Mohammad Taghi Ramezan Zadeh
Lecturer / Guest
- Name
- Dr. M.T. Ramezan Zadeh Ph.D.

M. Taghi R. Zadeh (Taghi Zadeh) is a postdoc in entrepreneurship, innovation, and strategy at Science-Based Business (SBB), Leiden University. Taghi has joined SBB from September 2018.
More information about Mohammad Taghi Ramezan Zadeh
Short biography
Taghi is writing his dissertation on the topic of “Organizational Antecedents and Consequences of Intrapreneurship” to obtain a Ph.D. from Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. In today’s frequently changing business environment, the focus of his research has been on how large and established businesses adapt to major technological breakthroughs to survive and grow. Studying major public and private Swede and Dutch companies, he has investigated entrepreneurial processes through which such organizations lift internal barriers of adaptation. He has presented his research findings in leading management conferences, for instance, Academy of Management (AOM), Strategic Management Society (SMS), European Academy of Management (EURAM), and European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS). EURAM and Sweden’s Innovation Agency (VINNOVA) has recognized his collaborative research on how a telecom giant copes with the emergence of Cloud technology.
In his educational activities, Taghi has organized and instructed entrepreneurship courses to Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Science, Leiden University. He has developed, coordinated, and instructed three courses on (corporate) entrepreneurship, namely Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Entrepreneurial Growth, and Corporate Entrepreneurship. He also evaluates Science students’ business internship projects at SBB in the 2018-2019 academic year. At RSM, Taghi co-developed, coordinated, and co-instructed an elective on Digital Transformation to Strategic Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management M.Sc. students in 2019. He has supervised theses of strategic management and entrepreneurship M.Sc. students at RSM from 2015-2018.
Having a decade experience also in industry, Taghi has given several industry presentations on corporate entrepreneurship and digital transformation in various practitioners’ events in the past few years. Taghi is open to research collaborations with industry on adaptation to new technologies.
Working papers
Zadeh, M. T. R. and Volberda, H. W. ‘Adaptation to digital technology: Relaxing inertial identity and embracing pluralistic identity work’.
Zadeh, M. T. R., Khanagha, S., Mihalache, O. R. and Volberda, H. W. ‘Cognitive and behavioral antecedents of New Technology Adoption: A case of platform business enabler technology’.
Zadeh, M. T. R., Seiffert, N., and Volberda, H. W. ‘Firm and CVC portfolio characteristics effects on parents’ performance’.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities, ICT in Business MSc. (Elective)
Entrepreneurial Planning, Science Based Business Minor
Entrepreneurial Process, Science Based Business Minor
Lecturer / Guest
- Science
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science