Mirjam de Bruijn
Professor of Contemporary History and Anthropology of Africa
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.E. de Bruijn
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8546
- m.e.de.bruijn@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-0499-8758

Mirjam de Bruijn is an anthropologist whose work has a clearly interdisciplinary character with a preference for contemporary history and cultural studies.
More information about Mirjam de Bruijn
Counter Voices in Africa
For an overview of Mirjam de Bruijn's research and publications, visit her profile on the ASCL website.
The research Mirjam develops in interdisciplinary research programmes evolves around different themes and focuses on African situations. She combines history, anthropology, communication science. Themes are security, mobility, youth/gender, crisis, nomadism, conflict (Duress), political agency. Main countries of research are situated in West and Central Africa. Since 2006 Mirjam developed research integrating developments of ICTs (mobile telephony and connectivity) in relation to societal changes, both in the field of the social, economic and political. This research included Southern African situations as well. Special attention was given to mobile communities, among which (pastoralist) nomadic and diasporic communities. (see www.mobileafricarevisited.wordpress.com) From 2012 she led a research project that turned its focus to the relation between enduring crisis, ICTs and political agency and mobility. (See vici project Connecting in times of duress). Since 2016 she participated in a research on the recent developments in the Sahel zone in which conflicts between herders and farmers have become a central topic (again). (www.nomadesahel.org). Mirjam has developed her research always in collaboration with researchers and research institutes in Africa. She also did develop research methodologies and publication/dissemination in relation to Digital Humanities. This has led to the creation of the foundation Voice4Thought (www.voice4thought.org), and the publication platform (with Brill publishers) BridgingHumanities (www.bridginghumanities.com). Mirjam is actively involved in both organisations.
Mirjam is member of the project Digital Empire, a network funded by the European Union, where scholars gather to understand the influence of the digital on new configurations of power in the world. She collaborates in a project on protracted refugees in East Africa as part of a Horizon2020 project (https://trafig.eu). She also participates in the dryland programme of COST action, drylands facing change, a European union funded network.
Her teaching is in the field of African Studies. Mirjam has been awarded funds in 2018 and 2019 to develop innovative teaching programmes, which she invested in the development of methodology and method in the humanities in the digital age. See: https://innovativeresearchmethods.org/.
Professor of Contemporary History and Anthropology of Africa
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Afrika studies
Professor of Culture and identity in Africa
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Wetenschappelijke staf
- Bruijn M.E. de (1 March 2023), Macron's charme offensief in Afrika. Interviewed by Tim de Wit for Bureau Buitenland (NPO 1). [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (18 January 2022), Malinezen protesteren tegen sancties. for Bureau Buitenland, VPRO (NPO 1). [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (3 February 2022), Vijf vragen over de militaire missie in Mali: ‘Ik vrees dat het een bloedbad gaat worden’. Interviewed by Bob van Huet for Algemeen Dagblad. [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (31 December 2021), Mali op ramkoers met Europese anti-terreur-strijdkrachten. Interviewed by Ernest Claassen for NOS.nl. [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (24 February 2022), Discursive warfare in social media: on-line spaces of belonging and of distrust. Goethe University, Frankfurt. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (10 December 2022), Social media and digital cultural violence in Mali and Chad. NVAS (Netherlands Association for African Studies). [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (28 January 2022), Mali op ramkoers met Europese anti-terreur-strijdkrachten. Interviewed by Ernest Claassen for NOS.nl. [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (3 February 2022), Vijf vragen over de militaire missie in Mali: ‘ik vrees dat het een bloedbad gaat worden’. for Algemeen Dagblad. [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (18 January 2022), Grootschalig protest tegen sancties in Mali. for Bureau Buitenland (VPRO). [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (7 July 2020), ICTs, Social Media and Tendencies of Radicalization in the Sahel; keynote. on-line. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (3 December 2020), Social media and youth in Africa; les medias sociaux et la jeunesse en Afrique. Wageningen/ online. [lecture].
- Nieuws&Co NPO 1 (19 August 2020), Chaos in Mali: president treedt af na gijzeling door militairen . Interviewed by for Nieuws & Co (NPO 1). [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (15 February 2020), Er moet een eind komen aan terrorisme in de Sahel, maar hoe?. for NOS Radio 1 Journaal (NPO 1). [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (2017), La radicalisation, symptome d’une crise de la jeunesse pastorale?. Interviewed by for Grain de sel : la revue d'inter-réseaux développement rural. [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (23 November 2013), Mobile Telephony in Everyday Africa [Vereniging voor Afrika Studies, Nederland (NVAS), November 23, 2013]. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (18 November 2013), Al Qaida goes to Africa? [Groen Links party meeting, November 18, 2013]. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (7 October 2013), Telefonie in Afrika via Nederlandse BV’s. Interviewed by Eijkelenhof S. & Groot G. de for Het Financieele Dagblad. [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de & Sijsma S. (14 December 12), Connecting Dreams: life histories, crossing borders, new communication technologies. film. [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (15 November 2012), Muziek kapotgemaakt in Mali. Interviewed by Meurders F. for De Gids.FM (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (2012), ‘In mijn hart ben ik zelf een nomade’. Antropologe Mirjam de Bruijn ontvangt Vici-beurs. for Hypothese, Close-up: 4-7. [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (6 March 2012), Social media revolutie. (Social Media worden gezien als katalisator van het democratiseringsproces. De Arabische lente wordt ook wel twitter- of facebookrevolutie genoemd. Maar zijn deze hoge verwachtingen ook waar te maken?). for Hoe?Zo! (Radio 5). [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (2012), “Verleg je grenzen”, Dubbelinterview Mirjam de Bruijn en Khalil Alio. Interviewed by . [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de (24 April 2012), Mali en Senegal (met Berman en Piet van Ommeren) [Debatavond Evert Vermeer Stichting, April 24, 2012]. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (25 April 2012), Mobiele telefonie ´revolutie´ en burgerschap in Afrika [Erasmus University Rotterdam, April 25, 2012]. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (28 October 2012), Waarom is Afrika arm? [Debate for Institute for Social History (IISG), Amsterdam, October 28, 2012]. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (28 October 2012), Introduction Swap about mobile phones [Afrika film festival, Scheltema, Leiden, October 28, 2012]. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (17 November 2012), Alternative politics in the new media era: Rethinking the role of ICTs in reshaping the African democratic space [Workshop at the Afrikadag, Evert Vermeer Stichting, November 17, 2012]. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (13 November 2012), Mobile telephony and social change in Africa [Maastricht University, November 13, 2012]. [lecture].
- Bruijn M.E. de (2009), Interview with Nakar Djindil, the Situation of Chad. Interviewed by Pambazuka . [interview].
- Bruijn M.E. de. "The telephone has grown legs": mobile communication and social change in the margins of African society. African Studies Centre, Leiden University. Leiden. [inaugural address].
- Bruijn M.E. de (5 September 2008). De telefoon heeft benen gekregen: mobiele communicatie en sociale verandering in de marges van Afrika. Leiden. [inaugural address].
- Board member, president
- board member and active co-manager
- Inhoudelijke begeleiding ven dit project in Mali
- editor