Michael Kowalski
Professor by Special Appointment Applied Ethics in Intelligence and Security
- Name
- Prof.dr. M. Kowalski MA
- Telephone
- 070 8009500
- m.kowalski@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
Michael Kowalski is parttime Special Professor of Applied Ethics in Intelligence and Security. This special professorship is endowed by the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV).
Michael Kowalski is parttime Special Professor of Applied Ethics in Intelligence and Security. This special professorship is endowed by the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV). Michael Kowalski is Chief Science Officer at the NCTV and Dean of the NCTV-Academy. He serves for more than two decades in the field of national security and counterterrorism within the government. Before taking on his current position, he was Head of the Expertise and Quality Centre of the Dutch Supervisory Authority in the field of justice and security. He earned his Ph.D. at Leiden University and graduated at the University of Bremen in Germany (Vordiplom) and the University of Amsterdam (doctorandus). He earned an additional M.A. at the Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana) in the United States of America.
Professor by Special Appointment Applied Ethics in Intelligence and Security
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
- Kowalski M. (2024), Geen grenzen voor risico’s. : Over internationale samenwerking tussen inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten. In: Hijzen C. Jacobs B. Jansen R. Kampen van F. (Ed.), Uiterst vertrouwelijk. : Achter de schermen van de Nederlandse geheime diensten. . Amsterdam: Querido Facto.
- Kowalski M. (2023), Komplottextremismus und Demokratiedefizite: Entwicklungen und Denkanstösse aus niederländischer Perspektive. In: Kemmesies U Wetzels P. Austin B. Büscher C. Dessecker A. Rieger D. (Ed.), MOTRA-Monitor 2022. Wiesbaden: MOTRA.
- Kowalski M. & Kemmesies U. (2023), Ethical dilemmas in the prevention of extremism: Co-terrorism, theoretical notes and practical approaches. In: Kemmesies U. & Ben Slama B. (Eds.), Handbook of Preventing Violent Extremism: An integrative cross-phenomenal approach for governmental agencies and civil society. Wiesbaden: Federal Criminal Police.
- Kowalski M. (2021), Making Intelligence Relevant Again: Eight Lessons for Strengthening the Navigational Capacities of Intelligence Services in Complex Threat Environments, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics 151: .
- Kowalski M. (2021), Dealing with Ethical Issues in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE): An Exploration of Concepts and Tools to Support CVE Programs and Practitioners. Global Safety Evaluation (GSE) Network Workshop 1 July 2020 - 31 December 2021.
- Kowalski M. Kemmesies U. (2020), Ethische Dilemmata in der Extremismusprävention: Co-Terrorismus, theoretische Notizen und praktische Ansätze. In: Kemmesies U. Ben Slama B. (Ed.), Handbuch der Extremismusprävention: Gesamtgesellschaftlich. Phänomenübergreifend.. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt.
- Kowalski M. (12 March 2020), Ethics on the radar: exploring the relevance of ethics support in counterterrorism (Dissertatie. Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Faculty Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Bakker E., Molewijk A.C. & Overeem P.
- Kowalski M. (2018), Ethiek en contraterrorisme: Op weg naar een moreel kompas voor professionals en politici. In: Muller E., Bakker E., Rosenthal U. & Wijk R. de (Eds.), Terrorisme: Studies over terrorisme en terrorismebestrijding. Alphen aan de Rijn: Wolters Kluwer.
- Kowalski M., Overeem P., Gorp A. van, Hoorens S., Weidema F., MolewijkB., Leeuwen M. van, Abels P.H.A.M., Kemmesies U., Den Boer M., Buuren J. van, Houwelingen G., van Hoogervoorst N., Dijke M. & Versteegt L. (Eds.) (2017), Ethics of counterterrorism. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Kowalski M., Bont R. de Weggemans D, Peters R., Bakker E., Wittendorp S., Miert H. van, Heide L. van der & Geenen J. (2017), Jihadists in Syria and Iraq: Recalibrating concepts, threat radar and reintegration policies, Journal of Security and Global Affairs : .
- Kowalski M. (2013), Oversight in the era of ‘Snowden’ and big data: Challenges and opportunities, Security and Human Rights 24(3-4): .
- Kowalski M., Meeder M, Akerboom E., Graaff B. de, Dimitriu G.R., Franken S., Sasse van Ysselt P. van, Jacobs B., Valk G. de, Dechesne M. & Hoogenboom B. (Eds.) (2011), Contraterrorisme en ethiek. Amsterdam: Boom.