Universiteit Leiden

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Martijn Manson

Assistant professor

Dr. M.L. Manson
+31 71 527 6805

Martijn Manson is assistant professor at the Division of Systems Pharmacology & Pharmacy.

More information about Martijn Manson


Martijn Manson graduated as a pharmacist  at the University of Utrecht in 2010. Between 2011-2015 he conducted his PhD studies in respiratory pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) under the supervision of Prof. Sven-Erik Dahlén and Ass. Prof. Mikael Adner. During this period he worked on unraveling the mechanism(s) of action of a potential novel class of bronchodilators and examined the interplay between airway smooth muscle function and inflammation. Subsequently he conducted an industrial postdoc in the Respiratory division of AstraZeneca (Gothenburg, Sweden), where he under the guidance of prof. Robert Newton (University of Calgary, Canada) investigated the molecular interactions between glucocorticoids and β2-adrenoceptor agonists underlying their synergistic regulation of gene transcription.

Following his research period abroad Martijn returned in 2017 to the Netherlands, where he was appointed as lecturer at the Leiden Academic Centre of Drug Research (LACDR). Together with fellow pharmacists at the LUMC and LACDR he developed the educational program of the 3-year Master of Pharmacy that started in 2016. In this role, Martijn evolved the content and teaching materials for the course central nervous system and the scientific research projects of the Master Pharmacy. In parallel, he applied his expertise in pharmacology for the teaching of a wide variety of subjects within this educational program.

Martijn is currently employed as assistant professor within the LACDR and coordinator of the research proposal (10 EC), TOO2 (2 EC) and the Research projects (30 EC) within the Master of Pharmacy. Furthermore, he is teaching in both the Bachelor Biopharmaceutical Sciences and the Master of Pharmacy on the pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of respiratory diseases. Simultaneously, since 2020 he has initiated, in collaboration with the hospital pharmacy of the LUMC, a new research line focused on improving our understanding of phenoconversion. 

Assistant professor

  • Science
  • Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
  • LACDR/Pharmacology

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number EE2.17



  • CME Nascholing reviewen astma
  • KNMP (berioepsvereniging apothekers) Special Interest Group (SIG) Long
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