Universiteit Leiden

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Maximilian König

PhD candidate / guest

M. König
071 5272727

Maximilian König is a PhD candidate and cognitive neuroscientist at the Institute of Education and Child Studies studying how social support can promote resilience in young people with a history of early-life adversity.”

More information about Maximilian König

Short cv

Maximilian König is a cognitive neuroscientist studying how social support can promote resilience in young people with a history of early-life adversity. Specifically, he uses behavioral experiments, fMRI, and endocrinology to investigate whether friendships aid mental well-being through reducing neurobiological stress responses in this vulnerable population.

Before moving to the Netherlands, he worked as a Graduate Research Assistant & Lab Manager at New York University and the University of Oxford where he explored learning and decision-making processes across development.

He received his MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience from University College London and his BSc in Psychology from Goethe University Frankfurt.

Pronouns: he/him/his

Maximilian König – CV (August 2023)

PhD candidate / guest

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  • Forensische gezinsped. en Jeugdhulpverl.

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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