Martine Jager
Professor emeritus Ophthalmology, in particular eye melanoma
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.J. Jager
- Telephone
- +31 71 526 9111
- 0000-0003-2261-3820

Martine J. Jager is professor of Ophthalmology, with a focus on ocular melanoma. She is vice-chairman of the MD examination committee at the Leiden University Medical Center. She holds a guest professorship at the Peking University Health Science Center, China and Adjunct Scientist at the Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston. She is President of the International Society of Ocular Oncology, past-president of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, member of the Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis and the European Academy of Ophthalmology. She is a member of The Cancer Genome Atlas project for eye melanoma and the American Joint Committee on Cancer.
Martine J. Jager is professor of Ophthalmology, with a focus on ocular melanoma. She is vice-chairman of the MD examination committee at the Leiden University Medical Center. She holds a guest professorship at the Peking University Health Science Center, China and Adjunct Scientist at the Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston. She is President of the International Society of Ocular Oncology, past-president of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, member of the Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis and the European Academy of Ophthalmology.
She is a member of The Cancer Genome Atlas project for eye melanoma and the American Joint Committee on Cancer.
Eye melanoma
The focus of research is on eye melanoma. Uveal melanoma is the most common intraocular primary malignancy in adults. This research area is part of the Oncology profile (Cancer Pathogenesis and Therapy) of the LUMC, and fits well into the National Science agenda.
While primary ocular melanoma can often be treated effectively, it often gives rise to metastases, for which no effective treatment is as yet available. Jager focusses on the regulation of immune responses towards this malignancy, with the goal of developing a treatment. As opposed to cutaneous melanoma, an inflammatory phenotype in uveal melanoma is related to an infaust prognosis. An inflammatory phenotype contains T cells and macrophages, the majority of which belong to the pro-angiogenic M2 type. The density of macrophages is correlated with the number of blood vessels. Recent studies show that the development of inflammation is genetically determined. Addition of a copy of chromosome 8q is related to the influx of macrophages, while the subsequent loss of one chromosome 3 and loss of expression of the BAP1 protein (the BAP1 gene is located on chromosome 3) lead to influx of T cells. Current studies focus on techniques to modify HLA expression and to influence T cell responses in such a way that immunotherapy of metastases becomes a reality for these patients.
Academic career
Martine J. Jager received her MD and PhD degree from Leiden University. The title of her thesis (1986, promotor prof. dr. J.J. van Rood) was: 'Human Monocyte antigens: recognition of a polymorphic system'. She subsequently specialized in Ophthalmology at the University of Amsterdam, and did a fellowship in Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami. She also followed a research fellowship in ocular immunology in Miami with Dr J.W. Streilein, following which she returned to Leiden with a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. She subsequently set up a laboratory at the Department of Ophthalmology in Leiden to study the immunology of ocular tumors and corneal transplantation. She was appointed professor at Leiden University in 2016, with her oration 'Travels in the world of the eye'.
Prof. Jager works as an ophthalmologist at the LUMC, and is a specialist in cornea and ocular surface diseases.
Prof. Jager’s research focusses on the role of the immune system in the development of ocular tumors and in the treatment of metastases, and also on the development of an artificial cornea. She has published over 200 papers and several books. She has supervised 20 successful PhD students and currently supervises 12 PhD students. She helps students from Leiden to work abroad and foreign students to come to Leiden.
Jager is Associate Editor of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, member of the Editorial Board van Ophthalmology, Acta Ophthalmologica, The Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, Ocular Oncology and Pathology, The Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology, and the Chinese Journal of Experimental Ophthalmology.
She is a member of the Chapter Council of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, president van ARVO-NED, member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Global Advisors Committee, and Convener of the Submitted program of the World Congress of Ophthalmology (2016 and 2018).
Much of the research in Leiden takes place in collaboration with dr. P.A. van der Velden, dr. A.G. Jochemsen, prof. E. Snaar-Jagalska, and the oncology team at the department of Ophthalmology (prof. dr. G.P.M. Luyten, dr. M. Marinkovic, dr. J. Bleeker) and the department of Oncology (prof. dr. S. van der Burg, dr. E. Kapiteijn).
Collaborations exist with the members of two Horizon2020 grants. Horizon2020 grant CURE UM is focused on the development of a treatment for uveal melanoma metastases; collaborations exist with Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland, The Curie Institute, Paris, France, Univ of Liverpool and Manchester, UK, Univ of Turin, Italy, and the Champalimaud Center of the Unknown, Lissabon, Portugal.
The COST grant Joining Forces on Corneal Regeneration is focused on achieving more collaborations on corneal regenerative medicine in Europe to help to treat corneal diseases.
Horizon2020 grant Arrest Blindness is focused on developing regenerative therapies for corneal diseases that lead to blindness. Among the collaborators are the Univ of Linkoping, Univ of Koln, Aarhus Univ, Univ Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Univ of Antwerp, the NIIOS in Rotterdam and Aeon Astron in Leiden.
The research of the Department is being supported by many Dutch filantropic organisations, such as the KWF, ANNVB, Stichting Blindenhulp, Rotterdamse Stichting voor Blindenbelangen, Stichting Blinden Penning, LSBS, Wealtheon and The Bontius Stichting.
Prizes and honourable appointments
Jager is Honorary member of the Hungarian Society of Ophthalmology and the Polish Society of Ophthalmology, visiting professor at Harvard Medical School (2016), and Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (2017). She is Congress Ambassador for Leiden. In 1995, she won the Marie Parijs Prijs of the Universiteit van Leiden. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology awarded her the Distinguished Service Award, the ARVO Gold Fellow Award, and the ARVO Joanne G. Angle Special Achievement Award. In 2018, she hopes to be Guest of Honour at the Champalimaud Center of the Unknown in Lissabon.
Professor emeritus Ophthalmology, in particular eye melanoma
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Oogheelkunde
- Ma, S.; Veld, R.V.H.I.; Pinos, E. de los; Ossendorp, F.A. & Jager, M.J. (2024), Treatment of conjunctival melanoma cell lines with a light-activated virus-like drug conjugate induces immunogenic cell death, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65(13).
- Elbatsh, A.M.O.; Amin-Mansour, A.; Haberkorn, A.; Textor, C.; Ebel, N.; Renard, E.; Koch, L.M.; Groenveld, F.C.; Piquet, M.; Naumann, U.; Ruddy, D.A.; Romanet, V.; Gómez, J.M.M.; Shirley, M.D.; Wipfli, P.; Schnell, C.; Wartmann, M.; Rausch, M.; Jager, M.J.; Levesque, M.P.; Maira, S.M. & Manchado, E. (2024), INPP5A phosphatase is a synthetic lethal target in GNAQ and GNA11-mutant melanomas, Nature Cancer 5(3).
- Gelmi, M.C. & Jager, M.J. (2024), Uveal melanoma: Current evidence on prognosis, treatment and potential developments, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 13(2).
- Ma, S.; Veld, R.V.H.I.; Hao, Y.; Gu, Z.L.; Rich, C.; Gelmi, M.C.; Mulder, A.A.; Veelen, P.A. van; Vu, T.K.H.; Hall, T. van; Ossendorp, F.A. & Jager, M.J. (2024), Tumor Pigmentation Does Not Affect Light-Activated Belzupacap Sarotalocan Treatment but Influences Macrophage Polarization in a Murine Melanoma Model, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65(1).
- Jiang, S.H.; Cho, K.S.; Thee, E.F.; Yi, I.; Prendergast, L.C.; Ashok, A.; Chen, J.L.; Pan, L.; Braun, M.; Tai, W.L.; Pooranawattanakul, S.; Gunes, K.; Jager, M.J.; Shen, L.Q.; Chen, J.Z. & Chen, D.F. (2024), Targeting HSP: Tr Cell-Mediated Immune Tolerance to HSP60 Attenuates Neurodegeneration in Glaucoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65(7).
- Gelmi, M.C.; Ru, A.H. de; Veelen, P.A. van; Tjokrodirijo, R.T.N.; Stern, M.H.; Houy, A.; Verdijk, R.M.; Vu, T.H.K.; Ksander, B.R.; Vaarwater, J.; Kilic, E.; Brosens, E. & Jager, M.J. (2024), Protein and mRNA Expression in Uveal Melanoma Cell Lines Are Related to GNA and BAP1 Mutation Status, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65(8).
- Fan, X.Q. & Jager, M.J. (2024), Navigating the spectrum: A comprehensive exploration of diverse ocular and orbital tumor entities, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 13(2).
- Baydoun, L.; Vasiliauskaite, I.; Luceri, S.; Jager, M.J.; Schaal, S.C.; Bourgonje, V.; Oellerich, S. & Melles, G.R.J. (2024), Long-Term Outcome After Bilateral Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty for Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy, Cornea 43(6): 726-733.
- Ventin, M.; Cattaneo, G.; Arya, S.; Jia, J.Y.; Gelmi, M.C.; Sun, Y.; Maggs, L.; Ksander, B.R.; Verdijk, R.M.; Boland, G.M.; Jenkins, R.W.; Haq, R.; Jager, M.J.; Wang, X.H.; Ryeom, S. & Ferrone, C.R. (2024), Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell with an Inducible Caspase-9 Suicide Gene Eradicates Uveal Melanoma Liver Metastases via B7-H3 Targeting, Clinical Cancer Research 30(15): 3243-3258.
- Ma, S.; Veld, R.V.H.I.; Pinos, E. de los; Ossendorp, F.A. & Jager, M.J. (2024), Treatment of conjunctival melanoma cell lines with a light-activated virus-like drug conjugate induces immunogenic cell death, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65(13).
- Jager, M.J. (2024), Personalized ocular oncology care: how far have we come?, Canadian Journal of Opthalmology 59(5): e423-e424.
- Yin, J.; Forn-Cuni, G.; Surendran, A.M.; Lopes-Bastos, B.; Pouliopoulou, N.; Jager, M.J.; Dévédec, S.E. le; Chen, Q.C. & Snaar-Jagalska, B.E. (2024), Lactate secreted by glycolytic conjunctival melanoma cells attracts and polarizes macrophages to drive angiogenesis in zebrafish xenografts, Angiogenesis 27(4): 703-717.
- Bagger, M.; Espensen, C.; Rasmussen, K.; Dogrusöz, M.; Jager, M.J.; Appelt, A. & Kiilgaard, J.F. (2023), Genetic Status Affects Disease-Specific Mortality But Not the Incidence of Local Recurrence in Patients with Uveal Melanoma, Ophthalmology 130(8): 822-829.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Brouwer, N.J.; Chau, C.; Coupland, S.E.; Fiorentzis, M.; Heimann, H.; Heufelder, J.; Joussen, A.M.; Kiilgaard, J.F.; Kivelä, T.T.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Rantala, E.S.; Romanowska-Dixon, B.; Shields, C.L.; Willerding, G.D.; Wheeler-Schilling, T.; Scholl, H.P.N.; Jager, M.J.; Damato, B.E.; European Ocular Oncology Grp & Int Soc Ocular Oncology (2023), Outcome Measures of New Technologies in Uveal Melanoma: Review from the European Vision Institute Special Interest Focus Group Meeting, Ophthalmic Research 66(1): 14-26.
- Gelmi, M.C.; Gezgin, G.; Velden, P.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M.; Luk, S.J.; Heemskerk, M.H.M. & Jager, M.J. (2023), PRAME Expression: A Target for Cancer Immunotherapy and a Prognostic Factor in Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64(15).
- Milman, T.; Grossniklaus, H.E.; Goldman-Levy, G.; Kivelä, T.T.; Coupland, S.E.; White, V.A.; Mudhar, H.S.; Eberhart, C.G.; Verdijk, R.M.; Heegaard, S.; Gill, A.J.; Jager, M.J.; Rodriguez-Reyes, A.A.; Esmaeli, B.; Hodge, J.C.; Cree, I.A. & WHO Classification Tumours Editori (2023), The 5th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of the Eye and Orbit, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 9(3-4): 71-95.
- In't Veld, R.V.H.; Heuts, J.; Ma, S.; Cruz, L.J.; Ossendorp, F.A. & Jager, M.J. (2023), Current Challenges and Opportunities of Photodynamic Therapy against Cancer, Pharmaceutics 15(2).
- Yin, J.; Zhao, G.Y.; Kalirai, H.; Coupland, S.E.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Forn-Cuni, G.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Jager, M.J.; Snaar-Jagalska, B.E. & Groenewoud, A. (2023), Zebrafish patient-derived xenograft model as a preclinical platform for uveal melanoma drug discovery, Pharmaceuticals 16(4).
- Groenewoud, A.; Yin, J.; Gelmi, M.C.; Alsafadi, S.; Nemati, F.; Decaudin, D.; Roman-Roman, S.; Kalirai, H.; Coupland, S.E.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Jager, M.J.; Engel, F.B. & Snaar-Jagalska, B.E. (2023), Patient-derived zebrafish xenografts of uveal melanoma reveal ferroptosis as a drug target, Cell Death Discovery 9(1).
- Glinkina, K.A.; Teunisse, A.F.A.S.; Gelmi, M.C.; Vries, J. de; Jager, M.J. & Jochemsen, A.G. (2023), Combined Mcl-1 and YAP1/TAZ inhibition for treatment of metastatic uveal melanoma, Melanoma Research 33(5): 345-356.
- Ma, S.; Veld, R.V.H.I.; Houy, A.; Stern, M.H.; Rich, C.; Ossendorp, F.A. & Jager, M.J. (2023), In vitro testing of the virus-like drug conjugate belzupacap sarotalocan (AU-011) on uveal melanoma suggests BAP1-related immunostimulatory capacity, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64(7).
- Huis In't Veld, R.V.; Ma, S.; Kines, R.C.; Savinainen, A.; Rich, C.; Ossendorp, F. & Jager, M.J. (2023), Immune checkpoint inhibition combined with targeted therapy using a novel virus-like drug conjugate induces complete responses in a murine model of local and distant tumors, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 72(7): 2405-2422.
- Gelmi, M.C.; Verdijk, R.M.; Houtzagers, L.E.; Velden, P.A. van der; Kroes, W.G.M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Vu, T.H.K. & Jager, M.J. (2023), Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(10).
- Tong, T.M.L.; Bastiaannet, E.; Speetjens, F.M.; Blank, C.U.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Jager, M.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Vu, T.H.K.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Bosch, J.J.J.; Kilic, E.; Naus, N.C.; Yavuzyigitoglu, S.; Rij, C.M. van; Burgmans, M.C. & Kapiteijn, E.H.W. (2023), Time trends in the treatment and survival of 5036 Uveal melanoma patients in The Netherlands over a 30-year period, Cancers 15(22).
- Wu, C.L.; Cioanca, A.V.; Gelmi, M.C.; Wen, L.; Girolamo, N. di; Zhu, L.; Natoli, R.; Conway, R.M.; Petsoglou, C.; Jager, M.J.; McCluskey, P.J. & Madigan, M.C. (2023), The multifunctional human ocular melanocortin system, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 95.
- Miron, A.; Dhubhghaill, S.N.; Kocaba, V.; Jager, M.J.; Melles, G.R.J. & Oellerich, S. (2023), Early and late-onset cell migration from peripheral corneal endothelium, PLoS ONE 18(5).
- Amaro, A.A.; Gangemi, R.; Emionite, L.; Castagnola, P.; Filaci, G.; Jager, M.J.; Tanda, E.T.; Spagnolo, F.; Mascherini, M.; Pfeffer, U. & Croce, M. (2023), Cerivastatin synergizes with trametinib and enhances its efficacy in the therapy of uveal melanoma, Cancers 15(3).
- Carvajal, R.D.; Sacco, J.J.; Jager, M.J.; Eschelman, D.J.; Bagge, R.O.; Harbour, J.W.; Chieng, N.D.; Patel, S.P.; Joshua, A.M. & Piperno-Neumann, S. (2023), Advances in the clinical management of uveal melanoma, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 20(2): 99-115.
- Veld, R.V.H.I.; Sen Ma; Kines, R.; Savinainen, A.; Rich, C.C.; Ossendorp, F. & Jager, M. (2022), A novel virus-like drug conjugate (VDC) in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors for the treatment of primary tumors and distant metastasis., Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(16).
- Gelmi, M.C.; Bas, Z.; Malkani, K.; Ganguly, A.; Shields, C.L. & Jager, M.J. (2022), Re: Qian et al.: Papilledema due to vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia (Ophthalmology. 2022;129:190).
- Gelmi, M.; Marinkovic, M.; Vu, T.H.K.; Velden, P.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2022), MITF: a progression marker in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(7).
- Wierenga, A.P.A.; Brouwer, N.J.; Gelmi, M.C.; Verdijk, R.M.; Stern, M.H.; Bas, Z.; Malkani, K.; Duinen, S.G. van; Ganguly, A.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Shields, C.L. & Jager, M.J. (2022), Chromosome 3 and 8q aberrations in uveal melanoma show greater impact on survival in patients with light Iris versus dark iris color, Ophthalmology 129(4): 421-430.
- Glinkina, K.; Nemati, F.; Teunisse, A.F.A.S.; Gelmi, M.C.; Etienne, V.; Kuipers, M.J.; Alsafadi, S.; Jager, M.J.; Decaudin, D. & Jochemsen, A.G. (2022), Preclinical evaluation of trabectedin in combination with targeted Inhibitors for treatment of metastatic uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(13).
- Gelmi, M.C.; Bas, Z.; Malkani, K.; Ganguly, A.; Shields, C.L. & Jager, M.J. (2022), Re: Qian et al.: Papilledema due to vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia (Ophthalmology. 2022;129:190), Ophthalmology 129(7): E79-E80.
- Gelmi, M.C.; Bas, Z.; Malkani, K.; Ganguly, A.; Shields, C.L. & Jager, M.J. (2022), Adding the Cancer Genome Atlas Chromosome Classes to American Joint Committee on Cancer System Offers More Precise Prognostication in Uveal Melanoma, Ophthalmology 129(4): 431-437.
- Oellerich, S.; Vasiliauskaite, I.; Kocaba, V.; Dijk, K. van; Baydoun, L.; Lanser, C.; Lee, D.; Jager, M.J. & Melles, G.R.J. (2022), Clinical outcomes and graft survival up to 10 years after Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty, Acta Ophthalmologica 100: 8-8.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Verdijk, R.M.; Heegaard, S.; Marinkovic, M.; Esmaeli, B. & Jager, M.J. (2022), Conjunctival melanoma: New insights in tumour genetics and immunology, leading to new therapeutic options, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 86.
- Li, Y.Y.; Yang, J.; Zhang, Q.Q.; Xu, S.Q.; Sun, W.; Ge, S.F.; Xu, X.W.; Jager, M.J.; Jia, R.B.; Zhang, J.M. & Fan, X.Q. (2022), Copper ionophore elesclomol selectively targets GNAQ/11-mutant uveal melanoma, Oncogene 41(27): 3539-3553.
- Vasiliauskaite, I.; Kocaba, V.; Dijk, K. van; Baydoun, L.; Lanser, C.; Lee, D.; Jager, M.J.; Melles, G.R.J. & Oellerich, S. (2022), Effect of surgical indication and disease severity on clinical outcomes and graft survival up to 10 years after Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(7).
- Piaggio, F.; Croce, M.; Reggiani, F.; Monti, P.; Bernardi, C.; Ambrosio, M.; Banelli, B.; Dogrusoez, M.; Jockers, R.; Bordo, D.; Puzone, R.; Viaggi, S.; Coviello, D.; Lanza, F.B.; Bartolucci, M.; Petretto, A.; Mosci, C.; Gangemi, R.; Velden, P.A.V.; Jager, M.J.; Pfeffer, U. & Amaro, A. (2022), In uveal melanoma G alpha-protein GNA11 mutations convey a shorter disease-specific survival and are more strongly associated with loss of BAP1 and chromosomal alterations than G alpha-protein GNAQ mutations, European Journal of Cancer 170: 27-41.
- in't Veld, R.V.H.; Lara, P.; Jager, M.J.; Koning, R.I.; Ossendorp, F. & Cruz, L.J. (2022), M1-derived extracellular vesicles enhance photodynamic therapy and promote immunological memory in preclinical models of colon cancer, JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY 20(1).
- Gelmi, M.C.; Bas, Z.; Malkani, K.; Ganguly, A.; Shields, C.L. & Jager, M.J. (2022), Re: Qian et al.: Papilledema due to vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia (Ophthalmology. 2022;129:190), Ophthalmology 129(7): E79-E80.
- Gelmi, M.C.; Houtzagers, L.E.; Strub, T.; Krossa, I. & Jager, M.J. (2022), MITF in normal melanocytes, cutaneous and uveal melanoma: a delicate balance, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(11).
- Chen, Q.C.; Cuello-Garibo, J.A.; Bretin, L.; Zhang, L.Y.; Ramu, V.; Aydar, Y.; Batsiun, Y.; Bronkhorst, S.; Husiev, Y.; Beztsinna, N.; Chen, L.P.; Zhou, X.Q.; Schmidt, C.; Ott, I.; Jager, M.J.; Brouwer, A.M.; Snaar-Jagalska, B.E. & Bonnet, S. (2022), Photosubstitution in a trisheteroleptic ruthenium complex inhibits conjunctival melanoma growth in a zebrafish orthotopic xenograft model, Chemical Science 13(23): 6899-6919.
- Gelmi, M.C.; Bas, Z.; Malkani, K.; Ganguly, A.; Shields, C.L. & Jager, M.J. (2022), Re: Leclercq et al.: Anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha versus tocilizumab in the treatment of refractory uveitic macular edema: a multicenter study from the French Uveitis Network (Ophthalmology. 2022;129:520-529) REPLY.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2021), Anterior Segment OCTA of Melanocytic Lesions of the Conjunctiva and Iris, American Journal of Ophthalmology 222: 137-147.
- Souri, Z.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Verdijk, R.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2021), Expression of HDACs 1, 3 and 8 Is upregulated in the presence of Infiltrating lymphocytes in uveal melanoma, Cancers 13(16).
- Voorde, A.M.W. ten; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Nell, R.J.; Velden, P.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M.; Verdijk, R.M. & Jager, M.J. (2021), In uveal melanoma, angiopoietin-2 but not angiopoietin-1 is increased in high-risk tumors, providing a potential druggable target, Cancers 13(16).
- Nell, R.J.; Menger, N.V.; Versluis, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Verdijk, R.M.; Madigan, M.C.; Jager, M.J. & Velden, P.A. van der (2021), Involvement of mutant and wild-type CYSLTR2 in the development and progression of uveal nevi and melanoma, BMC Cancer 21(1).
- Souri, Z.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Verdijk, R.M.; Eikmans, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2021), LAG3 and its ligands show increased expression in high-risk uveal melanoma, Cancers 13(17).
- Souri, Z.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Kilic, E.; Brosens, E.; Bohringer, S.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Verdijk, R.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2021), MiRNAs correlate with HLA expression in uveal melanoma, Cancers 13(16).
- Brouwer, N.J.; Konstantinou, E.K.; Gragoudas, E.S.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Kim, I.K.; Jager, M.J. & Vavvas, D.G. (2021), Targeting the YAP/TAZ pathway in uveal and conjunctival melanoma with verteporfin, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(4).
- Cioanca, A.V.; Wu, C.L.; Natoli, R.; Conway, R.M.; McCluskey, P.J.; Jager, M.J.; Sitiwin, E.I.; Eamegdool, S.S. & Madigan, M.C. (2021), The role of melanocytes in the human choroidal microenvironment and inflammation: Insights from the transcriptome, Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 34(5): 928-945.
- Leeksma, A.C.; Derks, I.A.M.; Kasem, M.H.; Kilic, E.; Klein, A. de; Jager, M.J.; Loosdrecht, A.A. van de; Jansen, J.H.; Navrkalova, V.; Faber, L.M.; Zaborsky, N.; Egle, A.; Zenz, T.; Pospisilova, S.; Abdel-Wahab, O.; Kater, A.P. & Eldering, E. (2021), The effect of SF3B1 mutation on the DNA damage response and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in cancer, Frontiers in Oncology 10.
- Singh, L.; Singh, M.K.; Kenney, M.C.; Jager, M.J.; Rizvi, M.A.; Meel, R.; Lomi, N.; Bakhshi, S.; Sen, S. & Kashyap, S. (2021), Prognostic significance of PD-1/PD-L1 expression in uveal melanoma: correlation with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and clinicopathological parameters, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 70(5): 1291-1303.
- Singh, L.; Atilano, S.R.; Jager, M.J. & Kenney, M.C. (2021), Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms and biogenesis genes in primary and metastatic uveal melanoma cell lines, Cancer Genetics 256: 91-99.
- Madigan, M.C.; Wu, C.L.; Jager, M.J.; Conway, R.M.; Natoli, R.C. & Cioanca, V.A. (2021), Melanocytes, Inflammation and Responses in the Human Choroidal Microenvironment, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(8).
- Zaks, O.; Gaber, D.; Ben-Yaakov, K.; Sharvit-Bader, M.; Goz, A.; Rotfogel, Z.; Ish-Shalom, S.; Kesler, E.; Yosepovich, A.; Leiba, H.; Jager, M.J.; Marcovich, A.L. & Aharoni-Simon, M. (2021), In-vivo imaging for assessing tumor growth in mouse models of ocular melanoma, Experimental Eye Research 204.
- Jager, M.J. & Seddon, J.M. (2021), Eye diseases direct interest to complement pathway and macrophages as regulators of inflammation in COVID-19, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 10(1): 114-120.
- Marinkovic, M.; Pors, L.J.; Berg, V. van den; Peters, F.P.; Schalenbourg, A.; Zografos, L.; Pica, A.; Hrbacek, J.; Duinen, S.G. van; Vu, T.H.K.; Bleeker, J.C.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Horeweg, N. (2021), Clinical outcomes after international referral of uveal melanoma patients for proton therapy, Cancers 13(24).
- Horeweg, N.; Pors, L.J.; Peters, F.P.; Schalenbourg, A.; Pica, A.; Hrbacek, J.; Vu, K.; Bleeker, J.; Rasch, C.R.; Jager, M.J. de; Luyten, G.P. & Marinkovic, M. (2021), Tumour control and visual outcomes after proton therapy for uveal melanoma, Radiotherapy & Oncology 161: S238-S240.
- Souri, Z.; Luyten, G. & Jager, M.J. (2021), Expression of immune checkpoint LAG3 is associated with high risk uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(8).
- Garg, G.; Finger, P.T.; Kivela, T.T.; Simpson, E.R.; Gallie, B.L.; Saakyan, S.; Amiryan, A.G.; Valskiy, V.; Chin, K.J.; Semenova, E.; Seregard, S.; Fili, M.; Wilson, M.; Haik, B.; Caminal, J.M.; Catala-Mora, J.; Gutierrez, C.; Pelayes, D.E.; Folgar, A.M.; Jager, M.J.; Dogrusoz, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Singh, A.D.; Suzuki, S. & AJCC Ophthalmic Oncology Task Forc (2021), Patients presenting with metastases, British Journal of Ophthalmology 106(4).
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2021), Vascular imaging of conjunctival and iris lesions using OCT-Angiography, Acta Ophthalmologica 99: 29-29.
- Wierenga, A.P.A.; Brouwer, N.J.; Verdijk, R.M.; Stern, M.H.; Duinen, S.G. van; Kroes, W.G.M.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2021), In Uveal Melanoma, chromosome 3 and 8q have a higher impact on survival in light-eyed than dark-eyed individuals, Acta Ophthalmologica 99: 28-29.
- Ferreira, T.A.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Marinkovic, M.; Verbist, B.; Verdijk, R.M.; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2021), MR imaging characteristics of uveal melanoma with histopathological validation, Neuroradiology 64.
- Veld, R.V.H.I. 't; Silva, C.G. da; Jager, M.J.; Cruz, L.J. & Ossendorp, F. (2021), Combining photodynamic therapy with immunostimulatory nanoparticles elicits effective anti-tumor immune responses in preclinical murine models, Pharmaceutics 13(9).
- Tomar, A.S.; Finger, P.T.; Gallie, B.; Kivela, T.; Mallipatna, A.; Zhang, C.Y.; Zhao, J.Y.; Wilson, M.; Brennan, R.; Burges, M.; Kim, J.; Berry, J.L.; Jubran, R.; Khetan, V.; Ganeshan, S.; Yarovoy, A.; Yarovaya, V.; Kotova, E.; Volodin, D.; Yousef, Y.; Nummi, K.; Ushakova, T.L.; Yugay, O.V.; Polyakov, V.G.; Ramirez-Ortiz, M.A.; Esparza-Aguiar, E.; Chantada, G.L.; Schaiquevich, P.; Fandino, A.C.; Yam, J.C.; Lau, W.W.; Lam, C.P.; Sharwood, P.; Moorthy, S.; Long, Q.B.; Essuman, V.A.; Renner, L.A.; Semenova, E.; Catala-Mora, J.; Llano, M.C.; Carreras, E. & Amer Joint Comm Canc Ophthalmic On (2021), Retinoblastoma seeds: impact on American Joint Committee on Cancer clinical staging, British Journal of Ophthalmology.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Filali, M. el; Stefansson, E.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2020), Retinal oximetry is altered in eyes with choroidal melanoma but not in eyes with choroidal nevi , RETINA, The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 40(11): 2207-2215.
- Houtzagers, L.E.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Ruys, A.A.M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2020), Iris colour and the risk of developing uveal melanoma, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(19).
- Roelofsen, C.D.M.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Duinen, S. van; Verdijk, R.M.; Bleeker, J.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2020), Five decades of enucleations for uveal melanoma in one center, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 7(2).
- Luyten, G.P.M.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Jager, M.J.; Bleeker, J.C.; Vu, T.H.K.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Marinkovic, M. (2020), Management of uveal melanoma with proton beam irradiation: The Leiden perspective, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 12-12.
- Dogrusoz, M.; Brouwer, N.J.; Geus, S.J.R. de; Ly, L.V.; Bohringer, S.; Duinen, S.G. van; Kroes, W.G.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Haasnoot, G.W.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Kivela, T.T. & Jager, M.J. (2020), Prognostic factors five years after enucleation for uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(3).
- Spinozzi, D.; Miron, A.; Bruinsma, M.; Dapena, I.; Kocaba, V.; Jager, M.J.; Melles, G.R.J.; Dhubhghaill, S.N. & Oellerich, S. (2020), New developments in corneal endothelial cell replacement, Acta Ophthalmologica.
- Souri, Z.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Versluis, M.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Nemati, F.; Velden, P.A. van der; Kroes, W.G.M.; Verdijk, R.M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2020), HDAC inhibition increases HLA class I expression in uveal melanoma, Cancers 12(12).
- Wierenga, A.P.A.; Brouwer, N.J.; Verdijk, R.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Kroes, W.G.M.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2020), Eye color, a marker for tumor pigmentation in uveal melanoma, but not prognosis, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 14-14.
- Chau, C.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Doorn, R. van; Nielsen, M.; Jager, M.J. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2020), An update of BAP1-tumor predisposition syndrome, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 14-14.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Jager, M.J. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2020), Anterior Segment OCTA in pigmented lesions of the conjunctiva and iris, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 15-15.
- Birbal, R.S.; Baydoun, L.; Ham, L.; Miron, A.; Dijk, K. van; Dapena, I.; Jager, M.J.; Bohringer, S.; Oellerich, S. & Melles, G.R.J. (2020), Effect of Surgical Indication and Preoperative Lens Status on Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Outcomes, American Journal of Ophthalmology 212: 79-87.
- Birbal, R.S.; Baydoun, L.; Ham, L.; Miron, A.; Dijk, K. van; Dapena, I.; Jager, M.J.; Bohringer, S.; Oellerich, S. & Melles, G.R.J. (2020), Effect of surgical indication and preoperative lens status on Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty outcomes, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 6-6.
- Birbal, R.S.; Dhubhghaill, S.N.; Bourgonje, V.J.A.; Hanko, J.; Ham, L.; Jager, M.J.; Bohringer, S.; Oellerich, S. & Melles, G.R.J. (2020), Five-Year Graft Survival and Clinical Outcomes of 500 Consecutive Cases After Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty, Cornea 39(3): 290-297.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Peters, F.P.; Hulshof, M.C.C.M.; Pieters, B.R.; Keizer, R.J.W. de; Horeweg, N.; Laman, M.S.; Bleeker, J.C.; Duinen, S.G. van; Jager, M.J.; Creutzberg, C.L. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2020), Management of conjunctival melanoma with local excision and adjuvant brachytherapy, Eye 35.
- Amaro, A.; Croce, M.; Ferrini, S.; Barisione, G.; Gualco, M.; Perri, P.; Pfeffer, U.; Jager, M.J.; Coupland, S.E.; Mosci, C.; Filaci, G.; Fabbi, M.; Queirolo, P. & Gangemi, R. (2020), Potential onco-suppressive role of miR122 and miR144 in uveal melanoma through ADAM10 and C-met inhibition, Cancers 12(6).
- Vu, T.H.K.; Chen, H.H.; Pan, L.; Cho, K.S.; Doesburg, D.; Thee, E.F.; Wu, N.; Arlotti, E.; Jager, M.J. & Chen, D.F. (2020), CD4(+) T-cell responses mediate progressive neurodegeneration in experimental ischemic retinopathy, The American Journal of Pathology 190(8): 1723-1734.
- Karska-Basta, I.; Pociej-Marciak, W.; Chrzaszcz, M.; Wilanska, J.; Jager, M.J.; Markiewicz, A.; Romanowska-Dixon, B.; Sanak, M. & Kubicka-Trzaska, A. (2020), DIFFERENCES IN ANTI-ENDOTHELIAL AND ANTI-RETINAL ANTIBODY TITERS: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC CENTRAL SEROUS CHORIORETINOPATHY, Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 71(2).
- Jiang, S.H.; Thee, E.F.; Arlotti, E.; Cho, K.S.; Chang, K.R.; Pan, L.; Tang, J.; Jager, M.J. & Chen, D.F. (2020), Targeting HSP: Immune Tolerance to HSP60 Attenuates Neurodegeneration in Glaucoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(7).
- Chen, Q.C.; Ramu, V.; Aydar, Y.; Groenewoud, A.; Zhou, X.Q.; Jager, M.J.; Cole, H.; Cameron, C.G.; McFarland, S.A.; Bonnet, S. & Snaar-Jagalska, B.E. (2020), TLD1433 photosensitizer inhibits conjunctival melanoma cells in zebrafish ectopic and orthotopic Tumour models, Cancers 12(3).
- Smit, K.N.; Jager, M.J.; Klein, A. de & Kilic, E. (2020), Uveal melanoma: towards a molecular understanding, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 75.
- Rola, A.C.; Taktak, A.; Eleuteri, A.; Kalirai, H.; Heimann, H.; Hussain, R.; Bonnett, L.J.; Hill, C.J.; Traynor, M.; Jager, M.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Dogrusoz, M.; Kilic, E.; Klein, A. de; Smit, K.; Poppelen, N.M. van; Damato, B.E.; Afshar, A.; Guthoff, R.F.; Scheef, B.O.; Kakkassery, V.; Saakyan, S.; Tsygankov, A.; Mosci, C.; Ligorio, P.; Viaggi, S.; Guin, C.H.D. le; Bornfeld, N.; Bechrakis, N.E. & Coupland, S.E. (2020), Multicenter external validation of the Liverpool uveal melanoma prognosticator online, Cancers 12(2).
- Jager, M.J.; Shields, C.L.; Cebulla, C.M.; Abdel-Rahman, M.H.; Grossniklaus, H.E.; Stern, M.H.; Carvajal, R.D.; Belfort, R.N.; Jia, R.B.; Shields, J.A. & Damato, B.E. (2020), Uveal melanoma, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 6(1).
- Brouwer N. J., Marinkovic M., Bleeker J. C., Luyten G. P. M. & Jager M. J. (2019), Retinal oximetry in choroidal melanoma and nevi, Acta Ophthalmologica 97: 35-35.
- Brouwer Niels J., Marinkovic Marina, Bleeker Jaco C., Stefansson Einar, Luyten Gregorius P. M. & Jager Martine J. (2019), Retinal oximetry in choroidal melanoma and nevi, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Shields, C.L. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Pigmentation of conjunctival melanoma recurrences and outcome, Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 257(8): 1783-1788.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Shields, C.L. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Lack of tumour pigmentation in conjunctival melanoma is associated with light iris colour and worse prognosis, British Journal of Ophthalmology 103(3): 332-337.
- Wierenga Annemijn Philine Annette, Gezgin Gulcin, van Beelen Els, Eikmans Michael, Versluis Mieke, Verdijk Robert M., van Duinen Sjoerd, Marinkovic Marina, Luyten Gregorius P. M. & Jager Martine J. (2019), Soluble HLA in the aqueous humour as risk factor or a marker of inflammation in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Wierenga A. P. A., Gezgin G., van Beelen E., Eijkmans M., Versluis M., Verdijk R. M., van Duinen S. G., Marinkovic M., Luyten G. P. M. & Jager M. J. (2019), Soluble HLA in the aqueous humour as risk factor or a marker of inflammation in uveal melanoma, Acta Ophthalmologica 97: 35-35.
- Rodrigues, M.; Koning, L. de; Coupland, S.E.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Marais, R.; Stern, M.H.; Valente, A.; Barnhill, R.; Cassoux, N.; Evans, A.; Galloway, I.; Jager, M.J.; Kapiteijn, E.; Romanowska-Dixon, B.; Ryll, B.; Roman-Roman, S.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Alsafadi, S.; Deacudin, D.; Leitz, E.F.D.; Naguez, A.; Nemati, F.; Tarin, M.; Vivet-Noguer, R.; Anelli, V.; Mione, M.; Brouwer, N.J.; Nell, R.; Velden, P. van der; Wierenga, A.; Cirri, E.; Prestat, A.; Sengenes, J.; Desjardins, L.; Elas, M.; Glinkina, K.; Groenewoud, A.; Snaar-Jagalska, E.; Hascoet, P.; Rodrigues, V.P.; Houkes, L.; Heuvel, D. van den; Kalirai, H.; Traynor, M.; Lalanne, A.; Lantz, O.; Mariani, P.; Mobuchon, L.; Pires, G.N.; Plomp, D. & UM Cure 2020 Consortium (2019), So Close, yet so Far: Discrepancies between Uveal and Other Melanomas. A Position Paper from UM Cure 2020, Cancers 11(7).
- Weeghel Christiaan, Wierenga Annemijn Philine Annette, Versluis Mieke, Luyten Gregorius P. M. & Jager Martine J. (2019), Influence of GNAQ or GNA11 mutations on HLA expression in Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Dogrusoz, M.; Trasel, A.R.; Cao, J.F.; Colak, S.; Pelt, S.I. van; Kroes, W.G.M.; Teunisse, A.E.A.S.; Alsafadi, S.; Duinen, S.G. van; Luyten, G.P.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Amaro, A.; Pfeffer, U.; Jochemsen, A.G. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Differential Expression of DNA Repair Genes in Prognostically-Favorable versus Unfavorable Uveal Melanoma, Cancers 11(8).
- Wierenga, A.P.A.; Gezgin, G.; Beelen, E. van; Eikmans, M.; Spruyt-Gerritse, M.; Brouwer, N.J.; Versluis, M.; Verdijk, R.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Soluble HLA in the Aqueous Humour of Uveal Melanoma Is Associated with Unfavourable Tumour Characteristics, Cancers 11(8).
- Souri Zahra, Wierenga Annemijn Philine Annette, Spruyt-Gerritse Marijke, Eikmans Michael & Jager Martine J. (2019), Regulation of PD-L1 in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Wegkamp Melissa Therese, Jager Martine J., Vader Madeleine & Madigan Michele C. (2019), Inflammatory profile of human choroidal nevi, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Jain, P.; Finger, P.T.; Damato, B.; Coupland, S.E.; Heimann, H.; Kenawy, N.; Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Caujolle, J.P.; Maschi, C.; Seregard, S.; Pelayes, D.; Folgar, M.; Yousef, Y.A.; Krema, H.; Gallie, B.; Calle-Vasquez, A.; Finger, P.T.; Coupland, S.E.; Albert, D.M.; Amiryan, A.G.; Saakyan, S.; Auw-Hadrich, C.; Baker, D.; Barnhill, R.; Caminal, J.M.; Caroll, W.L.; Cassoux, N.; Desjardins, L.G.; Doz, F.; Pierron, G.; Catala-Mora, J.; Chantada, G.; Chevez-Barrios, P.; Conway, R.M.; Damato, B.E.; Demirci, H.; Dutton, J.J.; Esmaeli, B.; Prieto, V.G.; Williams, M.; Gallie, B.L.; Graue, G.F.; Grossniklaus, H.E.; Heegaard, S.; Holbach, L.M.; Honavar, S.G.; Jager, M.J.; Kivela, T.; Kujala, E.; Lumbroso-Le Rouic, L.; Mallipatna, A.C.; Modorati, G.M.; Munier, F.L.; Murray, T.G.; Pavlick, A.C.; Pe'er, J.; Pelayes, D.E.; Rodriguez, M.J.; Sauerwein, W.A.G.; Semenova, E.; Seregard, S.; Shields, C.; Simpson, E.R.; Singh, A.D.; Suzuki, S.; Washington, M.K.; White, V.A.; Wilson, M.W.; Wittekind, C.W.; Yin, V. & Amer Joint Comm Canc Ophthalmic (2019), Multicenter, International Assessment of the Eighth Edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Cancer Staging Manual for Conjunctival Melanoma, JAMA Ophthalmology 137(8): 905-911.
- Ipenburg, J.A. van; Waard, N.E. de; Naus, N.C.; Jager, M.J.; Paridaens, D. & Verdijk, R.M. (2019), Chemokine Receptor Expression Pattern Correlates to Progression of Conjunctival Melanocytic Lesions, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(8): 2950-2957.
- Jager, M.J.; Brand, A. & Claas, F.H.J. (2019), Jon van Rood: The pioneer and his personal view on the early developments of HLA and immunogenetics, Transplant Immunology 52: 1-26.
- Jager Martine J. (2019), Macrophages and eye diseases in the elderly, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Wei, X.; Cho, K.S.; Thee, E.F.; Jager, M.J. & Chen, D.F. (2019), Neuroinflammation and microglia in glaucoma: time for a paradigm shift, Journal of Neuroscience Research 97(1): 70-76.
- Smith, J.R.; Pe'er, J.; Belfort, R.N.; Cardoso, F.; Carvajal, R.D.; Carvalho, C.; Coupland, S.E.; Desjardins, L.; Francis, J.H.; Gallie, B.L.; Gombos, D.S.; Grossniklaus, H.E.; Heegaard, S.; Jager, M.J.; Kaliki, S.; Ksander, B.R.; Maeurer, M.; Moreno, E.; Pulido, J.S.; Ryll, B.; Singh, A.D.; Zhao, J.Y.; Parreira, A.; Wilson, D.J. & O'Brien, J.M. (2019), Proceedings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology and Champalimaud Foundation Ocular Oncogenesis and Oncology Conference, Translational Vision Science & Technology 8(1).
- Jouhi, S.; Jager, M.J.; Geus, S.J.R.; Desjardins, L.; Eide, N.A.; Grange, J.D.; Kiilgaard, J.F.; Seregard, S.; Midena, E.; Parrozzani, R.; Caujolle, J.P.; Rospond-Kubiak, I. & Kivela, T.T. (2019), The Small Fatal Choroidal Melanoma Study. A Survey by the European Ophthalmic Oncology Group, American Journal of Ophthalmology 202: 100-108.
- Wierenga, A.P.A.; Cao, J.F.; Mouthaan, H.; Weeghel, C. van; Verdijk, R.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Kroes, W.G.M.; Dogrusoz, M.; Marinkovic, M.; Burg, S.S.H. van der; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Aqueous Humor Biomarkers Identify Three Prognostic Groups in Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(14): 4740-4747.
- Souri, Z.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Weeghel, C. van; Velden, P.A. van der; Kroes, W.G.M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Burg, S.H. van der; Jochemsen, A.G. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Loss of BAP1 Is Associated with Upregulation of the NFkB Pathway and Increased HLA Class I Expression in Uveal Melanoma, Cancers 11(8).
- Souri, Z.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Mulder, A.; Jochemsen, A.G. & Jager, M.J. (2019), HLA Expression in Uveal Melanoma: An Indicator of Malignancy and a Modifiable Immunological Target, Cancers 11(8).
- Brouwer, N.J.; Gezgin, G.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Versluis, M.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Verdijk, R.M. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Tumour Angiogenesis in Uveal Melanoma Is Related to Genetic Evolution, Cancers 11(7).
- Weeghel, C. van; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Versluis, M.; Hall, T. van; Velden, P.A. van der; Kroes, W.G.M.; Pfeffer, U.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Do GNAQ and GNA11 Differentially Affect Inflammation and HLA Expression in Uveal Melanoma?, Cancers 11(8).
- Brouwer, N.J.; Wierenga, A.P.A.; Gezgin, G.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Versluis, M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Verdijk, R.M. & Jager, M.J. (2019), Ischemia Is Related to Tumour Genetics in Uveal Melanoma, Cancers 11(7).
- Chau, C.; Doorn, R. van; Poppelen, N.M. van; Stoep, N. van der; Mensenkamp, A.R.; Sijmons, R.H.; Paassen, B.W. van; Ouweland, A.M.W. van den; Naus, N.C.; Hout, A.H. van der; Potjer, T.P.; Bleeker, F.E.; Wevers, M.R.; Hest, L.P. van; Jongmans, M.C.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Nielsen, M. (2019), Families with BAP1-Tumor Predisposition Syndrome in The Netherlands: Path to Identification and a Proposal for Genetic Screening Guidelines, Cancers 11(8).
- Piaggio, F.; Tozzo, V.; Bernardi, C.; Croce, M.; Puzone, R.; Viaggi, S.; Patrone, S.; Barla, A.; Coviello, D.; Jager, M.J.; Velden, P.A. van der; Zeschnigk, M.; Cangelosi, D.; Eva, A.; Pfeffer, U. & Amaro, A. (2019), Secondary Somatic Mutations in G-Protein-Related Pathways and Mutation Signatures in Uveal Melanoma, Cancers 11(11).
- Jager, M.J. (2019), Immunology and the elder eye, Acta Ophthalmologica 97.
- Jager, M.J. (2019), Immunology and the elder eye, Acta Ophthalmologica 97.
- Chau C., Afanasieva E. I., Nielsen M., Jager M. J. & Luyten P. M. (2019), Clinical, tumour, and family characteristics of uveal melanoma patients referred for analysis of potential underlying BAP1-tumour predisposition syndrome, Acta Ophthalmologica 97: 34-34.
- Chau Cindy, Afanasieva Katya, Jager Martine J. & Luyten Gregorius P. M. (2019), Clinical, tumour, and family characteristics of uveal melanoma patients referred for analysis of potential underlying BAP1-tumour predisposition syndrome, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Chen, H.H.; Cho, K.S.; Vu, T.H.K.; Shen, C.H.; Kaur, M.; Chen, G.; Mathew, R.; Mcham, M.L.; Fazelat, A.; Lashkari, K.; Au, N.P.B.; Tse, J.K.Y.; Li, Y.; Yu, H.; Yang, L.; Stein-Streilein, J.; Ma, C.H.E.; Woolf, C.J.; Whary, M.T.; Jager, M.J.; Fox, J.G.; Chen, J.Z. & Chen, D.F. (2018), Commensal microflora-induced T cell responses mediate progressive neurodegeneration in glaucoma, Nature Communications 9.
- Chen, H.H.; Cho, K.S.; Vu, T.H.K.; Shen, C.H.; Kaur, M.; Chen, G.C.; Mathew, R.; McHam, M.L.; Fazelat, A.; Lashkari, K.; Au, N.P.B.; Tse, J.K.Y.; Li, Y.Q.; Yu, H.H.; Yang, L.B.; Stein-Streilein, J.; Ma, C.H.E.; Woolf, C.J.; Whary, M.T.; Jager, M.J.; Fox, J.G.; Chen, J.Z. & Chen, D.F. (2018), Commensal microflora-induced T cell responses mediate progressive neurodegeneration in glaucoma (vol 9, 3209, 2018), Nature Communications 9.
- Dogrusoz, M. & Jager, M.J. (2018), Genetic prognostication in uveal melanoma, Acta Ophthalmologica 96(4): 331-347.
- Cao, J.F.; Brouwer, N.J.; Jordanova, E.S.; Marinkovic, M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Waard, N.E. de; Ksander, B.R.; Mulder, A.; Claas, F.H.J.; Heemskerk, M.H.M. & Jager, M.J. (2018), HLA Class I Antigen Expression in Conjunctival Melanoma Is Not Associated With PD-L1/PD-1 Status, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(2): 1005-1015.
- Thee Eric F., Cho Kin-Sang, Jager Martine J. & Chen Dong Feng (2018), Immune tolerance to HSP60 attenuates neurodegeneration in a mouse model of glaucoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(9).
- Faqiri F., van Heijst L., Dogrusoz M. & Jager M. J. (2018), Ocular complaints after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a questionnaire study, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 4-4.
- Cao, J.F.; Pontes, K.C.S.; Heijkants, R.C.; Brouwer, N.J.; Groenewoud, A.; Jordanova, E.S.; Marinkovic, M.; Duinen, S. van; Teunisse, A.F.A.S.; Verdijk, R.M.; Snaar-Jagalska, E.; Jochemsen, A.G. & Jager, M.J. (2018), Overexpression of EZH2 in conjunctival melanoma offers a new therapeutic target, Journal of Pathology 245(4): 433-444.
- Gemert, M.J.C. van; Bloemen, P.R.; Wang, W.Y.; Geld, C.W.M. van der; Nuijts, R.M.M.A.; Hortoglu, H.; Wolkerstorfer, A.; Bruin, D.M. de; Leeuwen, T.G. van; Neumann, H.A.M. & Jager, M.J. (2018), Periocular CO2 laser resurfacing: severe ocular complications from multiple unintentional laser impacts on the protective metal eye shields, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 50(10): 980-986.
- Jager, M.J.; Brouwer, N.J. & Esmaeli, B. (2018), The Cancer Genome Atlas Project: An Integrated Molecular View of Uveal Melanoma, Ophthalmology: Journal of The American Academy of Ophthalmology 125(8): 1139-1142.
- Jager Martine J. (2018), Uveal consequences of CTLA-4 and PD-1 inhibition, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(9).
- Szalai Eszter, Jiang Yi, van Poppelen Natasha M., Jager Martine J., de Klein Annelies, Kilic Emine & Grossniklaus Hans (2018), Uveal Melanoma Metastatic Rate is Relative to Stochastic Mutation Rate and Type of Mutation, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(9).
- Brouwer, N.J.; Genders, S.W.; Marinkovic, M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Jager, M.J. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2018), Two Late Recurrences of Conjunctival Melanoma, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 5(4): 262-266.
- Brouwer Niels J., Marinkovic Marina, Peters Femke P., Hulshof Maarten C., Pieters Bradley R., de Keizer Rob J. W., Horeweg Nanda, Laman Mirjam S., Bleeker Jaco C., van Duinen Sjoerd G., Jager Martine J., Creutzberg Carien L. & Luyten Gregorius P. M. (2018), Adjuvant brachytherapy with strontium-90 or ruthenium-106 in conjunctival melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(9).
- Jager M. J. (2018), Immunology of conjunctival and uveal melanoma, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 57-57.
- Robertson, A.G.; Shih, J.L.; Yau, C.; Gibb, E.A.; Oba, J.; Mungall, K.L.; Hess, J.M.; Uzunangelov, V.; Walter, V.; Danilova, L.; Lichtenberg, T.M.; Kucherlapati, M.; Kimes, P.K.; Tang, M.; Penson, A.; Babur, O.; Akbani, R.; Bristow, C.A.; Hoadley, K.A.; Iype, L.; Chang, M.T.; Cherniack, A.D.; Benz, C.; Mills, G.B.; Verhaak, R.G.W.; Griewank, K.G.; Felau, I.; Zenklusen, J.C.; Gershenwald, J.E.; Schoenfield, L.; Lazar, A.J.; Abdel-Rahman, M.H.; Roman-Roman, S.; Stern, M.H.; Cebulla, C.M.; Williams, M.D.; Jager, M.J.; Coupland, S.E.; Esmaeli, B.; Kandoth, C.; Woodman, S.E. & TCGA Res Network (2018), Integrative Analysis Identifies Four Molecular and Clinical Subsets in Uveal Melanoma (vol 32, pg 204, 2017), Cancer Cell 33(1): 151-151.
- Walpole, S.; Pritchard, A.L.; Cebulla, C.M.; Pilarski, R.; Stautberg, M.; Davidorf, F.H.; Fouchardiere, A. de la; Cabaret, O.; Golmard, L.; Stoppa-Lyonnet, D.; Garfield, E.; Njauw, C.N.; Cheung, M.; Turunen, J.A.; Repo, P.; Jarvinen, R.S.; Doorn, R. van; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Marinkovic, M.; Chau, C.; Potrony, M.; Hoiom, V.; Helgadottir, H.; Pastorino, L.; Bruno, W.; Andreotti, V.; Dalmasso, B.; Ciccarese, G.; Queirolo, P.; Mastracci, L.; Wadt, K.; Kiilgaard, J.F.; Speicher, M.R.; Poppelen, N. van; Kilic, E.; Al-Jamal, R.T.; Dianzani, I.; Betti, M.; Bergmann, C.; Santagata, S.; Dahiya, S.; Taibjee, S.; Burke, J.; Poplawski, N.; O'Shea, S.J.; Newton-Bishop, J.; Adlard, J.; Adams, D.J.; Lane, A.M.; Kim, I.; Klebe, S.; Racher, H.; Harbour, J.W.; Nickerson, M.L.; Murali, R.; Palmer, J.M.; Howlie, M.; Symmons, J.; Hamilton, H.; Warrier, S.; Glasson, W.; Johansson, P.; Robles-Espinoza, C.D.; Ossio, R.; Klein, A. de; Puig, S.; Ghiorzo, P.; Nielsen, M.; Kivela, T.T.; Tsao, H.; Testa, J.R.; Gerami, P.; Stern, M.H.; Bressac-de Paillerets, B.; Abdel-Rahman, M.H. & Hayward, N.K. (2018), Comprehensive Study of the Clinical Phenotype of Germline BAP1 Variant-Carrying Families Worldwide, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 110(12): 1328-1341.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Jochems, A.; Kapiteijn, E.W.; Duinen, S.G. van; Haeseker, B.I.; Jager, M.J. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2018), Conjunctival Metastasis of a Cutaneous Melanoma, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 4(2): 107-111.
- Lange, M.J. de; Nell, R.J.; Lalai, R.N.; Versluis, M.; Jordanova, E.S.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Jager, M.J.; Burg, S.H. van der; Zoutman, W.H.; Hall, T. van & Velden, P.A. van der (2018), Digital PCR-Based T-cell Quantification-Assisted Deconvolution of the Microenvironment Reveals that Activated Macrophages Drive Tumor Inflammation in Uveal Melanoma, Molecular Cancer Research 16(12): 1902-1911.
- Wierenga A. P. A., van Duinen S. G., Mouthaan H., Dogrusoz M., Marinkovic M., Luyten G. P. M. & Jager M. J. (2018), Identifying inflammation in uveal melanoma through aqueous humor biomarkers, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 47-47.
- Gezgin G., Visser M., van der Burg S. H., Verdegaal E. M. & Jager M. J. (2018), Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in primary uveal melanoma, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 46-47.
- Luyten G., Chau C., Marinkovic M., Bleeker J. C., Jager M. J., de Klein A., Van Doorn R. & Nielsen M. (2018), Occurrence of BAP1 mutations in families, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 76-76.
- Dijk, E.H.C. van; Kruit, W.H.J.; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Vingerling, J.R. & Boon, C.J.F. (2018), Pimasertib-associated ophthalmological adverse events, Acta Ophthalmologica 96(7): 712-718.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Bleeker, J.C.; Jager, M.J. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2018), Treatment of conjunctival melanoma in a Dutch referral centre, British Journal of Ophthalmology 102(9): 1277-1282.
- Brouwer N. J., Marinkovic M., van Duinen S. G., Bleeker J. C., Jager M. J. & Luyten G. P. M. (2018), Treatment of conjunctival melanoma in a Dutch referral centre, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 48-48.
- Luyten G. P. M., Chau C., Marinkovic M., Bleeker J. C., Jager M. J., de Klein A., van Doorn R. & Nielsen M. (2018), Uveal melanoma and BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 46-46.
- Szalai, E.; Jiang, Y.; Poppelen, N.M. van; Jager, M.J.; Klein, A. de; Kilic, E. & Grossniklaus, H.E. (2018), Association of Uveal Melanoma Metastatic Rate With Stochastic Mutation Rate and Type of Mutation, JAMA Ophthalmology 136(10): 1115-1120.
- Li, Y.Y.; Shang, Q.F.; Li, P.; Cao, J.F.; Zhu, L.Q.; Jager, M.J.; Fan, X.Q.; Ge, S.F. & Jia, R.B. (2018), Characterization of a conjunctival melanoma cell line CM-AS16, newly-established from a metastatic Han Chinese patient, Experimental Eye Research 173: 51-63.
- Sousa Pontes K.C. de, Groenewoud A., Cao J., Ataide L.M.S., Snaar-Jagalska B.E. & Jager M.J. (2017), Evaluation of (fli:GFP) Casper Zebrafish Embryos as a Model for Human Conjunctival Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58(14): 6065-6071.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Haanen, J.B.A.G. & Jager, M.J. (2017), Development of Ocular Rosacea following Combined Ipilimumab and Nivolumab Treatment for Metastatic Malignant Skin Melanoma, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 3(3): 188-192.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Vught, L. van; Meel, R. de; Burakiewicz, J.; Genders, S.; Jager, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Kan, H.E. & Notting, I.C. (2017), Quantitative MRI of extra-ocular muscles in the clinical evaluation of systemic diseases, Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 12-13.
- Cao, J.F.; Heijkants, R.C.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Dogrusoz, M.; Lange, M.J. de; Velden, P.A. van der; Burg, S.H. van der; Jager, M.J. & Verdijk, R.M. (2017), Targeting of the MAPK and AKT pathways in conjunctival melanoma shows potential synergy, Oncotarget 8(35): 58021-58036.
- Jager, M.J.; Dogrusoz, M. & Woodman, S.E. (2017), Uveal Melanoma: Identifying Immunological and Chemotherapeutic Targets to Treat Metastases, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 6(2): 179-185.
- Dogrusoz, M.; Jager, M.J. & Damato, B. (2017), Uveal Melanoma Treatment and Prognostication, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 6(2): 186-196.
- Dogrusoz, M.; Bagger, M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Kroes, W.G.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Bohringer, S.; Andersen, K.K.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Kiilgaard, J.F. & Jager, M.J. (2017), The Prognostic Value of AJCC Staging in Uveal Melanoma Is Enhanced by Adding Chromosome 3 and 8q Status, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58(2).
- Gezgin, G.; Luk, S.J.; Cao, J.F.; Dogrusoz, M.; Steen, D.M. van der; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Krijgsman, D.; Velden, P.A. van der; Field, M.G.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Szuhai, K.; Harbour, J.W.; Jordanova, E.S.; Heemskerk, M.H.M. & Jager, M.J. (2017), PRAME as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma, JAMA Ophthalmology 135(6).
- Cao, J.F.; Brouwer, N.J.; Richards, K.E.; Marinkovic, M.; Duinen, S. van; Hurkmans, D.; Verdegaal, E.M.E.; Jordanova, E.S. & Jager, M.J. (2017), PD-L1/PD-1 expression and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in conjunctival melanoma, Oncotarget 8(33): 54722-54734.
- Robertson, A.G.; Shih, J.; Yau, C.; Gibb, E.A.; Oba, J.; Mungall, K.L.; Hess, J.M.; Uzunangelov, V.; Walter, V.; Danilova, L.; Lichtenberg, T.M.; Kucherlapati, M.; Kimes, P.K.; Tang, M.; Penson, A.; Babur, O.; Akbani, R.; Bristow, C.A.; Hoadley, K.A.; Iype, L.; Chang, M.T.; Cherniack, A.D.; Benz, C.; Mills, G.B.; Verhaak, R.G.W.; Griewank, K.G.; Felau, I.; Zenklusen, J.C.; Gershenwald, J.E.; Schoenfield, L.; Lazar, A.J.; Abdel-Rahman, M.H.; Roman-Roman, S.; Stern, M.H.; Cebulla, C.M.; Williams, M.D.; Jager, M.J.; Coupland, S.E.; Esmaeli, B.; Kandoth, C.; Woodman, S.E. & TCGA Res Network (2017), Integrative Analysis Identifies Four Molecular and Clinical Subsets in Uveal Melanoma, Cancer Cell 32(2): 204-+.
- Gezgin, G.; Dogrusoz, M.; Essen, T.H. van; Kroes, W.G.M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Walter, V.; Verdijk, R.M.; Hall, T. van; Burg, S.H. van der & Jager, M.J. (2017), Genetic evolution of uveal melanoma guides the development of an inflammatory microenvironment, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 66(7): 903-912.
- Vader, M.J.C.; Madigan, M.C.; Versluis, M.; Suleiman, H.M.; Gezgin, G.; Gruis, N.A.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Bergman, W.; Verdijk, R.M.; Jager, M.J. & Velden, P.A. van der (2017), GNAQ and GNA11 mutations and downstream YAP activation in choroidal nevi, British Journal of Cancer 117(6): 884-887.
- Brouwer, N.J.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Jager, M.J. & Marinkovic, M. (2017), Multiple Pigmented Conjunctival Lesions following Intravitreal Injections in a Patient with Uveal Melanoma, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 3(2): 113-116.
- Essen, T.H. van; Pelt, S.I. van; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Versluis, M.; Nemati, F.; Laurent, C.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Hall, T. van; Elsen, P.J. van den; Decaudin, D. & Jager, M.J. (2016), Upregulation of HLA Expression in Primary Uveal Melanoma by Infiltrating Leukocytes, PLoS ONE 11(10).
- Al-Jamal, R.T.; Cassoux, N.; Desjardins, L.; Damato, B.; Konstantinidis, L.; Coupland, S.E.; Heimann, H.; Petrovic, A.; Zografos, L.; Schalenbourg, A.; Velazquez-Martin, J.P.; Krema, H.; Bogdali, A.; Markiewicz, A.; Romanowska-Dixon, B.; Metz, C.H.D.; Biewald, E.; Bornfeld, N.; Kiratli, H.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Jager, M.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Fili, M.; Seregard, S.; Frenkel, S.; Pe'er, J.; Salvi, S.M.; Rennie, I.G.; Rospond-Kubiak, I.; Kociecki, J.; Kiilgaard, J.F.; Heegaard, S.; Cohen, V.M.L.; Sagoo, M.S.; Amiryan, A.; Saakyan, S.; Md, N.I.; Krohn, J.; Midena, E.; Parrozzani, R.; Grange, J.D.; Kilic, E.; Blasi, M.A.; Saornil, M.A. & Kivela, T.T. (2016), The Pediatric Choroidal and Ciliary Body Melanoma Study A Survey by the European Ophthalmic Oncology Group, Ophthalmology: Journal of The American Academy of Ophthalmology 123(4): 898-907.
- Jager, M.J. (2016), Introducing Anneke I. den Hollander, the Recipient of the 2015 Cogan Award, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(3): 1376-1377.
- Verdijk, R.M.; Cao, J.; Heijkants, R.C.; Jochemsen, A.G.; Dogrusoz, M.; Lange, M.J. de; Velden, P.A. van der; Burg, S.H. van der & Jager, M.J. (2016), Targeting of the MAPK and AKT pathways in conjunctival melanoma shows potential synergy, Virchows Archiv 469: S11-S11.
- Leede, E.M. de; Burgmans, M.C.; Kapiteijn, E.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Jager, M.J.; Tijl, F.G.J.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Rothbarth, J.; Veldea, C.J.H. van de; Verhoef, C. & Vahrmeijer, A.L. (2016), Isolated (hypoxic) hepatic perfusion with high-dose chemotherapy in patients with unresectable liver metastases of uveal melanoma: results from two experienced centres, Melanoma Research 26(6): 588-594.
- Jongman, H.P.; Marinkovic, M.; Notting, I.; Koetsier, L.; Swart, W.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Bleeker, J.; Jager, M.J. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2016), Donor sclera-wrapped acrylic orbital implants following enucleation: experience in 179 patients in the Netherlands, Acta Ophthalmologica 94(3): 253-256.
- Essen, T.H. van; Zijl, L. van; Possemiers, T.; Mulder, A.A.; Zwart, S.J.; Chou, C.H.; Lin, C.C.; Lai, H.J.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Tassignon, M.J.; Zakaria, N.; Ghalbzouri, A. el & Jager, M.J. (2016), Biocompatibility of a fish scale-derived artificial cornea: Cytotoxicity, cellular adhesion and phenotype, and in vivo immunogenicity, Biomaterials 81: 36-45.
- Cao, J.F.; Richards, K.; Jordanova, E.S.; Arinkovic, M.; Hurkmans, D.; Duinen, S.G. van; Velden, P.A. van der & Jager, M.J. (2016), Expression of PD-L1 and PD-1 in conjunctival melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(12).
- Gezgin, G.; Luk, S.J.; Cao, J.F.; Dogrusoz, M.; Krijgsman, D.; Velden, P.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M.; Harbour, J.W.; Jordanova, E.S.; Heemskerk, M.H.M. & Jager, M.J. (2016), PRAME: a potential target for immunotherapy in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(12).
- Jehs, T.; Faber, C.; Udsen, M.S.; Jager, M.J.; Clark, S.J. & Nissen, M.H. (2016), Induction of Chemokine Secretion and Monocyte Migration by Human Choroidal Melanocytes in Response to Proinflammatory Cytokines, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(15): 6568-6579.
- Diogo, M.C.; Jager, M.J. & Ferreira, T.A. (2016), CT and MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Scleritis, American Journal of Neuroradiology 37(12): 2334-2339.
- Pont, M.J.; Honders, M.W.; Kremer, A.N.; Kooten, C. van; Out, C.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Boer, H.C. de; Jager, M.J.; Schmelzer, E.; Vries, R.G.; Hinai, A.S. al; Kroes, W.G.; Monajemi, R.; Goeman, J.J.; Bohringer, S.; Marijt, W.A.F.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Griffioen, M. (2016), Microarray Gene Expression Analysis to Evaluate Cell Type Specific Expression of Targets Relevant for Immunotherapy of Hematological Malignancies, PLoS ONE 11(5).
- Tura, A.; Merz, H.; Reinsberg, M.; Luke, M.; Jager, M.J.; Grisanti, S. & Luke, J. (2016), Analysis of monosomy-3 in immunomagnetically isolated circulating melanoma cells in uveal melanoma patients, Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 29(5): 583-589.
- Dogrusoz, M.; Bagger, M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Kroes, W.G.M.; Bohringer, S.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Kiilgaard, J.F. & Jager, M.J. (2016), AJCC Staging and Chromosome 3 and 8 status complement each other regarding prognostic value in Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(12).
- Field, M.G.; Decatur, C.L.; Kurtenbach, S.; Gezgin, G.; Velden, P.A. van der; Jager, M.J.; Kozak, K.N. & Harbour, J.W. (2016), PRAME as an Independent Biomarker for Metastasis in Uveal Melanoma, Clinical Cancer Research 22(5): 1234-1242.
- Lange, M.J. de; Razzaq, L.; Versluis, M.; Verlinde, S.; Dogrusoz, M.; Bohringer, S.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Keizer, R.J.W. de; Gruijl, F.R. de; Jager, M.J. & Velden, P.A. van der (2015), Distribution of GNAQ and GNA11 Mutation Signatures in Uveal Melanoma Points to a Light Dependent Mutation Mechanism, PLoS ONE 10(9).
- Asnaghi, L.; Gezgin, G.; Tripathy, A.; Handa, J.T.; Merbs, S.L.; Velden, P.A. van der; Jager, M.J.; Harbour, J.W. & Eberhart, C.G. (2015), EMT-associated factors promote invasive properties of uveal melanoma cells, Molecular Vision 21: 919-929.
- Jager, M.J. (2015), The Champalimaud Vision Award: honouring basic and translational research, Acta Ophthalmologica 93(6): 493-495.
- Herlihy, N.; Dogrusoz, M.; Essen, T.H. van; Harbour, J.W.; Velden, P.A. van der; Eggermond, M.C.J.A. van; Haasnoot, G.W.; Elsen, P.J. van den & Jager, M.J. (2015), Skewed Expression of the Genes Encoding Epigenetic Modifiers in High-Risk Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(3): 1447-1458.
- Barisione, G.; Fabbi, M.; Gino, A.; Queirolo, P.; Orgiano, L.; Spano, L.; Picasso, V.; Pfeffer, U.; Mosci, C.; Jager, M.J.; Ferrini, S. & Gangemi, R. (2015), Potential Role of Soluble c-Met as a New Candidate Biomarker of Metastatic Uveal Melanoma, JAMA Ophthalmology 133(9): 1013-1021.
- Versluis, M.; Lange, M.J. de; Pelt, S.I. van; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Cao, J.F.; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Velden, P.A. van der (2015), Digital PCR Validates 8q Dosage as Prognostic Tool in Uveal Melanoma, PLoS ONE 10(3).
- Smesseim, R.; Cao, J.F.; Essen, T.H. van; Mulder, A.; Zeeburg, E. van; Ksander, B.R. & Jager, M.J. (2015), HLA class I expression in cell lines derived from conjunctival melanoma and retinoblastoma using allele-specific monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Essen, T.H. van; Len, D.L.R.; Williams, K.A. & Jager, M.J. (2015), Matching for Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) in corneal transplantation - To do or not to do, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 46: 84-110.
- Waard, N.E. de; Cao, J.F.; McGuire, S.P.; Kolovou, P.E.; Jordanova, E.S.; Ksander, B.R. & Jager, M.J. (2015), A Murine Model for Metastatic Conjunctival Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(4): 2325-2333.
- Cao, J.F.; Verdijk, R.M.; Jochemsen, A.G. & Jager, M.J. (2015), Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitors in conjunctival melanoma cell lines, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Refaian, N.; Schlereth, S.L.; Koch, K.R.; Notara, M.; Hos, D.; Mescher, M.; Iden, S.; Bosch, J.J.; Jager, M.J.; Cursiefen, C. & Heindl, L.M. (2015), Comparing the Hem- and Lymphangiogenic Profile of Conjunctival and Uveal Melanoma Cell Lines, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(9): 5691-5697.
- Madigan, M.C.; Vader, M.; Ton, H.; Velden, P. van der & Jager, M.J. (2015), Human choroidal nevi histopathology revisited, Acta Ophthalmologica 93.
- Dogrusoz, M.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Duinen, S. van; Creutzberg, C.L.; Versluis, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2015), Irradiation enhances chromosomal aberrations in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Boon, C.J.F.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Marinkovic, M.; Amundson, D.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Jager, M.J.; Kapiteijn, E.H.W.; Keunen, J.E.E. & Adamus, G. (2015), Serous retinopathy associated with MEK inhibition (binimetinib) for metastatic cutaneous and uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Lange, M.J. de; Pelt, S.I. van; Versluis, M.; Jordanova, E.S.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Ruivenkamp, C.; Burg, S.H. van der; Luyten, G.P.M.; Hall, T. van; Jager, M.J. & Velden, P.A. van der (2015), Heterogeneity revealed by integrated genomic analysis uncovers a molecular switch in malignant uveal melanoma, Oncotarget 6(35): 37824-37835.
- Gezgin, G.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Essen, T.H. van; Pelt, S. van; Verdijk, R.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Luyten, G.P.M.; Hall, T. van; Burg, S.H. van der & Jager, M.J. (2015), Loss of BAPI expression is associated with increased angiogenesis in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Finger, P.T. & AJCC Ophthalmic Oncology Task Forc (2015), International Validation of the American Joint Committee on Cancer's 7th Edition Classification of Uveal Melanoma, JAMA Ophthalmology 133(4): 376-383.
- Dogrusoz, M.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Creutzberg, C.L.; Versluis, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2015), Radiation Treatment Affects Chromosome Testing in Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(10): 5956-5964.
- Nielsen, M.; Dogrusoz, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Kroes, W.G.; Asperen, C.A. van; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2015), The genetic basis of uveal melanoma, Journal Fran�ais D'Ophtalmologie 38(6): 516-521.
- Dijk, E.H.C. van; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Marinkovic, M.; Haanen, J.B.A.G.; Amundson, D.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Jager, M.J.; Kapiteijn, E.H.W.; Keunen, J.E.E.; Adamus, G. & Boon, C.J.F. (2015), Serous Retinopathy Associated with Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Inhibition (Binimetinib) for Metastatic Cutaneous and Uveal Melanoma, Ophthalmology: Journal of The American Academy of Ophthalmology 122(9): 1907-1916.
- Waard, N.E. de; Kolovou, P.E.; McGuire, S.P.; Cao, J.F.; Frank, N.Y.; Frank, M.H.; Jager, M.J. & Ksander, B.R. (2015), Expression of Multidrug Resistance Transporter ABCB5 in a Murine Model of Human Conjunctival Melanoma, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 1(3): 182-189.
- , W.N.E. de; Kolovou, P.E.; McGuire, S.P.; Cao, J.; Frank, N.Y.; Frank, M.H.; Jager, M.J. & Ksander, B.R. (2015), Expression of Multidrug Resistance Transporter ABCB5 in a Murine Model of Human Conjunctival Melanoma (vol 1, pg 182, 2015), Ocular Oncology and Pathology 1(3).
- Lange, M.J. de; Razzaq, L.; Versluis, M.; Verlinde, S.; Dogrusoz, M.; Bohringer, S.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Keizer, R.J.W. de; Gruijl, F.R. de; Jager, M.J. & Velden, P.A. van der (2015), Distribution of GNAQ and GNA11 Mutation Signatures in Uveal Melanoma Points to a Light Dependent Mutation Mechanism, PLoS ONE 10(9).
- Cao, J.F. & Jager, M.J. (2015), Animal Eye Models for Uveal Melanoma, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 1(3): 141-150.
- Ent, W. van der; Burrello, C.; Lange, M.J. de; Velden, P.A. van der; Jochemsen, A.G.; Jager, M.J. & Snaar-Jagalska, B.E. (2015), Embryonic Zebrafish: Different Phenotypes after Injection of Human Uveal Melanoma Cells, Ocular Oncology and Pathology 1(3): 170-181.
- Jager, M.J.; Krijgsman, D.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Luk, S.J.; Velden, P. van der & Heemskerk, M.H.M. (2015), Selecting uveal melanoma for PRAME-TCR T cell immunotherapy, Acta Ophthalmologica 93.
- Nielsen, M.; Dogrusoz, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Kroes, W.G.; Asperen, C.J. van; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P. & Jager, M.J. (2015), The genetic basis of uveal melanoma (vol 38, pg 516, 2015), Journal Fran�ais D'Ophtalmologie 38(10): 1021-1021.
- Kivela, T. & Jager, M.J. (2014), Improving Risk Estimates of Metastasis From Uveal Melanoma Through Mutation Profiling, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55(8): 5168-5168.
- Hos, D.; Essen, T.H. van; Bock, F.; Chou, C.H.; Pan, H.A.; Lin, C.C.; Huang, M.C.; Chen, S.C.; Cursiefen, C. & Jager, M.J. (2014), Decellularized collagen matrix from tilapia fish scales for corneal reconstruction (BioCornea), Ophthalmologe 111(11): 1027-1032.
- De lange Mark J., Nemati Fariba, Versluis Mieke, Jager Martine J., Luyten Gre P. M., Decaudin Didier & van der Velden Pieter A. (2014), Use of xenografts for preclinical drug testing, Cancer Research 74(19).
- Jehs, T.; Faber, C.; Juel, H.B.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Jager, M.J. & Nissen, M.H. (2014), Inflammation-Induced Chemokine Expression in Uveal Melanoma Cell Lines Stimulates Monocyte Chemotaxis.
- Tura, A.; Luke, J.; Merz, H.; Reinsberg, M.; Luke, M.; Jager, M.J. & Grisanti, S. (2014), Identification of Circulating Melanoma Cells in Uveal Melanoma Patients by Dual-Marker Immunoenrichment, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55(7): 4395-4404.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Jehs, T.M.L.; Dijkgraaf, E.M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Burg, S.H. van der & Jager, M.J. (2014), Effect of Hypoxic Stress on Migration and Characteristics of Monocytes in Uveal Melanoma, JAMA Ophthalmology 132(5): 614-621.
- Chen, X.; Wu, Q.; Tan, L.; Porter, D.; Jager, M.J.; Emery, C. & Bastian, B.C. (2014), Combined PKC and MEK inhibition in uveal melanoma with GNAQ and GNA11 mutations, Oncogene 33(39): 4724-4734.
- Ent, W. van der; Burrello, C.; Teunisse, A.F.A.S.; Ksander, B.R.; Velden, P.A. van der; Jager, M.J.; Jochemsen, A.G. & Snaar-Jagalska, B.E. (2014), Modeling of Human Uveal Melanoma in Zebrafish Xenograft Embryos, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55(10).
- Gangemi, R.; Amaro, A.; Gino, A.; Barisione, G.; Fabbi, M.; Pfeffer, U.; Brizzolara, A.; Queirolo, P.; Salvi, S.; Boccardo, S.; Gualco, M.; Spagnolo, F.; Jager, M.J.; Mosci, C.; Rossello, A. & Ferrini, S. (2014), ADAM10 correlates with uveal melanoma metastasis and promotes in vitro invasion, Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 27(6): 1138-1148.
- Essen, T.H. van; Pelt, S.I. van; Versluis, M.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Duinen, S.G. van; Marinkovic, M.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Shukla, S.; Klein, A. de; Kilic, E.; Harbour, J.W.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Verdijk, R.M. & Jager, M.J. (2014), Prognostic parameters in uveal melanoma and their association with BAP1 expression, British Journal of Ophthalmology 98(12): 1738-1743.
- Jager, M.J. & Velden, P.A. van der (2014), New Developments in Uveal Melanoma, Ophthalmologica 232: 19-21.
- Ly, L.V.; Sluijter, M.; Burg, S.H. van der; Jager, M.J. & Hall, T. van (2013), Effective Cooperation of Monoclonal Antibody and Peptide Vaccine for the Treatment of Mouse Melanoma, Journal of Immunology 190(1): 489-496.
- Vu, T.H.K.; Cho, K.S.; Jager, M. & Chen, D. (2013), The Role Of Ageing In Experimental Glaucoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54(15).
- Essen, T.H. van; Zijl, L. van; Sparks, S.J.; Chen, G.; Lin, C.C.; Lai, H.J.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Ghalbzouri, A.E.L. & Jager, M.J. (2013), Suitability of a fish scale-derived collagen matrix (FSCM) as artificial cornea, Acta Ophthalmologica 91.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Jehs, T.M.L.; Dijkgraaf, E.M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Burg, S.H. van der & Jager, M.J. (2013), Effect of hypoxic stress on induction and plasticity of tumor-induced immune cells in uveal melanoma, Acta Ophthalmologica 91.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G. & Jager, M.J. (2013), Inflammation in uveal melanoma, Eye 27(2): 217-223.
- Geus, S.J.R. de; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Dijkman, G. (2013), Shifting exudative age-related macular degeneration patients to ranibizumab after insufficient response to bevacizumab, Acta Ophthalmologica 91(5): E411-E413.
- Madigan, M.C.; Berg, C. van den; Jager, M.J. & Provis, J.M. (2013), EXPRESSION OF MACROPHAGE MARKERS AND C3D IN CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL CHOROID OF YOUNG, AGED & AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (AMD) EYES, Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 41: 129-129.
- Essen, T.H. van; Lin, C.C.; Hussain, A.K.; Maas, S.; Lai, H.J.; Linnartz, H.; Berg, T.J.T.P. van den; Salvatori, D.C.F.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2013), A Fish Scale-Derived Collagen Matrix as Artificial Cornea in Rats: Properties and Potential, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54(5): 3224-3233.
- Vu, T.H.K.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Versluis, M.; Marinkovic, M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Vrolijk, J.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2013), Analysis of Inflammatory Cells in Uveal Melanoma after Prior Irradiation, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54(1): 360-369.
- Pelt, S. van; Essen, T.H. van; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Versluis, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Hall, T. van; Elsen, P.J. van den; Velden, P.A. van & Jager, M.J. (2013), Gain of chromosome 6 status does not influence HLA-expression in uveal melanoma.
- Lange, J. de; Ly, L.V.; Lodder, K.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Teunisse, A.F.A.S.; Jager, M.J. & Jochemsen, A.G. (2012), Synergistic growth inhibition based on small-molecule p53 activation as treatment for intraocular melanoma, Oncogene 31(9): 1105-1116.
- Lange, J. de; Teunisse, A.F.A.S.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Lodder, K.; Lam, S.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Bernal, F.; Jager, M.J. & Jochemsen, A.G. (2012), High levels of Hdmx promote cell growth in a subset of uveal melanomas., American Journal of Cancer Research 2(5): 492-507.
- Velho, T.R.; Kapiteijn, E. & Jager, M.J. (2012), New Therapeutic Agents in Uveal Melanoma, Anticancer Research 32(7): 2591-2598.
- Gangemi, R.; Mirisola, V.; Barisione, G.; Fabbi, M.; Brizzolara, A.; Lanza, F.; Mosci, C.; Salvi, S.; Gualco, M.; Truini, M.; Angelini, G.; Boccardo, S.; Cilli, M.; Airoldi, I.; Queirolo, P.; Jager, M.J.; Daga, A.; Pfeffer, U. & Ferrini, S. (2012), Mda-9/Syntenin Is Expressed in Uveal Melanoma and Correlates with Metastatic Progression, PLoS ONE 7(1): -.
- el Filali M, van der Velden PA, Luyten GP & Jager MJ (2012), Anti-angiogenic therapy in uveal melanoma., Developments in Ophthalmology 49: 117-36.
- Khan, S.; Finger, P.T.; Yu, G.P.; Razzaq, L.; Jager, M.J.; Keizer, R.J.W. de; Sandkull, P.; Seregard, S.; Gologorsky, D.; Schefler, A.C.; Murray, T.G.; Kivela, T.; Giuliari, G.P.; McGowan, H.; Simpson, E.R.; Corriveau, C.; Coupland, S.E. & Damato, B.E. (2012), Clinical and Pathologic Characteristics of Biopsy-Proven Iris Melanoma A Multicenter International Study, Archives of Ophthalmology -New Series- 130(1): 57-64.
- Nagarkatti-Gude, N.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Duinen, S.G. van; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2012), Cytokines and Chemokines in the Vitreous Fluid of Eyes with Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 53(11): 6748-6755.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G. & Jager, M.J. (2012), Inflammation in uveal melanoma., Eye.
- Razzaq, L.; Marinkovic, M.; Jager, M.J.; Bleeker, J.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Keizer, R.J.W. de (2012), Corneal endothelial cell density after ruthenium plaque radiation therapy for iris melanoma patients.
- Filali, M. el; Ly, L.V.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Versluis, M.; Grossniklaus, H.E.; Velden, P.A. van der & Jager, M.J. (2012), Bevacizumab and intraocular tumors: an intriguing paradox., Molecular Vision 18: 2454-67.
- Nagarkatti-Gude, N.; Wang, Y.J.; Ali, M.J.; Honavar, S.G.; Jager, M.J. & Chan, C.C. (2012), Genetics of Primary Intraocular Tumors, Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 20(4): 244-254.
- Khan, S.; Finger, P.T.; Yu, G.P.; Razzaq, L.; Jager, M.J.; Keizer, R.J.W. de; Sandkull, P.; Seregard, S.; Gologorsky, D.; Schefler, A.C.; Murray, T.G.; Kivela, T.; Giuliari, G.P.; McGowan, H.; Simpson, E.R.; Corriveau, C.; Coupland, S.E. & Damato, B.E. (2012), Angle Involvement and Glaucoma in Patients With Biopsy-Proven Iris Melanoma: A Response Reply, Archives of Ophthalmology -New Series- 130(9): 1230-1231.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G. & Jager, M.J. (2012), Uveal Melanoma: The Inflammatory Microenvironment, Journal of Innate Immunity 4(5-6): 454-462.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Vu, T.H.K.; Jordanova, E.S.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Burg, S.H. van der & Jager, M.J. (2012), Different Subsets of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Correlate with Macrophage Influx and Monosomy 3 in Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 53(9): 5370-5378.
- Essen, T.H. van; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Maat, W.; Verduyn, W.; Roelen, D.L.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2012), A Comparison of HLA Genotype with Inflammation in Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 53(6): 2640-2646.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Maat, W.; Jordanova, E.S.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2011), Effect of Heterogeneous Distribution of Monosomy 3 on Prognosis in Uveal Melanoma, Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 135(8): 1042-1047.
- Kamar, S.; Vervaet, C.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2011), Pancorneal contact lens with a toric edge: a new concept in keratoconus., European Journal of Ophthalmology 21(6): 685-90.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Ly, L.V.; Jordanova, E.S.; Vrolijk, J.; Versluis, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2011), Detection of M2-Macrophages in Uveal Melanoma and Relation with Survival, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 52(2): 643-650.
- Jager, M.J.; Ly, L.V.; Filali, M. el & Madigan, M.C. (2011), Macrophages in uveal melanoma and in experimental ocular tumor models: Friends or foes?, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 30(2): 129-146.
- Dennaoui, J.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Ly, L.V.; Wolff-Rouendaal, D. de; Keunen, J.E.E.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Jager, M.J. (2011), Changes in immunological markers and influx of macrophages following trans-scleral thermotherapy of uveal melanoma.
- Borthwick, N.J.; Thombs, J.; Polak, M.; Gabriel, F.G.; Hungerford, J.L.; Damato, B.; Rennie, I.G.; Jager, M.J. & Cree, I.A. (2011), The biology of micrometastases from uveal melanoma, Journal of Clinical Pathology 64(8): 666-671.
- Thill, M.; Berna, M.J.; Grierson, R.; Reinhart, I.; Voelkel, T.; Piechaczek, C.; Galambos, P.; Jager, M.J.; Richard, G.; Lange, C. & Gehling, U.M. (2011), Expression of CD133 and other putative stem cell markers in uveal melanoma, Melanoma Research 21(5): 405-416.
- Lange, J. de; Ly, L.V.; Lodder, K.; Verlaan-de Vries, M.; Teunisse, A.F.A.S.; Jager, M.J. & Jochemsen, A.G. (2011), Synergistic growth inhibition based on small-molecule p53 activation as treatment for intraocular melanoma., Oncogene.
- Ly, L.V.; Odish, O.F.F.; Wolff-Rouendaal, D. de; Missotten, G.S.O.A.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2010), Intravascular Presence of Tumor Cells as Prognostic Parameter in Uveal Melanoma: A 35-Year Survey, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51(2): 658-665.
- Ly, L.V.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Beelen, E. van; Vrolijk, J.; Taylor, A.W.; Versluis, M.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2010), Inflammatory Cytokines in Eyes with Uveal Melanoma and Relation with Macrophage Infiltration, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51(11): 5445-5451.
- Ly, L.V.; Sluijter, M.; Versluis, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Burg, S.H. van der; Melief, C.J.M.; Jager, M.J. & Hall, T. van (2010), Peptide Vaccination after T-Cell Transfer Causes Massive Clonal Expansion, Tumor Eradication, and Manageable Cytokine Storm, Cancer Research 70(21): 8339-8346.
- Filali, M. el; Missotten, G.S.O.A.; Maat, W.; Ly, L.V.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Velden, P.A. van der & Jager, M.J. (2010), Regulation of VEGF-A in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science.
- Ly, L.V.; Baghat, A.; Versluis, M.; Jordanova, E.S.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Rooijen, N. van; Hall, T. van; Velden, P.A. van der & Jager, M.J. (2010), In Aged Mice, Outgrowth of Intraocular Melanoma Depends on Proangiogenic M2-Type Macrophages, Journal of Immunology 185(6): 3481-3488.
- Ahmadabadi, M.N.; Karkhaneh, R.; Valeshabad, A.K.; Tabatabai, A.; Jager, M.J. & Ahmadabadi, E.N. (2010), Clinical presentation and outcome of perforating ocular injuries due to BB guns: A case series, Injury - Elsevier.
- Ly L.V., Bronkhorst I.H.G., Beelen E. van, Taylor A.W., Versluis M., Luyten G.P.M., Claas F.H.J. & Jager M.J. (2010), Significance of inflammatory cytokines in eyes with uveal melanoma and relation with the presence of macrophage subtypes, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science.
- Pina, Y.; Boutrid, H.; Murray, T.G.; Jager, M.J.; Cebulla, C.M.; Schefler, A.; Ly, L.V.; Alegret, A.; Celdran, M.; Feuer, W. & Jockovich, M.E. (2010), Impact of Tumor-Associated Macrophages in LHBETATAG Mice on Retinal Tumor Progression: Relation to Macrophage Subtype, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51(5): 2671-2677.
- Yang, H.; Jager, M.J. & Grossniklaus, H.E. (2010), Bevacizumab Suppression of Establishment of Micrometastases in Experimental Ocular Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51(6): 2835-2842.
- Yang, H.; Jager, M.J. & Grossniklaus, H.E. (2010), Author Response: Bevacizumab Suppression of Establishment of Micrometastases in Experimental Ocular Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51(12): 6906-6907.
- Missotten GS, Schlingemann RO & Jager MJ (2010), Angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factors in intraocular tumors., Developments in Ophthalmology 46: 123-32.
- Polak ME, Borthwick NJ, Jager MJ & Cree IA (2009), Melanoma vaccines: The problems of local immunosuppression, Human Immunology 70(5): 331-339.
- Maat W, van der Slik AR, Verhoeven DHJ, Alizadeh BZ, Ly LV, Verduijn W, Luyten GPM, Mulder A, van Hall T & Koning F (2009), Evidence for Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Protection from Metastasis Formation in Uveal Melanoma Patients, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 50(6): 2888-2895.
- Finger PT (2009), The 7th Edition AJCC Staging System for Eye Cancer An International Language for Ophthalmic Oncology, Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 133(8): 1197-1198.
- El Filali M, Missotten GS, Maat W, Ly LV, Luyten GP, Van der Velden P & Jager MJ (2009), Regulation of VEGF-A in uveal melanoma.
- Maat W, el Filali M, Dirks-Mulder A, Luyten GPM, Gruis NA, Desjardins L, Boender P, Jager MJ & van der Velden PA (2009), Episodic Src activation in uveal melanoma revealed by kinase activity profiling, British Journal of Cancer 101(2): 312-319.
- Jager MJ (2009), The 7th edition AJCC staging system for eye cancer: an international language for opthalmic oncology.
- Wijnmaalen AL, van Zuuren EJ, de Keizer RJW & Jager MJ (2009), Cutaneous Allergy Testing in Patients Suspected of an Allergic Reaction to Eye Medication, Ophthalmic Research 41(4): 225-229.
- Keijser S, Kurreeman FAS, de Keizer RJW, Dogterom-Ballering H, van der Lelij A, Jager MJ & Nibbering PH (2009), IL-10 promotor haplotypes associated with susceptibility to and severity of bacterial corneal ulcers, Experimental Eye Research 88(6): 1124-1128.
- Maat W, Kilic E, Luyten GPM, De Klein A, Jager MJ, Gruis NA & Van der Velden PA (2008), Pyrophosphorolysis detects B-RAF mutations in primary uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49(1).
- Maat W, Ly LV, Jordanova ES, de Wolff-Rouendaal D, Schalij-Delfos NE & Jager MJ (2008), Monosomy of chromosome 3 and an inflammatory phenotype occur together in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49(2).
- Keijser S, Jager MJ, Dogterom-Ballering HCM, Schoonderwoerd DT, de Keizer RJW, Krose CJM, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, van der Plas MJA, van Dissel JT & Nibbering PH (2008), Lactoferrin Glu561Asp polymorphism is associated with susceptibility to herpes simplex keratitis, Experimental Eye Research 86(1).
- Maat W, Beiboer SHW, Jager MJ, Luyten GPM, Gruis NA & van der Velden PA (2008), Epigenetic regulation identifies RASEF as a tumor-suppressor gene in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49(4).
- Polak ME, Borthwick NJ, Gabriel FG, Jager MJ & Cree IA (2008), Activation of tonsil dendritic cells with immuno-adjuvants, BMC Immunology 9.
- el Filali M, Homminga I, Maat W, van der Velden PA & Jager MJ (2008), Triamcinolone acetonide and anecortave acetate do not stimulate uveal melanoma cell growth, Molecular Vision 14(207-08).
- Folberg R, Kadkol SS, Frenkel S, Valyi-Nagy K, Jager MJ, Pe'er J & Maniotis AJ (2008), Authenticating Cell Lines in Ophthalmic Research Laboratories, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49(11).
- Lai K, Conway RM, Crouch R, Jager MJ & Madigan MC (2008), Expression and distribution of MMPs and TIMPs in human uveal melanoma, Experimental Eye Research 86(6).
- Hallermalm K, Seki K, De Geer A, Motyka B, Bleackley RC, Jager MJ, Froelich CJ, Kiessling R, Levitsky V & Levitskaya J (2008), Modulation of the tumor cell phenotype by IFN-gamma results in resistance of uveal melanoma cells to granule-mediated lysis by cytotoxic lymphocytes, Journal of Immunology 180(6).
- Polak ME, Borthwick NJ, Gabriel FG, Johnson P, Higgins B, Hurren J, McCormick D, Jager MJ & Cree IA (2007), Mechanisms of local immunosuppression in cutaneous melanoma, British Journal of Cancer 96(12).
- Missotten GS, Korse CM, van Dehn C, Linders TC, Keunen JE, Jager MJ & Bonfrer JM (2007), S-100B protein and melanoma inhibitory activity protein in uveal melanoma screening - A comparison with liver function tests, Tumor Biology 28(2).
- Vertuani S, Dubrovska E, Levitsky V, Jager MJ, Kiessling R & Levitskaya J (2007), Retinoic acid elicits cytostatic, cytotoxic and immunomodulatory effects on uveal melanoma cells, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 56(2).
- Lai K, Di Girolamo N, Conway RM, Jager MJ & Madigan MC (2007), The effect of ultraviolet radiation on choroidal melanocytes and melanoma cell lines: cell survival and matrix metalloproteinase production, Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 245(5).
- Polak ME, Borthwick NJ, Johnson P, Hungerford JL, Higgins B, Di Palma S, Jager MJ & Cree IA (2007), Presence and phenotype of dendritic cells in uveal melanoma, British Journal of Ophthalmology 91(7).
- Lai K, Sharma V, Jager MJ, Conway RM & Madigan MC (2007), Expression and distribution of MUC18 in human uveal melanoma, Virchows Archiv 451(5).
- Maat W, van der Velden PA, Out-Luiting C, Plug M, Dirks-Mulder A, Jager MJ & Gruis NA (2007), Epigenetic inactivation of RASSF1a in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 48(2).
- Jager MJ & Klaver CCW (2007), Macrophages feel their age in macular degeneration, Journal of Clinical Investigation 117(11).
- Zuidervaart W, Pavey S, van Nieuwpoort RA, Packer L, Out C, Maat W, Jager MJ, Gruis NA & Hayward NK (2007), Expression of Wnt5a and its downstream effector beta-catenin in uveal melanoma, Melanoma Research 17(6).
- Maat W, Jordanova ES, van Zelderen-Bhola SL, Barthen ER, Wessels HW, Schalij-Delfos NE & Jager MJ (2007), The heterogeneous distribution of monosomy 3 in uveal melanomas - Implications for prognostication based on fine-needle aspiration biopsies.
- Holling TM, Bergevoet MWT, Wilson L, Van Eggermond MCJA, Schooten E, Steenbergen RDM, Snijders PJF, Jager MJ & Van den Elsen PJ (2007), A role for EZH2 in silencing of IFN-gamma inducible MHC2TA transcription in uveal melanoma, Journal of Immunology 179(8).
- Maat W, Haasnoot GW, Claas FHJ, Schalij-Delfos NE, Schreuder GMT & Jager MJ (2006), HLA class I and II genotype in uveal melanoma: Relation to occurrence and prognosis, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 47(1).
- Pandova-Jovanovik L., Watson P.G., Liu C., Chan W.Y., Wolff-Rouendaal D. de, Barthen E., Emmanouilidis-Spek K van der & Jager M.J. (2005), Ciliary tissue transplantation in the rabbit, Experimental Eye Research 82(2): 247-257.
- Maat W, van Zelderen-Bhola SL, Missotten GSOA, Keunen JEE, Schalij-Delfos NE & Jager MJ (2005), Monosomy 3 analyses in a routine setting, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46.
- Missotten G, Schalij-Delfos N, Keunen JEE, Bonfrer JM & Jager MJ (2005), S100B, S100 dimers and melanoma-inhibitory activity in uveal melanoma screening - Comparison with liver function tests, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46.
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