Universiteit Leiden

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Michiel Claessen

Assistant professor

Dr. M.H.G. Claessen
071 5276034

Short CV

Dr. Michiel Claessen is employed as an Assistant Professor of Neuropsychology in Leiden University’s Health, Medical and Neuropsychology Department. He teaches in the MA courses “Adult and Old Age Clinical Neuropsychology: Clinical Practice” and “Intervention Strategies in Clinical Neuropsychology: Practical Training”. He is co-coordinator of “Adult and Old Age Clinical Neuropsychology: Clinical Practice”. Besides this employment, he also works as a Health Care Psychologist in training for Goudenhart, an organisation for elderly care. Goudenhart is involved in geriatric rehabilitation (including neurorehabilitation) and long-term care for people with somatic and psychogeriatric diseases. His main tasks and interests concern psychodiagnostic assessment of cognition, mood and behavior, (neuro)psychological treatment based on cognitive behavioral treatment and EMDR, giving advice about how to deal with and approach patients, and participation in multidisciplinary team meetings.
Michiel Claessen obtained his PhD in 2017 (from Utrecht University in collaboration with University Medical Center Utrecht and De Hoogstraat Rehabilitation) based on a dissertation about navigation ability after stroke. He conducted research on the cognitive characteristics of navigation impairment in stroke patients and developed a training to improve navigation ability in stroke patients. He devotes part of his time to research activities with specific focuses on navigation ability, navigation impairment and stroke.

Relevant links

Assistant professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden



  • Goudenhart GZ-psycholoog
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