. In: Akkerman N.N.W. & Langman P. (Eds.), Spycraft: Tricks and tools of the dangerous trade from Elizabeth I to the Restoration. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 26-66.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Langman P. (2024), Spycraft: tricks and tools of the dangerous trade from Elizabeth I to the Restoration. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Langman P. (2024), Cromwell's Postal Spies, BBC History Magazine (August): 31-35.
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P., Lay P. & Malins M. 3 July 2024, A golden age of espionage. 1666 and All That 15 [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P. & Evans E. 24 June 2024, Invisible ink & toad poison: tools of elizabethan spycraft. History Extra Podcast. BBC History [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P.F. & Lipscomb S. 18 July 2024, Spycraft: from the Elizabethans to the Restoration. Not Just the Tudors 340. History Hit [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P. & Senior A. 29 August 2024, How to be a spy in early modern England. Spymasters. Aspects of History [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Kelder J. 27 June 2024, De James Bond van de 17e eeuw. De Jortcast 780 [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P. & Zambone A. 30 August 2024, Spycrafte: early modern europe, espionage. Historically Thinking 373 [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P. & Durrant J. 11 September 2024, Ep 202: Prof Nadine Akkerman & Dr Pete Langman. Jo Durrant's Beautiful Universe 202 [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P. & Geoghegan P. 8 September 2024, Best of September books. Talking History. Newstalk, Bauer Media Ireland [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P. & Kumberg K. von 20 September 2024, Spycraft from Elizabeth I to the Restoration. Eye Spy: The Intelligence History Podcast 3. Stanford University [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Langman P. 16 September 2024, Oliver Cromwell's Postal Spies. HistoryExtra Long Reads 59. History Extra [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2024), Waarschuwing uit Londen: Elizabeth Stuart aan Johan de Witt: 30 augustus/9 september 1661. In: Huysman I. & Peeters R. (Eds.), Vrouwen rondom Johan de Witt. Soest: Catullus. 141-147.
- Akkerman N.N.W., Langman P. & Hammond A. 24 September 2024, Ciphers, Disguise and Invisible Ink: Tools of the Trade. Spycast 652. The International Spy Museum, Washington [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2023), Russell, Lucy, Countess of Bedford. In: Luckyi C. (Ed.), Palgrave encyclopedia of early modern women's writing. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-5.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2023), Een omstreden plezierreisje. In: Anrooij W. van & Hoftijzer P. (Eds.), Tot publijcque dienst der studie: boeken uit de Bibliotheca Thysiana. Hilversum: Verloren. 208-209.
- Akkerman N. & Langman P. (2023), Accidentally on purpose: denying any responsibility for the accidental archive. In: Prescott A. & Wiggins A. (Eds.), Archives: power, truth, and fiction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 323-326.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2023) This flammable isle. Review of: Healey J. (2023), The blazing world: a new history of revolutionary England: Bloomsbury. History Today 73(3): 96-97.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Rowe C. 23 March 2023, Episode 207, Jane Whorwood: royalist spy. English Heritage Podcast. English Heritage [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2022), De atomen van Margaret Cavendish: Margaret Cavendish aan Constantijn Huygens, 27 oktober 1658. In: Huysman I. & Leerintveld A. (Eds.), Constantijn Huygens: een leven in brieven. Soest: Catullus. 216-223.
- Akkerman N.N.W., Duijn M. van, Huysman I. & Ramackers S. (7 February 2022), Brieven: Van kluis naar kussen Interviewed by Garrelt Verhoeven [interview].
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Lipscomb S. (10 March 2022), The Queen of Hearts: The Forgotten Stuart Queen. Not Just the Tudors [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Moller V. 11 March 2022, Interview with Nadine Akkerman on Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Hearts. Travels Through Time. Unseen Histories [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Yeoman L. 23 April 2022, Assassination and Murder: Trail ahead at 21.31 to the next episode, on Elizabeth Stuart. Time Travels. BBC Radio Scotland [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2022), Women and Spy Networks. In: Elk M. van (Ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women's Writing. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2022), The Other Elizabeth, History Today 72(9): 54-63.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Larson R. 13 December 2022, Daughter of James VI/I: Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Hearts. Tydor Dynasty [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2022), Women’s letters and cryptological coteries. In: Scott-Baumann E., Clarke D. & Ross S.C.E. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of early modern women’s writing in English, 1540-1700. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 547-561.
- Dambrogio J., Ghassaei A., Starza Smith D., Jackson H., Demaine M.L., Davis G., Mills D., Ahrendt R., Akkerman N.N.W., Linden D. van der & Demaine E.D. (2021), Unlocking history through automated virtual unfolding of sealed documents imaged by X-ray microtomography, Nature Communications 12: 1184.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Lipscomb S. 13 May 2021, 17th Century Female Spies. Not Just the Tudors. History Net [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2021), Q&A, A Selection of Historical Conundrums Answered by Experts: 'How Did People in Hiding Communicate with Confidants before Modern Means of Communication?', BBC History Magazine March: 66.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2021), Elizabeth Stuart: Queen of Hearts. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2021), Elisabeth of Bohemia’s Aristocratic Upbringing and Education at the Prinsenhof, Rapenburg 4-10, Leiden, c. 1627/8-32. In: Ebbersmeyer S. & Hutton S. (Eds.), Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618-1680): A Philosopher in her Historical Context . Cham: Springer. 17-31.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2021), The Art of Treason, BBC History Magazine 22(13): 62-67.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Davies R. 20 December 2021, The Stuart Princess Who Could Have Deposed Charles I. History Extra Podcast [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W., Vlotho: A Bridge Too Far: Aspects of History. [blog entry].
- Daybell J., Norrhem S., Broomhall S., Van Gent J. & Akkerman N.N.W. (2021), Gender and Materiality in Early Modern English Gloves, Sixteenth Century Journal 52(3): 571-606.
- Akkerman N.N.W. 8 October 2019, Spies 2: Interview with Dr Nadine Akkerman. Histories of the Unexpected [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2019), Superspionne Lady Carlisle, Geschiedenis Magazine 54(7): 60-65.
- Ahrendt R., Akkerman N.N.W., Dambrogio J., Starza Smith D. & Linden D. van der (2019), The letter as object. In: Hotson H. & Wallnig T. (Eds.), Reassembling the republic of letters in the digital age: standards, systems, scholarship. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press. 63-67.
- Akkerman N.N.W. 1 January 2019, Aphra Behn and female espionage. H.History: Not what you thought you knew [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2019), Elizabeth Stuart Queen of Bohemia, Oxford Bibliographies Online : .
- Akkerman N.N.W. 23 August 2018, Female Spies of the Civil War Era. History Extra Podcast [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2018), Invisible Agents: Women and Espionage in Seventeenth-Century Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2018), Review of: Elk M. van (2017), Early Modern Women’s Writing: Domesticity, Privacy, and the Public Sphere in England and the Dutch Republic. Early Modern Literature in History. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Renaissance Quarterly 71(2): 779-780.
- Akkerman N.N.W. 4 July 2018, ScienceGuide Podcast met Nadine Akkerman over vrouwelijke spionnen. ScienceGuide [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2017), Informal Diplomacy: The Correspondences of Ambassadors' Wives and Women Spies [ERC Tide, University of Liverpool, UK, November 2017]. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2017), The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia [Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO)] 1 & 2. Oxford: Early Modern Letters Online. [dataset].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2017), Brienne collection [Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO)]. Oxford: Early Modern Letters Online. [dataset].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2016), Enigmatic Cultures of Cryptology. In: Daybell J. & Gordon A. (Eds.), Cultures of Correspondence in Early Modern Britain. Material Texts Series University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 69-84 (notes at pp.266-271).
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2016), April 2016, with the 4 other steering committee members of the AHRC network, ‘Gloved: The Gendered Power of Materiality in Early Modern English Handwear’, AHRC Network Conference: Gender, Power and Materiality in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800, Plymouth University. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2016), September 2016, invited paper, ‘British she-intelligencers, 1647-1667,’ international conference ‘Beyond Ambassadors: Missionaries, Consuls & Spies in Premodern Diplomacy’, Leiden University, Leiden. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2016), April 2016, invited paper, ‘The Research Potential of a Postmaster’s Chest: An Introduction to ‘Signed, Sealed & Undelivered’, AHRC Network Conference: ‘Gender, Power and Materiality in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800’, Plymouth University, UK. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2016), King's Blog: Ben Jonson’s Masque of Queens. [film].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2015), The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia: Volume I 1603-1631. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2015), A Triptych of Dorothy Percy Sidney (1598-1659), Countess of Leicester, Lucy Percy Hay (1599-1660), Countess of Carlisle, and Dorothy Sidney Spencer (1617-1684), Countess of Sunderland. In: Hannay M.P., Brennan M.G. & Lamb M.E. (Eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to The Sidneys, 1500-1700 (Volume I: Lives). Farnham, UK, Burlington, USA: Ashgate. 133-150.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2015), Aanjaagster van de hofcultuur in Den Haag: Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662), Geschiedenis Magazine (1): 32-35.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (11 November 2015), Ten things you never knew about Elizabeth Stuart, 'the Winter Queen'. OUP blog: Oxford University Press's Academic Insights for the Thinking World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [blog entry].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2015), Keynote, one-day international colloquium / workshop, ‘Clandestine Communications in Early Modern England’, Queen Mary University of London. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2015), Invited paper, ‘The Scottish-Scandinavian Circle of Elizabeth of Bohemia’, international workshop, Drumminor Castle, Scotland. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2015), Paper, ‘The Private Ciphered Letter Books of a Spy,’ a two-day international colloquium, ‘A Collector of Secrets: Sir Balthazar Gerbier (1592-1663) in cultural diplomacy and the arts Gerbier’, V&A, London. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2015), Paper, ‘Pawnbrokers, Jewellers, and Blood Diamonds: How Elizabeth Stuart and Henrietta Maria Financed Exile and Wars’; invited participant to the panel Material Readings in Early Modern Culture, sponsored by the History of the Book, RSA Discipline Group, Renaissance Society of America, Berlin. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2014), Courtly Rivals in The Hague: Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662) & Amalia von Solms (1602-1675)) [Also available in Dutch: Rivalen aan het Haagse hof: Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662) & Amalia von Solms (1602-1675) (translation: Sandra Arts-Binnendijk)]. Venlo: VanSpijk / Rekafa Publishers in conjunction with Haags Historisch Museum.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2014) Review of The Iron Princess: Amalia Elisabeth and the Thirty Years War by Tryntje Helfferich. Review of: Helfferich Tryntje (2013), The Iron Princess: Amalia Elisabeth and the Thirty Years War. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Journal of Military History 78(2): 11-12.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2014), June 2014, keynote, ‘Ambassadors’ Wives and Honourable Spies: The Hidden Aspects of Diplomacy, a Concluding Talk’, one-day international colloquium, ‘The Cultural Production of Early Modern Households’, the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2014), March 2014, paper, ‘Informal Diplomacy: Women’s Letters of Friendship and Intimacy’; invited participant to the panel Diplomacies and Early Modern Correspondence, sponsored by the History of the Book, RSA Discipline Group, Renaissance Society of America, New York. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2013), Introduction. In: Akkerman N.N.W. & Houben B. (Eds.), The Politics of Female Households: Ladies-in-Waiting across Early Modern Europe. Rulers & Elites no. 4. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 1-27.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2013), The goddess of the household: the masquing politics of Lucy Harington-Russell, Countess of Bedford. In: Akkerman N.N.W. & Houben B. (Eds.), The politics of female households: ladies-in-waiting across early modern Europe. Rulers & Elites no. 4. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 287-309.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2013), Semper Eadem: Elizabeth Stuart and the Legacy of Queen Elizabeth I. In: Smart S. & Wade M.R. (Eds.), The Palatine Wedding of 1613: Protestant Alliance and Court Festival. Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung no. 29. Wiesbaden: Herzog August Bibliothek. 145-168.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Houben B. (Eds.) (2013), The Politics of Female Households: Ladies-in-Waiting across Early Modern Europe. Rulers & Elites no. 4. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2013), August 2013, invited paper, ‘The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia,’ and invited participant of Workshop ‘Women Early Modern Letters Online’, International conference, ‘Gender and Political Culture, 1400-1800’, A Joint Conference organised by History and the Centre for Humanities, Music and Performing Arts (HuMPA) at Plymouth University and Umeå Group for Pre-modern Studies, Plymouth University. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2012), September 2012, paper, ‘Hofdames als Lobbyisten’, annual conference of the Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis ‘Lobby in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden’, Paleis der Academiën, Brussels. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2012), May 2012, keynote / invited guest lecture, ‘Opening up the Winter Queen’s Cabinet: The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia’, Cultures of Knowledge, History Faculty Oxford. .
- Akkerman N.N.W. 1 January 2012, ‘Opening up the Winter Queen’s cabinet: the Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia’. Cultures of knowledge in Early Modern Europe [podcast].
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2011), References to "Luminalia" from the Correspondence of Sir Thomas Roe and Elizabeth Stuart, Malone Society Reprints 16(175): 65-78.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2011), The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, Volume II 1632 - 1642. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2011), 'The Postmistress, The Diplomat, and a Black Chamber? Alexandrine of Taxis, Sir Balthazar Gerbier and the Power of Postal Control'. In: Adams Robyn & Cox Rosanna (Eds.), Diplomacy and Early Modern Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 172-188.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2011) Zoeken naar vroegmoderne levens: tussen parochieboeken, rekeningen, citatenverzamelingen en bakpapier. Review of: Smyth Adam (2010), Autobiography in Early Modern England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 1: 128-129.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2011) Review. Review of: Jenkinson Matthew (2010), Culture and Politics at the Court of Charles II, 1660-1685. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History no. 9. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press. Royal Stuart Journal 3: 33-34.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Huysman I. (2011), Een zeventiende-eeuwse catfight: de geloofsovergang van Louise Hollandina van de Palts als inzet bij de aanspraken op het Markiezaat van Bergen op Zoom (1657-1659), De Waterschans 41(2): 63-72.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Corporaal M.C.M. (2010), Margaret Cavendish, Constantijn Huygens en de Bataafse tranen. In: Kloek Els, Blom Frans & Leerintveld Ad (Eds.), Vrouwen rondom Huygens. Hilversum: Verloren. 224-239.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2010), Cupido en de eerste koningin in Den Haag: Constantijn Huygens en Elizabeth Stuart. In: Kloek Els, Blom Frans & Leerintveld Ad (Eds.), Vrouwen rondom Huygens. Hilversum: Verloren. 73-96.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2010) 'Dwaze Correspondentie'. Review of: Huysman Ineke & Rasch Rudolf (2009), Béatrix en Constantijn: De Briefwisseling tussen Béatrix de Cusance en Constantijn Huygens, 1652-1655. Amsterdam/Den Haag: Boom/ING. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 2: 288-289.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (1 August 2010), 'Cardenio: Op Zoek naar de Verloren Shakespeare: Alleen de Dwaas heeft de Waarheid in Pacht'. Theater aan het Spui Magazine: 26-27.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2010), Lucas, Margaret, Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon Nederland : .
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Corporaal M.C.M. (2009), Mad Science Beyond Flattery: The Correspondence of Margaret Cavendish and Constantijn Huygens. In: Mendelson S.H. (Ed.), Margaret Cavendish. Farnham, England & Burlington, USA: Ashgate. 263-304.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2009), Brieven Schrijven is Politiek Bedrijven: De Correspondentie van Elizabeth Stuart, Koningin van Bohemen, Historica: Vrouwengeschiedenisblad 31(2): 16-18.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2009), Cupido en de eerste koningin in Den Haag: Constantijn Huygens en Elizabeth Stuart, De Zeventiende Eeuw. Cultuur in de Nederlanden in Interdisciplinair Perspectief 25(2): 73-96.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Corporaal M.C.M. (2009), Margaret Cavendish, Constantijn Huygens en de Betaafse tranen, De Zeventiende Eeuw. Cultuur in de Nederlanden in Interdisciplinair Perspectief 25(2): 224-239.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2007), “Reader Stand Still and Look, Lo Here I am”: Elizabeth Cary’s forgotten funeral elegy “On the Duke of Buckingham”. In: Wolfe H. (Ed.), The Literary Career and Legacy of Elizabeth Cary, 1613-1680. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 183-200.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2006) Review: Reading Early Modern Women, eds Helen Ostovich & Elizabeth Sauer. Review of: Ostovich H. & Sauer E. (2004), Reading Early Modern Women: An Anthology of Texts in Manuscripts and Print, 1550-1700 no. 5. London & New York: Routledge. English Studies 87: 625-627.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Sellin P.R. (2005), A Stuart Masque in Holland: Ballet de la Carmesse de La Haye (1655): Part II, The Ben Jonson Journal 12: 141-164.
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Sellin P.R. (2004), "Facsimile Edition – A Stuart Masque in Holland: Ballet de la Carmesse de La Haye (1655)", The Ben Jonson Journal 11: 207-258.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2004) Review: ‘Der Winterkönig. Friedrich V. Der letzte Kurfürst aus der Oberen Pfalz, Tentoonstellingscatalogus, door P. Wolf, M. Henker, E. Brockhoff et al. Review of: Wolf P. & Henker M. (2003), Der Winterkönig. Friedrich V. Der letzte Kurfürst aus der Oberen Pfalz: Eine Einführung zur Bayerischen Landesausstellung no. 2. Augsburg. De Zeventiende Eeuw. Cultuur in de Nederlanden in Interdisciplinair Perspectief 20: 365.
- Akkerman N.N.W. (2004), Elizabeth Stuart, Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon Nederland : .
- Corporaal M.C.M. & Akkerman N.N.W. (2004), "Some New Rarities": The Correspondence Between Margaret Cavendish and Constantijn Huygens, Early Modern Literary Studies 3(9): .
- Akkerman N.N.W. & Corporaal M.C.M. (2003), ' “Some new rarities”: De correspondentie van Margaret Cavendish en Constantijn Huygens', Historica: Vrouwengeschiedenisblad 26(2): 12-14.
- Board Member Humanities Council (Lid Raad voor Geesteswetenschappen)
- Selection committee Faces of Science
- Board member Science Committee (Dutch: lid Wetenschapscommissie)
- Chair
- a foundation for the promotion of the History of Ideas in the Early Modern Period